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The Jewish Home | JUNE 9, 2022

Health & F tness

20 Foods That Boost the Metabolism by Aliza beer MS, rD, cDN


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


here is a plethora of products on the market claiming to boost your metabolism and be beneficial for your health. However, eating real food is the best way to stay healthy and have a good metabolism. Metabolism is a term used to describe the chemical reactions in maintaining life. It is the process in which your body converts the food you eat into energy. Our bodies need energy to breathe, think, move, and grow. Lack of sleep, some medications, strict diets, chronic stress, and high-fat diets are shown to decrease your metabolism. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimum amount of calories your individual body requires to function at rest. Someone with a fast metabolism is someone with a high BMR, which means their body needs more calories to function. To have a healthy and functioning metabolism, you must sleep enough, fuel your body, not skip meals, and exercise regularly. There are also different foods that benefit your metabolism. Foods that boost the metabolism:

1. Cruciferous vegetables: Vegetables like cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage contain nutrients called sulforaphane and glucoraphanin that have many benefits. They lower blood fat levels, increase the metabolism, and support the detoxification of different toxins. Aside from their other beneficial contents like fiber and vitamins, their metabolism-boosting contents are a big plus! 2. Cinnamon: Cinnamon has a host of benefits for the metabolism. It has been shown to regulate glucose levels. This is important because when too much insulin is produced to combat high glucose levels, it can be negative for fat loss because insulin is a fat-hoarding hormone. Additionally, the body uses a lot of energy to process spices, which can thereby help you lose fat. 3. Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and limes contain vitamin C, which is very helpful for weight loss. They assist in fat burning and can make you feel more energized. 4. Seeds: Seeds like chia seeds, basil

seeds, and flax seeds have high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Because they are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids, they can be very beneficial for your health if incorporated into your daily diet. Since fiber is difficult for the body to break down, it requires a significant amount of calories to break it down. Therefore, it helps speed up the metabolism. 5. Beans: There are many types of beans that are great for the metabolism. Chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans, and lima beans are a few types of beans that contain fiber and protein which help preserve lean body mass and boost the metabolism. 6. Berries: Berries are rich sources of fiber and antioxidants. They also help regulate blood sugar and keep your metabolism running smoothly. They are filled with vitamins and minerals that, when consumed often, increase your metabolism. 7. Nuts: Although nuts are high in fat and calories, they promote weight

loss when eaten regularly. According to research, because nuts are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory, they help the metabolism function properly. People who eat nuts have lower insulin resistance, which means blood sugar is regulated well. This means eating nuts will help prevent diabetes and other health issues. 8. Oats: Oats are a great food to jumpstart the metabolism. They are a superfood that contain high amounts of calcium which increase the body’s core body temperature, thereby boosting metabolic activity. 9. Hot peppers: Spicy foods like hot peppers are proven to boost the metabolism. Chili peppers have capsaicin, the part of the pepper that gives it its spiciness. It acts as an appetite suppressant and can help the body burn more fat. Studies have shown that eating capsaicin increases the metabolic rate. 10. Seaweed: Seaweed is rich in iodine, which helps with the production of thyroid hormones that ensure your thy-

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