Manatee Monthly: September Edition 2021

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Table of Contents Table of Contents




| Editors | LTG Goals


| Division My KIWIN’S Story


| Grace Phan President’s Corner



Old Business


New Business








hey jet! i hope youre having fun in school because i am not jk but not really anyways have fun reading our september newsletter and i hope to see you at our next divisional event! Brian Pham Jet KIWIN’S Co-Bulletin Editor

what’s up B) please enjoy this squid game themed newsletter, and if you don’t know what that is, i highly recommend you watch it >:( anyways, thanks for reading and have a nice day. Amber Lim Jet KIWIN’S Co-Bulletin Editor


LTG’S Note I cannot believe that school has flown by so fast. I hope all you manatees have been staying safe and enjoying school and club activities. I also would like to give all the new manatees a warm welcome to our September monthly newsletter. First of all, I would just like to say thank you to everyone who participated in KIWIN’S month! We showed so much spirit and passion and I am so happy to call all of you my Ohana. Thank you so much for sticking by and I hope to meet all you guys this term since it just started! I am so proud of my DLT, the school boards, and all the members. I can tell you all have worked so hard into creating wonderful, inclusive service events and I am so grateful for a loving Ohana. I hope to see you all and new faces in the next month since dues are coming up! I would also like to have a really quick shoutout to Amber Lim, my wonderful closest friend and divisional Bulletin Editor for this amazing newsletter. Do not forget to check up on your friends and take care of yourselves! See you next month <3 Trina Dang Jet Division KIWIN’S Lieutenant Governor


Jet Division Goals 450 - 500 MEMBERS

PTP: $2,000

UNICEF: $1,500

Other Charities: $1,500



As a freshman, I was introduced to KIWIN'S when my friend's older sister invit meeting. Going to the KIWIN'S meeting was fun because there were lots of there were also lots of fun school events that I attended. I eventually ended because I made friends with a lot of the people in the club, and because I that they always offered!

My favorite memory about KIWIN'S is when we volunteered to wrap Christm my freshman year. Even though it's not a spectacular or show-stopping eve favorite KIWIN'S memories is because it was one of the first times I got to talk club members. It was during this event that I truly felt the inclusivity of KIWIN part of the ohana!

If you're on the edge about joining KIWIN'S, that's okay! A lot of people initia is a perfectly valid reason to join KIWIN'S as well! Don't be scared to join bec my years in KIWIN'S have taught me anything, it's that inclusivity really runs d this ohana! Fun fact about me: In freshman year, I ran for the treasurer posit devastated because only 2 people ran for the position, and I was told that election process. What I've learned is that even if you fail, use it as a learnin scared to run for the same position again, I ran during my sophomore year position. However, while going through the process, a lot of members appro They remembered my past efforts during the previous election term and th that I continued to run for the same position even though I didn't make it be confidence, and even if you don't make it, bounce back and try again! Ev hard work will pay off, people will remember the effort you've put in, and yo Yours in Service,

Grace Phan Jet Division Financial Assistant ‘21 - ’22 6

N’S Story

ted my friends and I to come to a people who would talk to me, and d up paying the membership fee I enjoyed the fun charity events

mas gifts at Barnes and Noble during ent, the reason why it's one of my k to and work with a lot of other N'S and felt that I had truly become

ally join just for college credit, which cause you don't know anyone-- if down the veins of every member of tion and I lost. I was pretty t I had done very well during the ng experience. Despite being with even less hope of getting the oached me and cheered me on. hey encouraged me and they liked efore. My advice to you is this: have ven if you don't think much of it, your ou'll be able to grow from it!


President’s Corner Edison KIWIN’S In the last month, Edison participated in one event being the divisional Cranes for Cancer, with 10 submissions and 236 hours in total. We spent a majority of the month making new props and posters for club rush, which we held last Friday with a total of 240 sign-ups. We held our first meeting on the 27th of September, and opened our first service event of the year being another Cranes for Cancer run!

Fountain Valley KIWIN’S


howdy kiwis! B-) during the month of september, we held TWO new service events! this includes our surf city marathon event on the 11th where members helped hand out water to runners at the surf city marathon, and our virtual color a smile event from the 5th to 26th where members color in pages that are then sent to senior citizens, overseas troops, and anyone else who needs a smile. we also managed to turn in over 850 cranes for the jet cranes for cancer event! lastly, we had our club rush from the 22nd to 24th where we ended up getting 240 FVHS students to sign up, and our first meeting was on the 28th with over 130 attendees! in total, we garnered over 497 hours since the last update. thank you so much for your hard work, kiwis!

Garden Grove KIWIN’S we recently had our club rush where we got a total of 80 sign ups! during club rush, we handed out personalized business cards, candy, popsicle sticks, and had our spirit chair dress up as manny. we hosted our interest meeting and released our application where we hope more volunteers will join. we participated in the surf city marathon where our members helped set up the booths and directed runners. in total we had 54 hours! our club also participated in the district event, cranes for cancer, where we made a total of 72 cranes.

La Quinta KIWIN’S Hey KIWINNER'S! This past month we have been making the transition back into in person events. On the 11th, we volunteered at Surf City Marathon, where members helped run water stations. On the 10th and the 11th, we participated in the Moon Lantern Festival at Asian Garden Mall, where members helped set up, run games, and more! We had our first general meeting on the 16th at our school, where we talked about what KIWIN'S was about, our goals for the year, and showed the events we did. We also had our club rush on the 29th, which was a huge success as we got hundreds of people interested :33 Thanks for reading!


Los Amigos KIWIN’S We had our first meeting this month, we are planning to host a chipotle fundraiser for PTP and we will be having our first social on the 16th.

Marina KIWIN’S In the past month, Marina KIWIN’S has served 478.25 hours! We first ended our summer-long event, Charity Miles, where we raised money for our Governor’s Project, UNICEF, by walking, running, and biking. We then finished the divisional Cranes for Cancer event where we collected 1239 cranes :0 On the 11th, we volunteered at the Surf City Marathon where we passed out water to runners, and on the 25th we helped out our Bolsa Chica Conservatory in a service day by removing invasive species. Marina also held Club Rush later in the month where we promoted KIWIN’S and held games with prizes to gain interested members :)


OCSA KIWIN’S This month, OCSA KIWINS came back to school! We attended club rush and gained over 20 members, many of which are freshmen and sophomores. we look forward to inducting them into the Ohana!!

Segerstrom KIWIN’S segerstrom started the month off with our club rush on september 2nd. we then had our very first general meeting about a week later, having 45 people attend. we also had surf city marathon on the 11, where members handed out water to runners, and innercoastal clean-up day 2021 at HMOC on the 18th, giving members the opportunity to earn hours by helping restore the Orange County Heritage Museum. we also finished collecting all the Cranes for Cancer, and were able to contribute 400 cranes. overall, we accumulated 252.5 total service hours for the entire month of september.

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Old Business Cranes for Caner 6.16 - 9.12 Jet KIWIN’S summer long event, Cranes for Cancer, has finally come to an end! With a maximum of 72 cranes each member could make with three cranes equating to one service hour, we received about 3,500 cranes, awarding our KIWINNER‘S over 1,100 hours! Thank you for contributing!

September DCM: KIWIN‘S Training Conference 9.26 For our September DCM, Jet KIWIN’S held our KIWIN’S Training Conference at Plavan Park, dressed in fall colors! There, our presidents shared their monthly updates, and our LTG, DLT, and club boards presented a variety of topics from All About Service to Mindfulness and Stress Relief! Thanks for attending!

Club Rush Each club held their club rush this month where they promoted KIWIN’S and our ohana! Our clubs had many sign-ups, deeming it a successful club rush season. :)



New Business Making Strides of Orange County 10.24 Jet KIWIN’S will be attending Making Strides of Orange County on the 24th at the Segerstrom Center for Arts. Be sure to look out for our post on Instagram for more information about the event and their fight against Breast Cancer!

The Loop Fundraiser 10.29 On the Friday before Halloween, trick-or-TREAT yourself to some ice cream and churros at the Loop, and bring your friends too! Don’t forget the fundraiser is from 12 - 6 PM on the 29th. Thank you for the support manatees!



MEMBER Tyler Nguyen (La Quinta)

OFFICER Amy Do (Marina)


CLUB Los Amigos High School


Socials Jet Division KIWIN’S FACEBOOK: @Jet Division KIWIN’S INSTAGRAM: @jetkiwins LINKTREE: REMIND: text @jetkiwis to 810-10 YOUTUBE: @Jet Division KIWIN’S


Contacts Presidents Alis Nghiem Edison KIWIN’S President (714) 331-4007 Leonie Nguyen Garden Grove KIWIN’S President (714) 251-0506 Roger Nguyen Fountain Valley KIWIN’S President 714) 468-9164 Catherine Nguyen La Quinta KIWIN’S President (714) 757-7353 Kevin Guillen Los Amigos KIWIN’S President (714) 722-9128 Carissa Loverme Marina KIWIN’S President (714) 655-0290 Anna Kwan OCSA KIWIN’S President (949) 232-8724 Naila Vo Segerstrom KIWIN’S President (714) 467-9085

Trina Dang Jet Division Lieutenant Governor

DLT Jessica Nguyen Executive Assistant Grace Phan Financial Assistant Nisheille Esposo Media Correspondent Doan Le Media Correspondent Natalie Vu Spirit Chair Tina Le Spirit Chair Brian Pham Bulletin Editor Amber Lim Bulletin Editor


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