The Australian Jersey Journal May 2010

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Journal June/July 2010

Print Post Approved 325550-009

Volume 63 No. 27— June/July 2010


President: Trevor Saunders 495 Araluen Rd, Yarragon 3823 Telephone: (03) 5626 6373 Vice President: Milton Johnston 118 Edinburgh Drive, Taree, NSW 2430 Telephone: (02) 6552 5915 Secretary: Scott Joynson PO Box 292, Ascot Vale,Vic 3032 Telephone: (03) 9370 9105 Hon.Treasurer: Peter Ness PO Box 93, Mt Compass, SA 5210 Telephone: (08) 8556 8270 Don Fry Mitchell Rd, Benger, WA Telephone: (08) 9726 9226 Geoff Heazlewood PO Box 87 Latrobe Tas 7307 Telephone: (03) 6426 1169 Jeff Parker 142 Moy Pocket Rd Kenilworth Qld 4574 Telephone: (07) 5466 0389 Chris MacKenzie 859 Cooriemungle Rd Timboon Vic 3268 Telephone: (03)559 87222 Troy Mauger The Willows Willawa Rd Jerilderie NSW 2716 Telephone: (03) 5885 9294 Rohan Sprunt 235 Kaarimba Hall Rd Kaarimba Vic 3635 Telephone: (03)5826 9506 Lisa Broad 388 Johnson Rd Lockington Vic 3563 Telephone: (03) 5486 2624 AJBS Website:


Jersey Australia Board Members

Misty Glen Anthony’s Day Dream VHC 91 Champion Jersey Cow & Best Udder Toowoomba Royal Supreme All Breeds Champion & Best Udder Toowoomba Royal 2010 Watch out for her Ringmaster daughter calving July! Ardylbar Jerseys has won Champion Jersey for the 6th successive year at Toowoomba Royal!



Adadale Jerseys


Agrigene BW Surefire


Almervista Jerseys


Alta Genetics


BOS Trading


Bralock Jerseys











“It might be the year of the tiger for the Chinese, but here in Northern Victoria 2010 is the year of the wedding”...Julie Campbell.

Central Gippsland Jersey Breeders 21 Cheese Factory for sale Genetics Australia Northern District Jersey Breeders

22 IBC 8

Jireh Jerseys


Semex - JE Senior


Shirlinn Jerseys


Editorial & Advertising to: Scott Joynson PO Box 292, Ascot Vale VICTORIA 3032 Ph. (03) 9370 9105 Fax. (03) 9370 9116 Email:

Patrick Nicholson and Carmen Patterson (pictured) married on March 6th, at St Lawrence’s, Stanhope, while Jeremy Campbell and Bree Hamilton married on January 2nd at St Augustine’s, Shepparton and Anita Cochrane and Tim Livsey married on March 13th at the Uniting Church, Echuca. On behalf of the NDJBC and all Jersey Australia members we wish these couples the very best life’s journey has to offer..oh and regular rain! JerseyJournalJune/July 2010 —


Balingen Park By Linda Houghton

Melissa and Keiran Eddy have been farming at Balingen Park for three years in August, after starting out by sharefarming to build up their assets and experience. The Eddys’ 200 acre property is located at Tatura, in Victoria’s Goulburn Valley. Initially, the Eddys looked into organic farming, which felt like a good fit for their shared vision for farming, plus the added incentive of a healthy price of 70 cents per litre of milk. ‘The niche organic market looked pretty appealing for a while, then we learned we would be required to commit to chemical-free farming practices for three years before our milk would be considered. When we weighed it up, the high cost of those three years would take a long time to recoup. For example organic feed sells at about $250 per tonne (plus transport costs, as it comes from Queensland) whereas ordinary hay can be purchased in Victoria for about $150 per tonne. There is also an annual audit conducted to validate that your farm is organic. While we were keen to follow organic farming in principle, the reality was that we were not prepared to wait for a return on our investment,’ Keiran said. ‘Instead, we developed a workable compromise, and while we’re not fully organic, we use natural fertilizers that utilise effluent efficiently, and use minimal sprays. The cows do better on natural fertilizer, and the fewer chemicals in our cow’s means less in the end product. We are happy with this approach, and it is in line with our interest in using fewer chemicals whenever we can. The natural products such as ‘worm brew’ and sea-weed mixes can be simply prepared ourselves, or you can purchase or barter for them from local sellers to get what you need. We have a fantastic veggie garden as well, plus chooks – which both provide good food and another source of fertilizer components. The property is irrigated via the Goulburn River system, and the Eddy’s currently milk a herd of 130 cows and supply Tatura Milk. The dairy is an 8 a-side double-up; ‘straight out of the stone-age’ in Keiran’s words, and will be left alone until funds permit an upgrade. ‘Our herd consists of about 98% Jerseys, which are all registered and the balance are cross-breeds, which we are decreasing. Herd testing is very important to us, as it makes management decisions simple – we can identify the non-performers and move them on – which maximises our return. We hope to increase the herd size to 190, then perhaps to a


— JerseyJournalJune/July 2010

maximum of 220. I just love the Jersey breed, I think they’re in my blood – they perform well in all weather and produce. When I started building-up the herd, we bought 80 from David and Sue Thorn, who we used to share-farm with – that gave us a great starting point’ Keiran said. Melissa and Keiran have put a lot of effort into improving their property. ‘The farm was completely under-developed when we arrived, and we have since done a bit of lasering, as well as planting 500 native trees in the past few weeks. The trees will make a huge difference– providing much needed shade, windbreaks and to improve the look of the property. Melissa has a degree in natural resources, so she is keen to get out there and plant trees, which is great,’ Keiran said. Since taking on the property, the Eddys have also become parents, and have a 20 month old daughter; Rhiann (who’s photo recently featured in the Jersey Journal) and Keiran celebrated her birth in a unique way. ‘I have her name tattooed on my arm, and each Winter I make sure I get a new tattoo – I’m starting to look like a biker, especially since I have a beard, and like to wear dark glasses! I don’t look like the typical dairy farmer that’s for sure, and at 33 years old, and I reckon there’s at least another 30 winters worth of tatts on the way – as long as I don’t run out of skin! It’s just as well Melissa doesn’t mind a few tattoos!’ Keiran laughs. The Eddys provide all of the on-farm labour, with Melissa also doing the books, feeding calves and keeping a close eye on Rhiann. A neighbour is used to relief milk from time to time – however there have been no holidays since they moved in. ‘We’ll wait a bit longer for a break – we know that we will get there; we just have a few other things to do first. Future projects we would like to do include putting in a recycle dam and drainage improvements. ‘The soil here is a nice sandy loam, and so far we’ve had a pretty good start to the year with rain early on. We have put in annual crops of clover and rye, forage and triticale, although the locusts have eaten a fair bit of it. I will put sorghum in during the summer, and in future would like to plant lucerne, providing good rain levels are there. We’ve had a 70% allocation this year, and use a 200ML spear point on the farm during Summer to grow sorghum, which delivers around 60 – 70 ML,’ Keiran said.

The herd is fed grain at the rate of 5kg per cow per day, and so far the pasture is good and will hopefully be maintained by more rain soon. ‘We calve over autumn and spring, and are trying to get more numbers into autumn – when we have the most feed. I run the breeding program, and select the bulls to improve flaws and do the AI – udders are an issue for our herd, and I am trying to improve them. We are currently using Spiritual, Elton, Sultan, Action, Masquerade, Merchant and Regent, plus a couple of PT bulls from Semex. Talking to other breeders is also helpful and a good way to increase your knowledge and selection skills. Ideally, we will be breeding large capacity cows with big wide ribs and great udders, along with a touch of attitude! I like them to be a bit feisty, so that they ensure they get their share of the grain and feed. We have one character who we call ‘nibbles’ because we catch her nibbling around the bales of hay – she’s really cute, so you can’t get too mad with her,’ Keiran said. There are no real favourite cow families at Balingen Park, as the Eddy’s love them all and have recently put about 15 cows through the genetic recovery program. ‘There is one cow that I absolutely love who we just put through the program, ‘Balingen Park Anniminna’ – she’s a fantastic 8YO, and we’ve had one daughter from her so far, and it would be great to have a dozen more like her. We would recommend participating in the program, it adds value to your herd, and recovers their heritage. You only have to look at the difference in prices between registered and un-registered cows to see that. Why wouldn’t you register your cows?’ Melissa said. The Eddys are not into showing their cows, but are fans of the Great Southern Challenge. ‘It’s great fun to see what the club members cows are like, and it is also a good opportunity to socialise. We intend to participate again, and will probably get cleaned up again too – but that doesn’t matter, as it’s all about seeing quality cows and having some fun’, Keiran said. ‘I feel confident about the future, and hopefully we’ll have the right cows at the right time for when the prices are better, and there’s more rain around. In my opinion Jerseys and brains go hand-in-hand; breeding Jerseys is the smartest decision a dairy-farmer can make’

The Babe Leading Ladies!

The Babe family arrived at Kaarmona via the purchase of BIE BB Babe In recent years, some of the Babe cows have been hitting up on the as a milking 2yo, at a time when we weren’t even milking cows. She top 2% cow ABV’s. Kaarmona Taranak Babe remained in the top lists was scored 86pts & had just placed 7th in-milk at Jersey Showcase for a number of proof runs, as too have her flowerpower daughters. 1994. In all she cost us $7,200, quite a risk considering we were only And then along came Kaarmona Parade Babe 3. With loads of milk 23 & 24 years old at the time and no farm to work with her, but to this coupled with 5.2 %F & 4.1%P she came screaming into the charts at day, we still say it has been the best Jersey investment we have ever # 19 nationally, after nearly completing her 1st lactation. Today she made. BIE BB Babe, went on to score VHC91, Ex as well as become remains in the top 350 cows nationally based on ABV’s. the cornerstone of our herd. She produced over 100 fertilized embryos Classification during her early years before she suffered a stroke, then developed It’s well known that BIE BB Babe, VHC91, Ex is regarded as one of cancer, and was thus retired to live out her days wandering around Australia’s best ever brood cows. In all, she had 22 daughters ave the farm. 88.6pts with an We have lost track of incredible 14VHC how much revenue daughters. BIE BB she has generated Babe was a 3rd out for Kaarmona, which of 4 generations continues on via her VHC/Ex. Today, descendants. It’s easy her highest scored to say that BIE BB Babe descendants are: has had a significant 1. input towards getting Kaarmona Kaarmona Lester recognized on the Babe 2 (ET), SUP93. International Jersey She is a direct Lester map. daughter of BIE BB Production Babe. The Babe family has 2. been long recognized as outstanding Kaarmona Parade production cows. Babe 2, SUP93. PTIC I’m sure this was one to sexed TBone. She of the main reasons is sired by BW Parade Kaarmona Parade Babe that the BIE syndicate x HC+87 Mannix x imported BIE BB Babe’s mother, Jerseyland Sil Saint Janice. This VHC91 Lester x BIE BB Babe. production has never faltered here at Kaarmona. BIE BB Babe, was an Other notable classification results include outstanding production cow in terms of milk volume producing over • Kaarmona Astound Babe (ET), SUP92 – An Astound daughter of BIE 8,100L in 1995 but was still able to transmit great jersey components up BB Babe to 5.9%F & 3.6%P. • Kaarmona Parade Babe (ET), SUP92 – She is 3 generations ave 92pts. Today, her descendants continue to dominate their age groups, within A BW Parade daughter of Kaarmona Lester Babe 2. herd, for production. The, recently published, 2009 Jersey Australia • Kaarmona Parade Babe 3, SUP92 – A BW Parade daughter x HC+88 production awards saw Kaarmona have the 2nd highest production Biestar x VHC90 Malcolm x BIE BB Babe mature cow nationally. Kaarmona Astound Babe, SUP92 produced • Kaarmona Astound Babe 8, SUP92 – An Astound dtr x 84pt (2yo) 10,593L 5.16%F 547KgF 3.78%P 400KgP. It’s these production Armada x HC+88 Biestar x VHC90 Malcolm x BIE BB Babe capabilities that have allowed the Babe family to stand the test of time. • Kaarmona Astound Babe 6, VHC91 – Possibly the best rear uddered But more importantly, the Babes have contributed to an outstanding cow we had. Unfortunately lost this season with environmental base in our herd that has seen our herd production continue to rise mastitis (thank you drought!). She has a Jace dtr listed below, a not only for milk but also fat & protein. Today our herd has an official cracking Parade daughter to enter the herd this year & her TBone production average of 6734L 3.8%P 255KgP 5.2%F 347KgF in 286Days, son is currently under genomic test. She is an Astound dtr x 86pt achieving Platinum Award from Jersey Australia. We have no doubt (2yo) Lester x VHC90 Malcolm x BIE BB Babe. that the Babe family have contributed enormously towards increasing • Kaarmona Jace Babe 6, 88pt (max) 2yo – She is a Jace daughter of our components while at the same time increasing milk yield. the above cow. Potentially 6th out of 8 generations VHC/Ex. PTIC to ABV’s sexed Action, the next generation on its way! JerseyJournalJune/July 2010 —


We are firm believers that good cow families continue to breed on. 2010. This is particularly evident with the Babe family as can be seen above. Guarantee – An Astound son from Kaarmona Lester Babe 2. He Nearly every year we have a particularly good Babe enter the herd. graduated lower down the lists but was noted for great udders, with Show Ring Appeal one of his 1st crop daughters winning 2yo in-milk & intermediate Our goal is to breed large framed, good uddered, high producing Champion Melbourne Royal. Guarantee was dual sampled in USA cows that walk on good feet & legs for many lactations. We don’t set CSCPremier – A Finale son of Kaarmona Lester Babe. Once again a out to breed show champions. However, if we are milking a cow that bull that never got a publishable proof, but he left some unbelievably we think is good enough to compete at International Dairy Week, then milky daughters. Great wedge & tremendous length to his daughters. we take her along. These are just some of the Babe sons that have done the job here Without a doubt, the Babe family have certainly been competitive at in Australia. There are many more sons in waiting such as BAILBOY IDW. At IDW 2001, Kaarmona Lester Babe 2 & Kaarmona Lester Babe (Futurity x Parade Babe 2), BOAZ (Valerian x Parade Babe, thereby 3, ET sisters, stood 1st & 2nd in the Snr 2yo in-milk class. I believe this was being a maternal brother to Jurace) and CSCBRYSON (Parade x the 1st time sisters had achieved this accomplishment. These 2 cows Astound Babe). The influence of the Babe family in Australia looks set also took home 1st & 2nd best udder of class. to continue Later in her career, Kaarmona Lester Babe 2 (ET), SUP93 was awarded Marketability Honourable Mention Champion Cow IDW 2005. One of the stunning highlights of this cow family is the fact that we have 2007 saw another feat for Kaarmona Jerseys. Kaarmona Parade been able to market their genetics “full circle”. That is, selling genetics Babe 3 & Kaarmona Parade Babe 2 stood 1st & 2nd respectively in back to USA where the family originated. Kaarmona DeKoda was the Jnr 2yo in-milk class IDW. These 2 heifers also claimed 1st & 2nd the 1st Kaarmona bull to be sold to Jerseyland Sires, USA. He was an Best Udder of class. These 2 AltaKody son of Kaarmona heifers come down different Lester Babe 2. lines of the Babe family, but Our most gratifying sale are genetically linked in that was to send a large parcel both heifers 3rd dam is BIE BB of embryos from Kaarmona Babe Parade Babe 3 to USA for a Kaarmona Parade Babe 2, private buyer. The buyer’s SUP93 has had a decorated aim was to produce bulls to show career. We have shown enter AI in the USA & then her 4 consecutive years in the market the daughters. This in-milk class at IDW, where proves to us that not only she has been the perennial do we know that we have a bridesmaid. She has stood great cow family here, but 2nd, 2nd, 3rd & 2nd each other Jersey populations year shown at IDW. However, from around the globe 2010 has been a true highlight also acknowledge this. for her. Despite standing 2nd These USA born calves in her class, she won best have resulted in Kaarmona Kaarmona Lester Babe 2 udder of class, & then being Parade Babe 3 being given overlooked in the championship lineup (not placed in the top 4 cows), an “imputed” genomic valuation based on her own calves genomic she went on to win CHAMPION UDDER OF JERSEY SHOW IDW 2010. This data. cow has also been crowned CHAMPION COW Semex/Jersey Australia The Babes have also topped a number of sales over the years. Most GREAT SOUTHERN CHALLENGE 2007. notably: Bull Dams Kaarmona Flowerpower Babe 5 (ET) – Sold to Brendan & Melissa Scott The Babe family have had many knockers along the way, but now that of Meldan Jerseys for $7,000 as an incalf heifer. The calf she was many of their sons are finally getting enough daughters in their 1st crop carrying at the time is PAPERBOY at GA. She has bred on particularly proofs, they are beginning to silence their doubters. Notable bulls to well for Meldan & has allowed them to make a substantial return on originate from the Babe family are: their investment. CSCBerlest – Berretta x Kaarmona Lester Babe, VHC91 x BIE BB Babe. Kaarmona Legion Babe 133 (ET) – A 10 day old Legion x Parade Babe This bull was never sampled properly & never achieved a publishable 3 sold for $10,000 to the partnership of Bennett, Salter & Jarrett as part proof. He was jointed sampled in the UK & had more daughters milking of the silent auction at the Northern Lights Sale 2008. there than in Australia. His initial proof showed that he was comparable Today, the entire Kaarmona herd consists of approximately 30% babe to Astound but with more components. females, with almost 22% of the milking herd being Babe’s. This just JEFestival & Rhumona – These are full brothers to Kaarmona Parade shows that they continue to breed on delivering female progeny Babe. Both bulls were known for their frame improvements year after year. Despite BIE BB Babe, VHC91 Ex passing away on 19th Jurace – A Jace son from Kaarmona Parade Babe. He is the #5 September 2008, her influence on Kaarmona Jerseys is unsurpassed & ranked available bull in Australia at present. He is noted for his massive her legacy continues to thrive. frames, stature, muzzle, strength, udder texture, ligament & the ability The above portrayal of the Babes just shows how valuable this great to lengthen teats. cow family is. It certainly “ticks all the boxes” & has certainly become JEJeep – A Jace son from Kaarmona Lester Babe 2, which makes him a synonymous with Kaarmona. maternal brother to Rhumona & JEFestival. JEJeep was joint sampled We are just so grateful to be able to put an Australian spin on this world in NZ & South Africa, but here in Australia he has graduated at #15 in class cow family.


— JerseyJournalJune/July 2010

Noeda Stud – the Eckerman Family By Linda Houghton

When John and Ruth Eckerman took over John’s parents stud property at Narung in South Australia in 1975, they probably didn’t anticipate their future being so successful in continuing to breed first class Jerseys, under the Noeda Stud name. In its glory days, Noeda Stud consisted of about 220 – 240 Jerseys, with the star of the herd being Noeda Mayfair 143, a magnificent cow by Centurion, who went on to win the Great Southern Challenge for the Lenehan family in 2009. ‘Paul Lenehan rang us after she won at club level, then a local stock agent told me she had won the state level, and next thing we hear she had won everything. We thought it was great that Paul recognised us in speaking about the cow as her breeders - he didn’t have to do it, and it was a wonderful gesture. I’ll stay in touch with the Lenehan’s and look forward to keeping an eye on Noeda Mayfair 143’s future achievements,’ John said. The Eckermans dispersed the Noeda Stud cows in 2007, with 160 milkers going to a King Island commercial dairy-farm. The Lenehan family then bought the 30 remaining cows, which had been parked at other farms, plus 60 unmated heifers – sight unseen. ‘The Mayfair cow family originated from ‘Yeronga Mayfair 5‘ a cow bought by my father on 16 July 1955. Our other main cow families where the Sheila, Jill and Jingle families, and I often think it is a coincidence that our dispersal sale was held on 16 July 2007. It was very hard to finish up, but the drought and related problems it caused meant we just couldn’t continue,’ John said. ‘When we were building our cow families, we paid close attention to cow scores and looked for three generations of VHC. if a cow didn’t score a VHC, it meant her udder had let her down, and that’s the most important trait to have, in my opinion. I strived to breed cows with the three “F’s” - which stood for; Feed – in that they had to eat well, Fertility to produce, and Feet – they had to have good feet for longevity. I kept it simple and tried to breed good, strong wedgy cows. The most influential bulls I used were Lester, Lester and Centurion – also, Pella Superman, and Coolara Sams Best. Today the Eckermans have retired and changed from being bovine to ovine farmers - running a herd of 50 Wiltshire sheep on a 40 acre hobby farm at Strathalbyn in South Australia. ‘We have a lot of Salvation Jane weed on our place, and the sheep do a great job in eating it and keeping it at bay. The Wiltshire’s are a lowmaintenance breed as well as their wool falls off them – so there’s no need for shearing. Plus they also provide income from sale as meat. It’s ironic really, as I used to say that

sheep farmers were as dumb as their animals – but now I’m one too! We would rather run beef on the block, but it’s a bit too small – however on a positive note, sheep don’t kick as hard as cows, or tread on your toes!’ John said. The Eckermans also run an 81 acre irrigation block as an investment property, which John intents to work up and turn into valuable farming acreage. In addition, they still hold land at Narung and run beef – which they always did when dairy-farming full-time. Since retirement, John and Ruth enjoy travelling and have been to Norway and Canada – enjoying the sights and also checking out the way dairy-farming is carried out in cold climates. ‘They stall the cows for 6 months of the year, and in Norway you don’t see any Jerseys – all Holsteins over there,’ John said. The Eckerman’s were also guests at a boisterous Norwegian wedding – when one of their former on-farm students, Henrietta, got married, and invited them over. ‘The Norwegians really get stuck into the schnapps and were tipsy and rowdy – plus all of the guests made speeches, not just the wedding party – it was a big night,’ John said. John and Ruth are now following the ‘SKI’ principle of living – which stands for Spend the Kids Inheritance’ with a lot more travel being planned in the future. ‘Our cows funded our retirement, and we intend to enjoy it,’ Johns said. John is a great fan of the registration and classification process. ‘Registering your Jerseys is a must - I would encourage all breeders to do it. Then, when your cow is classified - the score given at your farm is what she’s worth; this is valuable knowledge. Classifiers will pick out the bad traits from bulls that you’ve used – which you may not have noticed. I used to do a rough score tally of my own before the classifiers arrived – just to see if I could get a similar score, which meant I was developing a good eye and was on track with my breeding.’ As for the thrill of the Semex Jersey Australia Great Southern Challenge, John is an enthusiastic supporter. ‘It’s a great alternative to showing, and is far less time consuming as you don’t need to travel. Plus if you attend your club function, you will also enjoy a great social atmosphere and get to see all of the wonderful cows in your district,’ John said. Breeders and Cattle Clubs should note that Entry Date close for Regional Finalists for the 2010 Great Southern Challenge will be Friday 12th November 5pm. For more details contact Jersey Australia office for more information about entering, or simply log-on to the website JerseyJournalJune/July 2010 —



The annual sale of the NSW branch of Jersey Australia was held at the Wauchope Showgrounds on 20th May. A very good crowd with buyers from 3 states combined to post an excellent result. Top price of $7600 was reached for the beautifully bred 8 month old heifer, Bralock Special Force Merle. She was submitted by Brad Gavenlock of Berry, and brought by Susan Morrison of Cedar Party. The Top price cow at $7100 was paid for the very stylish 3 year old, Shirlinn Groover Stephanie Ex91 submitted by the Wilson family of Tamworth.

when bought by Ken & Margaret Atkins of Johns River. She was submitted by Jim & Karen Strong of Albion Park. Local Wauchope breeders, Arthur Trotter and family, of Koree Island Jerseys, presented an attractive line of heifers as part of their herd dispersal. Koree Island Seniors Snow 3rd brought $4000 when selected by Dallas Hammond, Cundletown. Breed stalwart, Pat McDonald, from Murwillimbah, presented the prize winning 3 year old Kenarie Justa Cluster. She was purchased by Ross & Debbie Walters of Clarencetown for $4000. Embryos sold to $750 per embryo. Agents for the sale were Dairy Livestock Services with Brian Leslie in the Rostrum. Overall Sale average $2591

Sale Top Priced Heifer Bralock Special Force Merle. Right: Brian & Vicki Wilson contemplating a bid. She was purchased by Greg Osborne of Dondingalong, who also paid $4000 for Burnside Giller Honey, a smart 4 year old presented by Mark Wilson and family of Jamberoo. Strongbark Kody Jessica (ET) an eye catching yearling heifer which was Junior Champion at last years State Youth Show, fetched $5000

4th Annual Northern Lights Sale tops $6000 Yet again the Nicholson Family of Jugiong Jerseys hosted the now annual Northern Lights Jersey Sale on their Girgarre Property. Sale top of $6000 was paid by Francis Creed of Somerset Downs Jerseys in Western Victoria for Riverside Parade Sharna (ET) a yearling sister the well known AI sire Riverside Spiritual, she sold account C & K Couch of Nirranda. Next best price of $5200 was for lot


— JerseyJournalJune/July 2010

1, Transit Park Hattie 5746, a freshly calved Altawhiskey heifer bred from the USA Rebob Hattie family, she was purchased by Buckley & Oslear of Camden, NSW. The well known Kaarmona herd of G & R Sprunt paid $5100 for the On Farm Challenge Winner, Darryn Vale Whiskey Josephine EX91. Pyelanda Partners of Mt Gambier, SA paid $4100 for Homelands Flowers Silvermine 2 a freshly calved heifer who had just

classified VG88 (maximum). The well known Broadlin herd paid $4,000 for Willas Bank Finalist Zola the rising 2 year old granddaughter of Claydon Park Joels Zola EX93 10,600 litres. They also sold the VG88 maximum scored freshly calved heifer Broadlin Mermaid 2541, a Rebel daughter for $3500

to N & A Chilcott of Tasmania. Keen young breeder Daniel Bacon of Tennyson paid $3000 for the in-calf rising 2 year sold, Jimann Sultan Starlight, backed by generations of EX cows, she sold account the Campbell family of Rochester. Selling Agents Dairy livestock Services report the following details 16 Cows and Calved Heifers ave $2678.00 9 Joined Heifers ave $2244.00 6 Unjoined Heifers ave $3083.00 2 Embryo Packages ave $3300.00 33 Jerseys Gross $88150.00 ave $2671.00 Buyers came from New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania and most parts of Victoria.

ABS Australia appoints Product Development Coordinator ABS Australia has appointed Tahnee King to the position of Product Development Coordinator effective immediately. Announcing the appointment ABS Australia Product Development Manager, Russ Manton, said Tahnee brought a demonstrated commitment to dairy genetics and breeding to the company. “Tahnee started building a career in dairying off her own bat as soon as she finished high school,” Russ said. “She put herself through the two year diploma of agriculture course at Dalby in six months, and then went off to work on dairy farms in four Canadian states where she obtained vital work experience.”

Tahnee will assist dairy farmers with their breeding decisions by providing them with detailed pedigree and trait information on the diverse range of ABS progeny test sires available through the company’s global and local development programs.

In her new role Tahnee will work with existing and new ABS Cornerstone™ customers in south-west Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. She will head a team photographing the progeny of high ranking sires coming through ABS progeny test program.

“This is an opportunity to be involved in the industry I love,” she said. “I’m interested in stud cattle and have a passion for genetics.”

“I will be checking the daughters of ABS progeny test bulls on farm and helping our customers to prepare their heifers for bull promotions,” Tahnee said. “I will also be working on organizing our daughter tours and promoting our PT bulls.”

Tahnee first came across ABS when she attended a youth camp that the company sponsors each year. “I’ve grown up knowing ABS,” she said. She has recently moved from Toowoomba and will work out of ABS’ Warrnambool office.

Tahnee owns several registered Jerseys which are on a friend’s dairy farm in Queensland.

JerseyJournalJune/July 2010 —




Charles & Carolyn Smith 80 Rathbone Road St Germains 3620 03 5826 0325

Lynton and Lisa, Toni, Gavin and Cassie Broad

Brookbora Jerseys

Jimann Jerseys

Robert and Sandra Bacon Tennyson Vic 3572 03 5488 2323 0429 333 119

Bercar Jersey Stud Bernie and Carol McManus 252 Bamawm Rd Bamawm. 3561 Ph. 03-54832245 e-mail


N R & J M McDonald 715 Andrews Rd Kyabram 3620 Ph: 03 5855 2516 0428 992 450

SHENSTONE JERSEY STUD Gordon & Lyn Emmett 12 Curr Rd Stanhope 03 5857 2629 .....breeding since 1930

Utopia Jerseys Jared & Courtney Ireland 53 Hewlett Lane, Locklngton. 03-54862694 I 042765765

Silhouette Jerseys Richard & Ann Worboys Echuca Mitiamo Rd • Kotta 03 5483 7500

388 Johnson Road, LOCKINGTON 3563 03 5486 2624 042786 2624

Trevor & Julie Campbell 286 Lowe Rd Rochester 3561 (03) 5484 1621

A contingent from the Northern District Breeders Club made the 2700 klm round trip to attend the 2010 Jersey Australia Annual Meeting.

We saw a lot of countryside, probably more than we intended, and supervised lengthy periods of road construction. Congratulations to the Manning Club for your efforts in organising such a successful event. Our accommodation was excellent, the food very good, and It was a pleasure to see your cows. Thank you most sincerely for your hospitality, we had a ball....

Dalbora Genetics Robert & Sandra Bacon Daryl & Maria Collins Tennyson Vic 3572 0427 882 227 0429 333 119

Craigielea Jerseys

Bill, Kaye and Andrew Cochrane 836 Hansen Rd, Bamawm, 3561 03 5486 5474


Gailee Jerseys

Sybilgrove & Summer Spirit Jerseys

Nicholson Family Curr Rd Girgarre 3624 Ph/fax 03 5854 6393 Pat 03 5854 6513

Norm & Dawn Stone 489 Hill Rd Stanhope 03 5857 2399

Benlock Jersey Stud

Rockleigh Park Jerseys

Lincolndell Jerseys

Collins Family 202 McColl Rd Ballendella 3561 Ph/Fax 03 5486 5393

Bryan & Lee Rushton 79 Brooks Rd Rochester 3861 03 5484 1551

Northern District

Stewart Mancer 2/1 Moama Court, Moama Ph: 0429 88 22 01

Jersey Breeders Club


— JerseyJournalJune/July 2010

Ron and Val Read & Family 167 Panoo Road Lockington 3563 President: Bill Cochrane Secretary: Lisa Broad

2010 Sydney Royal Easter Show Results Judge - Mr. Gary Bowers “Lencrest” Jerseys Canada Judges Comments:- The Royal Easter Show was an honour to judge. It was most enjoyable as all classes displayed great depth with all the class winners being of exceptional quality. The Junior Champion and Reserve Junior Champion were long, diary and open ribbed and would be competitive anywhere in the world. The Champion Cow was “on the

money” show day. She was tall, long, dairy, flat boned with tremendous width to her rear udder. The type of cow any breeder would be proud to own and show. I particularly enjoyed participating in the Judging of Supreme Champions and find the way it is judged, with all judges expressing their placings and reasons, would be a good method to adopt in North America.

Heifer, over 6 & not over 12mths 1 M & R Wilson Jamber Lady Gaga 2 Wilson Family Shirlinn Governor Melys 3 H Boyd & S Menzies Rivendell Shyster Carnation Heifer, over 12 & not over 18mths 1 D J & S M Mayo Regal Park Laramie ET 2 B & K Gavenlock Bushlea Kenedy 3 A Forbes Brunchilli Jamaica Priscilla Heifer, over 18mths and not over 2yrs 1 H Boyd & S Menzies Rivendell Comerica Crystal 2 L Micallef & J Smart Tabandu Action Shamrock 3 M & R Wilson Burnside Monty Buttercup

Female, under 2yrs 4 mths, in milk 1 Wilson Family Shirlinn DB Stephanie 2 Brunchilli Farming Trust Brunchilli BRC Eileen 2 3 J W Quin Orana Sultan Opal Female, 2yr 4 mths & under 2yrs 8 mths, in milk 1 Brad & Kristy Gavenlock Bralock Imperial Merle 2 Wilson Family Shirlinn IM Girl 2 3 M & R Wilson Cedar Vale Country Floss Female, 2yr 8 mths & not over 3yrs, in milk 1 Brunchilli Farming Trust Brunchilli JS Bubbles 2 Wilson Family Shirlinn Signature Dawn 3 R J & A J Salway Wilgo Bomber Coronation

JUVENILE CHAMPION FEMALE H Boyd & S Menzies Rivendell Comerica Crystal Sire Bridon Remake Comerica Dam Brunchilli Sambo Crystal RESERVE JUVENILE CHAMPION FEMALE M & R Wilson Jamber Lady Gaga Sire Brunside Buttercups Monty Dam Jamber Furor Lady HONOURABLE MENTION Wilson Family Shirlinn Governor Melys Sire Griffens Governor Dam Shirlinn Signature Melys Female, over 2 and not over 3yrs, in calf, dry 1 L Micallef & J Smart Cedar Vale HJ Floss 2 B J & M A Chittick Brunchilli JS Priscilla 3 J T Ritter Mirboo J K Katie David Mayo, Semex, Gerringong, NSW,and Hayley Boyd, Nowra, NSW with the Champion Juvenile heifer at Sydney 2010.

BEST JUNIOR UDDER Brad & Kristy Gavenlock Bralock Imperial Merle JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Brad & Kristy Gavenlock Bralock Imperial Merle Sire Meadow Lawn J Imperial Dam Edi Merle 137 RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Wilson Family Shirlinn DB Stephanie Sire Gold Label Dream Boy Dam Shirlinn Just Stephanie HONOURABLE MENTION Brunchilli Farming Trust Brunchilli JS Bubbles Sire Brunchilli Jade Storm Dam Brunchilli Zukor Three females, not necessarily by the one sire, not over 3yrs, owned by the Exhibitor 1 Wilson Family 2 J W Quin 3 Brunchilli Farming Trust

Joanna King wife of the RAS CEO, NSW sashing the Reserve Junior Champion Juvenile Jersey at Sydney 2010, with Todd Wilson, Tamworth, NSW.

Grace Jeffery, Kempsey, NSW was sashed the All Breeds Youth Champion at Sydney 2010.

Pen of 3 head Judging at Sydney 2010

Reserve Champion Juvenile heifer with David Mayo, Semex, NSW, and Rob Wilson, Jamberoo, NSW, at Sydney 2010.

Junior Champion heifer at Sydney 2010 being sashed by Joanna King, wife of the RAS, NSW, CEO, with Brad Gavenlock, Berri, NSW on the lead.

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Junior Best Vessel at Sydney 2010 with Brad Gavelock, Berri, NSW and Rob Brown, Fitzroy Falls, NSW and judge Gary Bowers, Canada.

Female, over 3yrs, in calf, dry 1 Tim Wilson Avon Valley Country Carol 2 J W Quin Orana Hallmark Ilagay 4 Production Winner Female, over 3 and not over 4yrs, in milk 1 B Gavenlock & M Polson Gold Label Daydream Production Winner 2 Wilson Family Shirlinn Icy Eve 3 Wilson Family Shirlinn Caesar Starfinch Female, over 4 & not over 5yrs, in milk 1 H Boyd & S Menzies Brunchilli Sambo Eileen III Production Winner 2 Brunchilli Farming Trust Brunchilli Flower Rebecca 3 M & R Wilson Burnside Sambo Dawn ET

Pauline Daley, Camden, NSW placed the Senior Best Udder ribbon on the winner at Sydney 2010, with Brian Wlson, Tamworth on the lead.

Female, over 5 & not over 6yrs, DAM’S PROGENY GROUP in milk. 1 Wilson Family 1 M & R Wilson Shirlinn Miss Stephanie Burnside Powers Silverflower 2 Brunchilli Farming Trust Production Winner Brunchilli BC Eileen 2 R J & A J Salway 3 J W Quin Wilgo Bomber Jean ET Orana Rowenas Memory 3 Brunchilli Farming Trust Five females, any age. Brunchilli BC Eileen 1 Wilson Family Female, over 6yrs, in milk. 2 Brunchilli Farming Trust 1 Menzies, Boyd & Easterbrook 3 M & R Wilson Brunchilli Sambo Noelene SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Production Winner B Gavenlock & M Polson 2 Brunchilli Farming Trust Gold Label Daydream Brunchilli Impact Marcia Sire Fleurieu Augustus 3 Wilson Family Dam Jugiong Daydream 4235 Shirlinn Sambo Melys RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION SENIOR BEST UDDER - Female, FEMALE over 3yrs, with the Best Udder. Wilson Family Wilson Family Shirlinn Icy Eve Shirlinn Icy Eve Sire Kendale Big Time Ice Three females, any age, not Dam Shirlinn Flower Eve necessarily by the one sire Interbreed Juvenile Heifer 1 Brunchilli Farming Trust being sashed by Colin 2 Wilson Family Brett, Waterloo, Katherine, 3 M & R Wilson NT, and led by Hayley

Senior Champion Jersey Cow at Sydney 2010, with Lucy Coward, National Foods, and with exhibitors Brad Gavenlock, Berri, NSW, and Murray Polson, Taree, NSW.

HONOURABLE MENTION H Boyd & S Menzies Brunchilli Sambo Eileen III Sire Lester Sambo Dam Brunchilli NE Eileen MOST SUCCESSFUL JERSEY BREEDER & JERSEY EXHIBITOR Wilson Family INTER-BREED COMPETITION SUPREME JUVENILE CHAMPION DAIRY FEMALE H Boyd & S Menzies Rivendell Comerica Crystal PEN OF THREE FEMALES, 3yrs and over, owned by Exhibitor. Brunchilli Farming Trust SUPREME CHAMPION DAIRY FEMALE B Gavenlock & M Polson Gold Label Daydream

Boyd, Nowra, NSW.

Reserve Champion Senior Female, with judge Gary Bowers, Canada, and Lucy Coward, National foods, exhibitor Brian Wilson, Tamworth, NSW.

Pen of 3 head Judging at Sydney 2010


— JerseyJournalJune/July 2010

Pen of 3 winner in the interbreed with Callum McPhee, Finley, NSW, Darren Crawford, Nowra, NSW, Murray Jeffries, General manager of National foods, NSW, and David Boyd, Nowra, NSW, at Sydney 2010. Supreme champion Dairy cow at Sydney 2010, with Murray Jeffries, General Manger National foods, NSW, with exhibitors Brad Gavenlock, Berri, NSW and Murray & Jenni Polson, Taree, with daughter Ruby.

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— JerseyJournalJune/July 2010

JerseyJournalJune/July 2010 —

— JerseyJournalJune/July 2010

JerseyJournalJune/July 2010 —

— JerseyJournalJune/July 2010

The PAULGER family

Jerseys & Holsteins Jerseys

Home of Champions Premier Breeder and Most Successful Exhibitor Complete domination at Royal Queensland’s Queensland Show Richest Show Adadale Berretta Rowena 4

M 305 d 7949 L 317 kg P 363 kg F At 10 years still looking Great!

Adadale Sambo Petra

S4 305 d 6453L 239kg P 336 kg F A cow for the future!


Brunchilli BRC Passion Potential Unlimited!

Adadale Barber Rowena 4

... more Rowenas Champion Jersey Cow Reserve Champion Supreme Cow Arguably Adadale’s Best Brood Cow Her Mature Daughter will be at the Ekka watch out for her!

Brunchilli JS Rowena Eileen Adadale B.J.

Intermediate Champion Jersey Toowoomba Royal 2010 Reserve Champion Jersey Intermediate Gympie 2010

Reserve Champion Jersey Cow Honorable Mention in Supreme Line-up! Daughter of the Famous Ad. T.B Petra 2 3 times Champion Brisbane Royal

Adadale’s Other Outstanding Achievements Juvenile Champion– Ardylbar Comerica Emme 1st u/18 months- Adadale Ressurection Primrose 7 1st Under Dry – Adadale Iatola Rowena 23 1st Under 2 ½ years in milk- Lynward JR Novelty 1st , 2nd 3rd Under 3 in Milk Supreme Champion of ShowAdadale Talent Champagne Supreme Pen of 3 Cows - Adadale Holsteins Reserve Champion Pen of 3 Cows Adadale Jerseys Supreme Pen of 3 Heifers - Adadale Jerseys

Supreme Champion Intermediate 2010 1st Best Udder Under 3 years Supreme Juvenile Gympie & Brisbane ‘09

Adadale Iatola Primrose

Reserve Champion Intermediate Toowoomba Royal 2010

Adadale – Paulger Family - Kenilworth Qld

Looking Forward to the Future with Great Confidence! Shane, Sharyn, Lachlan, Nicola & Julia Phone: (07) 54460391 Email: JerseyJournalJune/July 2010 —


— JerseyJournalJune/July 2010

JerseyJournalJune/July 2010 —

— JerseyJournalJune/July 2010

JerseyJournalJune/July 2010 —

The Caprice Family go back to the

Ballarat Orphanage Stud Our original cow was by Roz whose last 2 lactations as an old cow, average 5812 4.0 231 5.1 300. One of those cows that you wished later that you should have done more with. Her 90pt Lester daughter purchased by Kaarmona, bred them Kaarmona Berretta Caprice Sup 93. Others of this family: Jireh Sambo Calais Ex90 6081Lt 3.7 222 5.1 307 Her daughter: Jireh Thunder Calais Ex90 6006 3.8 226 5.3 315 / 310 days Jireh Jade Caprice Ex 90 Reserve Intermediate Champion Melbourne Royal 2004.

Her grand-daugher: Jireh Flare Calais just fresh, & is like the others with an exceptional udder.

Jireh Jerseys

C & P McKenzie Phone 5598 7222 Email:

2010 BRISBANE ROYAL SHOW DATES For the first time in many years there has been a change in judging dates. The Stan Paulger Memorial Youth Team Challenge will be held on Sunday the 8th of August at 1:30 pm. I would like to extend an invitation to all youth from interstate to come to Sunny Queensland, enjoy the cattle and people whilst participating in this expanding competition. You will be made most welcome. Dairy paraders will be held on Monday the 9th of August from 11:00 am. Cattle Judging for 2010 will differ to previous years in that for the first time ever all juvenile and dry cow classes will be on Monday the 9th of August from 1:00 pm. Followed by Tuesday the 10th of August from 8:30 am all in milk classes will be judged followed by the Supreme Interbreed Judging from 12:30 pm. I believe this is a very good result for our cows health only having to be shown the one time in full milk. Regards, Shane Paulger President Jersey Australia (QLD)

FOR SALE CHEESE FACTORY • Freehold • Small farm milking 20 head top quality Jerseys • All stainless making facility • On farm shop in very busy S.E.Qld tourist town • Turnover $250,000; potential to increase tenfold easily • Qualified cheesemaker on staff or can give full tuition • Relief milker 2 days • Fully staffed shop or ideal setup for family business • Enquiries 0459 024126 or 0427 720275

22 — JerseyJournalJune/July 2010


le ofi

P h r t u

JAMBER LADY GAGA, the granddaughter, won the under-12 month class at IDW 2010 and won the under 12 months class and was named reserve juvenile champion at Sydney Royal this year. His other major purchase has been BRUNCHILLI G PRISCILLA, out of SHAMROCK GILLER. “Cows that I buy are nice-looking animals so I get enjoyment out of showing them,” he said. “They need to produce a lot of milk and they’ve got to have good frame and legs.” There are plenty of rolling hills at Jamberoo, in southern NSW but the Wilson farm is 150 acres of river flats. “Nearly swamp” Rob added. “The cows have got to be able to walk around.” There’s a dry run amounting to 140 acres plus 170 acres for the heifers.

Rob Wilson

Rob Wilson knows when to twist an arm. Aged only 13, he persuaded his parents to let him buy a cow at the NSW state sale in 2004. The fact she was a Jersey when his parents milked black-and-whites didn’t seem to faze the teenager. “I’d been to the Sydney Show that year and they told me was for sale,” he said. “She was a really nice cow and looked like she’d give a lot of milk. It took a few twists of the arm of mum and dad to let me buy her.” Now 19, and junior president of Cumberland and Southern Jersey Farmers, his Jamber stud boasts a dozen animals. His dad Mark owns the balance of the 30-head Jersey herd with his Burnside Jerseys. The herd – including the Holsteins-Friesians – totals 130 cows. “Dad only started with the Jerseys in 2000,” said Rob. “He wanted something to show and needed more butter fat. “A Jersey is easier to handle and they’re such nice cows to work with, They’re good calvers, you don’t have to pull one. “Some are getting small teats on them, although it’s starting to change. But it was a problem before.” Rob was right expecting the milk from his Sydney Show cow. MIAMI ELMO LADY 14th recorded 10,500 litres last calving and is lining up for 11,000 this. “JAMBER JADE LADY, Her daughter was the second animal I bred and she has won supreme champion at Sydney Royal in 2008 and then, in the same year, reserve juvenile at International Dairy Week and last year reserve intermediate at IDW.

The land has been in the family for about 20 years, although they are sixth-generation dairying at Jamberoo. It’s an area of good rainfall. “The grass always seems to grow itself,” said Rob It typically yields 300 big rolls of silage and 250 of hay. The girls graze oats and annual ryegrass and also get brewers’ grain. “The kike is still going nuts,” said Rob. “It’s really hard to keep it down.” Effluent from the 10 double-up herringbone gets pumped over paddocks. Rob recalls: “We used to have an old rotary working from the inside. In a power blackout you had to turn it by hand,” he groaned. He might be young according to the calendar, but Rob has had six years working with the breed and has some exciting plans for them now, and in the future. “I’m going to do a lot of embryo transfer work with that old cow I bought. She’s done everything right,” he said. “She’s in-calf first time every time and she has a couple of really nice daughters coming through, I’m putting two in the Easter Show and a fancy comerica daughter in the NSW state sale in may. “I think we should try to get some sort of grant to get buy embryos off the best jerseys in Australia and send them overseas and put them in the good herds over there to promote our genetics internationally,” he said. “Our cows are better adapters; they last longer. In the aged cow class at IDW there were that many cows, compared to overseas competition. And there’s nothing wrong with them. They’d add some longevity to overseas genetics.” JerseyJournalJune/July 2010 — 23

— JerseyJournalJune/July 2010

Darren Hartwig of Elders Toowoomba reported a very good crowd was in attendance for the Qld Jersey Celebration Sale held in conjunction with the Toowoomba Royal show held on the 16th April, 2010. Bidding interest was strong from most states including Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales and North Queensland with strong local support as well. A total of 26 lots and 2 embryo packages were offered with 25 lots selling for average of $3443.75 with top price reaching $10,000 and 1 embryo package account Steve & Jenny McCarthy of Ascot Park Stud selling for $700 each. The top priced lot was “Yandavale Iatola Wynne” account Darrin & Jeanette Grevett of Yandavale Jerseys of Kenilworth. She was a milking 2 yr old and earlier in the day won her class at the Show. She was purchased by Kevin & Sharron Smith from Ipswich. Rod and Rachel Verrall sold a very classy show heifer “Braeburn Malicious Melys” who earlier in the day won the Supreme Champion Juvenile of the Show. She sold for $7000 to Don & Kelly Davis, Millaa Millaa, North Queensland.

The sale catalogue.

The Barron Family sold a top quality yearling heifer, “Ardylbar Comerica Fairy” from the famous “Willowdell Fancy 448” for $7000 to Justin Wenzel from Beaudesert. They also sold “Ardylbar Comerica Emily” for $6750 to the Paulger Family of Kenilworth. Chad Parker sold a classy 2 yr old milking heifer for $6000 to K & L Brooks of Beaudesert. Elders Toowoomba would like to thank the Vendors and Buyers for their valued support.

Top priced lot, Kandavale Iatola Wynne with purchasers Sharron and Kevin Smith, vendors Jeanette and Darrin Grevett with baby Edward, and sponsor Steve Thun.

JerseyJournalJune/July 2010 — 25

Full sale details are as follows:Lot 1 $6000 Lot 2 $2500 Lot 3 $1800 Lot 4 $7000 Lot 5 $2750 Lot 6 $2400 Lot 7 $6750 Lot 8 $10,000 Lot 9 Passed In Lot 10 $1500 Lot 11 $1800 Lot 12 Out Lot 13 Substitute Adadale Shanes Lolita $1700 Lot 14 $2000 Lot 15 Substitute Ardylbar Comerica Fairy $7000 Lot 16 $2200 Lot 17 $2000 Lot 18 $2750 Lot 19 $2500 Lot 20 $700 per Embryo x 4 Lot 21 $4000 Lot 22 Substitute Adadale P. F Edna $3000 Lot 23 $2100 Lot 24 $3250 Lot 25 $2000 Lot 26 Passed In - Embryos Lot 27 $1750 Lot 28 $3900

Pedigree reader David Ninness, Elders agents, Darren Hartwig, Andrew Meara and Blake Munro.

Equal top priced heifer - Ardylbar Comerica Fairy with vendors Waylon and Tash Barron, purchaser Justin Wenzel, Tahnee King and sponsor Steve Thun.

Royal Melbourne Dairy Show Announces Event Partner: Genetics Australia The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) has announced major event partner, Genetics Australia Cooperative, for the newly developed Royal Melbourne Dairy Show (RMDS), to be held Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 September at the Melbourne Showgrounds immediately prior to the Royal Melbourne Show. The annual Australian Elite Genetic Merit Sale, hosted by Genetics Australia Cooperative, will be staged during the new springtime Dairy Show this year and will be presented at the Genetics Australia All Breeds Evening Celebration on Wednesday 15 September. Genetics Australia Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Ray Johnson, said the partnership with the RASV will see major benefits for exhibitors and dairy farmers alike. “We are proud of our long standing association with the RASV and look forward to hosting the 2010 Australian Elite Genetic Merit Sale as part of the new Royal Melbourne Dairy Show,” he said. “Further emphasising the prestige of the event, Dairy Livestock Services will be conducting the Sale with one of the best in the business, Brian Leslie, taking the reins as auctioneer for the event, supported by

26 — JerseyJournalJune/July 2010

young up-and-coming auctioneer Luke Russell.” “Providing the breeders with the opportunity to network and ‘talk cows’, the Genetics Australia All Breeds Evening Celebration will feature a cocktail function, the Share Dairy Farmer Awards Presentation – usually held during the Royal Melbourne Show and the 2010 Australian Elite Genetic Merit Sale, a live auction that is set to be a true spectacle,” said Dr Johnson. The new Royal Melbourne Dairy Show will showcase the country’s finest dairy cattle and will include the Kubota Dairy Youth Classic, dairy cattle breed and interbreed competitions and culminate in the prestigious Royal Melbourne Champion Dairy Cow award. The Royal Melbourne Dairy Show will provide producers with a valuable spring focus for the dairy industry, with space for the competition to grow. Entry into the 2010 Australian Elite Genetic Merit Sale closes on Friday 9 July. For entry details please visit To be part of the Royal Melbourne Dairy Show please contact RASV Agricultural Events Team Leader, Zoe Moroz on 9281 7412 or via


Celebrating 150 years of the RASQ JERSEY RESULTS - 15TH - 17TH APRIL, 2010 Judge: David Ninness

The Queensland Branch of Jersey Australia would like to thank the following generous sponsors of the Toowoomba Royal Show Jersey Section and the Queensland Celebration Sale: Garden City Artificial Breeding, Dairy Express, Australian Reproductive Technologies, Norco, Vibac, Gallagher, Semex, Central Sires, Agrigene, Alta Genetics, Bos Trading, World Wide Sires, Genetics Australia, ABS Australia, Jersey Australia (QLD), SEQJBC & Darling Downs JBC, Kelta Dairies, Great Western Aviation, Performance Probiotics and National Farmers Warehouse. Jnr Paraders 7-10yrs CHAMPION JUVENILE HEIFER 1. Zanthie Verrall Braeburn Malicious Melys R & R Verrall 11-15 yrs 1. Julian Russell RESERVE CHAMPION JUV HEIFER 2. Beth Tolput Cedarvale Confusions Elite 3. N Hurrey Jason Chesworth & Shane Oslear 16-21 yrs Heifer 2-3 Dry 1. Gianna Kelly 1. Ardylbar B Jade Emmee 2. Julia Paulger AD & WJ Barron Heifer under 2 yrs in milk Spresser Family Carnation Shield 1. Yandavale Iatola Wynne 1. Gianna Kelly D & J Grevett 2. Zanthie Verrall 2. Kathleigh Astound Shona 3. Julian Russell A & C Kath 3. Gilbrae Saber Wendy Ricky Gill Heifer 6-12mths Dry 1. Ardylbar Comerica Fairy Heifer 2 - 2 /12 in milk AD & WJ Barron 1. Brunchilli JS Eileen 2. Braeburn MBF Melys Paulger Family R & R Verrall 2. Brunchilli BRC Passion 3. Ardylbar Comerica Emily Paulger Family AD & WJ Barron 3. Yandavale Jeep Lulu D & J Grevett Heifer 12-18mths Dry 1. Cedar Vale Confusions Elite Heifer 2 1/2 - 3 in milk Jason Chesworth & S Oslear 1. Adadale Iatola Primrose 2. Ardylbar Ringmaster Exquisite Paulger Family AD & WJ Barron 2. Glen Echo Jace Nichole 3. Glen Echo BB Leonie Chad Parker Chad Parker 3. Kathleigh Saber Monopolette Gianna Kelly Heifer 18-24mth Dry 1. Braeburn Malicious Melys R & R Verrall 2. Ardylbar Whiskey Fernleaf AD & WJ Barron 3. Justin Vale Astounding Star Justin Wenzel

1. Rod and Rachael Verrall’s Braeburn Malicious Melys took out the Champion Juvenile Jersey Heifer award, pictured with Rod and daughter Zanthie. 2. Nicola Paulger with Junior Champion Heifer Brunchilli Eileen, Shane Paulger with the Reserve Heifer, Adadale Iatola Primrose. 3. Three Jersey Champions. Downs Jersey Presdient Steve McCarthy presents the Supreme Jersey Exhibit to the Barron Family’s Misty Glen Anthonys Daydream. Also in photo David Ninness, Ross Easterbrook, Nicola Paulger and Rod Verrall

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SUPREME AWARDS Supreme Cow, Supreme Udder, Supreme Dairy Exhibit Misty Glen Anthonys Daydream AD & WJ Barron Supreme Juvenile Heifer Braeburn Malicious Melys R & R Verrall Supreme Group of 3 cows – Paulger Family: Adadale Berretta Rowena 4 Adadale Sambo Petra 2 Adadale Councillor Petra Supreme Group of 3 heifers – Paulger Family: Brunchilli J.S Eileen, Brunchilli BRC Passion, Adadale Iatola Primrose Milking Competition Senior Reserve Champion Fat plus Protein Cow Ascot Park Amazing Dairymiss Elizabeth Hayden

4. Left to right: Judge David Ninness, Arthur Morris and Irene Symons, leader Ross Easterbrook with Misty Glen Anthonys Daydream who won the Morris Memorial Trophy for Champion Jersey Cow for Adrian and Waylon Barron.

28 — JerseyJournalJune/July 2010

Best Udder and Attachment under 3yrs Cow 5 - 7yrs in milk 1. Brunchilli JS Eileen 1. Misty Glen Anthonys Daydream Paulger Family AD & WJ Barron 2. Adadale Iatola Primrose 2. Adadale Sambo Petra 2 Paulger Family Paulger Family 3. Brunchilli BRC Passion 3. Kathleigh Julian Walnut Paulger Family A & C Kath Group 3 female under 3yrs 1. Paulger Family Cow 7yrs and over in milk 2. Chad Parker 1. Adadale Beretta Rowena 4 3. AD & WJ Barron Paulger Family 2. Brunchilli S Eileen JUNIOR CHAMPION AD & WJ Barron Brunchilli JS Eileen 3. Robin Vale PJ Emerald Paulger Family G & V Siebanhausen RES JNR CHAMPION GROUP 3 FEMALE OVER 3 YRS Adadale Iatola Primrose 1. Paulger Family Paulger Family 2. A & C Kath 3. Beattie Family Cow 3 yrs and under 5 dry 1. Nambour Rural Parades Cheereo MATERNALLY RELATED FAMILY GROUP Nambour High School 1. A & C Kath 2. R & R Verrall Cow 5yrs and over dry 3. Paulger Family 1. Braeburn Jace Melys R & R Verrall TWO FEMALES, PROGENY ONE SIRE 1. A & C Kath Cow 3 - 4yrs in milk 2. Paulger Family 1. Braeburn Barb Melys 3. GE, JE & SL Macintyre R & R Verrall 2. Saanglo Jeeps Kitten DAIRY GROUP - 4 HEAD R & D Reeves 1. A & C Kath 3. Gold Crest Incomparable Eileen 2. Paulger Family Darren Hartwig 3. AD & WJ Barron Cow 4 - 5yrs in milk BEST UDDER OVER 3 YRS 1. Kathleigh Astound Wallace 1. Misty Glen Anthonys Daydream A & C Kath AD & WJ Barron 2. Glen Echo GB Melissa 2. Kathleigh Astound Wallace Chad Parker A & C Kath 3. Lynward GB Fidelity 3. Adadale Sambo Petra 2 D & J Grevett Paulger Family

SENIOR CHAMPION COW Misty Glen Anthonys Daydream AD & WJ Barron

RESERVE CHAMPION COW Kathleigh Astound Wallace A & C Kath

CHAMPION MILK, FAT AND PROTEIN COW Kathleigh Saber Monopolette Gianna Kelly

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