preferring squishy places to a hug.
NEW edition 3–99 years * £10.99 * Oct 2020 * HB * Full colour illustrations
They like to be near those they love, but might not want to be held,
* ISBN: 9781787754713
* Rights sold: Danish, Polish, Turkish
and people may think they have no emotions, which is not true at all.
“This is my happy face!”
All Cats Are on the Autism Spectrum
Kathy Hoopmann
Foreword by Haley Moss Brand new update to the bestselling All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome, with all-new images of cats and updated language and terminology throughout. It
Their faces don’t always show how they are feeling inside,
provides a gentle, engaging introduction to the world of autism, demonstrating the individuality and potential
Often they have a great sense of humour, but they don’t always realise that what they are saying
“You look silly wearing that!”
of autistic people. Ideal for adults and children alike. “Look at the funny dude with the big ears!”
And they are honest, which is great of course, although they might be more honest than some prefer. 48
* £9.99
6–99 years
* Sep 2008
* £10.99
* HB
* Mar 2017
* 73 photographs
* HB
* ISBN: 9781843106517
* Full colour photographs throughout
* Rights sold: Chinese (simplified),
* ISBN: 9781785921827
Danish, Dutch, Greek, Japanese, Korean,
* Rights sold: Chinese (simplified), Dutch
Polish, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
All Birds Have Anxiety
All Dogs Have ADHD
Kathy Hoopmann
Kathy Hoopmann
All Birds Have Anxiety explores the symptoms of
All Dogs Have ADHD takes an inspiring and affectionate
anxiety disorder and their impact on day-to-day
look at Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD),
life through colourful images of life as a bird. Its
using images and ideas from the canine world. Charming
humorous yet gentle approach recognises the
colour photographs of dogs bring to life familiar ADHD
stress that anxiety can cause, helping people to
characteristics such as being restless and excitable,
better understand how it feels to have anxiety.
getting easily distracted, and acting on impulse.