Manatee Monthly : September/October Edition 2020

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Table of Contents


Contents Table of


Notes | Editor | LTG Goals

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| Division My KIWIN’S Story


| Kaitlyn Vu Presidents’ Corner | September


| October


Old Business



| Updates New Business


| Calendar









Editor’s Note H-hi manatees ! It’s your gurl back at it again with another newsletter :00 Sorry this one was a little late but I hope you all still enjoy it and the Among Us theme ;)) I can’t wait for VFR (oops this passed :’) and Thanksgiving break :00 Anyways, have fun reading the rest of the newsletter and see you in the next one ! Uwu, Jessica Nguyen Jet Division KIWIN’S Bulletin Editor

52% Estimated Time: 1hr 59 m 9s







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LTG’s Note : Johnny Tran

Now that spooky season is over, it’s now time to bring out the sweaters and thicc blankets. Welcome back to another newsletter y'all and we had another spectacular month. With fall rally coming up, I can't wait to see everyone with their high spirits. Even if we can't meet in person, I can tell that this year we can get the spirit stick! Like always, I am proud of all the work all Jet officers and DLT has put into our division and I could not ask for a better group of people. I hope yall keep it up as more people turn in their membership dues!

With passion and service, Johnny Tran Jet Division KIWIN’S Lieutenant Governor


Jet Division Goals 5,000 SERVICE HOURS


PTP : $3,000

UNICEF : $2,000



My KIWIN’S Story : Kaitlyn Vu

When I first heard of KIWIN’S, it was through one of my older sisters, who had been in KIWIN’S for a couple of years and had become a board member for the KIWIN’S at her high school. I had never heard of the club before, as I was still in middle school, b sister asking our mom to drop her off at multiple KIWIN’S events. I always wo somewhere almost every weekend. I always heard my sister talking about e my sister was a part of.

At that age, I wasn’t really interested in interacting with as many people as m my sister encouraged me to join KIWIN’S, and her excitement proved to be co

Throughout my time in KIWIN’S, I was always extremely quiet, as I wasn’t the with. My school’s KIWIN’S was very small, and soon enough, I found myself int was very kind and welcoming, and it was easier to talk to her than I expected me to apply for the position of president. It was a complete surprise to me knowing I had the support of the friends I made in KIWIN’S made me want making KIWIN’S be a club that welcomes everyone, and makes them feel as i Yours in service,

Kaitlyn Vu 2020-2021 Segerstrom KIWIN’S President



but I became exposed to the club more and more as I frequently heard my ondered what kind of club KIWIN’S must be to require my sister to be driven events and meeting with friends, finding myself intrigued with this community

my sister seemed to be, but once my high school’s club rush came around, ontagious. In my first year of high school, I joined KIWIN’S.

e most social person, only taking time to talk with the friend I joined the club teracting more and more with the other members of the club. The president d it would be. Soon enough, the president approached me and encouraged e, and I thought I'd be incapable of being good at such a role. However, t to make the people around me proud. Now I can only hope to continue if they’re part of an ohana.





In the last month, Edison KIWIN’S finished our cranes for cancer virtual service project on September 5th and held a face mask pickup day from our CNH KIWIN’S Face Masks for PTP fundraiser. Currently, we have raised $270 for PTP through the fundraiser! We also participated in CNH KIWIN’S Awareness month by posting on our instagram stories and doing challenges throughout the month. For virtual club rush on September 28th, we released a video talking about KIWIN’S and released sign ups for the year. We also had our first general meeting on October 5th and planned a video game tournament fundraiser with the Edison ESports team for PTP! In the tournament we will be playing games like Among Us and League of Legends, so if you are interested in playing, the sign up link is in our instagram bio @ehskiwins and the tournament is open to everyone!



september has been busy busy BUSY! I’d like to start off by saying THANK YOU to everyone who joined in our Virtual Club Rush google meet as well as the first general meeting on zoom which had a turnout of over 100 people!!! FV KIWIN’S is very excited to have you here and welcome back to our previous members (✿◠‿◠) don’t forget to pay your dues (! keep in mind you have all year to pay and we’ll still record your hours if you’re not a paid member <3 also, throughout the entire month we had our CNH KIWIN’S Awareness Month in which we promoted our club on a district level with daily challenges so don’t forget to submit everything from the month to “” for 0.5 hours per challenge!! our club also had a Chipotle Fundraiser with fv pals which was extremely successful so thanks for everyone who came and supported! another HUGE thank you to everyone who purchased our PTP pins (◕▿◕✿) we made over $400 which will be donated to Pediatric Trauma Program!


garden grove KIWIN’S just finished our club rush! we are currently collecting dues and membership money, in addition to hosting a joint event with our home school’s CSF and Alpha Leo! we also just finished with two virtual events, where we partnered up with Food Oasis and Keen LA in order to help out with different LA-based communities. lastly, we are no longer actively promoting our joint stickers fundraiser with LQ KIWIN’S, but we’re still going to continue selling them until the end of this year! (

LOS AMIGOS we just had our club rush and first meeting and now we’re looking forward to our first social! we’re having an among us social on friday 10/16 at 5 pm. you all are welcome to come to! after that we’ll be having our second meeting and dues collection week. we have an ongoing red bubble sticker fundraiser going on right now and will be participating in the trick-or-test for unicef!


LA QUINTA In September, La Quinta held three service events: Charity Miles, Donate-a-Photo, and UNICEF Quizzes. In total, we served 381.5 hours from those events! We also participated in the KIWIN’S social media month in which members participated in weekly challenges. We also hosted a 7leaves fundraiser in which we raised $37.50 for PTP. We will be participating in our school’s club rush on October 16 and then hold our first meeting on Wednesday, October 22nd. We are super excited to welcome in new members for the new term! :)


The past month we participated in CNH KIWIN’S Awareness month to explain what KIWIN’S is and why we love our ohana. We also participated in our school’s club rush and held 2 general meetings where we explained KIWIN’S further and introduced board! We had the Letters to Strangers event with FV KIWIN’S and are having a dog toy making social this Thursday after our general meeting. We’re also releasing merch that’s 4 tote bag designs (with every tote bag you buy u get a free sticker) and all proceeds will go to PTP! Check it out at :))


OCSA This past month, OCSA KIWIN’S participated in CNH KIWIN’S Awareness Month for all 5 weeks of the event. We’ve also had our school’s club rush on October 24th, where we were one of over 100 clubs and got about 30 people to join our club’s google classroom. We've been cooperating with our student body representatives for our events and our school's club coordinator to set up a safe way to collect dues. Our first general meeting is happening this Wednesday on 10/14, where we'll introduce all the new members to KIWIN’S and introduce events and ways to get service for the month.

SEGERSTROM Since last month, Segerstrom has had many of our members actively participate in CNH KIWIN’S Awareness month where they did many of the challenges that the district and the clubs supplied. We also had our school’s club rush on September 25th and our first official KIWIN’S meeting on September 30th. We were able to accumulate 73 hours of community service and are currently planning a pumpkin fundraiser and carving/painting pumpkins event. Thank you!


now...onto now...onto october october !!


October u EDISON





updates ! LOS AMIGOS




Voting ends in: 125s 15


In the past month, Edison KIWIN'S has finished our Club Rush promotions and held our first general meeting on October 5th! We also released a promotional club video explaining what we do as a club on our IGTV! On October 17th, we partnered with the Edison ESports team to hold a charity Among Us game tournament for PTP and on October 24th we held a League of Legends tournament! We are also participating in the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF project until October 31st. Finally, from October 26-31 we partnered with the Orange County Waymakers team to hold virtual Red Ribbon Week awareness projects! Throughout the week we released various informational graphics and challenges for members to participate in and even ended the week with a trivia game for a giftcard raffle!


to start the month of october, fountain valley KIWIN'S collaborated with marina KIWIN'S in a Letters to Strangers service event in order to boost morale and mental health especially during the isolation. we also held a service event the following week with fountain valley key club in which our members wrote thank you cards to the staff and teachers on campus to show appreciation for the hard work that they've put into adapting to distanced learning. both fv KIWIN'S and key club concluded that week with an online among us social in which students were put into multiple breakout rooms to play and bond with each other! on october 22, fv also held a fundraiser at blaze pizza after our general meeting held on zoom. finally, we wrapped up the month with our annual trick or treat for UNICEF event with the rest of Jet Division through the new website!



Over the month of October, Garden Grove KIWIN’S has been busy with our joint event with Alpha Leo and CSF. We collaborated with those clubs in order to send out letters/messages to seniors at Westmont Village in Riverside. During these isolated times, we recognize the importance of keeping in touch with one another, so we wanted to check in and connect with those senior residents. Garden Grove KIWIN’S also partnered with Segerstrom KIWIN’S in order to host a joint movie night, where members posted fun facts about PTP as a “ticket” to join the Zoom call. Lastly, we are currently focused on getting dues in on time before the Early Bird deadline.


In October, La Quinta KIWIN'S participated in our school's club rush, and afterwards, held our first general meeting on October 21st. We released our membership applications and have been receiving great response! :) We also held two club service events, Pause for Hunger, and Trick or Treat for UNICEF, allowing us to raise 1000+ hours this month. We also released an informational guide to help seniors working on college applications.



this month our club has been working hard to participate in divisional events as well as our own club events. after solidifying our membership we’ve been focusing on getting more involved such as through our winter clothing drive and ongoing redbubble fundraiser! we’ve been keeping in touch with each other through zoom calls entailing biweekly meetings and monthly socials. something new, is that we’re holding board applications for new members this year, as 3 new spots have just opened! overall, it’s been a unpredictable month but our dedicated members make the club what it is!


The past month we released our tote bags and stickers for PTP and have raised over $120 so far! We also had an event with FV KIWIN'S where we wrote letters to strangers to brighten their day! We had 3 general meetings throughout the month and also had a dog toy making social for a local dog shelter. We made over 180 dog toys in total! We also participated in the October DCM, Kiwanis One-Day, and PTP Awareness Week :)) Our members also raised money for UNICEF and children in need through their Trick or Treat program. In total we got over 400 hours in October B)) We’re still selling our merch so check it out on our insta!



This past month OCSA KIWIN’S had our very first general meeting where over 20 members attended. We discussed how to participate in Trick or Treat for UNICEF and how to pay dues, along with future events and ways to get more service hours. For our next meeting on November 4th, we plan to introduce another service event for the month and advertise Fall Rally to our members even more.


herro everyone, hope you had a happy Halloween!! Since last DCM, Segerstrom KIWIN’S has participated in the Trick or Treat for UNICEF event, held a Carve and Cackle fundraiser where we sold pumpkins for Halloween carving/ decorating, and a Safe Harvest Candy and Costume drive where we ask students to donate candy and costumes to kids who don’t have the opportunity to enjoy trick or treating due to being in low income households. For upcoming events, we are planning a possible Movie Social!!

58/100 I thought I was the imposter till you sabotaged my heart <3



Old Business October DCM / Personal Statement Workshop 10.10.20 On October 10, Jet Division KIWIN’S and UCR VSA attended workshops on how to write a personal statement to get in college! Thanks for coming :) Trick or Treat for UNICEF 10.17-31.20 From October 17 to 31, Jet Division KIWIN’S raised money for our Governor’s Project and filled up virtual Trick or Treat boxes! Members watched videos and did other activities to fundraise!


New Business Monday Monday 2 2

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Tuesday Tuesday

Wednesday Wednesday

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Ding Ding Tea Tea Fundraiser Fundraiser starts starts

Thurs Thurs 5 5

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sday sday

Friday Friday 6 6

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O O22

Saturday Saturday

Sunday Sunday

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Virtual Virtual Fall Fall Rally Rally

Ding Ding Tea Tea Fundraiser Fundraiser ends ends

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1 29 129














G O A L : $ 1, 0 0 0



Jet Division KIWIN’S

Facebook : @CNH KIWIN’S

Facebook : @Jet Division KIWIN’S

Instagram : @cnhkiwins

Instagram : @jetkiwins

Linktree :

Linktree :

Youtube : @KIWINSchannel

Remind : text jetkiwis to 81010

TikTok : @cnhkiwins

Youtube : @Jet KIWIN’S

Website :


Contact Presidents Hailey Warner Edison KIWIN’S President (714) 465-0894 Malia Tran Fountain Valley KIWIN’S President (714) 746-4378 Diane Dinh La Quinta KIWIN’S President (949) 276-1836 Michelle Tran Marina KIWIN’S President (714) 725-6161 Linh Phung Garden Grove KIWIN’S President (714) 251-4759 Vivi Hoang Los Amigos KIWIN’S President (714) 722-9128

Johnny Tran Jet Division Lieutenant Governor (949) 373-9014 DLT Sophie Huynh Executive Assistant Cynthia Bui Financial Assistant Jessica Nguyen Chief Bulletin Editor Justin Lam Media Correspondent Nicole Takao Media Correspondent Natalie Nguyen Spirit Captain Evan Padhiar Spirit Captain

Kaitlyn Vu OCSA KIWIN’S President (714) 478-3670 Naila Vo Segerstrom KIWIN’S President (714) 467-9085


“ I ain’t never seen two pretty best friends. ”

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