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words: Michael Porteus

Mt Compass club reflects dairy’s decades of change

The times were a changing on the 14th of February 1966 when 83 people from the Fleurieu Peninsula south of Adelaide met in Mt Compass to talk about forming a Jersey cattle club. And within in a month of the day that Australia adopted decimal currency, the Mt Compass Jersey Cattle Club adopted three broad objectives: • to encourage and promote the breeding of Jersey cattle, • to help the Australian Jersey Society control and promote Jersey interests, and • to encourage and promote a feeling of good fellowship amongst local Jersey breeders.

Forty-seven years later, the club can look back on many practical ways it met those objectives during decades when its members dealt with tumultuous changes. Farms sent unrefrigerated milk cans to local factories in 1966. Today, they share refrigerated semen with Jersey breeders on other continents. An important part of Mt Compass Jersey Cattle Club’s activities in its early decades was running local field days to

20 Jersey Journal – March/April 2013

help its members keep up with all the changes in production, processing and breeding. Mt Compass was an early adopter of innovations including on-farm judging for cattle competitions, and multi-vendor twilight sales. Its work with its local school previewed today’s Cows Create Careers program. The club has always had a strong focus on developing young people’s interest in the Jersey breed, and was a substantial donor when Jersey Australia set up its youth trust. The Fleurieu Peninsula has also changed radically since the 60s, when it had many small farms. Today, it is “Adelaide’s playground” and an area where commuters might live on hobby farms among a smaller number of much larger dairy farms. The Mt Compass club now has 22 families of members, including three descendents of people who were at the original meeting. Some members have

retired from farming, but are still active in the club. It has awarded three life memberships, to founding members Colin Blacker and Brian Paech, and longserving secretary Rhonda Watkins. Rhonda says a major activity of the club for 18 years until seven years ago was its annual Field Day each March at Mt Compass oval. A committee of Mt Compass members organised events which attracted up to 140 site holders. The Field Days included a Jersey calfhandling competition for Mt Compass school students. Club members delivered a dozen Jersey calves to the school weeks before the judging so the children could practice leading, feeding and grooming calves. Today the Mt Compass club has also expanded beyond the Fleurieu Peninsula, offering membership to Barossa Valley farmer Jeff Kernich of Carcoola Jerseys. Jeff is the president of the South Australian branch of Jersey Australia.

Jerseys in the Ness herd grazing on the Fleuriru Peninsula.

MT COMPASS JCC His farm each year turns 240,000 litres of pure Jersey milk into his own line of Jersey Fresh milk and cream. He sells his pure Jersey products at the Barossa farmers’ market, through local retailers, and to Adelaide cafes. His farm is surrounded by vineyards, but he says it is Carcoola that makes the best white in the valley. Another Mt Compass club member, Dan McCaul, also makes a pure Jersey milk product, Alexandrina Cheese, which has won an Oceanic Jersey Cheese Award. Both Dan and his wife Krystyna are former presidents of the Mt Compass club. Krystyna was one of the first women to head a Jersey club in Australia. Many members of the Mt Compass club have served on state and national Jersey organizations. Current president Peter Ness is also the treasurer of

Mount Compass Field Days featured a Junior Handler’s Competition for children from Mount Compass Area School.

tes with certifica d tyna McCaul ar Dan and Krys eanic Jersey Cheese Aw rsey Je r Oc marking thei by Peter Ness at the 2011 . ss them in Mt Compa ld conveyed to he ce en nfer Australia Co

Jersey Australia, a JA classifier, and a vice president of the world Jersey Cattle Bureau. Mt Compass club events this year include its annual on-farm heifer judging, continuing its regular social events, and hosting a visit by a sister Jersey club from New Zealand. Members of the Mt Compass club today run about 1200 Jerseys on the Fleurieu, where there are at least seven pure Jersey herds. Because Mt Compass is the only Jersey club left in South Australia, it has become a focus for communication among all SA Jersey breeders, and with clubs in other states and countries. Peter says that in the early days, the club was both a discussion group which would organise farm field days, and a social group which would organise events such as an annual cabaret called the Heifer Ball. Peter became a member of the club in 1974 when he set up his Nyowee Jersey Stud near Mt Compass. His family had also run Jerseys, but his father shocked some locals when he began using Friesian genetics in the early days of artificial insemination.

Winners in the 2009 Mt Compass heifer competition Tim and Sue Thorn with competition judge Peter Maxwell.

“Money was tight back then,” Peter says. “When I came home to the farm I made the decision that I was going to breed Jerseys.” He now has a pure Jersey herd with about 250 cows. He has met one of his ambitions – breeding a 90-point Jersey – but by early 2013 still had not yet fulfilled another – winning the Mt Compass heifer competition. The heifer comp is usually on the last Thursday in February each year. Judges visit farms to judge teams of three heifers under the age of 30 months. The winner is announced at the end of the judging at a social event on a club member’s farm. “The Mt Compass Cattle Club were probably leaders in the field, where we had this heifer competition where the farmer just brought cows out into the paddock, and the judges came to them,” Peter says. “It’s been a very popular competition. There’s a fair bit of competition for the award.” The Mr Compass heifer comp continues although many other Jersey showcases on the Fleurieu do not. “As numbers have decreased, the local shows have sort of suffered,” Peter says. The Mt Compass club now supports the Mt Pleasant Autumn Fair, a Jersey showcase

which Peter says has become one of the main shows on the SA Jersey calendar. Mt Compass members also compete at the Adelaide Royal. Peter says Mr Compass social events are often now held in conjunction with visits to the Fleurieu and the Barossa Valley by other Jersey clubs. Mt Compass hosted the annual general meeting of Jersey Australia in 2011, and is looking forward to the visit by the New Zealand club in May. The Kiwis are to visit SA producers of pure Jersey products to see if they can take that idea back to NZ. The two clubs may become sister clubs in a similar way to Australian cities with sister cities in other countries. Peter says Mt Compass may emulate Jersey clubs which organise club group trips to clubs in other areas, or even other countries.

ss with Rhonda esident Peter Ne Tim Thorn after Mt Compass pr and vin Ke d an sb r hu 2011. Watkins and he ip of the club in life membersh ed pt ce ac da Rhon

This is a parallel to the internationalisation of Jersey breeding. “When there’s a good bull somewhere in the world, it doesn’t take long for the world to start using him,” Peter says. And that goes with a huge increase in Jersey productivity. “One time if you had a cow that did 4000 litres, you had a real good cow,” Peter says. “Now we see some of the elite cows with 10,000 litres.” As a Jersey Australia classifier, Peter also sees changes in Jersey traits. “Yeah, the Jerseys are getting bigger, they are a bit finer in the bone,” he says. “The other thing that has really changed is the texture of the udder. Now when they milk out, they look as though they have been milked.” Peter says one disappointing part of the changes at Mr Compass is the declining number of younger members. “We are not seeing a lot of younger people in this part of the world going into the dairy industry,” he says. “One of the problems on the Fleurieu is that our milk prices are linked to commodity prices. Our milk is getting used for market milk, but it isn’t getting paid the same price as New South Wales and Queensland.” For more information about the Mt Compass Jersey Cattle Club, contact Peter Ness on 08 8556 8270 or Rhonda Watkins 08 8556 0202.

Jersey Journal – March/April 2013 21

New Release siRes fRom Rapid Bay


Rapid Bay Cash Success / Jace EX 91 / Centurion VG 89 / Duncan Belle EX 96

CASH is the son of Rapid Bay Jace Carla EX 91, some say the

greatest daughter of Jace . Next Dam is Giprat Belles Charm VG 89 (by Centurion) full sister to Giprat Belles Connection and then the great Duncan Belle . He is sired by the proven Iatola son of the great Rocket Snap EX 91...Buttercrest Success with very high udder traits . This bull has a combination of everything breeders look for ... Great cows from great cow families!

Rapid Bay Jace Carla EX 91 365 10329 550f 5.3% 396p 3.8%


Rapid Bay Gentry Impressive Indianna / Vanderberg Amedeo Gorgeous EX-97

Give your herd a new look... It’s never been this easy! Gorgeous EX-97, 3x Grand Champion RAWF latest son is by the highly sought after Impressive Indianna (Renaissance from C Tops Impressive EX... The Grand Dam of Iatola Premier Sire at WDE). Gentrys full sister pictured below was All Canadian Junior heifer calf. Not just a new look, a new outlook!


Vandenberg Amedeo Gorgeous EX-97 3E 8-02 305 23,484 6.1% 1354 3.9% 886 lbs 3 times Grand Champion RAWF 2005, 2007 & 2009

Rapid Bay Indiana Grace All-Canadian Junior Heifer Calf 2011 1st Junior Heifer Calf RAWF 2011

Arethusa Jade Velocity Jade / Arethusa Responce Vivid EX-91 / Veronica 20J EX-97

Perhaps one of the most exciting new release sires in recent times. Velocity sired by Belles Jade from Responce Vivid Ex91. Grand Champion WDE and RAWF 2012. The daughter of Huronia Centurion Veronica EX-97, one of the most famous cows in the breed today. Early calves in North America are impressive! Remember great bulls come from great cows - Believe it!

Arethusa Responce Vivid EX-91 4.06 305 20,606 6.2% 1269 3.6% 735 lbs 1st 4yr & Grand Champion WDE & RAWF 2012

For a complete listing of all Rapid Bay Sires please contact the Alta office. SPECIAL OFFER


Order 50+ Doses of any Rapid Bay Sire and recieve a complimentary jacket! While stocks last!

Unit 11, 85-91 Keilor Park Drive, Tullamarine, VIC, 3043 tel: (03) 9330 3444 fax: (03) 9330 3144 email: julian.pick@altagenetics.com

Goulburn Murray Jersey Breeders Club President: Ron Baker (03) 5864 6246 Secretary: Margaret Cockerell (03) 5864 1133



GLENARRON JERSEYS Ron, Glenyss & Grant Baker 14 Hutchins Lane, Katunga (03) 58646246 glenarron@origin.net.au YENOLAM JERSEYS Neil, Wendy, Dick & Lyla 1119 Boals Rd Numurkah 3636 Ph (03) 5864 1064 Fax (03) 5864 1025 yenolam@iinet.net.au

FRESH START JERSEYS Toni Adams & Mark Norman Ph (03) 5865 5060 M 0427 229 505 YALCARA JERSEYS Peter & Lyn Sprunt 926 Sandmount Road Katunga 3640 (03) 5873 2583 yalcara@cnl.com.au



CAlf Show

LOXLEiGH JERSEYS Geoff Akers Victoria Rd Tallygaroopna 3634 (03) 5829 8478 geoffakers1@bigpond.com

WARRAiN JERSEYS John & Margaret Cockerell 1219 Rendells Rd Numurkah 3636 (03) 5864 1133 warrainjerseys@mcmedia.com.au

GLENFERN JERSEYS Peter & Bev Farrell 579 Healesville-Kooweerup Rd, Healesville 3777 M 0409 503 352 peter.farrell7@bigpond.com


KADDY JERSEYS Andrew Younger 50 Zeerust School Rd Zeerust 3634 (03) 5829 8352 motor5@bigpond.com www.jersey.com.au/ jweb/uploads/kaddy/ kaddy_intro.html

PiNNACLE PARK JERSEYS Darryn Smith 226 Crera Rd Invergordon 3636 M 0428 557 080 HOMELANDS JERSEYS Phil Hentschke & Warren Schutz 142 Youanmite Rd Invergordon 3636 (03) 5865 5171

Sunday 7th, April 2013 Numurkah Showgrounds

Entry Forms are available from

Margaret Cockerell Ph. 03 58641 133



New members welcome

GENTEEL JERSEYS Brad Adams 553B Mywee/Koonoomoo Rd Strathmerton 3641 (03) 5874 5388 genteeljerseys@hotmail.com

GARCOLA JERSEYS Gary & Christine Maddern 305 Kenny Rd Koonoomoo 3644 Ph 03 5873 2330 M 0417 898 340 maddern@adam.com.au WAiANiWA JERSEYS Lindsay Hamilton 1045 Hawkers Rd Nathalia 3636 (03) 5864 1380

KAARMONA JERSEYS Graeme & Robyn, Rohan & Claire Sprunt 228 & 235 Kaarimba Hall Rd Kaarimba 3635. (03) 5826 9506 kaarmona@bigpond.com HAZELVALE JERSEYS Jason Hayes M 0410 135 420

There were two Polls and a Scur… …two Polls and a Scur walk into a bar….the Barman takes one look at the Scur and says ‘we don’t serve your sort in here, we only serve Polls’… what’s the chances of that causing a blue? After all, you do have to be a Poll to be a Scur. Confused? You’re not on your own… As more and more polled dairy livestock begin to appear in paddocks around the countryside, many of us are going to see something we’ve never seen before- SCURS.

SCURS SCURS only appear on male cattle, and are a small visible growth on a polled bull’s head, which looks much the same in colour and texture as a flattened out horn. Unlike a horn though it is not fixed to the head, and can be moved around with the fingers, or knocked off completely during a bull fight. Bruce Cameron of Ardachie Jerseys in NZ says Scurs can be felt from an early age. ‘We’ve found with scurs on bulls you can often feel them developing from around a month of age. The tips of the scurs feel blunt. They usually emerge before 6 months of age.’ By the time the bull is a yearling the Scurs will be quite visible. In a recent article titled ‘ New Tools for Breeding Polled Holsteins’, by Assistant Professor of Genetics at Virginia Tech, (Virginia, USA), Ben Dorshorst PhD examined the ‘what and whys’ of Scurs. The article also included a discussion covering German researchers’ discovery of ‘Friesian and Celtic’ variants of polled within individual animals. Regarding scurs he writes ‘There is substantial diversity in horn shape and size in cattle breeds around the world, which indicates that there are many other loci that influence how horns grow. An example of another locus influencing horn growth in cattle is ‘scurs’, which are small loose horn growths. Scurs can only be seen when an animal is polled. It is well established that scurs are caused by a separate locus from the polled and that the sex of the animal influences the

24 Jersey Journal – March/April 2013

overall effect of the scurred mutation. Many horned animals likely carry the scurred mutation, although its effects are never seen due to a lack of the polled gene and the presence of horns, or if the animal was manually dehorned. Animals with scurs should still be classified as polled since these are two genetically distinct but phenotypically (physical appearance) related traits, and in order for scurs to be visually identified the animal also has to carry the polled mutation.’ CELTICS AND FRIESIANS Dorshorst, PhD also reports that though the polled locus was first mapped

in 1993, researchers were never ‘able to find genetic markers or a haplotype that was perfectly and uniquely associated with polled in all cattle breeds’. The discovery that two different mutations caused polled (Friesian and Celtic variants, with the Friesian variant so far only being found in the Holstein, Jersey and Witrug breeds, and the Celtic being predominate in European polled breeds), meant that ‘we now have a completely accurate test for identifying animals that are homozygous polled. These animals will give 100% polled offspring and the only way to identify them is with a long and costly progeny testing program, or with a genetic test.

Currently, the test is only available from GeneControl in Germany (see http://www.genecontrol.de/ ) he said. ‘This new test allows us to take a closer look at the different polled bloodlines within the Holstein breed, helping to differentiate the unique from the more common. We see that one type of polled dominates the current AI polled Holstein bull list, suggesting now is the time to pay attention to rare polled bloodlines before they are lost for good’ Dorshorst,PhD said. HANDS ON- the importance of proper identification and not relying on a pedigree alone. During a comparison of horned and polled Holstein contemporaries Dorshorst PhD notes that ‘a comparison of animals registered with the Holstein Assoc. USA by birth year (to 2011) found that in both male and female datasets ... polled animals have fluctuated from below to above the average PTA of horned animals at certain points in time. This is related to the low overall number of polled animals registered prior to the past 10/15 years. It is easy to see(on a graph) that as the number of registered polled Holsteins grows, the consistency of polled genetics evens out and the gap between polled and horned groups remains small or narrows.’ In 2011 there were 1045 polled females registered with the American Holstein Assoc., twice as many compared to 2009, however he notes ‘In actuality these numbers are likely underestimated due to polled status not always being properly designated at the time of registration’. This is a timely reminder for all dairy farmers and breeders that a most important on farm contribution can be made this year simply by running your hands over a new born calves’ head to feel for horns, especially if records of polled animals have not been kept in the past. Physical identification is paramount because unless one parent is certified Homozygous polled (PP) you CAN NOT tell if an animal is polled by pedigree alone. You must physically check for horns before any unnecessary dehorning takes place, thus confusing the issue. Animals are either polled or they are not, they can not be born with horns and carry the polled gene in their DNA, it is simply not possible. Early this year Dairy Australia, in conjunction with DPI Vic., began preparations for a project targeting genetic testing for polled dairy stock

here in Australia. Within just a few days members of Jersey Australia were able to locate (at time of writing) over 90 head of polled dairy stock available to participate in a future project. The number of head, which were located mostly in Victoria, surpassed expectations. It is hoped in the near future these organisations will also be able to illustrate various herd mating strategies, offering guidelines for first time polled genetic users.


Even if you do not currently herd test, or register animals, please record polled animals when you find them, because it’s not known what part that information may play in the future. With life long polled assessment and identification carried out during those crucial first few weeks , the polled genetic pool will become a better representation of the benefits possible from using polled genetics.

New sires continue to appear on bull lists, though demand is causing some availability variation.

Alta Genetics have two new polled bulls in the system Jer-z-boys Credibull-P-ET 011JE1164 GJPI (production index) of 215, GJUI (udders) 5.43, a Critic P x Maximum-ET, and Jer-z-boys Critique-P-ET 011JE1162 GJPI 201, GJUI 5.65, a Critic P x TBone) though they will not be available until later this year at the earliest, as they are 2012 born. Both bulls are JH1 Free.

New to the Greenbook (USA) Dec 2012 list is Jason Faria, with Faria Brothers Bananas-P 535JE007, GJPI 184, GJUI 4.62, also a Critic P X TBone. Bananas is JH1 Free also. SEMEX also later this year will have All Lynns Vapour-P-ET 200JE00205 available.He is a high milk (1621, fat 57 pro 51)Eclipes-P son out of the well known D & E Paramount Violet. His GJPI is 184, and GJUI 3.53.He is JH1 Free.

Internationally, polled stock continue to dominate the sale results pages, including only recently 5 doses of semen from a high genetic merit Homozygous Red Holstein young sire which sold for an incredible $10,000 per dose. All of the major companies operating in Australia now have Jersey polled sires on their lists, so ask your local rep for further details. If they can’t tell you what you need to know, keep asking!

Jersey Journal – March/April 2013 25

Goulburn Murray Jersey Breeders Club

ANNUAL CALF SHOW April 7th 2013 at the Numurkah Showgrounds


his annual event has been held for over 30 years and has been a great day for Jersey Breeders and their families and friends. The emphasis is on Junior Handlers with classes catering for all school age and preschool age children. These

Ellie Hourigan with Darryn Vale Marshal Junette.

young people are encouraged to help in the preparation of the animals to be shown, both on show day and before. Not only do we reward the winners but many encouragement prizes are given throughout the day. Breeders who do not have young family members to assist find neighbours or friends who have young families who would like to be involved. Schools with Agricultural programs have also become involved, which sees children from nonfarming backgrounds handling calves. The focus on our youth means that we see very few adults leading calves - except perhaps in the group classes. These young handlers who return year after year show development in their skills and to watch them vie with each other to win the Handler awards is the highlight of the Show. Handlers that we see at elite sales and major shows such as Ben Pedretti, Ellie Hourigan and Gavin Broad have all been successful at our Calf Show. There are “up and comers” such as Alex Smith and Billy Michael who are showing a lot of potential.

Isabel Michael with her calf, Mayberry Linda.

It is to this end of developing young people within the dairy industry and especially with an involvement with Jerseys that we select judges not only to provide insightful comments to our handlers but we also select some younger judges to help develop their skills.


ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW 6th - 14th SEPTEMBER 2013 – Overseas Judge – Increased prize money – One of Australia’s best shows For more information or prize schedules visit


or contact SA Branch secretary – Amy McDonald carcoolajersey@bigpond.com 26 Jersey Journal – March/April 2013

CAIRNBRAE JERSEYS e Meeting th… challenges


<<< CAIRNBRAE TBONE 88 points @ 2 years

1st 2 year old Colac OFC Champion 2 year old Great Southern Challenge Grand daughter: Cairnbrae Montana Daisy EXC 94pts In calf to TEQUILA



CAIRNBRAE TBONE 92 points @ 3 years

1st 3 year old Colac OFC Champion 3 year old Great Southern Challenge 1st 3 year old and Reserve Champion HICO All-Breeds OFC From the Benita’s at Claydon Park In calf to TEQUILA




1st 5 year old Colac OFC 5th 5 year old Great Southern Challenge The combination of CONNECTION and MONTANA In calf to VALENTINO


Daisy4 >>>

CAIRNBRAE ROCKETS EXCELLENT - 91 points 1st 6 year old Colac OFC ET sister 92 points In calf to VALENTINO


Alan and Janine Carson 80 McNabbs Road, Irrewillipe East, VIC 3249 Phone: 03 5235 3201 Email: janine.carson@activ8.net.au


Breeding Dairy cows is the goal

words: Lee-Ann Monks

Finding the right balance


ohan and Graeme Sprunt are successful Jersey and Holstein breeders: every year since 2007, at least one of the bulls they have bred has graduated with a first proof (with the exception of 2012). Despite their success and experience as breeders, they learnt the hard way not to put all their eggs in the one basket with young genomic bulls.

The brothers dairy at Kaarimba, near Shepparton in northern Victoria. They milk up to 330 cows, all registered Jerseys and Holsteins under the Kaarmona prefix. Rohan, who runs the breeding program, said their aim is to breed the most profitable cows they can for their system. “We are commercially focussed. We want to breed bigger Jerseys with higher milk production that will compete with our Holsteins,” Rohan said. They see genomics as a valuable tool to reduce the generation interval and speed up the rate of genetic gain. “We have been involved with genomics since 2009, when genetics companies first started testing young Holstein bulls. We could see the value in having an estimate of a young animal’s genetic merit. Since then we’ve had about 100 bulls and cows (Jerseys and Holsteins) tested,” he said. Rohan uses 70% proven bulls and 30% young genomic bulls over the herd. He usually uses about four proven bulls each for the Jerseys and Holsteins. But he has learnt from experience to spread the risk and use a limited number of straws from several young genomic bulls, although he still takes some risk when flushing high genomic tested heifers to genomic bulls. “When young genomic bulls first became available I really liked the sound of a Holstein bull from overseas who ranked very high in the US so I ordered 25 straws,” he said. “We ended up with six heifers from that bull, and they are just completing their first lactation. Unfortunately he has not lived up to expectation.” From within 25 Holstein heifers, the four remaining today have an average production index (PI) of 86. Only one Pictured L-R: Rohan (holding Jorja), Ruby (front), Claire, Ella, Graeme (back), Robyn & Jack

28 Jersey Journal – March/April 2013

will be used to breed from; she has a PI of 101. Having that many heifers from the one disappointing bull has created quite a hole in the herd.” In hindsight, Rohan says he made two mistakes, which he will not make again. “First of all I placed too much trust in an overseas genomic evaluation. It didn’t allow for how the bull’s daughters would perform under Australian conditions. “And secondly we put too many eggs in the one basket. Young genomic bulls are not yet proven, so their reliability is less than proven bulls. Rather than choosing one young genomic bull we now use a team of four or five to spread the risk,” he said. The following season, Rohan set a policy of buying a maximum of 15 straws from any single young genomic bull. “That year we used about five straws each from four young genomic bulls out of an Australian company and ended up with one heifer each from three of those bulls. If one of the bulls turns out to be a dud, it won’t have as much impact on the herd. As it turns out, all the heifers are doing OK, although there are no standouts either.”

“We are commercially focussed. We want to breed bigger Jerseys with higher milk production that will compete with our Holsteins,” Last season when young genomic Jersey bulls came on the market, Rohan purchased up to 15 straws each from six young genomic bulls. “It’s too early to see the results yet but we are comfortable that we have found the balance between taking advantage of the latest genetics while spreading the risk,” Rohan said. Michelle Axford from the Australian Dairy Herd Improvement Scheme (ADHIS) said that Rohan’s approach should achieve a good balance. “The reliability of ABV(g)s for young bulls is less than that of proven bulls. But genomics more than doubles the reliability of breeding values for young bulls, compared to an estimated value based on pedigree information along,” Michelle said. Genomic breeding values – ABV(g)s – are now available for nearly 40 traits.

“Used correctly this information will help you breed the cow you want, faster and with more confidence. But always use a combination of proven and young bulls. And spread your risk by purchasing limited number of straws of several bulls rather than putting all your eggs in the one basket.” Michelle said ABV(g)s were the best estimate of a young bull’s performance in Australia because the evaluation draws on performance data from the Australian herd. “The calculation is based upon results from genomic testing and pedigree data and linked to a strong reference population of animals whose performance is well known in Australia,” she said. For more information contact Michelle Axford, ADHIS Extension and Education Manager, ph 0427 573 330 email maxford@adhis.com.au or www.adhis.com.au


The #1 gAPR Australian sire – VAVOOM Since the release of genomics on Australian Jersey sires in August, the one bull that has been on everyone’s lips is VAVOOM. Coming from the heart of the Vanessa cow family and backed by his superior sire stack (Valerian x Manhattan x FLOWERPOWER), it’s no surprise this #1gAPR sire’s calved daughters are turning heads around the country. His daughters are recognized as functional, hard-working dairy cows which will be farmer favourites for many years to come. VAVOOM is your complete dairy strength package, excelling in teat length, centre ligament, angularity, udder texture and overall type. Don’t get left behind in the race, add some VAVOOM to your breeding program today! The #1 JPI American sire – VERNON By ABS Global Jersey Sire Analyst, Dick Smith VERNON’S two grand-dams are Tenn Haug Maid Ex (93%) and D&E Abe Violet Ex (90%).VERNON’s three nearest dams are all Excellent. Maid is the greatest source of fat test and fat yield to ever impact the Jersey breed in North America. MAXIMUM is Maid’s highest JPI son and not simply a bull that has held up over time, but rather a bull that has far exceeded early expectations. Because MAXIMUM was so well known for high fertility sorted semen there has been little conventional semen used, and therefore too few MAXIMUM sons have been sampled. The Violet cow family is currently having a greater genomic impact on milk production than any other Jersey cow family. VERNON is one of the early sons of Paramount Violet to have a nationwide progeny based proof. The international #1 highest selling sire – PREMIER PREMIER by name, premier by nature! With impressive daughters now freshening in the USA, this genomic superstar is demonstrating that his proof is in his pudding. Hailing from the next breed matriarch Hawarden Jace Pix EX-95, it was no surprise PREMIER became the

highest selling sire in the USA in 2011. Pix is the highest appraised cow in the top 1.5% gJPI of the breed and is preceded by two generations of Excellent. Working on her sixth lactation at seven years of age, Pix knows what production and longevity is all about. Sired by Impuls, PREMIER’s popularity will result in there being thousands of milking daughters around the world that excel in stature, foot angle and all udder traits. Also available sexed.

Hawarden Jace Pix Ex95

Based in Albury, NSW, ABS Australia is a subsidiary of Genus plc, the largest

supplier of bovine genetics and related reproductive products in the world. For further information please contact Dairy Product Manager Tim Weller on 0407 231 464 or Tim.Weller@genusplc.com

Jersey Journal – March/April 2013 29



AUSTRALIA 2013 You are invited to join in the whole or part of the forthcoming visit by the World Jersey Cattle Bureau to Australia in May 2013.

Places are limited you must register by

31 March 2013 For more information and registration forms visit the Jersey Australia website

www.jersey.com.au Call Robyn Barber on

0418 656 082 or contact the Jersey Australia office

9370 9105


on (03)

30 Jersey Journal – March/April 2013

NSW – 9 to 12 May – visiting Sydney, Camden, Nowra and Wollongong

VICTORIA – 12 to 22 May – visiting the Yarra Valley, Inverloch, Melbourne, Ballarat and Echuca

• 13 days visiting Australian Jersey Farms and leading specialists such as Dr Jude Capper, David Nation and Dr Ben Hayes talk about Jersey and pasture genomics and carbon management • The opportunity to network and create many new friendships. If you are time prohibited there is also the possibility of shorter packages at various locations during the trip for between 1 night and 3 nights.

The Wallace Family are sad to announce that early in the New Year we farewelled our dear Old Melaine who had reached the ripe old age of 20 years. We would like to acknowledge Dennison Park who bred this great cow. Also Allan Blum who went through the catalogue with us prior to the Dennison Park Dispersal Sale. Her impact on our herd has been immeasurable and we feel privelaged to have owned her.


2013 IDW JERSEY SHOWCASE SALE by Dairy Livestock Services The CSC sponsored IDW Jersey Showcase Sale topped at $6100 for the outstanding 15 month old heifer Bralock Merchant Merle from B & J Gavenlock of Berry, NSW. This daughter of the Sydney Royal Junior Champion and grand-daughter of former IDW Grand Champion Edi Merle 137 sold to J & T Phillips of Toowoomba, Qld. Next top of $6000 was paid for the high genomic heifer Cairnbrae Valentino Daisy, backed by several generations of EX dams she sold from A & J Carson to a 4 Way Syndicate of Tasmanian and Victorian Breeders. Next best price of $4250 was paid by Jackiah Jerseys of Irrewippe for the in milk heifer Broadlin Bubbles 2744 from L & L Boad. $4100 was reached three times for Jugiong Eran 6434 to F Walsh, Tongala, Homelands Astound Silvermine 4, who had won Reserve Champion of the IDW All Breeds Youth Show and Nimerald Gun Nancy, a six month old heifer by Hired Gun to Green Pines Jerseys. 16 Jerseys av $3316

SALE DETAILS: Lot 1 Cairnbrae Valentino Daisy, $6000, Merseybank Jerseys, Latrobe TAS. Lot 2 Bralock Merchant Merle, $6100, Jason Phillips, Toowoomba, QLD. Lot 3 Wallacedale Parade Melanie 2, $3500, T Saunders & A Day, Shady Creek. Lot 4 Package of 5 Embryos, $2500 package, A

Top priced lot Bralock Merchant Merle sold for $6100. Pictured with the heifer are (l-r) Brian Leslie (DLS), Tanya Lambert (purchaser), Toowoomba, Qld, and vendors Brad and Jess Gavenlock, Berry, NSW.

Pictured with Cairnbrae Valentino Daisy the 2nd top priced lot at $6000 are (l-r) Geoff Hazelwood (purchaser), Latrobe, Tas., Alan Carson (vendor), Colac, Vic., Brian Leslie (auctioneer) and handler Brad Gavenlock.

Harrison, Nerrena. Lot 5 Broadlin Bubbles 2744, $4250, Simon Reid, Irrewillippe. Lot 6 Jugiong Eran 6434, $4100, Frank Walsh, Tongala. Lot 7 Homelands Astound Silvermine 4, $4100, Mark Mangold, Regentville, NSW. Lot 8 Package of 5 A Grade Embryos (Passed In). Lot 9 Jackiah Elton Primrose 2670, $3000, Coolibah Dairies, Nathalia. Lot 10 Nimerald Gun Nancy, $4100, Greg Bryce, Nullawarre. Lot 11 Kaarmona Eclipes Babe 190, $2000, Bev Edwards, Corryong. Lot 12 Kaarmona Vanahlem Babe 195 (Passed In). Lot 13 Kaddy Sandy Primrose 3, $2000, Coolibah Dairies, Nathalia. Lot 14 Kaddy Primal Buttercup (Passed In). Lot 15 Homelands Eltons Yolanda, $2600, L&L Broad, Lockington. Lot 16 Salvation Comerica Melys, $2000, Maraglen Jerseys, Venus Bay. Lot 17 Salvation Comerica Imogen, $2700, WJ & RM Rundle, Terang. Lot 18 Kaarmona Bellestone Marie 79, $2000, D Hourigan, Milawa. Lot 19 Homelands Governors Evelyn, $2100, NW & AL Chilcott, Montana. TAS. SEMEN: Lester Sambo, $2200 package, JA Haebich, Tailem Bend, SA; Highland Duncan, $625, Glen Davis, Lockyer Valley, QLD; JS Quicksilver Royal, $120, Michael Perry, Neerim South; Meadowlawn J Imperial, $400, Noel Furze, Kyabram; Valleystream JIS Juno, $200, Aaron Salway, Bega; Sproslea Hi Lindan, $390, Michael Perry, Neerim South; Hasty River Roslyn Sultan, $280, Maraglen Jerseys, Venus Bay

Jersey Journal – March/April 2013 31

2013 IDW JERSEY SHOW Wednesday 23 January, 2013 - Tatura Showgrounds, VIC Judge: Johannes van Eeden (South Africa)

5th: Southern Star Governor Viola (Griffens Governor, Southern Star)

Heifer Dry born January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011 – 1st: Shirlinn JS Silkie (Brunchilli Jades Storm, B & V Wilson & Family) - 2nd: Brunchilli Giller Marcia (Shamrock Giller, Brunchilli Jerseys) 3rd: Bralock Kenedys Kookie (Brunchilli Domenic Levi, B & J Gavenlock) - 4th: Kings Ville Marie 65 (Maack Dairy Region, R & K Anderson) - 5th: Adadale Action Passion (Forest len Avery Action, David Weel) Heifer Dry born July 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 – 1st: Bushlea Action Fernleaf 11 (Forest Glen Avery Action, Bushlea Farms) - 2nd: Regal Park OnTime Laramie (Lencrest OnTime, Ashleigh Mayo) - 3rd: Homelands Ringmaster Silvermine (Family Hill Ringmaster, Hentschke & Schutz) - 4th: Glencraig Intgold Rose (Glencraig Golden, Steven Salway) 5th: Riverside Fires Ivy (BW Surefire, Riverside Jersey)

Supreme Jersey – Riverside Country Lollypop (BW Country) Riverside Jerseys.

Heifer born on or after July 1, 2012 – 1st: Cedar Vale Excitation Maggie (Bridon Excitation, Cedar Vale Jerserys) 2nd: Rivendell Tammys Request (Rapid Bay Request, Rivendell Jerseys) 3rd: Maple Gum Bubbles (Southern Star Mr Vigilance, W & R Rundle) 4th: Broadlin Bubbles 2965 (Elton, L & L Broad) - 5th: Kings Ville Heatherbell 16-P (Maack Dairy Eclipes, R & K Anderson)

Heifer born January 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012 – 1st: Shirlinn Tequila Wren (Tower Vue Prime Tequila, B & V Wilson & Family) - 2nd: Rivendell Getaway Passion (Rapid Bay Getaway, Rivendell Jerseys & Matt

Templeton) - 3rd: Salvation Reagan Belle (Rapid Bay Reagan, Salvation Jerseys) 4th: Brunchilli Getaway Priscilla (Rapid Bay Getaway, Brunchilli Farming Trust) - 5th: Homelands Goals Opal 4 (Cozz Mar TJ Goal, Hentschke & Schutz)

Heifer born July 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 – 1st: Shirlinn Tequila Snowflake (Tower Vue Prime Tequila, B & V Wilson & Family) - 2nd: Rivendell Tequila Violet (Tower Vue Prime Tequila, Rivendell Jerserys) - 3rd: Bralock Merchant Merle (Sunset Canyon Merchant, J & T Philips) - 4th: Glencraig Jarrod Canary 5167 (Wallacedale Jarrod, Steven Salway) -

AGRI-GENE would like to congratulate Jersey Breeders; Corey & Karin Couch of Riverside Jerseys, Vic on their recent Senior, Grand & Best Udder Champion Jersey Cow success with Riverside Country Lollypop – EX93 at IDW 2013. Lollypop is the much admired dam of Agri-Gene Gold Label bull; Riverside EXCITEMENT, sired by Bridon Excitation. Excitement’s Style and Dairy Strength combined with Lollypop’s phenomenal will to milk and superb udder is backed by 6 Generations of Excellent pure production cows who will compliment any breeding program; (EX93 x EX91 x EX90 x EX90, EX90 x EX92). Semen on Excitement is now available.

32 Jersey Journal – March/April 2013

Phone: (03) 5722 2666

JUNIOR CHAMPION Bushlea Action Fernleaf 11 (Forest Glen Avery Action, Bushlea Farms) RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION Shirlinn JS Silkie (Brunchilli Jades Storm, B & V Wilson & Family) HONOURABLE MENTION Regal Park OnTime Laramie (Lencrest OnTime, Ashleigh Mayo)

Heifer Dry born January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010 – 1st: Homelands Ringmaster Neroli (Family Hill Ringmaster, Hentschke & Schutz) - 2nd: Sunshine Farm Duchess 7 (Yellow Briar Heaths Guapo, NR & JM McDonald) - 3rd: Bluechip Comerica Babe (Bridon Remake Comerica, Windy Ways Jerseys) - 4th: Lara BBC Lassie 44 (Bushlea Brooks Connection, Foleama Jerseys) Jersey Futurity- Judge Brian Leslie 1st - Brunchilli Greta Eileen (Brunchilli Jerseys) 2nd - Riverside Ressurection Patricia (Riverside Jerseys) 3rd - Boadlin Vanessa 2701. (L & L Broad)

3 years old in milk class at IDW 2013.

Heifer 2 yrs in Milk born July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011 – 1st: Rivendell Sambo Halle (Lester Sambo, Rivendell Jerseys) - 2nd: Riverside GG Noelene (Griffens Governor, Riverside Jerserys) 3rd: Brunchilli Iatola Ruby (SC Gpid Dust Paramount Iatola, Brunchilli Farming Trust) - 4th: Jugiong Damsel 6193 (Riverside Spirit, W & P Nicholson & Family) 5th: Loxleigh Resurection Peace (Rapid Bay Resurection, G & N Akers)

Heifer 2½yrs in Milk born January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 – 1st: Riverside Rumors Ginger (Rapid Bay Reagan, Riverside Jerseys) - 2nd: Brunchilli Request Belle (Rapid Bay Request, Brunchilli Farming Trust) - 3rd: Hazel Vale Sultan Mermaid (SHF Centurion Sultan, Hazel Vale) - 4th: Cedar Vale Parade Pet (BW Parade, Cedar Vale Jerseys) -

5th: Homelands Astound Silvermine 2 (Mollybrook Berretta Fabulous, Hentschke & Schutz)

Cow Junior 3yrs in Milk born July 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 – 1st: Prom View Jenny 170 (Lencrest Blackstone, View Fort, Empire & Merseybank Jerseys) 2nd: Riverside Ressurection Patricia (Rapid Bay Ressurection, Riverside Jerseys) - 3rd: Rivendell Iatola Passion (SC Gold Dust Paramount Iatola, Rivendell Jerseys) - 4th: Southern Star Very Nice (Bridon Remake Comerica, Southern Star) - 5th: Glenall Farm Valerian Rose (Kaarmona Valerian, Salvation Jerserys)

Cow Senior 3yrs in Milk bor n January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 – 1st: Shirlinn Free Dawn (Bushlea Freeagent, B & V Wilson & Family) - 2nd: A-Class Senior Rarity (Pine

Judge Johannes Van Eeden, with Clayton Bawden, Iona, Vic, and Fiona Hanks, Alta Genetics, presenting the Juvenile Champion Heifer ribbon.

Haven Senior, A Gavenlock & M Crittenden) - 3rd: Stoneleigh Park BR Graceful (Stoneleigh Park Belles Renaissance, Foleama Jerseys) 4th: Foleama Comerica Rose 3 (Bridon Remake Comerica, Foleama Jerserys) - 5th: Fleurieu Mellow 19 (Fleurieu Sebastian, WindyWays & Froglands Jerserys) INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION Prom View Jenny 170 (Lencrest Blackstone, View Fort, Empire & Merseybank Jerseys) RESERVE INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION Riverside Rumors Ginger (Rapid Bay Reagan, Riverside Jerseys) HONOURABLE MENTION Rivendell Sambo Halle (Lester Sambo, Rivendell Jerseys)

Reserve Champion Juvenile Heifer, with judge Johannes Van Eeden, handler Cameron Yarnold, Wingham,NSW and Fiona Hanks, Alta Genetics, presenting the award. Jersey Journal – March/April 2013 33

Intermediate Champion with judge Johannes Van Eeden, Matthew Pedersen, Rural Co Southern manager, and handler Matt Templeton, Meeniyan, Vic.

Class 12 cow 4yrs in Milk born July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008 – 1st: Riverside Colettes Covergirl (Bridon Remake Comerica, Riverside Jerseys) 2nd: Brunchilli Visionary Cher (Rivendell Visionary, GG & JD McPhee) - 3rd: Shirlinn Connection Priscilla (Giprat Belles Connection, B & V Wilson & Family) 4th: Almervista Van Ginger (Vanahlem, L & L Broad) - 5th: Boggabilla Lorna D56 (Griffens Governor, W & R Rundle)

Cow 5yrs in Milk born July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008 – 1st: Riverside Country Lollypop (BW Country, Riverside Jerseys) - 2nd: Brunchilli Guapo Clau (Yellow Briar Heaths Guapo, A Gavenlock & M Crittenden) - 3rd: Rye Valley Comerica Bianca (Bridon Remake Comerica, R & H Perrett) 4th: Bralock Imperial Merle (Meadow Lawn J Imperial, B & J Gavenlock) 5th: Bushlea Julian Favorite (Valleystream Julian, Bushlea Farms) Cow 6yrs in Milk born July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 – 1st: Homelands Sleeping Beauty (Rock Ella Paramount, Hentschke & Schutz) - 2nd: Shirlinn Icy Eve (Kendale Big Time Ice, B & V Wilson & Family) -

Reserve Intermediate led by Karen Couch Nirranda, Vic, judge Johannes Van Eeden and Matthew Pedersen, Rural Co, placing the sash.

3rd: Misty Glen Flowers Charade Daydream (Misty Glen Flowers Charade, Windy Ways Jerseys) 4th: Jugiong Rhonda 5433 (Mollybrook Berretta Fabulous, W & P Nicholson & Family) 5th: Jackiah Marvig Mimosa 2337 (Kaarmona Marvig, S Reid & B Egan)

Cow 7yrs & over in Milk born prior to July 1, 2006 – 1st: Minstonette Blacky Vickie 60 (Blackys Big Time, J & K Sykes) - 2nd: Brunchilli SSB Tammy (Lucernvale Stevie B, Rivendell Jerseys & Matt Templeton) - 3rd: Brunchilli Sambo Priscilla 2 (Lester Sambo, Brunchilli Farming Trust) - 4th: Leviticus LFS Neroli (Leviticus F Sampson, Hentschke & Schutz) - 5th: Ingalala Biestar Jess 2 (Bushlea Brook Biestar, Hazel Vale) BEST UDDER Riverside Country Lollypop (BW Country, Riverside Jerseys)

Senior Champion and Supreme Jersey exhibit with Trevor Saunders, Athlone, Vic, Milton Johnston, Taree, NSW, Corey and Karen Couch, Nirranda, Vic and judge Johanne Van Eeden.

34 Jersey Journal – March/April 2013

CHAMPION COW Riverside Country Lollypop (BW Country, Riverside Jerseys) RESERVE CHAMPION COW Riverside Colettes Covergirl (Bridon Remake Comerica, Riverside Jerseys) HONOURABLE MENTION Minstonette Blacky Vickie 60 (Blackys Big Time, J & K Sykes) SUPREME CHAMPION Riverside Country Lollypop (BW Country, Riverside Jerseys) PREMIER BREEDER - Brunchilli Family Trust PREMIER EXHIBITOR - B & V Wilson & Family ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD - Gavin Broad

Reserve Senior Champion cow at IDW 2013, juge Johanne Van Eeden, South Africa, Alex Walker, Semex, and exhibitors Corey and Karen Couch, Nirranda, Vic.

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