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The cutting of the cake at the 100 Year Celebration luncheon featured daughter, Mrs A Garratt, and granddaughter, Mrs Lee Ewing, of our founding convenor Arthur Melsey and Mrs. E Scott (98 years), wife of past president Frank Scott.

us all, a strong common thread. We have been provided with financial gain, personal satisfaction, special moments and irreplaceable friendships all given to us by "the common thread". The Jersey cow we thank her for all that she has given us, may she prosper into the next century.

To the Future. Much has been achieved in the last 100 years. In 2012 the Jersey cow "is on a roll". Technology is moving quickly, opportunities are many. We encourage our youth to take up the challenge to continue to promote the Jersey cow and to contribute to making her a continued force in the dairy industry. If the level of hard work and enthusiasm can continue there will always be a successful place for the Jersey cow. The club has always had a strong connection with the Red Cross, at the Luncheon $330 was raised for the local branch. The South Gippsland Jersey Breeders Club would like to take this opportunity to thank their sponsors - Devondale, Central Sires, Rabobank, Southern Stockfeeds, Jersey Australia and C&L Stainless Steel Pty Ltd, without their generous support this celebration would not have been possible. Members and guests also enjoyed a tour to Jersey studs around South Gippsland, with international visitors - Dr. Jude Kapper (Washington State University Adjunct Professor of Animal Sciences), Cherie Bayer, PhD (American Jersey Cattle Association Director of

SGJBC senior vice president, Brendan Scott, presents SGJBC Secretaries Ian & Joy Richards with a token of the clubs appreciation for all their work behind the scenes and over ten years of service on the committee.

Development) and Russell Gammon (Semex Canada, Jersey programme manager), all quite taken with the scenery. Jersey Australia executive Scott Joynson said the record breaking sales during the week was a good indication of how happy all their members would be. “It was only the first thing to come out of the week. The international speakers talking on the carbon footprint and also the future genomic technology. To be exposed to those speakers when these changes are right around the corner was a real bonus for our members,” he said. n

Devondale 100 Years of Jersey Excellence Sale The members of the South Gippsland Jersey Breeders Club recently staged a special sale to celebrate 100 years of their club. Held at the Stony Creek Racecourse, the sale surpassed the breed record for a Jersey average with an outstanding 37 lots at $5,611 selling to buyers from all Australian states. The pace was set early when lot 1, Gelbeado Park Navara Bonita EX90 at 3 years, account of Paul & Lisa Mumford of Won Wron, and from an IDW winner sold for $16,000 to Trinity Investments of Leongatha South. Lot 2, Cairnbrae Governors Althea a yearling grand daughter of the World famous Greenridge FW Chief Althea sold from A & J Carson of Irrewillipe at $14,000 to J & M Cockerell of Numurkah. Next in the ring was Royal Rendezvous an imported Canadian ET Rapid Bay Grand Prix grand daughter of Whistler Rumour EX95, she sold from Jennifer Hand of Larpent at $14,000 to First Choice Jerseys of Leongatha. Sale top of $16,500 came late in the sale when Prom View Jenny 170 a very stylish rising 3 year old with a PI of 112 by Blackstone from Ross and Jenni Richards of Foster sold to Matt Templeton. Other outstanding sales were Kaarmona Region Belle 7 a 9 month heifer backed by 8 generations of EX dams from the famous Duncan Belle family, she sold a/c G & R Sprunt of Kaarimba to Launder Farms at Middle Tarwin at $9000. Lerida Park Elton Lucy 70 a rising yearling with strong AI interest a/c B & L Smethurst of Princetown sold for $9000 to P & L Mumford of Won Wron. The same vendors also sold

Lerida Park Larfalot Lucy 60 an outstanding in calf heifer also at $9000 to the Cockerill Family of Numurkah. Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following averages 11 Cows Ave $6,505.00 14 Unjoined Heifers Ave $6,196.00 8 Joined Heifers Ave $4,131.00 4 Embryo Packages Ave $4,050.00 37 Jerseys Gross $207,600.00 - - ave $5,611.00

Pictured with the top price lot, Prom View Jenny 170, are from left, Ross and Jenni Richards (vendors), Paul Mumford (sale committee member), Keith Kuhne (club president) and Brian Leslie (auctioneer).

Jersey Journal – July/August 2012 19

words: Michael Porteus

Jerseys produce a fifth less carbon

Animal science researcher Dr Judith Capper says analysis of American dairy production shows Jerseys do a good job for the environment.


esearch on the American dairy herd indicates that Jerseys have a 20 percent lighter carbon footprint than Holsteins.

The research by Washington State University Adjunct Professor of Animal Sciences Judith L Capper was published this year in the journal of the American Dairy Science Association. Dr Capper discussed her findings at the Jersey Australia Conference and Annual General Meeting in Gippsland in May. She says the research on dairy production across the United States in 2009 shows that Jerseys generate 20 percent less greenhouse gas than Holsteins to make a unit of cheddar cheese. Dr Capper also says Jerseys use eleven percent less land and about a third percent less water than Holsteins. She’d expect Jerseys to show similar advantages over Holsteins in the

20 Jersey Journal – July/August 2012

production of all dairy products. She thinks her findings on data from the US Dairy Records Management System should translate well to other advanced dairy countries, such as Australia. Dr Capper – who introduces herself as Jude – grew up in Oxfordshire in Britain. She became interested in farm animals after she acquired a horse at the age of nine. She studied in the UK and at Cornell University in New York before moving to Washington State University three years ago where she began looking into the environmental effects of improving dairy productivity. She had no experience with Jerseys until 2009, when she started the research comparing the carbon impacts of Jerseys with the impact of the Holsteins which

make up 86 percent of the US dairy herd. The research is supported by the American Jersey Cattle Association. “We wanted to look at the interactive effects of the smaller bodyweight and the higher milk fat and protein - and therefore the higher cheese yield of the Jersey cow - but also the lower milk yield compared to the Holstein,” she says. “Jerseys have higher milk fat and protein - and therefore the higher cheese yield - but also the lower milk yield compared to the Holstein. “Our initial thought was that higher fat and protein content and lower bodyweight would compensate for the relatively lower milk yield. “Indeed it did. “For example, if we look at the carbon footprint of making cheddar cheese from Jersey milk versus Holstein milk, there’s a 20 percent decrease in the carbon footprint per unit of cheese. “In terms of water use when we make cheddar cheese from Jersey milk versus Holsteins, we save 32 percent of the water. “With land use, there’s an eleven percent decrease with the Jerseys versus the Holsteins.” Dr Capper says the economic impacts of this are yet to be studied, but “you would expect it to have an economic impact similar to the environmental impact”. She says US Jersey breeders have welcomed the research, but “it has not had a lot of push back from Holstein farmers”. However, Dr Capper says the research has interested milk buyers and processors. They could highlight Jerseys’ better outcomes with land, water and carbon as they advertise products made from Jersey milk. Dr Capper says producers in countries committed to carbon reductions could consider switching from Holsteins to

A Day To Remember Jerseys to produce smaller amounts of greenhouse gasses. “Obviously, we’ve got to always suit the cow herself to the individual system,” she says, “but everything else being equal, yeah, it makes absolute sense. “Jerseys have a positive environmental impact over the Holstein. “And even in terms of milk, the Jersey has advantages over the Holstein on an energy-corrected basis.” Dr Capper’s paper ‘A comparison of the environmental impact of Jersey compared with Holstein milk for cheese production’ was written with R.A. Cady of Elanco Animal Health from Greenfield in Indiana. “The objective of this study was to compare the environmental impact of Jersey or Holstein milk production sufficient to yield 500,000t of cheese (equivalent cheese yield),” the paper says. “The deterministic model used 2009 DairyMetrics (Dairy Records Management Systems, Raleigh, NC) population data for milk yield and composition (Jersey: 20.9 kg/d, 4.8% fat, 3.7% protein; Holstein: 29.1 kg/d, 3.8% fat, 3.1% protein), age at first calving, calving interval, and culling rate. “Each population contained lactating and dry cows, bulls, and herd replacements for which rations were formulated according to DairyPro (Agricultural Modeling and Training Systems, Cornell, Ithaca, NY) at breedappropriate body weights (BW), with mature cows weighing 454 kg (Jersey) or 680 kg (Holstein). “Resource inputs included feedstuffs, water, land, fertilisers, and fossil fuels. “Waste outputs included manure and greenhouse gas emissions. “Cheese yield (kg) was calculated according to the Van Slyke equation. “A yield of 500,000t of cheese required 4.94 billion kg of Holstein milk compared with 3.99 billion kg of Jersey milk – a direct consequence of differences in milk nutrient density (fat and protein contents) between the two populations. “The reduced daily milk yield of Jersey cows increased the population size required to supply sufficient milk for the required cheese yield, but the differential in BW between the Jersey and Holstein breeds reduced the body mass of the Jersey population by 125,000t. “Consequently, the population energy requirement was reduced by 7,177,000 MJ; water use by 252 million litres; and

cropland use by 97,500 ha per 500,000t of cheese yield. “Nitrogen and phosphorus excretion were reduced by 17,234 and 1,492t respectively through the use of Jersey milk to yield 500,000t of cheddar cheese. “The carbon footprint was reduced by 1,662,000t of carbon-dioxide equivalents per 500,000t of cheese in Jersey cows compared with Holsteins. “The interaction between milk nutrient density and BW demonstrated by the Jersey population overcame the reduced daily milk yield, thus reducing resource use and environmental impact. “This reduction was achieved through two mechanisms: Diluting population maintenance overhead through improved milk nutrient density, and reducing maintenance overhead through a reduction in productive and non-productive body mass within the population.” The paper concludes that producing cheddar cheese from Jersey milk consumes fewer natural resources and has a lower environmental impact compared with using milk from Holsteins. “The interaction between improved milk nutrient density and reduced BW demonstrated by the Jersey population overcomes the reduced daily milk yield (compared with Holstein cows), thus reducing resource use and environmental impact per unit of cheese yield,” the paper says. “As concerns over the environmental impact of livestock production continue to grow, it is crucial to focus on both diluting (milk component yield) and reducing (BW) population maintenance requirements to further reduce natural resource use and the environmental impact of dairy production.” Dr Capper has underlined these conclusions in talks in the US and Australia this year. She told the US Jersey Youth Academy that using Jersey milk for cheese production saves resources. It reduced environmental impact because improving productivity diluted population maintenance cost and resource use over more units of production. “Increasing milk components means more units of cheese are produced from a set amount of milk,” she said. “Future Jersey selection goals should focus on improving productivity while maintaining bodyweight and milk component advantages.” n

On Tuesday, 10 April 2012 Robert and Sandra Brown (below) of Wollingurry Jersey Stud, Fitzroy Falls were recognised at the Royal Agricultural Society’s Day of Excellence in Agriculture.

In the words of Glenn Dudley, the President of the Royal Agricultural Society, the ceremony’s aim was to “honour the wonderful achievements of men and women who have contributed so much to the Royal Agricultural Society and the Royal Agricultural Society Competitions.” Sixty two people received the award from all agricultural areas, with only five from the Dairy Cattle Section. During a special ceremony in the main arena at the show, Robert and Sandra were both presented to The Governor of New South Wales, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir whom awarded them both with a ‘Parade of Champions’ sash and certificate. This event was followed by a special Grand Parade dedicated to those who had received the award and then a celebration dinner with the Governor. Wollingurry Jersey Stud first started showing at the Easter Show in 1904. Robert and Sandra have been showing at the show for 46 years, during this time their cattle have been awarded many Champion Ribbons and two Supreme Champion Females. Dr John Quin from Orana Jersey Stud, Camden, was also honoured on the day. n Jersey Journal – July/August 2012 21


I N V E S T M E N T S Moscript




Gelbeado Park Navara




H Reclassified fresh @ 30 days H H Sold at the Devondale Sale for $16,000 H

H Current lactation details 24ltrs 3.95P% 5.18F% 51 Days PI100 (cont) H H 1st in heifer class 2011 Leading Edge Genetics Commercial cow OFC H

H ABV’s 11/04/2012 ASI 196, APR 283, Milk 38, 0.26%F, 25kgP, 0.22%P

(Ranks her 16th Nationally) H

due to a high demand for eggs from this cow Navara Bonita will enter a flush programme with international embryo interest Callum, Aaron and the Mumford Family are very excited to be working with this cow and we hope she will deliver as we all think she will! Her Dam the great kody BoNita [pictured left] She is on target to do back to back 9000 ltrs and over 700 kgs of solids H 1st 2.5 years in milk IDW 2008 H 2nd class 5 SGOFG 2010 H 1st Mature cow and Campion Cow all breeds “Leading Edge Genetics 2010” H 4th in her class IDW 2011

All enquiries please contact - Callum Moscript 0408 949 801 – callummoscript@hotmail.com

Progeny Testing has never looked better The Genetics Australia Horizon Progeny Test program has never been stronger and the 2012 team will have widespread appeal. The team features a diverse range of bulls sired by breed leading sires including VANAHLEM, CSCNAVARA, VALERIAN, ELTON and LARFALOT.

For a catalogue or to check for availability on the team call Heather on freecall 1800 039 047 or visit www.genaust.com.au

The cow families behind the bulls offer high classification and top production. Never has a team of young bulls been offered with the depth of pedigree and quality. We extend a warm invitation to all Jersey Breeders to include these young bulls in 2012 breeding programs.

Photographed is Broadlin Constance 2565 P EX91 and her two sons that are members of the 2012 progeny test team. AUSSIEGOLD Broadlin Aussiegold P on left is her ELTON son and CONARA Broadlin Conara P is her NAVARA son. Both bulls are naturally polled. AUSSIEGOLD is expected to have semen become available in late Autumn and CONARA by late Spring. Constance is one of Australia’s most exciting young cows and was the Great Southern Challenge Champion for 2012. Photographed by Ross Easterbrook

Freecall 1800 039 047




Ed Ireland – remembered for innovation and integrity The Australian Jersey community is saddened by the death of Ed Ireland, a pioneer in the use of artificial insemination in the Australian Jersey herd who was also key figure behind the development of the Australian Jersey Journal. Ed was born in 1922 at Market Harborough in the United Kingdom. He was educated at the Hinckley Grammar School before he migrated to Australia in 1952 with his wife Gwen. Although Ed was not from a farming background, after his arrival in Western Australia he focussed on an opportunity to clear land and run Jerseys on a farm he named “Bosworth” at Rosa Brook near Margaret River. As well as beginning a family with four children, Ed became involved in

the Jersey community, and built up his herd with steps including pioneering adoption of artificial insemination. Although he loved Western Australia – and would return to farm there many times – Ed also created opportunities to operate his Bosworth stud at numerous locations in Victoria. These included a farm near Merrigum, where he gained community respect with work which made him a leading breeder. He was a strident proponent of progressive changes in the dairy business, and a key person in the development of a national Jersey publication. Following his retirement from stud farming in 1989, Ed remained active in the dairy communities in both Victoria and Western Australia, where he

continued to play a leading role in Jersey organisations. The spirit of Ed Ireland will continue as the Australian Jersey community continues the innovation and integrity which were the hallmarks of his career.


Dear Editor, It was with great interest I read the article in the May/ June issue of the Journal on “Polled Genetics Dominate”. My interest goes back to the 1950’s when given the responsibility for the N.S.W. Agriculture project in developing a herd of Poll Jerseys with the ultimate objective of distributing the dominant poll gene through the Jersey breed. The program commenced by importing a homogenous (PP) poll bull from New Zealand for mating to our Jersey herd located at the Glen Innes Research Station. This resulted in the birth of 30 poll (Ph) heifers (and 32 bull calves). This herd was later (1957) moved to Grafton P Research Station. The breeding program at that time included purchase of the Reserve Champion Cow at Sydney Show, Bridestow Treasure (owned by Sir Frederick Stewart) and other selected Jersey cows. Unfortunately, in those days, we did not have the advantage of todays knowledge and application of gene marking, genomics and an organized progeny testing program. Also, and surprisingly, the Breed Society would only register cattle in a newly established “Poll” section of the Herd Book (this even included horned animals (hh) born from heterozygous (Ph) parents). words: Kerrie


The decision to cease the project in the early 1970’s was due to a number of reasons. Predominate among these was the lack of interest from commercial dairy farmers and especially reluctance from registered breeders of Jersey cattle to embrace and participate in the project. The latter reasoning was accepted at the time, as other breed traits were obviously more important (and dehorning in any case a relatively simple process). While I salute the great achievements made by the Jersey breed, especially over the last two decades, in significant increases in milk production, I believe a later paragraph in the Journal article is worth repeating viz: “The Jersey breed has bred itself out of the dark days of unpopularity. There is nothing it cannot achieve with perseverance”. Perhaps inclusion of polled genetics, through the availability of “top” proven AB sires, is one of the challenges; and maybe our efforts 50 years ago were not totally in vain.


Polled Genetics D

status ozygous polled individual).Hom will be looking for ers and is what breed ny of these bulls be lem, until now. time, because the proge later an image prob s, 100 % of the itive times, and may have had rn cows will alway . mode in ng alive in prim olled genetics s stayi horns horn in ut no place for born witho advantage were a clear g, there has been agree. They cost time and o meaning yokin heter ( and ring all our HETEROZYGOUS ing individual) is useful for tethe for many years. On this we remained in mean ing yet they have unlike, zygous an animal that has andry tasks, day dairy farm r and extra husb used to describe each type of gene from money in labou of one inherited one rily. one polled, and is that we herds unnecessa its parents i.e. today’s science als carry ). The beauty of anim d(Ph what of horne mine to the heady days , can now deter in the heterozygous matings in the -P-ET What happened ) or The majority of e probably will be of this Polled allele Opportunity ny will be polled of Fair Weather diate futur of their proge their progeny will over a sired in excess imme (50% sire tedly us) repor of ozygo when he the polled age with a Ph (polled heter on the fact there are homozygous (100% ters. Why did at a very early 16,500 daugh the top pedigrees? Or horned cow, based the system. be polled) state additional test, added er of these in gene fall out of polled a higher numb in half of the progeny SNP testing. Thiseconomic variables that now, why are rg-P t more relevant n Tequila Icebe This will resul to the remaining des, will enhance the horned (hh), Hixso half at like and es price femal ing the being polled (Ph) in breeders posts on highest selling SNP testing provi elite animals carry now making thesale average at sales like season a result considered speed at which be developed. Wouldn’t alia Forum last and Sale in three times the the Jersey Austrgood to be true. Even Polled allele cansee many more Polled National Show the Kentucky icism as seeming too it be exciting to ers utilizing A.I. much the ground, scept 2011. with calves on would indeed be options to breed did many years ic use are that it beef breeders .” ined s to polled genet fore many horns anent rema myth g like on Comm there eliminatin such a perm recessive and possible to have single generation. ago by genetically 1. The gene is ve, and 2. Polled bulls inant influence in one difficult to achie must be genetically d genes are Domd characteristic the at Polle ers and er in numb the polle are a minority recessive Though small are PP (homozygous The gene for nant over the inferior. over moment, there in cattle is domiThis scientific fact is ble, and if put s. andings may be a polled) bulls availa ntees 100% polled gene for horn that if you openby Such misunderstthe lack of polled ing’ horned cows guara ny are then mated so well established Today’s responsible for proge ical Horse Breed ously available. to physically calves. If that copy of ‘Pract er and Morgan, you will genetics previ will provide 75% lves and are about Ph Rodg ver a the to as gan, howe even Kerri to take us polled bulls ics in cattle used and 25% Ph)ca They are ready polled (50% PP s. find polled genet to explain dominant change all that. e and get this important ple . 25% horned calve primary exam back to the futur to where it should be. genetics at work inferior and recessive trait back on track do not mean ss en Polled genes animal will posse iate poor and Rob Derks unfair to assoc A visibly polled gene or two, depending Peter Semmens Aust) acknowledge the It has been very s with a polled status. either one polledble to be inherited from (WWS/Genetics e this time around will genetic out come on what is availa makes no it US Active the rance path to the futurr one. of run appea its parents. In polled gene or two; the Examine any proof by JPI list to see be a much easie One Bulls breed to it will Take difference. AI 70 % REL ams that adapt no horns. And to horned sires. or “Breeding progre the newest scientific animal will have potential to pass on a ‘P polled compared and blot out the needs and utiliz ble to change to these always have the mum 50% of the time), a white out pen it appears and then read technology availadeemed for success. polled gene (mini d by the status of the are bulls PP’ where ever varie again and comp quent breed needs, are trait within the Jersey which is only down the list able identify the polled used in the subse While not a new st in Polled genetics is in out being other individual bad, with or tions, good the cause breed, the intere mating. bulls. The varia are no different. To -wide. 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It all. at every in ing is utiliz animals to dehorn nded polled status genetically by a suffix on the that this unfou In text and as can be eliminated stock. maybe, however, uraged polled sire use to denote an Polled seedthe name,‘PP’ is used Polled genetic ies in criticism has disco has 2 copies of to become lished cow famil individual that nant allele has in popular estab ). ‘Ph’ is used The Polled domiafter inclusion into gene( has no hornsgene and one gene for t the past. a highly sough ranking male and female te one Polled and ‘hh’ denotes an ta) and deno -P(Al st Critic ), ) horns e in the today’s highe Eclipes-P(WWSare at the forefront of horns (has no has 2 copies of the horned However, unlik ex) Jersey cattle. interest is more so in the that (Sem ed Pro-P individual Genetics. Buoy ). past, the Polled zygous animal where all a new era in Jersey , breeders and gene (has horns siasm the form of a homo animal will be Polled. by fresh enthu taking up the opportunity has inherited An animal that , i.e. both dominant offspring of that , more of today’s elite companies are to breathe new life in horned initiative same two genes To get to this point ing Polled mates sive the and reces both utiliz polled (PP) or to as HOMOZYGOUS pedigrees are to the trait. ss of Polled allele ed (hh), is referr alike, zygous meaning to begin this proce (homo meaning inclusion. l– 32 Jersey Journa

24 Jersey Journal – July/August 2012

May/June 2012

Whilst horns

All the best Dave Heptonstall PSM Life Member, J.A. (N.S.W.)

COLAC JERSEY BREEDERS CLUB President: David Hallyburton – Secretary: Kerry McGarvie Life members: Bob Mellross, Anne Mercer and Ted Codling

WARRION JERSEYS Steven & Roslyn Chant 245 Melrose Road, Warrion, 3249 03 5234 8416 roslynchant@bigpond.com CAMO JERSEYS David & Raelene Hallyburton 5150 Cobden Road, Cobden, 3266 03 5595 1566 chops@pca-online.com.au David & Loretta Halliday 539 Naroghid Road, Naroghid, 3266 03 5595 4466 Alan & Margaret Halliday 100 Colac-Ballarat Road, Irrewarra, 3249 03 5231 4421 GLENBRAE JERSEYS Jim & Glenda Carson 30 Blacks Road, Irrewillipe, 3249 03 5235 3279 jgcarson@activ8.net.au Bob Gilmour Geelong, 3216 03 5241 2765 Jake Harkness C/- Alta Genetics 0448 634 533 jake.harkness@altagenetics.com SPRING GULLY JERSEYS Don & Jan Murray 255 Larpent Road, Barongarook West, 3249 03 2233 8265 djmurray5@bigpond.com

Member Profile n Rockvale JeRseys n Des & Wendy Parker n 5 Children - 1 Boy, 4 Girls


n 400 acres on home farm n 320 acres leased n Jack and Mary Parker bought the farm in 1956, we bought it in 1990 n Rockvale Jersey stud was established in 1970 n Milking 320 cows 2/3 Jersey - 1/3 Holstein


n To have a good functional herd, we are commercial farmers with stud cows and to ease the workload on Wendy and myself


n General improvements around the farm, dairy upgrade, new house and production improvement. Our breeding is improving all of the time and we are now being recognised in our on-farm challenge achievements, winning champion cow the past two years.

ROCKVALE JERSEYS Des & Wendy Parker PO Box 25, Beeac, 3251 03 5234 6284 djwjparker@bigpond.com CAIRNBRAE JERSEYS Alan & Janine Carson 80 McNabbs Road, Irrewillipe East, 3249 03 5235 3201 janinecarson17@hotmail.com www.cairnbraejerseys.com TAUGHBOYNE JERSEYS Kerry McGarvie & Laurie Finney 242 Darlington Road, Camperdown, 3260 03 5593 9347 k.mcgarvie@bigpond.com

JACKIAH & RIPPONLEA JERSEYS n Bulls we will use this year are: Action, Region, Vanhalem, Jurace and Tbone. Simon Reid & Belinda Egan 165 Flannigans Road, n Football team - Carlton (AFL) Irrewillipe East, 3249 03 5235 3334 Apart from family if you could invite 6 people for dinner jackiahjerseys@bigpond.com who would they be? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

John Nicholls (legend) Dave Allen (comedian) Jim Parker (interesting) Elle McPherson (always wanted to take her out) Doug Walters (another legend Doug Barnard (school mate) Page sponsored by

New members always welcome

JIREH JERSEYS Chris & Pam McKenzie 859 Cooriemungle Road, Cooriemungle, 3268 03 5598 7222 jireh859@aussiebroadband.com.au VENOMA JERSEYS Jim & Norma Parker 550 Tomahawk Creek Road, Irrewillipe, 3249 03 5235 3209 venoma@bigpond.com


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Unit 11, 85-91 Keilor Park Drive, Tullamarine, VIC, 3043

tel: (03) 9330 3444

fax: (03) 9330 3144

email: julian.pick@altagenetics.com


Wallacedale Sets New Record

May 30th, 2012 Well known Gippsland Jersey Breeders Cliff, Marieka, Luke and Melanie Wallace of Poowong North staged the outstanding Future Fortunes Sale on their well appointed farm. A huge crowd of interested Jersey Breeders from all states and overseas along with many local dairymen overflowed the sale shed. Sale top of $16,500 was paid by Cobargo, NSW buyers C O’Meara and Family for Wallacedale Actions Belle 3, this young cow classified maximum VG88 as a 2 year old cow and is backed by many generations of EX dams back to Duncan Belle. Next high of $16,000 was Wallacedale TBone Melanie 36 (ET), an outstanding daughter of the super brood cow Melanie P36 EX due August to Eclipes, she was selected by J & M Cockerill of Numurkah. Third high of $14,000 was Wallacedale Regions Marie (ET), an unjoined daughter of the Royal Show Winning Peris Marie EX91, she went to the partnership of L Bennett of Macorna and A Launder of Tarwin. Also at $14,000 was the last lot in the sale Attaview Shy Rumour a January 12 imported Canadian ET heifer from a VG Centurian daughter of Rapid Bay Whistler Rumour EX95. She was purchased by the Bushlea herd of the Kuhne Family, Leongatha South. Dalbora Genetics of Tennyson selected Wallacedale Regions melanie 5 (ET) at $11,000 and her maternal sister Navara Melanie 2 (ET) at $8500. Both from the Great Southern Winner, Jace Melanie 4 EX 92. Loxleigh Jerseys of G & N Akers Tallygaroopna paid $8500 for Wallacedale Jace Melanie 7th (ET). Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following details 12 Cows Ave $ 5,762 16 Joined Heifers Ave $ 5,872 17 Unjoined Heifers Ave $ 5,985 7 Bulls Ave $ 3,114.00 52 Jerseys Gross $ 286,650 - Ave $5512

Gippsland Autumn Jersey Spectacular Sale

May 14th, 2012 Jersey enthusiasts from all parts of Victoria and Southern Riverina NSW were keen to purchase freshly calved Jersey at Warragul. Araluen Park Jersey Stud of Trevor Saunders and Anthea Day of Shady Creek sold a beautiful line of 33 young cows to top at $3,100 for Stonyrun Aus Valerian Gail. This young cow backed by many generations of leading sires sold to Meldan Jersey of B & M Scott of Binginwarri. These buyers also selected Araluen Park Parade Ebony E 90 at $3000. D Mathews of Yarragon paid $3000 for Stonyrun Aus Augustus Flower EX 90 while Andrew Younger of Kaddy Jerseys in Northern Victoria paid $3,000 for Stonyrun Aus Jacinto Kava. The Gelbeado Park Jersey herd of Paul & Lisa Mumford at Won Wron sold a high production line of Jersey cows including Gelbeado Park Alma 32 VG88 a Sunset Canyon Maximum rising 4 year old at $2400 at B Klienschmidt of Finley NSW. Selling Agents Dairy Livestock Services report 64 Registered Jersey Cows ave $1969. Also sold at this sale were several Commercial Jersey & Cross Bred cows that topped at $2000 several times.

6th Annual Northern Lights Jersey Sale

April 27th, 2012 Again the Northern Districts Jersey Breeders Club staged a very successful Sale at the property of the Nicholson Family at Girgarre. Sale top and a new record for this sale was Broadlin Ilagay 2898 (ET). This 7 month Elton daughter from a high ASI Flowerpower dam boasted very high potential genomics and is backed by one of the Breeds strongest

Sincere thanks…

maternal lines. She sold account L & L Broad of Lockington to Wallace & Atttenborough of Poowong North for $8100. Nest best price of $5750 was the VG88 maximum classified young cow Brunetta Gold 2681, sired by Bartpower from a 384 kg fat Astound dam, she sold a/c D & A Van Popering to Jugiong Jerseys. At $5000 was the VG86 2 year old Nowell Louie Charisma, her dam is an EX grand daughter of All American Champion BW Champs F 203 EX 96, She sold a/c N & K Furze of Merrigum. Top selling joined heifer at $4600 was Jugiong Daydream 6139, a Larfalot from a 403kg fat Flowerpower dam, she sold to L & L Broad. These buyers also purchased Mount Elliott Cowslip 59 EX90, a magnificent young cow from the McVean Family of Corryong at $4400. Gippsland breeders Saunders & Day selected the outstanding joined heifer Mikandan Parades Elizabeth, backed by 2 EX dams, she sold from the Edwards Family of Corryong at $4500. Many Breeders praised the young cow Wanstead Centurion Ivette 3 EX, she sold from R Heath of Camperdown at $4400 to R & V Read of Lockington. Inturn the Heath’s selected the deep pedigree cow Shenstone Silvermine 198 EX with over 8000 litres at $4250 from the Emmett Family of Stanhope. Other noted sales included Darryn Vale Jakes Joan 4 EX at $3,700. KAddy Sandy Dainty 78 VG at $3500. Shenstone Linda 370 EX at $3600 and Glenarron Girlie 30 VG 87, a very correct young cow at $3600. Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following details 25 Cows Ave $3012 13 Joined Heifers Ave $2696 3 Unjoined Heifers Ave $3767 3 embryo Packages Ave $3833 44 Jerseys Gross $133,150 - Ave $3026

Wow - what a day in the history of

Wallacedale Jerseys Words can not express how grateful we are to all our family and friends who helped us leading up to and during sale day. The result was beyond our wildest dreams. Special thanks to our team of fitters - Matt Templeton, Reece Attenborough, Sheila Sundborg, Frankie Hayden, Emma Castles, Ross Cox, Eliza Attenborough, Sarah de Cort and also to Rob Anderson. You could not have had the animals looking any better. To our immediate and extended family, too many to mention, thank you! A big thankyou to all the purchasers and underbidders, we wish you every success with your purchases. Thankyou to Brian and the DLS team, Sharon Clark for her outstanding work on the catalogue and everyone else who helped make the sale possible. The question has been asked will you do it all again? The answer ‘HELL YEAH’. Planning is well underway for


This one will be hard to top but we’re going to give it a crack! THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU. Luke, Melanie, Cliff, Marieka and family

28 Jersey Journal – July/August 2012

CENTRAL GIPPSLAND JERSEY BREEDERS CLUB INC. President: David Anderson (03) 5627 6344 Secretary: Anthea Day (03) 5626 6373


Jerseys on a Roll

Michelle Vines & Mick Platt


Recent Sale Results for Club Members:

Alan, Merv & Katharine York

Gippsland Autumn Jersey Spectacular Araluen Park / Stonyrun Aus 33 Cows to a top of $3,100 averaged $2,091


Trevor Saunders & Anthea Day

ATTAVIEW JERSEYS Reece Attenborough


BUSHLEA JERSEYS Keith & Pat Kuhne Wayne & Lisa Kuhne

Devondale 100 Years of Jersey Excellence Sale Bushlea Action Fern - $7,000 Kings Ville Memory 32 - $5,500 Kings Vale Rosella 427 - $5,200 Bushlea Com Lovely - $4,200 VANAHLEM x Kings Ville Petunia 24 - $800 / embryo Alderney Action Jessie - $2,000 Mangarra Futurity Delicious - $1,500 Future Fortunes Sale Wallacedale Jerseys 43 Females to a top of $16,500 averaged $5,755 7 Males to a top of $5,000 averaged $3,114 Attaview Jerseys 2 Females to a top of $14,000




GLEN STEWART JERSEYS Mike, Rhonda & Family


Congratulations to South Gippsland Jersey Breeders Club on reaching 100 years and for hosting the Jersey Australia AGM. Well done on pulling together such a memorable event! Congratulations to long term Club Member, Trevor Saunders on receiving Life Membership of Jersey Australia.

Andrew & Zoe Gaul

Upcoming Sales Almervista Jerseys Dispersal


Tuesday 23 October 2012

Barry, Sue & Tanya Allan


Lloyd & Lyn, Steve & Bec Ronalds

JORDAN PARK JERSEYS Del & Glad Armstrong

KAY VEE JERSEYS Winsome Anderson


David & Sharon Anderson


KINGS VILLE JERSEYS Rob & Kerrie Anderson


MANGARRA JERSEYS Kevin, Robyn & Chris Collins


Lindsay & Jacinta Anderson & Family

PROGRESS JERSEYS Ross Cayzer & Julie Pilgrim-Cayzer





Darien Mathews & Alex Walker

MAJESTIC JERSEYS Theo & Anne Bradley

Frank & Margaret Manintveld

SPEEDWELL JERSEYS Carole Swindlehurst

Wendy Sargeant

Cam & Tracey Bawden



51m 6135 4.1 252 3.7 230 208d cont PI 124

• • • • •

Best udder in class IDW 2010, 2011, 2012 1st Jnr 2 year old in milk IDW 2010 1st Jnr 3 year old in milk IDW 2011 1st Jersey Futurity IDW 2011 2nd 4 year old in milk IDW 2012

SIRE: Yosemite Lemvig Brook Rasmus

... AND AN OLD FAVOURITE JUGIONG VIOLET 4800 now EXCELLENT 93 71m 9144 4.8 435 4.0 361 305 PI 132

• •

Champion 2 year old Great Southern Challenge 2005 Champion 4 year old Great Southern Challenge 2007

SIRE: Astound

Other highlights from autumn classification; • JUGIONG RHONDA 5433 now EX91 Sire: Astound • JUGIONG MARRIANA 5499 now EX91 Sire: Astound • JUGIONG RHONDA 6083 VG88 (max) Sire: Astound • Our herd currently contains 17 cows classified 92 points or better including six at 93 points and one at 94 points!


2012 Annual Calf Show


Sunday 15th April, Numurkah Showgrounds Judge: Mr. Les Bennett Ring Steward: Mr. Richard Maloney

Ellie Hourigan - Champion Senior Handler with Darryn Vale Cowslip 5.

Handler 16 to 20 years 1 Ben Pedretti 2 Lachlan Barnes 3 Sam Hentschke Handler 13 to 15 years 1 Ellie Hourigan 2 Melanie Kantarias Champion Senior Handler Ellie Hourigan The Senior Handler class was closely contested between Ellie Hourigan and Ben Pedretti. Both handlers showed a lot of skill with their charges and the judge’s decision was finally made in Ellie’s favour when her heifer stood more correctly when lined up. Handler 9 to 12 years 1 Alex Smith 2 Madison Strong 3 Isabel Michael Handler 8 years and under 1 Jack Michael 2 Jack Sprunt 3 Hamish Smith Champion Junior Handler Alex Smith These young handlers responded to the judges instructions and advice - we suddenly saw eyes directed to the judge and less worry about where our calf was going. Heifer born 01/01/12–15/03/12 1 A & F Michael - Willow Dell Girlie 322 Rapid Bay Garcia 2 A & F Michael Brunchilli Netherlands Priscilla Brunchilli Netherlands 3 Hentschke & Schutz Homelands Reagans Ivy - Rapid Bay Reagan Heifer born 16/09/11 to 31/12/11 1 Hentschke & Schutz Homelands Tequilas Silvermine Tower Vue Prime Tequila

2 D & E Hourigan Darryn Vale Naturals Pam DV Heathers Natural 3 Maloney family - Yenolam D.J. Flower Yenolam Desire Jace Heifer born 21/08/11 to 15/09/11 1 Eurarie Jerseys Eurarie Benedict Design 3 Loxleigh Benedict 5 2 G & R Sprunt Kaarmona Eclipes Marie 80 - Eclipes-P 3 D&E Hourigan Darryn Vale T-Bones Favour - T-Bone Heifer born 01/08/11 to 20/08/11 1 Hentschke & Schutz Homelands Jetson Iris - Rapid Bay Jetson 2 D&E Hourigan - Darryn Vale Cowslip 5 Kaarmona Marquis 3 Hentschke & Schutz Homelands Jamaicas Silvermine 2 Bridon Jamaica Heifer born 01/07/11 to 30/07/11 1 B Pedretti - Froglands Aries Cowslip Nowell Zodiac 2 Hentschke & Schutz Homelands Goals Opal Cozz Mar TJ Goal 3 Maloney family - Yenolam Expo Duchess Yenolam Althea Expo Progeny test heifer born 01/07/10 to 31/12/10 1 B Pedretti - Froglands Aries Cowslip Nowell Zodiac 2 Maloney family Yenolam Expo Duchess 3 Yenolam Althea Expo 3 Maloney family - Yenolam Expo Desire Yenolam Althea Expo Junior Champion Heifer Eurarie Benedict Design 3 Reserve Homelands Jetson Iris

Heifer born 01/01/11 to 30/06/11 1 Hentschke & Schutz Homelands Sleep ing Beauty 2 Bridon Jamaica 2 B Pedretti - Froglands Blackstone Lady JEBlackstone

Alex Smith with Supreme Champion Heifer, Eurarie Benedict Design 3. Alex won Junior Champion Handler and led Design 3 to be Junior Champion Heifer and Supreme Champion Heifer.

Jack Michael - Junior Handler 8 years & under with Willow Dell Girlie 322.

3 Hentschke & Schutz Homelands Goals Graceful Design Cozz Mar TJ Goal Heifer born 01/07/010to 31/12/10 1 Hentschke & Schutz Homelands Aries Silvermine 2 Nowell Zodiac 2 B Pedretti - Froglands Comerica Pat Comerica 3 Hentschke & Schutz Homelands Astound Silvermine 3 Molly Brook Berretta Fabulous Senior Champion Heifer Homelands Aries Silvermine 2 Reserve Homelands Sleeping Beauty 2 Supreme Champion Heifer Eurarie Benedict Design 3 Reserve Homelands Aries Silvermine

Pair of Heifers born on or after 01/07/11 1 Hentschke & Schutz - Homelands 2 Hentschke & Schutz - Homelands 3 D & E Hourigan - Darryn Vale

Phil Hentschke with Senior and Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer Homelands Aries Silvermine Jersey Journal – July/August 2012 31


Pair of Heifers by same sire 1 Hentschke & Schutz - Homelands Bridon Jamaica 2 Hentschke & Schutz - Homelands Tower Vue Prime Tequilla 3 Hentschke & Schutz - Homelands Cozz Mar TJ Goal Best Maintained Team - Glenfern Trophy D & E Hourigan Dick Maloney Encouragement Awards Under 13 - Ella Sprunt Over 13 Bailey Hourigan

Our pre-schooler Catherine Michael leading her calf Willow Dell Girlie 322 under the watchful eye of Ring Steward Mr Dick Maloney.

Gympie District Regional Show 18th May 2012 Judge:- Kevin Smith, Queensland Encouragement Heifer Under 2 Years 1 Robinvale Duchess Wynne - F & F Boyd S: Meadowlawn J Imperial 2 Grand Dream Eclipse Lilly – T Brown S: Maack Dairy Eclipse P 3 Emerald’s M – G & V Siebenhausen S: BW Special Forces Heifer 6-12 Months Dry 1 Glen-Echo Pazam Muriel – C & C Parker S: Pazam 2 Glen-Echo Excite Victress – A & D Tippett S: Bridon Excitation 3 Yandavale Reagan Wynne ET – D & J Grevett S: Rapid Bay Reagan Heifer 12-18 Months 1 Bralock Minister Tiffany – B Gavenlock S: Select-Scott Minister 2 Robin-vale Comerica Royal – F & F Boyd S: Brion Remake Comerica 3 Satorie Sooner Bronzes Amber – G & V Siebenhausen S: Stonyrun Sooner Franklin Heifer 18 Months - 2yrs Dry 1 Yandavale Ressserection Fayre

32 Jersey Journal – July/August 2012

– D & J Grevett S: Rapid Bay Resserection 2 Yandavale Surefire Wynne – D & J Grevett S: Brentwood Surefire 3 Satorie Diversity Gem’s Sparkle – G & V Siebenhausen S: Golden Mile Sweet Diversity

Juvenile Champion Heifer Yandavale Ressserection Fayre D & J Grevett Reserve Glen-Echo Pazam Muriel – C & C Parker Heifer 2-2½ Years Dry 1 Yandavale Pinnacle Wynne - G & V Siebenhausen S: Glen-Echo Golden Pinnacle 2 Satorie Iatola Vanity’s Ivory – G & V Siebenhausen S: SC Gold Dust Paramount Iatola Heifer In Milk Under 2½ Years 1 Yandavale Resserection Wynne ET2 – D & J Grevett S: Rapid Bay Resserection 2 Glen-Echo Ringmaster Darlin – C & C Parker S: Family Hill Ringmaster 3 Yandavale Resserection Wynne ET – D & J Grevett S: Rapid Bay Resserection Cow In Milk 2½-3 Years 1 Glen-Echo Pablo Melissa – C & C Parker S: Glen-Echo Pablo 2 Grand Dream Futurity Girl – T Brown S: Sunset Canyon Futurity 3 Saanglo Comerica Dolly – D & J Grevett S: Briudon Remake Comerica Group of 3 Heifers Under 3 Years 1 C & C Parker 2 D & J Grevett 3 RA & CA Devere Udder Under 3 Years 1 Yandavale Resserection Wynne ET2 – D & J Grevett S: Rapid Bay Resserection 2 Glen-Echo Pablo Melissa – C & C Parker S: Glen-Echo Pablo 3 Glen-Echo Ringmaster Darling – C & C Parker S: Family Hill Ringmaster Junior Champion Heifer Yandavale Resserection Wynne ET2 D & J Grevett Reserve Glen-Echo Ringmaster Darling C & C Parker

Cow 3-4 Years In Milk 1 Yandavale Sambo Darcy – D & J Grevett S: Lester Sambo 2 Yandavale Parade Wynne – D & J Grevett S: BW Parade ET 3 Farmlands Signature Dixie – C & C Parker S: Avery Signature Cow 4-5 Years In Milk 1 Glen-Echo Parabel Muriel- C & C Parker S: Glen-Echo Parabel Muriel 2 Saanglo CB Somebody – D & J Grevett S: Saanglo Country Boy 3 Glen-Echo Pinnicle Megan – C & C Parker S: Glen-Echo Pinnicle

Cow 5-7 Years In Milk 1 Lynward Golden Fidelity – D & J Grevett S: Golden Boy of Ferreira 2 Sunrise Franklins Lass – A & L Ward S: Rising Sun Dunkers Franklin 3 Robin-vale Jace Muriel – A & D Tippett S: Windy Willow Montana Jace Cow 7 Years And Over In Milk 1 Glen-Echo Golden Boy Melissa – C & C Parker S: Golden Boy of Ferriera 2 River Ridge Rosie – RA & CA Devere S: Jerrick

Pen of 3 Cows 1 D & J Grevett 2 C & C Parker 3 RA & CA DeVere Sires Progeny 1 C & C Parker – S: Glen-Echo Pablo 2 D & J Grevett – S: Rapid Bay Resserection 3 RA & CA Devere – S: Glen-Echo Asta Maternally related - 2dtrs or 2 Gdtrs of the one dam or dam and daughter 1 Yandavale Jersey Stud – D & J Grevett 2 Glen-Echo Jersey Stud – C & C Parker 3 Yandavale Jersey Stud – D & J Grevett Exhibitors Group 1 Yandavale Jersey Stud – D & J Grevett 2 Glen-Echo Jersey Stud – C & C Parker 3 River Ridge Jersey Stue – RA & CA Devere Udder 3 Years And Over 1 Glen-Echo Parabel Muriel- C & C Parker S: Glen-Echo Parabel Muriel 2 Glen-Echo Golden Boy Melissa – C & C Parker S: Golden Boy of Ferriera 3 Yandavale Sambo Darcy – D & J Grevett S: Lester Sambo Champion Cow Glen-Echo Parabel Muriel- C & C Parker Reserve Glen-Echo Golden Boy Melissa – C & C Parker Honourable Mention Yandavale Sambo Darcy – D & J Grevett

Supreme winners 19th May 2012

Reserve Supreme Juvenile Yandavale Ressserection Fayre D & J Grevett S: Rapid Bay Resserection Supreme Intermediate Udder Yandavale Resserection Wynne ET2 D & J Grevett S: Rapid Bay Resserection Supreme Intermediate Champion Yandavale Resserection Wynne ET2 D & J Grevett S: Rapid Bay Resserection Supreme Udder Over 3 Years Glen-Echo Parabel Muriel- C & C Parker S: Glen-Echo Parabel Muriel Supreme Cow Glen-Echo Parabel Muriel- C & C Parker S: Glen-Echo Parabel Muriel Supreme Pen Of 3 Cows Yandavale Jersey Stud – D & J Grevett Supreme Pen Of 3 Heifers Glen-Echo Jersey Stud – C & C Parker


Intermediate Champion Jersey Female Rosedale Bomber Veronica MT & KL Atkins Reserve Ashtaney Bart Silverbabe Ashtaney Jerseys Honorable Mention Carcoola Lollipop 3 JA & EV Kernich & Family

2012 Jersey Autumn Fair Mt Pleasant Showground - Saturday 17th March 2012 Judge Kelvin Cochrane Chief Steward Peter Ness Production Rosettes Ashtaney Barber Silverstar Bellview Parade Stella Junior Handlers Class 1 Jackie Davies 2 Jasmine Wilkinson 3 Angel Kean Senior Handlers Class 1 Taylah Koch 2 Asmalie Maddern

3yr old Cow In Milk, Born During 2008 1 Bellview Parade Stella SR, LP & BK Manuel S: BW Parade 2 Rosedale Astound Vanilla MT & KL Atkins S: Mollybrook Berretta Faboulous 3 Ashtaney Jude Alice - Ashtaney Jerseys S: Curtsey Duncan Jude

Cow, Dry, Born Before 1st January, 2009 1 Ashtaney Sambo Silverfish Ashtaney Jerseys S: Lester Sambo Mature Cow In Milk, Born Before 1st January, 2007 1 Ashtaney Barber Silverstar Ashtaney Jerseys S: Shirlinn Bright Barber 2 Garcola Rasputin’s Lady - GJ Maddern S: Fleurieu Rasputin 3 Ashtaney Whisky Allure Ashtaney Jerseys S: Wattlebrink Whisky 4yr old Cow In Milk, Born During 2007 1 Ashtaney Astound Abby Ashtaney Jerseys S: Molly Brook Beretta Fabolous 2 Garcola Virgil Harmony - GJ Maddern S: Gold Wave Augustus Virgil 3 Carcoola Darlene Donna JA & EV Kernich & Family S: Carcoola Darryl

Senior Champion Jersey Female Ashtaney Barber Silverstar Ashtaney Jerseys Reserve Ashtaney Astound Abby Ashtaney Jerseys Honorable Mention Bellview Parade Stella SR, LP & BK Manuel 2yr old Heifer In Milk, Born Between 1/7/09-31/12/09 1 Rosedale Bomber Veronica MT & KL Atkins S: WF Brook Bomber 2 Ashtaney Bart Silverbabe Ashtaney Jerseys S: Daraway Flowerpower Satira 3 Carcoola Lollipop 3 JA & EV Kernich & Family S: Wallacedale Violets Refute Heifer Dry, Born During 2009 1 Homelands Thunders E Silvermine MG Wohlstadt S: Gilbrat B Midnight Thunder 2 Ashtaney Whisky Jingles Ashtaney Jerseys S: Wattlebrink Whisky

Senior Champion - Ashtaney Barber Silverstar, Ashtaney Jerseys.

Intermediate Champion - Rosedale Bomber Veronica, MT & KL Atkins.

Cow Any Age, With Best Udder 1 Ashtaney Jerseys 2 JA & EV Kernich & Family 3 Ashtaney Jerseys 4 MT & KL Atkins 5 SR, LP & BK Manuel Type & Production Class 1 Ashtaney Barber Silverstar Ashtaney Jerseys S: Shirlinn Bright Barber 2 Bellview Parade Stella SR, LP & BK Manuel S: BW Parade Gilmar Trophy 1 Garcola Rasputin’s Lady - GJ Maddern S: Fleurieu Rasputin 2 Garcola Virgil Harmony - GJ Maddern S: Gold Wave Augustus Virgil 3 Homelands Thunders E Silvermine MG Wohlstadt S: Gilbrat B Midnight Thunder

Cow Or Heifer Dry, Born Between 1/1/10-30/6/10 1 Ashtaney Spiritual Sadie Ashtaney Jerseys S: Riverside Spirit 2 Fleurieu Country Selly - BS Schutz S: BW Country 3 Bellview Marshall Joy SR, LP & BK Manuel S: BW Marshal Heifer, Born Between 1/7/10-31/12/10 1 Carcoola Darlene Donna JA & EV Kernich & Family S: Bushlea Freeagent 2 Ashtaney Elton Silvermine Ashtaney Jerseys S: Caimbrea Jaces Elton 3 Rosedale Blackstone Victoria MT & KL Atkins S: Lencrest Blackstone Heifer, Born Between 1/1/11-30/6/11 1 Rosedale Senior Caramel MT & KL Atkins S: Pine Haven Senior 2 Ashtaney Elton Phoebe Ashtaney Jerseys S: Caimbrea Jaces Elton

Junior Champion - Rosedale Senior Caramel, MT & KL Atkins. Jersey Journal – July/August 2012 33


3 Carcoola Donna 2 Denise 2 JA & EV Kernich & Family S: Bushlea Furnwood Heifer Calf, Born Between 1/7/1131/12/11 1 Ashtaney Senior Silverflower Ashtaney Jerseys 2 Homelands Sparkle - MG Wohlstadt S: Homelands Sleeping Bean 3 Rosedale Spiritual Violet MT & KL Atkins S: Riverside Spirit Junior Champion Jersey Female Rosedale Senior Caramel MT & KL Atkins Reserve Carcoola Darlene Donna JA & EV Kernich & Family Honorable Mention Ashtaney Elton Phoebe Ashtaney Jerseys Supreme Champion Jersey Female Ashtaney Barber Silverstar Ashtaney Jerseys

Group Of Three Females, Bred And Owned By Exhibitor 1 Ashtaney Jerseys 2 SR, LP & BK Manuel 3 MT & KL Atkins Auldearn Trophy, Two Females, Progeny Of One Sire 1 JA & EV Kernich & Family S: Wallaceale Violets Refute 2 MG Wholstadt S: Homelands Sleeping Bean 3 SR, LP & BK Manuel S: BW Marshal Two Females, Any Age, Owned By Exhibitor 1 Ashtaney Jerseys 2 Ashtaney Jerseys 3 MT & KL Atkins Cow and Daughter, Any Age 1 Ashtaney Jerseys 2 Ashtaney Jerseys 3 SR, LP & BK Manuel Junior Sire Progeny - Group of Two Females Under 2½yrs by one sire - bred and owned by exhibitor 1 Ashtaney Jerseys S: Cairnbrae Jaces Elton 2 SR, LP & BK Manuel S: Bellview Rocket Stephen 3 BS Schutz S: Richies Jace Tbone Most Successful Exhibitor Ashtaney Jerseys

Toowoomba Royal Show 29th-31st March 2012 Judge:- Mark Patullo

Heifer 6-12mths 1 Ardylbar Minister Evolution A & W Barron 2 Macleigh Sultans Diamond 2 Matt McCarthy 3 Kathleigh Action Treasure - A & C Kath

34 Jersey Journal – July/August 2012

Junior Champions from left to right: Jess Achen with Kathleigh Dreamer Soho, Honourable Mention, Mark Patullo (judge), Owen Daley with Ascot Park Ressurection Ruby, Reserve Champion and Steve McCarthy with Ascot Park Blackstone Forgetmenot, Champion and Junior udder.

Heifer 12-18mths 1 Ascot Park Comerica Daphne S & J McCarthy 2 Macleigh Ressurection Diamond Matt McCarthy 3 Tyjon Governor Vitee - Tyler Barron Heifer 18-24mths 1 Ardylbar Governor Peyton A & W Barron 2 Ascot Park Pitinos Beauty 2 S & J McCarthy 3 Fernybank Fernman Lois - L & D Dunne Juvenile Champion Heifer Ardylbar Minister Evolution Reserve Ardylbar Governor Peyton Honourable Mention Ascot Park Comerica Daphne

Heifer under 2yrs in milk 1 Ascot Park Blackstone Forgetmenot S & J McCarthy 2 Ascot Park Gannons Beauty 3rd GR2 S & J McCarthy Heifer 2-2½ yrs in milk 1 Ascot Park Ressurection Ruby S & J McCarthy 2 Kathleigh Dreamer Soho - A & C Kath 3 Ascot Park Fidels Beauty S & J McCarthy Best udder under 3yrs 1 Ascot Park Blackstone Forgetmenot 2 Ascot Park Resurrection Ruby 3 Kathleigh Dreamer Soho Three females under 3yrs 1 S & J McCarthy 2 S & J McCarthy Junior Champion Heifer Ascot Park Blackstone Foregetmenot Reserve Ascot Park Ressurection Ruby Honourable Mention Kathleigh Dreamer Soho

Cow 3-4yrs in milk 1 Kathleigh Dreamer Greta - A & C Kath 2 Ardylbar Comerica Eleanor A & W Barron 3 River Ridge Jade May - Todd Brown Cow 4-5yrs in milk 1 Bushlea Badger S Beauty 2nd S & J McCarthy 2 Bushlea Rasmus Fernleaf 3 S & J McCarthy

Cow 5-7yrs in milk 1 Kathleigh Hallmark Dream - A & C Kath 2 Ascot Park Pitinos Beauty S & J McCarthy Cow 7yrs & over 1 Brunchilli S Eileen - A & W Barron 2 Kethleigh Jade Vanity - A & C Kath 3 Misty Glen Anthonys Daydream A & W Barron Group of 3 cows over 3yrs 1 A & W Barron 2 A & C Kath 3 S & J McCarthy Maternally related group 1 Ascot Park Stars Beauty - S & J McCarthy Sires Progeny Group 1 Altheas Lester Pitino of Al-Top ET S & J McCarthy 2 Bushl Fidel - S & J McCarthy Dairy group - 4 head 1 A & C Kath 2 S & J McCarthy 3 A & W Barron Best udder over 3yrs 1 Kathleigh Dreamer Greta - A & C Kath 2 Bushlea Badger S Beauty 2 S & J McCarthy 3 Brunchilli S Eileen - A & W Barron Champion Cow Brunchilli S Eileen Reserve Bushlea Badger S Beauty 2 Honourable Mention Kathleigh Drema Greta Champion Production Milk: Kathleigh Hallmark Dream Fat & Protein: Bushlea Badger S Beauty 2 Most successful exhibitor: S & J McCarthy

SUPREME AWARDS Reserve Supreme Cow Brunchilli S Eileen - A & W Barron Reserve Supreme Udder Kathleigh Dreamer Greta - A & C Kath Supreme Group of 3 cows Brunchilli S Eileen (A & W Barron), Bushlea Badger S Beauty 2 (S & J McCarthy) and Kathliehg Dreamer Greta (A & C Kath). YOUTH SHOW - Supreme Exhibit Kathleigh Action Treasure - Lawson Kath

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