Autism - Big Feelings
NEW 5–11 years
4–8 years
* £10.99
* £9.99
* May 2019
* May 2020
* HB
* PB
* Fully illustrated
* colour cartoon drawings throughout
* ISBN: 9781785926945
* ISBN: 9781787753273
I Have a Question about Cancer
Clear Answers for All Kids, including Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other Special Needs
Having Fun with Feelings on the Autism Spectrum A CBT Activity Book for Kids Age 4–8
Arlen Grad Gaines and Meredith Englander Polsky
Michelle Garnett, Tony Attwood, Louise
An illustrated guide which explains cancer, and the
Ford, Stefanie Runham and Julia Cook
impact it can have, to children aged 5–11, inclusive
of those with ASD or other special needs
This activity book is designed to be used by children on the autism spectrum aged 4–8. The workbook introduces them to 6 ‘feelings’ characters who help them to recognise and express different emotions to reduce anxiety. It is intended
5–11 years * £10.99
to be used with the accompanying guidebook, 10 Steps to Reducing Your Child’s Anxiety on the Autism Spectrum.
* Mar 2017 * HB * 80 colour illustrations * ISBN: 9781785927508 * World rights available
I Have a Question about Death
On this page, look at the pictures of things that can make people ‘a little happy’, ‘happy’ and ‘really happy’. Cut out the pictures of the things that make you happy and stick
Winner of a Moonbeam Children’s Book Award 2017
This week we are going to practise using our Happy Tools. Use the Happiness Tool Chart to rate how happy you felt before and after using your Happy Tools.
these on the ‘a little happy’, ‘happy’ and ‘really happy’ pages.
Hi, I’m ad Sally the Strawberry and I feel sad. When I’m sad, my
You can look on the internet for more pictures of things that
eyes look down, my face has a frown and sometimes I cry. Being
make you feel happy to add to the page.
It is K if you feel ad after using a Happy Tool, this happens sometimes. If this happens, circle a sad face.
sad makes my body feel heavy and droopy. I feel sad when my toy breaks or someone is mean to me or won’t let me play. I feel
Going to the park
sad when someone I care about goes away. I feel sad when my mum and dad won’t let me do something I want to do. Feeling
sad isn’t a very nice feeling. Tuesday
Watching TV
Playing on the iPad
Playing a game with my mum or dad
Seeing my grandparents
Playing with my pet
Playing with trains
Playing with dinosaurs
Playing with dolls
Arlen Grad Gaines and Meredith Englander Polsky An illustrated guide to explain what it means when
Next, think of other things that make you happy and draw
Clear Answers for All Kids, including Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other Special Needs
someone dies to children with ASD aged 5–11
them on the ‘a little happy’, ‘happy’ and ‘really happy’ pages.
We all feel different
Being relaxed makes my body feel slow and calm.
levels of worry. Sometimes we
WORRIED BODY SIGNS Draw a line from each worried body sign to where it belongs in the body.
are a little worried. Sometimes we are worried. Sometimes we are really worried.
High eyebrows
I know I am a little relaxed
We can rate how worried we are feeling
when I start to feel my muscles
on the Worry Thermometer.
Wide eyes
Dry mouth
Fast breathing
relax. y eyes and my jaw are soft. My breathing is slow too. Really worried When I am relaxed, my tummy is calm and my heart
Fast beating heart
is beating regularly. In fact, I can’t
Tense muscles
even really feel my heart beating. Worried
Feel like needing to go to the toilet
Sweating hands
When I am really relaxed, my whole body feels flopping and heavy. I feel sleepy and like lying down.
Shaky legs and hands
Feeling the need to move, jiggle or fiddle
Sick stomach/butterflies in the stomach
Feeling frozen, hard to move or speak
A little worried
Thank you for having fun with us, your Feelings! e know we are not always fun. You have shown that you are strong and brave and smart by meeting and getting to
Did you know that even I need some
know all of us. y getting to know us, your Feelings, and
help to relax sometimes? Sometimes I get
the tools in your Toolbox, you will be able to repair your
worried or too excited and I need to calm myself.
feelings whenever you need to.
Luckily, there are Relaxation Tools in my Toolkit!
There is some secret knowledge that we have not yet told
I do my special breathing, squeeze my muscles and use my imagination. These help my body and
you. This secret will help you a lot.
mind to feel relaxed. o you want to learn how
When Angry Alan visits, Loving Lulu can be his best friend.
to use these Relaxation Tools?
When ad Sally comes, Happy Henry can really help. Relaxed yan really knows how to help Worried Wanda. Goodbye, Brave One, and always remember: your Feelings are your Friends!
Shut your eyes and imagine you are on a beach, or look at a picture of the beach. Imagine the sounds – seagulls calling, leaves blowing in the wind, waves crashing on the sand. Imagine the smells – the smell of the salty sea. Imagine the warm sun and breeze on your face, and the grainy sand as you lie on the beach. As you think of the beach, notice how calm and relaxed you are feeling. This is a special calming place you can imagine to relax.