The Jewish Home | AUGUST 4, 2022
Notable Quotes “Say What?!”
What really wounded me — what really wounded me — was when the Duke of Sussex addressed the United Nations and seemed to compare the decision whose name may not be spoken with the Russian attack on Ukraine. – Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote the decision reversing Roe v. Wade, at a conference in Italy mocking Prince Harry’s criticism of him at a recent U.N. speech
I had the honor this term of writing, I think, the only Supreme Court decision in the history of that institution that has been lambasted by a whole string of foreign leaders who felt perfectly fine commenting on American law. - Ibid
I won the second time. I did much better the second time. We may just have to do it again. - Former President Donald Trump at the Young America’s Foundation Conference in Washington, D.C.
Think about Israel and the Gulf states and what is developing there. Think about the fact that you could actually be at a place where the Arabs end the state of war against Israel, really end it. And why? Not because they’ve learned to love the Jewish democratic State of Israel, but because the smarter of them have realized that in order to modernize their own economies and not be completely dependent on oil, that they’re going to have to deal with the 800-pound gorilla on technology in the region, and that’s Israel.
I don’t know that the president and I differ on issues, but we may differ on focus. I truly do believe that elections are about the future and that it’s absolutely essential, at a time when so many Americans are hurting, so many families are struggling, that we don’t give way to the temptation to look back.
- Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at the Aspen Security Forum
- Former Vice President Mike Pence, while speaking at the same conference, several hours before Trump
When my predecessor got Covid, he had to get helicoptered to Walter Reed Medical Center. He was severely ill. Thankfully, he recovered. When I got Covid, I worked from upstairs.
Biden: Let’s continue to send billions of dollars in foreign aid to Ukraine, they need it!
- Pres. Joe Biden, after recovering from Covid, before he quickly contracted it again
Nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have, as to the maniacs that did that horrible thing. – Former President Donald Trump responding to criticism from 9/11 families for hosting the LIV gold tournament, which is backed by Saudi money even though 19 of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia
Reality: The Zelensky family graces us with a photo shoot to be on the cover of Vogue magazine Tweet by Rep. Mayra Flores (R-TX) after Ukrainian Pres. Zelensky and his wife sat for a Vogue photoshoot with Ann Leibowitz