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She sells…

Shirlinn Grand Rumour Imp

Junction dtr sells…

Shirlinn Governor Eve VG88 (max)

She sells…

Shirlinn Free Dawn EX91

Ontime dtrs sell in-milk… Shirlinn Caesar Starfinch EX92

Photos: Rumour - Bradley Cullen, Eve & Starfinch - Dean Malcolm, Dawn - Ross Easterbrook

She sells in-milk… Shirlinn Tequila Snowflake

She sells…

Shirlinn Tequila Starbright 3

Vanahlem sister sells… Applejack dtr sells… Shirlinn ILB Babe EX91

Futurity Daydream EX92

Photos: Snowflake - Ross Easterbrook, Starbright & Daydream - Bradley Cullen, Babe - Dean Malcolm

She could be ThE bEsT 2yr old To sEll at public auction in Australia in recent years!

Bralock Mexicano Merle

1st Junior 2yr International Dairy Week 2014 & pulled for Intermediate Champion.

2nd NSW Jersey State Show 2013 (fresh 2 weeks) Reserve Junior Champion Sydney Royal 2013 Dam: Nadine Merle VG-87 /Barber Merle VG-87 / Edi Merle 137 EX 92

She Sells!

She Sells!

Bralock Tequila Merle 6th Yearling IDW 2014 1st NSW State Jersey Show 2013

Dam: Bralock Imperial Merle Ex-91 2nd Dam: EDI Merle 137 EX SUP 92 Grand Champion IDW & Best Udder 2005

She Sells!

She Sells!

Cherrylock Caramac

IMP-ET Dam: Greenlea Redman Cara-Red-ET VG-88 EX-MS Res Grand Champion, KS Spring Show 2008 $110,000 Top Price at KS Spring Sale 2008

Sire: Secure-Red 2nd Dam: Yursden Kite Caramac-Red EX-92

8th Yearling IDW 2014 Res Junior Champion NSW State Jersey Show 2013 Res Champion NSW State Youth Show 2013 2nd Melbourne Royal & Adelaide Royal 2013 Dam: Bralock Imperial Merle Ex-91 2nd Dam: EDI Merle 137 EX SUP 92 Grand Champion IDW & Best Udder 2005

World Champion Red-Holstein 2007 1st 4yr & GRAND CHAMPION R&W WDE 2006


She Sel

Bralock TQ Miss Merle

Budjon-Val Tequila Mascara

WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY! Mascara could be one of the hottest heifers to hit the ring in America this year with some of America’s best cow men already admiring Mascara in the barns at Budjon Farms. She will be one to watch out for this spring, summer & at Expo. She is potential 11 generations excellent from the GREAT “M” family at RATLIFF, PLEASANT NOOK & now BUDJON!

Dam: Ratliff Remake Morgan Ex 91

10 Generations EXCELLENT! 2013 Reserve All American Senior Three-Year-Old 6th International Jersey Futurity, 2013

What an Opportunity!

** We offer you the opportunity to purchases a half share in Mascara. She is currently housed at Budjon farm & is on target to hit the show ring very soon.**

artwork: Hayley menzies - pHotos: Bradley Cullen, CyBil FisHer - masCara, rinG pHotos: dianna malColm

Royal Edition Sale



Brad & Jessica Gavenlock

Mobile: 0437 299 205 Email: bralock1@bigpond.com

words: Michael Porteus

Jersey bull helps build a new Atkins herd at Dorrigo DORRIGO farmer Simon Atkins (right) is building the foundations for a long-term career in dairying with strategies including introducing quality Jersey cattle into the herd of 140 he milks with his father Dennis.


wenty-three-year-old Simon grew up on the family dairy farm on the Dorrigo plateau 65km west of Coffs Harbour on the New South Wales north coast, where his family ran Holsteins. He is a fourth-generation dairy farmer and has always loved cattle. He spent many childhood hours helping with the milking, feeding the calves and following his grandfather Kevin. After completing his Higher School Certificate, he worked on the farm while doing a dairy traineeship at Tocal, and then a Diploma of Agriculture through TAFE NSW. He made a decision with his father in 2009 to introduce Jerseys, establishing his own Oakleigh Downs Jersey Stud. Simon began with a small number of Jerseys carefully selected from studs around NSW, and then chose bulls to use on-site to compliment his artificial breeding program. He puts his Jersey bull over all of his heifers to enable easier calving. He says he’s breeding for increased milk production as well as type. He wants his cattle to be competitive in the show ring. He uses sires including Vanhalem, Astound, Headline and Legal. He recently purchased the bull Gold Label Dream Boy from Shirlinn Jerseys stud at Tamworth, 200km south-west of Dorrigo on the NSW northern tablelands. Simon is part of the Atkins family which has long been prominent in northern NSW dairying. He is related to Shirley Wilson from Shirlinn, who was an Atkins when she married Lindsay Wilson, and Simon was happy to purchase their bull. He s slowly building up his Jerseys numbers. The farm’s herd is now about 40 per cent Jersey and 60 per cent Holsteins or Holstein-Jersey cross. The Atkins’ home farm is 220 acres on flat arable country with volcanic-derived clay soils. They lease a further 500 acres of adjoining and nearby land. They milk

in a ten-a-side herringbone dairy and supply the Lismore-based northern NSW farmer co-op NORCO. Although Simon grew up with Holsteins, he saw plenty of Jerseys at local shows, where he first became involved as a young helper to Wayne Burley of Moonpah Jersey Stud. He later participated in Sydney Royal Easter Show junior dairy judging competitions. Simon is now a member of the Beautizone Jersey Breeders Club, and enters the club’s on-farm challenges and calf days. He is working towards classifying and registering all of his Jerseys. His Jerseys have also been successful at the Dorrigo and Bellingen shows. His current favourite show cow is Shirlinn Brett Moya. Simon likes the temperament of his Jerseys. He says they are always the first to get to the paddocks, and first back to the dairy. “In the hot weather, the Holsteins are in the shade first,” he says “In the cold weather, they are looking for shelter out of the cold wind, but you’ll see the Jerseys still out there grazing.” The Dorrigo plateau is usually among the wettest places in NSW, and is famed for the beef and potatoes produced on its red volcanic soils, as well as its heritage rainforests. It can receive up to 250mm of rain in a day. The misty and wet conditions of Dorrigo can make it difficult to manage calves, but Simon has developed techniques to reduce illness and losses, and ensure a sustainable replacement heifer program. The Atkins’ farm has concrete laneways, but the rest can get boggy in the wet. “The cows don’t really like walking in the mud all the time,” Simon says. His Jerseys handle it better than his black and whites, and have fewer problems with sore feet, but even the Jerseys can get sick of the mud during wet weather.

The farm grows a mix of rye grass, clover and brassica for grazing and silage. Despite usually reliable rain, in 2013 Dorrigo suffered the same dry winter which led to bushfire emergencies in other parts of NSW. Silage made on the farm early in the year supplemented pasture grazing during the dry spring. Simon has bought registered Jerseys from breeders around NSW. He says he doesn’t buy the most expensive Jerseys, but tries to buy good cow families from good studs. His approach is to “look through the catalogue first and pick out a few, and then when you are at the auction or the farm, you pick them out with visuals.” Features he looks for include structure and size, but he also relies on a “sort of a gut feeling”. He began having his Jerseys classified last year, and says it was an eye-opener. “It’s really good to talk to the classifier,” he says. “They are always a really good judge, and they go through what you need to improve in a cow or what you should be putting over that cow to try to get a 90-point calf out of her.” Simon also learns from talking to other farmers. He is aiming for stock more like the big American Jerseys. “I just like a larger-framed cow,” he says. Simon knows every cow in their herd. He says visitors are shocked that he can recognise an individual cow from way down in the paddock, and can recall their breeding details from memory. But few would be surprised to hear that his long-term ambitions include wanting to breed a Sydney show winner. “That’s a long way off I think,” he says.

Jersey Journal – March/April 2014 19

words: Kerry McGarvie


P is for Polled. Or it was.

The power of the ‘P’ is long lived and all important.


for Performance and Potential. The three sires that lead the polled resergence, now three years ago, where Eclipes-P, Pro-P and Critic-P, and then not long after an Australain progeny test sire was just hitting the AI tanks, called AussieGold-P . So where are they now? Eclipes-P (7J860) was described by Russell Gammon (Semex) as the bull that ‘opened the door’for polled genetics. Now, in 2013 his offspring are starting to enter dairys in Australia for the first time, and there seems no doubt, he is a crowd pleaser.In either registered herds or unregistered herds, comments have been very complimentary. He has excelled in highly successful herds and in low profile herds a like, in shows and On Farm Challenges, in high profile multivendor sales or farm dispersal sales, and in herd recording PI’s (Production Index). Worldwide, he has over 1280 daughters in his proof. Sired by popular sire in his day Action, and combined with a female line tracing all the way back to the famous Duncan Belle, Eclipes-P has for

20 Jersey Journal – March/April 2014

ever smashed the myth that polled bulls can’t be any good. Pro-P (0200JE00338), who’s dam was also sired by a much sort after sire in his time- Jace, Pro-P is sired by Nathan and has a granddam that topped the milk charts in her day. He graduated at #15, and soon moved into the top 5 sires in Canada for Protein Kgs. By Aug 2013 he climbed another 2 places, now the number 3 sire for Protein Kgs, sitting below only Impuls and Fair, and above Kyros, Legal, and Louie. His milk volume there has changed little and he remains above known bulls such as Kyros, Galaxies Celebrity, BW Country and Jace for milk volume. His production is his strength, with ME (Mature Equivalent) yields for Milk showing 8071 KGs. Pro-P’s Official Canadian type proof may not fit into every program (though his US proof is more agreeable), but with his earliest Australain daughters due to calve 2014, it is yet to be seen if the proof is reflected here. Critic-P (011JE01098) is possibly already as well known as Eclipes-P and he was only born in 2010. He is another Myth Buster, proving polled sires can be high indexing sires as well, and produce

Thank Goodness for Breed Organisations! Living in a digital world we are becoming increasingly aware of just how vulnerable the integrity and accuracy of the information we use and value everyday is. With the click of mouse and a simple download, what was valued and relevant to one person, is often now controlled by another.

even higher indexing sons. His daughters also rank highly within the 637 offspring already recorded (no milking daughters yet). A Legal son of a Mygent-P x Hallmark dam, breeder Jim Huffard explains the family has been a long time favorite at the stud and decends from a family already known to Australain farmers in Schultz Perfoming Legend. He said recently “Critic-P is changing the heads of the Jersey breed. It appears, at least genomicly, that he is one of the first high ranking polled bulls. He will have numerous sons entering AI service in the very near future that are polled. It is a luxury when one can improve the productive and conformation traits in the next generation while, at the same time, have them polled. Critic-P’s cow family has been here for decades. Schultz Legend Chill, one of the early Legend daughters and a top 10 finalist in the leading lifetime production list in her day, is the 6th dam behind Critic-P. This cow family produced some large framed, open cows with a tremendous will to milk. The grandam of Critic-P is Schultz Hallmark Chill EX94% with a string of records over 22,000 actual in 305 days. Hopefully Critic-P will

transmit the outstanding qualities of this cow family.” He added it was encouraging to see Critic-P daughters achieving such high prices, and that their own oldest Critic-P daughters were now joined, “so we are anxious to observe their performance.” he said. Critic-P has been used in top studs in Australia aswell, and CSCBoorowa will be one of the first sons to enter AI here, currently showing excellent ABV(g)s for Overall Type, Mammary System and Stature and good Workability’s, together with an APR of 158. AussieGold (P), the popular young PT sire son of the Great Southern Challenge winner and Vanahlem sired Broadlin Constance 2565(P), is described by Genetics Australia’s Rob Derksen as looking like “he could end up being one of Australia’s best ever Jersey genetics exports.” He confirmed the young sire will soon be available in the US through Taurus as part of their ‘New Age’ sires’ brand. He said “Taurus has recently selected a group of Australian genomic bulls and AUSSIEGOLD was the first Jersey bull selected. His outcross pedigree for US dairymen, his depth of cow family, well balanced production proof, Overall Type including his strength and capacity and also of great appeal is the fact he carries the Poll gene. Semen is currently being qualified to be sent to the US and is expected to be available in early 2014”. But it doesn’t end there, there is more good news heading AussieGolds’ way. “Following the visit by delegates from the World Jersey Cattle Bureau to Genetics Australia’s EU semen collection

facility at Bacchus Marsh in May 2013 AUSSIEGOLD impressed UK Cogent representatives and they selected AUSSIEGOLD to be made available to UK dairy farmers. New Zealand delegates were also impressed with the bull and semen will be collected and will be sent to both countries in early 2014 A large order has also been recently received from Uruguay and together with other proven Jersey bulls will be qualified and also be sent in early 2014. Of course he has also proven to be popular in Australia in 2013 and I am hoping we can also confirm an order soon for South Africa. AUSSIEGOLD – Broadlin Aussiegold P is currently the highest APR polled sire in Australia and looks set to go down in the history books as yet another very popular and influential polled sire.


for Price!! Only a small amount of polled stock have come on to the market in Australia, but prices hit $6000 at the 2013 Northern Lights Sale for Kings Ville Lassie 20-P, a much admired Eclipes-P heifer from JeRessurection dam Kings Ville Lassie 16-P EXC93. For polls in numbers, the dispersal sale of the Yorks family ‘Almervista Jerseys’ in 2012 was also a highlight with approx. 15 polls being catalogued and selling to demand from across the country, as did a smaller number of polled progeny at the Wallacedale Future Fortunes Sale in May 2012. In the US and Europe though it is a different story. The prices in particular for Polled Holsteins (now reaching in to

the $100,000’s regularly), recognising the enormous scale of potential sales, is staggering. Even so, it is often the polled Jerseys however being fought over in bidding wars won by Holstein breeders, keen to get a slice of action in the breed trending upwards for demand and popularity. Polled price highlights in Sale results in the US and in Europe in the last 18 months include; • in Europe, Claire Swale reports prices have been between EUR 20,000 and EUR 55, 000 , which was the top priced lot (Hols), a Colt-P female from the ‘Barbie’ family at the Holland Masters Sale. Top ranked Holstein females of their breed, not just as Polls, are now bringing in the multiple $100,000s in the US.


in the US Holstein breeders and poll Jersey breeders a like have pushed polled Jersey females to the top prices at sales -at the AJCA National Sale, a Critic-P daughter, $26,000 sold to Hols.breeder Matt Steiner of “Pine Tree’ Holsteins. Others –a Louie sold for $7750, another Critic-P $6100 at the same sale. Top price at the Ohio Spring Production sale, $14,000 and at another Scenic Veiw Critic Navara Maid 1-ET topped the Ohio Spring Classic Sale at $22,000. Polled females (including a Valentino) were also 2nd high sellers at other sales including the Prairieland Production Sale, and the Spring Extravaganza Sale. These were surpassed this month (Nov 2013) at the 61st All American Jersey Sale however when as part of an all time series record general average ($8804) Kash In Fastrack 40806-P-ET was purchased by River Valley Farm for $35,000.

for Promising It was not 18 months ago that industry commentators lamented the lack of polled Holstein sires with TPIs (breed values) over 2000. In August 2013, the ‘Unoffical’ Polled Bull List on DairyBulls Online.com contained 46 Holstein bulls with TPIs over 2000. For Jerseys, the www.polledjerseys. com site now lists 45 sires with PTI’s (US based values) above popular sire Eclipes-P. When the webpage creater Jay Herron started the Polled Jersey site the small list of sires was in large print and could be seen on one page. Today there are so many new sires it now covers 3 pages.

Jersey Journal – March/April 2014 21

New polled sires continue to arrive in to Australia regularly, so please stay in contact with your supplier and up to date, as the polled space is constantly changing, which is effecting the range of sires and availablity. In addition to previously advised sires-AltaGenetics have a Critic-P x Renegade son in Meschach-P (011JE01168) and Critique-P (Critic-P x Tbone) now available, and have JPIs of 205 and 191 repesctively. Both have good production and type and are positive for daughter pregnancy rate, productve life, and low cell counts. Semex sire Imagination-P (200JE00349), the Iatola x Legion son from Dutch Hollow arrived last season and now has a proof with 44 daughters in 38 herds, showing a balanced proof, he has already left pleasing calves in Australia during 2013. He also positive for cell count, productive life, and components. Viking are the latest to promote polled sires, having both Holstein and Jersey bred polled genetics on offer, but have something a little different-a sire described as a true outcross to current polled sires. VJ Miro-P is a Dj May x Q Hirse, whose maternal side goes back

22 Jersey Journal – March/April 2014

to Judds Admiral son, from Robert and Ruth Hall in NZ, which found its way to Denmark. However whilst Cardrona Ads Lolli P did return to service there, no sons were bought for AI, making him an outcross even in NZ and to Fairweather bulls and Normsland Bellboy-P, according to NZ polled breeder Bruce Cameron. VJ Miro-P has moderate milk values, high components and very good udder traits and may indeed fit in to breeding programs better than expected. Locally, CSCBoorowa (Brookbora Critic Boorowa (P)) will be available this year. Early ABV(g) show APR 158, with good workabilities, overall type 105 and mammary system 106. He is a Critic-P sired son of Brookbora Navara Estelle 87 @ 2yrs, granddam being Brookbora Gus Estelle EX90.


for Perfect Judging by the comments now coming from within the dairy industry in Australia and around the world, together with genomic breeding values and proven heifer results, it is certain polled dairy cattle are here to stay. There is a lot to be said for that feeling of putting cups on a beautiful udder,

attached to a wonderful frame, and knowing that the beauty and practicality extends all the way to a polled head . It is quite possible that dairy farmers (in particular of Jerseys), through the beauty of nature and the benefits of breeding, are very near to achieving the perfect dairy cow.


is also for Peculiar? Almost reading like an ‘Odd Spot’ column, researchers at The University of Minnesota (USA) have used gene editing technolgy to ‘produce horn free cattle’ by modifying the DNA of ‘Randy’, a Holstein bull, and inserting the polled gene from a Red Angus, then cloning and creating embryos to be implanted at a later date. The University said there were 3 billion letters (A, G, C, T,) in livestock genomes, and that “we showed we could change one letter of the genome in livestock cells without changing anything else.” However the press release appears to give little recognition to the current number of naturally pure bred polled livestock already available in dairy herds all around the world.

Balingen Park Jerseys


“Little Cows - Big Attitude”! Kieron & Melissa Eddy 685 Hooper Road, Tatura, 3616 Ph: 0427 061 705 balingen_eddy@bigpond.com

Lynton and Lisa, Toni, Gavin and Cassie Broad


Jimann Jerseys

Charles & Carolyn Smith 80 Rathbone Road, St Germains 3620 Ph: 03 5826 0325 andesholsteins@bigpond.com.au

Brookbora Jerseys Robert and Sandra Bacon Tennyson Vic 3572 03 5488 2323 - 0429 333 119 bacons@brookbora.com.au www.brookbora.com.au

Bercar Jersey Stud

388 Johnson Road, LOCKINGTON 3563 03 5486 2624 - 0427 862 624 lisa.broad@bigpond.com

Trevor & Julie Campbell 286 Lowe Rd Rochester 3561 PH: (03) 5484 1624 jimann1@bigpond.com

Dalbora Genetics Robert & Sandra Bacon Daryl & Maria Collins

Tennyson Vic 3572 0427 882 227 - 0429 333 119 info@dalboragenetics.com.au www.dalboragenetics.com.au

Bernie and Carol McManus 252 Bamawm Rd Bamawm. 3561 Ph: 03 5483 2245 e-mail bercar3561@bigpond.com

SUNSHINE FARM JERSEYS N R & J M McDonald 715 Andrews Rd Kyabram 3620 Ph: 03 5855 2516 - 0428 992 450 janelleabbey@hotmail.com

LincoLndeLL Jerseys Ron and Val Read & Family 167 Panoo Road Lockington 3563

Utopia Jerseys


Gordon & Lyn Emmett 12 Curr Road, Stanhope Ph: 03 5857 2629 lynemmett@bigpond.com.au .....breeding since 1930

Craigielea Jerseys

Bill, Kaye and Andrew Cochrane 836 Hansen Rd, Bamawm, 3561

Ph: 03 5486 5474


Gailee Jerseys Norm & Dawn Stone 489 Hill Rd Stanhope Ph: 03 5857 2399 gaileeadsl@bigpond.com

JUGIONG JERSEYS Rockleigh Park Nicholson Family Curr Rd Girgarre 3624 Ph/fax 03 5854 6393 Pat 03 5854 6513 jugiong@bigpond.com.au


Stewart Mancer 2/1 Moama Court, Moama Ph: 0429 882 201 rockleighpark@bigpond.com

Jared & Courtney Ireland 53 Hewlett Lane, Lockington. Ph: 03 5486 2694 courtney.wagner@bigpond.com

Silhouette Jerseys Richard & Ann Worboys Echuca Mitiamo Rd • Kotta Ph: 03 5483 7500 info@silhouettefarm.biz

Sybilgrove & Summer Spirit Jerseys Collins Family 202 McColl Road, Ballendella 3561 Ph/Fax: 03 5486 5393

Benlock Jersey Stud Bryan & Lee Rushton 79 Brooks Rd Rochester 3861 Ph: 03 5484 1551 benlockj@dodo.com.au

WINDY WAYS JERSEYS Frank Walsh 41 A Finlay Road, Tongala VIC 3621 Ph: 03 5859 0532 Mobile: 0418 576 856 Email: frankwalsh3@bigpond.com

NortherN District Jersey BreeDers cluB

Presdient: Bill Cochrane 03 5486 5474 Secretary: Lisa Broad 03 5486 2624


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NIKON-P LEGAL x Allstar x TBone

• • • •



Polled bull Excellent Udders Positive Components High Production

29JE3756 Hawarden Impuls

PREMIER Impuls x Jace x Berretta

• • • • • •



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Thinking Globally


grand daughter of 2 time IDW Champion Bushlea Brook Maybell EX94 at $5400. At this same price was Araluen Park TBone Sandra 2-ET backed by 13 generations of EX dams a/c Saunders & Day selling to P & J Furze of Huon. The Jackiah herd donated 25% of the sale of their milking 2yo Jackiah Gregstar Martha 614 VG86 to the McGrath Foundation, she sold at $5250 to R & V Read of Lockington. A & J Carson of Cairnbrae Jerseys purchased Nowell Louie Sandra EX90 from N & K Furze of Merrigum at $5000.

Colac Classic All Breeds Sale Selling agents: Dairy Livestock Services and Charles Stewart & Co

Top priced lot at $9250, Waterloo Farms Dare to Dream-Imp-CAN-ET, with purchasers Jake Fisher, Bec Joyce, Andy Neil and Brock Neil, Shanae Fisher with handler, Ellie Hourigan and auctioneer Brian Leslie, DLS.

IDW Jersey Showcase Sale 2014 Selling agents:: Dairy Livestock Services

Cow Ave $ 5222 2012 Born Heifer Ave $ 2767 2013 Born Heifer Ave $ 4840 Overall Average $4734

Yet again the Jersey Breed offered the industry a wonderful catalogue of elite Jerseys selling to a top of $9250 for the very stylish young cow Waterloo Farms Dare to Dream-Imp-CANET a/c J Fisher & B Joyce of Arcadia, Vic. This Ressurection from Rapid Bay Dare to Dream an EX92 Belles Jade sold to Brock Neal of Princetown, Vic. Next top of $8400 was Pannoo Valerian Vanessa EX91 ranked 34 Nationally on ASI at 228 sold a/c Pannoo Partners to L & L Broad of Lockington, Vic. The same buyers selected her daughter Pannoo Larfalot Vanessa at $5750. Third top lot at $6000 was the successful Show cow, Broadlin Peta 2675 (GR2) EX92, this Gannon 4 year old sold a/c L & L Broad to Reid & Egan of Garvoc. The same buyers also selected Broadlin Illusion 3058 the 7 month old Vanahlem from the successful young cow Broadlin Illusion 2817 VG88 (max) at $5500. Latteria Holdings of Tawonga selected several lots including the correct Hazel Vale Tequila Maybelle-ET a/c J Hayes a

Auctionerr Brian Leslie, DLS, with purchasers Linton and Lisa Broad and their children Gavin, Toni and Cassie with 2nd top priced lot at $8400, Pannoo Valerian Venessa EX91.

26 Jersey Journal – March/April 2014

3 Illawarra Ave $3967 12 Jerseys Ave $3487 11 Holsteins Ave $3159 2 Brown Swiss Ave $2675 28 females Ave $3352

A huge crowd were at the Colac Showgrounds the night after the judging of the 150th Colac Show for the inaugural All Breeds Dairy Classic Sale. Sale top of $9100 was paid for the milking Jersey heifer Murray Brook 3644 a/c P & A Lenehan. This outstanding young cow was classified VG88 (max), she is by Bushlea Fernwood from an EX 91 Country dam inturn from a Golden from a Centurion. She was purchased by Greg Bryce of Green Pines Jerseys. Next top Jersey at $5000 was Broadlin Bubbles 2662 EX92 a/c L & L Broad this tremendous uddered 4yo was bred down from 2 time Jersey Showcase Champion Echo Downs Silver Bubbles EX93, she was purchased by Jackiah Jerseys of Garvoc.

Meldan Jerseys top $6500 Selling agents:: Dairy Livestock Services

106 Reg Jersey Cows av $1650 6 Autumn calving heifers av $1717 26 Reg unjoined yearlings $658 31 Reg heifer calves av $687 3 Bulls av $1168 172 Reg Jerseys av $1350 42 Grade cows av $985 16 Grade heifer calves av $239

Jersey Breeders from throughout Victoria and Tasmania were at the Koonwarra Selling Centre for the Complete Dispersal Sale of the Meldan Jersey Stud of Brendan & Melissa Scott of Binginwarri. Sale top of $6500 was paid by young Breeder Michael Robertson of Warragul for the outstanding in milk 2 year old Meldan Region Maggie May, this tremendous uddered young cow is bred from the successful USA Wilsonview M family. Next top lot was another Region daughter, Meldan Region Vee selling to W De Boer of Yannathan at $4800. Third top lot at $4600 was the dam of the top lot in Kaarmona Spiritual Maggie May EX selling to the noted Jugiong herd of the Nicholson Family of Girgarre. Top selling heifer calf was the 7 month heifer, Meldan Valentino Flower at $4000 selling to Saunders & Day of Araluen Park Jerseys. Top joined heifer at $3000 was Meldan Vanahlem Fern-ET backed by the noted Bushlea Fernleaf Family selling to J Sykes of Tasmania. Other noted sales included Kaddy Spirit Sandra 3-ET at $3500 to P & J Price of Leongatha, the same buyers also purchased Meldan Black Silvermine V 88 at $3000.

Goulburn Murray Jersey Breeders Club

GM President: Ron Baker (03) 5864 6246 Secretary: Margaret Cockerell (03) 5864 1133


GLENARRON JERSEYS Ron, Glenyss & Grant Baker 14 Hutchins Lane, Katunga (03) 58646246 glenarron@origin.net.au YENOLAM JERSEYS Neil, Wendy, Dick & Lyla 1119 Boals Rd Numurkah 3636 Ph (03) 5864 1064 Fax (03) 5864 1025 yenolam@iinet.net.au

FRESH START JERSEYS Toni Adams & Mark Norman 305 Delaney Rd Invergordon 3636 Ph (03) 5865 5579


GMJBC has something it is going to share with you in the next issue regarding our members.

LOXLEIGH JERSEYS Geoff Akers Victoria Rd Tallygaroopna 3634 (03) 5829 8478 geoffakers1@bigpond.com

WARRAIN JERSEYS John & Margaret Cockerell 1219 Rendells Rd Numurkah 3636 (03) 5864 1133 warrainjerseys@mcmedia.com.au

GLENFERN JERSEYS Peter & Bev Farrell 579 Healesville-Kooweerup Rd, Healesville 3777 M 0409 503 352 peter.farrell7@bigpond.com


YALCARA JERSEYS Peter & Lyn Sprunt 926 Sandmount Road Katunga 3640 (03) 5873 2583 yalcara@cnl.com.au

KADDY JERSEYS Andrew Younger 50 Zeerust School Rd Zeerust 3634 (03) 5829 8352 motor5@bigpond.com www.jersey.com.au/ jweb/uploads/kaddy/ kaddy_intro.html

PINNACLE PARK JERSEYS Darryn Smith 226 Crera Rd Invergordon 3636 M 0428 557 080 BEULAH JERSEYS Daryl and Lani Hoey 160 Christies Rd Katunga 3640 Ph (03) 5864 6473



New members always welcome HHH

GENTEEL JERSEYS Brad Adams 553B Mywee/Koonoomoo Rd Strathmerton 3641 (03) 5874 5388 genteeljerseys@hotmail.com

HOMELANDS JERSEYS Phil Hentschke & Warren Schutz 142 Youanmite Rd Invergordon 3636 (03) 5865 5171

GARCOLA JERSEYS Gary & Christine Maddern 305 Kenny Rd Koonoomoo 3644 Ph 03 5873 2330 M 0417 898 340 maddern@adam.com.au WAIANIWA JERSEYS Lindsay Hamilton 1045 Hawkers Rd Nathalia 3636 (03) 5864 1380

KAARMONA JERSEYS Graeme & Robyn, Rohan & Claire Sprunt 228 & 235 Kaarimba Hall Rd Kaarimba 3635. (03) 5826 9506 kaarmona@bigpond.com HAZELVALE JERSEYS Jason Hayes M 0410 135 420

International Dairy Week - National Jersey Show Wednesday January 22, 2014 – Judge: Mr Michael Heath, USA

Supreme Champion Cow at IDW 2014, Brunchilli Sambo Priscilla, with from left - Peter Ness (Jersey Australia President), judge Mike Heath, USA, Loui Cozzitorto, USA (handler), Milton Johnston, NSW, and exhibitors, Lyn, Brooke and David Boyd, Finley, NSW.

Heifer born on or after 1/7/13 1. Southern Star Governor Finch, South Star, Vic. 2. Kings Ville Lassie 23, R & K Anderson, Vic. 3. Homelands Tequilas Vanilla, P Hentschke & W Schutz, Vic. 4. Nimerald Red Path Nancy, P Buckley, NSW 5. Broadlin Mermaid 3067, Broad Family, Vic. 6. Hazel Vale Minister Benita-ET, Hazel Vale, Vic. Heifer born 1/1/13 to 30/6/13 1. Hazel Vale Prime Maybelle-ET, Hazel Vale, Vic. 2. Hazel Vale Tequila Maybelle-ET, Hazel Vale, Vic. 3. Rivendell Glory Annabell,

Rivendell Jerseys, NSW 4. Hazel Vale Prime Benita-ET, Hazel Vale, Vic. 5. Gold Label Tequila Dream, B & J Gavenlock, NSW 6. Bralock Tequila Marie, B & J Gavenlock, NSW Heifer born 1/7/12 to 31/12/12 1. Brunchill Reagan Rose, Brunchill Jerseys, NSW 2. Bralock Governor Merle, B & J Gavenlock, NSW 3. Rivendell Tequila Crystal, Rivendell Jerseys, NSW 4. Froglands Lucifer Blonde, B Pedretti, Vic. 5. Killarney Grove Tequila Rose, P Buckley, NSW

Senior three-year-old class, IDW 2014.

28 Jersey Journal – March/April 2014

6. Riverside Tequila Lady, Riverside Jerseys, Vic. Heifer, dry born 1/1/12 to 30/6/12 1. Shirlinn Tequila Starbright 3, Wilson Family, NSW 2. Riverside I’m A Gun, Riverside Jerseys, VIC 3. Rivendell Hired Gun Violet, Menzies Farms & M Templeton, NSW 4. Brunchilli Reagan Noelen, Brunchill Jerseys, NSW 5. Glencraig Tequila Pamela 5242, S Salway, NSW 6. Homelands Conns Velvet, P Hentschke & W Schutz, Vic. Heifer, dry born 1/7/11 to 31/12/11 1. Brunchilli Tequila Rebecca, Brunchilli Jerseys, NSW 2. Bralock Mercha Merle, B & J Gavenlock, NSW 3. Stoneleigh Park Action Belle, Burnett Family, Vic. 4. Topshelf Tequila Veronica, Topshelf Jerseys, NSW 5. Homelands Astound Silvermine 5, P Hentschke & W Schutz, Vic. Heifer, dry born 1/1/10 to 30/6/11 1. Boggabilla Althea F27, W Rundle, Vic. Cow, dry born prior to 1/1/10 1. Boggabilla Lorna D56, W Rundle, Vic. Jersey Futurity class 1. Riverside GG Noelene, Riverside Jerseys, Vic. 2. Corrievale Rural Etta, A Mackenzie, Vic. 3. Broadlin Bubbles 2744, S Reid & B Egan, Vic. 4. Jireh Rural Corvet, C & P Mackenzie, Vic. 5. Broadlin Bubbles 2729, Broad family, Vic. 6. Homelands Astound Silvermine 2, P Hentschke & W Schutz, Vic. Heifer, 2yrs in milk 1. Bralock Mexicano Merle, B & J Gavenlock, NSW 2. Bushlea Farms Fernleaf 13, Bushlea Farms, Vic. 3. Cairnbrae Valentino Estelle 2, A & J Carson, Vic.

CHAMPION COW & GRAND CHAMPION JERSEY EXHIBIT – Brunchilli Sambo Priscilla, Brunchilli Jerseys, NSW

INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION Riverside GG Noele, Riverside Jerseys, Vic.

4. Buffel Vale Renegade Maybelle, Fresh Start, Vic. 5. Bushlea Merchant Fernleaf, Bushlea Farms, Vic. 6. Rivendell Tequila Violet, Rivendell Jerseys, NSW Heifer 2.5yrs in milk 1. Brunchilli Bowtie Belle, Brunchilli Jerseys, NSW 2. Wallacedale Eclipes Marie, Wallace family, Vic. 3. Homelands Sleeping Beauty, P Hentschke & W Schutz, Vic. 4. Shirlinn Emerson Snowflake, Wilson family, NSW 5. Shirlinn Governor Eve, Wilson family, NSW 6. Araluen Park Galaxy Astor, Araluen Park, Vic. Cow 3yrs in milk 1. Riverside GG Noelene, Riverside Jerseys, Vic. 2. Rivendell Sambo Halle, Rivendell Jerseys, NSW 3. Jugiong Leonie 6223, Jugiong Jerseys, Vic. 4. Gold-Bar Excite Marthas Joy, Bluechip Genetics & Gold-Bar Jerseys, Vic. 5. Winganna Come Party, McFlemm, NSW 6. Jugiong Damsel 6193, A Ball, Vic. Cow Snr 3 in milk 1. Green Pines Sovereign, Green Pines Jerseys, Vic. 2. Brunchilli Request Belle, Brunchill Jerseys, NSW 3. Shirlinn ILB Babe, Wilson family, NSW 4. Bushlea Reagan Fernleaf 2, Bushlea Farms, Vic. 5. Brunchilli Opportunity Loretta, Brunchilli Jerseys, NSW 6. Froglands Blackstone Pat, B Pedretti, Vic.

Cow 4yrs in milk 1. Prom View Jenny 170, Viewfort, Empire & Merseybank Jerseys, Vic. 2. Riverside Comerica Lady, Riverside Jerseys, Vic. 3. Glenarron Girlie 30, Nicholson family, Vic. 4. Prom View Jenny 166, R Easterbrook, Vic. 5. Riverside Resurrection Patricia, Riverside Jerseys, Vic. 6. Bushlea Sultans Brook F2, Bushlea Farms, Vic. Cow 5yrs in milk 1. Shirlinn Grand Mary 2, Wilson family, NSW 2. Bushlea Agent S Beauty, Menzies Farms & M Templeton, NSW 3. Brunchilli Thunder Rose, Brunchilli Jerseys, NSW 4. Brunchilli Visionary Cher, G & J McPhee, NSW 5. Carcoola Jasmina, Brunchilli Jerseys, NSW 6. Stoneleigh Park Astound Princess 2, Burnett family, Vic. Cow 6yrs in milk 1. Pasadena Comerica Olive, J Falls, NSW 2. Broadlin Constance 2565-P, Broad family, Vic. 3. Waianiwa Star Madeline, Hazel Vale, Vic. 4. Bralock Imperial Merle, B & J Gavenlock, Vic. 5. Homelands Sambos Silvermine 5, P Hentschke & W Schutz, Vic. 6. Brunchilli Guapo Clau, A & M Gavenlock, NSW Cow 7yrs & over in milk 1. Brunchilli Sambo Priscilla, Brunchilli Jerseys, NSW 2. Willow Dell Fancy 512, Eloora Past. Co, NSW

Reserve Champion Cow being sashed by Melissa Bowers, Canada, with (left) judge Mike Heath, USA, and right Jeanette Falls and handler Dean Malcolm, Vic.

Reserve Junior Champion Heifer with (l-r) Jersey judge, Mike Heath, USA, Chris McIlroy, Agri-Geneand exhibitor Jason Hayes, Vic.

JUNIOR CHAMPION Brunchilli Reagan Rose, Brunchilli Jerseys, NSW

3. Shirlinn Icy Eve, Wilson family, NSW 4. Jamber Jade Lady, M & R Wilson, NSW 5. Bushlea Nathan Belle 2, Bushlea Farms, Vic. 6. Loxleigh Futurity Iris, G & N Akers, Vic. Best Udder Shirlinn Icy Eve, Wilson family, NSW Pen of 3 females 1. Wilson family, NSW 2. Brunchilli Jerseys, NSW 3. Riverside Jerseys, Vic. Cow & daughter or two dtrs of same dam 1. Wilson family, NSW

Junior Champion Brunchilli Reagan Rose Reserve Hazel Vale Prime Maybelle-ET Honourable Mention Brunchilli Tequila Rebecca Intermediate Champion Riverside GG Noelene Reserve Green Pines Sovereign Honourable Mention Rivendell Sambo Halle Champion Cow & Grand Champion Exhibit Brunchilli Sambo Priscilla Reserve Pasadena Comerica Olive Honourable Mention Prom View Jenny 170 Exhibitor encouragement award Erin Ferguson, Vic. Premier Sire Tower Vue Prime Tequila - Agri-Gene Premier Breeder and Exhibitor Brunchilli Jerseys, NSW

Champion Best Udder with exhibitor Brian Wilson, NSW, and Peter Roach, Australian Dairyfarmer with judge Mike Heath, USA. Jersey Journal – March/April 2014 29



REGISTRATION FEES Total 0 - 3 Months Male or Female $12.10 each 0 - 3 Months submitted via EasyDairy or iReg $9.90 incl. GST 3 - 6 Months Male or Female $14.30 each 6 Months + Male or Female $18.70 each Associate Members (5 registrations per year) $18.70 each Bulls Born after July 1st 2007 - dam must be classified. Bulls Born to a GR cow cannot be registered Telephone Emergency Registrations Surcharge - $55.00 GENETIC RECOVERY Live animals (1st Year) as at July 1st Dead Animals SEMEN PURCHASE Jersey Marketing Services TRANSFER CHARGES Whole Herd - Walk In-Walk out Up to $1500 Above $1500 Within Family Within Syndicate Bulls to AI Companies Lease Transfer Fee Replacement Pedigree Certificates Incorrect Information reprint Whole Herd (per animal) Individual Animal AI Company

$12.10 each No Charge


$7.70 $16.50 1% of Sale Price No Charge No Charge $55.00 $27.50 No Charge $1.10 $2.75 $5.50

MEMBERSHIP 1st March 2013 – 28th February 2014 All Jersey Australia memberships come with a Jersey Journal subscription Full $220.00 +GST Family $240.00 +GST Associate $110.00 +GST Junior $80 +GST CLASSIFICATION Herd Visit fee Adult Cows Animals resubmitted 2 year olds (all) 2 year olds (selected)

$44.00 $12.10 per head $12.10 per head $ 7.70 per head $12.10 per head


Member 6 issues Front Cover color Back Cover color Inside Front cover color Inside Back cover color Body page color Half page colour ** Full page B&W $245.95 ½ page B&W $177.41 ¼ page B&W $110.90 Business Card B&W A4 Flyer insertion in Journal Advertorial Copy over 1 /2pg Sale Catalogue insertion

*Effective 16th March 2013 **When available

30 Jersey Journal – March/April 2014

Casual $494.00 $455.60 $455.60 $455.60 $409.30 $290.50 $290.50 $192.60 $131.00 $ 89.86 $197.55 $197.55 $455.60

Udderly Admin

It seems to get busier and busier each time the December/ January period approaches. I think we might be able to get a little respite and catch up over the next two months. So what’s been happening in the office of late? Export, Export, Export! Boy oh boy is there export. Smaller orders have been coming through but several exporting companies are buying up and shipping Jerseys out. Currently Elders International is buying. You can find the details of their requirements on our website www.jersey.com.au along with whom to contact should you wish to sell. We have had a request from University of QLD to encourage our members to use DNA case numbers and full names (not NASIS) wherever possible when DNA testing. Currently there is a list you can get from the Jersey website with an updated version soon being added. For anything that isn’t there you can find on iJersey or by calling Jersey House – email is good also! In this issue you will find an application for Round 1 classification and the Production Awards application. Please pay close attention to the due dates and feel free to send them in early. Membership renewals were sent out at the end of January so if you did not receive yours please contact the office to get a new one sent out. From 1st March 2014 you can register your animals for $9.90. What’s the catch? Your animals must be 3 months old and under and registered via iJersey or Ereg (Easy Dairy or Mistro software). For any queries please call us at Jersey House. By Cassandra Lowes

JERSEY AUSTRALIA seeks expressions of interest from members who might be interested in being part of a

Trade Mission to South Africa 12th - 20th September 2014. The trip will include the Jersey South Africa hosted WJCB Conference and is likely to cost *$4750 - $5500 AUD (approx.) For more information and official itinerary contact – Robyn Barber 03 9338 9259 rbarber@ruralco.com.au

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