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Misty Glen Flowers Charade Daydream EX92 S2 - 6431L - 351kgsF - 231kgsP - 416D S3 - 7860L - 436kgsF - 317kgsP - 353D - PI 111 - SCC 14 5 - 7932L - 419kgsF - 295kgsP - 317D - CPI 121 - CC 68 Champion Cow NDJBC On Farm Challenge 2012 Reserve Champion Mature Cow Great Southern Challenge 2012 3rd and Best Vessel 6yrs in-milk IDW 2013 1st 6yrs & over in-milk, 1st Cow and Daughter, Overall Jersey Type and Production winner, RESERVE CHAMPION JERSEY COW and Supreme All-Breeds Type and Production cow, Melbourne Royal 2012 Class winner, Best Vessel, Champion Jersey Cow, SUPREME DAIRY COW and SUPREME BEST VESSEL ALL-BREEDS, Shepparton 2012

~ We also have some young bulls for sale ~ including 2 from Signature Belle – 11,102 litres (2nd lact) PI 130


Frank & Marilyn Walsh 41A Finlay Road, Tongala VIC 3621 – tel: 03 5859 0532 or 0418 576 856 (Frank) – email: frankwalsh3@bigpond.com Thomas Walsh – 0438 866 758

Bred to the Max

Wallacedale P36 Tbone Melanie max 88 pts. 1st place Jnr 2yrs in milk Warragul Jersey Fair 2013. Full sister sold at Future Fortunes Sale for $16000 to Warrain Jerseys. Sired by Tbone, Dam- Denfield Melanie P36 EX 92.

Wallacedale Barts Lily max 88 pts. 1st 2yrs in milk and Reserve Intermediate Champion Warragul Jersey Fair 2012. Sold at Future Fortunes Sale for $7000 to Kaarmona Jerseys. Sired by Bartpower, Dam Wallacedale Hallmark Lily EX 90.

In 2012 sixty Wallacedale bred and born two year olds were calved in with an exciting nine scoring MAXIMUM 88 POINTS ! Wallacedale Navara Melaine 3, max 88 pts. Recently flushed to Topeka. Sired by CSCNavara Dam Wallacedale Jace Melaine 4 EX 92. Wallacedale Navara Melaine 2 max 88 pts, Is a full sister to Navara Melaine 3 above. She sold at Future Fortunes Sale for $8500 to Delbora Sydicate.

Wallacedale Belnet Melanie max 88 pts. Sold at Future Fortunes Sale for $5200 to Darryn Vale Jerseys. She has gone on to place 1st 2yrs in milk North East Jersey Club On Farm Challenge 2012. Sired by Wallacedale Belles Planet Dam Wallacedale Vals Melanie EX 92. Wallacedale Brook Marie max 88 pts. Sired by Jebrookbi Dam Wallacedale Loves Marie EX 91.

Wallacedale Brentwood Belle max 88 pts. Sired by BWCountry Dam Wallacdale Centurion Belle VG 86. Wallacedale Actions Carol max 88 pts. Sold at Future Fortunes sale for $3600 to Wyndamere Jerseys. Sired by Action Wallacedale Larfing Lynette max 88 pts. Sired by Larfalot Dam Wallacedale Fabulous Lynette EX 91.

‘The Future Is Here’

Check out our Northern Lights Sale Lot. Wallacedale Legions Belle 3, could she be our next maximum scored 2yr old?

WALLACEDALE JERSEYS Luke & Melanie Wallace tel: 03 5627 5668 | email: lukemel@dsci.net.au

Cliff and Marieka Wallace 03 5627 5669

words: Michael Porteus

Why Paul doesn’t want a big herd of big Jerseys G

ippsland breeder Paul Brady wants to thank the members of the Jersey community who have helped him establish a stud where he wants to “get the job done right”.

Paul Brady was only five years old when he got his first Jersey, the last cow from the herd his grandfather Frank Brady had run on a farm near Traralgon east of Melbourne. Paul’s father worked in the coal industry, but Paul says he was always going to end up a dairy farmer. Thirty years later, Paul and wife Rebekah and their one-year-old daughter have just moved their stud Sungold Park Jerseys to a new farm near Yinnar in Gippsland. They have been building up a herd which now milks around 280 Jerseys. They last year produced 114,000 kgs of milk solids supplied to Fronterra. The Bradys have options to extend a 30-month lease on the new farm, which has 136ha of mainly river flats growing annual rye grass. This includes 40ha under a lateral move irrigator. The property used to run 300 Friesians and has a rotary dairy and well-formed laneways. But Paul is not chasing higher production on the new farm, where he sys he’ll concentrate on getting the right number of cows that he can run by himself. “We are getting the job done right,” he says. He expects to settle at 200 to 220 cows when they purchase their own farm.

“We’ll sort of just go back in numbers a bit, and concentrate on the quality,” he says. “I think people get tied up with too much production per hectare, and the cows suffer for it.” He reckons more than 200 Jerseys will give him enough sleepless nights, and enough worries in seasons like the current dry spell, when the summerflowing creek on the farm dried off a little too quickly. He likes Jerseys because of “the money you can make per cow”, and because it suits a single operator to work with smaller animals. He says the feed turnaround is a lot easier with Jerseys, which need less feed per day than Friesians. Paul says many things about the Jersey breed have changed in 30 years, “some for the better and some for the worse”. Today’s Jerseys have better breeding: “There’s a hell of a lot more complete cows getting around now.” But he’s concerned about their size: “They are probably getting a bit too tall, I’d reckon. I’d just hate for them to get too much bigger than what they are now.” Paul works with a few breeding consultants and now uses mainly American semen from sires such as

Paul Brady with Jerseys Sungold Park Armbadge Hanna, Kingsville Memory 30 ET EX90 and Gelbeado Park Beverley 1st.

24 Jersey Journal – May/June 2013

Blackstone and Van Halem, Elton and Country. He says he’s breeding mainly for type, and he doesn’t want his Jerseys to cross that border and become too big. “We are concentrating at the moment on just getting the cows a lot sharper,” he says. The Bradys are members of both the South Gippsland and Central Gippsland jersey breeders clubs, extending relationships that started when Paul was building his herd. “I’d like to thank the people who sold us calves when we started putting this venture together,” he says. These include Paul and Lisa Mumford of Gelbeado Park, Don and Pat McPhie of Colonsay Jerseys, Frank and Margaret Manintvelt or Rockania Jerseys, and Robert Lade and family from Brookdale Jerseys. “This group of people not only sold us great quality calves, but are always more than happy to offer their advice, knowledge, support and experience, which has been priceless.” Paul says He entered one cow in the local show at Warrigal this year, and another won its class in his local on-farm challenge. Paul says showing and on-farm challenges are good to “test where you are at” and see how your cows stand up in competition.

SELLING NORTHERN LIGHTS SALE May 20th 2013 Echuca Racing Club

Jugiong Damsel 6193 VG 88 max 1st Jnr 2 yrs in milk, Reserve Intermediate Champion Jersey, Reserve Intermediate Champion All Breeds Melbourne Royal 2012 Reserve Intermediate Champion All Breeds Shepparton National 2012

e v a h e w t s e The B t a d e r e f f O r Eve Auction.....

1st Jnr 2 yrs in milk, Best Udder in class, Junior Champion & Overall Best Udder NDJBC OFC 2012 4th Jnr 2 yrs in milk IDW 2013 Junior Champion & Best Udder Vic Autumn Fair Rochester 2013 Junior Champion Dairy Heifer Rochester 2013 1st 2 year old in milk Crazycow Photographic Competition 2013 Sired by SPIRITUAL from an EX90 ASTOUND with near 8000 litres!

Also Selling......

A springing ASTOUND backed by 3 generations over 9000 litres back to Dutch Hollow Twister Delilah EX93!

As part of the WJCB tour at Sale time Jugiong welcomes international and local breeders to our herd visit on Sunday May 19th at 2pm.



250 120 113 53 kgFat. 0.87%


192 111 112

the CHART TOPPING VANAHLEM SON H This young star hails from the world famous BABE cow family. H Kaarmona Vanahlem Babaxi has it all. High APR, breed leading type and udders and super components, plus rated for fertility and cc. H Vanahlem x ex 90 Maximum x ex 90 Flower power for TOP TYPE AND UDDERS H His pedigree combines CSCNAVARA and Action who are the type and udder specialists . Its no wonder his standout traits include shallow udders, super strong ligaments and near perfect teat placement! H CSCNAVARA x Action ex 90 x Montana x Jude x ex Boomer Sooner. H Isycoed Jed traces back directly to the great Sooner Jennifer. Importantly he is also plus rated for fertility and CC.


The COMPONENT KING H An ELTON son from one of the very best CSCNAVARA daughters in the country. APRg 250 H Gelbeado Park Tresbon comes from an emerging OTg 107 cow family - the Bonitas. MAMg 105 H Tresbons dam was sold at auction for $16000. The next dam is an Ex Kody that won snr 2 in milk at IDW. H ELTON X Ex 90 CSCNAVARA X Ex 90 Kody X Ex 91 JEPerimiter. H Like father like son with an amazing 53 kg fat & 0.92% fat deviation. H Combining the two CSC breed greats in Elton and CSCNavara. H Although not available CSCNAVARA still sits right at the top of the heap. H His latest proof with additional daughters is still outstanding. APR 259, OT 123 MAM 120. All three of these young sires are on track to be available for Autumn joining. Realistically pRiced at $10+gst Dont miss out on adding these ‘future stars’ to your joining programs – place your orders through ABS Australia today.

www.absglobal.com/aus • abs.au.info@genusplc.com Ph: 02 6049 9200 • Fax: 02 6026 2387 • Semen orders only, freecall 1800-ABS-BULL

words: Michael Porteus

Nutritionist analyses Jersey rumen balance Jerseys may be able to build on their high levels of components by modifying nutrition at the times of year when there are dips in their protein-to-fat ratio.


airy nutrition specialist Dr Bruce Hamilton says Jersey breeders may be able to improve returns by watching the variations in the protein-to-fat ratio in the milk they send to processors. He says Jerseys may be able to build on their high protein levels with nutrition programs that help protein production also increase when cows are producing more milk fat. Bruce says nutrition strategies can be designed to improve the balance in the cows’ rumens at the times when the protein-to-fat ratio is low. These strategies can include improving pasture management and possibly feeding corn silage. Dr Hamilton is a former NSW Agriculture dairy-nutrition researcher who set up a firm called Ruminant Nutrition Australia in the 1990s. He now consults with farmers including Jersey breeders in NSW and South Australia. He likes to start his work on each farm by getting farmers to look at the rises and falls in their protein-to-fat ratio over the previous 12 months. He says most farmers now have internet access to daily figures on their components. These can be download and turned into graphs showing variations in the protein-to-fat ratio in their milk. These graphs show the times of year when the ratio falls, and this allows the producers to consider steps to improve nutrition at those times. Bruce agrees that there are many interlocking factors behind variations in protein levels on different farms in different seasons in different regions. But he says the first step is always to look at pastures and grazing management to ensure that the cows’ rumens are receiving the right balance of protein, starch and fibre to maximise protein production. He says a mixture of rye grass, clover and corn silage can be ideal. Bruce tends to downplay the role of grain in the diets of dairy cows. Cows respond to the starch in grain, but starch can come from other feeds. He has surprised some farmers by suggesting they look at whether they

28 Jersey Journal – May/June 2013

right: Bruce Hamilton with a graph showing variations in Jersey protein and fat production.

really need to feed grain in the dairy. Bruce is also cautious about the value of the many additives that are touted as “magic bullet” solutions to dairy nutrition issues. In a talk at the New Generation Dairy Farmers Forum in Coffs Harbour late last year, Dr Hamilton said there were five key areas in managing milk protein levels: energy intake, stage of lactation, cow breed, efficiency of rumen fermentation, and any amino acid or protein degradation. He said protein percentage in milk was directly related to high-energy intake. Cows reduced both their energy intake and their dry matter consumption when fed lower-energy feeds. High-energy feeds were digested more quickly. So cows’ rumens emptied more quickly, allowing the animal to eat more. Lowerenergy feeds sat in the rumen for longer so the cow could not consume as much. After the forum, Dr Hamilton spoke to Australian Jersey Journal about Jersey nutrition issues. He began by looking at baseline data for protein and fat production in the US dairy herd in 2004. This shows that Jerseys do indeed have the highest benchmark for protein (3.59 per cent), compared to 3.38 for Brown Swiss and 3.06 for Holsteins. However, when protein production is expressed as a ratio with production of milk fat, Jerseys

no longer come out on top. The baseline figure for Jersey milk-fat production is 4.60 per cent, compared to 4.04 for Brown Swiss and 3.65 for Holsteins. This means that the average annual baseline Jersey protein-to-fat ratio is .78, and this is lower than the .84 ratio for both Brown Swiss and Holsteins. Bruce says Jersey farmers can work on ways to improve their protein-to-fat ratio to .80 by helping their cow to have better rumen fermentation, especially at the times of year when protein-to-fat rations are at their lowest. He says the best pastures for this can be rye grass and clover. Cows could benefit from extra high-energy feed when they graze on lowenergy pastures like kikuyu. Bruce says a small amount of a starchy grain like wheat or triticale can really increase rumen fermentation. “But we are not talking about large amounts of starch,” he says. It could be as few as two or three kilos. He wouldn’t recommend feeding Jerseys much more than four kilos of this type of grain. But he frequently recommends that farmers look at feeding corn silage. “It’s got fibre and starch in the one package and you normally see a very good increase in milk protein.” However, he says that on many farms, growing corn or maize for silage is another enterprise. “You don’t feed corn

JERSEY AUSTRALIA FEES silage unless you can feed it in a trough or another feeding system,” he says. “It’s not advisable to feed it on the ground because you waste about 30 per cent.” He has seen farms where simple feeding systems installed low cost have led to dramatic increases in total production. Bruce says the key figure for Jersey herds is for a protein-tofat ratio of at least 0.78. Jersey breeders should aim for a ration of .80, where cows produce 80 per cent as much protein as milk fat. “If the cows aren’t well fed, that can be down as low as 65 per cent,” Bruce says. “If they are well fed, they’ll be on 78 to 80 per cent. If they are extremely well fed, we can get up to 82 per cent.” He says it’s not always easy for farmers in northern regions who graze kikuyu in summer to meet this benchmark. But fortunately, these are also regions where corn or maize can be grown with incident rainfall. Heat is another factor that can decrease protein percentages, and corn silage can also help here: “You can feed cows with maize silage. Because it’s drier, they can consume more if it per hour than they can of pasture.” Bruce says that summer-growing feeds generally have more fibre. “That reduces their energy, and they are not digested quickly,” he says. “So they sit in the rumen longer, and need to be supplemented with things that are digested more quickly, like starchy feeds, and that’s where corn silage comes in. “Rumen fermentation is increased by a balance of fibre, starch, and protein.” Bruce says corn also goes “extremely well” with ryegrass because corn has no very little protein, and ryegrass has quite a high amount. For Jerseys, Bruce might also recommend the addition of a small amount of urea. “My general principal is to feed Jerseys about 75grams of urea mixed with the corn, which gives nitrogen which helps the rumen bacteria to thrive.” He says farmers also have to make sure that they are retaining high percentages of milk fat. He says the 80 per cent protein-tofat figure is quite a magic ratio for use in a variety of situations. It can show if cows are hungry. “If they are hungry, their protein percentage will be down,” he says. He says that stage of growth and grazing management are very important with pastures: “Even with the best of species, if you let it grow half a meter high, the cows are not going to produce well on it if it gets too mature.” Bruce says it can be hard for some farms to accept that they do not have the best grazing management. “With Jerseys If you are on ryegrass pasture, and your ratio of protein to fat is less than .78, you need to look firstly at your grazing management.” Bruce also points to a graph showing variations in protein levels in a batch-calving herd through the lactation cycle. “For the first 50 days, the protein is quite high,” he says. But it drops after 70 days, and stays low until about 150 days, and then improves every week from day 150 to day 300. “If you’ve got a different payment scheme where they pay for protein at a higher rate, it’s very good to have a look at the start of you batch calving,” he says. “As long as the heifers which have batch-calved are 150 days in milk by autumn, they’ll be increasing their protein percentages.” Breeding strategies are yet another important factor, with all bulls now rated for protein percentages. “Some breeds have gone down the wrong track and have bred for volume,” he says. “Jersey breeders have been breeding for milk solids, and it might be a good idea to concentrate on breeding for protein rather than fat to get that protein-to-fat ratio up.” Bruce says there have been phenomenal increases in quality in ryegrass breeding programs in New Zealand and Europe, and later varieties of ryegrass are much better. He says cattle-breeding programs have had “good slow cumulative improvement” but will not get the dips out of your graphs as quickly as improved nutrition.


REGISTRATION FEES Total 0 - 3 Months Male or Female $12.10 each 3 - 6 Months Male or Female $14.30 each 6 Months + Male or Female $18.70 each Associate Members (5 registrations per year) $18.70 each Bulls Born after July 1st 2007 - dam must be classified. Bulls Born to a GR cow cannot be registered Telephone Emergency Registrations Surcharge - $55.00 GENETIC RECOVERY Live animals (1st Year) as at July 1st Dead Animals

$12.10 each No Charge

SEMEN PURCHASE Jersey Marketing Services


TRANSFER CHARGES Whole Herd - Walk In-Walk out Under $1,000 $1,000 - $1,999 $2,000 - $2,999 $3,000+ Within Family Within Syndicate Bulls to AI Companies

$7.70 $16.50 $22.00 $33.00 2% of Sale Price No Charge No Charge $38.50

Replacement Pedigree Certificates Incorrect Information reprint Whole Herd (per animal) Individual Animal AI Company

No Charge $1.10 $2.75 $5.50

MEMBERSHIP 1st March 2013 – 28th February 2014 All Jersey Australia memberships come with a Jersey Journal subscription Full $220.00 +GST Family $240.00 +GST Associate $110.00 +GST Junior $80 +GST CLASSIFICATION Herd Visit fee Adult Cows Animals resubmitted 2 year olds (all) 2 year olds (selected)

$44.00 $12.10 per head $12.10 per head $ 7.70 per head $12.10 per head



6 issues

Back Cover color Inside Back cover color Inside Front cover color Front Cover color Body page color Full page B&W $235.95 1 /2 page B&W $157.41 1 /4 page B&W $108.90 Business Card B&W A4 Flyer Insertion in Journal Advertorial Copy over 1/2pg Sale Catalogue insertion


$435.60 $435.60 $435.60 $484.00 $399.30 $280.50 $182.60 $121.00 $ 79.86 $187.55 $187.55 $435.60

Jersey Journal – May/June 2013 29

Unprecedented April Proof Run for Agri-Gene Jerseys After an unprecedented April Proof run for the Jerseys, Agri-Gene now has the No.1 and No.2 Jersey Sires in both the USA and Australia at the same time within 4 separate bulls! In Australia the No.1 APR Sire for the 5th consecutive proof run is Australia’s A2/A2 Cream of Crop Specialist; Nowell SANDBLAST, he has almost 100 daughters in 27 herds. In addition to his No.1 ranking for APR he is also the No.1 ASI and Protein Kgs Sire and with such huge Production it is important to rate his excellent Type and Udder rankings and the fact that he is also the breeds No.1 Ligament bull at +123 and in the Top 1% for the Rear Udder Width. In second position on the Australian APR lists is elite USA A2/A2 Sire; Richies Jace TBONE A364 who received his first Australian Proof with 67 daughters to with the many thousand he has world-wide. Heavily used as a Sire of Sons, Tbone will Improve Components and drop Cell Counts and most impressive is his faultless Type Linear with no negatives and over +110 for no less 10 Individual Type Traits including Stature, Body Depth, Pin Width, Rear Udder Width, Ligament and Teat Placement. In the USA the new No.1 Sire is; Wilsonview Jevon MAGNUM – ET who is the Jevon son from the famous ‘M’ cow family at Wilsonview Jerseys in the USA. His Dam is a VG88 Impuls who is one of the leading GJPI cows in the breed while his 2nd Dam is an EX91 Avery and his 3rd Dam is the much admired Wilsonview B Maggie May – ET EX93 who has 15 Registered daughters, which 9 are EX90 or higher. Since receiving his first 19 daughters in August last year Magnum’s JPI has moved from +109 to now sit at +255 JPI with 246 daughters and in the same time his Udder Index has moved from +0.24 to +1.54. No.2 on the JPI list is; Sweetie PLUS Iatolas Bold who added 224 daughters and made some tremendous improvements for Production by increasing over 600 Lbs of Milk and 33 Lbs of Fat and Protein on what was already an impressive proof. He is now the No.2 Milk Production and PTA Fat bull in the breed and also a Top 10 Sire for Lifetime Net Merit and Fluid Merit Dollar Indexes. For Type he is also amongst the breeds elite Sires at +2.0, he will add Stature and Spring of Rib to his daughters and is the breeds No.3 Sire for both Rear Udder Height and Width and No.1 for Dairy form. For the Type orientated breeders, Tower Vue Prime TEQUILA – ET has been dominating the show scene around the world for the past few years, he is the reigning Premier Sire at the World Dairy Expo and continues to add daughters to a Top Type Improver at +2.3 and is clearly the No.1 Udder Index and Stature Sire in the Breed. Agri- Gene are proud to also introduce some exciting new Genomic Sires for 2013. They are headed by Heartland Mrchnt TORONTO – ET who is an exciting A2/A2 Merchant son from the newly appraised 95 Point and much admired “Heartland Nathan Texas – ET EX95” who is a highly contacted bull dam in North America. He transmits good Type +1.9, high Milk Flow +668M, Positive Components 52 Lbs Fat / +0.11% and +33 Protein / +0.04% with outstanding Productive Life +3.4, Cell Counts +2.91 and allround Functional Traits. Toronto is backed by 3 Generations of Excellence (EX95 x EX90 x EX92) with Breed Leading Udders +5.79 JUI. BW REBELLION is line bred to perfection and is the hottest young Genomic Renegade son available today. He transmits elite Type +2.2, high Milk Production +611M, Positive Components 73 Lbs Fat / +0.24% and +32 Protein / +0.05% with outstanding Productive Life +3.1, Cell Counts +2.99 and all-round Functional Traits. He is backed by an Excellent, Productive Cow Family with superb Udders +3.81 JUI and hails from the same cow family as popular Agri-Gene Sire; BW Surefire. Sunset Canyon DIVIDEND – ET is a highly ranked Genomic USA Sire who is a full brother to Agri-Gene Genomic Giant DIVINE and offers a breed leading Type rating of +2.7, superb Udder Index of +4.68, extreme Milk Production +1632M with positive Fat and Protein Lbs; 62 lbs Fat / 52 lbs Protein. He will leave daughters Tall and Capacious with High, Wide Rear Udders that have superb Ligament and Teat Placement.

30 Jersey Journal – May/June 2013

Sandblast daughter

Tbone daughter

Magnum daughter

Plus daughter


Sweetie Plus Iatolas Bold

Iatola x Artist

Your No.1 Jersey Source TEQUILA

Tower Vue Prime Tequila - ET

Breed Leading Type and Udder Specialist 2012 WDE Premier Sire

No.2 JPI Sire in the USA Superb Dairy Type and Milk Production


BW Renegade x Blackstone

New Release Genomic Sire With Outstanding Type, Udders, Production & Positive Components


Richies Jace Tbone A364

Primetime x Sambo

CRDIVIDEND Sunset Canyon Dividend-ET

Valentino x Restore

New Release Genomic Sire with Breed Leading Type, Production & Udders

SPIRITUAL Riverside Spirit

The All-Round Proven Second Success Star Type, Production and Show Style

EXCITEMENT Riverside Excitement

Australia’s No.2 APR Jersey Sire Elite All-Round A2/A2 Jersey Sire with Breed Leading Type and Udders

Agri-Gene boasts having the No.1 and No.2 Australian APR Jersey Sires, No.1 and No.2 USA JPI Jersey Sires and the No.1 Jersey Udder Index Sire in the USA.

123-125 Tone Road, Wangaratta Victoria 3677 ph: 03 5722 2666 fax: 03 5722 2777 email: info@agrigene.com.au web: www.agrigene.com.au

Excitation x BW Country

Exciting New Sire From the Reigning IDW Champion Jersey Cow “Lollypop EX93”

Jace x Lemvig

Agri-Gene Pty Ltd

Avery x Berretta


Wilsonview Jevon Magnum - ET

Jevon x Impuls

New Release No.1 JPI Sire in the USA Combines Extreme Production and Components


Heartland Mrchnt Toronto - ET

Merchant x Nathan

Exciting New A2/A2 Genomic Sire With Good Type, Production & Components

SANDBLAST Nowell Sandblast

Flowerpower x Admiral

Australia’s No.1 APR Jersey Sire Type and Production A2/A2 Specialist with good Components & Functional Traits

Jersey Young Guns Jersey Australia is promoting Australian bred progeny test bulls. This is a list of those currently available Bull ID Bull Name Dam EXCITEMENT Riverside Excitement Riverside Country Lolipop EX93 Excitation x EX93 Country x EX Golden x EX Select GALABELLE Bushlea Belles Galaxies Bushlea Nathan Belle EX90 Galaxies x EX90 Nathan x EX Landline x EX92 Brook ASTRONAUT Riverside Astronaut-P Riverside Legion Adrienne EX92 Eclipes x EX92 Legion x EX91 Berretta x EX Storm x Pal CRVMURVAN Colnarco Murvan Pannoo Abe Vanessa 2 EX92 Murmur x EX92 Altaahlem x VG88@2yr Flowerpower CRVTREX Wallacedale Mels T Rex Wallacedale Badgers Melaine 2 EX92 Tbone x EX92 Badger x EX92 Barber x EX90 Skyline CRVSANDRAFT Kaddy Eltons Sandrift Nowell Man Sandy EX Elton x EX Manhattan x EX92 Flowerpower x EX Taranak ARLEY Brookbora Merchant Arley Brookbora Navara Estelle VG87 Merchant x VG87 Navara x EX Augustus x EX93 Alf CARILLA Cairnbrae Carilla Ar-car-illa Lemvig Althea EX92 Elton x EX92 Lemvig x EX Rocus x EX FW Chief CSCFLOODGATE Meldan Floodgate Stoneyrun Aus Rebel Flower EX Navara x EX Rebel x Biestar x Berretta x Lester VALEN Cairnbrae Valen Cairnbrae Meccas Estelle 4 VG87 Valentino x VG87 Mecca x EX91 Jace x EX93 Alf AYLA Brookbora Vanahlem Ayla Brookbora Blackstone Sandy 87@2yrs Vanahlem x VG87 Blackstone x EX92 Flowerpower x EX Taranak CONARA Broadlin Conara-P Broadlin Constance 2565-P EX91 Navara x EX91 Vanahlem x Pitino x Biestar MARED Yoorami GAC 12 Yoorami Nessy Kylie 86@2yrs Simba x VG86 Bartpower x Manhattan x Astound SADLER White Star Sadler White Star 5096 VG86 Sandblast x VG86 Perimiter x Landline x Acejasper SATNAV Wallacedale Mels Satnav Wallacedale Blackstone Melaine 85@2yrs Navara x VG85 Blackstone x EX91 Jace x EX92 Barber SPANNER Broadlin Spanner Broadlin Vanessa 2702 85@2yrs Elton x VG85 Spiritual x EX92 Manhattan x VG88@2yrs Flowerpower VANMUR Colnarco Vanmur Pannoo Abe Vanessa 2 EX92 Murmur x EX92 Altaahlem x VG88@2yrs Flowerpower x EX92 Taranak VELCRO Broadlin Velcro Broadlin Vanessa 2367 EX90 Elton x EX90 Valerian x EX90 Rebel x Flowerpower x 92 Taranak VOLATILE Broadlin Victory Broadlin Vanessa 2367 EX90 Larfalot x EX90 Valerian x EX90 Rebel x Flowerpower x 92 Taranak

Available from

PRIVATELY MARKETED BULLS WITH LICENSED SEMEN AND NASIS CODES (GENOMIC TESTED) SANDSTORM Kaddy Eltons Sandstorm A. Younger Nowell Man Sandy EX Elton x EX Manhattan x EX92 Flowerpower x EX Taranak MELSEQUINOX Wallacedale Mels Equinox-P L & M Wallace Wallacedale Jace Melaine 4 EX92 Eclipes-P x EX92 Jace x EX92 Barber

32 Jersey Journal – May/June 2013

Balingen Park Jerseys


“Little Cows - Big Attitude”! Kieron & Melissa Eddy 685 Hooper Road, Tatura, 3616 Ph: 0427 061 705 balingen_eddy@bigpond.com

Lynton and Lisa, Toni, Gavin and Cassie Broad


Jimann Jerseys

Charles & Carolyn Smith 80 Rathbone Road, St Germains 3620 Ph: 03 5826 0325 andesholsteins@bigpond.com.au

Brookbora Jerseys Robert and Sandra Bacon Tennyson Vic 3572 03 5488 2323 - 0429 333 119 bacons@brookbora.com.au www.brookbora.com.au

Bercar Jersey Stud

388 Johnson Road, LOCKINGTON 3563 03 5486 2624 - 0427 862 624 lisa.broad@bigpond.com

Trevor & Julie Campbell

286 Lowe Rd Rochester 3561 PH: (03) 5484 1624 jimann1@bigpond.com

Dalbora Genetics Robert & Sandra Bacon Daryl & Maria Collins

Tennyson Vic 3572 0427 882 227 - 0429 333 119 info@dalboragenetics.com.au www.dalboragenetics.com.au

Bernie and Carol McManus 252 Bamawm Rd Bamawm. 3561 Ph: 03 5483 2245 e-mail bercar3561@bigpond.com

SUNSHINE FARM JERSEYS N R & J M McDonald 715 Andrews Rd Kyabram 3620 Ph: 03 5855 2516 - 0428 992 450 janelleabbey@hotmail.com

LincoLndeLL Jerseys Ron and Val Read & Family 167 Panoo Road Lockington 3563

Utopia Jerseys


Gordon & Lyn Emmett 12 Curr Road, Stanhope Ph: 03 5857 2629 lynemmett@bigpond.com.au .....breeding since 1930

Craigielea Jerseys

Bill, Kaye and Andrew Cochrane 836 Hansen Rd, Bamawm, 3561

Ph: 03 5486 5474


Gailee Jerseys Norm & Dawn Stone 489 Hill Rd Stanhope Ph: 03 5857 2399 gaileeadsl@bigpond.com

JUGIONG JERSEYS Rockleigh Park Nicholson Family Curr Rd Girgarre 3624 Ph/fax 03 5854 6393 Pat 03 5854 6513 jugiong@bigpond.com.au


Stewart Mancer 2/1 Moama Court, Moama Ph: 0429 882 201 rockleighpark@bigpond.com

Jared & Courtney Ireland 53 Hewlett Lane, Lockington. Ph: 03 5486 2694 courtney.wagner@bigpond.com

Silhouette Jerseys Richard & Ann Worboys Echuca Mitiamo Rd • Kotta Ph: 03 5483 7500 info@silhouettefarm.biz

Sybilgrove & Summer Spirit Jerseys Collins Family 202 McColl Road, Ballendella 3561 Ph/Fax: 03 5486 5393

Benlock Jersey Stud Bryan & Lee Rushton 79 Brooks Rd Rochester 3861 Ph: 03 5484 1551 benlockj@dodo.com.au

WINDY WAYS JERSEYS Frank Walsh 41 A Finlay Road, Tongala VIC 3621 Ph: 03 5859 0532 Mobile: 0418 576 856 Email: frankwalsh3@bigpond.com

NortherN District Jersey BreeDers cluB

Presdient: Bill Cochrane 03 5486 5474 Secretary: Lisa Broad 03 5486 2624

THE GOLDEN CHOICE - The Danish Jersey past and present

In the beginning The Viking Jersey population was established in Sweden (1890) and Denmark (1896). Up till 1909 a total of 5212 animals were imported from Jersey Island. Importation of animals stopped and slowly the population grew up to todays 71.000 pure bred and milk recorded cows. World champions in butterfat production Due to the high butter export from Denmark, Jerseys became very popular and the breeding goal was butterfat up to the early 1980’s, when protein payment was introduced. The Danish Jerseys were World Champions in butter fat production. 300 kg butterfat per cow (and 6,30%) per year in 1983! The Danish National Protein Line Project was introduced (1991), to breed bulls superior for protein production. The average herd size for Jerseys today is 170 cows,the highest average for all breeds in Viking countries. Jerseys make up 13% of all cows in Denmark. Due to efficiency (more profit per hectare and per livestock unit), longevity, fertility and less health problems. Jerseys have experienced a surge in popularity. Semen export started in 1954 and is now nearly twice as big as the Domestic use. Most national Jersey herds in mainland Europe are founded on Danish Jerseys.

RRP 0 $2+6G.S0T

Influential bloodlines Semen imports have been very important for the development of the Viking Jersey. First it was semen from Jersey Island and especially New Zealand, during the sixties and seventies, followed by semen from USA and Canada, especially from 1985 to 1995, to speed up protein production. The most influential bulls have been Glenmore Royal Guide (NZ), Highland Duncan Lester (US) and Meadow Lawn J Imperial (CAN). These bulls have resulted in sons, grandsons and great grandsons like FYN Tved, FYN Haug, SKAE Hede, FYN Lemvig, Q Impuls, Q Zik and DJ Zuma. Today 62 % of the genes are Danish and 38 % foreign (US) in the Viking Jersey population. Sexed semen Viking Jersey introduced sexed semen in 2004 and genomic selection in 2009. All bulls entering the National breeding program are tested. 1/3 of the bulls selected have unproven genomic selected sires. The increase in demand and use of genomic selected bulls is close to 50% of all semen used. Worldwide influence Influence worldwide started with FYN Lemvig (Lester x SKAE Hede). He was the sire of a number of great bulls, with Manhatten (NZ) and Sunset Canyon Maximum (US) being the most influential. Lemvig daughters were bull dams all over the world. The same happened for Q Impuls (SKAE Ide x JAS Byg).

The bull him self is still ranked #1 in Canada and he was ranked in US top 5, from 2007 to 2011. Q Impuls still ranks #22 in USA, with 26.000 daughters . He also has 5 sons ranked in the top 20. From the new generation of bulls, DJ Zuma (Q Zik x FYN Lemvig) has been very heavily used in Europe, USA and South Africa. Now daughters have started to milk and look extremely promising. DJ Zuma has also been used as a sire of son worldwide. No sons have conventional proofs yet, but genomic results show that some of the sons are among the worlds best genomic bulls right now. New sire VJ Lure VikingGenetics is excited about the new international elite sire VJ Lure. He is a DJ Lirsk (FYN Lemvig) out of a Q Impuls. The demand for this sire around the world is very high and we are fortunate to secure semen for Australia. VJ Lure is the new No 1 Danish sire and is ranked in the top sires in the USA on NM$. He improves milk production while still increasing fat and protein percentages. He also has an excellent health profile excelling in daughter fertility. VJ Lure daughters have lovely bodies with strong top lines and specializes in lowering pins. For more information contact Erik Thompson 0417 219 156 or ertho@vikinggenetics.com

NEW VIKING JERSEY STAR! VJ LURE DJ Lirsk x Q Impuls x DJ Trick • NO 1 Sire Denmark • Top sire USA NM$ • Milk & components • Strong dtr Fertility • NTM +26

For more information and new 2013 catalogue contact: 34 Jersey Journal – May/June 2013

VikingGenetics Australia 53 Towong Street, Tallangatta, VIC 3700 Tel: (02) 6071 3007. Fax: (02) 6071 3006 info@vikinggenetics.com.au www.vikinggenetics.com.au

COLAC JERSEY BREEDERS CLUB President: David Hallyburton – Secretary: Kerry McGarvie Life members: Bob Mellross, Anne Mercer, Ted Codling and Jim Parker

WARRION JERSEYS Steven & Roslyn Chant 245 Melrose Road, WARRION, 3249 PH: 03 5234 8416 roslyn.chant@bigpond.com CAMO JERSEYS David & Raelene Hallyburton 355 Stoneyford Road, CObdEN, 3266 PH: 03 5595 1566 chops@tca-online.com.au David & Loretta Halliday 539 Naroghid Road, NAROgHId, 3266 PH: 03 5595 4466 Alan & Margaret Halliday 100 Colac-ballarat Road, IRREWARRA, 3249 PH: 03 5231 4421 gLENbRAE JERSEYS Jim & Glenda Carson Oliver and Melanesia Carson 30 blacks Road, IRREWILLIPE, 3249 PH: 03 5235 3279 jgcarson@activ8.net.au Jake Harkness C/- Alta genetics PH: 0448 634 533 jake.harkness@altagenetics.com SPRING GULLY JERSEYS don & Jan Murray 255 Larpent Road, bARONgAROOk WESt, 3249 PH: 03 5233 8265 djmurray5@bigpond.com WANSTEAD JERSEYS Roger Heath & Amanda Reynolds 150 koort-koortnong Road, CAMPERdOWN. 3260 PH: 03 5593 9321 rvheath@tca-online.net.au

Member Profile TAUGHBOYNE JERSEYS n Kerry McGarvie and Lawrence Finney


n Herd began as yearlings (80) purchased while sharefarming in 1996. n Milk 350 all Jersey herd on 654 leased and owned acres (also includes up to 180 head of young stock). n No labour employed, strategic use of contractors only.


n Get the most out of life and spend what time we have in good company.


n Going from being wage earners to owning our own herd and machinery and then purchasing 114 acres and building a new home. n Milking 175 cows per labour unit and haven’t gone mad. Yet. n Bulls to use in 2013 – VINTAGE-P, MOTIVATION-PP, DA BOMB-P, MILAD-P, CRITIC-P, MELSEQUINOX-P, CSCHARRISON-P, OLIVER-P, MASTER-P, ECLIPES-P, and later VAPOUR-P. n Football Team – Geelong and Collingwood Apart from family if you could invite 6 people for dinner who would they be? 1. Jane Hallyburton 2. James Blundell 3. Paul Kelly 4. Roger Federer 5. Pat Rafter 6. Tom Harley Page sponsored by GreenCon Concrete and Construction

New members always welcome

ROCkVALE JERSEYS Des & Wendy Parker PO box 25, bEEAC, 3251 PH: 03 5234 6284 djwjparker@bigpond.com CAIRNbRAE JERSEYS Alan & Janine Carson 80 McNabbs Road, IRREWILLIPE EASt, 3249 PH: 03 5235 3201 janine.carson@activ8.net.au www.cairnbraejerseys.com tAUgHbOYNE JERSEYS Kerry McGarvie & Laurie Finney 217 darlington Road, gNOtUk, 3260 PH: 03 5593 9347 taughboyne@bigpond.com JACkIAH & RIPPONLEA JERSEYS Simon Reid & Belinda Egan 165 Flannigans Road, IRREWILLIPE EASt, 3249 PH: 03 5235 3334 jackiahjerseys@bigpond.com JIREH JERSEYS Chris & Pam McKenzie 859 Cooriemungle Road, COORIEMUNgLE, 3268 PH: 03 5598 7222 jireh859@aussiebroadband.com.au VENOMA JERSEYS Jim & Norma Parker 550 tomahawk Creek Road, IRREWILLIPE, 3249 PH: 03 5235 3209 venoma@bigpond.com Bob Gilmour gEELONg, 3216 PH: 03 5241 2765

2013 Sydney Royal Easter Show Results Judge: Mr. Brian Leslie, Arcadia, Victoria

Senior Champion Jersey and Best Udder and Supreme Champion, Shirlinn Ice Eve

Heifer, 6-8 mths 1 Shirlinn Reagan Jessie, Wilson family 2 Kendale Tequila Rose, K & M Atkins 3 Foxton PP Doris, RJ & SC Brown & SG & MV Smith Heifer, 8-12 mths 1 Shirlinn Tequila Wren, Wilson Family 2 Orana Requila Narcissus, John Quin 3 Salvation Reagan Belle, Salvation Jerseys Heifer, 12-16mths 1 Shirlinn Tequila Snowflake, Wilson family 2 Bralock Mexicano Merle, B & J Gavenlock 3 Bralock Shot Of Merle, B & J Gavenlock Heifer, 16-20mths 1 Kendale Rapid Noelene, K & M Atkins 2 Shirlinn Emerson Starfinch 2, Wilson Family 3 Orana Brook Sunshine, John Quin Heifer, 20-24mths 1 Salvation Excitation Regal, Salvation Jerseys 2 Foxton MP Leonie, RJ & SC Brown & SG & MV Smith 3 Shirlinn Governor Eve, Wilson Family Junior Champion Female Shirlinn Tequila Snowflake Sire: Tower Vue Prime Tequila Dam: Koree Island Signature Snow Reserve Junior Champion Female Bralock Mexicano Merle Sire: Tower Vue Prime Tequila Dam: Bralock Nadines Merle Honourable Mention Kendale Rapid Noelene Sire: Rapid Bay Ressurection Dam: Brunchilli T Noelene

Pen of Three Females 1 Wilson Family 2 Salvation Jerseys 3 Ken & Margaret Atkins Female, 2-3yrs, In Calf, Dry 1 Orana Illustrator Silverfinch, John Quin 2 Salvation Surefire Goldie, Salvation Jerseys 3 Mirboo Mae Claire, John Ritter Female, under 2.4yrs, in-milk 1 Strongbark Governor Jess, K & JD Strong 2 Sweet Pumpkins Delight, CC & J Cochrane & C Allen 3 Shirlinn Ilb Zara 3, Wilson Family 36 Jersey Journal – May/June 2013

Intermediate Champion Jersey, Best Udder and Supreme Intermediate Champion, Shirlinn Special Stephanie

Female, 2.4yrs-2.8yrs, in-milk 1 Riverside Rumours Ginger, Salvation Jerseys 2 Bralock Resurrection Merle, Atkins, Wilson & Forbes 3 Ascot Park Comericas Beauty 2, Cedar Vale Jerseys Female, 2.8-3yrs, in-milk 1 Shirlinn Special Stephanie, Wilson Family 2 Orana Bbc Ilagay, John Quin 3 Tarcoola Comerica Eileen, Patrick Buckley Best Intermediate Udder Shirlinn Special Stephanie Intermediate Champion Female Shirlinn Special Stephanie Sire: BW Special Force Dam: Shirlinn DB Stephanie Reserve Intermediate Champion Female Riverside Rumours Ginger Sire: Rapid Bay Reagan Dam: Riverside Sambo Ginger Honourable Mention Orana BBC Ilagay Sire: Bushlea Comerias Brook Dam: Orana LS Ilagay

Pen of Three Females, Under 3yrs 1 Wilson Family 2 John Quin 3 Cedar Vale Jerseys Female, Over 3 Yrs, In Calf, Dry 1 Orana Hallmark Ilagay 4, John Quin 2 Orana Legion Sunshine (Production Winner), John Quin 3 Kendale Fabulous Moya, K & M Atkins Female, 3-4yrs in-milk 1 Jamber Lady Gaga, M & R Wilson 2 Orana Verify Sunshine, John Quin 3 Shirlinn Free Dawn (Production Winner) Wilson Family Female, 4-5yrs in-milk 1 Brunchilli Visionary Cher, Jane McPhee 2 Shirlinn Connection Priscilla (Production Winner) Wilson Family 3 Orana PJ Ilagay, John Quin Female, 5-6yrs in-milk 1 Cedar Vale Country Floss (Production Winner) M & R Wilson 2 Bralock Imperial Merle, B & J Gavenlock 3 Eagle Vale Fusion Platinum, P Buckley

Junior Champion Jersey and Supreme Champion, Shirlinn Tequila Snowflake.

Female, Over 6yrs, in-milk 1 Shirlinn Icy Eve (Production Winner) Wilson Family 2 Shirlinn Caesar Starfinchm Wilson Family 3 Misty Glen Banjos Belle, Salvation Jerseys Best Senior Udder Shirlinn Icy Eve Pen of Three Females 1 Wilson Family 2 Mark & Robert Wilson 3 Salvation Jerseys Dam’s Progeny Group 1 Orana LS Ilagay, John Quin 2 Bralock Imperial Merle, B & J Gavenlock 3 Shirlinn Miss Starfinch 3, Wilson Family Five Females, Any Age 1 Wilson Family 2 John Quin 3 Ken & Margaret Atkins Senior Champion Female Shirlinn Icy Eve Sire: Kendale Big Time Ice Dam: Shirlinn Flower Eve Reserve Senior Champion Female Brunchilli Visionary Cher Sire: Rivendell Visionary Dam: Brunchilli Breakaway Cher Honourable Mention Jamber Lady Gaga Sire: Burnside Buttercups Monty Dam: Jamber Furor Lady

Most Successful Jersey Breeder & Exhibitor Wilson Family “Shirlinn” DAIRY INTER-BREED COMPETITION Supreme Junior Champion Dairy Female Shirlinn Tequila Snowflake Supreme Intermediate Champion Dairy Female Shirlinn Special Stephanie Pen of Three Females Wilson Family “Shirlinn” Supreme Champion Dairy Female Shirlinn Icy Eve

Toowoomba Royal Show 2013 Judge: Mr Todd Wilson, Tamworth, NSW

Heifer 6-12mths 1 Ascot Park Celebrity Beauty SG & JA McCarthy 2 Ascot Park Vanahlem Elaine SG & JA McCarthy 3 Grand Dream Governor Merle, T Brown Heifer 12-18mths 1 Bralock Merchant Merle, J & T Phillips 2 Ascot Park Regions Limerick, SG & JA McCarthy 3 Grand Dream Eclipes Lilly, T Brown Heifer 18-24mths 1 Ardylbar Minister Evolution, TJ Barron 2 Macleigh Sultans Diamond, M McCarthy 3 Ascot Park Elton Wanda, SG & JA McCarthy Champion Juvenile Heifer Ascot Park Celebrity Beauty Reserve Champion Ascot Park Vanahlem Elaine

Heifer 2-2½yrs in milk 1 Ascot Park Comerica Daphne, SG & JA McCarthy 2 Tyjon Governor Vita, TJ Barron 3 Ascot Park Pitinos Beauty 6, SG & JA McCarthy Heifer 2½-3yrs in milk 1 Grand Dream Broker Rhuminess, T Brown Heifer - Best udder under 3yrs 1 Ascot Park Comerica Daphne, SG & JA McCarthy 2 River Ridge Blackstone Megan 2, C Keir 3 Ascot Park Pitinos Beauty 6, SG & JA McCarthy Group of 3 heifers 1 Ascot Park 2 Ascot Park Junior Champion Heifer Ascot Park Comerica Daphne Reserve Champion Tyjon Governor Vita

Cow 3-4yrs in milk 1 Rising Sun B Babes Minister, TJ Barron 2 Ascot Park Seniors Elaine, SG & JA McCarthy Cow 4-5yrs in milk 1 Ascot Park Blairs Beauty 2, SG & JA McCarthy 2 Ardylbar Connection Fancy, AD & WJ Barron 3 Rising Sun Jeeps Princess, AD & WJ Barron Cow 5-7yrs in milk 1 Ardylbar B Jade Emme, AD & WJ Barron Cow 7yrs & over in milk 1 Ascot Park Badger Dairymaid, SG & JA McCarthy 2 Ardylbar Jades Mariah, AD & WJ Barron Group of 3 cows 1 Ascot Park 2 Ardylbar Jerseys Maternally related group 1 Ascot Park Stars Beauty 2 Ascot Park Primes Elaine 3 Ascot Park Alberts Limerick Sires progeny group 1 Altheas Lester Pitino of Al-Top-ET, SG & JA McCarthy 2 Bridon Remica Comerica, SG & JA McCarthy 3 Giprat Belles Jade, AD & WJ Barron Dairy Group 1 Ascot Park, SG & JA McCarthy 2 Ardylbar Jerseys, AD & WJ Barron Best udder over 3yrs 1 Rising Sun Jeeps Princess, AD & WJ Barron 2 Rising Sun B Babes Minister, TJ Barron 3 Ascot Park Blairs Beauty 2, SG & JA McCarthy Champion Jersey Cow Rising Sun B Babes Minister Reserve Champion Ascot Park Blairs Beauty 2 Honourable Mention Champion Ardylbar Connection Fancy

Tasmanian Jersey Breeders Calf Day

Senior Champion Jersey, Rising Sun B Babes Minister, TJ Barron.

Champion Milk, Fat plus Protein cow Ascot Park Badgers Dairymaid Most successful exhibitor SG & JA McCarthy

SUPREME AWARDS Reserve Supreme Juvenile Heifer Ascot Park Celebrity Beauty Reserve Supreme Junior Heifer and Udder Ascot Park Comerica Daphne Reserve Supreme Cow and Udder Rising Sun B Babes Minister DAIRY YOUTH SHOW All-Breeds Junior Paraders 2013 Judge: Kelvin Cochrane Under 12 years 1. Charlie Deans, 2. Liam Deans, 3. Dandy Jeffcoat Youth 12-16yrs: 1. Zoe Hayes, 2. Brian Chappell, 3. Sophia Wright Youth 16-25yrs: 1. Cameron Yarnold, 2. Julia Paulger, 3. Rebecca Daley. Champion Parader of Youth Show Cameron Yarnold All Breeds Champion Heifer Ascot Park Celebrity Beauty YOUTH JUDGES Under 16yrs: 1. Zoe Hayes, 2. Ashleigh Brown, 3. Thomas Wade 16-25yrs: 1. Simon Tognola, 2. Trent Bormann

Held in conjunction with Tasmanian Holstein Association – Sunday, February 10th Judge: Geoff Heazlewood The Jerseys were represented by 28 calves from 8 breeders with well know Jersey Breeder Geoff Heazlewood doing a great job judging. Classes were divided into 0-3, 3-6, 6-9 and 9-12 month age groups and each class averaging 6 entries giving the judge a good challenge. In the end it was Cameron Thompson’s 5 month old calf Quamby Brook Tequila Penny winning the rosette and new Jersey members Datumvale (of Datumvale Holsteins - Marcus and Jacqui Young) winning the champion bull - Datumvale Excitation Opal. At the conclusion of judging both breeds took part in a Calf and Handler Dress Up - only one Jersey was entered and but won top prize! The bull calf Datumvale Excitation Opal won in his Bob Marley costume, complete with dreadlocks!

Lily Young with Champion Bull - Datumvale Excitation Opal

Cameron Thompson with Champion Heifer - Quamby Brook Tequila Penny Jersey Journal – May/June 2013 37

Jersey Genetics – The Choice Has Never Been Greater

High genomic sire NAVARIAN has an impressive 1st ABV based on 24 milking daughters and will add many more daughters in August.

Genetics Australia has a proven track record of developing Australia’s most profitable dairy bulls. As a farmer owned Cooperative we have continued progeny testing through good times and bad. The future for Australian Jerseys has never looked brighter! The range and depth of product available through Genetics Australia means that there is a bull to meet all breeding goals. Whether it is a proven favourite, genomic young gun or progeny test future star, from Australia or abroad, it can be found in the Genetics Australia Jersey Team.

FutureGen Genomic Sires give added options Genomics has been the most exciting technology to hit the Dairy Cattle breeding world since the advent of AI and now gives Jersey Breeders greater depth and diversity of genetics than ever before. Since the initial release of Genomic Breeding Values (ABVgs) two years ago a great deal of work by ADHIS, the Dairy Futures CRC and Jersey Breeders that has meant the amount of data in the reference population upon which the ABVgs are based has dramatically increased. This will continue to increase over time ensuring that the genomic estimates are as reliable and representative of a bull’s genetic merit as possible. At Genetics Australia we have confidence that the superior group of young sires blended into your breeding program will provide the best chance of breeding high quality profitable Jersey cows.

Progeny Test has never been more attractive Progeny testing will be as important in the future as it has been in the past. The need to replenish and update the reference population for genomic evaluations and the need to collect data on new traits will ensure that progeny testing remains relevant into the future. For breeders, progeny testing is still the most cost effective way to get access to the next generation of young sires. The randomly sampling of these elite young sires the identification of superior performance under Australia’s unique farming conditions will continue to play a significant role in helping

38 Jersey Journal – May/June 2013

AUSSIEGOLD[P] [ELTON x VANHALEM] is proving to be popular young genomic sire

achieve the aims and aspirations of the Jersey breed well into the future. Genetics Australia’s genomically tested Horizon progeny test sires are a cost effective method of improving your herd when blended with the best of the FuturGen and Proven bulls When considering Australian Progeny Testing programs, support the program that is endorsed by Jersey Australia – the Genetics Australia Horizon Progeny Test Program.

Globally Recognised Australian Proven Sires The Australia Jersey cow is recognized for her high production levels of quality milk, longevity, health and management traits, adaptability and outstanding type. Her proven grazing ability has captured the attention of Jersey enthusiasts from countries around the world as they look towards more profitable low input production systems. In the last few years, Genetics Australia has exported in excess of 100,000 straws of BADGER and over 50,000 straws of ASTOUND to South Africa. We now have developing export markets in Europe, South America and most exciting of all will be the demand for Australian Jersey Genetics in North America. In addition to the increased selection of genomic sires the April ABVs have identified the first of the daughter proven VALERIAN sons. NAVARIAN [VALERIAN x CSCNAVARA] is a total performance sire who was a high ranking genomic sire. Progeny tested over two seasons, NAVARIAN’s first ABV includes 24 daughters and this combined with his genomic information gives him a production reliability of 73%. With ratings of 112 and 113 for Overall Type and Mammary he will have widespread appeal and we eagerly await the addition of more daughters in August. DELIAN [VALERIAN x FLOWERPOWER] has a balanced production proof showing positive fat and protein deviations. At 113 for Overall Type he will be included in many breeding programs. The Genetics Australia total performance sires deliver and this is demonstrated by their second crop performance.

Of the current proven bulls LARFALOT now has over 800 daughters in his production proof and his strong, deep bodied daughters are complimented by sound udders that are mastitis resistant. The BADGER son GAINFUL cements his position as a total performance sire. Solid, reliable production and positive components are a bonus on top of his 114 for Overall type. Super udder ratings and strong frames combined with an excellent cell count score will see him continue to be popular.

The best of the international sires available from World Wide Sires The US Jersey population has made an enormous contribution to the Jersey breed globally. The best of the proven and genomic bulls in the Select Sires and Accelerated Genetics breeding programs are made available through the alliance with World Wide Sires. This alliance makes available some of the world’s best Jersey Genetics. Select Sires and Accelerated Genetics have strong proving programs and a proven track record of producing the type of cows demanded by the modern dairy farmers. The current proven line-up reflects the very best that North America has to offer. An invitation to inspect the top Genetics Australia bulls during the World Jersey Conference Genetics Australia is pleased to be hosting a visit by local and international visitors to the home of Australia’s best Jersey bulls during the 2013 Gold Rush Down Under World Jersey Cattle Bureau Council Meeting and Tour. The visit to Genetics Australia will include an inspection of the best Proven and genomic bulls on the Bacchus Marsh EU Collection Facility. The day is scheduled on Friday May 17th and we extend a warm invitation to all Australian jersey Breeders as either part of the World Conference or if you would just like to take the opportunity to visit Genetics Australia. Further details, on the Conference and times is available from: Robyn Barber Email: robyn.barber@optusnet.com.au Phone: + 61 418 656 082.

Dam: Jars of Clay Iatola 16710 2751, VG 87

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