The Jewish Home | MARCH 31, 2022
Notable Notable Quotes Quotes “Say What?!” “SayWhat?!” What?!” “Say
I]fI]fyou believe ininDr. Fauci, what you should do youbelieve believein Dr.Fauci, Fauci,what whatyou youshould shoulddo do I]f you Dr. immediately is go get stickers and make sure immediatelyisisgo goget getstickers stickersand andmake makesure sure immediately they are on the floor, everywhere you go, and theyare areon onthe thefloor, floor,everywhere everywhereyou yougo, go,and andaaa they yardstick so you know you are six feet away from yardstickso soyou youknow knowyou youare aresix sixfeet feetaway awayfrom from yardstick people — and Plexiglas. Carry Plexiglas around people——and andPlexiglas. Plexiglas.Carry CarryPlexiglas Plexiglasaround around people with you because Dr. Fauci thinks that Plexiglas withyou youbecause becauseDr. Dr.Fauci Faucithinks thinksthat thatPlexiglas Plexiglas with somehow, you know, reflects the virus away somehow, you know, reflects the virus away somehow, you know, reflects the virus away from you. fromyou. you. from – Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Fox News – Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Fox News – Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Fox News
All totosay Ketanji reminded me ofofObama little bit because he AllII have Ihave haveto sayisisisKetanji Ketanjireminded remindedme meof Obamaaaalittle littlebit bitbecause becausehe he All say Obama was also perfect. was also perfect. was also perfect. - The View’s Joy Behar gushing over Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson who stated that
- The View’s Joy Behar gushing over Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson who stated that -she TheisView’s Joy Behar gushing over Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson who stated that she isunable unabletotodefine definewhat whata awoman womanisis she is unable to define what a woman is
Quite frankly, looked like Ted Cruz commit hate crime, ininthat Quitefrankly, frankly,itititlooked lookedlike likeII saw Isaw sawTed TedCruz Cruzcommit commitaaahate hatecrime, crime,in that Quite that hearing room. hearingroom. room. hearing - MSNBC commentator Chai Komanduri commenting on Sen. Cruz (R-TX) asking Supreme Court
OctOber 29,29, 2015 | the Jewish Home OctOber 2015 | the Jewish Home OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home
- MSNBC commentator Chai Komanduri commenting on Sen. Cruz (R-TX) asking Supreme Court -nominee MSNBC commentator Chai Komanduri commenting on Sen. Cruz (R-TX) asking Supreme Court nomineeKetanji KetanjiBrown BrownJackson Jacksonquestions questionsabout abouther herrecord record nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson questions about her record
They canceled Joanne Rowling, the children’s author ——her books are Theycanceled canceledJoanne JoanneRowling, Rowling,the thechildren’s children’sauthor author— herbooks booksare are They her published all over the world — because she didn’t satisfy the demands ofof publishedallallover overthe theworld world——because becauseshe shedidn’t didn’tsatisfy satisfythe thedemands demandsof published gender rights. genderrights. rights. gender - Russian President Putin claiming that Russia is the victim of cancel culture like Harry Potter author J.
- Russian President Putin claiming that Russia is the victim of cancel culture like Harry Potter author J. -K.Russian President Putin claiming that Russia is the victim of cancel culture like Harry Potter author J. K.Rowling Rowling K. Rowling
Critiques ofofWestern cancel culture are possibly not best made by those Critiquesof Westerncancel cancelculture cultureare arepossibly possiblynot notbest bestmade madeby bythose those Critiques Western currently slaughtering civilians for the crime of resistance, or who jail and currentlyslaughtering slaughteringcivilians civiliansfor forthe thecrime crimeofofresistance, resistance,ororwho whojail jailand and currently poison their critics. poisontheir theircritics. critics. poison -J.K. Rowling responding to Putin’s shout-out -J.K. Rowling responding to Putin’s shout-out -J.K. Rowling responding to Putin’s shout-out
None ofofwhat he’s been for has worked. Not Noneof whathe’s he’sbeen beenfor forhas hasworked. worked.Not Not None what one thing he has advocated, other than the onething thinghehehas hasadvocated, advocated,other otherthan thanthe the one vaccine, and I’m not against the vaccine, but the vaccine,and andI’m I’mnot notagainst againstthe thevaccine, vaccine,but butthe the vaccine, interesting thing is this, and he won’t admit this interestingthing thingisisthis, this,and andhehewon’t won’tadmit admitthis this interesting totothe public: If you take a sample of blood from thepublic: public:If Ifyou youtake takea asample sampleofofblood bloodfrom from to the 1,000 people anywhere in the United States and 1,000people peopleanywhere anywhereininthe theUnited UnitedStates Statesand and 1,000 you measure to see if they have antibodies to the youmeasure measuretotosee seeif ifthey theyhave haveantibodies antibodiestotothe the you virus or antibodies to the vaccine, it’s over 95%. virus or antibodies to the vaccine, it’s over 95%. virus orwhy antibodies to the better vaccine, it’sthis. overWe 95%. That’s we are doing with That’s why we are doing better with this. We That’s why we are doing better with this. We have developed immunity, either from having the havedeveloped developedimmunity, immunity,either eitherfrom fromhaving havingthe the have disease or from being vaccinated, and that’s why diseaseororfrom frombeing beingvaccinated, vaccinated,and andthat’s that’swhy why disease we are doing better, in addition to the fact that weare aredoing doingbetter, better,ininaddition additiontotothe thefact factthat that we the virus has mutated to a less virulent or less thevirus virushas hasmutated mutatedtotoa aless lessvirulent virulentororless less the deadly form, but he won’t admit it because he’s deadlyform, form,but buthehewon’t won’tadmit admitit itbecause becausehe’s he’s deadly caught up in putting stickers on the floor, putting caughtupupininputting puttingstickers stickerson onthe thefloor, floor,putting putting caught masks on your face, putting goggles on you. The masks on your face, putting goggles on you. The masks on your face, putting goggles on you. The guy is a menace, and he hasn’t been right really guyisisa amenace, menace,and andhehehasn’t hasn’tbeen beenright rightreally really guy about anything since the start of this. aboutanything anythingsince sincethe thestart startofofthis. this. about - Ibid. - Ibid. - Ibid.
Worth noting even Hitler didn’t permit his Worthnoting notingeven evenHitler Hitlerdidn’t didn’tpermit permithis his Worth military to use chemical weapons, though he military to use chemical weapons, though he military to use chemical weapons, though he had them. hadthem. them. had -Tweet by former CEO and current senior chairman of Goldman
-Tweet by former CEO and current senior chairman of Goldman -Tweet by former CEO and current senior chairman of Goldman Sachs SachsLloyd LloydBlankfein Blankfein Sachs Lloyd Blankfein
It’s always good totoget reminder that the It’salways alwaysgood goodto getaaareminder reminderthat thatthe the It’s get people who run America are absolutely 100% out peoplewho whorun runAmerica Americaare areabsolutely absolutely100% 100%out out people ofoftheir minds. theirminds. minds. of their - Tweet in response by Jon Schwartz of the Intercept
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- Tweet in response by Jon Schwartz of the Intercept - Tweet in response by Jon Schwartz of the Intercept