Federation Star
December 2023
Messages of mutual respect through the museum both the lessons of the past and their crucial Susan importance now. Suarez The North Wing comprises the Auschwitz President Gallery, the Estelle and & CEO Stuart Price Gallery for Special Exhibits, ith the world still reeling from the Shelley and Steven the horrific Oct. 7 Hamas Einhorn Genocide Galterrorist attack on innocent lery, the Herbert H. civilians, the importance of our Museum’s Schiff Classroom and mission to inspire action against bigotry, our relocated education hatred and violence becomes even more department offices. important. FBI Director Christopher The Price Gallery Wray recently warned that antisemitism has the capacity to Treasurer Alan Englander, Vice Chair Fred Roth, Development Chair Maureen Lerner, is reaching historic levels in the U.S., display larger special noting that while Jews represent about exhibits from other Museum President and CEO Susan Suarez, Board Chair Stuart Price cutting ribbon, Naples Chamber of Commerce representative Matthew Morinello and past Museum Board Chair 2.4% of the U.S. population, they account museums, as well as Fred Hirschovits. Photo Credit: Charlie McDonald Photography for about 60% of all religious-based larger exhibits created hate crimes. inhouse with items While hateful messages that flourAs part of our Grand Reopening, Marshall Besikof, Penni and Mark from the Museum’s Permanent Collecish online can, and do, lead to hateful the Museum hosted a ribbon-cutting Blaskey, Rosalee and Jerry Bogo, Susan tion Archives. The Einhorn Genocide actions, we must continue to push back ceremony with key donors and partners Bookbinder, Paula and Ronald Filler, Gallery is dedicated to an overview of with education and messages of mutual in our expansion and renovation projFGCU Foundation, Eva and Alan human rights and genocides through respect. Our recently reopened Museum ect, a Family Day event with children’s Freeman, Nancy Garfien, Jo Ann Golden, history. The Schiff Classroom will allow is uniquely positioned to do this. The programming and a special Veterans Jim Hale, Bobbi and Randy Heiligman, the Museum to host larger size student additional 3,600 square feet in the new Day program. The latter featured comNancy Kahn, Jan Larson, Bobbie Lublin, field trips and private group tours. AddiNorth Wing and renovated Museum plimentary Museum admission and a Dottie McGovern, Lorelei Meeker and tionally, the classroom provides meeting galleries now provide the space to offer a discussion with Heinz Wartski, Holocaust Geoffrey Grodner, Patti and Sid Price, space for community organizations. deeper focus on the Holocaust as well as survivor and Korean War veteran. Susan and Nathaniel Ritter, Ellaine and Renovations also updated each of the a broad overview on human rights and Richard Rosen, Janet and Howard Solot, Museum’s existing galleries with new other genocides. This will help connect The Luncheon Mindy and Jay Sterns, Phyllis and Steve exhibits, artifact displays and interand engage visitors and students with A live dramatic performance of "Letters Strome and Nancy White active exhibits. from Anne and Martin" will be the highlight of The Luncheon, our annual winter Upcoming exhibits fundraising event. Presented in conjuncand programs The Holocaust Museum & tion with the Anne Frank Center USA, We have an exciting calendar of events the presentation’s script is this season. Exhibits in the Janet G. and Harvey D. Cohen Education based on the writings of new Estelle and Stuart Price Center is proud to announce Anne Frank and Dr. Martin Gallery include: our Grand Re-Opening! Luther King, Jr. The play • Forgeries and the Holouses their iconic words to caust, December 2023 examine their parallel expe• Stitching Histor y riences living in the shadow from the Holocaust, of hatred and prejudice. January-March Many thanks to all who • Lawyers without Rights: plan to attend and to our The Fate of Jewish Lawyers Luncheon sponsors (as of in Berlin after 1933, April 10/31/23 press deadline): through October 2024. • Remembrance Sponsor: Shelley and On Jan. 17 at 2 p.m., we will host Steven Einhorn a special film/Q&A program on “The • Testimony Sponsors: Maureen Rescue in the Philippines.” and Arnold Lerner, and Estelle and In honor of International Holocaust Stuart Price Remembrance Day, we will offer compli• Hope Sponsors: Rissa Grossman, and mentary admission and a special program We invite you to see our beautiful, newly expanded Fran and Rob Nossen on Jan. 26. and updated Museum. Our extraordinary new North • Inspire Sponsors: Silvie and Herb Museum Docent Ellaine Rosen will Wing has 3,600 square feet of new exhibits and Berkeley, Diane and Ron McGinty, and present a three-part lecture series, “Witness displays. The North Wing features the Auschwitz Sandy and Fred Roth to Goodness,” on Feb. 7, 14 and 21 from Gallery, the Shelley and Steven Einhorn Human Rights • Patron Sponsors: Cheryl and Warren 2 to 4 p.m. and Genocide Gallery, the Estelle and Stuart Price Alifeld, Harriet and Louis Berneman, Triumph 2024, our annual fundraisSpecial Exhibits Gallery, and the Herbert H. Schiff Goldie and Lou Bertone, Shirley and ing event, will take place March 6 at the Classroom. Arthrex Conference Center. For more information on hours, ticket purchase and Board Vice Chair and upcoming programs, please visit HMCEC.org. Museum Docent Stuart Mest, M.D. will present a lecture, “The Holocaust: Medically Driven Genocide," on March 20 at 2 p.m. For more information on Holocaust Museum & Janet G. and Harvey D. Cohen Education Center these exhibits, programs and 975 Imperial Golf Course Blvd., Suite 108, Naples, FL 34110 events, please visit the Museum’s 239-263-9200 HMCEC.org Info@HMCEC.org website, www.hmcec.org.