Master of Architecture Studio D_Portfolio_Summer Semester 2020

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Studio 13

Reflective Journal Jessica Betterridge 761457

Contents Page Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4




Week 5


Week 6




week one

Describe your Library

For this we were our perfect Emphasising approach, returns, spaces and spaces.

exercise drawing library. the entry, internal external

The second image was a group exercise where we worked together to refine our ideal library spaces.

For this exercise I was working on my sketching and my representation of spaces. For the rest of the studio I want to use these techniques to improve my design visualisation. It will allow me to express what I am meaning better.

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Previous Work

The exercise required us to analyse three previous projects and look at improvements we could have made to our design methodology or outcomes.

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While looking at the projects I realised that there were flaws in the way I designed and how to approached the projects. For example I found that I was ignoring the form until later in the project and that was effecting my outcomes. In the future sketching and mass modelling my projects earlier in the design process will help improve my overall form and the expression of it.


Imagine Future

These two panels are featuring my favour architects and two of their works. These works have to relate to elements that we want in our library.

I really enjoyed looking at the work of Zaha Hadid and Rem Koolhaas. I lover how expressive Zahas work is and the use of light and geometry in Rems work. These projects really help me to understand how I can use these elements in my own work and push my use of geometry.

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Imagine Future

By analysing my work I came to the conclusion that I needed to improve these 4 points. I think by doing these my design outcomes will be significantly improved.

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Medium Experimentation

In class we experimented with 12 different art mediums to work out what we liked to use for our sketching and presentation drawings

I really liked using water colour paints and pencils. I liked the ethereal qualities of the medium. I will definitely be using these mediums to enhance my sketches and add colour and atmosphere to them.

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Atmostpheres no. 1

For homework we looked at the different atmospheres of the spaces. Using the art medium of our choice we had to shade the drawings to achieve the atmospheres of the spaces.

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I really experimented with water colour paints. I had very really used them before so I was still getting familiar with how they worked. I realised that I used the wrong paper and it didnt really work out the way I wanted it and didnt really convey the atmosphere that I wanted. Next time I will work on better shading to add more depth and blending the colours more. I will also invest in better paper to show off the medium better.


Library Precedents

For this task we looked at three precedents, the first being the City of Perth Library by Kerry Hill Architects. During class we also developed a bubble diagram of the library to see how it was laid out.

During the study of this building I analysed the programming and layout of the floor plans. This is because in my previous libraries that I have designed for studio my layout was really lacking and not functional. I will use the inspiration from this library to implement some of the design strategies into my building.

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Library Precedents

I was attracted to this library because of its use of form. However I came to the conclusion that it was not very functional and its main attraction was purely aesthetics. I will take this into consideration when I am designing my library.

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Library Precedents

This library highlighted interested layout options that I had not previously considered. For example the offices are located at the bottom floors of the library and the main collections are on the top levels. It was definitely food for thought and I might implement some of these techniques and layouts into my future project.

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Site Visit

During the weekend of the first week of class I visited the site with two of my classmates.

I observed that the site is in quite an urban location. My initial thoughts were: - The site was very small - It might be tricky to design a freeform shapped building - There is a lot of brick in the materiality of surrounding buildings. - There is a slight slope to the site - There are a lot of new slightly quirky cafes in the sur rounding streets. I did a few sketches of the site and took photographs of the site. In future I should have spent more time sketching and observing more. I will endeavor to return to the site in the next two weeks to repeat this as it will hopefully enhance my future design.

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week two

Atmostpheres no. 2

This exercise was the second attempt at atmospheres

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For this exercise I really developed my method of watercolour painting. After looking at the work from other students in the previous atmosphere exercise I realised what I should be emphasising when I paint atmospheres. I think there was a huge improvement from the last exercise and I was very happy with how they turned out.


Program Allocation

These are part of my planning for my library, I looked at the brief and allocated the different program elements to the different floors depending on function.

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I learnt from previous projects that I should think about the functionality of the library early. I also took inspiration from some of the case studies when I was planning my programming.


Early Concept

This sketch is part of my early concept and idea based on the site. I also wrote down from design principles that I would like to stick to.

I am continuing to develop my sketching skill to try and imagine what my library will look like. In future I would like to try and get more detailed with my sketching.

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Program Allocation

These are my initial bubble diagrams on a to scale

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I played around with openings and voids for this diagram. I also looked at how many levels would be required to fit in my entire program. I think my program direction is a little lacking and I dont really have a speciality to focus on.


Atmostphere Model Photography (Inital)

During class we brought along some materials to make sketch models of our spaces for our library. Again focusing on entry, quiet reading space, reading space, community space and exterior space. We then took photographs of the different models

Initially my photographs of my models were of the models themselves and not of the spaces/ atmospheres that the models created. I learnt that the photographs were not very effective in portraying what I was intending when I made the models.

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Atmostphere Model Photography (Revised)

I revisited the photographs two days after I took the first set of photographs and I feel the second set really portray the spaces better. In the future in similar projects I will continue these photographic techniques.

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Site Analysis Demographics

Families 1863 People 8513


Seperate House Apartment

Women 50.4%

Semi-Detatched House Other

Men 49.6%




(pedestrian traffic analysis)

Along with two other students I developed part of the site analysis to contribute to the larger site analysis for the class. I was able to be more objective of my analysis and presentation because I was working with a team. I do need to work on my analysis and update some of the data because there were some errors.

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Average Age 32

Private Dwellings 4657 Education: Majority higher education (bachelor’s degree) Ethnicity: Majority English/Australian/Irish/Scottish

Minority: Chinese, Vietnamese

1/3 of people’s parents were born overseas, majority born in Australia Languages other than English: Vietnamese and Mandarin High Employment (Full Time, over 40 hours) – Majority are professionals by occupation Median Income: $969 (single) Transport to work: even split between cars, walking, tram and minority bicycle.


Bubble Diagram Development

I am continuing to develop my bubble diagrams and my program layout. I reduced the area of the basement and added in an internal courtyard on the bottom floor. I am still struggling with a sense of direction with my library. I am exploring whether I just do a community library or I do a more specialised library. I had some feedback that the facade on Johnston St should be activated and perhaps the entry should not be on that facade.

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I think I will continue to sketch out my ideas and look at the surrounding site more for further inspiration.


Section Development

I was thinking about the overall form of the building and how it might translate into section. I like the way it looks and is developing so far. There is quite a lot of experimentation that needs to be done in regards to the voids and the vertical integration.

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Bubble Diagram Development (option a)

The homework for Friday was to further develop the bubble diagram of the library. Again there was a lack of direction in the speciality of the library. I have developed it to be a general community library with a focus on community collaboration and integration. For this diagram I looked at how a courtyard would look and function in the building. I also moved the entry from Johnston St to Budd St to activate the Johnston street entry.

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I think after listening the feedback and revisiting the site analysis my library is definitely improving. I am using sketching more and massing visualisation to improve on my bubble diagramming.


Bubble Diagram Development (option b)

For this bubble diagram I eliminated one of the entrys and moved it to Budd St. I also thought about how I could activate the Johnston street facade with contracting shape and different programming options.

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There were some good elements in this bubble diagram, however there was a lot that I didnt like and I will discard this option. I am being quite pragmatic and moving on when I know that I am not happy with something rather than dwelling on it. This will improve me as a designer.


Bubble Diagram Development (option c)

This bubble diagram added an additional entry so there is an entrance on both Budd St and the Laneway. This could potentially allow for better movement throughout the building. I though the vertical integration of the stairs was practical and the voids were well placed.

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I think I am continually improving on the bubble diagrams and all options are good. However maybe with a bit of direction on the speciality of the library will help me refine the programming.


Massing Models from options



(c) Three massing models were made to represent all three bubble diagram options. I used transparent and solid material to represent the different elements.

The massing models were very helpful for me to help visualise the building itself. As I found the models so helpful I will continue to use them in my design process. However I might make them less perfect and detailed. I also realised after I had made them that the building itself was a bit plain and I received some feedback that I needed to look at how the stairs acted in the building.

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Sketch Models from option a

After I did the massing models I decided I liked model a the best. I then used that model as a base to generate three sketch models focusing on different elements of the library.

I think the first model was the most successful however the other two were a bit to experimental and overall a failure. Moving forward I think I need to keep it simple work with that.

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Feedback 17.1

The feedback from other students and the tutor was extremely helpful. I will look at the points and work out how to implement them into my design going forward. However overall I am defiantly moving in the right direction.

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Precedent Brainstorming based of Feedback After receiving some feedback, I did some research into library/ stair precedents. I used a different approach to what I do normally by sketching out the precedents I was better able to understand how I could possibly implement them into my project.

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Brief Idea_ Library Specialisation During Fridays class I really sat down and worked out what library specialisation that I wanted to do.

By finally deciding on a specialisation I am able to move my project forward with better direction.

(Major Oncology Units surrounding the site)

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week three

Bubble Diagram Development

Over the weekend I did some further research into what cancer wellness centres usually have included into the brief. I came across Maggie Centres in the UK. They are essentially cancer wellness centres and brief seemed appropriate. For this development I looked into the building envelope and played around with the form.

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My sketching and diagramming are moving along gradually. I think it is quite consistent. Moving forward my floor plans need to be more detailed.


Detailed Floor Plan Development

I was able to move on from the bubble diagramming and start developing a more detailed floor plan. There were quiet few issues with this plan and some of the major programming was missing. I also didnt like the overall form. I need to work on being consistent with my design language.

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Section + 3D Development I think the plan translates ok in section, but there are a few issues with the layout that needs to be fixed in future iterations.

My section is a bit messy and I need to work on my composition of my sections.

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Sketch Model (Monday)

This sketch model represents my floor plates and overall massing from Mondays class.

I think this model was not very successful as it did not show the indentions in the faรงade or the vertical integration particularly well. For my next model I think I will make it a lot simpler.

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Materiality Precedents

For Wednesdays class we were asked to look though Detail magazine for three different precedents that had materiality that we wanted to use in our library

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I think I am getting better at analysing precedents, as a result they are helping me get inspiration for my project.


Floorplan Development

On Wednesday I presented some updated floorplans. I received some good feedback from the class and tutor. I need to add gender neutral bathrooms and consider where I am placing my computers. I also need to consider how I am placing my green pockets and I should potentially implement a grid.

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Reflecting back my floorplans are getting better and they are at a really good point going into interim crits next week. I am thinking about moving them to a digital platform for the next class.


Materiality Sketches

I did some sketches of my building and used watercolor to represent the materiality.

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These were not very successful because I did not leave enough white space and they are too intense. I think next time I need to be more intentional with my colour placement.


Sketch Model (Wednesday)

On Wednesday along with my drawings I presented with a sketch model.

This model was much more successful than Mondays as it was simpler and represented the elements that I wanted to represent. I think I will continue with this technique with future sketch models.

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Structure Precedents

We looked though architectural magazines for appropriate precedents which had a similar structure to what we want for our library.

I think I am really analysing my precedents better now and it is really clear from the images the kind of feel I am going for structure wise.

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Floorplan Development (Friday)

I continued to develop my floor plans and I looked at how people would move throughout my building.

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My floorplans are coming along. I think it is time to move onto to digital design to really refine my spaces.


week four

Floorplan Development (Monday)

This is my first iteration of my floorplans since I moved over to a diagonal software platform.

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I think it’s much more accurate than previous hand drawn iterations. However I need to make sure that I don’t get too stuck in the digital medium and go back to a more analogue approach at times.


Analogue Media Development (Perpective/Section)

I had a go at overlaying analogue media on top of my perspective view.

I did not like the final result. It was too rushed, and it was not the feel I was going for. Perhaps it was too much. Next time I need to pull it back.

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ESD Precedents

For Monday’s class we were required to go through architectural magazines to find projects that had an emphasis on ESD.

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Floorplan Development (Wednesday)

I pushed my floorplans and changed quite a few things. These changes were based on further research I did and feedback from Monday.

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They are almost there ready for submission on Friday. However I need to work on my presentation for the drawings. They are a bit dull with the grey lines.


Perspective Development

These are drafts drawings that are Friday

for the due on

I did multiple iterations for my perspectives to work out how I am going to present them on Friday. I thought the line weight was too heavy on the perspective, so I need to work on that when I do my final drawings.

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Section Development

These are drafts for the drawings that are due on Friday

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I thought my sections are improving, but they are still pretty lacklustre and so maybe I need to add depth in my drawings for Friday.




The floorplans are quite d e v e l o p e d . However the major feedback from the crits were that it seemed quite dark and heavy for such a light form. Something to consider moving forward is breaking up some of these spaces and opening up the plans.

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Site Plan + Detail

This site plan shows the building in context.

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I think this site plan was quite successful in showing the overall form in context. In hindsight I need to look my line weight and how they view from a distance. The crits liked this drawing.

This detail shows the roof and the batten faรงade system. I think I shows the greenery system well. However, I need to consider how to better integrate the greenery into the joinery.



This section is through the back half of the building.

I think this section needs a bit of work. I think the section line could be in a different location moving forward because it doesnt show of the things that I wanted. The furniture is also a bit basic.

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This section cuts through the middle of the building.

I think this section was much more successful than the last. It is hard to see in the scan but in the original the water colouring / shading is really nice. I think the line hierarchy is quire successful. I think moving forward I would refine how I am showing my furniture / objects in the section.

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ESD Diagram

This is a diagram of how my water filtration system works in my building.

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I think the diagram is a bit basic. Perhaps I could add some more detail and realism for the final presentation.



My zoning is good. Going forward I dont think I will change much. The crits quite liked how I laid out this diagram.

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Exterior Perspective

This is an exterior perspective of my library.

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I was really proud of how this drawing turned out. It is a huge progression on what I was doing even last week. I think the composition is quite elegant. I think I will continue this style going forward.


Interior Perspective

This is an interior perspective of the first level.

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I really pulled back my use of colour and my perspective was much more successful than previous iterations.


week five

Revised Floorplans (Monday)

Today for homework we were design after interim reviews.

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I completely re looked at my floor plan and the feel that I wanted to achieve from my planning. I added some contrasting curves in the interior of the form to balance the very rectilinear nature of my faรงade. I looked at where my vegetation is and how I could join these areas with vegetation and integrate joinery.


Context Collage

Homework for Wednesday was to develop a collage to shows how we interpreted the overall area surrounding the site.

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This collage was not very successful. I should change the way that I construct the collage and take my building out of it and just focus on the site context.


Revised Floorplans (Wednesday)

For Wednesday I really refined my floor plan. There were a few changes needed, but largely it is much improved from the interim review.

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I really explored how I can use the greenery throughout the building and analysed how I use the spaces and made them less generic and more custom to my building. This has resulted in a much more pleasing plan and I think works significantly better.


Revised Floorplans (Friday)

For Friday worked on my revit model further developed my floor plans.

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I looked at how I could actually integrate my garden areas into my project. This was largely successful, however there was not was not enough contrast in my plan. Some of the areas were also odd.


week six

Medium Experimentation (Monday)

For Monday I further developed my floor plans and looked at how I should shade them.

I think it the second iteration was much more successful. The shading is much more subtle. Again some of the areas on the first floor particularly the reserve section is odd and needs revising.

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Section Development (Monday)

These are the first sections interim.

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I generated after

The line work needs much more work and they are fairly unresolved. I dont think they are very successful at the moment.


Revised Floorplans (Friday)

These are the closest plans to my final to date.

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There are a few issues with some minor things on each plan. I need to go through the plans carefully to generate my final plans. Otherwise I am quite happy with them.


Section Development (Friday)

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Render Experimentation (Friday)

I built 1:50 models over the last week and I took photographs of them to use as my final perspectives. There are also some generated 3d model perspectives.

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I think they were largely successful, however they were a bit rushed and the person in the views needs to be revised. They are also too dark and the photos needs to be re edited.


External Perspective Development (Friday)

This is a version of my external perspective.

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Some of the elements are too dark and need to be revised. There also needs to be people in the view to give it context.







The average user of a library in Collingwood will be a 30 something professional.

Average Age 32

Work Full Time

40+ Hours

In the 25 to 35 year old age bracket the black dog institute states that the stress levels are high to very high. They emphasis the importance of good mental health practices in this age group.

Types of Wellness Activities




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Mediation / Yoga

I feel that my floor plans are quite resolved, and you can see the development made from the many decisions made in previous iterations of my plans.



I am quite happy with the brief; I believe it was a good decision to swap from an oncology centre to a general wellness library. I think if given more time I could have pushed the brief further and really super specialised in one area of wellness.

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I think my sections are quite successful. I really like the composition of the drawings. I think if I was to push it further, I could have added in some vertical gardens and pushed how they are connected from level to level.

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These details show how my faรงade and roof joinery work. I think they are pretty successful. However given more time I perhaps could have added in more detail

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Site Plan

This site plan is successful in showing the building in context. There are a few very minor drafting errors which could not be fixed due to time issues. But otherwise I am quite happy.

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Zoning Diagram

This diagram really shows off all the work I did on my 3D model. I think its very successful and is a great diagram. I don’t think I would change much.

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External View

I really love this external view. I really pulled back as far as line weights and colours from my previous iterations.

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External View

This is a very cool external view of my building. It really highlights the different sizes of the batons and also the closeness of the laneway.

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Internal Views


I really like the composition of these internal views. It was also really cool to be able to use my 1:50 physical models. I think the simplicity of the black and white with touches of green was a nice touch.

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Context Colla

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1:50 Models

While these were quite challenging and fiddly to build, I think they are really successful and show off my spaces nicely. I think I will endeavour to do more model making in future studios because I can now see the benefit.

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1:200 Model

This is a really fine and beautiful model. I took a lot of playing around to make it all fit together. The only negative is some of the glue is slightly messy but is super challenging at such a small scale.

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1:500 Model

Again, really nice model, not super detailed but at this scale I didnt see that it was important.

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