Manatee Monthly : July 2020 Edition

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JULY 2020


Contents Table of

Table of Contents


Notes | Editor






| District | Division My KIWIN’S Story


| Hailey Warner Club Board Introductions


Presidents’ Corner


Newsletter Spotlight


Old Business


| Blanks of the Month | Updates New Business


| Calendar


Manatee Corner






Fountain Valley

Editor’s Note Hi kiwis ! Can you believe it is already August and that school starts in a month ?! Anyways...I hope you enjoy the second edition of Manatee Monthly <33 Hopefully, we can all see each other soon so wear a mask and stay safe, manatees ! See you in the next newsletter, Jessica Nguyen Jet Division KIWIN’S Chief Bulletin Editor P.S. Here’s a reminder to start your summer assignment if you have any :’))



LTG’s Note Another month, more things to do in KIWIN’S. I'm so proud of our division and how active we have managed to be even though we are all stuck at home. We manatees have been able to stick together virtually and I am so happy for all of you who signed up for pen pals! This is the first time we’re doing something like this so I hope you can get a new friend from this experience. Well enough with my blathering and I hope you enjoy the rest of this beautiful newsletter. With passion and service,

Johnny Tran Jet Division KIWIN’S Lieutenant Governor

a sleepy Johnny :0


Division Goals Membership & Service : TBD Minor Emphasis (PTP) : $4,000 Governor’s Project (UNICEF) : $3,000

Other charities : $1,000

District Goals Members : 2,000

Service Hours : 24,000 Minor Emphasis (PTP) : $20,000 Governor’s Project (UNICEF) : $2,000



In my freshman year when I joined KIWIN’S, if you President of my club, I would have never believed did so because all of my friends were signing up. the club, it couldn’t be that bad right? Plus they how could I resist! At first, I was one of those peopl but never actually attended an event. One day, up, so two of my friends and I signed up to volunte out of my comfort zone in high school, but when w from Edison KIWIN’S had shown up :,). Slightly anno a bit but eventually made our way to go find brea

edison presibae <3

After that semi-terrible first event experience, I th KIWIN’S event again. That was, until, the yearly ic time, a big group of my friends all decided to go a

I remember having a lot of fun at that event because I also got to meet a few of the u I even tied some ice skates for them so no one broke their ankles that day, (come find your skates for you LOL)!

Later, when board elections began, I was convinced by Hannah, an officer I was frien was the Bulletin Editor at the time and had a lot of faith in my abilities (love u hannah) I had a lot of fun from that point on in KIWIN’S! I became very active and dedica creativity for good. I even won a few design contests like the Jet T-shirt contest and t went on to become Vice President alongside Hannah as President last year, and no Edison KIWIN’S!

It’s kind of crazy how things work out like that, but I’m so glad I joined this club and dec I broke out of my shell because of this club and I don’t know what my high school year met a lot of cool people and made some lifelong friends through KIWIN’S, so I can’t term as enjoyable as I can! As I’m now on my way to graduating this year, to anybo risks in high school! Be social (I believe in you)! Try new things! I promise it will be reward Yours in Service,

Hailey Warner Edison KIWIN’S President ‘20-’21


S Story

had told me that I would end up as d you! When I signed up for KIWIN’S, I . Since everyone I knew would be in had such a cute manatee mascot, e who simply went to every meeting, the Corgi Beach Day event popped eer! I was excited to take my first step we arrived at the event, no one else oyed, my friends and I helped out for akfast and left.

hought I would never go to another ce skating fundraiser appeared! This and just have fun!

upperclassmen in KIWIN’S at the time! d me at ice skating fundraisers, I’ll tie

nds with, to run for Bulletin Editor! She )! I ended up getting the position and ated and had a lot of fun using my the DCON Backdrop contest! Later, I ow I have taken over as President of




cided to give it that second chance. rs would’ve looked like without it! I’ve t wait to try my hardest to make this ody who needs to hear it, take some ding one way or another! :D


2020 - 2021





Edison KIWIN’S

Edison KIWIN’S President Hailey Warner


Vice President Alis Nghiem

Secretary DeAnn Le

Treasurer Annice Nghiem

Treasurer Cynthia Bui

Bulletin Editor Kailee You

Publicity Chair Yvonne Nguyen

Publicity Chair Kewin Chiep

Historian Hannah Nguyen

Spirit Chair Nathan Nguyen

Tech Chair Aubrey Parker



Fountain Valley KIWIN’S President Malia Tran

Vice President Annie Nguyen

Treasurer Tessa Than

Rec. Sec. Audrey Mai

Corr. Sec. Jessica Nguyen

Tech Chair Brian Pham

Activities Chair Eric Hong

Activities Chair Natalie Vu

Historian Cassidy Dang

Comm. Chair Victoria Nguyen

Publicist Roger Nguyen

Fountain Valley KIWIN’S


Garden Grove KIWIN’S

Garden Grove KIWIN’S President Linh Phung


Vice President Thien-An Ngo

Treasurer Isabella Grado

Corr. Sec Amy Trinh

Rec. Sec Lesley Pham

Historian Ethan Dao

Publicity Chair Kimberly Luu

Activities Chair Alvin Do

Activities Chair Makayla Finn

ICC Rep. Ashley Lee

Spirit Chair Natalie Sihatay

Freshman Rep. Brian Pham

Sophomore Rep. Huy Vu

Junior Rep. Leslie Villagomez

Senior Rep. Huyen Tran


@lqkiwins La Quinta KIWIN’S President Diane Dinh

Vice President Gretchen Lam

Treasurer Trina Dang

Rec. Sec Kiana Tran

Corr. Sec Evan Padhiar

Comm. Chair Dana Duong

Spirit Chair Tina Le

Art Historian Evelyn Quach

Tech Chair Catherine Nguyen

Bulletin Editor Samantha Woo

Photo Historian Simon Quach

Freshman Rep. Nathan Bui

Sophomore Rep. Trish Nguyen

Junior Rep. Vivian Vo

Senior Rep. Kenneth Tran

La Quinta KIWIN’S


Los Amigos KIWIN’S

Los Amigos KIWIN’S President Vivi Hoang


Vice President Kimberly Vu

Corr. Sec Aldous Hong

Tech Chair Michelle Pham

Spirit Chair Kevin Guillen

Rec. Sec Allyson Verzosa

Treasurer Iris Hong

Historian Kathy Tran



Marina KIWIN’S President Michelle Tran

Vice President Natalie Nguyen

Treasurer Grace Pahn

Corr. Sec Christina Pham

Tech Chair Sophie Huynh

Historian Alex Lorang

Historian Jessica Nguyen

Rec. Sec. Carissa Loverme

Marina KIWIN’S

Bulletin Editor Kayle Le



OCSA KIWIN’S President Kaitlyn Vu

Vice President Anna Kwan


Secretary Chelsa Hahm

Treasurer Kelsey Eng



Segerstrom KIWIN’S President Naila Vo

Vice President Kacy Nguyen

Treasurer Lillie Nguyen

Secretary Benjamin Le

Activities Chair Gordon Tran

Historian Travis Nguyen

ICC Liaison Tri Thai

Publicist Ashley Lam

Tech Chair Damon Le

Segerstrom KIWIN’S


Presidents’ Corner Edison KIWIN’S In the past month, Edison KIWIN'S participated in the Jet Division Freerice Project for Yemen (ty to everyone who helped out!!), and we also participated in the Jet Division E-Cards for St. Jude Project! We had many board meetings and a board social both over zoom. A summer virtual meeting IGTV video was also released on our Instagram. Be sure to check that out to get meeting service hours for the summer! We are even working on a new merch fundraiser coming soon so be sure to check that out when it is released! :0 Written by Hailey Warner

Fountain Valley KIWIN’S Hey manatees! In the month of July, Fountain Valley KIWIN’S wrapped up service hours for Jet Division’s freerice event in order to raise money for the Yemen crisis. In addition, our club participated in the Jet ECards for St. Jude Hospital to raise the morale for patients. FV KIWIN’S has also taken a stand for the BLM movement through the ongoing sticker fundraiser in which proceeds go directly to NAACP (head over to to presale!). Regardless of school not being in session and everyone remaining in quarantine, our members have still worked hard to keep the club running. Before the new school year begins, FV would also like to release a meeting that recaps the work we’ve accomplished these past couple months in quarantine before we recruit our incoming freshmen for the new term.


Written by Malia Tran

Garden Grove KIWIN’S Garden Grove KIWIN’S has been busy with organizing a joint stickers fundraiser with La Quinta and preparing for the release of our QuaranZine (quarantine newsletter)! We also participated in the Jet FreeRice event, where we ended up donating over 3 million grains of rice, and the St. Jude event, where we wrote encourage messages to patients at the St. Jude Hospital. Please support us in our stickers fundraiser! Written by Linh Phung

La Quinta KIWIN’S Hello everyone! <3 In the month of July, LQ KIWIN’S has mainly been participating in joint-club fundraisers and service events. From June 25th to July 2nd, we raised $117 for Unicef in support of the yemen crisis through a social media fundraiser with GG KIWIN’S and Los Amigos KIWIN’S! We also collaborated with all the other Jet Divisional clubs for the “Freerice” and “E-Cards with St. Jude Hospital” service events! On Instagram, we posted Senior Spotlights in which we honored each of the newly-graduated seniors of co2020 who served on last term’s board. Overall in July, we served 139 hours and raised $275 towards UNICEF! We have many more service events and fundraisers planned for the future as well, so watch out for those! :-) Written by Diane Dinh


Los Amigos KIWIN’S this past month we participated in the division’s e-cards for saint jude hospital and continued our BLM sticker sales to make a total of $71, all of which was donated to NAACP towards helping the movement. our tech chair has been working on revamping our social media outlets for the new school year. our corresponding secretary is hard at work making newsletters and we created a linktree in efforts to keep our members virtually updated. you can stay updated with us at ! Written by Vivi Hoang

Marina KIWIN’S The past month we participated in the Free Rice Project and St. Jude E-Cards with Jet and got a total of 85 hours from those events. Additionally, we just finished an event where we drew positive messages or spread awareness with chalk! Our club also recently got recognized at ICON with Distinguished Club, Early Bird, and Late Owl :)) Currently we’re still having our Donate a Photo event, where each photo uploaded a day donates $1 to charities in the app. Our banquet was on the 31st, where we recognized members for their service past term and officially retired and installed board. In August, we’re holding an event where members give notes and gifts to service workers such as mail carriers and waste collectors to brighten their day! On August 1st, we’re releasing our first newsletter of the term, where members can meet their board and see who’s on the hours leaderboard. We are also currently planning a shoe drive with Marina Key Club!


Written by Michelle Tran

OCSA KIWIN’S This past month, OCSA KIWIN'S participated in the Jet Division's Freerice Project in order to support the Yemen crisis and the St. Jude's e-card event to bring joy to the children at St. Jude's Hospital. We also continued encouraging socializing during quarantine by holding a call a friend event. We’re planning on directing our attention to gathering more members by making use of social media and using our online resources as best as we can. Written by Kaitlyn Vu

Segerstrom KIWIN’S

Since the last newsletter, Segerstrom KIWIN'S held a Father's Day event where members shared pictures with their fathers/father figures and wrote little notes about them onto their stories. We also participated in the Jet Division Freerice Project for Yemen where we earned rice grains through the Freerice app to help in the fight against hunger and the E-Cards for Saint Jude Hospital where we made e-cards for patients at St. Jude. We also had a Charity Miles event where members are able to earn hours through tracking their miles through the Charity Miles app that also exchanges the miles you do into a donation towards a charity of your choice from their wide selection. Even though it is still difficult due to our current situation, we are persevering and our members are still doing their best to participate and do their part in helping the community! Written by Naila Vo


Newsletter Spotlight Stay caught up on the latest manatea with the cutest newsletters ever !

Marina KIWIN’S



Los Amigos KIWIN’S


Old Business FreeRice Project for Yemen | 6.25 - 7.5.20 Jet Division participated in FreeRice Project to raise money for Yemen and placed 12th in the world! We donated 264 pounds / 7,755,500 grains of rice ! Thanks to all of your hard work, manatees <3 Jet Division Pen Pals | 7.6.20 Jet Division released pen pal sign-ups for the first time ever, receiving over 100 sign-ups :0 Prompts are currently being released every week until August 22. Contact Johnny if you still want to sign up ! It’s not too late :) District Committees | 7.11.20 District Committees results were released on July 11. Congrats to the following for making it! Awards & Recognition Jessica Nguyen | Fountain Valley DCON Planning Natalie Nguyen | Marina Fall Rally Planning Carissa Loverme | Marina Trina Dang | La Quinta Natalie Nguyen | Marina Finance & Fundraising Cynthia Bui | Edison District Emphases & Projects My Nguyen | Fountain Valley Technology Christina Nguyen | Marina Jessica Nguyen | Fountain Valley Malia Tran | Fountain Valley


E-Cards for Saint Jude Hospital | 7.11 - 19.20

From July 11 to 19, Jet Division wrote kind and encouraging messages to children at Saint Jude Hospital. International Awards | 7.20.20 With the closing of Key Club Summer Leadership Conference 2020, congrats to the following International Award recipients, Early Birds, and Late Owls on their achievements and dedication! Distinguished Clubs Edison HS La Quinta HS Marina HS Early Birds Fountain Valley HS Garden Grove HS La Quinta HS Los Amigos HS Marina HS Segerstrom HS

Late Owls Edison HS Fountain Valley HS Marina HS Governor’s Project | 7.24.20 District Governor Angela Batoon announced the Governor’s Project for this term: UNICEF! Jet Olympics | 7.25.20 Jet Division hosted our annual Jet Olympics and July DCM virtually :00 First Place : Pandemic Pals Second Place : 11271 Stanford Ave Garden Grove CA 92840 Third Place : Ba Sing Baes Congrats !!


June Blanks of the Month

Updates 225 hr

Service Hours

Member of the Month :

Ally Nguyen (Garden Grove)

Minor Emphasis : PTP

$338 Officer of the Month :

Governor’s Project : UNICEF

Kailee You (Edison)


Kailee You (Edison)

Club of the Month :

Fountain Valley


Other charities






New Business Tuesday





Dist news relea






















August DCM | OTC 8.22.20


trict sletter ased

Saturday 1

Sunday 2







August DCM / OTC



What is it? Every year, your Lieutenant Governor hosts a divisional conference for officers to learn about their position’s responsibilities, absorb information regarding KIWIN’S, and strengthen their skills in order to maximize success for the upcoming term. While members usually attend OTC in person, all conferences will most likely be held virtually due to the current circumstances. Why should I go? The KIWIN’S equivalent to a Ted Talk, you get the opportunity to familiarize yourself with tools that may be beneficial not just for your term, but also for your entire life. The educational presentations along with a spice of fun breed a memorable experience for those who attend. Since conferences are virtual now, you won’t have to get out of the house, drive a long distance, or even change your pants! Being attending is so convenient this year, it would be a shame to miss out on this opportunity. In addition, you do not have to be an officer to attend. Any member who loves their club, feels passionate about KIWIN’S, or simply wants to have a good time can join. *Taken from CNH KIWIN’S Summer Newsletter*


Manatee Corner What have you been doing during quarantine? During this quarantine, I've been spending my time binging on shows, doing online schoolwork, and spending more time with my family. Julie Hoang | La Quinta

I’ve been binge watching Kdramas and drawing UWU. Natalie Vu | Fountain Valley

I’ve been hanging out with my family most of my time doing w DiversifyOurNarrative initiative :) Tracy Tran | Marina

I am left disappointed m transcend into emotio looking into colleges fo

Natalie Sihatay | Gard

During quarantine, I have spent my time playing video games, playing tennis with my friends, and doing summer assignments. I have also been watching a lot of YouTube videos and working out. Damon Le | Segerstrom

This quarantine I have been listening to music artists such as Selena Gome Sawayama. I have also been rewatchi Harry Potter movies! :) Kevin Guillen | Los Amigos

I've been trying to learn Korean but it's going very slowww. :( Things like driver's ed, daily Fortnite challenges, chores, and Chloe Ting keep taking up a lot more time than I thought.

I have been e

Makayla Finn |

Alex Lorang | Marina

During quarantine, I’ve been binge watching, thrifting, and exercising as well as participating in virtual events for kiwins :) Anneliese Duong | Fountain Valley

i've been actively wearing distancing whenever i have marina kiwins has offered many service hours, so i've participa amazing events! Mirabel Vuong | Marina


painting, watching movies, and taking lots of naps. Ashley Lee | Garden Grove

y and spending work for the

During quarantine, I have been practicing well-known songs on my digital piano, such the great Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. When I am taking a break from music, I will continue my gaming journey on Roblox or Spiderman on my computer. Lastly, I also spend my time helping my mom prepare food for dinner and lunch when I am not busy. Michelle Pham| Los Amigos

month after month. Then I slowly onal detachment but I've been or awhile now. :)

den Grove

o my favorite ez and Rina ing all of the

eating lots of hot chips.

| Garden Grove

a mask and social to run errands. also, y opportunities to earn ated in some of their

I have been taking walks on a daily and yes I do distance and wear a mask! I have also been binging on shows. Lastly I have also be doing a ton of organizing. Kathy Tran | Los Amigos

reorganizing my room, gaming, and wishing i could see my friends again :( Alvin Do | Garden Grove

I have been catching up on some homework. Do some photo editing. Also just chilling and watching movies Kacy Nguyen | Segerstrom

I have been doing the knee jerk reflex test everyday to train my knee to stop jerking. My doctor is in for a surprise :) Ethan Dao | Garden Grove


Stay Connected Follow our social medias to stay updated on what’s happening in our division and district ! Don’t be afraid to reach out anyone if you have any questions, comments, conerns, or just want to say hi !

Jet Division KIWIN’S Facebook : @Jet Division KIWIN’S Instagram : @jetkiwins Linktree : Remind : text jetkiwis to 81010 Youtube : @Jet KIWIN’S

CNH KIWIN’S Facebook : @CNH KIWIN’S Instagram : @cnhkiwins Linktree : Youtube : @KIWINSchannel TikTok : @cnhkiwins Website :


Contact Presidents Hailey Warner Edison KIWIN’S President (714) 465-0894 Malia Tran Fountain Valley KIWIN’S President (714) 746-4378 Diane Dinh La Quinta KIWIN’S President (949) 276-1836 Michelle Tran Marina KIWIN’S President (714) 725-6161

Linh Phung Garden Grove KIWIN’S President (714) 251-4759 Vivi Hoang Los Amigos KIWIN’S President (714) 722-9128

Johnny Tran Jet Division Lieutenant Governor (949) 373-9014 DLT Sophie Huynh Executive Assistant Cynthia Bui Financial Assistant Jessica Nguyen Chief Bulletin Editor Justin Lam Media Correspondent Nicole Takao Media Correspondent

Natalie Nguyen Spirit Captain Evan Padhiar Spirit Captain

Kaitlyn Vu OCSA KIWIN’S President (714) 478-3670 Naila Vo Segerstrom KIWIN’S President (714) 467-9085


you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have “ Ifchosen the side of the oppressor. - Desmond Tutu


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