Five Towns Jewish Home 11.24.22

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Your Favorite Five Towns Family Newspaper Distributed weekly in the Five Towns, Long Island, Queens & Brooklyn November 24, 2022 See page 7 Always Fresh. Always Gourmet. Around the Community PAGE 9 M I M I S W I G S T U D I O 3 4 7 2 6 2 1 8 9 5 Wig Sale P R E C H A N U K A H $ 3 0 0 t o $ 5 0 0 O F F $ 0 0 t $ 5 0 0 O F F 1 1 / 2 9 1 1 / 3 0 & 1 2 / 4 A Time to be Grateful Keeping Tech in Check 52 68 PAGE 12 PAGE 15
The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 2 40+ BRAND-NEW, NEVER-BEFORE-PUBLISHED RECIPES 80+ MOST POPULAR RECIPES, UPDATED — WITH STUNNING, NEW PHOTOS ENTERTAINING “MEET THE AUTHORS” PAGES, SHARING LOTS OF BEHIND-THESCENES STORIES AND INTERESTING FACTS The world’s top kosher cookbook authors come together to bring you the greatest collection of their most iconic recipes and fabulous new creations. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL HEBREW BOOKSELLER | WWW.ARTSCROLL.COM | 1-800-MESORAH ISRAEL >> ARTSCROLLISRAEL.CO.IL | GITLERBOOKS.CO.IL EUROPE >> LEHMANNS.CO.UK new! FEATURING RECIPES FROM: Chanie Apfelbaum Between Carpools Miriam (Pascal) Cohen Victoria Dwek Susie Fishbein Rivky Kleiman Sina Mizrahi Renee Muller Naomi Nachman Danielle Renov Daniella Silver Leah Schapira Rorie Weisberg 20 YEARS IN THE MAKING – 13 CELEBRATED AUTHORS ” ”The most magnificent cookbook ever! 20,000 sold in one week! Get a Sneak Peek in the Family First this week!
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The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 4
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 5 Joel and Leah Kaplan AHAVAS YISRAEL AWARD Kurt Rothschild Z”L CHOFETZ CHAIM HERITAGE AWARD Harry Skydell DINNER CHAIRMAN For reservations, call 845.352.3505 ext. 113 Sunday December 11, 2022 ג״פשת ולסכ ז״י at Bell Works HOLMDEL, NEW JERSEY RECEPTION: 5:30 PM PRESENTATIONS & DINNER: 6:30 PM Mark Karasick DINNER CHAIRMAN Avrohom and Sarah Biderman HARBOTZAS HATORAH AWARD Celebrating the completion of Sefer Chofetz Chaim THE באז ,ר ןב ןמחנ םהרבא ,ר EDITION WITH THE ARTSCROLL SCHOTTENSTEIN STYLE

t was supposed to be a beautiful day today.

I had checked the weather before going to sleep last night: a balmy 50-something de grees with full sun in the sky.

But when I woke up this morning, I knew it wouldn’t be a beautiful day. It would be a day filled with more questions than answers, a day filled with pain and sorrow and trauma.

A terror attack in Israel hits us in our hearts and in our souls. We don’t have to know the people involved; we don’t have to see the pic tures to viscerally feel the horror. We are there with them. We feel their pain. It becomes our pain, too.

And so, our day becomes filled with hurt, filled with terror, filled with a sense of want ing to scream and shake the world to the dread that will become the norm as people innocent ly head to their jobs and schools, wondering if there will be another bomb that will rip through their commute.

When people talk of terror attacks, they’ll re port, almost with relief, that “only” one person was killed in the attack. But can there be “only” one death? Can it ever be “just” one? That per son is a world. That person is a child, a sibling, a spouse, a friend. That person is a whole life – snuffed out, forever lost to our world. That person is a symbol of our nation, representing a whole people who has been through so much throughout the generations. And what of that person’s family? Their friends? Their neigh bors? Those people have lost a part of them, as

well. They have lost that connection that they had, that life-force that they connected to and loved. And they become less whole as they grapple with the stinging loss.

When media report on those who were in jured, they’ll announce with nonchalance: “22 people injured.” But do you ever stop to con template what being injured means? It doesn’t mean these people walked away from the attack with a boo-boo and a Band-Aid. Oh, no. The wounded bear scars for the rest of their lives. They forever live with shrapnel in their heads or disfiguring burns on their faces or broken, damaged eardrums, limping through the fu ture months in rehab and in hospitals. And those are the people who bear physical scars. The trauma and terror that witnesses and sur vivors endure live in their minds, keeping them awake at night and leaving them trembling as they attempt to continue with their days.

Today, as I complete the tasks that are on my to-do list and answer emails and respond to calls, my mind is elsewhere, thinking about my brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, and my heart is hurting as I contemplate their pain. I whisper a prayer that they should know no more terror and that Hashem, the Ultimate Healer and Redeemer, should bring an end to all pain – may it be very soon.

Wishing you a wonderful week, Shoshana

Yitzy Halpern, PUBLISHER

Yosef Feinerman, MANAGING EDITOR

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The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 6
Dear Readers, Shabbos Zemanim Friday, November 25 Parshas Toldos Candle Lighting: 4:12 pm Shabbos Ends: 5:15 pm Rabbeinu Tam: 5:43 pm Weekly Weather | November 25 – December 1 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 53° 36° 54° 45° 49° 39° 51° 35° 51° 41° 56° 37° 43° 32° AM Showers Showers Showers Showers Partly Cloudy I
Partly Cloudy

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NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 7
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Dear Editor,

While many may be disappointed at the results in last week’s election, we need to focus on what WE accomplished:

1. Highest turnout in the history of our Jewish communities for a non-presi dential election.

The benefit of this high turnout is that we will now have the same political weight as Boro Park, Williamsburg and Flatbush because we surpassed 10,000 votes.

2. Political weight means that poten tial candidates for all offices in this coun try will seek our endorsements, and cur rent elected officials are far more likely to take our concerns seriously.

3. Winning a Governor’s race is con sequential – flipping the 4th Congressio nal District flipped the balance of power in the U.S. House of Representatives! Laura Gillen was a quality candidate who lost by the 10,000 votes this community gave to Anthony D’Esposito!

4. We flipped the State Senate seat and thereby played a role in breaking the supermajority Democrats enjoyed in State Senate. Without a supermajority, the Democrats in State Senate must now work with Republicans, and moderate Democrats like Joe Addabbo can have greater influence

Large turnout means that the Or thodox Jewish vote matters – it means that your opinion matters. Our takeaway should be to work even harder to increase turnout next time.

I thank Klal Vote and all of its cap tains for their efforts in pushing this re

cord turnout. You helped our voice and our message reach those in power.

Dear Editor,

I once heard Rabbi Paysach Kro hn impart a powerful point about the Yitzchak-Rivkah marriage. He asks sim ply, why would Rivkah run to the gadol hador to inquire about the struggle in her womb, when in fact the gadol, one of the Avot, was her husband, who surely could have provided an explanation?

He answered that Rivkah was, in a way, afraid of Yitzchak. Perhaps they didn’t have an open forum where they could discuss things. This explains many later events as well.

Rabbi Krohn says that a couple must feel unpressured when discussing things and each must welcome the other’s com ments with sensitivity and an open mind. By adopting a welcoming atmosphere, we are also learning from our Avot and Ima hot who would surely want us to find our way based on their experiences.

Dear Editor,

During a recent interview, Lee Zel din surmised that he most likely lost many potential votes to Ron DeSantis. In other words, Kathy Hochul and Cuo mo succeeded in deteriorating lifestyle in New York State so much that many peo ple moved to Florida. Zeldin surmised that DeSantis

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 8
Continued on page 10
Do you plan on shopping in a store for Black Friday sales over the Thanksgiving weekend? 18% 82% Yes No LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 8 COMMUNITY Readers’ Poll 8 Community Happenings 40 NEWS Global 12 National 34 That’s Odd 39 Persian Pandemonium by Shammai Siskind 90 ISRAEL Israel News 26 My Israel Home 88 JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Wein on the Parsha 80 I Am a Rock by Rav Moshe Weinberger 82 The Three Step Process by Rabbi Shmuel Reichman 84 Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 86 PEOPLE Civil War Heroes by Avi Heiligman 124 FOOD & LEISURE Food for Thought 108 The Aussie Gourmet: Southwestern Corn Soup 110 LIFESTYLES Teen Talk 94 Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW 98 JWOW! 106 School of Thought 102 Parenting Pearls 104 Better Business 112 Mind Your Business 114 Your Money 133 Maybe It Does by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS 134 HUMOR Centerfold 78 POLITICAL CROSSFIRE Notable Quotes 116 Biden Rewards Saudi Leader’s Impunity by David Ignatius 120 The U.S. Seeks to Support Ukraine by David Ignatius 121 How Rick Scott Crashed and Burned by Marc A. Thiessen 122 Dear President Trump: Please Don’t Run Again by Marc A. Thiessen 123 CLASSIFIEDS 125 39 134
a large number of
from former New Yorkers.
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 9

Neither Zeldin nor any reporters mentioned another possible angle as to why he lost. We know that thousands of illegal immigrants came to our won derful sanctuary state, with many being housed in our wonderful sanctuary city, New York City. They have received many freebies. Is it possible that one of the freebies was a voter registration card or some other means that allowed them to vote as non-citizens? I’m not saying that this did, in fact, occur. But I think this strategy is highly possible, and, perhaps, warrants an investigation if we had a few politicians courageous enough to do it.

Daniel Feldman

Dear Editor,

I am in general a fan of your publica tion and look forward to reading it each week. Regarding the article in your No vember 17 th issue (pages 92 & 93), I take issue with Nati Burnside’s article. He did not mention two local companies. Apron Masters of Woodmere who offers cook ing classes among other things and was directly involved in the success of the event, including being one of the judges on the panel that picked all this year’s winners. Mommy’s Cookie Jar was also left out. They are in Cedarhurst. They make lactation cookies that help increase milk production for nursing moms. It’s especially for women that have a hard

time producing enough milk for their babies. Not only does their product help solve a growing issue among nursing mothers, it’s one of the best tasting cook ies out there. They won the award this year for Best New Product in the Health and Wellness Category.

What happened to supporting local businesses? They both deserve to have been included in the article.

Dear Editor,

Your article on Chevron was compre hensive and written beautifully. I only wish that our children were taught about this in schools. They should know about the efforts by so many people to ensure that our mekomos ha’kedoshim are in our hands. This way, when they are able to visit these holy places, it won’t just be a short “visit,” it’ll be a visit with meaning and understanding that we have had to fight for what is ours.

Thank you for a wonderful publica tion.

Kew Garden Hills, NY

Make your voice heard!

Be part of TJH’s weekly poll. Email the editor to be included in the weekly poll at

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 10 Continued
page 8
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 11

“As partners of FIFA for over three de cades, we look forward to our activations of FIFA World Cup campaigns around the world to celebrate football with our consumers,” an AB-InBev spokesperson said in a previous statement. “Some of the planned stadium activations cannot move forward due to circumstances be yond our control.”

AB InBev paid $75 million for the FIFA sponsorship, according to multiple reports.

Ukrainians Remember the Maidan Revolution

Beer Busyness

When Qatar made a last minute deci sion to ban alcohol at the World Cup sta diums this year, Budweiser was left with lots of beer on its hands. What to do with all that Bud?

Now, Budweiser is saying that it will be sending the extra beer to the country that wins the tournament, adding that it “wants to bring this celebration from the FIFA World Cup stadiums to the winning country’s fans.”

ship celebration for the winning country. Because, for the winning fans, they’ve taken the world. More details will be shared when we get closer to the finals,” an Anheuser-Busch InBev spokesperson said in a statement.

World Cup was set to begin — Qatar an nounced that the sell alcoholic Budweiser, leaving fans with only one option for beer: non-alco holic Bud Zero.

sidered to be very conservative. It tightly regulates alcohol sales and usage. In Sep tember, officials said ticketed fans would be able to buy alcoholic beer three hours before kickoff and for one hour after the final whistle, but not during the match.

country authorities and FIFA, a decision has been made to focus the sale of alco holic beverages on the FIFA Fan Festival, other fan destinations and licensed ven ues, removing sales points of beer from Qatar’s FIFA World Cup 2022 stadium perimeter,” said FIFA, soccer’s governing body, last week.

Budweiser tweeted, “Well, this is awkward,” though the social media post was quickly deleted.

Ukrainians took to the streets nine years ago in protests that within weeks became street battles and in demonstra tions that turned to revolution. They bar ricaded Kyiv’s Independence Square and set it ablaze. Police gunned people down. Soon, the president was forced out.

But on November 21, 2013, almost no one saw that coming or recognized the day for what it was: a crucial turn in the country’s history and its relationship with Moscow. It was a major step toward the pivot by Russian President Vladimir Putin to trying to conquer Ukraine from trying to control it from the outside, leading to the death and devastation he unleashed this year.

On Monday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy used memories of that moment to rally a nation now at war. In a video address to the nation, he said it was commitment to freedom that animated the so-called Maidan revolu tion that began nine years ago and that motivated resistance now to the Russian invasion that began in late February.

“We can be left without money. With out gasoline. Without hot water. Without light,” he said. “But not without freedom. And it remains unchanged.”

Zelenskyy and his wife joined in sub dued observances held across the coun try to commemorate the anniversary, now a revered day of remembrance, and to honor the protesters who were

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 12 The Week In News
W ELAS* O T M 3 P R E C H A N U L o c a t e d C a l l / D M Wig Sale *SAL D! T U E & W E D 1 1 / 2 9 - 1 1 / 3 0 1 2 : 0 0 4 : 0 0 A T T H E S A L O N S U N D A Y 1 2 / 4 $ 3 0 0 t o $ 5 0 0 O F F $ 3 0 0 t o $ 5 0 0 O F F M I M I S W I G S T U D I O 3 4 7 - 2 6 2 - 1 8 9 5 P R E C H A N U K A H L o c a t e d o n e b l o c k f r o m C e d a r h u r s t P a r k . C a l l / D M w i t h a n y q u e s t i o n s Wig Sale *S DED! T U E & W E D 1 1 / 2 9 - 1 1 / 3 0 1 2 : 0 0 4 : 0 0 A T T H E S A L O N S U N D A Y 1 2 / 4 $ 3 0 0 t o $ 5 0 0 O F F $ 3 0 0 t o $ 5 0 0 O F F M I M I S W I G S T U D I O 3 4 7 - 2 6 2 - 1 8 9 5 P R E C H A N U K A H L o c a t e d o n e b l o c k f r o m C e d a r h u r s t P a r k . C a l l / D M w i t h a n y q u e s t i o n s giW elaS ELAS* O !DEDUL T U E & W E D 1 1 / 2 9 - 1 1 / 3 0 1 2 : 0 0 4 : 0 0 A T T H E S A L O N S U N D A Y 1 2 / 4 $ 3 0 0 t o $ 5 0 0 O F F $ 3 0 0 t o $ 5 0 0 O F F M I M I S W I G S T U D I O 3 4 7 - 2 6 2 - 1 8 9 5 P R E C H A N U K A H L o c a t e d o n e b l o c k f r o m C e d a r h u r s t P a r k . C a l l / D M w i t h a n y q u e s t i o n s Wig Sale LUDED! T U E & W E D 1 1 / 2 9 - 1 1 / 3 0 1 2 : 0 0 4 : 0 0 A T T H E S A L O N S U N D A Y 1 2 / 4 $ 3 0 0 t o $ 5 0 0 O F F $ 3 0 0 t o $ 5 0 0 O F F M I M I S W I G S T U D I O 3 4 7 - 2 6 2 - 1 8 9 5 P R E C H A N U K A H L c a t e d o n e b l o c k f r o m C e d a r h u r s t P a r k . C a l l / D M w i t h a n y q u e s t i o n s Wig Sale *SALE O LUDED! T U E & W E D 1 1 / 2 9 - 1 1 / 3 0 1 2 : 0 0 4 : 0 0 A T T H E S A L O N S U N D Y 1 2 / 4 $ 3 0 0 t o $ 5 0 0 O F F $ 3 0 0 t o $ 5 0 0 O F F M I M I S W I G S T U D I O 3 4 7 - 2 6 2 - 1 8 9 5 P R E H A N U K A H L o c a t e d o n e b l o c k f r o m C e d a r h u s t P a r k . C a l l / D M w i t h a n y q u e s t i o n s W ELAS* O P R E C H A L o c a t e C a l l / D M
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14 and are recalled as heroes. Residents of Kyiv, the capital, and other cities turned out with flowers despite winter weather and snow.

24, 2022

Putin’s forces continue to pound Ukraine’s cities and civilian infrastruc ture, trying to wear down the ability and will to resist of a nation he has been unable to defeat militarily. Zelenskyy said the Russians were firing hundreds of missiles, rockets, artillery shells and drones daily, most heavily in the eastern Donetsk region, where fierce combat is underway.

The list of targets now includes Kher son, the southern city the Russians occu pied for eight months before retreating about two weeks ago. Shells have det onated there with deadly force — offi cials said three people were killed Sun day — sowing terror and underscoring the threat still posed by the enemy now camped just across the Dnieper River. (© The New York Times)

100 Kidnapped in Nigeria

More than 100 people, including women and children, were abducted

when gunmen raided four villages in Nigeria’s northwestern Zamfara state on Sunday.

Kidnapping has become endemic in northwest Nigeria as roving gangs of armed men abduct people from vil lages, highways and farms and demand ransom money from their relatives.

More than 40 people were abducted from Kanwa village in the Zurmi local government area of Zamfara. Another 37, mostly women and children were taken in the Kwabre community in the same local government area.

ment area, at least 38 people were kid napped while working on their farms, residents said.

Information commissioner Dosara accused the gunmen of using abduct ees as human shields against air raids from the military.

Nigerian forces have launched a se ries of airstrikes in Zamfara and other troubled northern states, neutralizing many insurgents and dislodging them from their hideouts in the region’s vast forest reserves.

The country’s military has also come under criticism after some of its air raids were found to have caused ci vilian deaths.

– including the U.S. and Israel – for or chestrating what he termed as “riots.”

In late September, nine Europeans from France, Sweden, Italy, and Germa ny, among other countries, were arrest ed by the Iranian government for their involvement in the protests.

Two weeks ago, Iran’s judiciary an nounced that 1,024 indictments had been issued in relation to the protests in Tehran alone, according to human rights organization Amnesty International. Out of this number, 21 detainees were charged with security-related offenses punishable by death.

“Right now, Kanwa village is de serted. The bandits divided themselves into two groups and attacked the com munity. They kidnapped children aged between 14 to 16 years and women,” a Kanwa village resident said.

In Yankaba and Gidan Goga com munities of Maradun Local govern

Located in West Africa, Nigeria is a multinational state inhabited by more than 250 ethnic groups speaking 500 distinct languages, all identifying with a wide variety of cultures. Nigeria is di vided roughly in half between Muslims, who live mostly in the north, and Chris tians, who live mostly in the south; indig enous religions, such as those native to th e Igbo and Yoruba ethnicities, are in the minority.

Iran Arrests 40 Foreigners

Iran currently holds second place for the highest number of recorded executions, behind China.

At least 378 people have been killed in the nationwide protests, according to Norway-based nongovernmental organi zation Iran Human Rights.

Deadly Earthquake Hits Indonesia

On Tuesday, Iran’s judiciary spokes person said that 40 foreign nationals have been detained for participating in recent anti-regime protests.

The individuals, whose nationalities have not been revealed, were arrested in accordance with Iranian laws, Iran’s ju diciary spokesman, Masoud Setayeshi, said in a regular news briefing.

It’s been nine weeks of public un rest so far following the death of Mahsa Amini, after the 22-year-old died while in custody after being taken in by Iran’s morality police. In the past week, Iran’s Revolutionary Court issued its first slew of death sentences for protesters’ roles in one of the largest sustained challenges to Iran’s regime since the 1979 Islamic Rev olution.

In the early stages of the protests, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had blamed foreign ”enemies”

A powerful earthquake struck Indo nesia’s main island of Java on Monday, killing at least 162 people, injuring hun dreds more and shaking tall buildings in the capital, Jakarta, 60 miles away. Many people are believed to be still trapped be neath the rubble, leading to fears that the death toll would sharply increase.

The magnitude 5.6 earthquake — which struck near the city of Cianjur, one of the most disaster-prone districts in Indonesia — caused the collapse of hun dreds of buildings and triggered land slides that prevented many people from reaching the city’s main hospital.

Emergency workers and others scrambled overnight to find people trapped in the debris. But rescue efforts were hampered because the hospital it self was damaged and had lost electrical power, said Herman Suherman, a gov ernment official in Cianjur.

“This is overwhelming,” Suherman said, adding that the hospital was des perate for more doctors to treat the flood of injuries and for a restoration of pow er. He said that many people, unable to reach the main hospital, were being

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | 15 TOY TOY The Rochel Baron A”H Chanukah Drop off a toy L’ILUY NISHMAS DR. STEVEN KRAUSS A”H - ן ה כ ה ב א ז ה ש מ ן ב ר ז ע י ל א ל א ו מ ש WILL GO TO CLIENTS IN NEED L’ILUY TOY TOY The Rochel Baron A”H Chanukah Drop off a toy L’ILUY NISHMAS DR. STEVEN KRAUSS A”H - ן ה כ ה ב א ז ה ש מ ן ב ר ז ע י ל א ל א ו מ ש WILL GO TO CLIENTS IN NEED TOY DRIVE! YOT !EVIRD The Rochel Baron A”H Chanukah Drop off a toy at Seasons Express and pick up a free slurpee! GIFTING THEM WITH NEW TOYS! Help brighten the day of our neighborhood children by 718-327-7755 For more info: 1525 Central Avenue Far Rockaway, NY 11691 PROUD PARTNER Scan here to make a donation L’ILUY NISHMAS DR. STEVEN KRAUSS A”H - ן ה כ ה ב א ז ה ש מ ן ב ר ז ע י ל א ל א ו מ ש Toy Drive Committee Naamah Aisenbaum • Sara Austein • Rahely Fruchter Lara Klein • Daphna Mishaan • Fraidy Osina • Devorah Pelman • Rebecca Richman • Hudis Saltz • Tamar Samuels • Esther Satt • Tamar Scharf • Rocky Stem • Lily Weichholz BBY • BYAM • Congregation Beth Shalom • Darchei • DRS • HAFTR • Seasons Express • Shulamith • YILC • YKLI NEW TOYS CAN BE DROPPED OFF AT THESE LOCATIONS: 100% OF YOUR DONATION WILL GO TO CLIENTS IN NEED TOY DRIVE! T D GIFTING THEM NEW Help neighborhood For L’ILUY

16 treated wherever they were injured.

24, 2022

As evening fell, Ridwan Kamil, West Java’s governor, said 162 people had died, but police in Cianjur said that the num ber of fatalities was likely to increase as rescuers reached those trapped.

“So many buildings crumbled and shattered,” Ridwan Kamil said. “There are residents trapped in isolated places, so we are under the assumption that the number of injured and deaths will rise with time.”

Survivors of the quake, sometimes using just their hands, dug well into the night in search of signs of life. A televi sion video showed rescuers unable to reach victims because they lacked the tools to dig and remove debris.

The government erected tents outside the damaged hospital to shelter and treat those who were injured. Many arrived on the backs of motorbikes because ambu lances and other vehicles could not navi gate landslides that blocked some roads.

As more victims arrived, both the hospital and the surrounding tent areas were filled to capacity, said Ridwan Kam il, adding that many family members had become separated by the quake.

In Jakarta, residents reported that buildings swayed and furniture was shaken. According to early reports from

the Indonesian National Disaster Miti gation Agency, the earthquake destroyed 343 buildings and damaged many oth ers. (© The New York Times)

Bahrain’s New Government

Rashin bin Abdullah al Khalifa as the head of the Interior and Abdullah bin Rashid al Zayani in Foreign Affairs stand out.

Bahraini authorities said after the legislative elections that the turnout had been the highest in two decades, amid criticism from NGOs for the restriction exercised by Manama against opposi tion movements in the framework of the crackdown on pro-democracy protests since 2011 in the framework of the Arab Spring.

increasingly dominant gangs terrorizing the Caribbean nation.

Among those targeted by the mea sures was Michel Martelly, who was president from 2011 to 2016 and remains influential in Haiti, as well as two former prime ministers.

Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa has announced the formation of a new government with Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa as prime minister, after accepting the resignation of the previous government following the November legislative elections on Mon day.

The Bahraini crown prince thanked the monarch for the appointment and promised to “continue to assume all his responsibilities,” after which the Royal House unveiled a government in which

This year, Bahrain has registered an unprecedented number of candidates, with 561 and 176 participants, respec tively, to 40 and 30 seats for the lower house of Parliament and municipal coun cils, respectively; up 20 percent com pared to 2018.

Canada Sanctions

Haiti’s Former Leaders

Canada announced sanctions on a slew of powerful politicians in Haiti over the weekend, part of a broad push to pun ish officials believed to have ties to the

The Canadian government did not de tail specific allegations against the three men but said in a news release that they were “using their status as current or previous public officeholders to protect and enable the illegal activities of armed criminal gangs, including through mon ey laundering and other acts of corrup tion.”

Haiti’s gang warfare has intensified since the assassination of President Jo venel Moïse last year, as armed groups have grown bolder in their attacks on one another and on the population, over powering the nation’s poorly equipped

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER
Open House November 27 2:15 pm This Sunday! General Studies entrance exam: Sunday, December 4 · 1:30 pm
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 17 BondTurkeyover Heart.Works WE K NOWTUR K E Y BondTurkeyover Heart.Works WE K NOWTUR K E Y

“The standout life lesson I learned from Darchei is ahavas Yisroel. I watched Rav Bender build a yeshiva with space for weaker students to thrive alongside mitzuyonim. This was unprecedented, and Rav Bender initially faced much opposition. Yet, he saw it as his achrayus to care for the needs of every bochur.

“Rav Bender would additionally call each of his talmidim to his office before Pesach to ensure that he was set up with new clothing and spending money. As talmidim, we saw what was unique about Darchei and this was the cause of our tremendous pride in the yeshiva.”

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 18
Leaders grow at Darchei ומצעל אל קר ליעוהלארבנ ינירחאל
Tuvia Goldstein, Alumnus, 2006 Co-Founder, Northeast Philadelphia Community Kollel CEO, Maytav Bus Company
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Rich Nations to Pay for “Climate Disasters”

Negotiators from nearly 200 coun tries concluded two weeks of talks early

Sunday in which their main achievement was agreeing to establish a fund that would help poor, vulnerable countries cope with climate disasters made worse by the pollution spewed by wealthy na tions.

The decision regarding payments for climate damage marked a breakthrough on one of the most contentious issues at United Nations climate negotiations. For more than three decades, developing na tions have pressed for loss and damage

money, asking rich, industrialized coun tries to provide compensation for the costs of destructive storms, heat waves and droughts.

But the United States and other wealthy countries had long blocked the idea, for fear that they could be held le gally liable for the greenhouse gas emis sions.

The agreement hammered out in this Red Sea resort town says nations cannot be held legally liable for payments. The

deal calls for a committee with represen tatives from 24 countries to work over the next year to figure out exactly what form the fund should take, which coun tries should contribute, and where the money should go. Many of the other de tails are still to be determined.

The creation of a loss and damage fund was almost derailed by disputes that ran into the dawn hours of Sunday over other elements of a broader agree ment, including how deeply countries should cut their emissions and whether to include language that explicitly called for a phaseout of fossil fuels, including coal, natural gas and oil.

Developing nations — largely from Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Carib bean and South Pacific — fought first to place the loss and damage fund on the formal agenda of the two-week summit. And then they were relentless in their pressure campaign, arguing that it was a matter of justice, noting they did little to contribute to a crisis that threatens their existence.

“The announcement offers hope to vulnerable communities all over the world who are fighting for their survival from climate stress,” said Sherry Reh man, Pakistan’s minister for climate change. “And gives some credibility to the COP process.”

Still, major hurdles remain.

The U.S. and the EU are pushing for assurances that China will eventually contribute to any fund created — and that China would not be eligible to re ceive money from it.

There is also no guarantee that wealthy countries will deposit money into the fund. (© The New York Times)

A Paradise for Retirement

When Brits are looking to retire, where should they hang their hats? A re cent analysis has found that as the cost of living rises in the United Kingdom, many pensioners are looking to live out their older years outside the UK. Searches for the “best country to retire to from the

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 22
on October 12 regarding Russian annex ation of Ukrainian territory.


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Dr. Albert Bourla, Chairman and CEO, Pfizer
Dovid Lichtenstein Founder and CEO, The Lightstone Group and Member of the Board of Trustees, Touro University The Honorable Shelley Berkley Senior Vice President of External Affairs and former CEO and Senior Provost, Touro University, Western Division Dr. Robert Goldschmidt Executive Dean, Touro’s Lander College of Arts & Sciences and Vice President for Planning and Assessment Dr. Alan Kadish President Touro University

24 UK” have risen by more than 90 percent in the last 12 months, according to Eu ronews.

24, 2022

The financial experts at Penfold ex amined the top countries retirees al ready look at and compared them using 12 different lifestyle factors including exchange rates, healthcare costs, and the amount of money required to apply for a visa.

Where are the cheapest countries for people from the UK to move to in retire ment?

The Philippines, Thailand, and South Africa were found to be priced around half of what they are in the UK.

In Europe, the cheapest places to live were Croatia, followed by Spain, a pop ular destination. The country was noted for its warm climate, beautiful beach es, and easy access by train or plane for friends and family to visit.

It also scored highly for happiness and safety.

Ireland was placed third on the list with the benefits of good healthcare, lots of green spaces, and close proximity to the UK making up for the less-than-ideal climate.

It was also one of the happiest and safest countries to settle in, with retirees only needing £6,060 in their bank ac count to apply for a visa.

The Price for War in Ukraine

Higher inflation and slower growth are the heavy price that the global economy is paying for Russia’s war in Ukraine, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said this week.

Record inflation, fueled by the larg est energy crisis since the 1970s, is cre ating financial hardship for millions, the

organization said in a new report. Gov ernments and policymakers must make it their top priority to bring inflation down, while shielding households and businesses with targeted spending, the OECD added.

Holocaust Education in the UAE

“Navigating the economy from the current situation to a sustainable re covery will be challenging,” Mathias Cormann, secretary-general of the Par is-based OECD, said in a news briefing. “Risks remain tilted to the downside, and economic activity may turn out even weaker if energy prices rise further or if energy disruptions affect gas and electricity markets in Europe and Asia,” he said.

The world won’t tumble into an out right recession, the report said, but the whirlwind of problems — high energy and food costs, rising interest rates and growing government debt to pay for the fallout — had created fragile prospects for the global economy over the next two years. Global growth will slow to a 2.2% pace in 2023 from 3.1% this year before rebounding modestly in 2024, the re port said.

The impact will be unbalanced, with the biggest toll coming in Europe and North America, two regions expected to face painful slowdowns and a continued high cost of living and doing business. The economies of both the United States and the euro area are forecast to expand at an anemic pace of just 0.5% next year before recovering modestly in 2024.

More pernicious than slowing growth is the stubborn scourge of infla tion. But the group said inflation in most of the world’s developed and developing economies would cool slightly next year, to 6.4% from a blistering 9.4% rate in 2022, the group said.

Efforts by central banks to contain runaway inflation are starting to pay off in some countries, the OECD said. Even so, monetary policy should continue to tighten in the countries where inflation remains high and broad-based, it said. (© The New York Times)

The United Arab Emirates will now be adding Holocaust education to the learn ing materials given to children studying in the UAE. The country is attempting to combat Holocaust denial in the wake of the 2020 Abraham Accords that normal ized its relations with Israel.

Last year, the region’s first Holocaust memorial exhibition opened in Dubai, just months after the U.S.-brokered ac cords ended a more than 70-year im passe between Israel and the UAE.

Since then, seven Holocaust survi vors have been brought to the country to speak on the horrors of the Nazi geno cide, including UK-based Eve Kugler, 91, a German-born survivor who spoke earlier this month on the anniversary of Kristallnacht, the November 9, 1938, po grom in Germany.

The Tel Aviv- and London-based In stitute for Monitoring Peace and Cul tural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) has been working with the UAE’s Education Ministry on building the new curricula, which will be for children in both primary and secondary school.

Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memori al museum in Jerusalem, has also been working with the UAE’s Culture and Youth Ministry on curriculum develop ment. It will be sharing much of its Ara bic content as well as helping to develop fresh materials for the UAE.

“Holocaust denial in the Arab-Mus lim world has been a historic challenge for us… but these important develop ments are indicative of a change that we saw beginning in Morocco, where they began addressing the Holocaust more,” said Robert Rosette, senior historian at the International Institute for Holocaust Research at Yad Vashem.

In late 2020, just after signing onto the Abraham Accords, Morocco, which has a centuries-old Jewish community, announced it would finally include Jew ish history and culture in its curricula.

The UN’s global report on the Holo

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER

24, 2022

26 caust’s presence in global school curricula notes that the UAE at least mentions “con text,” unlike Bahrain, also a signee of the Abraham Accords and the only Gulf state to have an indigenous Jewish community, which mentions “neither the Holocaust as a term… or an event” in its curricula.

Ali Al Nuaimi, one of the Emira ti brokers of the accords and one of the country’s educational leaders, said that acknowledging the horrors of the Holo caust is vital in a region in which Jews have centuries of history.

“Memorializing the victims of the Holocaust is crucial. In the Arab world, the older generation operated in an envi ronment where speaking about the Holo caust was tantamount to betraying Arabs and Palestinians,” he said, speaking on a Washington Institute panel.

“Public figures failed to speak the truth because a political agenda hijacked their narrative, yet a tragedy on the scale of the Holocaust targets not only Jews, but humanity as a whole. Therefore, pub lic figures and scholars should be encour aged to discuss the Holocaust and pro tect common human values while leaving political differences aside,” he added.

Emirati Ahmed Al Mansouri set up the Middle East’s first dedicated Holo

to overcome Holocaust denial and has been collecting historical Judaica from around the region since the museum opened in 2013.

“In the region, there is big denial [of the Holocaust] and the Holocaust is seen as something that has been politicized,” said Mansouri.

“I believed the Holocaust would nev er happen again, but when I saw the re cent rise in antisemitism, I knew I was wrong,” he said. “Even in the most civ ilized countries, humans are humans, and this horrific event in human history can be repeated. The Holocaust was the biggest crime against humanity and this message is for all of humanity.”

inflict massive casualties – detonated at two bus stops in Jerusalem, one at the entrance to Givat Shaul and the other at Ramot junction.

One person, 16-year-old Aryeh Schupak, Hy”d, was killed in the attacks. At least 22 others were wounded in the bombings.

Deputy Commissioner Sigal Bar

noted that the attacks were composed of two almost identical bombs and explod ed within a half-hour of each other at bus stops, prompting officials to surmise that an organized terror cell was behind the explosions.

“I believe we will capture the terror cell,” she said.

There were no immediate claims of responsibility, but the Hamas and Pales tinian Islamic Jihad terror groups hailed the attacks.

The father of one injured teen said his son had saw a man taking pictures of the bus stop shortly before the explosion.

“He took pictures of the people at the bus stop and disappeared,” said Avi Bi ton.

The explosives were hidden behind the bus stop and in a bush.

Deadly Bombings Rip Through Jerusalem

On Wednesday morning, two high quality explosive devices – designed to

The first explosion occurred close to the main entrance of Jerusalem in Givat Shaul, shortly after 7 a.m., peak commut er hour. The second blast occurred short ly after 7:30 a.m., at Ramot junction, an other entrance to Jerusalem.

Aryeh, who was killed in the first bombing, was a Canadian national as well as an Israeli citizen, according to Canada’s ambassador to Israel. His fami ly lived in Har Nof.

“My son was injured by a lot of shrap nel. He has one piece of shrapnel that is right in the skull, which cannot be re moved, near a blood vessel. He has frac tures in his vertebrae and pelvis, and bleeding in his stomach,” Biton said.

Visiting the scene, Israel Police Com missioner Kobi Shabtai observed that it was a “framework of attack that we hav en’t seen for many years.”

Bombings on buses and in public places were a hallmark of the Second Intifada from 2000 to 2005, but mostly

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER

Yaakov Mordechai Greenwald was a widely respected therapist, with strong personal relationships with many gedolei Yis rael. He was particularly close to the Steipler Gaon, Maran HaRav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky zt”l, whose guidance strongly influenced his therapeutic approach to healing. Guiding With Wisdom offers us a powerful Torah-based perspective on healing and emotional and mental health, with many priceless insights from the Steipler.

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Also part of the Great Jewish series 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 ב ג ד ה ו ז ח GREAT GIFT IDEA! Many people understand bitachon to mean that when faced with undecided future with an outcome either good or bad, one trusts in Hashem that surely the good result will occur. While eminent authorities espouse this definition of bitachon, the Chazon Ish, RABBI AVRAHAM YESHAYA KARELITZ (1878-1953), felt otherwise. We do not have prophets to tell us what will happen, and man is not privy to the final decisions of Hashem. Rather, says the Chazon Ish, bitachon is knowing that nothing happens by chance, and that whatever does transpire, we believe to be the decree of Hashem; we will accept it GREAT JEWISH FAITH “FAITH IS NOT ABOUT EVERYTHING TURNING OUT ALRIGHT; IT IS ABOUT BEING ALRIGHT NO MATTER HOW THINGS TURN OUT.” — THE CHAZON ISH
by Rabbi Moshe Bamberger by Rabbi A. Leib Scheinbaum Rabbi Yaakov Mordechai Greenwald
Wisdom of

24, 2022

28 subsided over the last 17 years. In 2016, the Hamas terror group was accused of bombing a bus in Jerusalem, leaving 21 people injured. In 2011, a bomb hid den in a backpack exploded at a bus stop outside the Jerusalem International Con vention Center, killing two and injuring dozens more.

“A boy who did nothing wrong to any one in the world was murdered only be cause he was Jewish,” said Prime Minis ter Yair Lapid. “An extensive intelligence effort is now underway that will lead to the discovery of the despicable terrorists, who are behind them and who supplied them with weapons.”

“I want to tell the citizens of Israel that we will get to them,” he continued. “They can run, they can hide, but it won’t help them. Security forces will get to them. If they resist, they will be taken out. If not, we will deal with them to the full extent of the law.”

On Wednesday, hundreds of people gathered at Aryeh’s levaya. He had been on the way to yeshiva when he was killed.

Rabbi Naftali Schreiber, the principal of Aryeh’s yeshiva, told the crowd at the funeral, “The mashgiach told him [this morning], ‘Don’t come. I see you don’t feel well, rest a little. He overcame it and got up and decided to go [to yeshiva]. To

go to what? To place tefillin, to prayers at the yeshiva, to learn. He didn’t have an easy life, he dealt [with things].”

He added, “There were witnesses to his greatness. There is no one, in his whole year, his whole class, who can say that during the years he was with him that there was ever anger in Aryeh. He didn’t know what anger is. He would walk on the street helping every person he could.”

Moshe Schupak, Aryeh’s father, eulo gized his son, who was taken from him so tragically.

“I want to say goodbye to my son, to say goodbye to Aryeh. I’m sorry to you. G-d gave, and G-d took away,” Moshe said. “He was a boy who taught us a les son. I appreciate every moment that he was with us as a child in our family.”

Palestinians Steal Israeli’s Body

The body of an Israeli man who died after a car crash in the northern West Bank city of Jenin on Tuesday morning was snatched by Palestinian gunmen from a hospital in the city while the boy was still on life support.

Tiran Fero, an 18-year-old from the Druze-majority town of Daliyat al-Kar mel, was critically injured along with his friend who was seriously hurt in the crash. He was taken to the hospital in Jenin because his situation was so crit ical.

would be shuttered until further notice following the incident.

The body is being held in the Jenin Refugee Camp, Haaretz reported, citing several Palestinian sources, although there has been no claim by any group to have taken Fero.

Israeli and Palestinian Authority offi cials are involved in the efforts to return Fero’s body to his family along with Fe ro’s family, the mayor of Daliyat al-Kar mel, the Druze community’s spiritual leader and the mayor of Jenin.

Fero’s uncle said his nephew was still alive and connected to a ventilator when he was taken.

“They disconnected him from the machines and tossed him into a car,” he told the Kan public radio on Wednesday morning.

Palestinians had thought that Fero was an Israeli soldier; he was actually a 12th grader in a school in a Druze town.

On Wednesday morning, the mil itary’s liaison to the Palestinians an nounced that the Jalamah and Salem crossings in the northern West Bank

The Jenin area has been seen as a ma jor hotspot for terror in recent months. Palestinian gunmen, mostly in the north ern West Bank, have repeatedly targeted troops conducting arrest raids, as well as military posts, soldiers operating along the West Bank security barrier, Israeli settlements, and civilians on the roads.

Bibi Wins in Olmert Trial

Even by the often toxic standards of Israeli political discourse there are limits, a judge ruled Monday, awarding damages to the newly designated prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanya

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER
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30 hu, and members of his family in a libel suit they brought against another for mer prime minister, Ehud Olmert, who had described them as being “mentally ill.”

24, 2022

The ruling brought an end to a lu rid and at times circuslike courtroom drama during which Olmert brought witnesses to testify about disturbing goings-on in the Netanyahu house hold, including accusations of afflic tions such as eating disorders, obses sive-compulsive behavior, narcissism, and paranoia.

good faith that would be protected by the principles of free speech. The judge ruled that Olmert had defamed Netanyahu; Netanyahu’s wife, Sara; and their eldest son, Yair, in a television interview that Olmert gave around the time of a bitter and inconclusive election in the spring of 2021.

“Another mendacious plot against Prime Minister Netanyahu, his wife and family has been shattered,” Yossi Cohen, the Netanyahus’ lawyer, said in a state ment after the ruling, which was broad cast live.

The Netanyahus had demanded about $250,000 in damages but were awarded $18,000 in total.

Azerbaijan to Open Embassy

ties with Israel — particularly in the fields of security and trade — and its in creasingly strained ties with Iran.

Earlier this week, Azerbaijan said it arrested five of its nationals for spying for Iran after a rise in tensions between the neighbors. The arrests came a week after Baku and Tehran accused each oth er of hostile rhetoric.

Iran, home to millions of ethnic Aze ris, has long accused its smaller northern neighbor of fueling separatist sentiment on its territory.

But, according to the judge, Amit Yariv, despite all the hours of testimony, Olmert failed to establish or produce any professional medical diagnosis to back

“The final result is that by serving the suit, the harsh statements made by Mr. Olmert received wide exposure and were brought to the attention of the entire public,” Olmert’s lawyer, Amir Tytunovich said in a statement. “The Netanyahu family, who turned to the court in the hope of receiving a ‘certificate of sanity,’ came out without one,” he added.

The two sides have up to 60 days to appeal the outcome. (© The New York Times)

The Azerbaijani parliament on Friday approved a proposal to open an embassy in Israel. It will be the first Shi’ite Muslim country to do so.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid welcomed the move. “Azerbaijan is an important partner of Israel and home to one of the largest Jewish communities in the Mus lim world,” he said.

“The decision to open an embassy reflects the depth of the relationship be tween our countries. This move is the re sult of the Israeli government’s efforts to build strong diplomatic bridges with the Muslim world,” he said.

Israel has had an embassy in Baku since 1992.

The Azeri decision reflects its close

Last month, Defense Minister Benny Gantz held an official visit to Azerbaijan, where he met with his Azeri counterpart, Zakir Hasanov, and the country’s Presi dent Ilham Aliyev.

Smotrich Will Get Finance Post

Prime Minister-elect Benjamin Net anyahu has reached a compromise with Religious Zionist party leader Bezalel Smotrich in their stalled coalition talks, with Smotrich agreeing to give up his de mand to be defense minister and instead take over the Treasury.

The defense portfolio will remain

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER
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with Netanyahu’s Likud party.

Under the proposed compromise, which has yet to be confirmed by the par ties, Smotrich would gain control of the Finance Ministry, while the other main contender for that job —Aryeh Deri of Shas — will get the Interior Ministry.

A report by the Kan public broadcaster suggests that Deri would receive a “super ministry” that would effectively combine the Interior Ministry and Transportation Ministry into one office — to make up for

losing out on the finance minister job.

Shas would also receive the Negev and Galilee Ministry. According to Kan, Shas is also set to control the Health Ministry and the Diaspora Affairs Minis try; Channel 12 said instead that it would receive the Religious Services Ministry and a position in the Prime Minister’s Office.

According to Channel 12, Itamar Ben Gvir, head of the Otzma Yehudit party, will be named public security minister, giving

him control over the police. His party will also take the Agriculture Ministry.

If Deri will receive the Interior Min istry, certain laws will have to be kept in mind. Current law bars individuals sentenced to prison time from serving as a minister for seven years. Deri was convicted of several tax offenses earlier this year and received a 12-month sus pended sentence, ostensibly barring him from receiving another cabinet post. At torney General Gali Baharav-Miara has

clarified the Basic Law referred to both suspended sentences and jail time. Shas MK Moshe Arbel has in the meantime drafted a bill to change clause six of Basic Law: Government, which would allow those who were given suspended sentences to receive ministerial appoint ments.

In addition, the post of acting prime minister is by law only available to those who are in the same party as the prime minister, requiring more legislation to open the position for Deri, Channel 12 said.

Deri previously served 22 months in prison from 2000 to 2002. That verdict carried a conviction of moral turpitude, keeping him out of politics for seven years after his release. In 2013, he re turned to politics, reclaiming the leader ship of Shas and ultimately returning to serve as interior minister from 2016 until last year, when his party entered the op position. A court had ruled that his prior conviction did not disqualify him from the position.

Most Russian Immigrants Not Jewish

According to a study released by the Knesset’s research department last week, nearly three out of every four new immi grants from the former Soviet Union in 2020 were not Jewish.

The survey, which was ordered by Knesset member Yoav Ben Tzur of the Shas party, was held up as a justification for those who oppose the “grandchild

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 32

34 clause” of the Law of Return, which cur rently grants Israeli citizenship to any one with at least one Jewish grandparent so long as they don’t practice another re ligion.

24, 2022

As part of ongoing coalition negoti ations, the United Torah Judaism, Shas and Religious Zionism parties have de manded the removal of the clause in or der to ensure that a far higher percentage of new immigrants are considered Jew ish — either being born to a Jewish moth er or having converted.

The study found that the percentage of immigrants from the former Soviet Union who were not Jewish has steadi ly increased over the years, from 6.8 percent in 1990 to 71.7 percent in 2020. Since 1998, the majority of immigrants from the former Soviet Union have not been Jewish but neither have they of ficially followed another faith. These immigrants are considered by the state to be of “no religion,” which largely pre vents them from marrying in Israel — as the country only recognizes religious marriages — and from being buried in Jewish cemeteries.

The survey does not provide an ex act breakdown of how many of these non-Jewish immigrants are the offspring of Jewish fathers and non-Jewish moth

ers and how many have just one Jewish grandparent.

At the same time, a recent study found that the overwhelming majority, 94%, of Russian-speaking Israelis con sidered themselves to be Jewish.

Today, the number of Israelis of “no religion” has grown to roughly half a mil lion.

Though it is far from a sure thing that the “grandchild clause” will be revoked, the coalition demand has sparked re newed debate on the topic of “who is a Jew” and how much Jewishness and Is raeliness overlap.

In effect, Disney is replacing Iger’s hand-picked successor as CEO with Iger. In a Sunday night email to Disney employees, Iger said it was “with an in credible sense of gratitude and humility — and, I must admit, a bit of amazement — that I write to you this evening with the news that I am returning.”

Iger Back at Disney

In a move that dropped jaws in Hol lywood and prompted comparisons to an implausible screenplay, the board of the Walt Disney Co. fired Bob Chapek as CEO on Sunday and announced that Bob Iger would return to run the company, effec tive immediately.

Iger, 71, agreed to a two-year con tract after the board determined that Chapek, 62, had done irreparable dam age to his ability to lead, with a string of missteps resulting in the lost confi dence of Wall Street and most senior Disney executives, as well as many rank-and-file employees. Iger previous ly served as Disney’s CEO from 2005 to 2020, a run that was widely seen as one of the most successful in Hollywood history.

Iger left Disney entirely at the end of 2021, having served as executive chair for two years to help Chapek gain his footing. Now, Iger has been given two years by the board to steer the company on to the right path and groom another successor.

“We thank Bob Chapek for his ser vice,” Susan Arnold, the board chair, said in a statement. “The board has concluded that as Disney embarks on an increas ingly complex period of industry trans formation Bob Iger is uniquely situated to lead the company through this pivotal period.”

Arnold called Iger on Friday and asked him to consider returning to the company, according to three peo ple with knowledge of the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations. In re cent months, Iger has made no secret of his extreme disappointment with Chapek, telling people close to him that he was “devastated” by the down ward direction that Disney had taken and that it felt like Disney was losing its soul.

Iger said in a statement Sunday night that he was “extremely optimistic for the future of this great company and thrilled to be asked by the board to return as CEO.” (© The New York Times)

While we all know about February’s extra day during a leap year, there is an other time-keeping alteration we make to our clocks that you may not have heard of. The “leap second” is an extra second we tack on the year to ensure Coordinat ed Universal Time (UTC) exactly match es up with the Earth’s rotation on its axis.

However, scientists have now agreed to scrap the leap second and let the two fall out of sync.

The decision was made because this extra second can cause problems for dig ital systems that rely on a regular flow of time, like GPS and telecommunications.

Since 1972, a leap second has been added onto astronomical time whenever the gap between them reaches 0.9 sec onds, which occurs unpredictably. This has occurred 26 times since, the last of which was in 2016.

Leap seconds will be a thing of the past in 2035, although scientists have not yet decided for how long they will do away with that extra moment of time. Some scientists are calling for it not to be re-added for at least a century.

Representatives from the USA, Cana da, and France pushed for the change, al though Russia voted against the propos al for the leap second’s removal in 2035.

The Russian satellite-navigation system, GLONASS, incorporates the leap second already, meaning significant technical changes will need to be made.

GPS, however, is run by the U.S. mil itary using atomic clocks, and effectively ignores the additional second.

Is Age Just a Number?

President Joe Biden has said it is a “legitimate question to ask anybody over 70 years old whether or not they’re fit” to serve in the White House. To those who question his fitness, he has a stock an swer: “Watch me.”

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER
Goodbye “Leap Second”
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24, 2022

On Sunday, Biden turns 80 — a num ber he tries never to utter in public. “I can’t even say the age I am going to be,” Biden said in a recent interview with MSNBC. “I can’t even get it out of my mouth.”

Also left unsaid is that Biden would be 86 at the end of a second term, should he run in 2024 and win.

But while the risk of life-threatening diseases, dementia and death rises fast

er with each passing decade of a person’s life, experts in geriatrics say that people in their 80s who are active, engaged and have a sense of purpose can remain pro ductive and healthy — and that wisdom and experience are important factors to consider.

The New York Times spoke to 10 ex perts in aging to paint a picture of what the next six years might look like for a person of the president’s age. These ex

perts have not examined or treated Biden, though they have looked at publicly avail able information, including a medical re port issued by the White House last year, a day before his 79th birthday.

Biden, these experts agreed, has a lot going in his favor: He is highly educated, has plenty of social interaction, a stim ulating job that requires a lot of think ing, is married and has a strong family network — all factors that, studies show,

are protective against dementia and conducive to healthy aging. He does not smoke or drink alcohol and, according to the White House, he exercises five times a week. He also has top-notch medical care.

“People in their 80s commonly ex perience declines; we shouldn’t be naive about that,” said Lisa Berkman, a profes sor of public policy at the Harvard School of Public Health who studies health and aging. “And at the same time, there is so much variability. People who are doing well and are in the top level of function ing, have the odds of going for another 10 years, of doing really well during this time and making very important contri butions.” (© The New York Times)

A Possible



It’s possible that Americans will have to face a crippling national freight rail strike in just two weeks. The rank-andfile members of the nation’s largest rail union, which represents the industry’s conductors, rejected a tentative labor deal with freight railroads, the union an nounced Monday.

The nation’s second-largest rail union, which represents engineers, rat ified its own contract. But the failure of the conductors to ratify their deal is an other setback to efforts to avoid a strike.

With these votes, all 12 rail unions have now completed their ratification process, with members of eight of the unions voting in favor of deals and four voting against it. The four unions that have voted no will remain on the job until at least early next month while negotia

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER
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38 tions are held to try to avoid a strike that could cause widespread disruptions in the nation’s still struggling supply chain and overall economy.

If even one of the dozen railroad unions were to go on strike, the other 11 would honor the picket lines, shutting down the railroads.

If a strike goes on for an extended pe riod, it could cause shortages and high er prices for goods including fuel and food. If the four unions that rejected the deals are unable to reach new deals be fore strike deadlines, Congress could or der the railroad workers to remain on the job or return to work.

The deals being voted down are lu crative for union members. They include an immediate 14% raise with back pay dating to 2020, as well as pay raises to taling 24% during the four-year life of the contracts, which run through 2024. Union members also would receive cash bonuses of $1,000 a year.

All told, the backpay and bonuses will give union members an average payment of $11,000 per worker once the deal is ratified.

But it’s not the pay that has been the sticking point in the negotiations. It’s the work rules and quality of life issues, such as staffing levels and paid sick time, which the tentative agreements do not

include. So far, railroad management has rejected proposals from union negotia tors to add sick pay as a way to win ratifi cation from the rank and file.

Pelosi to Step Aside

speech on the House floor a day after Re publicans clinched control of the chamber.

“For me, the hour has come for a new generation to lead the Democratic caucus that I so deeply respect,” Pelosi said as some of her colleagues wiped tears from their eyes. “And I am grateful that so many are ready and willing to shoulder this awesome responsibility.”

Her decision represented a transfor mative moment for House Democrats, and it set off a rapid and long-anticipat ed shift in the top ranks of Democratic leadership — now dominated by a trio of octogenarians — toward a younger group that has been waiting in the wings.

Guard, they encountered “6-10 ft seas, 25 mph winds to safely remove the people from the vessel.”

Nancy Pelosi, the dominant political operator, legislative tactician and face of House Democrats for two decades, and the first woman to serve as speaker, announced on Thursday that she would leave the leadership ranks in January following narrow election losses that cost Democrats their majority, but would re main in Congress.

Pelosi, the Californian who twice led Democrats to power in the House and has been a central figure in the major leg islative accomplishments of the Obama and Biden administrations, disclosed her plans in a carefully choreographed midday

Shortly after Pelosi, 82, concluded her remarks, Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the 83-year-old majority leader, said in a letter to his colleagues that he too would refrain from seeking a leadership posi tion in the next Congress. He endorsed Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, 52, to be the next Democratic leader, throwing his support to a lawmaker who is widely regarded as Pelosi’s likeliest successor.

The No. 3 Democrat, Rep. James Cly burn of South Carolina, 82, was expected to cede the position of whip and seek to become the assistant leader, according to people familiar with the plans.

Jeffries and Rep. Katherine Clark of Massachusetts, 59, and Pete Aguilar of California, 43, were widely expected to seek the top three spots.

Pelosi became a favorite target for Republicans, who demonized and de humanized her in increasingly ugly terms. During her remarks Thursday in the House chamber, there was standing room only on the Democratic side, but only a few Republicans were on hand to listen to her.

In a statement released after Pelosi’s speech, President Joe Biden said history would remember her as “the most con sequential speaker of the House of Rep resentatives in our history.” (© The New York Times)

It took hours to rescue more than 100 people, as the weather and rough seas presented “a challenge.”

Initially, the Coast Guard said 22 peo ple were rescued off the overloaded sail ing vessel. It later revised that number to more than 100 people, saying dozens had been rescued before the vessel could hit a sandbar off Whale Harbor. It is unclear where the people originated from.

The rescue comes as Coast Guard South east said it was suspending a search for pos sible survivors after a homemade vessel car rying migrants from Cuba capsized near the coast of Florida over the weekend.

A total of 19 people were believed to have been on the vessel; survivors re ported that four people had immediate ly drowned after it capsized Saturday, the Coast Guard’s 7th District said.

Coast Guard Cutter Pablo Valent’s crew rescued nine people and recovered one body, while on Sunday and Monday the crews recovered five bodies.

Army Vet Saves Lives

100 Rescued from Boat in FL.

More than 100 people were rescued from an overloaded sailing vessel before it hit a sandbar in the Florida Keys on Monday, the U.S. Coast Guard said.

A good Samaritan reported the ves sel at around 5 a.m. local time. Crews responded to the incident off Rodriguez Key after receiving “reports of people in the water.

According to a tweet by the Coast

Richard M. Fierro was at a table at a club in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with his wife, daughter, and friends on Saturday, when the sudden flash of gun fire ripped across the nightclub. His in stincts from four combat deployments as an Army officer in Iraq and Afghanistan kicked in.

He charged through the chaos, tack led the gunman and beat him bloody with his own gun.

“I don’t know exactly what I did, I just went into combat mode,” Fierro, 45, who

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER
24, 2022

left the Army in 2013 as a major, said on Monday at an interview in his garage, his first since the shooting on Saturday night. “I just know I have to kill this guy before he kills us.”

On Monday, the authorities said they were holding Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, on suspicion of murder and of bias-moti vated crime causing bodily injury, Colo rado’s equivalent of a hate crime, for each of the five people killed in the shooting. Chief Adrian Vasquez of the Colorado Springs Police Department identified the victims as Daniel Aston, Kelly Loving, Ashley Paugh, Derrick Rump, and Ray mond Green Vance.

The number of wounded victims was revised downward by authorities to 18 from 25. Of those people, 17 were shot and one was injured without being shot, officials said. At least 13 injured victims remained hospitalized, spokespeople for two hospital systems said. Fierro said his wife and daughter were recovering from injuries at home.

The death toll could have been much higher, officials said, if patrons of the nightclub had not stopped the gunman. Vasquez identified Fierro and Thomas James as the people who knocked down the suspect.

“He saved a lot of lives,” Mayor John Suthers of Colorado Springs said of Fierro.

Gov. Jared Polis of Colorado ordered flags on all public buildings to be lowered to half-staff beginning on Monday for five days, one for each of the people killed.

Fierro’s Army record shows that he was awarded the Bronze Star twice. The experiences of combat still haunt him, he said, and the psychological and physical toll of the deployments were why he left the Army.

He said he never thought he would have to deal with that kind of violence at home.

“I was done with war,” he said. (© The New York Times)

most other giant carp are either pale or brownish.

“I knew it was a big fish when it took my bait and went off side to side and up and down with it,” Hackett said. “Then it came to the surface 30 or 40 yards out, and I saw that it was orange.

than 22 years old.

Owner Alex Wolf, 40, said he and his college roommates adopted the then-2year-old dog from Colorado’s Humane Society of Boulder Valley in 2002.

“He’s been there every step of the way,” Wolf said. “I’m so glad we got him. He’s the best.”

Guinness World Records verified Gino was born Sept. 24, 2000, earning him the title of oldest dog living. The pre vious record-holder, a canine named To byKeith, is also still living, but is only 21 years old.

balance skills by taking a walk on a line suspended between two hot air balloons over his Brazilian hometown.

This is not the first time that Bridi ac complished this stomach-churning feat. He previously earned the Guinness World Record for highest slackline walk when he crossed between two balloons 6,236 feet over Praia Grande in Santa Catarina, Brazil. This week, he replicated his stunt over the city of Florianopolis to honor his hometown.

“It was brilliant to catch it, but it was also sheer luck,” he added.

It took him 25 minutes to reel in his catch. Still, “The Carrot” – his name for the fish – was released back into the lake.

The behemoth fish was stocked 15 years ago “as something different for the anglers to try to catch,” Jason Cowler, a spokesman for Bluewater Lakes, ex plained.

“It’s not the biggest resident in the lake, but by far the most outstanding,” he said.

The orange-colored carp was caught around nine times last fishing season, Cowler added. In February, she broke the 60-pound mark.

“I always knew The Carrot was in there but never thought I would catch it,” Hackett said.

Hey, you know there are other fish in the sea.

Every Dog Has Its Day

Wolf attributed Gino’s continuing good health to a balanced diet, veterinary care and the canine’s own zest for life.

“I give him all the credit,” Wolf said. “He’s gotten a lot of love, and I think he’s just a strong dog.”

Seems like you can teach an old dog new tricks.

A Big Book

According to Bridi, the sky over Flori anopolis provided optimal conditions for the dizzying feat.

“The location we chose provides very good conditions for flying balloons. And we have all these pilots here doing unique flights, going over canyons above the clouds. Together with my production crew, I think we created a dream team,” he said.

Sweet dreams.

Think you just read a big book? Think again.

Recently, a Texas nonprofit and a mu seum teamed up to break the Guinness World Record for largest published book with a tome measuring 7 feet tall and 11 feet wide.

The volume was a version of the book I Am Texas, which contains writing and artwork from 1,000 Texas students from third to 12th grades.

The book, which has smaller versions available for purchase, measures a gar gantuan 7 feet tall, is 11 feet wide, and weighs in at 496 pounds.

Paper Ballot

Fat Fish

The Carrot is big and orange – and a fish.

Andy Hackett, 42, was fishing in France when he nabbed an oversized female carp weighing a whopping 67.5 pounds. This was no ordinary sea crea ture. The fish is also orange in color, which makes it prized by anglers since

Make way, canine world. Gino is now the king.

The California dog was named the oldest living dog by Guinness World Re cords after he was confirmed to be more

The giant book, which has been cer tified as the world’s largest by Guinness World Records, is now embarking on a tour of Texas and will be featured in the November 24 H-E-B Thanksgiving Day Parade in Houston.

Talk about making a short story long.

Sky Walker

Afraid of heights? Whether you enjoy the skies or you prefer terra firma, we don’t suggest you try this at home.

Rafael Bridi is fearless. The accom plished slackliner recently showed off his

When all the ballots were counted in the race for a city council seat in Roger City, Michigan, it was a clear tie: 616 peo ple voted for Timeen Adair; 616 people voted for Brittany VanderWall.

How to resolve such a dismal deadlock?

Councilmembers had an innovative solution to settle the tie. They had the two candidates draw pieces of paper from a bowl. Adair, who won, had picked the pa per that had the word “elected” on it.

VanderWall’s paper declared: “not elected.”

There were no hard feelings between the two candidates. They exchanged hugs, although VanderWall told Adair, “Congrats. Do good work. I’ll see you in two years.”

Adair noted, “The people have spo ken, and they said, ‘Eh, either one.’”

Talk about a balance of power.

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 39

Around the Community

Expansion of Achiezer Kosher Respite Room at Mount Sinai South Nassau

The recent expansion and addition to the already existing beautiful Achiezer Kosher Respite Room at Mount Sinai South Nassau was made possible by a very generous gift from a grateful patient’s family.

The expansion and renovation of this wonderful resource for the Jewish community will allow more families to have some of their basic needs addressed in their time of need at the hospital.

The very brief ceremony (brief com ments from Rabbi Dr. Aaron E. Glatt, Rabbi Boruch Bender, Joe Calderone and Dana Sanneman) included the placement

of a mezuzah on the door of the room and was followed by a small collation.

Mount Sinai South Nassau is an award-winning, 455-bed, acute care, not-for-profit teaching hospital located in Oceanside. Our dedicated staff serves the entire South Shore, from the Rock aways in Queens to the Massapequas and beyond. And we offer quality, com passionate care on our main campus in Oceanside, plus nine other satellite facil ities in the region.

Some people call us the best-kept secret on Long Island, though we rank among the best for the health care we

provide. Our commitment to quality is the reason Mount Sinai South Nassau hospital on Long Island has received the following honors for quality and service excellence:

Mount Sinai South Nassau has been ranked among the Best Regional Hospi tals in the metro area and earned eight “High Performing” badges for specific service areas, according to the latest U.S. News & World Report’s 2021-22 Best Hospital Rankings.

It has been named as one of Amer ica’s 100 Best Hospitals for Ortho pedic Surgery by Healthgrades and

has received the Joint Commission Perinatal Care Certification (First Long Island Hospital to Earn Joint Commission Certification) Home Care Elite™ listing of the top 25% of home health care providers in the U.S. Top Nursing Care, according to the American Nurses Credential ing Center’s (ANCC) Magnet® rec ognition Becker’s Hospital Review “100 Hospitals with Great Women’s Health Programs” Infectious Diseas es Society of America Antimicrobial Stewardship Centers of Excellence designation.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 40

Parasha Comes Alive at BY5T

In honor of Parashas Vayera, the talmidos at Bais Yaakov Five Towns had a fantastic visit to Avrohom and Sarah’s tent in the school’s center hallway. The girls enjoyed dressing up to act out Avrohom Avinu running to do hachnasas orchim for the three malachim, and like

Sarah Imeinu, they prepared challah and pretended to light Shabbos candles.

In conjunction with Parshas Lech Le cha, the kindergarten girls learned about sea, air and land transportation, and they created adorable wearable paper cars for their imaginative journeys.

Debate Meet at HALB

Last week, HALB hosted Moriah, Ben Porat Yosef, and HAFTR for a Debate Meet. Students debated both sides of the resolution: the federal government should ban the sale of all new gas-powered cars by 2035. HALB students Moshe Broder and Emily Segall took home medals for First Place Team. Moshe Broder was named second place speaker, and Emily Segall was named third place speaker.

Congrats to all who participated!

Honoring Our Vets

On Tuesday, November 15, JCCRP Board Vice President, the Hon orable Scott Dunn, was honored for his service to this country as a captain in the U.S. Army. The Veterans Day cere mony was hosted by Councilwoman Sel vena Brooks-Powers honoring veterans at the American Legion Rosedale-Lau relton Post 483.

Gan Chamesh’s Grand Challah Bake

Inspired by the Shabbos Project, and in conjunction with learning about Sara Imeinu and her challahs in the weekly parshiyos, the children at Gan Chamesh joined together for a joint, hands-on Challah Bake. This experience gave them a deeper understanding and appreciation of this special mitzvah.

Fall is in the air! The nursery girls baked delicious colorful leaf cookies to complement their learning about the autumn season. The Pre-1A girls are learning to make their brachos beautifully, with a special experiential learning activity for each bracha. In honor of learning the bracha

of Borei Minei Mezonos, the girls baked cookies and invited their parents and the rest of the school to a delicious bake sale.

Registration is now open for the 2023-2024 year. For an application or more info, please contact: 516-500-BY5T or visit

HANC Places First in CIJE TANK 2022

On Sunday, November 20, mem bers of the HANC High School’s Engineering team presented their award-winning innovation to a panel of expert sharks and a panel of three investors at the CIJE Tank com petition which took place at the Space at Flatiron, New York.

Each year, Jewish high school stu dents from CIJE network schools across the country compete for the opportuni ty to present their inventions in front of sharks. Out of 325 high school teams that presented original prototypes on Inno

vation Day 2022, six teams were chosen to enter the CIJE Tank!

HANC engineering students Avi Ba ruch, Joseph Diamond and Jake Peyser have rightfully earned the status of CIJE Tank Finalist for the project ANYSTAT. Mazal tov to the team and to Faculty Advisor Professor Amrit Singh on this amazing accomplishment. The winning team will receive help to file a prelimi nary patent for their innovation, gener ously sponsored by Nathan Renov and Pearl Cohen.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 42 Around the Community

Mrs. Bracha Rosenblum SEMINARY MENAHELES //

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 43
8:30PM Home of Rabbi
Please contact the office to RSVP and a zoom link and password will be shared before the event
5 TOWNS MONDAY NOVEMBER 28TH 8:00PM Home of Mr. Evan and Mrs. Chaya Sara Genack 9 Boxwood Lane Lawrence, NY 11559 PASSAIC TUESDAY NOVEMBER
8:00PM Congregation Bnei Torah of Clifton Rabbi Schwab 614 Passaic Ave
NJ 08701
APPLICATIONS FOR 2023-24/ד״פשת WILL BE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE ON NOVEMBER 20TH FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT WWW.MACHONSARA.ORG, EMAIL OFFICE@MACHONSARA.ORG OR CALL 212-814-3224 - NY OFFICE, 732-276-1382 - IL OFFICE FAFSA through College Partnerships, and The MSY Lipschitz-Breezal Families Scholarship Fund available for eligible students. For more seminary information, please contact our US Seminary Representative, Mrs. Sheva Abish at 845-825-3509 ה ב ו ש ח ה ה ש א ה ם ש ל ע ה ״ ע י ק ס נ פ ט ס ה ר ש ת ר מ
Mrs. Malya Kitevits 1226 East 12th Street (bet. L & M) Brooklyn, NY 11230 ZOOM SUNDAY NOVEMBER 27TH 10:00AM
MONSEY SUNDAY NOVEMBER 27TH 8:00PM Home of Rabbi Eliezer and Mrs. Sheva Abish 79 S. Southgate Drive Spring Valley, NY 10977
Home of Rabbi Shmuel
Mrs. Esther Gersten 308 Miller Road Lakewood,
Mrs. Estee Friedman-Stefansky DEAN //

Lev Chana classes collaborated together in preparation for Thanksgiving. Students from different classrooms joined up to do projects together, and the children had a great time.

Beis Medrash of Cedarhurst Hosts Rosh Kollel

Rav Naftali Aryeh Spiegel, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Yekar Oraisah, spent Shabbos Parshas Chayei Sarah with his Adopt-a-Kollel part

United We Stand

Last Tuesday, November 15, Aish Kodesh hosted a community-wide event about chinuch and raising children with today’s challenges. The panel, composed by incredible educa tors from our community, included Mrs. Elisheva Kaminetzky, SKA high school principal; Mrs. Suri Weingot, BBY high school teacher; Mrs. Leah Girnun, Ye shiva of South Shore principal; Mrs.

ner kehillah , Beis Medrash of Cedar hurst.

On Motzei Shabbos, a beautiful Melava Malka and siyum on Sefer

Zeraim, together with the Rosh Kol lel, was held at the home of Mr. Mi chael Joseph, who made the siyum. The special guest speaker was the

Rosh Kollel’s cousin, Rav Mordechai Kamenetzky, Rosh Yeshiva of the Ye shiva of South Shore.

Sara Munk Shulamith High School prin cipal; and Mrs. Chaya Gibber, assistant principal TAG junior high school.

The event was organized by the Aish Kodesh Sparks of Inspiration Commit tee headed by Mrs. Nataly Magendzo, Mrs. Sarah Weis, and Mrs. Allyson Per kal. The turnout was beyond expecta tions with over 100 women coming out despite the rain in order to be inspired,

and hundreds of views online as well. This event reflected how differ ent educators from many schools can merge together in a dynamic panel to educate our community on this import ant subject. Five schools, five speak ers, and one common goal: dealing with today’s challenges when raising our children. It was definitely a most innovative evening and an extremely

well-received event.

Quoting one member of the audience, “Tonight was amazing. Thank you so much for doing this. Each of the speak ers brought so much to the table, and I got a LOT out of it! Honestly, I laughed, and I cried. It was so great! Thank you.”

The event can be watched on line at sparks

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 44 Around the Community
Rav Naftoli Aryeh Spiegel, Rosh Kollel Yekar Oraisah Rav Mordechai Kamenetzky, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva of South Shore, addressing the crowd Mazal tov to the HALB second graders on receiving their very first Chumash on Sunday! They all did an incredible job at the play and are excited to begin learning from their Chumashim.
For Reservations & Journal Ads PHONE: 212.699.6658 WWW.CHAIDINNER.ORG An evening of inspiration and entertainment benefitting children and families confronting illness, crisis, and loss MONDAY, DECEMBER 5 PIER SIXTY, NYC RECEPTION 6:00 PM PROGRAM 7:00 PM DESSERT & MUSICAL PERFORMANCE 8:30 PM CHAI LIFELINE NATIONAL GALA Establishing The National Volunteer Leadership Initiative Sponsored by Pam & Joe Lubeck and Family Recognizing The Steven A. Greenberg Charitable Trust Guests of Honor Bari and Daniel Erber PIER SIXTY NYC CHAI LIFELINE NATIONAL GALA PIER SIXTY NYC CHAI LIFELINE NATIONAL GALA CHAI LIFELI N E N ATIONAL GAL A Gala Chairs Special Musical Performance by Yonatan Razel MasterFeaturingMentalist Oz Pearlman Daniel and Rachael Lifschutz Elana and Daniel Lowy Jordana and Avi Moche Elizabeth and Michael Pinewski Ilana and Akiva Rudner MONDAY, RECEPTION DESSERT CHAI The Journal Ads 212.699.6658 WWW.CHAIDINNER.ORG benefitting crisis, and loss Volunteer Initiative and Family SIXTY NATIONAL GALA

CAHAL at YDT with Rabbi Avrohom Bender

This past week, Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s Menahel, Rabbi Avrohom Bender, visited the CAHAL 2-3 grade class to give the boys a farher (test). First, he asked them questions on the Chumash that they are learning (Parshas Chayei Sarah). He then asked all sorts of other questions, on Hebrew vocabulary, dikduk, gematria, and general Jewish

knowledge. The boys did amazingly well. They enthusiastically answered all of his questions and were very respectful. Afterwards, Rabbi Bender ex pressed how impressed he was with our class and said he hopes to come visit us many more times. The boys felt very proud of themselves and their accom plishments.

A Magical Shabbaton at Ezra

The senior girls of Ezra Academy had a truly magical Shabbaton in Monsey last weekend arranged by both Miss Meira Zakutinsky, Ezra Acad emy’s Judaic Studies teacher Mechan eches, and Mrs. Esty Schwartz, part of The Traveling Chassidim. On Friday af ternoon, the girls accompanied by Ms. Zak, loaded into a van to travel to the Schwartz family in Monsey for an unfor gettable Shabbos.

Upon arriving at the Schwartzes’ res idence, the feeling of Shabbos in their home was palpable. After an inspira tional Kabbolas Shabbos, and a delicious Shabbos Seuda hosted by the Schwartz es, the girls were in for a real treat. Lo cal high school girls from BCG, facilitat ed by their principal Mrs. Retek, joined the Ezra girls for a meaningful Kumzitz and Oneg Shabbos. The girls from both high schools “clicked” right away, as they stayed up talking through the night! The sight of Chassidim and Sephardi girls meeting, joining together, and sharing inspiration with each other was truly moving. The Ezra girls went to sleep Fri day night feeling inspired both by the time they spent with Mrs. Esty Schwartz and her family, in addition to the time spent with so many wonderful girls their age who were warm, insightful, and in spirational. One girl said, “This Shabbos gave me the strength to continue on the path that I’m trying to create for myself. It was the push that I needed, and I’m forever grateful for this experience.”

Shabbos day was equally inspiring thanks to Mrs. Esty Schwartz and her family, The Traveling Chassidim, and all the wonderful women who joined the

Shabbaton. After a lovely Shabbos Seuda graciously hosted by the Schwartzes, the girls were treated to an uplifting Shalosh Seudos in the home of Mrs. Esther Yenti Noe. There, the girls were enthralled by the life story of Mrs. Rivka Heller and en joyed spending time and learning from Mrs. Gelbman. The girls left Shalosh Seudos feeling inspired and on a high.

A true highlight of the Shabbos was being able to hear Havdalah and receive personal brachos from the Nikolsburg Rebbe, thanks to the involvement of Rab bi Royde who facilitated the meeting. The girls were all moved to tears as they were in awe of being in the presence of the tzaddik. They felt truly fortunate to have been able to have had such an incredible experience.

Their Shabbaton didn’t end with Ha vdalah – Motzei Shabbos was meaning ful, fun, and exciting as well. As the girls enjoyed a Melavah Malka of pizza and fries at the Schwartzes’ residence, they also participated in simcha dancing led by Mrs. Yocheved Hirsch. Thank you to Mrs. Rivky Kornhauser, Mrs. Esther Yenti Noe, and the high school girls of BCG for com ing over and joining in the dancing!

The girls sang and danced through the night and left Monsey on a true spir itual high! As one girl said in tears on her way out, “This Shabbos has been the highlight of my life!” Another girl said, “This Shabbos will have a positive effect on the choices we will make for the rest of our lives.”

We thank the Monsey community for being warm and welcoming to the senior girls of Ezra Academy and giving girls a Shabbos they will never forget!

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 46 Around the Community

Chazal have told us that “bentching” — saying Bircas Hamazon — is so important that it brings wonderful things to our lives, especially if we say the words carefully from a bentcher.

In this engaging book by bestselling author Tamar Ansh, your children will read stories and fascinating facts about Bircas Hamazon, making bentching an exciting experience.

This is a book that is super-fun … and super-important!

Thousands of children learned all about Shabbos and the Jew ish holidays from Yaffa Ganz’s classic ArtScroll Children’s Holiday Series. Now, a new generation can discover the delights of Shabbos and the Yamim Tovim, as they enjoy the kid-friendly text and en gaging illustrations of The Big Book of Jewish Holidays. Take your children (grandchildren too!) on a wonderful journey through the Jewish calendar. They’ll never forget it!

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 47
Shabbos and Yom Tov are so much fun for kids … when they learn all about them with Bina, Benny, and Chaggai HaYonah!
10 classic holiday books in 1!
DON’T YOU WANT YOUR KIDS TO BE EXCITED ABOUT BENTCHING? Say your berachah, “Al Netilas Yadayim,” slowly , with kavanah — and out loud so your sister, brother, friend, or parent can answer “Amen!” (Another incredible way to increase your zechuyos so easily! “AMEN” is a powerful, too!) Our Sages say: It’s worthwhile to eat all the delicious delicacies this world has to offer, if only to recite Bircas HaMazon with JOY. WhensomeonesaysBircasHaMazonwithjoyandgenerosity, he will be given [rewards] with joy and generosity. He won’t have sadness; he will have a lot of happiness. When we say Bircas HaMazon properly, every person — any Jew, any age, any background! — opens the faucet of all good things, which rain down a TON of blessing on us all. Did YOu Know? Let’s Do This How do we open this faucet of blessing for ourselves?? It’s SIMPLE. We can ALL do it. And we can start right now, today. Here’s HOW: Take your roll or sliced bread: toast it, sandwich it, grill-cheese it, hot-dog bun it, smear it with chocolate spread… make it really tasty and interesting! Wash netilas yadayim properly (with lots of water, twice over each hand! Don’t skimp!). Sit down, hold your bread in all ten fingers and then say your Hamotzi (also out loud and with kavanah… and remember to get those “Amens!”). And then – enjoy that bread!! (Yum! It’s so easy to do!) And when you’re done, you KNOW what you get to do next… Take that favorite bentcher of yours and say Every. Single. Word. I’m so excited for you to turn that faucet on and let it pour down berachos for us all! 1 3 2 4 by Tamar Ansh Naomi and Moshie Horn and Family Edition FULL COLOR, LAMINATED PAGES NEW! AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL HEBREW BOOKSELLER | WWW.ARTSCROLL.COM | 1-800-MESORAH ISRAEL >> ARTSCROLLISRAEL.CO.IL | GITLERBOOKS.CO.IL EUROPE >> LEHMANNS.CO.UK

DRS Schoolwide Shabbaton

It is perhaps the most anticipated event of the DRS school year: The An nual Schoolwide Shabbaton. This past Shabbat, DRS sophomores, juniors, and seniors, accompanied by their rabbeim, spent the weekend at the Mountain Laurel Hotel in White Haven, Pennsylvania.

Students eagerly boarded the buses bound for the Shabbaton on Thursday afternoon. Upon arrival at the hotel, the students were treated to a lavish BBQ and then boarded buses to head to H2OOO! Indoor Water Park. Upon their return, students participated in a Shiur vs. Shiur Scavenger Hunt, with the win ning shiur receiving DRS yarmulkas. Ev eryone at the contest enjoyed a smorgas bord of hot kugel and chulent. On Friday morning, after Shacharis, a shiur, and a hearty breakfast, the students traveled to a nearby park to partake in the annu al Shabbaton Flag Football Tournament, where 15 flag football games were played simultaneously!

The Pre-Shabbat festivities came to an end as students returned to the hotel to prepare for the holiness of Shabbat. After an inspiring Kabbalat Shabbat, students gathered for a spirited Zemirot during dinner. During dinner, students offered words of Divrei Torah, and an

entertaining comedy skit was put on by some of the rabbeim.

This year’s featured speaker was Rab bi Yitzy Haber who shared his inspiring story of how he lost his leg to cancer, but turned his unfortunate circumstance into a positive one, and now entertains hundreds of Bar Mitzvah boys with his “Shnitzel Guys” business. After the ed ucational sessions, it was time for one of the highlights of Shabbat: the Friday Night DRS Tish led by Rabbi Kaminetsky. Students and rabbeim packed into a sec tion of the ballroom and the inspired singing late into the night. Following the Tisch, shiurim held “Post Tisch-Tisches” in various locations throughout the hotel, to engender more bonding time between Rebbe and talmidim.

On Shabbat Day, students were treat ed to a fabulous kiddush followed by par sha time with their rabbeim. The Seudat Shabbat included morelively zemirot and divrei Torah from various students. After an incredibly inspiring Shalosh Seudot and havdalah, the students headed to the dining room for a spirited Melava Malka with lively dancing. The Shabbaton was a great way for students of different ages to strengthen friendships, as well as their relationships with their rabbeim.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 48 Around the Community
Rav Zev Leff addressed the middle school talmidim of Yeshiva Darchei Torah on their “middah of the month,” hakoras hatov – recognizing the good that others do for us. Yeshiva Kol Torah held its open house this past week in Bais Tefillah of Inwood. Its standing-room-only crowd attests to the unbelievable start the yeshiva is having and will continue to have for many years to come! For more information or to apply, log onto The seventh grade students in the E2K program at the Abraham and Sara Silber Mechina Division at YOSS split lasers by shining them through prisms, refracting the light streams, and discussed wavelengths and strengths of specific colors (green is the strongest; gets projected the furthest). Hempstead Town Supervisor Don Clavin was honored during the Chabad of Hewlett Gala on November 2, at the Sephardic Temple in Cedarhurst. He is seen here with Rabbi Nochem and Rebbetzin Rivkie Tenenboim.
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Girls’ Mishmar at HAFTR HS

Parsha Comes Alive at

As the final bell of the day rang at HAFTR High School and stu dents boarded their buses home, a group of girls gathered together for a meaningful night of learning and bond ing.

On Wednesday, October 26, girls in all grades participated in an uplift ing Mishmar. It was a night of learning, food, and fun. The evening began with each grade learning meaningful lessons about Parshat Noach from their Morot. After learning together, the girls enjoyed a delicious dinner of chicken fingers,

poppers, and potato kugel. Mishmar con cluded with a beautiful Kumzitz where all the girls sang together and were in spired by the music. There was tremen dous ruach and achdut as the students had an opportunity to bond and connect with their Morot and classmates while forming new friendships with students in other grades. This was the second girls’ Mishmar of the year, and everyone had a blast!

We can’t wait for the next chance to join together in learning when we join for our third Mishmar. Thank you to Mrs. Schechter, Ms. Diamond, the Morot, and all the girls who participated in making it a fun and meaningful event!

At Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam Pre school, our goal is for the girls to experience the parsha rather than just learn about it.

Morah Deenie Schuss, our Preschool Director, puts tremendous effort into ex

our entryway is converted into some thing exciting, and at times, it’s a special parsha activity. The enthusiasm very of ten filters into our elementary school as well. The girls are always guessing which part of the parsha will greet them on Fri

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 50 Around the Community
: $350per week Cargo Vans • Trucks 10’ to 26’ Refrigerator/Freezer Trucks 16’ or 26’ Flatbeds Trucks Great Rate Van & Truck Rentals week Local & One way SUN-THURS 6am-7pm | FRI until 2 Hrs. Before Shabbos Business & Personal Rentals We Rent to 18 Years & up Our Insurance covers the Box as well! we beat any price pick up your truck in ny anywhere in the usa WE DO HAVE TRUCKS! 718-474-7200 • 347-897-6021 CALL MEILICH 3 MILES FROM FLATBUSH AVE. 76-02 Beach Channel Dr. Arverne, NY 11692 LOWEST RENTAL PRICES & NEWEST TRUCK FLEET 16 Ft Truck & Hi-Top Van WINTER SPECIAL : $350per week Vans • Trucks 10’ to 26’ Refrigerator/Freezer Trucks 16’ or 26’ Flatbeds Trucks Van & Truck Rentals week Local & One way 6am-7pm | FRI until 2 Hrs. Before Shabbos We Rent to 18 Years & up Our Insurance covers the Box as well! we beat any price pick up your truck in ny anywhere in the usa TRUCKS! 718-474-7200 • 347-897-6021 CALL MEILICH FROM FLATBUSH AVE. Channel Dr. Arverne, NY 11692 PRICES & NEWEST TRUCK FLEET 16 Ft Truck & Hi-Top Van SPECIAL per week Cargo Vans • Trucks 10’ to 26’ Refrigerator/Freezer Trucks 16’ or 26’ Flatbeds Trucks Rate Van & Truck Rentals week Local & One way 6am-7pm | FRI until 2 Hrs. Before Shabbos Rentals Our Insurance covers pick up your truck anywhere in the usa HAVE 718-474-7200 • 347-897-6021 MILES FROM FLATBUSH AVE. Beach Channel Dr. Arverne, NY 11692 RENTAL PRICES & NEWEST TRUCK FLEET SPECIAL Vans • Trucks 10’ to 26’ Refrigerator/Freezer Trucks 16’ or 26’ Flatbeds Trucks Rate Van & Truck Rentals Local & One way 6am-7pm | HAVE TRUCKS! 718-474-7200 • CALL MEILICH MILES FROM FLATBUSH AVE. Beach Channel Dr. RENTAL PRICES & NEWEST TRUCK FLEET SPECIAL : $350per week Vans • Trucks 10’ to 26’ Refrigerator/Freezer Trucks 16’ or 26’ Flatbeds Trucks Rate Van & Truck Rentals week Local & One way 6am-7pm | FRI until 2 Hrs. Before Shabbos We Rent to 18 Years & up Our Insurance covers the Box as well! we beat any price pick up your truck in ny anywhere in the usa HAVE TRUCKS! 718-474-7200 • 347-897-6021 CALL MEILICH MILES FROM FLATBUSH AVE. Beach Channel Dr. Arverne, NY 11692 RENTAL PRICES & NEWEST TRUCK FLEET 16 Ft Truck & Hi-Top Van SPECIAL : $350per week Cargo Vans • Trucks to Refrigerator/Freezer Trucks 16’ or 26’ Flatbeds Trucks Great Rate Van & Truck Rentals week Local & OnewayRental SUN-THURS 6am-7pm | FRI until 2 Hrs. Before Shabbos We Rent to 18 Years & up Our Insurance covers the Box as well! we beat nya price pick up your truck in ny anywhere in the usa TRUCKS! 718-474-7200 • 347-897-6021 CALL MEILICH 3 MILES FROM FLATBUSH AVE. 76-02 Beach Channel Dr. Arverne, NY 11692 LOWEST RENTAL PRICES & NEWEST TRUCK FLEET 16 Ft Truck & Hi-Top Van HI-TOP VAN WINTER SPECIAL 350per week Trucks Rentals week Local & way Shabbos covers well! truck the usa 347-897-6021 11692 FLEET per week Rentals week & way Shabbos covers truck usa 347-897-6021 11692 FLEET Cargo Refrigerator/Freezer Great Rate SUN-THURS 6am-7pm Business & Personal Rentals WE DO HAVE 718-474-7200 3 MILES 76-02 Beach LOWEST RENTAL WINTER
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 51 at Touro’s Graduate School of Social Work Pick the program that works for you. Attend our virtual open house and learn more about our many programs and flexible options, including daytime, evening, weekend, hybrid, remote, coed/separate and asynchronous classes. You’ll also hear about our top faculty, scholarships, fellowships, licensure support, and more. ATTTEND OUR VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE! For more information contact: Miriam Turk, LCSW 646.630.1471 | Alan Singer, PhD, LMSW 347.532.6348 | More Choices HYBRID SUNDAYS MEN’S COHORT ON CAMPUS EVENING REGISTER TODAY! openhouse

Father-Daughter Carnival at TAG Forensics at YOSS

What happens when you put excited Pre-1A and 1st grade talmidos together on a Motzei Shabbos?

The answer is clearly a fun carnival run by TAG’s amazing Women’s League. Accompanied by fathers, grandfathers or uncles, the young ladies enjoyed an array of fun activities and food, including piz za, projects, blow-ups and booths.

What happens at the end of the event?

Happy, hyper children and tired male adults leave the building having spent a time bonding together and having a lot of fun. The mothers stay behind to clean up, and hopefully, the Women’s League bank account will go up a bit to help provide future events for talmidos in the other grades.

The boys at the Abraham and Sara Silber Mechina Division at the Ye shiva of South Shore began learn ing about fingerprinting as part of their extracurricular forensic science club. Us

ing a fingerprint powder applicator, they learned how an almost invisible finger print can pop right out after being dusted with the applicator.

Shulamith Annual Thanksgiving Fair

Second grade students of Shu lamith School for Girls welcomed their parents and grandparents to the school’s annual Thanksgiving fair last week. The event started off with a performance in the auditorium, where the girls sang American anthem songs along with songs of thanks to Hashem for giving us this country where we can practice as Jews. The guests were then invited to visit the school gym, which was elaborately decorated in fall colors, creating a festive atmosphere for the event.

There were interactive booths for the students and their guests to “feast” upon: making cupcake turkeys, preparing can dles, dressing up like a Pilgrim, and pos ing at a photobooth were some of the ac tivities that delighted everyone.

Thanks to the creativity and com mitment of their teachers, Mrs. Katz, who developed this program over the years, and Mrs. Schreier, who added her own touch, the students enjoyed an en riching experience which taught them all about the Pilgrims and gained an appre ciation of hakarat hatov.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 52 Around the Community
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 53

Rabbi Weberman Joins Camp Sdei Chemed Chai Lifeline Chanukah Toy Drive Brightens Lives Across the World

Camp Sdei Chemed welcomes Rab bi Yechiel Weberman for Summer 2023 as Camp Rabbi.

Rabbi Weberman grew up in Miami Beach. After learning in Eretz Yisroel, he went to Sh’or Yoshuv, where he currently gives a weekly shiur at night in the Shaar kiruv program. He has also been giving the daily Daf Yomi shiur at Beth Shalom for the past 19 years, has been teaching in the DRS Yeshiva High School for Boys for the last 15 years, and runs the Teen Minyan at the Irving Place Minyan in Woodmere.

Rabbi Weberman is the creator of “Parsha Candy,” a fun way to get kids to learn the parsha through candy, which is now sold in kosher supermar kets all across the country. He also sends out the weekly “A.D.D. Dvar Torah” series, through his WhatsApp group.

Rabbi Weberman is known and loved for his creative shiurim and keen sense

of humor. He is very hands-on and has been welcoming mechanchim, parents, and communities across America with his annual “How to make the Seder more exciting and engaging for the children” events that really transform the Seder experience for our youth.

During his free time, Rabbi Weber man is known and loved for his regular backyard bonfires, which serve as an op portunity to invite talmidim of all ages to his home for genuine Torah, shmoozing, engaging stories, and, of course, a hot bowl of cholent.

Rabbi Weberman has previously been a popular mainstay at Camp Dora Gold ing and Camp Romimu. With his exten sive camping experience and incredible positive energy, we are overjoyed with excitement that Rabbi Weberman will be joining Camp Sdei Chemed Internation al in Israel this summer.

In advance of the upcoming Chanu kah season, Chai Lifeline has an nounced the launch of their annual toy drive with hopes to distribute over 50,000 gifts to more than 10,000 chil dren around the globe.

As an international network support ing children and families impacted by se rious illnesses, crisis, and loss, Chai Life line works to ensure that each individual gift meets the specific needs or interests of the child who will receive them.

With each Chai Lifeline region coor dinating their own local drive, individu als and families across the U.S. can par ticipate in the annual Chanukah event knowing that their gifts will be going to help families in their area. Toys are pur chased and distributed in various ways, including through Chai Lifeline-curat ed Amazon wish lists, local stores and schools serving as drop off points, as well as families signing up to be “Chanukah Angels” and purchasing the toys for a specific Chai Lifeline family anonymous ly. For some families, the gifts get deliv ered to their homes or to hospital rooms, while others will receive their gifts at local Chai Lifeline Chanukah parties or events.

“The holiday season can be particu larly challenging for people facing per sonal or medical crises and even more so for families with sick children,” said Rab bi Simcha Scholar, CEO of Chai Lifeline. “Beyond the immense financial burden that confronts these families, they are often not emotionally able to think about gift-giving even when they know their children need it most. Chai Lifeline’s role is to be there for them, as we are through out the year, and ensure that every mem ber of the family gets the love, support, and attention they need.”

“This is a massive logistical effort because of our commitment to make the gift oriented to each and every child,” ex plains Chani Traube, volunteer coordina tor for the New York region of the Chai Lifeline Honey Engel Toy Drive. “We firmly believe that for the welfare of both the child and their parent it’s not just enough to give but we need to give with caring and consideration for who the child is and what they are going through.”

To find out more about how you can sup port this year’s drive or to get involved, visit or email

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 54 Around the Community
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 55
so they got carried away, but can you blame them?

The students at HALB Lev Chana played the twin game in honor of

Toldot YOSS first graders write about what they are thankful for

Yeshiva Uni versity Librar ies present Psyched for Torah: Cultivating Charac ter and Well-Being Through the Week ly Parsha. Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Schiffman, A ssistant P rofessor of Jewish education at YU’s Azrieli Graduate School and Assistant Rabbi, Kingsway Jewish Center, will give an online book talk on Monday, December 5, at 8 p.m. He will discuss tools for finding psychologi cal themes in Jewish texts to help us lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

Register at For more information about the book and 25% off, go to and enter promo code WINTER2022.

At Touro Conference, Scholars Explore Last Thousand Years of Jewish Leadership

Afew hundred people, online and in person, descended on Touro’s Lander College for Women in Manhattan in November for a two-day Touro University conference, Jewish Leadership in the Past Millennium.

Almost two-dozen scholars and thought leaders presented over the course of the two days, exploring dimen sions and examples of rabbinic, intellec tual, cultural, communal, educational, political, and social leadership within Judaism over the last thousand years.

“This exciting two-day, five-session conference blended rich scholarly con tent with highly engaging presentations and lively speaker audience interaction,” said Dr. Michael Shmidman, dean of the Touro University Graduate School of Jewish Studies (GSJS).

Each of the five sessions— Jewish Leadership in Medieval Europe, Jewish Leadership in 19th-20th-Century Eu rope, Jewish Leadership in 20th-Cen tury America, Jewish Leadership in American Law, and Jewish Leadership in 19th-21st-Century Europe and Amer ica—included multiple presentations by the various scholars.

Leadership in the Face of Adversity

Subjects ranged from Rabbi Judah the Pious, a 12th-century German mystic who was described as “possessing super

natural abilities” to Rabbi Samson Ra phael Hirsch’s use of a popular concept in the Reform movement as a method of bolstering the beliefs of traditional Jews, to the story of a massive struggle within Cincinnati’s greater Jewish communi ty in the 1930s when Orthodox leaders tried to build a mikveh and were met with fierce resistance by the local Re form congregation. Touro Law Center (TLC) faculty delved into the leadership qualities of well-known Jewish judges, including Supreme Court Justice Lou is Brandeis and Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan. French Jewish Leadership and the Dreyfus Affair and Polish Jewish Leadership in the Aftermath of the Holo caust were also addressed.

“Building the Jewish community and preserving Jewish culture is cen tral to Touro’s mission today,” said Tou ro President Dr. Alan Kadish during his introductory remarks. “Part and parcel of meeting these challenges in achiev ing our goals is to nurture and create the Jewish leaders of the future, and by holding this conference today, we hope to refine those lessons for everyone con cerned.”

A common thread throughout several of the discussions was of Jewish leaders over the centuries who utilized creative and ingenious methods for the sake of protecting their Jewish communities,

and when possible, expanding the com munity’s influence beyond their limited Jewish world. Others, such as the pro files of the prominent American judges, demonstrated how Judaism shaped the jurists’ mentality, which, in turn, played a significant role in their opinions and leadership qualities among the secular community.

Mission-Based Leadership

Toward the end of the first day, Pro fessor Stanley Boylan, Touro’s vice pres ident of undergraduate education, gave a presentation, “Ish u’fkudato” highlight ing the mission-based leadership of Tou ro founder, Dr. Bernard Lander.

“Some have argued that Dr. Lander’s background in sociology and his analy sis of the class social structure led him to create Touro, as he believed religious Jews could face similar social alienation attending a secular college. However, the truth,” Prof. Boylan said, “is that Dr. Lander’s vision and mission derived not from sociology, but from a deep-root ed religious conviction and a passion to assure the continuity of the Jewish com munity after the devastation of the Ho locaust.”

Dr. Henry Abramson, academic dean of the Lander College of Arts & Sciences, chaired the final session of the two days. The conference, he summed up, “provid ed a retrospective view of the trends of

Jewish leadership in the past century, ar ticulated by many of the most significant Jewish scholarly leaders of the current century.”

Other academic scholars who pre sented during the conference included Professor Jonathan Sarna of Brandeis University; Professor Ira Robinson of Concordia University; Lander College for Women (LCW) Professor Susan Weiss man; Professor Ephraim Kanarfogel of Yeshiva University; LCW Professor Dana Fishkin; Touro Graduate School of Jew ish Studies (GSJS) Professor Judith Ble ich; LCW Professor Zvi Kaplan; Touro Law Center Professors Samuel J. Levine, Jeffrey B. Morris and Rodger D. Citron; and Professor Natalia Aleksiun of both GSJS and University of Florida.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 56
Talk Around the Community
YU Library Book
Parshat Dr. Susan Weissman, Judaic Studies Chair at Touro’s Lander College for Women, presenting at the conference
L A KE W OO D | B RO O K LYN | C E D A RHURS T CE D AR H U R S T L O C A TION ON L Y Sale applies to stock items only. Sale does not include timepieces, custom jewelry or loose stones. Store credit cannot be used. Additional exclusions may apply THIS MOTZEI SHAB B OS , NO V EMBER 2 6 Sale may yappl

SKA’s New Halacha Bekiut Program SWO Challah Bake

On Thursday night of Parshas Chayei Sara, Shulamith mothers and daughters gathered at Sons of Israel in Woodmere for the SWO Chal lah Bake! To commemorate the Challah dough of Sara Imeinu that was always fresh and had bracha in it, the brachos that returned when Yitzchok married Rivka and the signs that Rochel gave over to Leah, our mothers learned a new Chal lah recipe from the Challah Fairy.

Thank you to the SWO Presidents Min dy Moskowitz and Ilana Weinstein, Vice Presidents Yael Cukier and Ruchi Turner, and Challah Bake committee Sara Aus tein, Melissa Goldstoff, Daniella Herc man, Bobbi Joszef and Jessica Reich for pulling off this wonderful event!

With the introduction of the Beit Midrash Fellowship program at the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls two years ago, the stu dents of SKA have been benefiting from innovative and inspiring opportunities for religious growth. The SKA Fellows, under the direction of Mrs. Avital Braun, Rosh Beit Midrash, have contributed to the vibrant Torah atmosphere of the school while developing as impactful Ju daic studies educators.

Ms. Sarah Berman, who has joined the SKA Beit Midrash program as a Fel low and Halacha teacher this year, has introduced a new and popular voluntary initiative called the Halacha Bekiut Pro gram, giving our students in every grade the zechut to learn more Torah on their own and to be part of a group focused on being more familiar with halacha. Us

ing Rav Eliezer Melamed’s sefer, Peninei Halacha, over 45 SKA students are con centrating on special times throughout the year such as Rosh Chodesh and Se firat Haomer.

Devoting just five minutes a day, Monday through Friday, with review on Shabbat and Sunday, the girls retain their learning with a weekly set of ques tions and Lunch and Learn with Ms. Berman. As an added incentive, girls get RISE credit and can earn money toward seforim; at the end of the year, top scor ers will receive additional prizes.

The real prize? The SKA students see that taking on their own learning project is an incredible opportunity to connect to Torah in a personal way…all while gain ing more knowledge in halacha.

Thank you to the Zachter family for donating these seforim.

Bikur Cholim at IVDU Five Towns

This year, IVDU Five Towns start ed a new initiative, Mitzvah Mis sions, where the students learn about a mitzvah/middah each week and practice that special mitzvah cor responding to the Parsha or upcoming holiday. After learning Parshas Vayeira, the students continued their study on the mitzvah of bikur cholim. They learned that bikur cholim can be visiting the sick, calling friends when they’re not feel ing well and even sending something to someone to cheer them up when they’re in the hospital.

To practice this special mitzvah, IVDU Five Towns, with the help of Dr. Chaim Banner, made special Shabbos packages for patients in North Shore Hospital. Each package contains electric candles that could be used in the hospi tal room, a kiddush cup and a beautifully colored get well card. The students per

sonally put together each package, know ing that they’re doing this important mitzvah of bikur cholim.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 58 Around the Community
SKA Beit Midrash Fellow Ms. Sara Berman with SKA Halacha Bekiut students

The Shulchan Aruch tells us to re view the sedra on a weekly basis. And the Baal Haturim tells us that someone who is careful with shnay im mikra v’echad Targum will merit ari chas yamim – a long life! Learning par sha in class, though, is worlds apart from reviewing the text inside the Chumash two times and then reviewing the parsha a third time with Targum Onkelos.

Rabbi Shlomo Dovid Pfeiffer, shlit”a, S’gan Menahel at Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island, explains that shnayim mikrah should be approached in the same way as any other component of chinuch. Shlomo Hamelech tells us in Sefer Mishlei that when children are educated properly, they will never veer from the correct way. We teach our children how to daven appro priately, and how to carefully perform so many beautiful mitzvos, some of which are tremendously detail-oriented. Why should shnayim mikra be any different?

With this in mind, Rabbi Pfeiffer in stituted his Shnayim Mikra Program several years ago at YKLI, where the boys

from second grade through eighth grade are encouraged to participate each week. The second grade boys review that week’s parsha with Onkelos until the second aliyah. Third grade boys advance to the third aliyah, and so on. Talmidim in the Shnayim Mikrah Program are entered into weekly raffles, and upon the com pletion of each Chumash, participating talmidim are treated to a special seudah. With this wonderful program in place from such an early age, the Aramaic is less daunting, and the chazarah becomes more engaging, as our boys successfully and eagerly incorporate shnayim mikrah into every single Shabbos.

Last week, the children at HALB Lev Chana harvested dragon beans and rosemary from their Grow Torah garden. The dragon beans were sent to poor people to eat. What a mitzvah!

Everything is connected to the Torah, and Morah Racheli, who teaches movement to the fortunate talmidos of the Ganger Early Childhood Division of TAG, saw a unique opportunity to have the girls do exercises intertwined with each other like twins which appear in this week’s parsha.

New Research Challenges Common Beliefs About Shidduch Crisis

Word on the street is that Ortho dox communities are facing a shidduch crisis, with many bemoaning the supposed surplus of eli gible women in relation to eligible men. But new research published this month in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (JSSR) by Dr. Yosef Sokol, a re searcher and professor in the new PsyD program at Touro University’s School of Health Sciences, shows that many anxi ety-provoking beliefs about the shidduch system are not actually true. The data tells a different story.

Dr. Sokol, with others on his research team, collected information on nearly 9,000 members of the Yeshiva Ortho dox (YO) and Modern Orthodox (MO) communities in North America. Survey respondents self-identified as YO or MO. The survey—the largest of its kind on this demographic to date—explored how age at first marriage varies across gender and cultural affiliation.

A number of the key findings refut ed common myths about the perceived shidduch crisis. For one, the prevalence of singlehood in Orthodox communities is lower than one might expect, given the widespread handwringing.

The study found that in Yeshiva Or thodox circles, 92% of both men and women were married by age 30. By age 40, that number was about 98%

Rates of marriage were somewhat lower in Modern Orthodox communities, where 81% of men and women were married by age 30. Just under 90% were wed by 40.

Another widely-held belief is that there is a large disparity in marriage rates

between men and women. Not so, says the study. In Yeshiva Orthodox communities, for instance, about 88% of men and 92% of women are married by age 28.

“While these numbers may or may not be considered a crisis depending on your viewpoint, they don’t seem to match what many people fear is happening,” said Dr. Sokol.

The impression that there is a mar riage crisis afoot has many negative ef fects. Orthodox singles report feelings of anxiety, shame, inferiority, and a lack of identity. They also mention social con sequences, including public pity. In ad dition, fear of spinsterhood puts undue pressure on many women to marry young.

In performing the study, Dr. Sokol sought to alleviate some of that angst.

“People think there’s a shidduch cri sis, they panic, and may choose someone, or push their children to choose some one, that might not be good for them,” he said. “Of course, the community should support singles and their families and continue to be sensitive to those who are waiting to find their bashert, but I hope my research can provide more accurate information about our marriage system, help relieve some of the widespread anxi ety and enable singles, community mem bers and leaders to make more informed decisions. I believe our community needs more data-based approaches to identify solutions and programming that will be most likely to help.”

The research team included Dr. Yo sef Sokol, Dr. Naomi Rosenbach, Dr. Yitzchak Schechter, Chayim Rosens weig, Chynna Levin, and Shifra Hubner.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 60 Around the Community
Shnayim Mikra at YKLI
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YCQ Intergenerational Melava Malka Families Helping Families at YIW

On Motzei Shabbat, November 19, Yeshiva of Central Queens (YCQ) faculty, Grade 3 students, and their families and friends celebrated an Intergenerational Melava Malka in a beautifully decorated YCQ auditorium. Rabbi Landsman, YCQ principal, kicked off the event with an amazing d’var Torah

The sages in the Talmud tell us that “a person should always set his table on Motzei Shabbat with all the preparations for an important feast, even if he only wishes to eat a small amount of food, in order to escort Shabbat with honor, just as he had done when she arrived” (Tal mud, Shabbat 119b; Shulchan Aruch, Or ach Chaim 300:1).

The Grade 3 students performed four songs for over four hundred parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and special friends: “Eliyahu Hanavi,”

“Shabbos Is Going Away,” “David Mel ech Yisrael,” and “Laner Velivsamim.”

The audience viewed a short video pro duction, “Grade 3 Life,” which included greetings from each of the Grade 3 teach ers and featured every Grade 3 student.

A delicious dinner, prepared by YCQ, was served, and enjoyed. A special show was presented by magician Mr. Yoel Hecht, along with raffles with prizes. Fi nally, framed Hakarat Hatov gratitude art gifts were given by the students to their guests.

Rabbi Landsman, Rabbi Rohr, Mrs. Melissa Cohen, Mrs. Shirley Pourad, Morah Etty Borochoff, Morah Yaffa Salek, Mrs. Chavi Lucks, and Ms. Sheri lyn Laffer worked to create a memorable event for the students, families, and fac ulty. The YCQ Grade 3 Intergenerational Melava Malka was a wonderful success!

Hakarat Hatov at Shulamith ECC

At Shulamith ECC, Thanksgiving is an opportune time to teach the mitzvah of hakarat hatov.

We truly have so much to be thank ful for in our lives, but it is easy to for get to be grateful. We asked children to think about things that they are thank ful for. They had numerous endearing responses. The children said that they were thankful for their families and toys, for time spent doing special things with parents, and for their favorite foods. The kindergarten children thought about how to represent their ideas and then acted them out. Photos of the results provided illustrations for Thankfulness

books that the children read over and over again. The Pre-1A children created a thankfulness quilt where they wrote and illustrated their ideas and then sewed them together.

The children also thought about peo ple who help them in school. They thought about all of the help given to them by our kind security guard who works so hard to keep them safe. They thought about our cleaning staff who cheerfully keep the school sparkling clean. They thought about Deena who works at the front desk who always greets them with a smile and helps them whenever they forget their lunch or need a band-aid.

The Young Israel of Woodmere partnered with the UJA to host a Families Helping Families event this week.

On the Sunday before Thanksgiv ing, 65 families with young children came to the Young Israel of Woodmere to pack food packages for Thanksgiv

ing. The goal was for young children to participate in a worthy cause while learning about the benefits of giving back. All of the food packages will be distributed to individuals and families receiving services through the Marion and Aaron Gural JCC, which is a part ner of the UJA.

The children realized that they want to do more then just say thank you to all these people who help them so much. They decided to create personalized cards that enumerate all the reasons they are grateful. They also prepared a delicious treat to accompany the cards. The children were excited and proud to present their handiwork along with a big thank you.

Above all, the children thanked Hashem for everything He has given us.

As the children sing (to the tune of “Doe A Deer”):

“Every day I love to say, Thanks Hash em for all you’ve done.

You’ve given me my family, and good times and lots of fun.

So, I give my thanks to You, for every single thing You do.

My thoughts will always be true, to Hakadosh Baruch Hu.”

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 62 Around the Community
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 63

A Visit from a Gadol

Rav Elya Brudny, Rosh Yeshiva at the Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn, visits Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s Mesivta Chaim Shlomo every Tuesday morning. Last week, he discussed a

number of fascinating inyanim with Rav Shlomo Sender’s twelfth grade talmidim and tested them on the first perek of Ge mara Zevachim, a large portion of which they learned this past Elul.

Chesed at YSZ High School For Girls

Rabbi Yerucham Levovitz famously wrote that “chesed starts with see ing.” We must first see the needs of others and then seek to give them help. When we do chesed, we give to others, and build empathy in ourselves. When we do chesed, we model the work of the Ribbono Shel Olam. Chesed programming is es sential to YSZ HS for Girls.

Ms. Sharon Kattan, a volunteer co ordinator of the Chesed Program re marked, “Chesed is a mindset. It should be a part of the daily lifestyle of a Jew. We need to be constantly thinking about what is coming up next? Who will need help? What can I do to fill that need? Kol Yisrael areivim zeh l’azeh, we are all re sponsible to take care of each other. The goal here is to teach the girls how to get involved and participate in the way that suits them best. When everyone is in volved, the collective talent is bound to produce a masterpiece!”

Naomi Muratov, a freshman Chesed Head, describes her vision for the pro

gram, “It’s all about kindness! Our goal is to involve everyone.” Suri Haya Rubi nov, another Chesed Head, adds, “This program is really about leadership.” The program aims to step up and train stu dents to be lifelong ba’alot chesed.

The girls started with planning a wide array of programs, from events, guest speakers, sponsorship opportunities, and outings. The goal is for each girl to get involved. Ms. Kattan gushed, “It is amazing that at our first meeting, every single girl in the school participated; they all brought ideas to the table. Recently, they arranged care packages for the All About Kindness organization.”

This past week, the girls visited the Ohel Bais Ezra home in Far Rockaway. Mrs. Susie Gulkowitz, a community lead er and founder of many chesed programs including the Keren Aniyim Mishloach Manot business, and also Mrs. Zerykier’s mother, was scheduled to speak to the girls this past Tuesday about the power of chesed.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 64 Around the Community
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 65 Morocco 718.215.1566 FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL AVI@LALECHET.COM We are excited to announce that this winter we are planning to visit one of the most enchanting destinations in the world and experience it's rich and storied history. JOIN RABBI GLATSTEIN ON A TOUR TO We will be visiting;
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’ve been having headaches,” Fred told his mother. She had come to visit him in Eretz Yis rael where he was learning. “And my stomach hurts, too.”

Mrs. Betesh was concerned. “You are coming with me to a doctor,” she said.

“His blood pressure is very high,” the doctor said seriously. “And there are bad toxins in his blood. I’m almost certain the problem is with his kidneys and your son is going to need a kidney transplant.”

The doctor ordered many tests and told Mrs. Betesh to come back in a few days. When she did so, he said, “I have serious news. Fred needs a new kidney. I put his name on the list of people wait ing for one.”

Mrs. Betesh was very worried. Ev eryone has two kidneys. A person can live and be healthy with only one kid ney. They would have to find someone who was willing to give one of his kid neys to Fred. That person is called a “donor.” But the donor’s kidney would have to be exactly like Fred’s. If ev

erything is perfect, the doctors can remove a kidney from a healthy per son and put it into the body of the sick person. Usually it takes a long time to find the right kind of kidney and a person who is willing to give it to the patient. The hospital would also need to do many tests.

Mrs. Betesh went home and start ed to daven. One rainy day, she went to a speech. After the speech, Mrs. Betesh was inside the building with other wom en, waiting for the rain to stop.

“Can everyone please do me a favor,” Mrs. Betesh said. “My son is very sick. I would like to organize a berachos party, as a zechus for him to get better.”

“I would love to!” said a girl, flipping to an empty page in her planner. “When should we do it?”

And so, Mrs. Betesh and this girl, Judy, arranged a berachos party for 150 women. There, they raised money for poor families in Eretz Yisrael. They had the pleasure of having Rebbetzin Rucha ma Shain as their guest speaker.

That Shabbos, as the Betesh fami ly were having their seudah, they heard the phone ring. It rang and rang until the call was picked up by the answering machine, which played the voicemail out loud in their home. “This is the hospital calling. Congratulations! We have a per fect kidney for you! You must bring Fred immediately.”

Since this was pikuach nefesh, a mat ter of saving Fred’s life, the Beteshes raced to the hospital.

“This kidney matches up in every way possible to you!” the doctors told Fred excitedly. They did the surgery, and eight days later, Fred left the hospital with a new kidney.

A few months later, Mrs. Betesh was speaking on the phone with Judy.

“You know the shidduch you suggest ed for me?” Judy asked. “It didn’t work out.”

“It didn’t? Hmm.” Mrs. Betesh thought a bit.

“Judy!” she exclaimed. “I think I have a wonderful shidduch idea for you!”

A few months after that, Fred and Judy were engaged. Mazal tov! What hashgachah pratis! The girl who helped organize the berachos party to help Fred became his wife.

For a long time, every one of Fred’s donors did not work out. Hashem knew what was best for him and waited for the perfect kidney. Hashem knows what’s best for us, too. At every moment, every thing is happening exactly the way it is supposed to.

This has been excerpted from Liv ing Emunah for Kids 3, published by ArtScroll/Mesorah.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 66 Around the Community
Double Donation MIDNIGHT MADDNESSBlowout Shop till you drop! 527 Central Ave // 516-295-WIGS (9447) 8 PM - MIDNIGHT Saturday Night, November 26 MAJOR MARKDOWNS Call store for more information. $200 OFF SELECTED WIGS -$300

Bustling with Energy Enthusiasm


The exciting atmosphere of enthusiastic education begins the moment that more than 1,400 girls get off the buses to begin a day of spirited learning at BBY/TMM.

The smiles only grow, as they expand their horizons through a world of warmth and wisdom.

Bnos Bais Yaakov is indeed expanding horizons in unprecedented ways and exceptional growth for our school, our community and our future!

We are over 1,400 ka”h talmidos strong –and we’re forging ahead…

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 67 613 Beach 9th Street Far Rockaway, NY

Tech-in-Check at YOSS

As Yeshiva of South Shore’s Techin-Check movement continues to power on full steam ahead, excit ing raffles took place celebrating the amaz ing accomplishments of our talmidim

The winners from the Elementary Di vision were Akiva Bollag, Yaakov Davis, Nesanel Doman, Ben Goodman, Eitan Greenstein, Gershon Hecht, Meir Reiser, Aaron Zev Rudansky, and Zach Slansky.

The winners from the from the Mechina were Mordechai Hoffman, Aar on Jaspan and Eitan Maccabi,

We are so proud of all those who have committed to the movement – over 200 families and 320 boys, all enjoying the full benefits of what Tech-in-Check has to offer!

Siddur Party at YOSS

This week, the first grade talmidim at Yeshiva of South Shore celebrated a very exciting milestone – they each received their very own personalized siddur. Our Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Mordechai Kamenetzky, addressed the boys imparting the chashivus of tefilla and how it builds our relationship with Hashem. IY”H each boy will each treasure and daven from their siddur for years to come!

Emunah To Host Innovative 30-Minute Virtual Benefit

Emunah of America is excited to host our Annual Virtual Benefit on December 7, 2022 at 8 P.M. In an innovative format, we will showcase Emunah’s life-changing services in Isra el. The compact 30-minute program al lows us to connect with our global Emu nah community while being mindful of people’s time. The event promises to be both informative and inspiring.

In 30 minutes, this year’s Benefit will still have gala elements, including three outstanding honorees: Naomi Sinnreich receiving the Emunah Legacy Award; Ronnie Faber honored with the Found ers Award; and David Baruch recognized with the Young Leadership Award. This year’s honorees are driven Jewish com munal leaders who exemplify Emunah’s values: past, present, and future. We cel ebrate their unique stories and their con tributions to Emunah’s success.

This year, we are celebrating 15 “Emu nah Trailblazers.” These are dedicated young adults who volunteered in the Kol HaNearim summer program in Emu nah’s residential homes in Israel. We recognize their inspiring gift of time and

effort working with these children atrisk. By remaining involved, their con tinued commitment to blazing trails of chesed perfectly exemplifies the contin uation of Emunah’s legacy.

Emunah is Caring for a Nation. For over 75 years, with your support, Emunah of America has helped change thousands of lives by providing education, support, and therapeutic services for children and families in crisis in Israel. With five resi dential homes for children at-risk, three trauma counseling centers, a domestic violence shelter, senior programs, high schools, an art college for women, and hundreds of early childhood education centers, Emunah helps and cares for over 10,000 individuals every day.

Unfortunately, there is still work to be done. Together, there is no limit to what we can accomplish. Emunah invites you to join us for our 30-Minute Virtual Ben efit and to partner with us to help alle viate social problems that burden Israeli families.

To register for the Emunah 30-Minute Virtual Benefit go to

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 68
The Gesher kindergarten had an amazing visit with the HAFTR Early Childhood Center. HAFTR invited the class in honor of Parshas Vayeira, as they were practicing the mitzvah of Hachnosos Orchim. All of the children had a blast singing songs about the parsha and Shabbos and getting delicious cupcakes!
Around the Community

Celebrations at Spadida Shulamith Remembers Kristallnacht

On November 9, the seventh and eighth graders at Shulamith School for Girls learned about the horrors of Kristallnacht. After mean ingful class discussions, the girls made a memorable project to pass on for gener ations. Each girl brought in a multigen erational picture of their family, placed it in a frame, and glued on broken piec es of glass to commemorate the Night of Broken Glass. Each picture frame then read, “From shattered glass, to shining futures.”

The students connected to each of their projects and were impacted by how

Ruach and Bonding on HANC HS Shabbaton

On November 11 & 12, Shabbat Par shat Vayeira, the HANC High School freshmen and sophomore girls had the opportunity to spend Shabbat together in West Hempstead. The Shabbat was filled with Torah learning, ruach, bond ing, good food, laughter, and much more!

The Shabbaton began with Kabba lat Shabbat at the Young Israel of West Hempstead followed by an opening Dvar Torah from Rabbi Josh Gollerbased on the overall theme of the Shabbaton, Chesed. The beautiful Dvar Torah by Rabbi Goller conveyed the importance of chesed and being kind to others de spite how they treat you or others around them. Following this meaningful start to the night, students were invited to Seu dat Shabbat at HANC 609.

Shortly after the meal, all students

and faculty, along with prospective eighth grade girls, were invited to a Tisch at the home of sophomore, Talya Rosman. The Tisch was a highlight of the night, filled with singing, ruach, and beautiful Divrei Torah from several Morot. On Shabbat day, students were to daven at the Shul of their host followed by a Kiddush at the home of Ruchi and Tsvi Kushner where students were able to spend time talking and spend ing time with each other until lunch.

Before lunch began, students par ticipated in a session that expressed the importance of being kind to oneself and realizing what fills up our individual cup and what empties our cup. Following this meaningful session, students ate a deli cious Shabbat lunch followed by menchua at their host. During menucha, students were able to spend time at their friends’ houses or walk around the neighborhood and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Thanksgiving at HANC ECC

Preparing for Thanksgiving was the focus this week in HANC’s Early Childhood Center in West Hemp stead. Each class discussed what they are thankful for and their responses were adorable: “I am thankful for my parents, my siblings, my baby, my stuffed animals and even the tree in front of my house.” The talmidim then put their fine motor skills to work, creating beautiful turkey table decorations and centerpieces for their family’s holiday table. In order to explore what life was like at the time of

the first Thanksgiving, the children uti lized their computer skills to look at Na tive American headdresses and Pilgrim hats. They then dip-dotted and cut out feathers to create their own colorful hats.

In the Nursery Bet classes, the talmi dim discovered that the language that was used at the time was a series of pic tures. They colored wooden beads and utilizing their patterning skills, created their own necklaces with their own pic tures on them, imitating the language of that time. They even had fun making up

As Shabbat was coming to an end, students came back to 609 for Seudah Shlishit, which included a guest speak er, Dr. Rachel Fryman. Dr. Fryman ex pressed the importance for people to respect, care, and be kind to themselves, just like they are to others. As the Shab baton was coming to an end, students participated in an incredible musical Ha vdalah with dancing!

Overall, the West Hempstead Shab

their own Native American names. During the course of the three days leading up to the holiday, the hallways were filled with fragrant scents. Each class prepared a food item for the gradewide Thanksgiving Feast. The dishes included: sweet potato pie, turkey and leaf-shaped cookies, corn and pumpkin muffins, corn salad and cranberry sauce. When the big day came, the tables were festively decorated with the centerpieces that the children created, and each class brought their delicacy for all to taste at

we survived the atrocities of the Holo caust and how we are still here today. Some students even had the privilege of presenting this framed picture to the survivors in their family.

baton for the girls was an incredibly fun and meaningful Shabbat that gave the students the opportunity to bond with their classmates and revolved around the overall theme of chesed – for others as well as ourselves!

Thank you to mechanchot, Morah Leigh Henoch and Morah Jenna Zelka, for organizing the awesome Shabbaton and to Ms. Zucker and Ms. Rachel Levian ‘15 for joining the program.

the feast.

ECC Direc tor,Mrs. Trudy Rubinstein add ed, “The chil dren enjoyed singing Thanks giving songs to gether with all of their friends from the other classes. They proudly wore their headdresses, patterned beaded necklac es and Pilgrim hats, which added to the festivity of the Thanksgiving meal.”

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 69
Around the Community

JSL Juniors

JSL By FM Home Loans enjoyed an amazing week 8. For some ages, the play offs have begun.

K/P Hockey: Jake Ruvel of ARG played an incredible game in goal. Ben jy Blumenthal scored the only and game winning goal for ARG with one minute remaining. Dovid Chai Weintraub made an incredible save on defense to help his team win 5-1.

1st Hockey: The boys in 1st grade hockey began Game 1 of their 3-game championship this Sunday & it was a THRILLER. JSL Superstar Pinny Wein stein scored the first 2 goals of the game for Judaica Plus but Aryeh Templeman scored 2 of his own to tie it up. With the game tied 4-4, Charlie Rosenblatt scored the WINNING GOAL to give Built By Nate the victory.

K/P Soccer: GAME MVP Ephraim Shapiro was like a brick wall in net for Gourmet Glatt and earned a shutout. Shua Badian of Hewlett Auto Body also made some incredible saves.

1st/2nd Football: Dovid Bauman of Westwood Realty made an amazing catch to help his team earn a 9-6 victory over KolSave. Isaac Belsky of ARG came to play, scoring 3 TD’s.

JSL Basketball League

3rd Grade: Aaron Resnick made an incredible defensive block to seal the deal and give ARG the much-needed victory. Triple Net Group, led by Game MVP Yo sef Hararri, defeated Island Roofing 18-

13 to secure the #1 seed in the division.

4th/5th Grade: David Gamerman was scoring from all over for 925 Sterling, helping them win 19-16 over Carving Block in a tight matchup for second place. Mikey Schaffer played great in the final regular season, helping Alpert Financial secure the top spot in the division.

6th-8th Grade: Wieder Orthodontics, the last place team, took on the 6-0, un defeated Paradigm squad & pulled off the UPSET. Wieder played with tremendous heart the whole game and GAME MVP Menachem Mendel Putter hit a huge 25foot shot to end it and give Wieder the 49-46 victory and some key momentum entering the playoffs.

JSL Hockey League

2nd/3rd Grade: Sharona Beck scored with 1 minute left to win the game 2-1 over ARG. JSL Superstar Gavriel Levine scored the GAME-WINNING wraparound goal vs Paradigm in a thriller, se curing Posh Home + Bath the #1 seed in the division. Shmulie Sitzer scored all 3 goals for Elegant Lawns in their 7-3 loss to JNT.

4th/5th: Yehuda Bender played some amazing defense to help Alpert Financial get the win and the #1 seed in the divi sion. AutoClick earned their 6th win of the season Sunday, securing the #2 spot.

6th-8th: 5TownsCentral defeated Wieder Orthodontics 10-9 in an allaround great game. BayRock Insurance is ready for the playoffs after a dominant 9-0 victory Monday night. Aron New

man led the charge on offense and Gavri el Schwarcz did not let anything get past him in goal.

JSL Men’s Basketball SDF Architect, led by Eitan Getten berg and Aron Azose defeated Maid enbaum 63-58. Assistant Captain Alec Kremins had a monster game in MAS Travel’s 58-37 victory over Home & Stone, scoring 24 points. In the Game of the Week, the top two undefeated teams (three time champs) PIP Printing and Built By Nate squared off against one another. Built By Nate leaped into the #1 seed with a 56-46 win. Yoni Oratz led the way for Built By Nate with 21 points. Game of the Week

In 4th/5th grade hockey, Town Ap pliance entered a shoot-out for the 2nd straight week. Both teams scored 3 goals in regulation, forcing a shoot-out. How

ever, both team’s goalies played stellar hockey in the shoot-out, not allowing anyone to score, resulting in a tie. Dovy Holzberg, with some incredible saves throughout the game, made a final, in credible save on the last shoot-out goal to keep the game tied.

Hockey Fun Fact: In the NHL, pucks are kept in a freezer until the game so that the rubber stays firm and the puck isn’t too bouncy.

GAME MVPs: Alex Nelkenbaum, Benjy Blumenthal, Dovid Chai Wein traub, Ephraim Shapiro, Charlie Rosen blatt, Nathaniel Rapaport, Yosef Ha rary, Shmuel Reisman, Yehuda Fricker, Michael Schaffer, Menachem Mendel Putter, Jacob Levine, Yaakov Levine, Ye huda Bender, Yisroel Schechter, Gavriel Schwartz, and Akiva Wielgus.

Big Sib Program at HAFTR HS

Transitioning from middle school to high school can be a challeng ing adjustment. At HAFTR High School, students join together to make that transition a bit easier through the Big Sib program. This program pairs freshman students with students in the senior class, who serve as friends and mentors to the freshmen.

On Thursday, November 4, HAFTR High School held the first Big Sib event of the year: a fun paint activity led by Make It Too. The gym was packed with seniors, freshmen, and faculty. Seniors had a chance to catch up with their little sibs to see how they have been adjusting

to school while showing off their artis tic skills. Students followed a fantastic step-by-step tutorial on painting a mag nificent sunset. Each student had his or her own canvas and palette to create the painting. Everyone enjoyed the activity and had a great time.

Senior Kayla Krup said, “This was a great opportunity to bond with my little sib,” which was echoed by fellow senior Josh Schindler, who added, “I had a de lightful time as I enhanced the relation ship between my little sib and myself.”

The gym was filled with positive energy as students engaged in lively conversations and enjoyed delicious doughnuts. While some struggled with the painting, everyone ended up with

beautiful portraits and attempts to rec reate the teacher’s example. The girls painted beautiful ombre skies and de tailed trees with long branches, and the boys showed their skills too. Freshman Shiri Cohen said that she “had a lot of fun painting and talking to my big sib.”

In addition to the activity itself, the students in the graduating class had

a chance to leave a strong impact on the freshmen through their conver sations and time together. Events like this demonstrate HAFTR’s message of being a family and coming together regardless of grade or age. This was a unique and special opportunity, and we look forward to more Big Sib programs as the year continues.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 70
Around the Community JSL Week 8

The sixth grade students in HANC’s Elementary School in West Hempstead enjoyed a two day “staycation” filled with non-stop fun and team building activi ties. The first day began with davening, a festive breakfast, and then the stu dents received their class sweatshirts, sponsored by the PTA, with the names of all of their classmates imprinted on the back. During the course of the day, the children enjoyed bouncing on inflat ables, running through obstacle courses, and playing games like human twister and oversized connect four. They also played “Minute to Win It” and “See-RunBuild” where they were presented with challenges and had to work together to accomplish each task. The students were grouped with children that they don’t al ways spend time with, and the activities required imagination, cooperation and teamwork to achieve success.

The highlight of the day was a very special guest, Estee Ackerman, a HANC alumna, who rose to fame becoming a ping-pong champion. Estee is a nation

ally ranked ping-pong prodigy and was the junior Olympic gold medalist in 2016. Estee held the rapt attention of every member of the audience as she described her trajectory into this sport, and the challenges she faced in participating in tournaments while maintaining her level of observance of Judaism.

Mrs. Michal Wasser, assistant princi pal, elaborated, “The theme for the stay cation was team building and leadership. The sixth graders are in a unique position because they are the oldest grade in our building. We have been discussing the attributes and responsibilities of a leader and asked them what are the qualities of a mensch who leads with good middot. Some of their responses included: being selfless, kind, funny and inclusive. Our goal for this year is to develop leadership skills that they can utilize in the future.”

The fun continued with lunch, mak ing tie dyed shirts, playing Name that Tune, running an Apache Relay through out the building, eating a delicious din ner and watching the movie “The Mira

cle” about the amazing “against all odds” story of an American team’s Olympic hockey win.

The next day, the sixth graders took a trip to Ferox Athletics, a Ninja Warrior training facility. They attempted new physical feats and utilized perseverance

to master each challenge.

HANC wishes to thank the PTA for all of their help in making this staycation so successful. Heartfelt appreciation goes to the dedicated staff who engaged and

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 71
Around the Community Staycation at HANC Luxurious Mansion Perfect For Getaways & Simchos! Call Kia today to book your getaway! Marlborough, CT 860.455.6057/ Vrbo #2248396  Sleeps 30+ Comfortably  Kosher Catering Available  Sefer Torah, Siddurim, & Chumashim (available upon request)  Seasonal Pool & Hot Tub  5 Acres WinterCallAvailable!Specials Today

Grandparents and Special People Shabbat Program

Mercaz Academy welcomed grandparents and other spe cial people to their Shabbat Project program, Matanot K’tanot: Little Gifts. Students greeted their grandpar ents and special people with excitement, posing for pictures with their guests at a photo booth set up to capture the memo ries of the day. Mercaz Academy students and grandparents were seated at beauti ful Shabbat tables in the cafeteria, where they sang “Lecha Dodi ” and sampled an appetizer.

After the special guests and grand parents blessed the children, they all worked together to create beautiful “Highlight of the Week” jars, where fam ilies can deposit wonderful memories of the best things that happened during the week and read them together on Shab bat. The students and their grandparents loved decorating the jars with beautiful designs in bright colors and took them home to read their notes about the Mer caz experience at their Shabbat tables. But the highlight of the program was

when the entire student body encircled the room to sing “Matanot K’tanot ” (“Lit tle Gifts”). Led by music instructor Craig Resmovits on keyboards, the students chimed in for their parts with smiles and sweet voices.

The program ended with a student-led tour of the Mercaz Academy campus, and each family was presented with a framed photo taken at the photo booth earlier. It seems clear that this experience, another link in the chain of Torah connecting the older and younger generations, created

Trust And Taxes – What You Need To Know

People often come to us curious—or confused—about the role trusts play in saving on taxes. Given how frequently this issue comes up, we’re go ing to explain the tax implications asso ciated with different types of trusts in or der to clarify this issue. Of course, if you need further clarification about trusts, taxes, or any other issue related to estate planning, meet with us for additional guidance.

There are two primary types of trusts which include revocable trusts and irre vocable trusts. Each one of these comes with different tax consequences.

A revocable trust is a living trust cre ated during your lifetime and is by far the most commonly used form of trusts in estate planning. This is primarily true because you can transfer your assets to this trust, manage them yourself as trustee, and decide if you want to keep them there or take them out as a benefi ciary. And, as long as you are living, there is absolutely no tax impact when creating a revocable trust.

A revocable trust uses your own So cial Security Number as its tax identifier,

and this type of trust is not a separate en tity from you for tax purposes. So while you are living, nothing really changes as far as your taxes are concerned. Howev er, a revocable trust is a separate entity from you for the purpose of avoiding the court process called probate, and this is often where the confusion regarding tax es comes from. When you have a revo cable trust prepared, any of your assets transferred to that trust will bypass the probate process and will prevent your beneficiaries from having to go to court to obtain the legal authority to make fi nancial decisions for you if you cannot make them for yourself.

An irrevocable trust is created and established when you make a transfer to this trust as gift. Another person serves as the trustee who holds your assets in the irrevocable trust for the beneficia ry(ies), and you cannot take back the gift you’ve made to the irrevocable trust for that trustee to manage. It is important to note that any type of trust you create, whether revocable or irrevocable, serves as a probate avoidance and incapacity planning tool that can spare your loved ones untold grief, time, attention and money.

Lechu V’nelcha Kickoff This Sunday

Lechu Vnelcha (LVN) is a world wide program for post-seminary girls that was founded by Reb betzin Dina Fink. Amongst other ex citing events such as Shabbatons and trips, there are over forty-five LVN branches around the world that host weekly shiurim for girls out of high

school. Countless LVN members ex press that joining the weekly shiurim and forming special connections with other Lechu Vnelcha members really uplifts their week.

Far Rockaway/Five towns is ex cited to kickoff Lechu Vnelcha in our community! No matter what school

When you create an irrevocable trust, either during your lifetime (also known as a living trust), or at death through a testamentary trust (a trust that becomes operational at the time of your death through your will), or if you place in a re vocable trust during your lifetime (which goes into effect after your death), the ir revocable trust is a separate tax-paying entity, and it is either subject to income tax on the earnings of the trust assets at the trust tax rates or at the income tax rates of the individual beneficiaries, de pending on how the irrevocable trust is structured.

The estate tax is a death tax on the value of a person’s assets at the time of their passing. Upon your death, if the to tal value of your estate is above a certain threshold amount, known as the federal estate tax exemption, the IRS requires your estate to pay a tax, known as the es tate tax, before any assets can be passed to your beneficiaries.

As of 2022, the federal estate tax ex emption is $12.06 million for individu als ($24.12 million for married couples). Simply put, if someone dies in 2022, and their assets are worth $12.06 million or less, their estate won’t owe any federal es

memories that will last a lifetime.

you come from or how many years ago you’ve graduated high school, these upcoming events are for you. Lechu Vnelcha invites all post-seminary girls from our community to our first shi ur, this Sunday night, which is being graciously hosted by the Agudah of the Five Towns (508 Peninsula Blvd.), at

tate tax. However, if their estate is worth more than $12.06 million, the amount of their assets that are greater than $12.06 million will be taxed at a whopping 40% tax rate. Although most people are not subject to this tax, the high exemption amount is schedule to decrease.

You can reduce your estate tax liabil ity—or even eliminate it all together—by using various estate planning strategies. Most of these strategies are fairly com plex and involve the use of irrevocable trusts, but such strategies are without question worth it, if you can save your family such a massive tax bill. To learn how to save your family from such a ma jor tax burden, meet with us to discuss your options. Call today at 718-514-7575.

Monet Binder, Esq., has her practice in Queens and Brooklyn, New York, dedicated to protecting families, their legacies and values. All halachic docu ments are approved by the Bais Havaad Halacha Center in Lakewood, under the direction of Rabbi Dovid Grossman and the guidance of Harav Shmuel Ka minetsky, shlita, as well as other leading halachic authorities.

8:15 p.m. We are excited and honored to hear words of chizuk and inspira tion from Lechu Vnelcha founder, Reb betzin Dina Fink. Looking forward to meeting you there!

For more information or to get updates via email, contact:

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 72
Around the Community

Shulamith Open House

Two weeks ago, Shulamith hosted their annual open house. The day started off with a welcome speech from our very own principal, Mrs. Munk, followed by words of reflection from se nior Raizy Grossman. To conclude the opening program, a video was played that gave a glimpse of the wonderful learning and spirit that comprise everyday life at SHS, told through the perspective of stu dents. Our proud student ambassadors, devoted parents, and amazing faculty led student and parent panels to answer any questions from potential applicants. This was a great way for the incoming grade to interact with the student body and get a real feel of what SHS is. Soon after, sam ple classes were led by our passionate and committed faculty, giving the crowd

an idea of our rich and diverse sched ules. To end the day, we held a Student Experience Expo. Booths displayed our chessed program, Shabbatonim, sports, academic teams, and many more in order to show all the extracurricular activities

SHS has to offer. Juniors and seniors led the booths and got to interact with fam ilies while explaining their clubs and in terests which they get to partake in daily.

As a senior ambassador, giving back to my school was such an amazing experience. I have learned and grown so much here, and I hope to reflect that and share it with oth ers, so they can have the same amazing ex perience. The students run the open house so applicants can hear directly from us, from our hearts. Being a senior ambassador means that I got to show the incoming grade the genuine, warm, loving atmosphere that I call my home. When I was first applying

here, I remember seeing the smiles and love the current students felt for the school and thinking how lucky they were to be in such an amazing place. It feels surreal to me that I am now one of those students, able to give back to the school that has given me so much. SHS is genuinely a fun and car ing environment. It’s helped me grow and become the person that I am today, and for that I could not be more grateful. I wake up

I Am Not Alone. You Are Not Alone. We Are Not Alone.

There’s an entire Five Towns com munity that cares about you. There is a whole community of people in the Five Towns who care about me. As a greater community, we care about one another. We care what you’re going through — and we are here to pro vide guidance, connection, and support for one another on our journeys through life. The principle of arevut, of mutual responsibility, that is the sine qua non of the Jewish community, should not be taken for granted. We have the greatest support system out there for someone who is facing a physical illness. Yet when it comes to our mental wellbeing, we have not yet found how to best discuss, cope with, and address our mental wellbeing with a positive attitude and in a healthy fashion.

This is the motivation for a new com munity educational initiative, Nafshenu Alenu ( launching this coming Tuesday, November 29 in the Five Towns initiated by Rabbi Yehuda Septi mus of the Young Israel of North Wood mere, and myself along with the Marion & Aaron Gural JCC and numerous shuls and schools in the greater community.

In the post-Covid era, most of us know what it’s like to feel alone, or we know of a loved one or friend who seems to feel lonely; yet we’ve been raised to be tough, to suck it up, to hide our emotions,

to bury our feelings, our thoughts, and our sufferings. Traumas remain buried inside of us; deep inside of us. We believe their manifestations will pass and that we are stronger than they are.

We are. It’s so true. We are stronger than they are. But only when we face these challenges together, as a communi ty. As individuals, the fight is harder and tragically, often impossible.

Starting this coming Tuesday, and for 14 weeks, with Nafshenu Alenu (naf, we will not only hear from specialists on different realms of mental health, we will share in-person individual stories of those who have lived or continuously live with mental health conditions and are a source of untapped wisdom on how to build a life and thrive while living with or around someone with mental health challenges.

An increasingly impressive collec tion of research has been accumulating, demonstrating that families and com munities are often the key ingredients to resilience and recovery.

Given the prejudice and misunder standing many still face, you might think people would be reluctant to engage in intimate discussions of their experience of illness and their quest for recovery. In reality, when you talk to many families, they just want to learn, to teach, and to connect. They want to stop the cycle of secrecy and loneliness. And they want to help you, your family, our community.

Because our society glorifies self-con fidence and autonomy, it can also be diffi cult to accept the need for help.

We must learn to recognize that com mon catch phrases such as, “snap out of it,” or “pick ourselves up,’”reflect an ab sence of awareness about the nature of mental health conditions. The idea that we can get better through pure force of determination is not entirely wrong; with the right environment and the right con ditions, some people do get better over time through self-care, the support of friends and family, or just continuing to live life and putting one foot in front of the other.

These issues are no longer problems that individuals and families should have to face alone. Which is why the educa tion about mental health should be un dertaken by our community together. Once we recognize that none of us face the challenges to mental wellbeing in the 21st century alone, we are more able to be there for one another together as a com munity.

Please join us this coming Tuesday night, November 29, at the Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst at 7:45 pm, for the kickoff where we welcome Zak Williams, a passionate global mental health advocate and son of the beloved Robin Williams, will be our first speaker of Nafshenu Ale nu’s superstar lineup. And please consid er joining us for the entire 14 weeks that will follow (

every day excited to come to school. I shared the sentiments of so many moms who ap proached me, wishing I could apply here as an incoming ninth grader.

Somebody once said, “Walking into this school is the biggest hug you will ever get in your life,” and it could not be more true.

It’s time that as a community we wel come our mental wellbeing with open arms. None of us is alone.

Prior to making aliyah, Stuart Katz was a two-time president of the Young Isra el of North Woodmere. He’s been active and served on local, national, and in ternational boards of numerous orga nizations including the JCRC, Limmud, the Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns and Rockaways, the 5 Towns Communi ty Council, and Bnei Akiva. He continues to be called upon by many of these or ganizations for advice and innovative leadership ideas. He has counseled over 7,000 individuals and families in crisis in the United States, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Syria, South Africa, and the United Kingdom, and has volunteered over 950 hours on the Crisis Text Line.

When not volunteering throughout Isra el, as well as the rest of the world includ ing his current projects of working with Syrian refugees in Greece and assisting Jews from Uganda to make their way to Israel, improving ties between the peo ple of Bangladesh and Israel, combat ting stigma surrounding mental health issues and helping in natural disasters worldwide, Stuart serves as CEO of TAL Tours and Deluxe Kosher Tours. He was previously Managing Director of Israir Airlines in the United States as well as President of IsraMedica

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 73
Around the Community

Guiding With Wisdom A Road Map for Life Drawing Upon the Wisdom of the Steipler Gaon

Rabbi Yaakov Mordechai Gre enwald was a widely respected therapist, with strong personal relationships with many gedolei Yisrael. He was particularly close to the Steipler Gaon, Maran HaRav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky zt”l, whose guidance strongly influenced his therapeutic approach to healing.

A new book by Rabbi Greenwald, Guiding With Wisdom, includes many priceless letters from the Steipler, of fering us a powerful Torah-based per spective on healing and emotional and mental health. In this book, we will learn – through authentic Torah sources – how to use our gifts to the fullest, build up our powers of concentration and focus, un derstand our challenges and respond to them effectively, and deal with anxiety, depression, and other emotional disor ders.

The following is an excerpt from this fascinating new volume.

A Sense of Growth

No matter what a person’s goal may be, it is very hard to keep striving if he feels that success is beyond him. This is as true in Torah and avodah as in any other area. The difference is that in spir itual matters, success is very difficult to measure. In fact, one may very well be using the wrong yardstick. Nevertheless, once he has come to the (mistaken) con clusion that he is a failure, his natural re action is to lose all hope.

This may come about in a number of ways: A person may have enjoyed a long period of growth, which was then fol lowed by what appeared to be a decline. Or he may have struggled with a sense of failure all along. He may believe he has abundant ability, which has simply never found proper expression. Or he may feel that he has no talent at all. Regardless of the exact scenario, the result is the same: Today he sits numbly, staring out the window wondering whether there is any point in going on.

What we need to examine, then, is how to evaluate our efforts and our prog ress correctly to ensure that unjustified despair does not steal from us our future.

The Challenge:

What should a yeshivah bachur or

any other person do when he feels he has entered a period of stagnation? What if he feels he has never made any progress at all, but has remained on the same low level at which he began? What if he feels he is a total failure all around? How can he regain his enthusiasm when every day seems just as fruitless as the one be fore?

The Response:

The first thing this person must real ize is that, in all likelihood, the source of his problem does not lie in his learning, his davening or any other aspect of his avodah. Oftentimes, it is simply a matter of wounded pride. It may be, for example, that he feels that his classmates, rebbeim or fellow community members do not think highly enough of him. Or he may be jealous of the “stars” of the yeshivah or community.

It is this deeper issue that causes him to view his own achievements in a nega tive light.

Every Achievement Is a Success

The Steipler writes in Chayei Olam (Ch. 12) that all this is simply a stratagem of the Yetzer Hara to persuade him to give up learning and striving. The truth, he says, is that every achievement is a success, no matter how small. Every daf a talmid completes and every Tosafos he masters is a precious acquisition and a sign of growth and progress.

The mere fact that he is able to un derstand more today than yesterday is a cause for celebration.

What is more, says the Steipler, if he will just keep going, he will gradually ac quire more and more Torah until at last he becomes a living illustration of the verse (Mishlei 13:11): Wealth through vanity diminishes, but he who gathers through toil increases.

There have been many talmidei cha chamim, testifies the Steipler, who were not considered gifted in their youth, yet through toil and diligence became recog nized scholars. Hence while standing out among one’s peers is not a valid measure of success, making small but steady ac quisitions is.

This principle is just as applicable to other types of avodah as it is to Torah study. If a person gradually improves his mitzvah observance, perfects his char acter, or increases his concentration in davening, that, too, is real success.

Do Not Compare!

Often, part of the trouble is that the talmid is in the habit of comparing his own progress with that of his compan ions. Let us suppose for the moment that his assessment of his relative standing is accurate. Even so, it is only a reflec tion of the present moment and tells us nothing about what tomorrow will bring. Thus, the Steipler writes: The fact that he sometimes sees his fellow sur passing him in ability, comprehension and the like, is no proof regarding the future. I have seen many talmidim who were considered unsuccessful in their youth, yet in the course of time grew to acquire solid knowledge in most of the Talmud….

There are two points to bear in mind here: The first is that through steady perseverance, he may indeed outshine his more gifted colleagues one day. But a more important point is that growth is not a competitive sport to begin with. We did not come into this world to be “bet ter” than anyone else, but to make the most of the gifts we were granted. Hence there is no point in comparing oneself with anyone else at all.

The only benefit there can be in tak ing note of another person’s progress is to gain inspiration. But inspiration is not gained from the gifted individual. Rath er, it is gained from the mevakesh (liter ally the “seeker”), that is, from the one who thirsts for growth. That is the one to watch and learn from!

Each in His Own Time Sometimes the comparison is not with a person’s contemporaries, but with the great lights of the past. After reflect ing upon their awesome stature and at tainments, he wonders, “Of what value are my meager efforts?” But this is just another trick of the Yetzer Hara.

Sefer Chassidim writes that in Hash em’s eyes, the “dull wits” of later genera tions (meaning his own!) are just as pre cious as the quick wits of earlier ones.

In a similar vein, Rav Chaim Vital once lamented to the Arizal that the ke dushah and deeds of Chazal and the Ris honim are completely beyond our reach. To this, the Arizal responded that since the forces of impurity are so much stron ger today, even lesser accomplishments are reckoned as valuable in Hashem’s eyes as theirs were for them.

The Meaning of Chiddush

Another factor that can dampen a talmid ’s enthusiasm is the feeling that he is incapable of producing chiddushim, which in his mind means coming up with a completely novel kasha and then erect ing an elaborate edifice of lamdus to re solve it. Hence if all he can do is work out the basic pshat he again sees himself as a failure.

The Steipler’s response to this is twofold: First of all, producing novel insights is only a side facet of learning. The main road to becoming a talmid chacham is by understanding the flow of the sugya correctly — in other words, precisely by mastering the basic pshat.

But secondly, this understanding of chiddush is wrong in the first place. According to an oral tradition passed down from Rav Chaim Volozhiner, the term chiddushei Torah properly refers to nothing other than understanding the sugya better. The more one reviews it, the clearer it becomes and the more the underlying logic is revealed. That, says the Steipler, is the real meaning of chid dush!

The Steipler also quotes a passage from an essay by Rav Elchanan Wasser man, who relates that Rav Chaim Brisker did not believe that we are even qualified to produce the other sort of chiddushim today (i.e., completely novel interpreta tions). Only the Rishonim were capable of that. Our task is merely to try to un derstand their words.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 74 Around the Community
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 75 516.558.7435 | 489 CENTRAL AVE, CEDARHURST NY SUN 10:30-6 MON-THUR 10-6 & FRI 10-1 (winter) 10-2 (summer) New ARRIVALS

Did you know that you can some times find angels (well, human angels) in a beachfront restau rant?

Would you believe that from the ru ins of the building in Surfside could come an unbelievable story of kavod haTorah?

Have you ever really understood the remarkable miracle of Danish Jewry’s escape from the Nazis?

In The Grandeur of the Maggid, Rab bi Pa ysach Krohn’s tenth collection of inspiring stories, the “American Maggid” outdoes himself, bringing us true sto ries that elevate as they entertain, that illuminate as they inspire. He finds the grandeur in the lives of ordinary Jews –because he knows there is no such thing as an “ordinary” Jew. And, of course, he finds the grandeur in the lives and deeds of our Torah and communal leaders, with absorbing biographical sketches of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg, Rav Nota Greenblatt, and Rav Moshe Neuman, zeicher tzaddikim livro cha.

Describing his mentor, Rav Sholom Schwadron – the famed and beloved “Maggid of Jerusalem” – Rabbi Krohn says: “He could make people cry and make them laugh, but more than any thing else, he made them listen. And af terward, people would walk away saying, ‘He was talking to me.’”

That was true then, in the holy, wind ing streets of Yerushalayim. And it is true now as well, in our lives, as “The Amer

ican Maggid” makes us cry and laugh –and as he talks to our very souls.

The following are two anecdotes from the brand-new book.

Penciled In

Rabbi Alexander (Sender) Gross was a musmach of Rav Shlomo Heiman (18921945), Rosh Yeshivah of Mesivta Torah Vodaath and a very close talmid of Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz (1886-1948). In 1947, he founded the Hebrew Acade my of Miami, the first Jewish day school south of Baltimore. The Academy, which started with six students, today has more than 600. Since its inception, thousands of children have gone through its portals, where Rabbi Gross, during his thirty-two years as principal, gained his reputation as a master and caring mechanech

The early years were difficult, as few parents in South Florida saw the need for an Orthodox education for their chil dren. Additionally, many could not afford to pay the school’s tuition, even though Rabbi Gross offered liberal scholarships.

In 1959, the board of directors gave Rabbi Gross an ultimatum: The child of any parent not paying tuition must be removed from the Academy. The school was strapped financially. One particular family that felt school fees were too high told their nine-year-old son that he would soon be leaving the school permanently.

The child was crestfallen. He loved the Academy, especially the Jewish stud ies. He sat down and wrote Rabbi Gross a letter. He said, “I want to remain in your school. If you let me stay, maybe one day I will be a great rabbi, but if I have to leave,

who knows what will become of me?”

Rabbi Gross was so touched by the letter that he read it to the board of direc tors at their next meeting. They decided to let the child continue at the Academy. He stayed until his eighth-grade gradua tion and was the class valedictorian. He continued his studies in the Telshe Yeshi va in Cleveland and became a prodigious talmid chacham.

The nine-year-old boy who wrote the letter was Zev (Billy) Leff. Rav Mordechai Gifter (1915-2001), the Rosh Yeshivah of Telz, once told Rabbi Gross, “If the He brew Academy was created just so that it could produce this one talmid, Rabbi Zev Leff, dayeinu — it would have been worthwhile.”

Rabbi Leff, a world-renowned speak er and spiritual leader, has authored nu merous sefarim and led the Young Israel of Greater Miami for nine years. He is today the rav of Moshav Mattisyahu in Israel.

The son of Rabbi Alexander Gross, Rav Shragi, related that after his father passed away in 1980, his children were going through the precious papers their father kept in his wallet. Among them was the folded letter of the nine-year-old boy from Miami, written twenty-one years earlier! Undoubtedly, it helped kindle Rabbi Gross’s burning passion, both in Miami and on a national level in his work with Torah Umesorah (founded by his rebbi, Rav Shraga Feivel), to as sure that every Jewish child, wherever he was and whatever the cost, would be taught the Ribbono shel Olam’s Torah.

Flying High Rav Shmuel Berenbaum (1920-2008), Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivas Mir in Brook lyn, was boarding a plane at Kennedy Airport heading to Los Angeles. Right behind him was a wealthy businessman, Shloimy Bader.*

Mr. Bader noticed that Rav Beren baum turned right as he entered the plane to take his seat in economy class,

while Mr. Bader was ushered left to his first-class seat. He knew that the trip was long and that his trip would be much more comfortable than that of the Rosh Yeshivah.

When the plane was in the air and the seat belt sign was turned off, Mr. Bader went to find the Rosh Yeshivah in the econ omy cabin. Rav Berenbaum, known for his incredible hasmadah (diligence), was al ready deeply engrossed in his Gemara.

Mr. Bader went over to Rav Beren baum and said, “Rosh Yeshivah, I feel so bad that you are sitting here. It’s a long trip and I have a very comfortable seat in first class. Please take my seat; I’ll sit here, and the Rosh Yeshivah can learn comfortably throughout the flight.”

Rav Berenbaum smiled and thanked Mr. Bader profusely and then said in Yid dish, “Ich darf nisht first class. (I don’t need first class.)” And then he added, “I have a better idea: Let the gentleman sitting next to me have your seat. You can then sit next to me, and we’ll learn together for a few hours. I really need a chavrusa (study partner).”

And that’s exactly what happened!

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 76 Around the Community
the Maggid Resplendent Stories
Did you know? The first-ever photo of a black hole was taken on April 10, 2019
and Elevation

A New Collection of Stories from Rabbi Paysach Krohn!

In The Grandeur of the Maggid, Rabbi Paysach Krohn outdoes himself, bringing us true stories that elevate as they entertain, that illuminate as they inspire. He finds the grandeur in the lives of ordinary Jews — because he knows there is no such thing as an “ordinary” Jew!

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll be amazed and be inspired, as Rabbi Krohn shares great stories — and speaks to our very souls.



Me This

a man walking in the desert. It was an especially hot day that day. In the distance, the man suddenly saw a restau rant. He rejoiced and ran to the restaurant

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 78 1. * TJH Centerfold
gun and
the man express his gratitude to the gun-toting
Saying Thanks! Match the language with the corresponding word that they use for “thank you” Answer: It was a water gun. 1. Dankie A. French 2. Aahalo B. Latin 3. Köszönöm C. Hungarian 4. Spasibo D. Afrikaans 5. Grazie E. Arabic 6. Gratias tibi F. Yiddish 7. Merci G. Italian 8. Adank H. Hawaiian 9. Ngiyabonga I. Russian 10. Shukraan J. Zulu Answers 1- D; 2- H; 3- C; 4- I; 5- G; 6- B; 7- A; 8- F; 9- J; 10- E
There was
immediately asked the waiter for a glass of water. Instead, the waiter pulled out a
pointed it at the man’s head. The man replied, “Thank you!”

Thanksgiving Trivia

1. Sarah Hale is known as the “Mother of Thanksgiving” because in 1863 she persuaded then-President Abraham Lincoln to make Thanksgiving a nationwide holiday. She is also known for writing one of the following songs. Do you know which one?

a. Mary Had a Little Lamb b. The National Anthem c. America The Beautiful d. The Ants Go Marching

2. Who was the first U.S. President to pardon a turkey?

a. Thomas Jefferson b. John F. Kennedy c. Ronald Reagan d. George H. W. Bush

3. Which of the following industries has its busiest day of the year on Black Friday?

a. Plumbers b. Divorce lawyers c. Carpet cleaners d. Sanitation workers

4. According to a 2020 Yougov poll, what dish do people hate to see the most at their Thanksgiving table?

a. Cranberry sauce b. Grilled vegetables c. Egg salad d. Tofu

5. According to AAA, what is the most traveled-to city on Thanksgiving?

a. Chicago, Illinois b. Anaheim, California c. New York City d. Orlando, Florida

6. According to the National Turkey Federation, how many turkeys are eaten on Thanksgiving? a. 12 million b. 46 million c. 62 million d. 114 million


1-A 2-B 3-A 4-D 5-A 6-B

Wisdom Key

5-6 correct: You are really into Thanksgiving… “Yeah, I make beer-battered turkey in a pressure cooker…”

3-4 correct: You make sure to get that kosher turkey from Shop Rite every year!

0-2 correct: “Thanksgiving… what? Every day is Thanksgiving!”

You Gotta Be Kidding Me!

Moishe was furious when his steak arrived too rare. “Waiter,” he shouted, “Didn’t you hear me say ‘well done’?”

“I can’t thank you enough, sir,” replied Yankel the waiter. “We hardly ever get compliments here.”

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 79

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From the Fire

Parshas Toldos

I Am a Rock

The Torah reiterates a great deal of biographical information about Rivka when the pasuk (Bereishis 25:20) says, “And Yitzchak was forty years old when he married Rivka the daughter of Besuel the Aramean from Padan Aram, the sister of Lavan the Ar amean to himself for a wife.” Rashi asks why the Torah has to repeat all of these background facts about Rivka when we already knew them from earlier parshi yos. He answers, “But this is to recount her praise because she was the daughter of a wicked man and sister of a wick ed man and her place was [filled with] wicked men, yet she did not learn from their actions.”

Interestingly, it seemed from last week’s parsha that Rivka’s greatest trait was her kind and gentle nature. This was the primary quality she passed on to the entire Jewish people, who are

characterized by, among other things, the fact that they are “givers of kind ness.” Why then does the Torah empha size here that her greatest praise is that “she did not learn from their actions”?

The truth is that one of a person’s strongest drives is to feel “normal.” And for most people, one of the greatest sins is to be considered “weird” or “not nor mal.” The Rambam (Hilchos De’os 6:1) explains this as follows:

Man was created in such a way that he is drawn after his friends and ac quaintances in his attitudes and actions and to behave according to the customs of the people in his country. Therefore, one must attach himself to tzaddikim and always dwell near wise people in order that he should learn from their ac tions and distance himself from wicked people who walk in darkness in order that he not learn from their actions.

Rivka was the daughter of a wicked man, the sister of a wicked man, and lived in a world full of wicked people, yet she remained a tzadeikes in spite of it all. This is even more amazing consid ering how Avraham also lived in oppo sition to his environment, but he did so by cutting himself off from his land, his birthplace, and from his father’s house. Yet Rivka accomplished this while still in her environment; she still managed to become and remain a tzadeikes. She personified that which the pasuk (Shir Hashirim 8:10) said (which Chazal teach refers to Avraham Avinu), “I am a wall.”

She was rock solid, like a wall. There are Jews who are not moved by any force in the world, and Rivka was one of them.

The pasuk (Bamidbar 23:9) says, “From the top of rocks I see him and from the hills I behold him.” Rashi, quoting the Midrash, explains, “I gaze

at their origins and the beginning of their roots and I see them established and strong like rocks and hills because of their Avos and Imahos.” We see that the Avos were a powerful foundation upon which the entire Jewish people were built because they were like rocks, immovable in their dedication to Hash em. That is why Chazal (Rosh Hashana 11a) call the Avos the “Strong ones of the world.” This trait is why they merited to serve as the bedrock of the Jewish na tion and why the Torah’s primary praise of Rivka is to tell us her background in order to show us that she was a rock and “did not learn from their actions.”

But how does this square with the fact that Eliezer found Rivka not be cause of her trait of strength in the face of opposition, but because of her great kindness? Even Avraham seems to be known mainly for his trait of kindness

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and, as the pasuk (Tehillim 39:3) says, “The world was built on kindness.”

We must understand the trait of kindness more deeply. The Gemara (Bava Metzia 87a) says, “Tzaddikim say little and do much. The wicked say much and do not even do a little.” Rivka personified this trait of the tzaddikim. She only told Eliezer that she would bring him water, but in the end, she also brought water for all of his camels as well. The difference between tzaddik im and wicked people is not how many words they speak. The Chofetz Chaim was known to be an active conversation alist. There are probably bad people who speak very little. The key difference is how they follow through on their words. This is the difference between the kindness of the wicked and the kindness of the righteous. The deeper essence of kindness is when a person lives for oth ers and not for himself. Everything he does is for the sake of his wife, his chil dren, his friends, his shul, his commu nity, for Hashem. Because he does not live for himself, there is no “I” to get in the way of his commitments. A wicked person, on the other hand, may intend to keep his word. But since whatever he

resolves to do for others is based on self ish motives on some level, he gives up as soon as his own needs conflict with his commitment. This is the trait about which the pasuk (Devarim 32:20) says, “They are a generation of changes, chil dren in whom there is no trustworthi ness.”

Tzaddikim possess the trait of be ing rock-solid, like a wall. They follow

and that is why she was a wall who “did not learn from their actions.”

That same trait of kindness, of liv ing for another person rather than for oneself, is also the key to marriage. The Gemara (Yevamos 62b) teaches us that “any man who has no wife lives with out… a wall…” When a person gets mar ried, he learns what it means to live for another person and not just for himself

if each one primarily looks out for them selves and what they get out of the rela tionship, then the wall of their marriage will, G-d forbid, crumble.

As we enter the month of Kislev, we begin to see the Chanukah lights on the horizon and think of the words from Maoz Tzur, “And they burst through the walls of my towers.” The Greeks per sonified the self-centered attitude of the wicked who “say much and do not even do a little.” They lack that “wall” charac teristic. That is why they tried to break down our walls.

through on their commitments. That is the deepest meaning of kindness. Be cause tzaddikim live for others, their personal concerns do not get in their way. If any obstacle arises, it is best to move out of their way lest one get run over! Because Rivka possessed the at tribute of kindness, she lived for others,

in a way he can never experience as a single person. If a husband lives for his wife, if he “says little and does much” and if a wife lives for her husband, then it will be a successful marriage. Nothing will stand in the way of whatever each one must do to take care of the other. This is what it means to be a “wall.” But

May we merit to fulfill our heritage of kindness bequeathed to us by the Avos and Imahos, living for others with rock-solid fortitude. And with that ac complished, may we see the rebuilding of the walls of Yerushalayim and the Beis Hamikdash with the coming of Moshi ach, may he arrive soon in our days. Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, is the found ing Morah d’Asrah of Congregation Aish Ko desh in Woodmere, NY, and serves as leader of the new mechina Emek HaMelech.

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Because he does not live for himself, there is no “I” to get in the way of his commitments.

Think. Feel.Grow.

The Three-Step Process for Building Eternity

The screen flipped on, and the film began. It was a documentary of an exceptional human being who had achieved his ultimate perfection. He faced enormous challenges in his youth, but they made him stronger and pushed him to live a life of idealism, centered around learning and spreading Torah wisdom. He built an idealistic commu nity designed to help everyone achieve their unique mission in this world. He married a true tzadeikes , raised a beautiful family, and devoted his entire life to connecting with Hashem and contributing to the lives of others. He wrote books, finished projects, built up organizations, and changed the world.

“Wow,” he thought to himself. “Who is this?”

“It’s you,” came a whisper from in side his head. “At least it’s who you can be. Now is your chance to build it your self.”

Just then, there was a loud shriek. The doctor smiled, “It’s a boy!”

The Experience of Life

Have you ever felt like everything worthwhile in life eventually fades? The energy of youth fades into old age, the excitement of beginnings fades into rou tine, and the inspiration of a new goal fades into habit. This pattern extends to almost all spheres of the human experi ence. When you begin a meal, the taste is fresh and delicious, but after only a few bites, the taste begins to wear off and the food loses its mouthwatering appeal. Did you ever hear a great song, immediately fall in love with it, and play it endlessly on repeat? After a few days, you probably couldn’t listen to it any

more. This once captivating song some how lost its beauty and appeal, and you were forced to move on to the next song.

This numbing experience is not always negative. Whenever you hear a loud or disturbing sound, you may initially be annoyed or irritated by it. However, after a few moments, your senses become dulled, and your mind muffles out the sound. The stimulus is still there, but the sensation has faded.

This phenomenon permeates all hu man experience, leading us to question why Hashem created the world this way. Why did Hashem create a world in which inspiration, physical sensation, and emotional delight always fade? What is the deep spiritual idea behind this pattern?

Yetzias Mitzrayim and Matan Torah

Before answering our question, let us take a further look at this phenom enon and how it plays out in relation to the journey from Yetzias Mitzrayim (Exodus) to Matan Torah (the receiving of the Torah).

The first day of Pesach was the pin nacle of the Yetzias Mitzrayim expe rience. After revealing Himself to the world through the ten makkos, Hashem Himself performed Makkas Bechoros (the Plague of the Firstborn), striking down the firstborns of Mitzrayim. At this time, the Jews underwent the pro cess of their formation as Hashem’s chosen nation, performing the mitzvos of Korban Pesach and bris milah. The

baalei machshavah describe this night as the absolute peak of holiness and spirituality for the Jewish People. It is therefore astonishing that immediately following this elevated experience, the Jews descend into the Midbar and fall into total disarray. The Midbar is a place of spiritual emptiness, and the next for ty-nine days are defined by hardship, complaints, and spiritual challenge. Then, upon completing these forty-nine days, the Jews once again experience spiritual transcendence. The Jews are given the Torah at Har Sinai (Mount Sinai), cementing their marriage rela tionship with Hashem and committing themselves to a destiny of greatness.

There is an obvious question on this sequence of events: why didn’t the Jews go straight from Mitzrayim to Matan Torah, from one high to the next? Why did they first have to go through such a bitter low, losing everything they had gained on the first night of Pesach?

Why Inspiration Fades

The deep meaning behind this pro cess is elucidated by the Arizal, Ram chal, Vilna Gaon, and many other Jew ish thinkers. They explain that every process contains three stages:

The first stage is the high, the inspi ration, an experience of perfection and clarity.

Next comes the second stage: a com plete fall, a loss of everything that was experienced during the first stage.

Then there is the third stage, a re turn to the perfection of the first stage. However, this third stage is fundamen tally different from the first. It is the same perfection, the same clarity, but

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this time it’s a perfection and clarity that you have earned. The first time it was given to you; now you have worked to build it for yourself.

Learning to Walk

Imagine you are a young child, still unable to walk. One day, your father holds your hands and begins to walk with you. Suddenly seeing the world from a higher vantage point, you immediately fall in love with your new ability to walk. Your father takes you around the kitchen, around the house, and you start to feel more and more comfortable in the walking position. You feel so close and grateful to your father for walking with you. Suddenly, just when you felt so safe and loved, your father does the inexplicable: he lets go! You immediately fall to ground, shocked. You feel hurt and abandoned. All you can think is: “Why would my father do this to me? I thought he loved me!” The next day, the same exact thing happens. Once again, just when you feel safest, your father lets go, and you fall straight to the ground. You can’t under stand why your father is putting you through this suffering! However, a few weeks later, something magical hap pens. Your father lets go, but this time, you don’t fall to the ground. This time, you remain on your feet. You begin to walk around — by yourself! You have officially learned to walk.

Only now do you realize the truth. Your father wasn’t trying to hurt you. On the contrary, he was teaching you how to walk. First, he needed to walk with you, showing you how to do it, but only by letting go and forcing you to stand on your own did you eventually learn how to walk. While he was holding your hand, it may have felt like you were walking, but you now realize that it was only an illusion. It was a gift; it wasn’t real. Only once you were forced to build it on your own do you really have the ability to walk.

The first stage was the gift. The sec ond stage was the fall. The third stage was the recreation of the first stage, ex cept that this time, it’s real.

The Three Stages

The first stage is a gift, a spiritual high. It’s there to help you experience the goal, the destination. It’s a taste of what you can and hopefully will ulti mately accomplish, but it’s not real. It’s given as a gift and is therefore an illu sion. It serves only as a guiding force; it cannot compare to the genuine accom

plishment of building something your self. It is therefore taken away to allow for the second and more important stage: building it yourself, undergoing the work required to attain this growth in actuality to work for the perfection that you were shown. A gift isn’t real; something chosen and earned is. We’re in this world to choose, to assert our

7). Unable to see his hand in front of his face, he has no idea where to go. Sud denly, there’s a flash of lightning, and he sees the path home, clear as day. A second later, the lightning fades, and he’s left with only the memory of clarity to guide him back home. The lightning represents flashes of inspiration in a challenging and confusing world. The

cept this time, it will be real, earned, never again fading away.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is the author of the bestselling book, “The Journey to Your Ul timate Self,” which serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is an educator and speaker who has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. He is also the founder and CEO of Self-Mastery Academy, the transforma tive online self-development course based on the principles of high-performance psychol ogy and Torah.

free will, and to create ourselves. Now that we have tasted the first stage, we know what we’re meant to choose, what we’re meant to build.

The third stage is the recreation of the first stage. While it appears to be the same, it’s fundamentally different. It’s real, it’s earned, it’s yours. The first stage was a gift, an illusion; the third is the product born of the effort and time you invested. (These three stages are the secret behind many spiritual con cepts: Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov; chessed, din, and tiferes; male, female, and the child created from their bond of oneness.)

Returning to our original discussion, we can now understand why the Jewish People couldn’t go straight from Yetzi as Mitzrayim to Matan Torah. The first night of Pesach was a spiritual high, a revelation of their ultimate destination, but it was a gift, unearned. They there fore had to go through the challenges of the Midbar in order to rebuild and earn that initial stage. Matan Torah was the third stage, the recreation of the first stage, but earned, real. Only then was Klal Yisrael truly able to experience the depth and beauty of their connection and marriage with Hashem.

The Light within the Darkness

This is the process of life. Inspiration, followed by hardship and difficulty, often to the point that you can hardly remember that initial stage of ex citement. The Rambam compares this experience to a man lost in the dark ness of night, in the midst of a thunder storm (Moreh Nevuchim, introduction

darkened path represents the difficult journey we must take to recreate that initial stage of inspiration. We must hold on to those flashes of lightning, un derstand our goal and destination, and then recreate that light within the dark ness. For, one day, we will once again experience the clarity of that light. Ex

After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva Uni versity, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in ed ucation from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago.

To invite Rabbi Reichman to speak in your community or to enjoy more of his deep and inspiring content, visit his web site:

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A second later, the lightning fades, and he’s left with only the memory of clarity to guide him back home.

Delving into the Daf An Exercise in Futility

The Bayside Canadian Railway is a 200 foot(!) railroad in Bay side, New Brunswick, Canada. The railway was designed to transport fish – frozen pollock, to be precise. It would seem to be a total waste to build a railroad to move fish a mere 200 feet. Moreover, after the fish is moved 200 feet, it is transported back to where it started. It seems to be an exercise in fu tility! Actually, though, the idea behind the railroad is brilliant.

The Jones Act prohibits transporting fish or other items from one American seaport to another American seaport using foreign-flagged vessels. Only American ships may be used. The most economical way to transport frozen pol lock from Alaska to the East Coast of the United States is by ship. The ship travels down the West Coast all the way to the Panama Canal. The ship then heads back up north to deliver its cargo to the East Coast of the United States. For numerous reasons, it is cheaper to use foreign-flagged vessels than Amer ican-flagged ones. However, this is ille gal since the starting point and ending point of the trip are both in the United States. There is an exception to this rule. If the fish or other merchandise is trans ported by train in Canada, it may then continue its journey on foreign-flagged vessels. The American Seafoods Com pany (ASC) had a brilliant solution. They constructed a 200-foot railroad just to employ this loophole. The fish from Alaska travels on a truck for 200 feet on the Canadian railroad. Then the train reverses and lets the truck off in the same spot where it started! The fish may now continue its journey on for eign-flagged ships because it traveled 200 feet (actually 400 feet) on a Cana dian railroad. The exercise in futility actually saved ASC quite a bit of money.

However, in May 2022, a federal court in Alaska ruled that the contro

versial “Canadian Railway” transport arrangement used by American Sea foods Company did, in fact, violate the Jones Act. This is due to the fact that the fish does not actually make any for ward progress in its journey. It is just

received nothing. The Ran explains the logic behind this ruling. Reuven wanted the present because he wanted to im prove his own financial situation. When Reuven declares, “It is as if I received the present,” he in essence is declaring

given Reuven the present, it is abun dantly clear that Reuven may subse quently return it to Shimon. Therefore, explains the Rashba, what is the point of Shimon actually giving the present to Reuven, only to have Reuven give it back to him? It is an exercise in futility! Let Reuven just declare that it is as if he received the present and gave it back to Shimon. Reuven is in effect saying, “Let’s not, and say we did!”

The Prisha says that this Rashba is the source for a curious halacha of the Rema (695:4). The Rema rules that if one offers mishloach manos to his friend, but his friend declines to accept it, he has nevertheless fulfilled his ob ligation. The commentators struggle with this halacha. How can it be that he fulfilled his obligation of mishloach manos if he never actually gave any thing?! The Prisha explains that it is clear that the recipient of mishloach manos may give his food package back to the giver. Therefore, what then is the point of an exercise in futility, to receive the mishloach manos, only to return it? Let them both stipulate that it is as if the sender gave the mishloach manos and the recipient returned it! The Rashba in Nedarim is thus the source for the Rema’s halacha.

However, the Mishna Berura notes that as a matter of practical halacha, the Pri Chadash and the Chasam Sofer do not accept this ruling of the Rema.

an exercise in futility, as the fish ends up exactly where it started.

In Nedarim (24a), the Gemara dis cusses a case where Reuven utters a vow that Shimon may not derive any benefit from him, unless Shimon gives Reuven a sizeable present. The Sages rule that Reuven can annul this vow without the aid of hataras nedarim . Reuven can simply declare, “It is as if I received the present” even though he actually

that his financial situation already im proved. Therefore, the goal behind the vow was already accomplished, even though the exact stipulation was not.

The Rashba, though, offers a differ ent rationale, although his exact posi tion is the subject of much controversy. One simple explanation is that in mat ters of money or objects one can always say, “It is as if I received the money or object.” If Shimon would have indeed

(Perhaps American Seafoods Com pany and the federal judge were having the same machlokes!)

Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is a rebbe at Ye shiva Ateres Shimon in Far Rockaway. In addition, Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead, NY. He can be contacted at

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The exercise in futility actually saved ASC quite a bit of money.

My Israel Home

President Albert Einstein?!

In October 2022, the Israeli govern ment approved the establishment of a museum in honor of Albert Einstein, to be located on The Hebrew University’s Safra Campus in Givat Ram, Jerusalem. In addition to the new museum, Albert Einstein’s name is prevalent in Israel, as it adorns street signs in Lod, Petach Tikva, and Haifa. These cities have honored Ein stein because, in addition to being arguably the most brilliant scientific mind in the twentieth century, and a Jew, he was also a devoted supporter of the State of Israel.

Albert Einstein bravely spoke out against antisemitism after witnessing a series of attacks against Jewish refugees at the end of World War I. Despite being a pacifist, he was drawn to Zionism as he understood that the Jews needed a safe ha ven to flee from persecution. In addition, he believed that a homeland would provide an environment for Jews to repair their collec tive self-confidence, which had been beaten down from centuries of oppression.

Although Einstein was associated with many Israeli institutions and organiza tions, The Hebrew University was clos est to his heart, as it encompassed many principles that he characterized as Jewish values. In 1934, Einstein penned an essay describing aspects of Jewish identity that resonated with him: “The pursuit of knowl

edge for its own sake, an almost fanatical love of justice and the desire for personal independence — these are the features of the Jewish tradition which make me thank my stars that I belong to it.” For Einstein, the academic setting, with its focus on learning and research, was the most nat ural milieu to fulfill his vision of Judaism.

Einstein’s relationship with The He brew University began in 1921 when he ac companied Chaim Weizmann, who would

erary rights to his writings to The Hebrew University. Many photos and original doc uments housed in the university’s Albert Einstein Archives will be displayed in the Einstein museum.

Throughout his lifetime, Einstein re mained a passionate defender of Israel and also a seeker of peace, as he strongly believed that the two causes were mutu ally reinforcing. When President Chaim Weizmann died in 1952, Prime Minister

my relationship to the Jewish people has become my strongest human bond, ever since I became fully aware of our precar ious situation among the nations of the world.”

In 1955, Einstein was scheduled to de liver a speech in support of Israel on its sev enth Independence Day, to be broadcasted on all of the U.S.’s major networks. Days before delivering the speech, Einstein met with Israeli consul to review the script and then experienced internal bleeding that landed him in the hospital. He died a few days later.

Einstein’s passing reminded me of Rabbi Tarfon’s famous words in Pirkei Avot (2:16): “It is not up to you to finish the task, but you are not free to avoid it.” The last speech that Albert Einstein wrote was never delivered. The fact that Ein stein’s last written words were on behalf of the State of Israel highlights his lifelong sense of responsibility – and his many contributions – to the Jewish nation.

later become Israel’s first president, on a U.S. fundraising tour on behalf of the fu ture institution. This relationship grew over the next thirty years. Einstein was a founder and then a member of its Board of Governors, and even delivered the first lecture at the university. It was only fitting that, in his will, Einstein bequeathed lit

David Ben Gurion asked Einstein to be Is rael’s second president. Einstein declined, but he wrote a heartfelt letter that under scored his love of the Jewish nation: “I am deeply moved by the offer from our State of Israel, and at once saddened and ashamed that I cannot accept it... I am the more dis tressed over these circumstances because

Gedaliah Borvick is the founder of My Israel Home (, a real estate agency focused on helping people from abroad buy and sell homes in Israel. To sign up for his monthly market updates, contact him at gbor

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He believed that a homeland would provide an environment for Jews to repair their collective self-confidence, which had been beaten down from centuries of oppression.
Albert Einstein with David Ben Gurion
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It was a typical day in late September at Imam Khomeini International in Teh ran, the capital’s primary international airport.

Security workers were perhaps a bit more on edge as usual, being aware that fierce protests had ignited nearly two weeks prior over the death of one Mahsa Amini, a young Kurdish woman. Rumors were already beginning to circulate that Amini had died at the hands of the dreaded Gast-e Ersad, the so-called virtue police.

At the time, most assumed this pro test wave would blow over the same way all such trends had ended over the past decade. Eventually, the brutality of police and military would stomp out the protest ers’ spirits. There was hardly any reason to think this time would be anything dif ferent.

Suddenly, several black sedans pulled up in front of the main terminal. Dozens of teenagers, women, and young children poured out and were quietly and quickly ushered into the main hall by several in timidating men wearing dark green uni forms. Passengers waiting inside stared in confusion. What were Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) soldiers doing in the airport on a regular weekday? The group passed through security unabated. They exited the terminal through an irregular side entrance and went straight to the tarmac. After a few moments, all ascended a private jet that had been waiting for them on the runway. Within minutes, the aircraft’s door

closed, and the pilot began takeoff. Desti nation: unknown.

All the Reason for Panic

A group of civilians with an entourage of IRGC rushing through check-in at Imam Khomeini is, by all accounts, not a typical incident.

Once is notable. Twice is already highly unusual.

But reportedly, this scene has been re peating itself – in one form or another – up to five times a day for nearly three weeks.

Of course, regime-controlled media would never report on such an occurrence, let alone offer an explanation.

But the consistency of these strange chartered flights from Tehran was even tually picked up by international outlets. As it turns out, these groups of women and minors are none other than the families of regime officials fleeing the country.

As several investigations have now con firmed, there have been a steady stream of officials seeking to get their families, assets, and themselves, out of the Islamic Repub lic. Some sources have even reported on of ficials applying for foreign passports wher ever and however there may be a chance to obtain them.

At the same time as the families of ministers were taking off the runways of Imam Khomeini, leaders were making public speeches warning protesters they were being used as pawns of international

Persian Pandemonium

The Recent Iranian Protests are Exposing the Regime’s Fault Lines

actors to overthrow the government. The Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said in his first speech breaking the silence on Amini’s death that the protests were actually a joint plot of the U.S. and Israel.

“I say frankly,” stated Khamenei to a crowd at a military training center in Teh ran, “these incidents were planned by the United States, the Zionist regime, and their followers.”

Khamenei urged protesters not to take part in these “unnatural” protests, there by falling prey to the machinations of the Americans and the Jews.

This Time It May Be Different

To be sure, Iran is no stranger to an ti-regime protests. Over the past fifteen years, there have been several major pro

test waves that swept the entire country, resulting in massive civil unrest and wholescale violence. The first of these modern eruptions took place in the early days of the Obama administration at a time when the West felt confident the United States’ new appeasement strategy toward Tehran would lead to a more peaceful situation, not just in Iran itself, but in the region as a whole.

But alas, it was not to be. In the sum mer of 2009, the progressive Green Move ment of Iran took to the streets to protest the presidency of Mahmud Ahmadenijad and what was almost certainly a rigged election that had brought him into power that June. The Green Movement protests, which lasted well into the following year, were the first display in contemporary times of the disdain the people of Iran had

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for their Islamist overlords. It was also an important showcase of what the regime was willing to do to protect itself against dis sent. Protesters were routinely brutalized. Hundreds were arrested. Some three dozen were killed. Countless others suffered se vere injuries.

Since that period, major coordinated demonstration waves from the 2017 De mocracy Movement to the 2021 protests over food shortages that quickly took on an anti-regime character all displayed to the world the hatred the population harbored for its government and just how far the Ayatollahs would go to eliminate threats to their power.

So why has this round seemingly trig gered such concern amongst leadership? Why are officials desperate to get out? Why is the Supreme Leader all but openly warn ing these protests could actually destabilize the government?

There are a few points worth highlight ing.

First off, the impetus for these demon strations is a highly sentimental issue. This would be true for any society, but especially one as steeped in conservative tradition as Iran is.

Mahsa Amini was a young Kurdish woman from the country’s west who was in Tehran visiting relatives. All reports in dicate she wasn’t engaged in any behavior that should have aroused the wrath of the Gast-e Ersad goons. According to eyewit ness accounts, Amini was detained, beaten, and dragged away. The next time anyone heard of her, she was in a coma, having suffered a severe head injury. She was de clared dead in a Tehran hospital two days later.

The idea that the regime would need lessly target and kill a young woman who was just minding her own business while strolling the streets of the capital struck a

chord. What’s even worse is that these mo rality enforcers have been an extremely unpopular feature of Iranian society since their inception. For a long time, there has been an unspoken “truce” of sorts between the regime and the people that the morality police will keep a low profile. But that dras tically changed following the election of the current president Ebrahim Raisi, a known clerical extremist.

– election fraud, economic crisis, etc. – this movement from its outset was explicitly targeting the essence of the regime and its totalitarian nature.

And this leads us to the second unique feature of the Amini Protests: they have exposed, in many powerful ways, the fault lines of the regime as an institution. Under standing this point is crucial and goes to the heart of how the Ayatollahs view them

faction among many that had succeeded in replacing the old order. From day one, the Islamic Republic was on shaky ground. Weak, strapped for cash, and international ly isolated, the Ayatollahs knew they were still vulnerable to being usurped by other political forces: Arab movements, Kurd ish movements, secularist communists… you name it. The main focus of the regime quickly became protecting itself. This is what spurred the founding of the IRGC, a military organization with the explicit pur pose of defending not the Iranian people, but the regime itself.

Thus, the Gast-e Ersad, with the seeth ing hatred toward it harbored by the young er generation, was the perfect catalyst to kick off large-scale violence.

Indeed, in numbers alone, this latest protest phenomenon has been something unique. Over 15,000 people have been ar rested in the course of eight weeks. Some 240 people have been killed including doz ens of children.

While other protests may have been rooted in specific policies or states of affairs

selves and their position of power in Iran.

At the time of the Islamic Revolution in Iran over four decades ago, the coun try was in the midst of turmoil following generations of sustained political crises. In the mid- to late-1970s, the period in which the Revolution took place, nationwide op position to the Shah was not particularly religious in nature. It was characterized by anti-corruption sentiments, the desire to implement the rule of law fairly, and pro motion of policies to spread the benefits of Iran’s natural resources (i.e., oil) in a pub licly beneficial manner. In other words, the collective force that toppled the Shah and opened the door to a governmental alterna tive was, by any definition, quite liberal in character. Ayatollah Khomeini, who was a popular political exile and had already cul tivated a substantial network of supporters throughout the country, managed to ride this wave and install the current Islamist system.

While the above historical description is a bit oversimplified, the point is this: the regime never commanded country-wide support that was fully in line with its ideology. The regime was merely the one

By the early 1980s, countrywide crack downs were taking place, rounding up any one suspected of colluding with opposition groups. All of this meant the regime came into its own while ensconced in the mind set of self-preservation. And the sad fact is, the regime has never grown out of this mentality.

For the entire history of the Islamic Re public, the main interest of the government has been to hold on to its own power – even at the dire expense of the population. Re strictive election laws and the dictatorial status enjoyed by the Supreme Leader have prevented political reformers in Iran (and there are many) to gain a substantial foothold. We saw this in action during last year’s presidential election when a coun cil under the jurisdiction of Ali Khamenei summarily disqualified hundreds of can didates mere weeks before the ballot boxes opened.

The regime’s response to the protests at every level demonstrates just how warped and dysfunctional the Ayatollah govern ment is.

Imagine this scene: a small town in western Iran organizes a demonstration to protest Amini’s death. The hundred-orso-people turnout is met with a small fleet of armored personnel carriers manned by IRGC to quash the gathering.

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 91
A protest in Tehran in 1979 in support of Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
No cost is too high for Tehran when it comes to defending the regime from its adversaries.
Khamenei has accused the US and Israel of fomenting the protests

Now, having overseen procurement of these and similar vehicles myself, I can tell you, they’re not cheap. But as numerous in cidents over the past month have shown, even in the most underdeveloped areas of the country, the regime still allocates re sources to buying military-grade hardware for use against its own people. This is the very type of thing that enrages the protest ers even more.

Or consider some of the measures used to prevent protesters from organizing. Of ficials have repeatedly shut down internet coverage in all or large parts of the coun try to ensure activists will not be able to communicate using encrypted apps. But, as many of the Mullahs may not realize, use of the internet isn’t limited to protest organizing. Much like the rest of the world, Iranians utilize the internet for business. Whole industries in the country rely on internet communication. The financial losses inflicted upon the Iranian economy as a result of the current internet outages are estimated at $50 million per day. But again, no cost is too high for Tehran when it comes to defending the regime from its adversaries.

Lastly, the regime has made a fool of itself by showing just how out of touch it is. State-controlled media is, of course, hard at work framing protests in Iran and around the world in a certain way – mostly by playing them down. But what officials have failed to notice is that the people no longer rely on those outlets for informa tion. Iranians today tune into BBC Persian or other international outlets broadcast in their language. Even when internet access is sparce, protesters still manually dis seminate footage captured on the scene by smartphone cameras.

But the state is totally oblivious to this. Recently, there was a massive Amini-in

spired protest held in Germany organized by the Iranian diaspora in the country. About 100,000 people showed up. Reports on the event from regime-controlled out lets in Iran stated that “a few thousand Ira nians” had taken to the streets in Germany “to protest rising energy costs.” It’s not the lying that’s so pathetic. It’s that the ones in control still believe the lying is effective.

Getting Out of Hand

Many harbor hopes that the current protest wave, which shows no signs of slowing down, may actually be able to effect real change in Iran.

There are even some signs that sup port for the protesters is beginning to seep into state entities. While some of these reports have been, in my opinion, a bit outlandish, many others likely contain a kernel of truth.

There have been circulating reports, for example, that the Iranian army (not

that IRGC troops are being gunned down at these protests. And not just any troops but high-ranking officers. One of the most recent incidents involved the death of Mehdi Molashahi, a Guard Corps Col onel who was shot along with a member of the IRGC-controlled paramilitary force

Public messages by Black Reward im plied the files were obtained by hacking government databases. While this is not an impossibility, it is much more likely that at least some of the more sensitive material – like the surveillance camera footage, for example – was leaked to the group by insiders. This would mean that the state’s most carefully guarded in dustry is home to protest sympathizers. There’s no doubt that more “hacked” re gime files will be forthcoming.

IRGC, but the army actually tasked with defending the Iranian population) has been clashing with IRGC troops in vari ous protests throughout the country. Now, the implication of these reports – and I’m sure what many people are imagining when they read something like this – is that units of Iranian military are engag ing in large-scale battles with Guard Corps soldiers. There have not been any credible confirmations this is actually happening. But what most certainly is happening is

known as the Basij. Both men died while responding to protests in the southeastern city of Zahedan, a location where activists have been particularly violent.

There have been several incidents of armed men showing up to protests. The IRGC has so far confirmed at least two high-ranking officers have been killed by gunfire in recent days. Reports of “the army taking on the IRGC” are likely overblown. What is more likely, however, is that military personnel, operating on their own volition, are attending these demonstrations with the intention of shooting back.

And this support seems to not be lim ited to lone AWOL soldiers.

In late October, the Iranian hacker group Black Reward published classified information from the state Atomic Energy Production and Development Company. The leak even included security footage from inside an unidentified Iranian nu clear facility. Black Reward had threat ened to leak the data, which it called the “dirty nuclear project of the Mullahs’ regime,” if the government did not re lease political prisoners and protesters detained during Amini-protests.

Today, experts on Iranian society will tell you that support for the regime does not exceed ten percent of the pop ulation. With the incredible momentum the Amini Movement has achieved in Iran and around the world, the conditions are there for real and substantive impact.

However, we should all keep in mind: a happy ending to all of this is not a for gone conclusion by any means. The re gime, as we have seen, will not go quietly. Even keeping the current system in place but acquiescing to major reforms is in the mind of the Mullahs a capitulation they must avoid at all costs.

The IRGC has 350,000 members, all of whom are highly motivated true be lievers who are prepared to kill and die to make sure Iran stays an Islamic Republic. Furthermore, there are powerful foreign stakeholders with a significant interest in ensuring the current regime stays afloat – namely, Russia and China. It is an open question if Beijing or Moscow (the latter being a bit entangled in its own conflict at the moment) would come to Tehran’s aid.

But one thing is certain: these pro tests, more than any other in recent his tory, have laid bare the weaknesses of the Iranian regime and its complete reliance on force to control a population that de spises them.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 92
Members of the morality police
No cost is too high for Tehran when it comes to defending the regime from its adversaries.
Marching in Berlin in solidarity for the Iranian people

What’s Happening at i-Shine Five Towns

What’s Happening at i-Shine Five Towns

i-Shine had a great time painting at Make It Too, generously sponsored by Sharona Ho man, and baking delicious treats for Shabbos.

i-Shine had a great time painting at Make It Too, generously sponsored by Sharona Ho man, and baking delicious treats for Shabbos.

i-Shine is Chai Lifeline’s afterschool program for children living with illness or loss in their families.

i-Shine is Chai Lifeline’s afterschool program for children living with illness or loss in their families.

i-Shine 5 Towns, hosted by HAFTR, pairs young participants with high school-aged mentors and counselors who provide homework assistance and tutoring, play games, and engage in sports and other recreational activities in a nurturing and fun environment.

i-Shine 5 Towns, hosted by HAFTR, pairs young participants with high school-aged mentors and counselors who provide homework assistance and tutoring, play games, and engage in sports and other recreational activities in a nurturing and fun environment.

Get involved or learn more by visiting or emailing

Get involved or learn more by visiting or emailing

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 93

Dear Teen Talk,

My grade is having a Shabbaton this weekend in an outof-town kollel community. We are all being set up at different families. As soon as the planning started, we all filled out forms listing the girls we would want to stay with. I spent the weeks before the Shabbaton awaiting the fun and camaraderie I would have rooming with at least one of the four girls I wrote down.

Three days before the weekend (yesterday for me), we found out who we were rooming with. I was shocked when I found out I was placed with no one on my list. As a matter of fact, I was placed with just one girl, and I have very little to do with her. I know she doesn’t have many friends and she likes me; I’m pretty sure she wrote me down. All my friends were placed with at least one girl they requested. Even more than that, they are all placed with a bunch of other girls, who are socially con nected, while I am put with a girl who is not my type and not in my social sphere.

What should I do?! Truthfully, it’s not fair that I am not placed with any of the girls I chose. I heard from the girls who went last year that the “chevra” you’re placed with makes all the dif ference. From what I hear, a special bond takes place between the girls and the host family. The purpose of the experience is that since we experience Shabbos in homes where there is a lot of mesiras nefesh for Torah, it’s an incredible opportunity for growth.

I believe I have every right to go to the Shabbaton coordina tor and contest my placement. After all, we were told that every girl will be with at least one girl she picks. Also, I am very much involved in other aspects of the planning. As a choir director, I have given many hours of my time coordinating details, so the entertainment should be exciting. I have done so much for the “ruach” of the school; in a sense, I think they owe me and should come through for me.

I was about to approach the coordinator to address the is sue. At first, however, I ran it by my mother. She understood my hurt, but also pointed out that if I ask to be switched, I would be hurting the girl I was placed with. The exclusion she would

Teen Talk, a new column in TJH

feel as a result would be very damaging and quite possibly cause her to skip the whole Shabbaton.

I then thought of an idea where we both will ben efit. What if I arrange that she is placed with me along with my friends? This way, I get to be with my friends, and she doesn’t feel rejected; we can all be together! My mother, however, still tells me that I should not change anything. She believes that even though I have good intentions, if I go ahead and switch things around, this girl will likely still feel hurt. She also pointed out to me that as a committee head, I have to uphold certain values, and this may affect my credibility.

By the time you answer this letter, I will have already expe rienced the Shabbaton. Although I feel wronged that I was not given any of my choices, and I have every right to go to the one in charge to make the changes I deserve, I am listening to my mother. Honestly, I am not looking forward to this coming Shabbos. So much of the enjoyment is derived from staying up at night having great conversations. Moreover, I am at a dis advantage because I am not with a “chevra,” but rather with a random girl, and therefore, I will not have that opportunity to connect with my host family. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I feel gypped. I am going, though, with the mehalech that this is the right thing to do and something good will come out of it.

Thank you, -I rather not sign even my first name because of the situation

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 94 Teen Talk
, is geared towards the teens in our community. Answered by a rotating roster of teachers, rebbeim, clinicians, and peers (!), teens will be hearing answers to many questions they had percolating in their minds and wished they had the answers for.

Dear Amazing Girl,

Wow! A popular girl choosing to spend an entire Shabbos weekend with someone other than her very good friend! What an eye-opener to your classmates, teachers, and even to your family. You are surely admired by your classmates for your surprising decision. The hanhala and teach ers respect your maturity in performing this chesed. Your family can be proud of their exceptional daughter. Just because something is unfair does not mean that you can go ahead and redo arrangements just to suit your needs. When someone else’s feelings are at stake, righteousness precedes fairness. Fair does not mean right!

Pursuing the event coordinator to fix the mistake she may have made is wrong. What is the moral approach you should be taking? Changing things around to ensure you have a good time or behaving b’yashrus and en abling someone else who is not as “cool” as you feel acceptance?

I like your mother! She is awesome. I ap preciate her unbendable approach to stand up for the truth. You are blessed to have someone who models the Torah’s ideals as your mother. You acted wisely for seeking her guidance as opposed to dealing with it yourself.

I was in a similar predicament as you many years ago when I was in high school. I was looking forward to going on a much anticipated class weekend. We also were able to request a friend to bunk with. Somehow, I was placed with a girl that I had very little, if anything, to do with, while my friends were all placed together in large groups. This girl was fairly new to Yiddishkeit and wasn’t as “with-it” as the other girls. To make matters worse, while my friends were set up in homes that had other family members their age residing there, the two of us were placed in a home inhabited by one older woman. (Her children were long-married and out of the

house.) When I found out about this, I was so upset. I felt let down and was confused about what I should do. In theory, it made sense for me to make the switch and stay with my friends…but what about this girl who would be left all alone? What about her feelings? She would feel abandoned by me.

I reasoned with myself and thought long and hard. This was a Shabbaton whose sole purpose was to foster friendship; to infuse social and emotional development. Is it not a contradiction to the goal of the Shabba ton to redo arrangements in order to suit

When we got to the house, the woman was waiting up for us with cookies and hot cups of tea. We took off our coats and spent time conversing with this little old lady, who I realized was quite sharp and spunky. I don’t remember what we discussed, but I do remember being impressed with the other girl. The next day, this girl and I got up on time to go to shul (whereas most of the other girls overslept because they must have stayed up into the night). A special bond was developed between the two of us. Years later, this girl became a five-star

my liking in the name of being fair when someone else will be pained as a result?! Is not the Shabbaton’s purpose to bring about “aliyah” (growth)? I decided to keep the ar rangements. I knew this was ordained by Hashem and would be for my benefit.

Whenever social situations don’t pro ceed as we expected them to, we must understand that they are all orchestrated by Hashem in our best interests. I vividly remember socializing and laughing with large groups of girls as we left the Fri day night program. Once we got to the corner, my roommate and I separated from the girls to walk by our selves to our host. I told myself, “I know I’m missing out on a funfilled night, but I’m on this world for a higher purpose. All my years of learning Chumash, Navi, Kesuvim, Yahadus, etc. are in vain if I am not going to apply the les sons to my life! Let’s see if I can pass this nisayon.”

mechaneches and leader in Klal Yisroel, one of the most looked-up-to woman I know.

How fortunate I am to have spent a Shabbos with this smart and talented per son. I could have easily turned it down and would have never forged a bond with her. Our actions have ripple effects. Always. Per haps my decision to stay with her caused her to enjoy all the weekend had to offer (shiurim, panel discussions, performances, etc.) and in turn, she grew stronger in her frumkeit. If I would have left her, maybe she would have been turned off by religious Jews and would not have grown religiously as she did over the next few years. That’s a serious possibility!

In Parashas Kedoshim, it says, “Lo sis na es achicha bilvavecha (Do not hate your brother in your heart).” The pasuk that fol lows says, “V’ahavta l’rayacha kamocha, ani Hashem (Love your friend as you love yourself, I am G-d).” The Torah teaches us that we are not allowed to harbor hateful feelings towards a fellow Jew. Every Jew is precious. Every Jew is equally important.

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 95
When you befriend someone who is outside your social circle, it’s a win-win situation

Are you a teen with a question?

If you have a question or problem you’d like our columnists to address, email your question or insight to , subject line: Teen Talk.

There is a reason that the commandment of loving our fellow Jews follows the impor tance of not harboring hate towards others in our hearts. This commandment is only attainable if we first rid our minds of “sinas chinam (senseless hate)” and replace it with “ahavas chinam (senseless love).” There is no way we can be on the level of loving our fellow Jews just as we love ourselves if we don’t rid ourselves of judging others by fri volities. The commandment is followed by the words, “Ani Hashem” to teach us that if we practice this “ahava ,” we are truly fol lowing Hashem’s ways. The best way to get close to Hakadosh Baruch Hu is through treating others with unconditional kindness.

My father, Harav Yonasan Binyamin Jungreis, zt”l, had a favorite vort that he would share at a simcha. He would ask the olam, “Why does the Torah start with a ‘beis’ and not an ‘alef?’ Doesn’t it make more sense to start with an ‘alef’; after all, that’s the first letter of the ‘alef-beis!’

“The Torah starts with a ‘beis’ on pur pose; to teach us a lesson. ‘Tovim hashnay im min haechad (two is better than one).’ One must be careful not to look out just for himself; he must always look out for the oth er person.”

He would then ask everyone, “And now, my dear friends, what is the last letter in the Torah? ‘Lamed!’ It is not a coincidence that the first and last letter of our precious Torah spell ‘lev (heart).’ The ikar (main point) of life is to have a ‘lev tov.’ If we want to fol low the ways of the Torah properly, being good-hearted is essential and precedes any other dictates of the Torah.”

My father loved to learn Torah. He stud ied it throughout his days and nights, yet he would always emphasize the Chazal, “Derech eretz kadma LaTorah.”

In my mid-high school years, a new girl joined my grade from out of town. Her ap pearance was unlike that of my other class

mates. She spoke differently than my peers. Her background made me believe she couldn’t relate to my friends. I knew what it felt like to be a “newbie” and there fore offered her that affirmation. (I switched schools in fifth grade, and initially, it was a very overwhelming experience for me.) As a result of that validation, she felt comfortable with me and stuck with me. At first, it was somewhat annoying. Out of a sense of duty, I knew that I had to be nice to her and not detach myself from her. Honestly, an authentic and beau tiful relationship developed be tween the two of us. Actually, she became very popular. I would often smile to my self and wonder, “Did my connection to her affect her social accomplish ment?”

When you befriend some one who is outside your social cir cle, it’s a win-win situation. Your new friend wins, of course. She feels good by your over tures. In turn, that inclusion brings out her best and maximizes her social success. Moreover, your “win” is the most victorious of all, as the acceptance, friendliness, and tolerance that you exhibit actually sharpen your people skills and improve your social graces.

In Pirkei Avos it states, “Aizehu mechu bad? Hamechabed es habriyos (Who is re spected? One who respects others).” True popularity stems out of giving of one’s self to others. When one gives honor, kindness, a helping hand, or attention to someone else, the one who benefits the most is the giver. As a person is careful to consider other people’s feelings, a healthy self-confidence blooms. This person is comfortable in “his/her own skin” and doesn’t feel the need to constantly surround him/herself with people who are

like him/her. He/she feels at ease sitting at a gathering next to any one! As a result, this person actual ly becomes more and more likeable to others, causing many to recognize his/her magnificence.

You see…it’s cool to include and be down right friendly to others! That is the secret to real popularity.

You say that the goal of this Shabbaton is to develop a sense of mesiras nefesh for To rah. I can’t think of a better way of display ing mesiras nefesh for Torah than to accept this ruling and fly with it. The dividends are not just for the long run; you will reap the benefits in the short run, too! As you spend time with this girl, you will feel a certain genuineness within. You are connecting in a real way, without the social pressures you may experience when surrounded with your friends. The sincerity between the two of you will be apparent to your host family. You surely don’t need to be with your “chevra” in order to better connect with your host fami ly. Quite the contrary. Their appreciation for you is based on the honorable way in which you treated each other.

Yes, as a choir head, you have an obliga tion to behave like a leader. You represent values and should live by them. Your credi bility surely is minimized if you act selfishly and seek to amend the arrangements. Your maturity is transformed into immaturity by petty acts like this.

I believe we are all disillusioned with our current world. We live in a state of uncertain and torrential times. We long for the Geu lah. The secret to achieving this yeshua is through ahavas chinam , loving our fellow Jews for no reason; just for the mere fact that they are fellow Jews. If we adapt this mehalech (approach) into our daily lives, we will surely bring forth the final redemption! May it come speedily in our day.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 96
Mrs. Chayala Isbee is a long-time educator and school counselor at Bais Yaakov of Baltimore.
@cahalcommu 540 A Willow Ave. Cedarhurst, NY 11516 Chanukah Boutique Menorah Lisa & Larry Siegel Take It Personally Randi & Richard Silber Gelt Sunday, December 4th, 2022 1-6 pm HANC - ECC 240 Hempstead Avenue West Hempstead, NY Shop for Success! Sponsorship Opportunities: Menorah: $720 * Maccabee: $540 Sufganiyah: $360 * Gelt: $180 To become a Sponsor, please visit us at or email and Meir Cohen V E N D O R S Riva & Eran Ratner Melody & Robert Harris Anonymous Thank you to our Sponsors: Sufganiyah Toby & David Schnall Pizza & Donuts availablefor purchase! Phoebe and Michael Lukin Riesterer's Bejeweled by Lisa

Dating Dialogue

What Would You Do If…

Dear Navidaters,

I’m grappling with an issue and hoping you could help me.

I’m 29 and have been dating for a long time. My best friend who is my age is engaged and in her own world. I’m so happy for her, but suddenly I feel so alone in the world. We did everything together and shared everything with each other. I feel guilty about these inner thoughts I feel. Instead of feeling thrilled for her, I feel upset at her, almost annoyed. I wake up in the morning and feel so alone, like I’m the last single girl on earth.

All this is illogical, I know. But it’s how I feel. How can I work through this?

Thank you, Esti*

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 98
Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters

The Rebbetzin

Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S. Esti, the answer to this challenge is ac tion. Join a new class or two which is not about frontal learning. Rather, explore an interest and a hobby in a group envi ronment. Volunteer in a new environment, preferably one that gives you the ability to interact with people in a live environment and develop relationships such as driving someone for medical appointments, stay ing in the hospital with a patient, or doing reading practice in a school where there are kids who need help but whose parents can’t afford the time/money.

Reach out to other young women in your general age group and suggest outings, coffee dates, day trips, sports activities, cul tural events, and other recreation. Some times, it will be a group of two or three. Sometimes, schedules will permit only one person at a time. Most young women who

remain single longer than expected expand their circle of friends to include other young women in their neighborhoods and beyond. These people may not have been your first pick, but you will be surprised to find that they are worthwhile, introduce you to new interests and new environments. You may eventually find fun people to travel with, even if you have to negotiate dates and des tinations.

There are now several organizations for young single frum women. Lechu V’nelcha is a large network of Bais Yaakov-type girls in various locations who meet for shiurim, Shabbatons, and trips. Hasviva is largely focused on navigating work life. You might meet some likeminded potential friends there. There are also professional groups these days for frum women which will include marrieds but can also be a good choice for professional and personal en richment and camaraderie.

Don’t feel sorry for yourself. Get out there. Do things. Make new friends. Thrive!

The Shadchan

Michelle Mond

Losing a friend is one of the hardest, most painful events to go through. I know many might think that just because she is getting married does not mean that your relationship is over, but many times that proves to simply not be true. It is not a malicious thing, but close friends tend to split if their circumstances change –whether it be a big event such as marriage or a small event such as switching schools or religiosity changes.

As with any loss, the most important factor that will play here in your recovery is time. Just as elementary school friends morph into new middle school friends, and high school friends morph into new sem inary friends, marriage usually brings on new married friends.

First and foremost, let yourself feel. Your pain is so real and so valid. Do not

let guilt creep up into your psyche and make you feel “wrong” for thinking these thoughts; you did nothing wrong. You’re ex periencing a loss like any other. Over time, you will slowly feel better.

When you’re ready, put yourself out there to make new friends. Join a gym and take classes, tap into an old hobby and join a group of people who enjoy doing the same thing. Connect with mentors who host sin gles and create opportunities for both dat ing and meeting other people. Make a list of people you know whom you want to become closer with. Take steps to prioritize these people in a way that will bring you closer, fostering new friendships.

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 99
The Panel
Give yourself time to grieve but don’t drown in it.

I hope you are able to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon!

The Single

Tzipora Grodko

Dear Esti, I have been there. My friends have been there. And many others who have called me for support have been there. Your feelings are completely validated. This is a HUGE adjustment that nobody real ly prepares you for and comes across as a personal shock once these new unfamiliar feelings come up.

I strongly recommend sharing your feelings with your friend. If she’s your best friend, then she will probably notice a shift between the two of you and feel unsure how to respond. Honestly, she probably has her own concerns in knowing how to share her happiness without upsetting

you. It’s a new and very sensitive time for both of you, and my famous answer is… drumroll….COMMUNICATE!

Share your heart with your best friend. Tell her your love her, are ecstatically hap py for her, and also feel lonely while under standing that the relationship is shifting. Be vulnerable. Communicate, state your needs, and I can guarantee that it will com pletely change how you feel.

The Zaidy

Dr. Jeffrey Galler

along and the relationship dissolves; a suddenly widowed woman finds that she is no longer made to feel comfortable among couples who had been their closest friends.

For young adults, there is an important stage of psychosocial development, known as the “Intimacy vs. Isolation” phase. During this stage, if we develop normal ly, we enjoy personal, caring relationships with someone other than a family member.

You have succeeded in going through this stage very positively but are now wor ried that the close relationship that you had enjoyed might be ending and you worry about feeling abandoned.

Medicine, “Right now, you are wondering if you are ever again going to have a close re lationship and are worried about being all alone. You worry that you might be losing your best friend who has been your prima ry social support.


riendships that once seemed like un breakable, life-long attachments, often do not survive life-altering changes.

For example, a best friend moves to a different neighborhood and the friendship does not survive geographic dislocation; the wives of two best friends don’t get

At this point, you’re hurting. And your desire to never again experience this kind of hurt in the future might cause you to avoid forming close relationships with new friends. And, if you do avoid new friend ships and new relationships, that avoid ance can lead to feelings of isolation and depression.

So, Esti, give yourself time to grieve but don’t drown in it.

“The good news is that you have already proven to yourself that you possess all the skills and tools needed to form that kind of good, positive relationship, and hopefully you will, once again, be able to form that kind of strong connection with a new girl friend, or a boyfriend, in the future.

Pulling It All Together

The Navidaters

Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists

Dear Esti,

Thank you for writing into the panel. It is absolutely normal to feel exactly the way you are feeling. You are holding onto so many emotions at once, and they can feel confusing – happiness for your friend, lone liness, guilt about your personal thoughts etc. Even your annoyance with her is kind of typical. What does it say about me if I feel this way? I’ll tell you what it says. It says you are absolutely normal and healthy. What would not be OK is if you are taking out your frustration on your friend or guilt ing her for her happiness. I don’t think that

is what is happening.

I find that so often in life, we believe that if we have complicated or un pleasant emotions something is wrong with us. And we want the fix. We want the feelings to go away. This is more often than not a sign that you are already are working through your feelings! The feel ings are supposed to be there. So, wel come them. Hold space for all of them. I am happy and annoyed. I feel guilt and excitement. I am feeling a sense of loss

According to Dr. Dana Hodkin, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychia try at NYU Grossman School of

“Be reassured, that it’s 100% normal to feel the way you do right now, and these feelings are quite prevalent among folks your age. It’s normal and healthy to ac knowledge these feelings of loss. And now, you can use the excellent relationship skills that you clearly possess, in order to form new relationships.”

as I watch my friend transition to the happiest moment of her life. I feel it all, and I am going to allow myself to feel it all and I am absolutely healthy. There is no quick fix and no way not to feel what I am feeling.

I am a big fan of journaling to pro cess one’s thoughts and feelings. If you’re feeling something, write it down. Or paint it. Or sing it. Or record yourself on your phone. Say it in front of the mirror. And give yourself a gigantic hug for having all these hard feelings.

You are allowed to feel happy for your friend and worried about your own self at the same time. When you feel ready, start hanging out with other friends. Try to find another friend or two to start doing things with. Whenever a friend’s relationship sta

tus changes, it means change for us. That is a universal truth.

Some friendships are seasonal, and some are for a lifetime. I hope you and your best friend are lifetime friends. If you are, your relationship may change for a time, but you will be back together in a new way with time. If you are seasonal friends, then she was sent to you for a period of your life, and you can try to tap into your gratitude for your season while grieving the loss (when you are ready.)

In the meantime, if your feelings be come too great, you may want to consid er speaking with someone for some extra support right now and to help you work through the way you are feeling.

Wishing you all the best, Jennifer Mann, LCSW

Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in pri vate practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit www. for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 100
Some friendships are seasonal, and some are for a lifetime.
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 101

School of Thought

Q:Dear Etti,

I went to my 3rd grader’s PTA meetings expecting a glowing report. The teacher did not look pleased to see me and basically showered me with a list of behaviors that proved my child was not working at grade level and was not al ways cooperating. I feel betrayed. First, if this is true, wouldn’t I have noticed any of this at home? Second, why did I get ambushed? Shouldn’t I have been given this information earlier? And finally, what should I do now?

-Bewildered and Frustrated


Dear Bewildered and Frustrated,

I feel your pain. I agree that being blindsided is not OK. In a perfect world, the teacher would have been in touch with you about this before PTA. But let’s not focus on the delivery. Let’s focus on the information.

When a parent hears news about their child, no mat ter what the age, the first thing a parent needs to do is not overreact. Dr. Andrea Canter, a nationally certified long-time school psychologist for the Minneapolis school district, says, “It is natural for parents to become upset when first hearing about ‘problems’ in the classroom, but usually the first signs of trouble are just that – early warning signs that something needs attention. It does not usually mean that the child has a disability or will fail the grade or will never catch on.”

The second thing a parent should NOT do is blame the teacher or get defensive or decide the teacher is wrong or unqualified, which is something parents can jump to when getting upset. Instead, become a detective with the goal of helping your child. The National Association of School Psychologists suggests that you ask a list of ques tions (and I suggest you ask them in a neutral tone, in a caring way, as the teacher is nervous and uncomfortable telling you this information):

• When did the problem begin?

• How long has it been going on?

• How different is my child’s behavior/actions from the other children in the class? (Obviously the teacher cannot share names, but you want a general idea of your child’s deficit.)

• Are there any other ar eas my child is struggling?

• What are my child’s strengths?

Find out if the other teacher (as a child in a Jew ish day school or yeshiva usually has at least two teachers) is seeing the same lagging skills.

Perhaps the jump between grades means you need to be more involved, and you did not realize. No worries. Start now. Is homework coming home? Is it getting back to school? Whatever the problem is, see if the teacher has ideas and find out if the school has resources available to you. This is not labeling your child, just helping your child so he/she does not need a label.

The teacher might not have the tools to understand why your child is having issues but can tell you how your child is doing as compared to the rest of the class, which is helpful information. Teachers can make mistakes, but take the information being given to you seriously. See the teacher as a collaborator and an advocate and sincerely thank the teacher.

But what if conferences already happened, and you reacted badly?

Send a note apologizing and explaining you were caught off-guard and that you know the teacher only has the best interest of your child at heart. Then ask to set up a phone call follow-up or in-person meeting. At that meeting, go to the step above and begin fact-finding, in

a neutral tone, of course.

• Ask what is being done about the issue.

• Ask what strategies you can follow to help.

• Prepare, with the teacher, a tentative action plan that can be followed at school and at home to address and help the situ ation, that you can both actually do.

• Schedule a follow-up conference to see if the teacher sees changes and mark any improvements.

Please note: There are certain grades that require new skills or introduce new concepts, such as first, third, fifth, and seventh. In those grades particularly, lagging skills are more easily noticed. It is a help when a teacher is able to bring these deficits to your attention. When and if teachers are scared to tell parents the truth, the person hurt the most of your child. So many lagging skills can be caught early and taught!

Make sure your child’s teacher knows how much he/ she is appreciated. Send gifts and notes because what they do is valuable to your child’s day-to-day life, and you should appreciate him/her.

Keep in mind that your child must face the teacher every day of this school year and don’t make it awkward for either of them with disapproval.

Have a great year growing with your child,

Mrs. Etti Siegel holds an MS in Teaching and Learning/Educational Leadership and brings sound teaching advice to her audiences culled from her over 35 years of teaching and administrative experience. She is an Adjunct at the College of Mount Saint Vincent/Sara Shenirer. She is a coach and educational consultant for Catapult Learning, is a sought-after mentor and workshop presenter around the country, and a popular presenter for Sayan (a teacher-mentoring program), Hidden Sparks, and the Consortium of Jewish Day Schools. She is a frequent contributor to Hamechanech Magazine and The Journal for Jewish Day School leaders. She will be answering your education-based questions and writing articles weekly for The Jewish Home. Mrs. Siegel can be reached at

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 102
Become a detective with the goal of helping your child.
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 103

Parenting Pearls

Terrific Teens

After a few weeks of more intense topics, I thought it would be nice to have a more relaxed article. I’m still unsure why I chose “teens” as a calmer topic. Teenagers are not known for giving parents a serene feeling.

Being completely honest, for years, I dreaded my children hitting their teen age years. As my oldest approached that frightening age, I reached out to those with older children, desperate for help. I received many different pieces of ad vice but the one that made me smile the most was hearing that it’s similar to the toddler years – “both stages are cute but in different ways.” I’m often reminded of that comment when my teens aren’t act ing so sweet and I need some humor – it usually works to calm me down.

While comparing teens to toddlers may seem odd or offensive at first, there really are some similarities. Both are time periods of major changes and rapid development. Additionally, both have negative reputations. Many have heard of “the terrible twos” but there are many others that reframe this age as the “terrific twos.” Despite the difficulty our teens may give us at times, perhaps we,

too, can refocus and start to sometimes think in terms of our terrific teens. This isn’t just mind games we desperately en gage in but an opportunity to appreciate the maturing individuals our babies are becoming.

I am not ignoring the very challeng ing nature of this time period. It can be confusing and upsetting for parents and children alike. As you read this article, please don’t think I own exclusively rose-colored glasses and am unable to see the reality. In a world that often focuses exclusively on our “terrible” teens, I felt it worthwhile to have at least one article devoted just to our “terrific teens.”

The Teenage Challenge

Like infancy and toddlerhood, the teenage years are a period of major growth and development that accom pany life changes. While our toddlers never ask themselves, “Am I a baby or a child?” teens are often in the position of not knowing whether they’re children or adults at any given moment. Transitions are difficult and a marker of this age.

As expected, boys and girls are very

different as they maneuver this time pe riod. While newborns of both genders tend to eat, sleep, and wet themselves similarly, male-female differences be come more pronounced as they mature. Boys, from what I was told (and have ex perienced), were generally more aloof, while girls tended to be “in your face” during these teenage years.

The natural hormonal changes and upheaval make these maturing young sters more emotional and prone to ex treme responses, such as anger, crying or chutzpah. Increased responsibilities, along with a more challenging school schedule, create a higher-pressured en vironment than their childhood years.

It can help us be more compassion ate to our volatile children when we realize that they’re confused navigat ing through their current life stage and it’s nothing personal against us (even if they say otherwise).

The Bracha

It’s during these years that their per sonalities will continue to develop and flourish. We now get to see more of who they are and will eventually become.

Their talents continue to emerge, as do their problem-solving skills and ability to contribute to their family and com munity.

Little ones are very entertaining, and they say the funniest things. Alter natively, teens are beginning to under stand the world on a deeper level and can be good conversationalists. They can hold their own in real discussions, making us think deeper as we help them better understand the adult world they’re only now becoming a part of. They still have strong black-and-white thinking tendencies but are starting to navigate into that murky – but some times fun – gray area. Many parents find they start to enjoy these more ma ture conversations with their teens.

It’s really enjoyable seeing their humor develop, and they can really make their parents laugh. They can be clever, witty, or sarcastic, but they can tell jokes and give one-liners like pro fessionals. Little kids may be funny to watch, but teens can be humorous and entertaining shmoozers.

Now is an excellent time to have dis cussions on hashkafa and your family’s

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 104

values. While these discussions start from a young age, it’s really during these young adulthood years that our children are primed for these discussions and be gin to understand these deeper topics.

Parents may find they enjoy doing shared activities with their teens who are now functioning closer to adults. They can provide real competition and challenge during games or sports and contribute equally to other activities. When learning together, a teen becomes more of a chavrusa than student. Rather than depend on the adults to entertain them, they can give back and even lead at times.

Little ones need constant care and oversight. Teens are long past those days of being fed and changed. They are capable of taking care of themselves and of greater responsibilities. Parents can appreciate focusing more on connecting through conversation and not be over whelmed by late-night nursing sessions. As they get older, they not only take care of their own basic needs, they become responsible for their schoolwork (no easy task), extracurricular activities and day-to-day functioning. This all starts to prepare them for adulthood.

More than just independence, they

can contribute to those around them, including in the house and greater com munity. Our teens are often capable of professional level baking in the kitch en, construction around the house and sukkah, leining in shul, and driving for errands. This isn’t just taking advantage of them; teens thrive on experiencing greater independence and accomplish

But there are things we can do to de crease teen tantrums while increasing positive teen times.

Ideally, we’ve been connecting to them from when they were young, and we’re just continuing that positive trend. Teens may pull away from us, but that doesn’t mean they need us less. Be a continuous presence in their lives while

coming to us whenever they need. Now is the time to be available and prepare ourselves for those really tough conver sations. Substance abuse and unhealthy relationships are among many of the important talks we need to have. We may need to initially broach the hard topics. It’s important to remember that whatever exists in the outside world un fortunately creeps into ours. Knowing we’re here for them is one of the most important gifts we can give them.

Daven for your (and all of our) teens. Ultimately, it’s all in Hashem’s hands, and this is an important part of our hishtadlus.

ing things. Experiencing this increased freedom in a safe manner is part of their developmental needs.

Making the Investment

All teens will have their good and bad moments – like adults and everyone else. There is nothing we can do to make them into angels every waking minute.

keeping communication open. Make time for them, keeping it light and en joyable. Doing activities, taking class es, or learning together are all ways to bond and show we enjoy their company. Asking “yes or no” styled questions will yield similarly limited responses, while open-ended questions will produce more meaningful answers. We want them to feel comfortable

The teenage years are a time of tre mendous growth that comes with its own challenges. Enjoying our children as they turn into adults can be a source of nachas and simcha, while appreciat ing our teens makes that road just a bit gentler.

Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in general and special education. She has been homeschooling for over 10 years in Far Rockaway. She can be contacted at Rayvy

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 105
Teens are beginning to understand the world on a deeper level and can be good conversationalists

One Heart, One Soul

This past summer was busy for many. Loads of organized group tours headed across the world. Family and friends ventured off to ko sher programs in Tanzania, South Afri ca, The Netherlands, Iceland and Swit zerland, and Canada.

I’m not a big traveler. I fly off to visit children living out of town and head off to visit our beloved Eretz Yisrael. That’s it for me. But I do love to hear highlights of the splendid trips that family and friends so enjoy. I confess. I’m an arm chair traveler. I’m happy to sit cozy and comfy on my couch and read about all these exotic destinations. I’m perfectly content to witness the great wildebeest migration in Tanzania as portrayed on a National Geographic video on my com puter screen. That’s all fine for me! I’m happy to experience these trips vicari ously. Let the others sit on the plane for 17 hours. As for me, no, thank you.

Recently, I met up with my lovely niece and her family who had been on safari in South Africa this summer. After welcoming them back home, I inquired, “What was the highlight of your trip?” To my surprise, mother, father and teenage

children all responded almost identical ly. Of course, they appreciated the wild life, the sighting of the animals whilst on safari. But when queried individu ally, each one responded that the pre dominant factor that made this trip so

zerland. These are her words, “We have world travelers here from all over. Gerrer chassidim, families from Europe, Isra el, Brooklyn, Monsey, etc. Strike up a conversation with absolutely anyone, and you find that we all have someone

feel connected. We’re no longer alone in a big, strange airport. We have family nearby!

amazing was meeting with fellow Jews from across the globe. Although so many different communities were represented, right to left, Sefard, Ashkenaz and every thing in between, there was such a sense of camaraderie amongst them. They all felt connected, members of one big hap py family, the family of Jews!

And then I’m in touch with my cous in Miriam who is at this very moment enjoying an Israeli program in Swit

in common. We’re all mishpacha. It’s in credible. Am Yisrael is truly one! There is much more that connects us than di vides us. Our world expands in order to include new people, new horizons, and an appreciation of all Yidden.”

Beautifully stated! Thank you, dear Miriam. I love this concept. How pleased we are when we find ourselves in the air port in a foreign country and see a fellow Jew across the way. Instantaneously, we

My father-in-law, a Holocaust sur vivor, a”h, was one of those who loved his fellow Jew. Walking on the streets of Boro Park, he would stop each and every person and inquire, “Fun vonent kumt a Yid ?” Where are you from? (This interchange is recounted in the moving book, “We Are Still Here: Memoir of a Child of Survivors,” written by my sister in law, Rivka Nissel, Gefen Publishing.) He would engage in conversation with that individual, and sure enough, with out fail, he always uncovered a deep con nection to his fellow Yid. This brought him enormous satisfaction, time and time again.

Let’s savor these feelings! Hold tight to all these connections. How blessed we are to be part of acheinu kol bais Yisrael. One man. One heart. One soul.

JWOW! is a community for midlife Jew ish women which can be accessed at for conversation, articles, Zoom events, and more.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 106 jewish women of wisdom
How pleased we are when we find ourselves in the airport in a foreign country and see a fellow Jew across the way.

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Fd for Thought Bison & Bourbon

Many restaurants have some sort of defining feature that is no ticeable as soon as you walk in. Whether it be a specific smell, the decor, or even the sounds of the place, a first impression will often stick with patrons. Bison & Bourbon has a truly unique factor that’s really striking when you first walk through the archway.

I’m talking about the sheer size of the location.

When I was invited to Bison & Bour bon, I was somewhat aware of the layout. I knew that there was an outdoor court yard that was enclosed with a retractable roof. I knew that the indoor space was large. But apparently, I wasn’t totally prepared.

The courtyard is remarkable. It seats 90 people; the two side walls are made to look like storefronts from the 1920s, the period of the original warehouse whose space the restaurant now inhabits. There’s even a small second floor terrace over the outdoor bar. Compared to the outside, the inside is boring. It’s only a renovated two-story warehouse that seats 250 at tables made from reclaimed wood that was found on-site.

So, there’s no question that the loca tion contributes to the trendy vibe, but how about the food?

Well, the menu certainly features many interesting options that might make it hard to choose a direction. Two appetizers that I would recommend are the Street Tacos and the Bison Sha warma. The tacos feature a delightfully crispy tortilla shell, the sweetness of the beef is balanced by the spiciness of the chipotle mayo, and the garnishes of the radish and microgreens add a pop of col or. The crispy fried onions complement the textures that come together to form a perfect bite.

The shawarma is a really interesting menu item as it’s basically a miniature form of a main dish. The dough of the

three mini pitas is extremely soft and fluffy, while still being sturdy enough to hold what’s inside. The contents include a shawarma-spiced mixture of chicken, beef, and sautéed onions with a slightly unorthodox medley of parsley, scallions, tahini, and pita chips at the mouth of the pita. This is where everything really comes together nicely. The scallions are an excellent choice, the tahini provides the needed creaminess, and the pita chips are an inspired choice to add some crunch to the mouthfeel of these pockets of great ness.

While each of these come items with three pieces, the kitchen will make it four if you ask. This is a great feature if you’re on a date and don’t want to have to try and split the third one, or if you’re with a larger group of friends and might just want an extra.

In terms of entrees, there’s a fine selection of steaks. That said, the Ap plewood Smoked Delmonico is the way to go. The smokey flavor definitely sets this steak apart from the average cut you might find at a restaurant, the sear on the outside gives the meat a slight crispiness to go along with the chef’s preferred me dium rare on the inside, and the pickled red onions that are served atop the steak are a welcome addition of bright color and acidity. You won’t regret ordering this 14-ounce masterpiece.

However, there might be those looking for something other than steak. If that’s the case, the Tomahawk Short Ribs is a great option. These ribs are so tender that all you have to do is stick a fork in the meat, and it will practically fall off the bone. A tumbleweed of shoestring onions and a delicious chutney of diced onions and tomatoes are both present to comple ment the meat as you see fit.

Both of these dishes are accompanied by roasted seasonal vegetables, a hearty portion of impressively creamy mashed potatoes, and a savory house-made bar

beque sauce. While there are enough components to make it difficult, getting everything on your fork for one bite is really an experience in true balance of flavors and textures.

If you have room for dessert, I’d rec ommend the Oreo Cake. This house-made cake includes layers of both chocolate and white chocolate with the obvious crunch of cookie that gives the cake its name. A scoop of pareve vanilla ice cream is plated alongside the cake and validates the level of comfort behind the classic chocolate and vanilla pairing. It’s the perfect way to end a night out.

While the Gowanus and Park Slope sections of Brooklyn are not popular lo cales for kosher establishments, Bison &

Bourbon makes itself a true destination. As there may not be any other eating op tions in the area, it is certainly the type of place to which you can make multiple trips and try different things each time.

And with all those tables, they’ll almost certainly have one available for you.

Bison and Bourbon

Meat - Steakhouse

Sunday - Thursday: 5:00pm - 11:00pm

Motzei Shabbos: 7:30pm - 11:00pm (718) 422-0801 •

191 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215

Badatz Tartikov Kashrus

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 108
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 109 meat dep Glatt Kosher Top Quality Meat & Poultry 1913 Cornaga Avenue • Far Rockaway • T. 718-327-4700 F. 718-327-4701 E. Sun: 7-8 Mon: 7-8 Tue: 7-8 Wed: 7-9 Thur: 7-11 Fri: 7-2hr before zman Store Hours: Order Online: or by Email: myweekly favorite specials לארשי בלח major deals grocery dairy - frozen takeout candy/nosh households • Atlantic Beach • Long Beach • The Rockaways • Belle harbor We now offer deliveries to the following areas fresh cut fruits take a peek at our everyday special prices produce 3 DAYS ONLY Check Out Our Full Line Of SATMAR DELICIOUS DIPS (Chopped Liver/kugel/beef Gala Etc.) Nov 23,- Nov 29, PRODUCE SPECIALS WEDNESDAY THRU FRIDAY Thursday, Nov/23/22 thru Friday Nov/25/22 Specials Are Running From Wednesday Nov/23/22 Thru Tuesday Nov/29/22. Produce Sale Effective Nov/23/22 Thru Friday Nov/25/22 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities, While Supplies Last. Not Responsible For Typographical Or Photographic Errors. No Rain Checks. $0.79 Givat Yogolite Yogurt All Flavors 5 Oz $4.69 Lieber’s Snackers 13.70 Oz $5.49 Kedem Grape Juice Reg & Lite 50.70 Oz $15.99 Mehadrin Chocolate Leben (Family Pk) 12 Pk $19.99 Haolam American Cheese 108 Slice TEVYA’S RANCH GRAIN FINISHED CHICKEN & POULTRY GOURMET OVER READY 32 Oz 3/$1 Loose Containers 16. Oz 5/$1 $3.49 Fantastic Table Cover All Sizes $0.99 Plastico Cutlery Forks, Soup & Tea Spoons, Knives, 50 Ct $1.99 Plastico Zip N Close Challah Bags 2 Gallon, 15 Ct $2.99 Domino Sugar 4 Lb $4.69 Heinz Ketchup 38 Oz $3.19 Frescorti Marinara Sauce 26 Oz 2/$5 Apple & Eve Apple Juice 64 Oz $6.99 Lieber’s Pomace Olive Oil 34 Oz $8.99 Lb Chuck Eye Roast $9.99 Lb Delmonico Roast $9.99 Lb Square Cut Roast $8.99 Lb Shabbos Meat (Middle Chuck) $9.99 Lb Club Steak $14.99 Lb New York Strip Steak $7.99 Lb Dark Chicken Cutlets $4.99 Lb Crispy Chicken Legs Skinless $6.99 Lb Pickled Top Of The Rib Corned Beef $8.99 Lb 1st Cut Pastrami $6.99 Lb Pickled Kolichel Corned Beef $12.99 Lb Marinated Flanken Roast **Honey Garlic **Garlic Stir Fry **Brown Sugar Bourbon $7.99 Lb Seasoned London Broil **Brown Sugar Bourbon **Coffee Garlic ** Smokehouse Maple $7.99 Lb Crusted Beef Sliders **Pastrami **Coffee Garlic **Pepper Crusted $1.79 Gefen Chunk Light Tuna In Water 6 Oz 2/$5.99 Gefen Apple Sauce Reg & Unsweeten 6 Pk 2/$3 Shwartz Chulent Mix 16 Oz $2.69 Tuscanini Mini Gnocchi 16 Oz $1.89 Glick’s Pie Crust 6 Oz 2/$4 Duncan Hines Yellow Cake Mix & Chewy Fudge Brownies 15.25 Oz $1.39 Wacky Mac Mac & Cheese 5.50 Oz 2/$5 Fluff Marshmallow Fluff 16 Oz 2/$4 Ocean Spray Crandberry Sauce Jelled & Whole 14 Oz $4.49 Pam Cooking Spray 6 Oz $1.59 Gefen Mushrooms Stems & Pieces 8 Oz 2/$3 Gatorade Glacier & Fruit Punch 28 Oz $2.99 Oola Granola Bar All Flavors 6.6 Oz $1.59 Galil Roasted Chestnuts 3.50 Oz $3.39 Quaker Chewy Chocolate Chip Granola Bar 6.70 Oz $3.49 Post Fruity & Cocoa Pebbles Cereal 11 Oz $5.99 Gefen Chocolate Wafer 40 Pk 5/$2 Mighty Peanut Puffs 1 Oz $2.99 Lieber’s Mini Dainties 5.30 Oz 5/$2 Lieber’s Onion Rings .50 Oz $4.49 Paskesz Sandwich Cookies All Flavors 25 Oz 2/$1 Chewy Froozies All Flavors .95 Oz 3/$1 Lieber’s Fudge Lined Animal Cookies 25 Gr $3.99 Rockaway Kosher Fresh Popcorn 8/$5 La Yogurt 6 Oz $1.39 Mehadrin Krispy Yogurt All Flavors 5.30 Oz $8.49 Fresh & Healthy String Cheese 18.50 Oz $3.29 Fresh & Healthy Ricotta Cheese 16 Oz $2.89 Kineret Spray Topping 8.80 Oz $3.99 Tropicana Orange Juice (Regular & Calcium Only) 52 Oz 2/$5 Dorot Crushed Garlic Cubes 2.8. Oz $11.99 Macabee Family Pack Pizza Bagel 18 Pk $5.99 Bgan Stir Fry Vegetables 24 Oz $3.49 Tuscanini Thin Crust Pizza 8.3 Oz $7.49 Hoffman’s Pizza Snaps 20 Oz $4.49 Freund’s Tilapia Fillets 16 Oz $2.99 Flaum Dips All Variety 7.50 Oz $3.49 Holy Hummus Hummus & Tahini Dips 10 Oz $3.79 Haddar Pickle Chips 24 Oz $6.99 Old Williamsburg Smoked Nova Salmon 4 Oz $3.29 Ea 3 Lb Mcintosh 3/$3 Avocado $2.99 Ea Sweet Golden Pineapple $3.49 Ea 5 Lb Idaho Potatoes $1.19 Lb Green Peppers $4.99 Ea Bag Clementines $1.29 Lb Cortland Apple $3.49 Lb Fresh Green Grapes $7.99 Ea Fresh Sliced Mango $7.99 Ea Fresh Cut Watermelon $3.99 Ea Corn On The Cob $8.49 Ea Soup Combo

In The K tchen

Southwestern Corn Soup

Meat / Yields: about 8 servings


◦ 2 tablespoons canola oil

◦ 1 medium onion, diced

◦ 2 (14-16 ounce) bags frozen corn kernels

1 tablespoon kosher salt

◦ 1 teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon chili powder

◦ 1 teaspoon smoked paprika

4 cups chicken or vegetable broth

◦ 1 cup water

1 tablespoon lime juice

Optional Turkey Croutons

◦ 1 tablespoon oil

◦ 1 (6-oounce) package deli turkey cubes

◦ 1 tablespoon brown sugar

½ teaspoon kosher salt

◦ ½ teaspoon chili powder

◦ 1 ear corn, husked and kernels stripped off


1. Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add onion; sauté, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes, until starting to get some color.

2. Add corn, salt, cumin, chili powder, and smoked paprika; stir to combine. Con tinue to cook for 5-7 minutes, until fragrant and corn is softened.

3. Add broth and water; raise heat to high. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and let soup simmer for about 1 hour.

4. Remove from heat. Blend, using an immersion blender, for about 3 minutes, until completely smooth. Stir in lime juice.

5. Prepare turkey croutons: Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium/high heat. Add turkey, brown sugar, salt, and chili powder. Stir to coat evenly.

6. Increase heat to high; stir frequently until turkey cubes are crispy and coated.

7. Add corn kernels to frying pan. Stir into the turkey; remove from heat.

8. To serve, fill a bowl with soup, then place a couple of spoonfuls of turkey crou tons in the center.

Cook’s Note: You can keep this soup pareve by using vegetable broth and omitting the turkey garnish.

Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 110
I love corn in any shape or form, from salads to soups to eating it raw on the cob. I have developed many recipes that call for corn. The combo of corn and turkey croutons is a wonderful marriage of flavors and textures. My family looks forward to having this soup for Thanksgiving every year.
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 111

Better Business

Charles M. Schulz at 100

Peanuts cartoonist Charles M. (“Sparky”) Schulz would have been 100 on November 26. That his Pea nuts comic strip is still in syndication near ly 23 years after his death is testament to our affinity to the characters: from when we feel like a loser (Charlie Brown), to crabby (Lucy Van Pelt), to philosophical (Linus Van Pelt), to superfluous (Rerun Van Pelt), to naïve (Sally Brown), to just wanting to have fun (Snoopy).

How ironic it is then that the beloved 72-year-old strip debuted with the line “Good ol’ Charlie Brown … how I hate him.”

The question readers ask most about Sparky is what he was like. The answer: If you read Peanuts, you know Sparky.

He was the strip. Yes, his characters were often based upon people he knew (there was a real Charlie Brown), but with in each personality was a piece of himself, even if it was a piece he didn’t particularly care for … such as the title, which Sparky hated. The syndicate, of course, liked the allusions to “peanut gallery” and “kids.” To Sparky, “peanuts” sounded like something of little worth … a pittance. That’s another irony: the strip’s “worth.” In 2021, Sparky ranked third on Forbes’ list of the world’s highest paid deceased celebrities.

Besides drawing funny pictures (as he called them), Sparky was good at cultivat ing people, creating his own tribe. And so we come to irony number three: This man,

who drew so many disparate groups of peo ple together — cartoonists, golfers, skaters (both hockey and figure), tennis players, celebrities, religious leaders, etc. — was rather introverted. He exhibited, despite all the colleagues, friends, and family a man could want (or abide), a loner quality. His desk and drawing table stood at the end of his studio, as far as possible from the door. You even had to climb a step or two to get to them. His books and his stereo though? They were directly across from him.

Despite his introverted bent, Schulz was fiercely competitive. He always wanted his strip to be the best one on the page every day. He wanted to win every round of golf or hockey or tennis match. And he could turn just about anything, even social inter actions, into a game, though he might make up the rules as he went along. At a cartoon festival at Ohio State University, Ask Shagg cartoonist Peter Guren and I skipped off to have lunch. I noticed his “Shagg” vanity plates as we approached his sports car and commented on both.

Turns out Peter mentioned this out ing to Sparky. So during my next trip to see him, Sparky called Peter from his car phone (this was before cellphones were ubiquitous), and told Peter we were now sit ting in his car (a Jaguar, if memory serves) with his “Woodstock” vanity plates, and that we’d just returned from lunch in Bo dega Bay (where “The Birds” was filmed).

“I win,” Sparky asserted. People also ask how you edit someone so gifted. Given Sparky’s competitiveness, you don’t. You make sure everything is spelled correctly (my first five years as a comics editor, I didn’t find a single mis spelling, not for lack of trying), and when you do find a mistake, you check to make sure it wasn’t intentional. He even wanted to win at being errorless.

In December of 1999, after he had been diagnosed with cancer and knew it was ter minal, Sparky agreed to an interview with the Today show’s Al Roker. Before Roker flew to California, United Feature Syndi cate public relations executive Lili Root Bianchi and I met with Roker in his Man hattan office. I asked Roker a specific ques tion: What would he do if, say, Sparky’s nose started running during the interview and he didn’t realize it. Roker responded without hesitation: He would stop taping and hand Sparky a tissue. Roker did not want to embarrass Sparky, or reveal him as anything less than the brilliant, talented man he was, facing his mortality with all the dignity he could muster.

After that interview, Sparky told me that he thought Peanuts reruns, which were already being distributed for the dai ly strips, would never work. He grew up reading the “new”spapers, so reruns made no sense to him. I responded that the syn dicate had to try; a lot of people’s jobs de

pended upon it. Irony number four: He lost on his prediction. But … “I win.”

On Friday, Feb. 11, 2000, I picked up the phone to call Sparky. Then I put the phone down, resolving to call him on Monday in stead because it would be Valentine’s Day. Early on Sunday, Feb. 13, my boss called to ask if I’d heard that Sparky had died during the night – late Saturday on the West Coast but probably Sunday on the East Coast. The day the last original Peanuts strip appeared in newspapers.

Of everything there is to say about Charles M. Schulz, this might just epito mize him: In the mid- to late-1990s, I found time to flip through a thick file of old Pea nuts correspondence. Amid the papers was a letter from a client in Mississippi, dated in the early ’70s. The editor asked Sparky to stop putting Franklin in the same class room as Peppermint Patty, implying that it offended some of the paper’s (pro-segre gation) readers. When doing later research for a book commemorating the strip’s 60th anniversary (in 2010), I came across the same letter among Sparky’s papers. So he’d received a copy.

And he ignored it.

Amy Lago has been a comics and editorial cartoon editor for more than 30 years. She is currently Vice President of Licensing and Syn dication with Counterpoint Media.

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Rabbi Yechiel Weberman

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 113 WELCOMES We are excited to announce that Rabbi Yechiel Weberman will be joining Camp Sdei Chemed for Summer 2023 as Camp Rabbi! Rabbi Weberman is currently a rebbi in DRS Yeshiva High School for Boys and the Rabbi of the Irving Place Minyan in Woodmere. Rabbi Weberman has previously been a popular mainstay at Camp Dora Golding and Camp Romimu.

Mind Y ur Business

Adam Lieberman: Surround Yourself With the Right People

On a recent 710 WOR “Mind Your Business” broadcast, Yitzchok Saftlas (YS) spoke with guest Adam Lieberman (AL), president of Li eberman Training, on the subject of sales.

* * *

YS: How has the salesforce changed over the last several years?

AL: Fifteen to twenty years ago, the way to get new accounts and to build a business was by being proactive. You could cold call, direct market to people, advertise, and do many other things to proactively reach customers. The world is upside down in terms of what it was 20 years ago. Now, people are doing a lot of searching and shopping, investigating

what they want online, before they even reach out to someone.

The mistake I see companies make is that they will do a lot of ads (whether it be Facebook ads, SEO ads, etc.) and try to capture customers via the internet and social media platforms. If customers are only concerned about getting the cheap est price, at that point there’s not a lot of sales skills involved. Ultimately, the cheapest price will win. So, the only way to differentiate yourself in this crowded minefield of all these consumers looking for new products and services is to set yourself apart from everybody else.

One important way to do that is to have a real conversation with your cus tomer. I train sales leaders that if you’re going to do marketing to customers, it

must be more like a sales funnel. If you’re trying to market your product solely on a website or video where the call to action is to “click to buy now,” that will only work if you’re selling a unique product and it’s not a crowded space where you’re compet ing on the cheapest price. But most com panies don’t fall into that category and need to have a real conversation. The best way to ensure that is to make your call to action a conversation with customer service, a salesperson, or somebody else inside the company. The marketing is not to sell the product, but to find out more about how you can help the person buy the product or service.

How does one use that conversation

to lead to a closed deal?

It’s very important to keep in mind that even if you had an engaging conver sation with someone and they went to fill out their information, when you call back them back, the enthusiasm they had when they filled out your form has evaporated many times over. Sometimes, as high as 60% of the people you’re calling back have no recollection of filling out the form, let alone having an engaging conversation. When you call somebody back, you have to reignite that enthusiasm. My best tip on how to do that is to ask questions.

There’s a corny saying, but it’s so true, “Selling isn’t telling; selling is ask ing.” When you’re talking to someone who filled out a lead form or responded to a campaign, the key is to immediately

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This column features business insights from a recent “Mind Your Business with Yitzchok Saftlas” radio show. The weekly “Mind Your Business” show –broadcasting since 2015 – features interviews with Fortune 500 executives, business leaders and marketing gurus. Prominent guests include John Sculley, former CEO of Apple and Pepsi; Dick Schulze, founder and Chairman Emeritus of Best Buy; and Beth Comstock, former Vice Chair of GE; among over 400+ senior-level executives and business celebrities. Yitzchok Saftlas, president of Bottom Line Marketing Group, hosts the weekly “Mind Your Business” show, which airs at 10pm every Sunday night on 710 WOR and throughout America on the iHeartRadio Network. Adam Lieberman

engage by asking questions. “Thank you for reaching out to us. Why is now a time you’re looking for this product or ser vice?” “Do you mind if I ask you a couple of quick questions to see the best way I can help you?” “We saw you responded to our advertisement online, social media post, or online form. What made you re spond to what we’re marketing? Is it more curiosity or is it because you’re looking to actually move forward?”

The most important thing about these questions is that they engage the custom er and convert that logical interaction to an emotional based conversation. That’s the only way you can separate yourself in this crowded field right now. People are always competing for the cheapest prod uct, the fastest delivery, but if you want to break in, that only happens when you can ignite somebody’s emotion.

You have a saying that “it’s easier to go from 1 to 10 than from 0 – 1.” Can you explain that?

Whenever anyone is trying to break into sales as a career, the hardest thing to do is to get the first account. Once you get that first account, the next nine will be a lot easier. So, the most important thing for any company or salesperson offering a product or service is to try to convince anybody into just placing a small order. Because once they’ve done that, that bar rier has shattered. Even if it’s one dollar, the fact is, once they place an order and actually receive something from you, that connection has been made.

Now, if you’re trying to get a customer to engage with you and they say, “I’m cur rently dealing with somebody else.” You can respond, “I understand that, and I’m not looking for any business that I don’t deserve. But times are very tricky, and at a moment’s notice, you may need some body else. I don’t want any business that I don’t deserve. But I do want to just give you a chance to engage with me. Give me just a chance to get you just a sample of what we offer. You can always increase that if that’s your desire. But from your perspective, there’s nothing more valu able than having a backup supplier or ser vice that can give you what you need. And the best way to do that is to start right now. At a moment’s notice, we can give you anything you need down the road.”

People always feel like they have to compete on price. But again, if it’s only about price, they will just Google the cheapest option. Every time there’s some thing else in the equation, whether it’s a different type of product or a salesper son that can deliver better service, it’s not just about price. But salespeople get very thrown, because the consumer says, “I want it cheaper.” They get sucked into the price war, and then it’s all about price. And ultimately, a lot of times you can’t compete on price. So, I never compete on price. I think it’s a mistake. I tell peo ple, “We’re coming to you with our best foot forward. We’re giving you the best price upfront. However, in addition to a great price upfront, we provide all these ancillary benefits you can’t get from the cheapest product out there.”

People don’t care what they pay. They care what they pay in relation to what they think they could have or should have paid. Meaning, people just don’t want to feel like they’re being taken ad vantage of. How many times have you

filling out paperwork, following up with the billing department, etc. They’re do ing a lot of activities during the course of the day that don’t involve selling. So, the first thing I tell people who want to grow their sales teams is if you have a top producer, let’s call him Charlie, don’t find another Charlie, just make Charlie more productive. Have Charlie do more things that actually bring in revenue and create sales. It’s the 80/20 rule. Typically, 80% of your time or effort will bring in 20% of something. And vice versa, 20% of effort will bring in 80% of something. A lot of times a salesperson will find he spends 20% of his time in sales and 80% in non-sales related activities. So, the key is bringing in other people for customer service, billing, posting orders, etc. Make Charlie more effective, more productive, by focusing solely on sales.

When does it make the most sense to consider growth or partnership? I think there’s a major misnomer when

because the money wasn’t a big enough contribution to warrant this partnership. Or, if two people come to the company with the same skillset, someone will al ways feel like sometimes they’re working harder, and if they left tomorrow, the company would fall apart, because they have overlapping responsibilities.

Partnerships work when there’s a de lineation of responsibilities when they start up. And, more importantly, when there are initially two diametrically op posite contributions in the partnership.

What final takeaway would you like to share?

Many times, a company will chal lenge this new salesperson, hoping they’ll cut the price. What should a salesperson do in that situation?

bought something, found out your friend got it $10 cheaper, and had a knot in your stomach the rest of the day? Conversely, if you bought something and found out somebody paid more than you, you’ll feel great about your decision. Consumers are programmed to always haggle and push back. But it takes a lot of pressure off a customer if they know upfront that this is the price. If your price is $50 and someone says, “I can get that for $45,” my response is, “If you look hard enough, there are guys out there selling this for $40, maybe $35. However, the reason our price is $50 is because of these other variables.”

For a typical B2B (business to busi ness), what should the sales funnel look like?

Many times, when a salesperson starts, they’re doing 12 different things. They’re getting engaged with the cus tomer, getting the order, following up on the shipment, dealing with complaints,

people try to grow and build a business. People will come with a new product or service they want to launch and need cap ital to grow or start their business. One thing I’m faced with often is trying to ad vise people if it makes sense to take on a partner or go into debt. Obviously, there’s no “one size fits all.” It would be irrespon sible to say you must always do A or B. But generally, the best partnerships I’ve seen survive brought people to the part nership with a different skillset or some other contribution. Someone has the pro verbial great idea, and it needs capital to actually make his business come out of the starting gate and be successful, and he brings on a dynamic salesperson that is going to get out there to sell and mar ket it. Those partnerships tend to work because people look at each other and say, “Without you, I wouldn’t be here a year down the road.” If someone starts with very little money and the business takes off successfully, they might say, “Why did I give up so much for such a small amount of money?” They resent that relationship

The key thing for any salesperson that’s recommending a product, an orga nization that’s growing a team, or some one starting a company, is surrounding yourself with the right people. Ultimately, having the right people around you will make you or break you. So, no matter what you have in a company, bring the right kind of people into your organi zation because that will allow you to do what you’re great at. If you look at a pizza pie, there are eight slices, but there’s only one slice that you’re great at. That goes for everybody. G-d gave everyone a unique talent that, from birth, just comes easily and naturally to us. You’re great at that one slice, and you’ll do it for nothing ulti mately, because you love doing it so much. That something should be your passion, your focus, that should dictate what you spend the majority of your time geared towards.

And for those other seven slices, hire the best people around you.

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 115
“If you want to break in, that only happens when you can ignite somebody’s emotion.”

Notable Quotes

“Say What?!”

With just 720 days to go before the next election, a Florida retiree made the surprise announcement that he was running for president. In a move no political pundit saw coming, avid golfer Donald J. Trump kicked things off at Mar-a-Lago, his resort and classified-documents library. Trump, famous for gold-plated lobbies and for firing people on reality television, will be 78 in 2024. If elected, Trump would tie Joe Biden as the oldest president to take office. His cholesterol levels are unknown, but his favorite food is a charred steak with ketchup. He has stated that his qualifications for office include being a “stable genius.” Trump also served as the 45th president.

Tongue-in-cheek coverage of former President Donald Trump’s announcement that he’s running for president again, appearing on the 28th page of the New York Post , whose owner Rupert Murdoch renounced his support for Trump, resulting in a public falling-out between the two

To me, just seeing that discrimination, it doesn’t matter if I’m white or black. This is blatant, and I would just hope that other people who have also experienced this would step forward.

- Keith Wann, a sign language interpreter, who sued the “Lion King” Broadway show after he was fired because he is white and the show stated that they want to have a black sign language interpreter

Shalom :)

– Tweet by an anti-Semitic entertainer after he was let back onto Twitter

We would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.

- Tweet in response by Israel’s Foreign Ministry

Your tweets are good! More countries should tweet like this. No fun being all stuffy.

- Elon Musk commenting on Israel’s tweet

I get asked, “Who’s the most dangerous person in the world? Is it Chairman Kim, is it Xi Jinping?”

The most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten; it’s not a close call. If you ask, “Who’s the most likely to take this republic down?” It would be the teachers unions and the filth that they’re teaching our kids.

- Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo talking about American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten

His biceps are as big as my calves. Look at this. There’s a man. I hope we’re on the same side.

- President Joe Biden at the G20 Summit when he noticed a muscular cameraman

Sir, he’s Russian.

- An unidentified bystander

I don’t care who he is. He’s got some real biceps. We call them guns.

- Pres. Biden, in response

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 116
BALTIMORE • BROOKLYN • CEDARHURST • CHICAGO LAKEWOOD • MIAMI • MONSEY • TORONTO Sale runs 11/24/22 through 11/28/22. Must mention this ad. Not valid with any other offer, special or discount. We are not responsible for typos. All prices are subject to change without notice. Other restrictions may apply. 456 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst NY 11516 516.791.1925 Sunday 11-6 | Mon-Thurs 11-7 | Friday 10:30-1:30 MOTZEI SHABBOS OPEN 8:00PM – 11:00PM Midnight Madness SPECIALS!

Take his handling of COVID. The pandemic was not necessarily fatal to Trump’s reelection chances. What hurt Trump was not the substance of his decisions, but his tonal response. His behavior reinforced what many people found repellant about his personality. He yielded to his impulse for pettiness and pointless nastiness; got drawn into infantile name-calling spats; and, in his press conferences, made everything about himself.

– William Barr, Attorney General under Trump, writing in the New York Post why he no longer supports Trump

Trump’s extraordinarily divisive actions since losing in 2020 are not those of someone capable of leading a party, much less a country. Right after his defeat, he treacherously sabotaged GOP efforts to hold the Georgia Senate seats. The GOP’s poor performance in the recent midterms was due largely to Trump’s mischief. He fueled internal fights within state parties. He attacked popular Republican governors in Maryland, New Hampshire, and Arizona to dissuade them from running for Senate seats they could have won. He supported weak candidates for key Senate and House seats based solely on their agreeing with his “stolen election” claims. And after foisting these candidates on the GOP, he failed to provide them adequate financial support, largely sitting on a massive war chest of cash raised from small dollar donors. – Ibid.

Sloppy Bill Barr was a weak and ineffective Attorney General who was fired (he didn’t quit!), and now he’s nothing more than a disgruntled former “employee.” Barr was a “Bushie” who was petrified of being Impeached, which the Dems were going to do until he changed course on the Rigged Election. He knows nothing about the Document Hoax, & as a lawyer & former A.G., shouldn’t be talking. Weak RINO Bill Barr always caved to the Dems, & is a disgrace to the Republican Party, & our Nation!

- Trump, responding on social media

Not everyone gets obituaries three times in their life.

- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talking about how he was believed to be politically dead three times already

I think the context is that whether or not they’re pulling back from Fallujah… from the city of Kherson.

- Pres. Joe Biden mistakenly referring to the Iraqi town of Fallujah while talking about the Ukrainian city of Kherson

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 118

We just finished this election, OK? People just need to chill out a little bit on some of this stuff.

- Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) when asked about running against Trump in 2024

Michael got offended about something I said about him. And we haven’t spoken in probably almost 10 years. And he was my best friend at the time. And I love the dude like a brother, and we’re both stubborn and we haven’t talked.

- NBA Hall of Famer and broadcaster Charles Barkley talking about his falling-out with Michael Jordan

He’s a politician — but he also can be a normal governor. In other words, after the storm, he can stand with President Biden like a normal governor does and work with them and then send some migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. You know, and that’s a very powerful thing to have both those elements.

- Bill Maher, HBO, talking about Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL)

Yeah, I need barbecue!

- Comedian Jay Leno to a reporter, after leaving the hospital

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 119
with burns due to a car fire in his garage

Political Crossfire

Biden Rewards Saudi Leader’s Impunity With Legal Immunity

The Biden administration has grant ed legal immunity to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a protection that even President Donald Trump’s administration didn’t offer.

For critics of MBS, as the Saudi leader is known, the immunity decision is a slap in the face. It will likely rouse new protests in Congress and among human rights ac tivists that the Biden administration is ac commodating Mohammed for reasons of realpolitik – and compromising its values in the process.

The decision was triggered by a law suit in federal district court in Washington against MBS and some 20 other defen dants by the fiancée of Jamal Khashoggi, a Washington Post contributing columnist who was murdered by Saudi operatives in Istanbul on Oct. 2, 2018. The suit alleges that the crown prince and his co-defen dants were responsible for the murder.

The action is the latest in a cascade of controversies that followed the murder, which the CIA concluded resulted from an operation authorized by MBS. The Trump administration shielded the Saudi leader, but President Biden initially claimed he would hold him accountable, describing him as a “pariah.” But over time, Biden has sadly capitulated to what he viewed as a need to mend relations with the man who might be Saudi Arabia’s king for decades.

A State Department official said the decision to grant immunity was a “purely legal decision,” triggered by MBS’s recent elevation to prime minister. But the State Department and the White House could have intervened on policy grounds to pre vent granting the legal exemption, which MBS has sought for more than two years.

U.S. District Judge John Bates, who is hearing the Khashoggi case, asked the Justice Department in July for a ruling on whether MBS should be granted sovereign immunity, as his lawyers requested. On

Sept. 27, three days before the deadline for the Justice Department’s response, Saudi King Salman declared his son prime min ister. This triggered Thursday’s decision that MBS was entitled to sovereign im munity as a “head of government.” Bates could conceivably reject the State Depart

is the sitting head of government and ac cordingly, is immune from this suit,” the filing said.

“The Biden administration’s sugges tion of immunity for MBS isn’t just a mis take as a matter of law, it’s a mistake as a matter of policy,” argued Sarah Leah Whit

MBS began seeking immunity in U.S. courts after he was named in a lawsuit filed in federal district court in Wash ington in August 2020 by Saad Aljabri, a former top Saudi counterterrorism official. Mohammed’s lawyers asked that the suit be dismissed because of what they claimed was sovereign immunity and other issues. The Trump administration did not grant that request.

Aljabri, in his 2021 amended com plaint, accused the Saudi leader of sending a hit team to kill him in 2018 in Canada, where he fled after MBS fired him in 2015 and after MBS in 2017 toppled Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, with whom Aljabri had worked closely at the Saudi in terior ministry.

The Biden State Department deliberat ed whether the immunity issue was a pol icy question, involving significant human rights issues, rather than simply a legal matter, an administration official told me. But there was a strong legal argument that prime ministers routinely receive immuni ty. And in the end, as has so often been the case with MBS, the Biden administration acceded to the Saudi leader’s desires.

The immunity decision doesn’t simply derail the lawsuit by Khashoggi’s fiancée. It will shield the crown prince from legal action on issues involving travel bans and other alleged human rights abuses. Ac cording to media reports, at least two U.S. citizens, Saad Almadi and Mohammed Sa lem, have been banned from leaving Saudi Arabia since Biden’s visit to the kingdom in July.

ment filing, but such a rejection of a gov ernment option he had requested would be unlikely.

The State Department’s decision was filed late Thursday. “The United States re spectfully informs the Court that Defen dant Mohammed bin Salman, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,

son, who heads a group called Democracy for the Arab World Now, or DAWN, which filed the suit with Khashoggi’s fiancée, Hatice Cengiz. Whitson argued that the immunity grant was “an undeserved con cession” to the Saudi leader that “will no doubt embolden him to continue his ruth less abuses.”

The president’s fist bump during that trip has become a symbol of political ac commodation to the Saudi leader and his demands. The grant of immunity will give him not just a friendly welcome but a le gal shield that will be hard to break.

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(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group
In the end, as has so often been the case with MBS, the Biden administration acceded to the Saudi leader’s desires.

Political Crossfire

The U.S. Seeks to Support Ukraine, But Contain the War

If you’ve worried that the conflict in Ukraine might escalate into a spasm of nuclear war – and what sane per son hasn’t? – the past few weeks have been chilling. But they have also demon strated some important U.S. efforts to communicate about risks and avert ca tastrophe.

The baseline for President Biden is that an overall peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine doesn’t appear pos sible now. The two sides are simply too far apart, and the United States couldn’t dictate terms to Kyiv even it thought it was time to end the conflict. Instead, the administration has focused its diplomacy on Russia – and averting any escalation into nuclear war.

Take a look at recent U.S. crisis man agement efforts, to get a sense of how the Biden administration is playing this game of measured confrontation. They have the common theme of helping Ukraine while also containing the conflict.

Let’s review first last week’s travels by CIA Director William J. Burns. He met Monday in Ankara, Turkey, with his Rus sian counterpart, Sergei Naryshkin, head of Russia’s foreign intelligence service, the SVR. Burns was “conveying a mes sage on the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons by Russia, and the risks of escalation to strategic stability,” said a spokesman for the National Security Council. U.S. officials believe that Russia took Burns’s message quite seriously.

Burns then traveled to Kyiv for a Wednesday meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. “While there, he discussed the U.S. warning he delivered to the head of Russia’s SVR not to use nuclear weapons and reinforced the U.S. commitment to provide support to Ukraine in its fight against Russian ag gression,” a U.S. official said. This meet ing seemed partly an effort to reassure

Zelensky that the United States wasn’t operating behind his back with Moscow.

In describing Burns’s travels, officials have stressed he wasn’t on a secret mis sion to jumpstart peace talks. “He is not conducting negotiations of any kind. He is not discussing settlement of the war in Ukraine,” the NSC spokesman stressed. Instead, said the spokesman, “we have channels to communicate with Russia on managing risk, especially nuclear risk and risks to strategic stability.”

Burns has played a crucial role since the crisis began, traveling to Moscow be fore the war began, and repeatedly to Kyiv since then. He is the character a Holly wood director would cast for the role: re served, modest, fluent in Russian, deeply experienced as a back-channel emissary. His demeanor makes the phrase “gray man” a compliment.

Second, let’s look at the U.S. response to the missile that struck Poland on Tues day, near its border with Ukraine. This was the kind of scenario that U.S. com manders have feared could lead to nucle

ar war: A NATO ally is attacked; analysts assume that the attack came from Russia; NATO launches a counterattack under its self-defense treaty; and so on, up the lad der to disaster.

The Biden administration instead did what generations of crisis managers have recommended. In a hot moment, it cooled down. Despite pressure for action, the administration realized it lacked reli able information. It waited to gather facts. Poland, too, resisted the urge to immedi ately blame its historic adversary, Russia.

And it turned out that initial assump tions that Russia fired the missile were probably wrong. “Ukraine’s defense was launching their missiles in various direc tions, and it is highly probable that one of these missiles unfortunately fell on Polish territory,” Polish President Andrzej Duda said on Wednesday. “There is nothing, ab solutely nothing, to suggest that it was an intentional attack on Poland.”

Third, let’s think about the delicate relationship between Washington and Kyiv. Zelensky has the power of a brave,

charismatic leader to pressure his super power patron into actions that might not be in the United States’ interests. The Biden administration has tried to strike a balance between strong military support for Ukraine and avoiding anything that might trigger a direct Russian-American conflict.

The United States has pushed back when it thinks Ukrainian actions are too risky or too rigid. According to an Oct. 5 story in the New York Times, U.S. intelli gence decided that Ukrainian operatives were responsible for an August car bomb ing that killed the daughter of a Russian ultranationalist – and warned Kyiv that it strongly opposed such attacks. A Nov. 5 Post article reported that national se curity adviser Jake Sullivan went to Kyiv partly to press Zelensky to drop his re fusal to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Soon after, Zelensky ad justed his public policy.

The administration has been careful not to jam Zelensky and his generals, even as it tried to contain the conflict. The latest example was the statement last week from Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that Russia’s withdrawal this month from Kherson might provide an opening for diplomacy. “When there’s an opportunity to negoti ate, when peace can be achieved, seize it,” he said. Milley, who has argued that more diplomacy is needed to find a settlement, didn’t retreat. But other administration of ficials repeated their no-pressure litany: “Nothing about Kyiv without Kyiv.”

Biden’s ultimate responsibility is to protect the United States, and that means avoiding any drift toward a nuclear con flict with Russia. The past few weeks have been a case study in how to support a war and prevent one at the same time.

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 121
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group

Political Crossfire

How Rick Scott Crashed and Burned Twice in One Year

As chairman of the National Re publican Senatorial Committee, Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) had one job: Win the Senate majority. Not only did he fail, he did so in spectacular fash ion – through calamitous mismanage ment of the NRSC that left Republican candidates under fire without air cover in the final critical months of the midterm elections.

Now Scott is trying to deflect blame for the GOP’s disastrous showing. So, it’s worth reviewing the record of his cata strophic tenure at the helm of the GOP’s Senate campaign arm.

According to the New York Times , by July of this year, Scott’s NRSC had raised $181.5 million – a substantial war chest. But before the fall campaign even got underway, the newspaper reported, he had blown through 95 percent of the money – wasting most of it on consul tants, self-promotion and a failed digital fundraising scheme that left the NRSC’s coffers virtually empty. He entered the homestretch with just $23.2 million cash on hand – less than half of what the Dem ocratic senatorial committee had on hand to pummel GOP contenders.

As a result, the NRSC had to cancel $13.5 million in ad buys in August in the critical swing states of Pennsylvania ($7.5 million), Arizona ($3.5 million), Wiscon sin ($2.5 million) and Nevada ($1.5 mil lion). Politico reported at the time that “the scale of these cuts is unprecedented.”

And what was Scott doing in August, while his committee was in crisis? Ac cording to Axios, he was on vacation in Italy aboard a luxury yacht.

You can’t make it up.

Scott needed to take out $13 million in loans in September just to cover the committee’s operating expenses. He was able to spend just more than $548,534 on three independent expenditures in the

entire month of October. The incompe tence is stunning.

Indeed, Scott spent so much time and money promoting himself at the expense of GOP candidates that people began call ing the NRSC the “National Rick Scott Committee.” The Post reported that Scott had “directed a sizable share of his fund raising as NRSC chair to his own accounts, while shifting digital revenue away from Senate campaigns and buying ads promot ing himself.”

After I pointed out on Fox News on Election Day that Scott had burned through most of his money by August, Scott followed me on air and was asked by host Martha MacCallum for his response. He said he did the opposite of what his prede cessor did two years ago, when Republicans failed to define Sen. Raphael Warnock (DGa.) early on. “I told people . . . we’re going to invest and define our opponents early,” adding that because they spent money do ing so, “we’re in the hunt . . . to pick up half of the Democrats’ seats right now” – pre dicting Republicans would win Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, New Hampshire, possibly Washington and Colorado. Instead, he lost

a GOP-held seat in Pennsylvania.

As for criticizing previous NRSC lead ers, this is laughable. His NRSC is the first in recent memory to raise less and spend less than its predecessor. In 2020, under Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), the NRSC spent $120 million on independent expenditures on behalf of candidates, while Scott’s NRSC spent a grand total of just $33 million. In 2020, the committee spent $18 million on state-party ground activities, while Scott’s NRSC spent about $6 million.

Scott inherited a cash-positive commit tee with more cash on hand ($14.4 million) than debt on the books ($9 million). But as of the latest Federal Election Commission filings, Scott is on track to leave incoming chairman Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) $6.3 million in the red, with less cash and more than twice as much debt ($20 million).

Because of Scott’s ineptitude, it fell to Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to rescue the GOP candidates abandoned by the NRSC. McConnell-aligned super PACs invested a whopping $240.7 million in key Senate rac es, including $119.6 million in three states where Scott’s NRSC pulled scheduled TV ads: Pennsylvania ($56.7 million), Nevada

($25.5 million) and North Carolina ($37.4 million). McConnell-aligned PACs also spent $16.3 million in New Hampshire trying to rescue pro-Trump candidate Dan Bolduc, staying on the air for 17 days after the NRSC pulled out of the race, before fi nally withdrawing as well. McConnell also spent $32.2 million in Ohio saving J.D. Vance’s struggling campaign and $38 mil lion in Georgia to get Herschel Walker into a Senate runoff – which is the only reason Republicans have a chance of emerging from this cycle without a diminished Sen ate minority.

Despite his ruinous record, Scott had the chutzpah to challenge McConnell for the job of Senate Republican leader. The captain of the Titanic actually thought he deserved a promotion.

Not surprisingly, his bid failed. The fact he even tried shows a pitiful lack of self-awareness. As Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) put it, Scott apparently wanted “a chance to crash and burn twice in the same year.”

And who nominated Scott for his ill-fat ed challenge to McConnell? None other than Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who sur vived by a razor-thin 26,449-vote majority only thanks to the $24.7 million McConnell spent rescuing his floundering campaign. Talk about an ingrate.

Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) have called for an in dependent review of the NRSC’s expendi tures this election cycle. It can’t come soon enough. Senators have a right to know how Scott wasted more than $180 million. In his letter announcing his now-failed bid for leader, Scott declared “no one person responsible for our party’s performance across the country.” That may be true. But no one person did more to ensure that poor performance than Rick Scott.

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 122
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group

Political Crossfire

Dear President Trump: Please Don’t Run Again

Donald Trump appears to be sur rounded by a band of enablers who refuse to tell him things he doesn’t want to hear, so I will: Mr. Pres ident, it is not in your interest to run in 2024. If you do, you will likely lose. And you will destroy what remains of your legacy in the process. Please, don’t do it.

Based on his record in office, Trump should be considered one of the great est conservative presidents in modern times. The Abraham Accords are worthy of a Nobel Prize. Operation Warp Speed is the greatest public health achieve ment in human history. Trump made the United States an energy superpow er and drove the Islamic State from its caliphate. He has a perfect record in appointing judicial conservatives to the Supreme Court. I have chronicled his ac complishments in these pages. I’m not a never-Trumper.

But another presidential run will obliterate what’s left of that legacy. After the 2020 election, I wrote that he should pursue his legal challenges, but that if the courts rejected them (which they did), he should graciously concede, focus on saving the Senate majority in Geor gia’s runoff, preside over a smooth tran sition, attend Joe Biden’s inauguration, and prepare to reclaim the presidency in four years. Instead, he embraced election denial and surrounded himself with a clown show of legal advisers who convinced him he could hold onto office.

Trump’s failure to accept the election results meant he never understood why he lost: Instead of expanding his coa lition by winning over Americans who had not voted for him the first time, he alienated millions who approved of his policies but not of him. In September 2020, a record 56% of registered vot

ers told Gallup that they were better off under Trump than they had been four years earlier – a remarkable share amid the worst pandemic since 1918, the worst racial unrest since the 1960s, and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. But 56% of Americans didn’t vote for Trump; if they had, he would still be president. And his conduct after the election only served to confirm their judgment.

Last Tuesday, voters made clear that their judgment still stands. Despite the disasters President Biden has unleashed, they rejected Trump’s handpicked can didates – his proxies on the ballot – and gave Democrats back their Senate ma jority. That should be a wake-up call for Trump. He cannot win the presidency with his base alone.

Now, he is alienating his base by at tacking Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R). When Trump attacked Jeb Bush or Rep.

Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), MAGA-world loved it. But MAGA voters also love DeSantis and don’t understand why Trump is going after him. DeSantis delivered the only bright spot on an otherwise dark election night. The smart move for Trump would have been to endorse DeSantis, campaign for him, and claim some share of credit for his victory. In stead, Trump devised a weak nickname and an even weaker attack – which has backfired.

Even before the midterms, DeSan tis was leading Trump by eight points in a hypothetical Florida primary. Now, a YouGov poll shows him lead ing Trump by seven points nationally among Republican voters. The share of Republicans favoring Trump in 2024 has declined precipitously – from 78% in October 2021 to just 35% this month.

Trump is surrounded by a cabal of grifters who do not have his best inter

ests at heart – sycophants who see him as their meal ticket and a 2024 cam paign as a chance to vacuum up millions of dollars, win or lose. They won’t give him hard advice because they don’t care about him – they just want his money.

If they cared, they would tell him the truth – that it’s time to pass the torch. They would have told him to spend some of the $161 million he raised through Sept. 30 on the candidates he endorsed, rather than hoarding it for an ill-begot ten 2024 run.

It’s not too late to reverse course. Instead of announcing a presidential campaign Tuesday night, Trump should announce he is going all-in for Herschel Walker with a massive cash infusion for the Georgia Senate runoff. He should mend fences with DeSantis and stand aside.

I say all this in sadness, not anger. I will always defend Trump’s accomplish ments in office. But his conduct since losing office has made him unelectable. He promised we’d win so much, we’d be sick of winning. Well, right now, con servatives are sick of losing. Democrats have won the past two elections running against Trump. If he runs again, they will win a third. That would do irre vocable harm to both the country and Trump’s legacy. He can go to his grave claiming that the 2020 election was stolen, and many will believe it. But if he loses the 2024 election – or, worse, the GOP primaries – he will go down in history as a loser.

So, Mr. President: For the sake of your reputation and the good of the country, if you want to Make America Great Again, please, stand down. (c) 2022, Washington Post

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 123
Writers Group

Prior to the Civil War, servicemen who displayed acts of bravery were often given certificates or told by superior officers that they had done a good job. Except for three known soldiers who received the Badge of Merit during the Revolutionary War, medals or awards were not awarded until the creation of the Medal of Honor during the Civil War. In December 1861, Iowa senator James Grimes introduced a bill that would award deserving members of the navy and marines the Medal of Honor. Soon the medal was expanded to all branches of the military. One-thousand-five-hun dred-twenty-two medals were awarded for acts of bravery during the Civil War. Since it was the only medal awarded, the standard for receiving it wasn’t too dif ficult to attain. Many soldiers even re ceived the medal for reenlisting, although their medals were later rescinded. Here are some Civil War Medal of Honor recip ients who rightfully earned their medals for actions in battle.

Born in the Charlestown neigh borhood in Boston, Massachusetts, Charles Wellington Reed was an aspir ing artist when he enlisted in the army in 1862. He became a bugler in the 9th Mas sachusetts Light Artillery Battery. The unit saw action in many battles includ ing the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor and Appomattox. They were also

Forgotten Her es Civil War Heroes

present at the Battle of Gettysburg. On the second day of the battle, on July 2, 1863, the commanding officer of the bat tery, Captain John Bigelow, had been shot and wounded and was trapped behind en emy lines. Reed was mounted on a horse and took another horse through enemy fire and retrieved his captain. Thirty-two years later, Reed was awarded the Medal of Honor for actions that saved the life of Captain Bigelow. Reed was wounded in the hand during the Siege of Petersburg and later in the war worked as a topo graphical engineer. He became known for his war sketches that included intricate detail and brought out the humanity in warfare.

Reed wasn’t the only soldier to receive the Medal of Honor for actions on the second day of the Battle of Gettys burg. Heavy fighting took place around a boulder-strewn ridge called Devil’s Den. Confederate sharpshooters were placed between the rocks and were responsible for taking out many Union soldiers in cluding Brigadier General Stephen Weed who was commanding a brigade. His men were helping an artillery battery move into position when Weed and the artillery commander were killed by sharpshooters.

Volunteers were needed to flush out the sharpshooters, and six men from the 6th Pennsylvania division answered the call. The 6th Pennsylvania Reserve

Regiment was attached to Brigadier Gen eral J.H. Hobart Ward’s 1 st Brigade, 3 rd Division, 5th Corps of the Army of the Po tomac. Sergeant George W. Mears, Corpo ral Chester S. Furman, Sergeant John W. Hart, Corporal J. Levi Roush, Corporal Thaddeus S. Smith and Sergeant Wallace W. Johnson charged at a log house that the confederates were using as shelter. Dodging bullets, they entered the house, capturing many enemy soldiers. This al lowed the rest of the brigade to advance. The six soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor for their bravery.

Later in 1863, another member of the 6th Pennsylvania Reserve Regiment was awarded the Medal of Honor. Assis tant Surgeon Joseph Corson was a med ical student when the war broke out and had been involved in many battles includ ing Gettysburg. At the Battle of Bristoe Station in Virginia, heavy Confederate fire had compelled the Union troops to pull back a bit, but a severely wounded soldier was left behind. Together with a hospital attendant, Corson braved enemy artillery and rescued the soldier, bringing him to the safety of the Union lines.

As is often the case, many of the details known to the public of the actions deserving of the award come from the citation itself. Recordkeeping back then in the 20th century was not as good as it is now. The Medal of Honor citation re

ceived by Sergeant William Sickles (not to be confused with Major General Dan Sickles, who also received the award) reads: “With a comrade, attempted cap ture of a stand of Confederate colors and detachment of 9 Confederates, actually taking prisoner 3 members of the de tachment, dispersing the remainder, and recapturing a Union officer who was a prisoner in hands of the detachment.” He was part of Company A, 7th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment and the comrade was Sergeant Albert O’Connor, who was also given the Medal of Honor for the same action. Their actions to capture the en emy colors (flag) was repeated by many soldiers as it was used as a rallying point for each regiment, and it was carefully guarded to avoid capture.

These are just some of the stories of the men who received the Medal of Hon or during the Civil War. Their bravery in battle is history to be remembered. In future articles, we will be discussing more military heroes who have earned the highest military decoration in the United States Armed Forces.

Avi Heiligman is a weekly contribu tor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for fu ture columns and can be reached at

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 124
A sketch by Charles Wellington Reed of Peach Orchard, July 2, 1863 Assistant Surgeon Joseph Corson



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The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 126 • text 443-929-4003
Spacious wide line expanded ranch on most prestigious and Col on an Oversized Lot Formal L/R, D/R, Large Main Level Den Location, Location, Location!!! Bi-Level Home, EIK which leads to deck overlooking property, Flr Fdnr, 4 bdrms, 3 updated bthrms, Huge Den, with Dble Doors Opening to the Back Yard, 2 Car Garage, CAC, in ground sprinkler, 261 Kitchen. Large LR/DR Overlooking the Courtyard OPEN HOUSE 12:30-1:00PM 1 Rosalin New Kitchen W/ Granite Counters SS Appliances,2 New Bth, Hardwood Floors Spacious Outdoor Terrace OPEN HOUSE 12:30-1:30PM Th FLV/FDR, Huge Walk in Closets, Hardwood Flrs Throughout, Underground Parking, Doorman and Pool Spacious wide line expanded ranch on most prestigious and Col on an Oversized Lot Formal L/R, D/R, Large Main Level Den Location, Location, Location!!! Bi-Level Home, EIK which leads to deck overlooking property, Flr Fdnr, 4 bdrms, 3 updated bthrms, Huge Den, with Dble Doors Opening to the Back Yard, 2 Car Garage, CAC, in ground sprinkler, 1 Central Ave Kitchen. Large LR/DR Overlooking the Courtyard OPEN HOUSE 12:30-1:00PM Rosalind Pl New Kitchen W/ Granite Counters SS Appliances,2 New Bth, Hardwood Floors Spacious Outdoor Terrace OPEN HOUSE 12:30-1:30PM e Plaza FLV/FDR, Huge Walk in Closets, Hardwood Flrs Throughout, Underground Parking, Doorman and Pool N. WOODMERE CEDA R HU R S T WOODSBU R G H Traditional all brick c/h col in a most exclusive area of cedarhurst, house has endless possibilities, beautiful tree lined street $1.589 ECNEWRLA Spacious wide line expanded ranch on most prestigious and 9$2.14 Col on an Oversized Lot Formal L/R, D/R, Large Main Level Den Location, Location, Location!!!05.81$ Bi-Level Home, EIK which leads to deck overlooking property, Flr Fdnr, 4 bdrms, 3 updated bthrms, Huge Den, with Dble Doors Opening to the Back Yard, 2 Car Garage, CAC, in ground sprinkler,K$949 This spacious s/h col , in the prestigious village of woodsburgh, sits on 1/2 acre property in a. most serene setting, with beautiful breakfast rm, main level den /fpl , master bdrm suite with his and her closets and bth + 4 bdrms new bths, newly renovated many special details thruout M.9+1$ 126 altrCen eAv 1ST Floor, Large Entry Foyer, Open Concept Kitchen. Large LR/DR Overlooking the Courtyard OPEN HOUSE 12:30-1:00PM K$229 1 Rosalind P 2BR,2BR Apt Beautifully Mantained Bldg, New Kitchen W/ Granite Counters SS Appliances,2 New Bth, Hardwood Floors Spacious Outdoor Terrace OPEN HOUSE 12:30-1:30PM K59.5$2 ehT alazP Beautiful 1 BR APT with Granite Kitchen Large FLV/FDR, Huge Walk in Closets, Hardwood Flrs Throughout, Underground Parking, Doorman and Pool K$289


Beautifully maintained Split Level home in the heart of Woodmere. This home boasts 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Eat-in Kitchen, Formal Dining Room, Living Room, a Finished Basement, and an office. Beautiful and spacious Backyard. Great location, SD#14. Close to all. Price Reduced $899k.



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Magnificent Bright & Sunny furnished 6 Bedroom, 5 Bath Home Prime location in Cedarhurst Features Dream Kitchen With Granite Countertops, Two Sinks, Two Ovens, Two Microwaves, Formal Dining Room With Washing Station, Formal Living Room. Smart Home, Radiant Heat, Speaker System, Timers, Cameras Inside + Outside, Master Bedroom Suite With Jacuzzi Tub + Shower. Two Large Walk-in Closets, Central Air Conditioning, Gas Heat, Two Car Garage, Great Corner Property, Large Side + Backyard, Finished Basement, Close To All. A Must See. Close To Shopping And Houses Of Worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457


This is a Spectacular Home Rebuilt From the Ground Up in 2010. Features Inground Heated Saltwater Pool. Unique Beyond, Very Artistic. Designed by a Well-known Interior Designer. The House Was Knocked Down & Rebuilt. It has Steel Columns, Exposed Vents & Duct Work. Custom Door - Super Thick, Entry Foyer is Laser Cut Acrylic Tile, Custom Closets Throughout. Steel Bolder Sep. the LR & DR. DR has a Custom China Closet, Bar has a Swarovski Sink, Custom Scavollini EIK, Very European the way the Drawers Open + Cabinets Open Upwards. Countertops are Caesar Stone & Appl. are a Wolf Oven w/6 Burners, 2 Miele Ovens, and Built-in Coffee Maker. 1 Miele Dishwasher + 2 Fisher Paykel Dishwashers. Thermador Refrigerator w/Ice Maker. Double Sinks Plus a Veg. Sink, Walls are Painted w/Venetian Plaster. Office w/High Ceilings & Terr. Overlooking the Pool. Magnificent yard, MBR Suite w/a Spa Bath & a Huge WIC. MBR has Missoni Tiles. All Pella Windows & Doors. Home has Cameras, Alarms, IGS and So Much More! Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

NORTH WOODMERE JUST LISTED Move Right Into This Beautifully Maintained and Updated Three Bed room, 2.5 Baths Large Split Situated on an Oversized Park-like Lot Over looking the Pond. Home Features naturally bright lit rooms with a Ground Level Den Leading to Patio, With Another Lower Level With Par tially Finished Basement. Hardwood Floors Throughout Updated Kitchen With Granite Counters in School District 14 and Close to all Houses of Worship. $949k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 mlipner@



2 car garage, Circular driveway, Handicap accessible, 4.5 bath, 6 beds, Eat in kitchen, Formal dining room, Formal living room, Family room, Central ac 2 zones, Sprinkler system, Huge unfinished basement with finished laundry room. Gas heat, New roof, new windows, Sprinkler system with well, Int sq ft 3,750, Lot 10,000 sq ft, Side yard, Asking 1.85 Dm 9179230011 for more information



House rental Move right into this 4 bedroom colonial in the heart of Woodmere, with spacious rooms, hardwood floors, a finished basement, and a spacious yard. Close to railroad, shopping & houses of worship $4,500 monthly Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457


House Rental Magnificent 6 Bedroom Home. Formal Dining Room, New Gourmet Kitchen W/High End Appliances & Cabinets, Large Living Rm & Den, 3 Car Attached Garage, Hardwood Floors, Sd#14. 5 Bedrooms

On One Level, Fabulous MBR Suite W/ New Bathroom. gas heat. central air conditioning, long driveway, parklaike property,& So Much More. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457


Amazing location.  Close to the park. Totally new 2 bedroom 1 bath with large basement and W/D hookup Parking included.

Call or text  Sherri….Weissman Realty  516-297-7995


For Rent By Owner, No Brokerage Involved Completely Renovated Apartment Located on Court Ave - Around the corner from Cedar hurst park! 2 Bedroom, Plus Living & Dining Room. Eat in Kitchen, 1 Full Bath. New Kitchen & New Appliances. Hook up for Washer & Dryer. Finished basement, perfect for playroom and lots of storage space. Lots of Closet Space. Partially furnished! Option for a dedicated PARKING spot! Separate Entrance Available Immediately. Call Michelle: 718-594-4110

Leah S Realty Licens (516) 88 @leahs 421 Westwo o d Rd, Wo o d mere Prime Academy Area lo cation 5 level split with 6 b e ds, 3 full baths $1 495M New Listing 116 Wyckoff Pl, Wo o d mere 9 b e ds, 6.5 baths. Full finishe d bas ement. OS prop erty with ro om for a p o ol $2 65M NewNConstructionew Construct New Con • text 443-929-4003 HOUSES FOR SALE
CAN’T AFFORD YOUR PROPERTY TAXES? MORTGAGE? Must sell for any reason? Call for FREE Consultation. Call now 212-470-3856 Cash buyers available!
The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 128 SEEKING WORKERS/DSPS FIVE TOWNS � Flexible hours thumbs-up Rewarding work � Gain valuable experience Call: 718-408-5400 ext. 413 • Email: Available Opportunities MULTIPLE POSITIONS AVAILABLE WORKING WITH CHILDREN AND TEENS WITH MENTAL HEALTH CHALLENGES LOOKING FOR A Big Brother CW4799 To befriend and spend time with an
CW5478 To teach geometry to a
mentor a
household chores
LOOKING FOR A Life Coach CW4593 To offer counseling to a Parent
organizational skills to a
drive and accompany a
CW3340 To take out and entertain a
CW3476 To give
CW3687 To
household chores
Monday through Thursday 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Math Tutor
15-year-old boy Sunday through Thursday 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
13-year-old girl Sunday through Thursday 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Mother's Helper
To help out with
Friday 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM
To watch an 8-month-old boy Sunday through Thursday 12:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Tuesday, Wednsday 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
To teach
Parent Sunday, Tuesday 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
7-year-old boy Monday through Thursday 3:45 PM to 6:45 PM
9-year-old boy Sunday through Thursday 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Art Teacher
lessons to
13-year-old girl Sunday through Thursday 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Mother's Helper
To take care of a medically fragile 7-year-old boy Friday through Sunday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
help out with
Sunday through Friday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Big Sister
To befriend
spend time with a 7-year-old girl Sunday through Thursday 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM


Friday, Shabbos, Sunday 12:00 PM to 4:30 PM


Monday though Thursday 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Monday though Thursday 5:45 PM to 7:45 PM

To help with daily routine for a 12-year-old boy Weekdays 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM


to 6:00

Shabbos, Sunday 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 129
Available Opportunities MULTIPLE POSITIONS AVAILABLE WORKING WITH INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS � Flexible hours thumbs-up Rewarding work � Gain valuable experience Call: 718-387-8400 ext 249 • Email:
Big Brother
To befriend and spend time with a 13-year-old boy
Monday through Thursday 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM LOOKING FOR A Big Brother
To go on trips and outings with a 7-year-old boy
FOR A Companion OP390 To go to the gym and spend time with a 26-year-old boy
LOOKING FOR A Big Brother/ Sister
To play games and read books with a 7-year-old boy
and teach social skills
To learn
to a 14-year-old boy
Sunday 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM LOOKING FOR A Big Sister OP1395 To befriend and spend time with a 9-year-old girl Every day Any time LOOKING FOR A Big Brother OP2003
LOOKING FOR A Big Brother OP9927 To play with a 9-year-old boy Weekdays 4:00 PM
To go on outings with a 21-year-old boy
Monday through Thursday 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM LOOKING FOR A Mentor OP5565 To befriend and spend time with an 18-year-old girl Weekdays 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM LOOKING FOR A Driver OP3509
To pick up a 17-year-old boy Sunday 12:00 PM to
PM LOOKING FOR AN Aide OP651 To assist a 30-year-old male


1 bedroom 1.5 bathrooms on the first floor, central air conditioning, washer/ dryer in unit, hardwood floors, recessed lighting, freshly painted, super on premises, underground parking available, close to the railroad, shopping and houses of worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457


Extra Large One Bedroom Renovated Apartment In Prime Lawrence. EIK

With Granite Countertops Renovated Bathroom. Sunken LR, Dining Room, Close to All, Transportation, Shopping, Worship.$285k or rent $2,500 monthly Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 mlipner@


1 bedroom apartment, elevator building, eat-in kitchen, full bath, hardwood floors, plenty of closet space. Ceiling fan in bedroom & kitchen, laundry room in the basement. Close to the railroad, shopping, and houses of worship $169k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 mlipner@


Totally renovated bright and sunny 1 bedroom corner unit apartment with a washer/dryer. Features quartz countertops, ss appliances, recessed lighting, bathroom with chrome fixtures, close to the railroads, shopping and houses of worship. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457


Totally renovated 1 and 2 Bedroom, Apartments with washer/dryer, kitchen with quartz countertops, stainless steel appliances. Recessed lighting, hardwood floors, storage in basement. Close to RR, shopping, and houses of worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457


Bright and sunny 2 bedroom 2 bathroom co-op, elevator, doorman building, in ground pool storage, card room, indoor and outdoor parking, washer/dryer in the apartment, renovated kitchen with granite countertops, ss appliances, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, formal living room and dining room, close to all $479k Mark Lipner

Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457


New to the market beautifully maintained bright and sunny 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom co-op on the top floor in an elevator building with a private storage room. Renovated eat -in-kitchen with granite countertops, lots of cabinets, 2 renovated bathrooms. 2 spacious bedrooms with ceiling fans and air conditioners. hardwood floors, high ceilings , close to the railroad, shopping and houses of worship. Call for a private showing.$429K

Mark Lipner Associate Broker

Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457


Magnificent 2K Sq. Ft. Co-Op. 3Br/2Bth, Eik, Lr, Dr, W/D In Unit, Gar, 2 Stor Units, Elev, Near All $775K 516-846-1032 No Brokers

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 130
Licensed Associate Broker, G.R.I. Whether buying or selling real estate... 516-298-8457 Give me a call today! 5BR, 4Bath Split level home well maintained, Spacious home in SD #14, Updated EIK, F D/R & L/R, MBR with Custom Full Bath & Jacuzzi Tub, CAC, HW Floors, High Hats, Close To all$995,000 4BR, 2.5 Bathrooms Split Level, Spectacular 6BR, 5 Full Bathrooms Totally rebuilt. Features In-Ground heated Saltwater pool, top off the line throughout the home. Custom Scavollini EIK with High End Applianced, Countertops & Cabinetry, MBR Suite w/ a Spa Bath, All systems & so much more. A must see. Call for a private showing. N. WOODMERE Beautifully maintained 4BR on a Cul-De-Sac in Old Woodmere, SD #14, Features CAC, Gas Heat, EIK with SS Appliances, Very Spacious Den, 2 Car Garage, HW Floors, High Hats, Magnificent yard with IGP. 918 EILEEN TERRACE, WOODMERE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11/27 5BR, 5BA with IGP on a lot size of 111x107, F L/R & D/R, Tremendous Den w/ Fplc, EIK w/SS Appliances, New outside with Stone and Stucco, New pavers, Roof & CAC, 10 Zone Heat. $1,499,000 562 SUNSET DRIVE, WOODMERE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11/27 OLD WOODMERE Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $199k Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $349k Woodmere 1BR • 1BA $169k Woodmere 2BR • 1.5BA $429k Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $259k Hewlett 2BR • 2BA $189k Hewlett 3BR • 2BA $300k Lawrence 1BR • 1BA $299k Lawrence 1BR • 1BA $285k Lawrence 3BR • 3BA $P.O.R. Lawrence 2BR • 2BA $349k Homes: Inwood 4BR • 3BA $575k Lawrence 6BR • 4BA $P.O.R. Lynbrook 3BR • 2BA $729k Woodmere 3BR • 2BA $676k Hewlett 4BR • 2BA $848k Hewlett 4BR • 1BA $669k Valley Stream 4BR • 2BA $639k Woodmere 4BR • 3BA $885k N. Woodmere 3BR • 3BA $949k Hewlett Bay Park 6BR • 5BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Bay Park 6BR • 7BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Bay Park 7BR • 10BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Harbor 6BR • 4BA $P.O.R. Atlantic Beach 3BR • 3BA $895k Cedarhurst 2BR • 2BA $3,395/mo Cedarhurst 6BR • 5BA $8,000/mo Cedarhurst 1BR • 2BA $2,750/mo Woodmere 6BR • 7BA $10,000/mo Woodmere 4BR • 3BA $3,800/mo Hewlett 2BR • 1BA$2,700/mo Hewlett 4BR • 2BA$5,200/mo Lawrence 2BR • 1BA$3,000/mo And many more...Call for details! Licensed Associate Broker, G.R.I. Whether buying or selling real estate... 516-298-8457 Give me a call today! 5BR, 4Bath Split level home well maintained, Spacious home in SD #14, Updated EIK, F D/R & L/R, MBR with Custom Full Bath & Jacuzzi Tub, CAC, HW Floors, High Hats, Close To all$995,000 4BR, 2.5 Bathrooms Split Level, Spectacular 6BR, 5 Full Bathrooms Totally rebuilt. Features In-Ground heated Saltwater pool, top off the line throughout the home. Custom Scavollini EIK with High End Applianced, Countertops & Cabinetry, MBR Suite w/ a Spa Bath, All systems & so much more. A must see. Call for a private showing. N. WOODMERE Beautifully maintained 4BR on a Cul-De-Sac in Old Woodmere, SD #14, Features CAC, Gas Heat, EIK with SS Appliances, Very Spacious Den, 2 Car Garage, HW Floors, High Hats, Magnificent yard with IGP. 918 EILEEN TERRACE, WOODMERE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11/27 5BR, 5BA with IGP on a lot size of 111x107, F L/R & D/R, Tremendous w/ Fplc, EIK w/SS Appliances, New outside with Stone and Stucco, New pavers, Roof & CAC, 10 Zone Heat. $1,499,000 562 SUNSET DRIVE, WOODMERE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11/27 OLD WOODMERE Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $199k Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $349k Woodmere 1BR • 1BA $169k Woodmere 2BR • 1.5BA $429k Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $259k Hewlett 2BR • 2BA $189k Hewlett 3BR • 2BA $300k Lawrence 1BR • 1BA $299k Lawrence 1BR • 1BA $285k Lawrence 3BR • 3BA $P.O.R. Lawrence 2BR • 2BA $349k Homes: $575k Lawrence 6BR • 4BA $P.O.R. Lynbrook 3BR • 2BA $729k Woodmere 3BR • 2BA $676k Hewlett 4BR • 2BA $848k Hewlett 4BR • 1BA $669k Valley Stream 4BR • 2BA $639k Woodmere 4BR • 3BA $885k N. Woodmere 3BR • 3BA $949k Hewlett Bay Park 6BR • 5BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Bay Park 6BR • 7BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Bay Park 7BR • 10BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Harbor 6BR • 4BA $P.O.R. Atlantic Beach 3BR • 3BA $895k $3,395/mo Cedarhurst 6BR • 5BA $8,000/mo $2,750/mo Woodmere 6BR • 7BA $10,000/mo Woodmere 4BR • 3BA $3,800/mo Hewlett 2BR • 1BA$2,700/mo Hewlett 4BR • 2BA$5,200/mo Lawrence 2BR • 1BA$3,000/mo And many more...Call for details! Licensed Associate Broker, G.R.I. Whether buying or selling real estate... 516-298-8457 Give me a call today! 5BR, 4Bath Split level home well maintained, Spacious home in SD #14, Updated EIK, F D/R & L/R, MBR with Custom Full Bath & Jacuzzi Tub, CAC, HW Floors, High Hats, Close To all$995,000 WOODMERE 4BR, 2.5 Bathrooms Split Level, Spectacular 6BR, 5 Full Bathrooms Totally rebuilt. Features In-Ground heated Saltwater pool, top off the line throughout the home. Custom Scavollini EIK with High End Applianced, Countertops & Cabinetry, MBR Suite w/ a Spa Bath, All systems & so much more. A must see. Call for a private showing. N. WOODMERE Beautifully maintained 4BR on a Cul-De-Sac in Old Woodmere, SD #14, Features CAC, Gas Heat, EIK with SS Appliances, Very Spacious Den, 2 Car Garage, HW Floors, High Hats, Magnificent yard with IGP. 918 EILEEN TERRACE, WOODMERE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11/27 11:30AM - 1:00PM 5BR, 5BA with IGP on a lot size of 111x107, F L/R & D/R, Tremendous Den w/ Fplc, EIK w/SS Appliances, New outside with Stone and Stucco, New pavers, Roof & CAC, 10 Zone Heat. $1,499,000 562 SUNSET DRIVE, WOODMERE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11/27 1:00PM - 2:30PM OLD WOODMERE Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $199k Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $349k Woodmere 1BR • 1BA $169k Woodmere 2BR • 1.5BA $429k Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $259k Hewlett 2BR • 2BA $189k Hewlett 3BR • 2BA $300k Lawrence 1BR • 1BA $299k Lawrence 1BR • 1BA $285k Lawrence 3BR • 3BA $P.O.R. Lawrence 2BR • 2BA $349k Homes: Inwood 4BR • 3BA $575k Lawrence 6BR • 4BA $P.O.R. Lynbrook 3BR • 2BA $729k Woodmere 3BR • 2BA $676k Hewlett 4BR • 2BA $848k Hewlett 4BR • 1BA $669k Valley Stream 4BR • 2BA $639k Woodmere 4BR • 3BA $885k N. Woodmere 3BR • 3BA $949k Hewlett Bay Park 6BR • 5BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Bay Park 6BR • 7BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Bay Park 7BR • 10BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Harbor 6BR • 4BA $P.O.R. Atlantic Beach 3BR • 3BA $895k Cedarhurst 2BR • 2BA $3,395/mo Cedarhurst 6BR • 5BA $8,000/mo Cedarhurst 1BR • 2BA $2,750/mo Woodmere 6BR • 7BA $10,000/mo Woodmere 4BR • 3BA $3,800/mo Hewlett 2BR • 1BA$2,700/mo Hewlett 4BR • 2BA$5,200/mo Lawrence 2BR • 1BA$3,000/mo And many more...Call for details! Licensed Associate Licensed Associate Licensed Associate Broker, G.R.I. Whether buying or selling real estate... 516-298-8457 Give me a call today! 5BR, 4Bath Split level home well maintained, Spacious home in SD #14, Updated EIK, F D/R & L/R, MBR with Custom Full Bath & Jacuzzi Tub, CAC, HW Floors, High Hats, Close To all$995,000 4BR, 2.5 Bathrooms Split Level, Prime Location, F L/R, F D/R, EIK, CAC, HW Floors, Spacious Yard. Price Reduced to $879,000 Spectacular 6BR, 5 Full Bathrooms Totally rebuilt. Features In-Ground heated Saltwater pool, top off the line throughout the home. Custom Scavollini EIK with High End Applianced, Countertops & Cabinetry, MBR Suite w/ a Spa Bath, All systems & so much more. A must see. Call for a private showing. N. WOODMERE Beautifully maintained 4BR on a Cul-De-Sac in Old Woodmere, SD #14, Features CAC, Gas Heat, EIK with SS Appliances, Very Spacious Den, 2 Car Garage, HW Floors, High Hats, Magnificent yard with IGP. 918 EILEEN TERRACE, WOODMERE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11/27 5BR, 5BA with IGP on a lot size of 111x107, F L/R & D/R, Tremendous Den w/ Fplc, EIK w/SS Appliances, New outside with Stone and Stucco, New pavers, Roof & CAC, 10 Zone Heat. $1,499,000 562 SUNSET DRIVE, WOODMERE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11/27 OLD WOODMERE OLD WOODMERE 3BR, 2 Full Bath Colonial in SD #14, HW Floors, LG L/R w/Fplc, Den, LG D/R, Kitchen and Dinette Area, High Ceilings, Primary Bedroom Plus Sitting Area, 2 Additional Bedrooms, Full Bsmt, Alarm, Sprinkler, $825,000 Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $199k Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $349k Woodmere 1BR • 1BA $169k Woodmere 2BR • 1.5BA $429k Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $259k Co-Ops: Hewlett 2BR • 2BA $189k Hewlett 3BR • 2BA $300k Lawrence 1BR • 1BA $299k Lawrence 1BR • 1BA $285k Lawrence 3BR • 3BA $P.O.R. Lawrence 2BR • 2BA $349k Homes: Inwood 4BR • 3BA $575k Lawrence 6BR • 4BA $P.O.R. Lynbrook 3BR • 2BA $729k Woodmere 3BR • 2BA $676k Hewlett 4BR • 2BA $848k Hewlett 4BR • 1BA $669k Valley Stream 4BR • 2BA $639k Woodmere 4BR • 3BA $885k N. Woodmere 3BR • 3BA $949k Hewlett Bay Park 6BR • 5BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Bay Park 6BR • 7BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Bay Park 7BR • 10BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Harbor 6BR • 4BA $P.O.R. Atlantic Beach 3BR • 3BA $895k Rentals: Cedarhurst 2BR • 2BA $3,395/mo Cedarhurst 6BR • 5BA $8,000/mo Cedarhurst 1BR • 2BA $2,750/mo Woodmere 6BR • 7BA $10,000/mo Woodmere 4BR • 3BA $3,800/mo Hewlett 2BR • 1BA$2,700/mo Hewlett 4BR • 2BA$5,200/mo Lawrence 2BR • 1BA$3,000/mo And many more...Call for details! Licensed Associate Broker, G.R.I. Whether buying or selling real estate... 516-298-8457 Give me a call today! 5BR, 4Bath Split level home well maintained, Spacious home in SD #14, Updated EIK, F D/R & L/R, MBR with Custom Full Bath & Jacuzzi Tub, CAC, HW Floors, High Hats, Close To all$995,000 WOODMERE 4BR, 2.5 Bathrooms Split Level, Prime Location, F L/R, F D/R, EIK, CAC, HW Floors, Spacious Yard. Price Reduced to $879,000 Spectacular 6BR, 5 Full Bathrooms Totally rebuilt. Features In-Ground heated Saltwater pool, top off the line throughout the home. Custom Scavollini EIK with High End Applianced, Countertops & Cabinetry, MBR Suite w/ a Spa Bath, All systems & so much more. A must see. Call for a private showing. N. WOODMERE Beautifully maintained 4BR on a Cul-De-Sac in Old Woodmere, SD #14, Features CAC, Gas Heat, EIK with SS Appliances, Very Spacious Den, 2 Car Garage, HW Floors, High Hats, Magnificent yard with IGP. 918 EILEEN TERRACE, WOODMERE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11/27 11:30AM - 1:00PM 5BR, 5BA with IGP on a lot size of 111x107, F L/R & D/R, Tremendous Den w/ Fplc, EIK w/SS Appliances, New outside with Stone and Stucco, New pavers, Roof & CAC, 10 Zone Heat. $1,499,000 562 SUNSET DRIVE, WOODMERE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11/27 1:00PM - 2:30PM OLD WOODMERE OLD WOODMERE 3BR, 2 Full Bath Colonial in SD #14, HW Floors, LG L/R w/Fplc, Den, LG D/R, Kitchen and Dinette Area, High Ceilings, Primary Bedroom Plus Sitting Area, 2 Additional Bedrooms, Full Bsmt, Alarm, Sprinkler, $825,000 Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $199k Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $349k Woodmere 1BR • 1BA $169k Woodmere 2BR • 1.5BA $429k Woodmere 2BR • 1BA $259k Co-Ops: Hewlett 2BR • 2BA $189k Hewlett 3BR • 2BA $300k Lawrence 1BR • 1BA $299k Lawrence 1BR • 1BA $285k Lawrence 3BR • 3BA $P.O.R. Lawrence 2BR • 2BA $349k Homes: Inwood 4BR • 3BA $575k Lawrence 6BR • 4BA $P.O.R. Lynbrook 3BR • 2BA $729k Woodmere 3BR • 2BA $676k Hewlett 4BR • 2BA $848k Hewlett 4BR • 1BA $669k Valley Stream 4BR • 2BA $639k Woodmere 4BR • 3BA $885k N. Woodmere 3BR • 3BA $949k Hewlett Bay Park 6BR • 5BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Bay Park 6BR • 7BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Bay Park 7BR • 10BA $P.O.R. Hewlett Harbor 6BR • 4BA $P.O.R. Atlantic Beach 3BR • 3BA $895k Rentals: Cedarhurst 2BR • 2BA $3,395/mo Cedarhurst 6BR • 5BA $8,000/mo Cedarhurst 1BR • 2BA $2,750/mo Woodmere 6BR • 7BA $10,000/mo Woodmere 4BR • 3BA $3,800/mo Hewlett 2BR • 1BA$2,700/mo Hewlett 4BR • 2BA$5,200/mo Lawrence 2BR • 1BA$3,000/mo And many more...Call for details! Licensed Licensed Classifieds • text 443-929-4003 APT./COOP/CONDO SALE APT./COOP/CONDO SALE APT./COOP/CONDO SALE APT./COOP/CONDO SALE

Classifieds • text 443-929-4003



Beautiful & Spacious 2 Bedroom Apartment Across From The Golf Course. Elevator Building, Updated Kitchen, Gas Cooking, Granite Countertops, Washer/Dryer In Unit, High Ceilings, Great Closet Space, Storage in Basement, Close To RR, Shopping & Houses Of Worship.$349K

Mark Lipner Associate Broker

Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457


Hewlett 3 bedroom 2 bath co-op with central air conditioning, terrace, wash-er/dryer, hardwood floors, recessed lighting, magnificent kitchens, ss appliances, l/r, d/r, close to the railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. $300k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457



1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, totally renovated private entrance , central air conditioning, hardwood floors, washer/dryer, garage parking, dishwasher, recessed lighting, private playground, close to railroad, park, shopping and houses of worship. Call for more details

Mark Lipner Associate Broker

Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457


Move right in!! 2 Bedroom Apartment, Elevator Bldg in SD #14, Pre War Bldg, Pet Friendly, Laundry Room in Basement, Wood Floors, New Windows, Corner Apartment, Beautiful Renovated Kitchen w/SS Appliances, 3 A/C Units, Close to RR, Shopping & Houses of Worship. A must-see! $199k


1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment, elevator building, eat-in kitchen, spacious rooms throughout, laundry room on-premises, garage parking, close to all Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457



Storefront/Office for LEASE: Bayview Ave corner Lawrence. Street parking 600+SF - Available immedi ately. Minyan Call/Text/WA Owner: 516-206-1100


OFFICE + Large Parking LOT FOR LEASE: Bayview and Lawrence. Available immediately. Minyan Call/Text/WA Owner: 516-206-1100


Office space For Lease   – Rockaway Tpke location 2-3 offices available for lease with ac cess to a conference room, and shared amenities. All Utilities and Internet included.  Can be leased individually or as a suite. Contact MJ at Weissman Realty Group for a private showing! (631)839-3748 Follow @mjrealtor365


A YESHIVA IN QUEENS is looking for an experienced part/ full time secretary, 2-year-old morah, kindergarten morah, kindergarten morah assistant and Pre-1A English teacher for the 2022-2023 school year. Nice and timely pay. Please email resume to or call/text 718-971-9799.

THE GURAL JCC EARLY CHILDHOOD Center in Lawrence is looking for full-time & part-time teachers and per diem & permanent substitute teachers to work with infants, toddlers or preschoolers. Interested and qualified candidates, over 18 years old, please call (516) 239-1354 or e-mail


NEWSPAPER LOOKING FOR someone with a Minivan or SUV who can work late Wednesday evening or early Thursday morning on a weekly basis throughout the year, delivering newspapers in Brooklyn. Please email or call (917) 299-8082


Excellent growth potential, Frum environment, Excellent salary & benefits. Email resume to:


Business looking for someone that has a large van or sprinter that can work a full day on Wednesdays on a weekly basis throughout the year in Brooklyn. Please do not call if you do not have a large van or a sprinter 347.992.7411

OFFICE ASSISTANT: Shomer Shabbos Office in Cedarhurst seeking individual with ability to multi-task. Computer/phone skills a must. No experience needed, will train. Email Resume:


CAHAL is seeking an afternoon secular studies Assistant Teacher in a girls’ Bais Yaakov in Far Rockaway. Send resume to or call 516-295-3666



Excellent working environment and pay. Only lic/exp need apply. Email resume to


Local 5 towns, hours are flexible. Candidate should be Self motivated and organized. Please email resume to


Bright Futures has openings for pro viders. Work one on one with children and earn great money doing what you love! Sports coaches, art teach ers, childcare, etc. We pay $50/hr for providers with a Bachelor’s and $25/ hr for providers with a HS diploma. Email or text/call 347-970-9531

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 131


A multi-tasker needed for general office work. The ideal candidate is someone who is detail-oriented, responsible, and can take ownership. Looking for someone who is eager to learn, and expand his/her skill set while possessing the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Experience with Excel required. Five Towns location. In-office position only, not remote. Please send resume to


Great Shomer Shabbos environment with some remote options as well. Email:


In memory of R’ Yehuda Aryeh Leib ben R’ Yisroel Dov. We have a library of books on the subjects of loss, aveilus, grief, & kaddish. We have sets of ArtScroll Mishnayos to assist with finishing Shisha Sidrei Mishna for Shloshim or yahrtzeit. Locations in Brooklyn, Far Rockaway, & Lakewood. Email:

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 132
A Shul is in desperate need of tables and chairs and a safe for “Aron Kodesh” etc. Please call/text  347-486-2858
MALE PARAS WANTED Seeking Male Paras for immediate hire in Far Rockaway, From 12:30-4:30 pm and from 5-8 pm (flexible). Special rate for late afternoon/ evening hours! Pay ranges from $22-38 per hour. Please call: 718-686-2376 Email: YVY is an EOE Classifieds Reach Your Target Market TJH Classifieds Post your Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services, Miscellaneous Ads here. Weekly Classifieds Up to 5 lines and/or 25 words 1 week ................$20 2 weeks .............. $35 4 weeks .............. $60 Email ads to: Include valid credit card info and zip code Deadline Monday 5:00pm Full time Great pay Warm, happy environment Full benefits package Five Towns Email resume to FI coordinator Help clients receive customized services through a Self-Direction budget of their choice. Full time Great pay Warm, happy environment Full benefits package Five Towns Email resume to Joining the workforce? Join Hamaspik as an FI coordinator Help clients receive customized services through a Self-Direction budget of their choice. Full time Great pay Warm, happy environment Full benefits package Five Towns Email resume to Joining the workforce? Join Hamaspik as an

Your Money Winter Aches and Pains

2022 is drawing to a close, and it can’t come soon enough for some folks. (We’re looking at you, Elon, Kanye, and Don.) Winter’s chill is creeping south, ski resorts are opening throughout the north, and turkeys are looking over their shoulders.

This is traditionally a great time of year for taking advantage of various sales: Black Friday, Small Business Sat urday, and Cyber Monday. (Taco Tues day is getting nervous.) Curiously, it’s also a great time to pick up a bargain on prescription sunglasses. Why is that? Are there really enough people getting ready to hit the winter slopes who need to cut the glare? Nope – chalk this one up to a tax code quirk.

Medical and dental expenses have always been “deductible” – but only if you itemize, and only to the extent they total more than 7.5% of your ad justed gross income. That’s not much of a break. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 thinned the ranks of itemizers down to just 14%, and the number with qualifying medical expenses is even

lower. That leaves most taxpayers out in the cold at a time when insurance de ductibles and overall healthcare costs are climbing fast.

Many employers offer employees something called a Healthcare Flexi ble Spending Account to help ease the

March 15. But there’s nothing worse than setting money aside to avoid tax es – then watching it go back to your employer because you couldn’t use it in time. Hence, prescription shades are on sale. (By contrast, more-powerful Health Savings Accounts let taxpayers

Nope. Overkill. A special hypoallergenic washing machine? Maybe, with a “letter of medical necessity.” (If you loved getting a doctor’s note to get out of class back in junior high, you’ll love getting one just as much today, too.)

And how about an emotional support kitten? Yes! That includes the cost of the kitty, plus food and vet bills, but not cat toys or a scratching post. We under stand that not everyone likes cats – but who wouldn’t support tax breaks for a tiny little mewling ball of floof?

squeeze. This program lets employees set aside up to $2,850 per year, pretax, for unreimbursed healthcare expenses that would be deductible under Code Section 213(d).

Here’s the quirk: most of these plans require employees to use all of their money by the end of the year. Some of them give you a grace period until

with qualifying high-deductible health plans set aside up to $7,300 for 2022 and carry forward as much of that amount for as long as they like.)

The New York Times recently outlined how some clever taxpayers have tried to stretch those accounts. Personal massagers? Uh, no. Reading glasses? Sure. A stress-relieving cruise vacation?

Most people think that when it comes to paying taxes, April 15 is the biggest deadline of the year. But when it comes to paying less , December 31 is when the real action happens, and flex-spending accounts are just one reason why. Don’t let time run out on you!

Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at

NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 133
A special hypoallergenic washing machine? Maybe, with a “letter of medical necessity.”

A Tehillim-Based Mortgage

Finding a home is one story. Getting a mortgage is another. With our growing family, it was clear that we needed to jump into the grueling process. After an intensive search in the saturated real estate market in our community, we were lucky to find a home that seemed perfectly suited to our needs.

Then we began to work on the mortgage. We gave in our application and waited to hear back from the bank. The response we got was not the one we had hoped for. “Declined!”

Without the necessary funds, the entire deal would fall through! I was despondent and desperate. Our lawyer encouraged me to hand in an appeal and begin the request again, even though “the chances of it going through are very, very weak,” he explained. This was the most we could do.

I decided to get some advocates on my behalf. I would join the thousands of Tehillim Kollel members and have the special minyanim daven for me every single day.

That was on Monday morning. Just two days passed. On Wednesday, I received a notice from the bank: my request was accepted! The mortgage went through!

I was so excited. After moving into our new home, I called the Tehillim Kollel office to share my excitement. “Everything went so smoothly. All the typical complications and legal issues totally jumped over us. Yes, I myself witnessed how great daily Tehillim b’tzibbur is.”

Life C ach Maybe It Does?

Life goes exactly as you plan! And if you believe that one, have I got a plot of land to sell to you. And it’s exactly what you want. Swamp and all!

Often, we get discouraged, because we expect things to go as we assume they should.

We talk to G-d and appeal for the things we want. And we figure that if we pray hard enough and often enough, we’ll get it.

Yet, we don’t. And we get plenty up set!

But come on… Does that actually make sense?

Just think: no matter how much your first grader would lobby you for a cell phone, would you think it wise to give it to them? If they asked to drive the car, would you let them? Even if they prom ised to be careful? How about if they begged you to let them get married, and I don’t mean “some day”! I mean now! Are you on board? Probably not.

And why not?

Because we know that we know a lot that they don’t! We are attuned to the damage, the danger, the challenges. We can say that we are saving them, even while they think we are disappointing them.

Ergo, just maybe, we don’t want life to proceed exactly as we plan….

Maybe, we do want it to go exactly as the Omnipotent/Omniscient One plans for us.

This might be a hard plan to swal low.…

But it might very well be the perfect plan to digest.

Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both couples and individuals and is a certified relationship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program. She can be contacted at 917705-2004 or at

The Jewish Home | NOVEMBER 24, 2022 134
ד״סב NOVEMBER 2022
We can say that we are saving them, even while they think we are disappointing them.
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NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home 135 Promo ends Sunday, November 27th 11:59PM EST SPORTS PROGRAM COOKING/ BAKING MUSIC ART CHINUCH RUACH SWIM PROGRAM SPORTS LEAGUES Innovative Programming EARLY BIRD DEADLINE EXTENDED FLASH SALE FOR BLACK FRIDAY REGISTER TODAY TO GET $150 OFF FULL SUMMER TUITION! Busing, DailyFood,Snacks included! HANC UNIONDALE CAMPUS Location ENTERING K - ENTERING 7TH Grades Apply today at Located on the HANC Uniondale Campus: 215 Oak St, Uniondale, NY 11553 · 212.465.9536 Moshava Ba'ir is proudly run by Bnei Akiva of the US & Canada. *Flash Sale is the extension of the early bird promo for a total of $150 off camp tuition, not in addition to early bird. If you already applied- you're in on the savings!

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