Electricity Savings

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Sea konsiente Usa mĂŠnos koriente 1

Colophon Published by the Government of Curaรงao Fort Amsterdam Curaรงao Text: Practical Business Solutions B.V. Design and Lay-Out: Hagen Design & Strategy Printing: Tramm Imaging

This brochure is part of a series on Electricity consumption on Curaรงao: 1. Electricity Management 2. Electricity Savings 3. Sustainable Energy


Contents Policy Bill on Regulation of Electricity Provision 2011-2015 Curaรงao


Manage electricity consciously


Electricity savings


Why save electricity?


Curaรงao and Saving Electricity


Electricity consumption in households in Curaรงao


The electricity consumption in offices in Curaรงao


Label Systems


If you are not using it, put it off ... take it out ... or cool less ... and save more!



Electrical and Electronic Devices





Policy Bill on Regulation of Electricity Provision 2011-2015 Curaçao On February 16, 2011, the government instituted the “Electricity Regulation Policy 2011-2015 Curaçao”. In the brochure “Electricity Policy”, nr. 1 in this series on electricity consumption in Curaçao, this policy is fully explained. With the new electricity policy the government of Curaçao focuses amongst others on reducing electricity consumption per household. Reducing electricity consumption will be financially beneficial for the monthly budget per household. Lower electricity consumption will result in a reduction of the use of expensive and limited fossil fuels, needed for the production of electricity. The latter will also be beneficial for the environment. This brochure “Electricity Savings”, nr 2 in the series on electricity consumption in Curaçao, focuses on saving electricity. Besides, the brochure will also highlight the importance of reducing the electricity consumption for the people of Curaçao. And finally, this brochure provides practical tips on how to deal with electricity in an efficient way.

Government of Curaçao October 2011


Manage electricity consciously The best way to save electricity is by not using electricity. Nevertheless, this is not an option. However, there are several ways to deal consciously with electricity. In the following chapters the focus will be on pure electricity savings. But before that, it will also be shown what can be improved in the near future. Hence, the tax on electricity saving products will soon be reduced to 0%, so as to encourage their purchase. Clear criteria are established for the products belonging to this category. One can think of televisions, computers, printers, ovens, refrigerators and other similar equipment that is used in most households. But there are also electricity saving bulbs, regulators (“inverters”) and transformers. Moreover, new laws and regulations are needed in the field of construction methods for a more conscious use of the natural environment, which will reduce the demand for electricity over time, such as building on the wind, more use of natural light, better consideration of the place with the most incidence angle of solar heat (and thus the greatest heat), the use of insulating building materials, etc. To build in a responsible way taking the climate into account, will have a positive impact on electricity consumption. Electricity labels can also be used more consciously. In Europe and the United States there are already several labeling systems used to indicate efficiency of devices. The consumer of Curaçao can be encouraged to use these labels when buying electrical appliances. Finally, there is a development that will bring fundamental changes: the electricity sector is moving more and more towards the deployment of renewable electricity sources. Specific information can be found in the brochure “Renewable Energy”, which is nr. 3 in this series on electrical consumption in Curaçao.


Electricity savings Electricity savings can be achieved through investment in electricity-saving equipment and products. This is not possible for everyone. An easier and cheaper way that is achievable for everyone is to reduce the electricity that is currently used. In order to do this it is helpful if the electricity use is put into a framework. This section will discuss the importance of saving electricity, electricity consumption in Curaรงao and some ways to reduce usage.

Why save electricity? There are many reasons why it is important to save on our electricity consumption. Hence, the price of electricity depends on the price of crude oil, given that electricity is produced from crude oil. The price of crude oil fluctuates significantly; which can also lead to changes in the price of electricity. In addition, traditional electricity sources, also called fossil electricity sources (such as petroleum, gas, uranium, coal, etc.) are scarce and will deplete in the future. If there is no change on a global level in the consumption pattern of the consumer, in the near future the demand for these resources will be greater than the supply, which may ultimately result in these sources becoming absolutely scarce. As a final point, fossil electricity pollutes the environment with all its consequences, such as global warming, which is why climatic changes occur, more hurricanes emerge and the sea level rises. These are disastrous consequences that are also perceived in Curaรงao.

Curaรงao and Saving Electricity On Curaรงao, people are in general not sufficiently aware of their own electricity use. Buildings and houses are still not sufficiently being constructed in a responsible way, by taking the climate into account; when purchasing new appliances, the final decision is usually made based on other considerations rather than on the rate of electricity consumption of the device; and in everyday life there is not enough attention for efficient use of electricity. The result is that there will be bought and built based on minimal investments (in relation to electricity saving), which are to the detriment of the electricity performance.


Electricity consumption in households in Curaçao Electricity consumption in households in Curaçao can be divided in the following manner, in order of highest to lowest use: 1. Air-conditioning 2. Refrigerator / Freezer 3. Lighting 4. Washing machine Air-conditioning The high consumption of the air-conditioning is primarily due to poor insulation (in other words; leak in windows and doors). This can be prevented with a high ceiling, a roof insulation and reflection/emission of the roof (the so-called cold roof). Another reason for the high usage is the use of less efficient technology. This can be avoided by selecting a higher Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) and the use of the “inverter” technology. Refrigerator/Freezer When buying refrigerators/freezers it is usually not taken into account that the power supply is 127V/50Hz, while the appliance purchased primarily on the U.S. market is made for 120V/60Hz. It is not recommendable to try to avoid this mismatching by using a transformer before the appliance. A transformer regulates the voltage (V) and not the frequency (Hz). The mismatching of the frequency may bring about short circuit, which may result in fire. It is best to search for a refrigerator and/or freezer that connects on the frequency of the net, namely 50Hz. Secondly, an electricity saving refrigerator and/ or freezer can be searched within this group of appliances. Pay attention though on the voltage that is required. If the appliance only works on 220V and this is not available in the house, then a 50Hz transformer (127/220V) can be used. However, this may lead to extra losses that can offset the savings!


Lighting The lighting in households is often provided by traditional incandescent light bulbs. There is no doubt that there are big savings to be gained with the energy saving light bulb, PL (also to be compared with TL) and LED bulbs instead of the traditional incandescent light bulbs. Washing machine The electricity consumption of the washing machine is mainly due to frequent use. Frequent use may be because of the use of half-filled washing machines and prewashes.

The electricity consumption in offices in Curaçao The electricity consumption in offices in Curaçao can be divided in the following manner, in order of highest to lowest use: 1. Air-conditioning 60% 2. Lighting 30% 3. Other 10% Air-conditioning Here also, the high consumption of air-conditioning is mainly due to the bad insulation. See the previous explanation under “Electricity consumption in households in Curaçao”. Lighting The lighting in offices is often based on fluorescent lamps with magnetic ballast. With the use of electronic HF ballasts 15% to 30% of savings can be achieved. The use of presence detectors to turn lights on and off can easily lead to savings of 10% to 20%, depending on occupancy.


Label Systems There are several label systems available that determine the criteria for the devices that you use in your household: the American Energy Guide and Energy Star, the European Ecolabel system, the Swedish system TCO and the Dutch KEMA certification mark. A brief description of some of these systems follows.

Electricity Label Providing a label and standard product information on devices that are used in the household, can both inform and influence consumers. The Electricity Label for instance can be found on many different types of lighting and electrical appliances. It offers information about the electricity consumption of the product. For dishwashers and washing machines the Electricity Label also provides information on water use. The Electricity label indicates with the letters A to G to what extent a device uses electricity. For example, the letter A stands for the least use of electricity consumption in comparison with the letter G, with the highest electricity consumption. On average, a device that is marked with the letter A on the Electricity label is 45 percent more efficient than a device that is marked with the letter D or E on the Electricity label. For refrigerators, freezers and washing machines, A is not the highest category; these devices can also indicate A+ or A++. For washing machines for instance, the extra A’s, thus an AAA washing machine, means that the appliance is efficient with electricity and it spins and washes well.


Ecolabel In the Netherlands the Ecolabel is only available on some dishwashers. The Ecolabel provides, amongst others, information relating to the use of electricity and water, but also on the required amount of detergent, the possibility of recycling and so forth.

Energy Star The American Energy Star label sets conditions on the electricity consumption of appliances, including when in the standby mode. The Energy Star label can be found on office equipment such as computers, monitors, printers, faxes and copiers. The Energy Star program is implemented by an agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. Since Energy Star label is not a mandatory label, the criteria are established in consultation with representatives of the electricity sector and other stakeholders.

USA: FTC Energy Guidance The mandatory Energy Guide Labels helps consumers to compare the electricity consumption of different devices with each other.


If you are not using it, put it off ... take it out ... or cool less ... and save more! It is helpful to make agreements on saving electricity with all people living in your home. Here are some simple ways to deal with electricity in everyday life with a responsible and efficient approach:

Electrical and Electronic Devices 1. Take note whether devices to be purchased have an electricity label such as Energy Star or EU Eco-label, indicating that they have low electricity consumption. Take also note of the Energy Efficiency Ratio (“Energy Efficiency Ratio - EEA�) also called Energy Factor (Energy Factor - EF) called. The higher this number, the less electricity the appliance uses. 2. Turn off computers and/or equipment used for entertainment (such as television, radio and gaming systems such as Xbox and Playstation) when not in use. When you turn off your computer, turn of also all peripherals (such as printers). 3. Do not leave devices such as computers, DVD players, televisions, games, etc. connected in standby mode. This way, they still consume electricity, even though they are not used. Turn them off completely, by pressing the power button or by unplugging them from the outlet. 4. Chargers use electricity even when in the socket but not in use. Unplug your phone charger and other chargers from the power outlet, if these are not in use. 5. Use smart power strips in case multiple devices are connected around the same central unit. This is for instance the case with computers, printers and similar devices. So with only one touch all the connected devices are completely turned off. 6. Choose an LCD screen for your TV and computer instead of a plasma or CRT (traditional) screen. This allows you an electricity savings of more than 60%. Keep in mind that a bigger screen consumes more. 7. Keep in mind that heating devices like irons, coffee makers, rice cookers, hair dryers, hair straigtheners, toasters, electrical stove and microwaves generally use more electricity. Try to use these less, or, in case this is viable, use the similar devices that work on gas.


Radio and Television 1. Do not leave your radio turned on at low volume, when no one is listening anyway. 2. Keep in mind that devices such as plasma TV’s also belong to the category of devices that generally use a lot of electricity.

Air-conditioning and Ventilator 1. Make maximum use of natural ventilation. If your home is latticed and/or if someone is at home, leave the windows open so that air can go through. As a result it will be cooler at night in the bedrooms. 2. Choose for a ceiling fan instead of air-conditioning. A fan does not cool the air, but it is a solution to better tolerate the heat. Besides, a ventilator uses less electricity than an air-conditioning. A ceiling fan is effective because it provides slow and regular ventilation. 3. If you are considering buying air-conditioning, keep in mind that air-conditioning uses twice as much electricity than a washing machine that is used three times a week. Moreover: the colder the air-conditioning is set, the more electricity it will consume. 4. If you choose to buy an air-conditioning, consider purchasing an inverter controlled air-conditioning, which uses 30% to 70% less electricity. 5. When purchasing air-conditioning take into consideration the size of the space it will have to cool and determine based here on the required capacity (BTU/H) of the air-conditioning. Seek advice from the store before the purchase. 6. Attach a strip of rubber on the bottom of your door and use silicone sealant to insulate the windows properly. Besides, good ventilation is necessary. 7. Set your air-conditioning on a less cold temperature if you leave the space to be cooled. The air-conditioning consumes more electricity when it is turned on and off than when you temporarily set it on a slightly less cold temperature. 8. Combine the air-conditioning with a ventilator.You can turn on the airconditioning an hour before bedtime. Just before going to bed you can turn off the air-conditioning and instead put on the ventilator. 9. Make sure all windows and doors are closed in the space to be cooled, to ensure that the air-conditioning works at its best. 10. Make sure that the windows offer good protection against sunlight. You could use for instance venetian blinds, vertical blinds or thick curtains to keep the sunlight out. 11. Put a shed on the outside of the house above your air-conditioning compressor, to 13

prevent it from being heated by the sun. 12. Clean the filter of your air-conditioning at least once a month. This reduces the electricity consumption of your air-conditioning. 13. Service your air-conditioning every six months. 14. Use a “timer” - if your air-conditioning has one - which allows the air-conditioning to turn on and off at certain specific times. This reduces the unnecessary consumption of your air-conditioning. Rice cooker and coffeemaker 1. Use the coffeemaker as little as possible on a day. 2. Do not leave your coffeemaker on and plugged in only to keep the coffee warm. It is better to pour the coffee into a thermos can. 3. Do not leave the rice cooker on and in the power outlet only to warm the rice. Heat the rice when you are going to serve it. Refrigerator and Freezer 1. When buying a refrigerator or freezer take your comfort into account, but keep also the number of persons in your household in mind. 2. Do not install your refrigerator or freezer too close to the wall. Make sure it is flat (level) on the ground. 3. Do not place refrigerators and freezers in a warm room or near a heat source such as boilers, stoves, or a window on the side where the sun is. 4. Allow cooked food to cool before placing them in the refrigerator or freezer. Refrigerators and freezers consume more electricity when they have to cool off hot food first. 5. Defrost your freezer regularly. Two millimeters of ice can increase your use with 10%. This goes also for your refrigerator, in case it is not a “no frost” refrigerator. 6. Do not overload your fridge, but on the other hand fill your freezer enough (even with Styrofoam if there are empty spaces). Overloading the refrigerator increases electricity consumption and reduces the shelf life of food, because the circulation of cold air is not good enough. 14

7. Do not keep the refrigerator or freezer doors open longer than absolutely necessary. This way you prevent the cold from escaping. 8. Dust the ventilation windows and the condenser of the refrigerator and/or freezer regularly. 9. Maintain the temperature of your refrigerator between 4 and 6 degrees Celsius and the freezer at 18 degrees Celsius. Lower temperatures are unnecessary and expensive. Check the temperature of the refrigerator, if necessary with a suitable thermometer. 10. Replace the seals of the refrigerator and/or freezer if necessary. Does your refrigerator or freezer close correctly? You can test this by placing a piece of paper in the door and then close it. Do you feel resistance when you try to pull it out? If so, then reseal it. If not, it does not close properly and it should be replaced in order to save 10% on your electricity usage. If you are unable to replace it at the moment, spread a little Vaseline on the rubber that does not close well. 11. If you are going away for travel you should empty your refrigerator, unplug the power cord and leave the door ajar. Dishwasher 1. Since the dishwasher uses a lot of electricity it is advisable to fill up the dishwasher before using it. 2. Use low temperatures and/or an environmentally friendly cycle with the dishwasher. High temperatures and long washes have often proven not to be useful enough. 3. Clean the filter regularly. This will prolong the life of the dishwasher and reduce electricity consumption. 4. Cast some water as soon as possible on hot pans right after use. Do the same for used kitchen utensils. In this way you will do a prewash, instead of immediately putting them in the dishwasher.


Washing machine 1. Consider washing your clothes by hand, if you do not have much to wash. 2. Avoid washing clothes every day, save them until you have enough to fill the washing machine. Avoid prewashes, they are long and therefore use more electricity. Besides, prewashes are obsolete with the laundry products of nowadays. 3. Set the washing machine in accordance with the amount of clothing that is in it, for instance small, medium, large and oversized or light, normal and heavy. 4. Do not use the button to heat water if your washing machine has that possibility. The heating of water for laundry uses more electricity. 5. For lightly soiled clothes use a lower wash temperature and a shorter washing time. This allows you 30 to 40% savings compared to a normal wash cycle. 6. Avoid the spin button for drying clothes. If there is enough sun and wind, then make good use of these. 7. Clean the filter of the washing machine regularly. This will increase the life of the machine and reduce electricity consumption .


Iron 1. Do not leave your iron on when not in use. In this way, electricity is consumed unnecessarily. Besides, it is dangerous. 2. Do not iron clothes on the day that you will need it; make time to iron more clothes at once. Boiler 1. When purchasing a water heater take the EF (Efficiency Factor) into account. A normal EF has a value of between 87 and 91 and a high EF has a value of between 94 and 98. Also, bear in mind that an old boiler consumes more electricity than a new one, even if it is the same brand and type. 2. Reduce the temperature of your water heater to 60 degrees Celsius, this temperature is high enough. In this way you use less electricity and you prevent limescale in your boiler. 3. Put your water heater off when you are away for travel or if you are leaving for a longer period of time.


Lighting Nowadays there is a wide variety of lighting (lamps) available. LED lamps are the most economical in use; followed by energy saving bulbs and fluorescent lamps. The traditional incandescent light bulb consumes by far the most. An energy saving bulb, creates for instance a strength which is four times stronger than a traditional incandescent light bulb while the energy saving bulb has a lower electrical consumption: 30% less than the traditional incandescent light bulb. Moreover, the energy saving bulb is not as warm and has a 15 times longer lifespan. The LED bulb lasts 50 times longer than a traditional incandescent light bulb, making it also the best of all. A LED lamp uses about half of what an energy saving light bulb uses, and 90% less than the electricity use of the traditional incandescent light bulb. With this in mind, here are some tips related to lighting. 1. Make maximum use of natural light by opening your curtains or opening your wooden window shutters. Take the incidence of sunlight as much as possible into consideration when designing the interior of your house. 2. Use lamps that save electricity. 3. Let an electrician advice you regarding the type of light that better suits the various specific areas of your home. 4. Use the right lighting for every area of your home. Take into account that not every part of your home needs as many lighting. 5. Use a photocell to automatically put the light on and off. That will also help you to prevent forgetting to turn lights on and off. 6. In case you’re going away for travel, do not leave the lights on unnecessarily, but ask a person you trust to manage the lighting in your home. 7. In case you use spotlights in your yard, choose spotlights that does only turn on if there is movement in the area. 8. If you are painting your living room, bedroom or another area, choose light colors. Dark colors need 2 to 3 times more light. This counts also for the use of shades in a dark colored room. 9. Turn the light off when not in use. This counts all the more if you use traditional incandescent light bulbs. Teach your children to do the same. The sooner you start this, the sooner they will make it their own, and the more your family will save, not only now but also in the future. 10. Do not put on the lights in the whole room if you are for instance just in a corner of the room. Instead, use local lighting that consumes less. 11. Take a lamp which works on a dimmer from the outlet when not in use. A lamp 18

with a dimmer also uses power when the lamp is off. 12. Dust your lamps and lampshades regularly so you can get as much light as possible. Regularly wash your translucent curtains. 13. Use LED bulbs as additional lighting, for example in your kitchen, garage, shed, etc. 14. Use LED lights if you decide to use Christmas lights during the Christmas period.

More information For more information you can visit the following websites or consult: www.energiakonsiente.com Fundashon pa Konsumid贸 (Foundation for the consumer) Electricity labels - www.elektriciteitslabel.nl Milieu Centraal (Environment Central) - www.milieucentraal.nl U.S. Department of Energy - www.energysavers.gov Brussels Instituut voor Milieubeheer (Brussels Institution for Environmental Management) - www.ibgebim.be


Sea konsiente Usa mĂŠnos koriente

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