Federation Star - January 2023

Page 41

Welcome to the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center on the Steve Saks Campus

For many years, close to seven years, my dream of a “home” for our Federation has been percolating.

In 2016, our Board of Directors engaged Sallie Williams to facilitate a strategic planning process. Based on what we learned, we quickly had a needs assessment/demographic study conducted by Brandeis University. Based on both those endeavors, we had an idea of what we needed to do for our Federation and what we needed to do for our community. Build, rent or lease? All ideas were on the table.

Marc Saperstein approached me and asked if he could take on the task of finding us a new home. Little did he know that he would spend the next six years working 40 to 60 hours a week, for free, to make the dream a reality. The next two years were spent finding a location. Saperstein looked at many, many properties. Sometimes he would send me to look at the properties and I remember thinking to myself, “What’s a nice Jewish girl doing standing in a parking lot counting parking spaces?”

A group of people, including David Braverman, James Knafo, Jeff rey Feld and myself, previously met and discussed the possibility of using the land next to Temple Shalom; however, that thought was never conveyed to Saperstein. Rabbi Miller suggested the unused land to Saperstein over lunch one day. After multiple discussions with our Board and the Temple Shalom Board, then headed

of leasing the land to Federation for a building was sent to the membership of Temple Shalom in the spring of 2018. The membership of Temple Shalom embraced the idea with 80% to 90% of the membership voting in favor of it.

The next steps seemed to move in slow motion. The two big issues were lease negotiations between Federation and Temple Shalom, which was the easier of the two issues, and receiving approval from the County to build. Before getting County approval, we needed drawings, engineering recommendations, traffic studies, environmental studies and a myriad of other required items.

fabulous architect, James Knafo; our amazing building partner, DeAngelis Diamond; our engineering firm, Grady Minor; and our real estate attorney, Rich Yovanovich. This core team walked us through the permitting process, which was delayed due to COVID-19. The process itself, without COVID, is not easy and a year is not an unusual amount of time.

By the end of 2020, we had our approval, which meant the project was a “GO.” Up to that point, we had raised about $200,000, mainly from the Board, to get through the approval stage. With a

CELEBRATING JEWISH LIFE IN GREATER NAPLES, ISRAEL AND THE WORLD STAR FEDERATI N SERVING NAPLES, MARCO ISLAND AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 14 Women’s Cultural Alliance 16 Men’s Cultural Alliance 19 Community Focus 22 Tributes 23 Organizations 1A Arts & Entertainment 6A Jewish Interest 9A Israel & The Jewish World 12A Commentary 13A Synagogue News 16A Focus on Youth 19A Community Directory BUILT FOR LIFE BUILT FOR LIVING www.KayeLifestyleHomes.com I 239.434.KAYE Jewish Federation of Greater Naples 4720 Pine Ridge Road Naples, FL 34119 Non Pro t Org U.S. Postage PAID Fort Myers, FL Permit No 1101 www.JewishNaples.org  January 2023 – Tevet/Shevat 5783  Vol. 32 #5
by Jewish Federation of Greater Naples
LEARN MORE ON PAGE 3 4 THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER NAPLES BUILDING PINE RIDGE ROAD VIEW GRAND OPENING of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center JAN. 15 AT 1 P.M. Please join us and celebrate our new home! Security at the New Building Have you gotten your security badge yet? Beading for Betterment It’s a great opportunity for fun and giving Jewish Book Festival Continues January has three authors at three events, one of which is a brunch! 7 8 continued on page 2

green light from the County, fundraising went into high gear. Saperstein and I sat outside the County offices and solicited each other. From there, we went to many of the funders whose names now appear on the plaques you will see as you walk into the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center.

We were thrilled with the reception from funders. As of the writing of this article, we have raised about $13.3 million dollars from over 600 donors. Without the financial support of the community, this building would not be possible. The cost of the building, thanks to Saperstein keeping every detail cost as low as possible, is right at $11 million. The extra money raised will be used as an endowment to underwrite the operational costs of the building. We could use another $2 to $3 million in that endowment.

Once we had approval from the County, there were other governmental agencies — the EPA, the State of Florida and others — that needed to sign off on the project. Each approval required another study, another meeting and another time to wring our hands.

James Knafo now needed to provide detailed construction documents and we needed to hire a design firm. Wegman and Associates was chosen because they could handle everything from furniture to

lighting to carpeting and signage (Oy, is there a lot of signage!). DeAngelis Diamond started gearing up and bidding out the job. But it took a full year past County approval for us to break ground on Nov. 19, 2021. In reality, the project had begun a couple of weeks earlier with ground clearing, but the ceremonial groundbreaking was very exciting. Unfortunately,

Fidel and Ed Alexander, both representing Temple Shalom; Jeffrey Feld; Marcy Friedland, our then Capital Campaign Director; Steve Iser; Sam Roth; David Braverman; Nat Ritter; and me. Th at committee met every three weeks and made major decisions about every aspect of the project.

for questions and comments. This project has been a major undertaking for our Federation. It is a statement about who we are and what we want for our community.

I read something in eJewish Philanthropy that I want to share to explain why we built the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center.

we weren’t able to open it to the entire community, again because of COVID.

With the building underway, two important committees were established and meetings were held on a regular basis for the next year. One committee was the Building Committee, which consisted of Brian McKenzie from DeAngelis Diamond; James Knafo, our architect; Marc Saperstein; Merlin Lickhalter (co-chair of the Building Committee); Deborah

The other committee was the OAC (owners, architect and construction) Committee, comprised of Marc Saperstein, Merlin Lickhalter, James Knafo and the team from DeAngelis Diamond, which met weekly for the last year until DeAngelis Diamond turned the building over to us. Early summer, as we got closer to finishing the building, Jeffrey Feld, Nat Ritter (House and Grounds Committee chair) and I joined the weekly meetings. And when Phil Zoltek was hired to be our facility manager, he, too, joined the weekly meetings.

The myriad of details is mind numbing. How anyone keeps it all straight is beyond my understanding. But here we are, conducting business from inside the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center on the Steve Saks Campus at 4720 Pine Ridge Road.

Each month, Saperstein has reported to the Board of Directors on the progress, keeping the Board in the loop and allowing

“Having physical places to gather is fundamental to who we are as people. Our strength comes from our connections to one another. And yet, for many years, Jewish membership organizations have primarily focused on responding to individual requests as quickly as possible. This huband-spoke organizational model values transactions over community building. If you work for a communal organization, or sit on the board of one, and doubt this, just look at how time is spent. You might not want this to be true, but the math won’t lie. The structures, processes and cultures of communal organizations have created alliances of acquaintances,” write Allison Fine and Beth Kanter, authors of “The Smart Nonprofit: Staying Human-Centered in an Automated World.”

Human connections are what life is about. We all moved here from somewhere (except for a few younger members in our community). We need to be together. We need the connections.

COVID took those connections away. The Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center on the Steve Saks Campus returns the opportunity to enjoy each other, be together, learn together and grow as a community.

This is your building, please use it wisely.

Truly Nolen.......................................9 WCA......................................15A

Wynn’s Market...............................12

2 January 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION welcome...continued from page 1 This publication is brought to you each month thanks to the support of our advertisers. Please be sure to use their products and services, and mention that you saw their ad in Federation Star THIS MONTH’S ADVERTISERS Anago Cleaning Systems.................23 Beth Tikvah..................................11A Carlisle Naples, The..........................7 Casual Connection..........................7A Chellie Doepke, Premiere Plus Realty..14A Deborah Zvibleman, John R. Wood...5A Fuller Funeral Home......................13A Ginsberg Eye................................19 Hadassah Collier/Lee...................22 & 7A Henderson, Franklin...........................13 Hilton Naples................................20A Hodges Funeral Home..................12A Hodges University...........................18 Holocaust Museum..........................19 JCMI......................5A, 9A & 18A James Knafo Architect & Builder.....2 Jewish National Fund.........................10A Katz New York Deli.....................6A Kaye Lifestyle Homes.......................3 Kotler Law Firm, P.L.....................14A MCA....................................16 & 11A Moorings Park.................................5
Community Orchestra...........10 Naples Envelope & Printing Co.....13A
Jewish Congregation........8 & 9A
Jewish Film Festival...........24
Housing Solutions...........13A
Shalom Men’s Club..............14A

Comments from your CEO

Hurricane Ian relief update: Hurricane Ian was devastating. Even though it was three months ago, some members of our community are still recovering, and

some may be recovering for a long time to come. Because of your generosity, Jewish Federation of Greater Naples has been able to provide help and assistance with items such as temporary housing, food, clothing and other necessities to those in the community. We have worked with several of our Jewish congregations, organizations and agencies, providing them with financial resources so that they may continue their “hands-on” help to even more people as they are identified.

To date, we received approximately $200,000 from local contributions, including $60,000 from The Jewish Federations of North America and $7,300 from the Greater Tampa Federation.

We continue to receive funds to allow our Federation to provide help to members of our Jewish community and to people of the entire community who are in need.

Thank you for your contributions to our Hurricane Ian Emergency Disaster Relief Fund and for being such a caring

community! 100% of the monies received for that fund will be used specifi cally and exclusively for that purpose.

As calendar year 2022 comes to a close, we look to a new year in 2023, for a lot of things. First of all, the reality of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center is upon us. We will have a new year, we will have a new home and we look forward to having everyone enjoy our new home.

Please accept my best wishes for each of you and all those dear to you for a happy and secure new year 2023.

The Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center and you

Working together, we can successfully implement the security measures for the new building

The dream our community imagined has finally become a reality and Jewish Federation of Greater Naples anticipates moving into its new building the week of Dec. 12-16.

Many of us have come to the JFGN office to have our picture taken and obtain our proximity card. These cards are not simply a form of identification; they have electronic modules that will activate the front door upon entering the NIJCC building. In addition, these cards should be worn throughout the building at all times so entry can be gained at select first-floor doors. The electronics imbedded in the card make it costly to replace, so be careful not to misplace it. Also, do not give your card to someone else to use.

We are requiring that all entry into the building be through the front doors — security is imperative and the Collier County Sheriff’s Office and SCAN (Secure Community Network, the security arm of the Jewish Federations of North America) recommend one point of entry into the building. That clearly means do not let people that you do not know into the NIJCC building.

Be assured that our Building Committee has gone to great lengths to secure the NIJCC. Another extremely important link in our security is you. Without our

community working together, we cannot implement the many security measures that have been put into place. Be aware, your proximity card will not access the elevator or second floor. Access to the second floor (JFGN offices) will be limited. If you need to see someone on the second floor, you may speak to our receptionist on the ground floor. She will make arrangements with the person with whom you want to speak and let you access the second floor.

This is truly an exciting time for our community and an achievement of which

we can all be proud. We must be smart with the way we use the building and be aware of our new surroundings. Upon entering NIJCC, note the doors (there are many), the exit signs and the location of the restrooms. Being aware of your surroundings will make navigating our new home much easier and help you should any emergencies arise. NIJCC is new to all of us, so be patient while we continue to work out “bugs.” Know that we value your input in making improvements to our new home.

JFGN and its board invite you to the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Grand Opening on Sunday, Jan. 15. See you there!

3 January 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION
I G H - P E R F O R M A N C E S O L A R H O M E S
Nat Ritter

Are you keeping count?

Five authors and 2 months done, 11 more authors and 3 more months to go

January has three authors at three events; one is a brunch! Two are on Zoom!

February has four authors at three events; two are in person, one is on Zoom!

By the way, Happy New Year! (The second one, of course!)

We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to present the 8th Jewish Book Festival sponsored by Jewish Federation of Greater Naples! With support from our sponsors, patrons and the public, it’s exciting to share 16 authors and their books! We hope you’ve enjoyed the authors and books thus far. We are extremely excited to “be together” — able to meet carefully in person and continue on Zoom!

There are so many interesting books, written by so many talented authors. How could one possibly choose which to read? I love finding cartoons about books, reading, etc. And what could be more interesting than some fun facts courtesy of Pinterest and the website digital.imprint.co.uk.

Here are 10 fun facts:

No. 1 – “Did you know, the fear of running out of something to read is called Abibliophobia? You really don’t have to worry about this fact. With all the different reading material in the world, it’s doubtful this is even possible.

No. 2 – The world’s smallest book is “Teeny Ted from Turnip Town.”

No. 3 – There are four law books bound in human skin at the Harvard University Library. This is a very interesting fact. Anthropometric bibliopegy is the term given to binding books in human skin. There are actually several books known to be bound in human skin. Interestingly, it was mainly doctors who bound these books. There are also several books bound in animal skin.

No. 4 – Fact has it that former American President Theodore Roosevelt

read one book a day. An interesting fact, for sure. With today’s distractions, we would find it difficult to read this much. There are plenty of people that read a lot of books in a week but one a day is an achievement. The fact is, reading every day can reduce your stress levels and help with depression.

No. 5 – People say the longest sentence to ever be printed in literature belongs to Victor Hugo. The claim is that in Les Misérables there is a sentence that is 823 words long.

No. 6 – 1 in 5 adults around the world cannot read or write. This fact is a little sad. In the Western world, we take for granted our education system and sometimes forget about people in less privileged parts of the world.

This fact has led us to find out about School Aid, a charity providing sustainable literacy development for children and young people in Africa. If you have a few spare minutes, give their website a read.

No. 7 – Up to 50 books can be made from one tree.

No. 8 – The most expensive book in the world is “Codex Leicester” by Leonardo Da Vinci. It was purchased by Bill Gates for $30.8 million in 1914. When you add inflation, the book would cost $53.3 million. If Bill Gates

was to sell this book today, we reckon the book would sell for a lot more.

No. 9 – In America, the most banned books are Harry Potter. The apparent reasons are because they promote witchcraft, they set bad examples and are too dark.

No. 10 – “The Holy Bible,” “Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung” and “Harry Potter” are the three mostread books in the world.”

And then there are the puns and jokes about books. Don’t get me started. Everyone knows I love comedy. I also love books and puns. “Book puns are not only good for a laugh or an eye roll. They’re great for libraries, for teachers and for other book lovers who want to find clever, catchy ways to draw attention to books and reading.”

Thanks to the internet! Here are a few worthy puns that may even elicit a groan or two. You decide:

• Tequila Mockingbird

• What do you call 2,000 mockingbirds? Two kilo mockingbird.

• Never read Fitzgerald? You Gatsby kidding me!

• “Never mind” – a passiveaggressive Raven.

• Why is John Milton a terrible guest at game night? Because when he’s around, there’s a pair of dice lost!

• Bronte? What a breath of fresh Eyre. • Forever Jung.

• Did you hear about the chemist who was reading a book about helium? He couldn’t put it down.

• What’s the best thing to read in the woods? Poe-tree!

• Why did the kid always sit in his wardrobe when reading a book? Narnia business!

• Have you read the book about hands? It’s a real page turner.

• What do planets like to read? Comet books!

And my favorite:

• Why did the Romanian stop reading for the night? To give his Bucharest.

Someone asked me recently if I enjoy spending about six months planning the Jewish Book Festival, then executing each event another fi ve months, from November to March? That’s practically a whole year! Yup! My answer was, “It’s a labor of love!” Clearly, when I hear from you about authors and events, that you enjoy what is being presented, it’s defi nitely worth it! I know the whole committee and the amazing Reneé Bialek agree with me. We are delighted to offer these events for you

On behalf of myself, all the members of the JBF Committee and Reneé Bialek, we hope to see you at all the events. Feel free to email us and let us know your thoughts. We hope you are enjoying the Jewish Book Festival!

4720 Pine Ridge Road

Naples, FL 34119

Phone: 239.263.4205 Fax: 239.263.3813 www.jewishnaples.org Email: info@jewishnaples.org


Board Chair: Jane Schiff

Vice Chairs: Nat Ritter, Marc Saperstein, Beth Wolff

Secretary: Rosalee Bogo

Treasurer: Elliot Lerner

Immediate Past Chair: Alvin Becker

Board of Directors

Frank Baum, Patti Boochever, Harvey Cohen, Marcia Cohodes, Amanda Dorio, Paula Filler, Cheryl Ginsburg, Larry Israelite, Tammy Katz, Merlin Lickhalter, Robin Mintz, Joel Pittelman, Stuart Price, Michael Rubenstein, Michael Sobol, Steve Strome, Jay Weiss, Jeff Zalasky, Board Member Emeritus: Phyllis Seaman

Past Board Chairs

Gerald Flagel, Dr. William Ettinger, Ann Jacobson (z”l), Sheldon Starman, Bobbie Katz, Rosalee Bogo, Judge Norman Krivosha (z”l)

Synagogue Representatives

Stan Alliker, Cantor Donna Azu, Rabbi Ariel Boxman, Steve Chizzik, Rabbi Ammos Chorny, Rabbi Mendel Gordon, Rabbi Mendy Greenberg, Rabbi Mark Gross, Rabbi Howard Herman, Rabbi Adam Miller, Charles Flum, Rabbi James Perman, Dr. Arthur Seigel, Len Teitelbaum, Rabbi Fishel Zaklos


Jeffrey Feld: Federation President & CEO

Reneé Bialek: Program Director

Michelle Cunningham: Receptionist

Alicia Feldman: PJ Library Coordinator

Marcy Friedland: Financial Resource Development Director

Janine Hudak: Admin. Coordinator

Teresa Zimmerman: Finance & Operations Manager

Phil Zoltek: Facility Manager

Federation is the central Jewish community-building organization for Greater Naples, providing a social service network that helps Jewish people locally, in Israel and around the world. As the central fundraising organization for Jewish communal life in our area, strength is drawn from organized committees of dedicated volunteers.

Programs include:

• Annual Campaign & Endowment Fund

• Annual Community Campaign

• Celebrate Israel

• Educational & Cultural Programs

• Israel Advocacy Committee

• Israel Scouts

• Jewish Book Festival

• Jewish Community Relations Council

• Jewish Young Professionals

• Jewish Russian Cultural Alliance

• Men’s Cultural Alliance

• PJ Library

• Publication of the Federation Star, Connections and Community Directory

• Singles Social Group

• Women’s Cultural Alliance

• Women’s Philanthropy

• Youth Activities Committee –sponsoring youth education and scholarships for Jewish Summer Camp and Israel Experience

4 January 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION
Published by
Gayle Dorio
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Hedy & Jack Abel

Gail Abelman

In Memory of Hope Abels (z”l)*

Sheryl & Mel Affrime

Sheila & Howard Agranat

Thais & Roberto Alcalay

Karen & Stuart Altfest

Marlene & Nate Apkon

Tracy & Michael Askotzky

Jay & Debra Barnett

Lea & Michael Bendes

Ira Berlin

Barbara & Bruce Berger

Carole Berkowitz

Harriet & Louis Berneman

Penni & Mark Blaskey

Patti & Pete Bloom

Ronnie Blumenthal

Rosalee & Jerry Bogo

Betsy Borden

Rhonda Brazina

In Memory of Steve Brazina (z”l)*

Mona & Jay Brodsky

Peggy & Kenny Brown

Sandy & Alan Burton

Adria & Ira Cammeyer

Barb & Tom Carlstrom

Donna & Alfred Cavaliere

Nan & Robert Ciralsky

Coalition for Quality Public Education

Tracey & David Cohen

Celia Deifik & Mark Cohn

Janet & Saul Cooperman

Marcy & Ira Cotton

Paula & Ron Creed

Crowther Roofing & Sheet Metal of Florida, Inc.

Deborah & James Dallet

Susan & Alan Daroff

Barbara Shagan Dave

Shellie Specter & Robert Davidson

DeAngelis Diamond

Susan & Phil Dean

Sharon & Alan Deutch

Sandy Diamond

Gayle & Marty Dorio

Linda & Larry DuKatz

Shelley & Steve Einhorn

Pamela & Bruce Epstein

Florence Feinson

Alicia & Michael Feldman

Ruth Simon & David Feldman

Leslie & Ed Feldman

Liz & Harry Fischman

In Memory of David Fisher (z”l)*

Jerry Flagel

Nancy Flatau

Jennifer & Marc Fleischer

Lisa & Sidney Freund

Jane & Lester Friedberg

Carol & Clifford Friedman

Nancy Garfien

Nancy & Darryl Garfinkel

Phyllis & Philip Garon

Deb & Burt Geller

Ellen & Gary Gersh

Marlene & Stephen Ginsberg

Nancy & Stuart Gitis

Mark Goetz

Jeri Hall & Ted Goldberg

Barbara & Gene Goldenziel

Melvin Goldfine

Janice Goldman

Jane &Joel Goldman

Sandra & Alan Goldman

Susan Miller & Hilly Goldman

Diane & Bob Goldstein Marsha & Michael Goldstein Monica & Allan Goodwin Helene & Alan Gordon Ellen & Michael Gordon

Carole Greene

Sherry & Howard Greenfield Lenore Greenstein

Brick pavers to welcome guests to Center

Donors who have purchased brick pavers for the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

To the following donors who have purchased one or more brick pavers to grace the plaza area to the left of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center entrance — Todah Rabah.

Would you like to add your name to the list in an upcoming issue of Federation Star ? Contact me at mfriedland@ jewishnaples.org or 239-263-4205.

Ellen & Robert Gurnitz

Rachel & Howard Gutman

Orna Hanison

Bobbi & Randy Heiligman Milli Hershman

Roz & Morris Herstein

Carol & David Hidy

Carol & Burton Hirsch

Susan & Michael Horowitz

Linda & Larry Hyde

Lynda & Donald Insul

Christina & Norman Isaacs

Judythe & Martin Isserlis

Rolly & Adair Jacob

Liz & Alan Jaffe

In Memory of Richard Janger (z’l)* Gail MarksJarvis & James Jarvis

Jewish National Fund Jewish War Veterans of Collier County Post 202

Jeanne & Stan Kagin Elaine & Fred Kamin

Merrylee & Joseph Kandel Arline & Ronald Kaplan Judith & Wayne Kargher Barbara & Arnold Karp

In Honor of Lisa & Dale Katz* Tammy & Brian Katz Bobbie Kauffman

In Memory of Mary Kauffman (z”l)* Gail& Vitaliy Kedrus

Charles Kiven

In Honor of Deborah Kohler* Phyllis & Abe Koss

Pam & Warren Krangel Barbara & Ira Kushnir Elaine & Richard Landau

Sara & Michael Landy Michael Latsky

Elayna & Jonathan Latsky Heidi Thorner & Gary Layton Suyen Zhaz & Brandon Leitner

Helaine & Marvin Lender

Helene & Elliot Lerner

Linda Lerner

Anna & Yale Levin

Arlene Levin

Hilda & Martin Levine

Marvin Levine

Judy & Mayer Levitt

Harriet & Merlin Lickhalter

Dorothy Litt

Stephanie Adler Calliott & Don London

Dorothy Magen

Marci & Howard Margolis

Ida & Jeff Margolis

Marketcrank, Inc.


Carol & Stuart Mest

Gisela & Richard Miller

Marvin Mirsky

Modern Playwrights

Marsha & Joel Moranz

Laurie & Barry Nagler

Helene Naimon

Naples Jewish Congregation

Gail & Les Nizin

Harvey Oriel

Margie & Charles Ostrov

Barbara Jean Paganelli

Judi Palay

Karen & Jerry Pam

Hedy & Ron Pearlman

Sherry & Stephen Pino

Susan & Joel Pittelman

Susan & Jimmy Pittleman

Iris & Steven Podolsky

Beth-Ellen & Irv Povlow

Judit & Richard Price

Sandy Randall

Estelle Rauch

June Streisand & John Reiches

Ilene Rich

6 January 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION
continued on page 7
Brick Paver donors as of Nov. 30, 2022:
BRICK PAVER ORDER FORM Donor Information Name _____________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________ City _____________________________ State ________ Zip Code _____________ Email ____________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________ Donation Amount (S) ________________________________________________ Make your check payable to JFGN and send it, with this completed form, to: JFGN, 4720 Pine Ridge Road, Naples, FL 34119. Indicate how you want your engraved brick to read, using the grid below for the size brick you are purchasing. Each square is the space for one letter or number. Each row counts as one line of text, only use the amount of lines specified below for your brick. 12” x 12” Engraved Brick - room for 8 lines of text with 20 characters per line ($1,800) 8” x 8” Engraved Brick - room for 6 lines of text with 20 characters per line ($720) 4” x 8” Engraved Brick - room for 3 lines of text with 20 characters per line ($360)

Mae Riefberg

Dale & Steven Riemer

Susan & Nathaniel Ritter

Jennifer & Kenny Roller

Judy & Sam Roth

Luba & Alberto Rotsztain

Nan & Dimitry Roytberg

Betty & Jim Rubenstein

David Rubin

Jess & Chris Rush

Adrienne & Miles Russ

Linda Russell

Jacqueline Sallade

Arnold Sameroff

Karyn & Rowan Samuel

Rose Saperstein

Katie & Michael Sarnoff

Eleanor & Neil Scheffler

Linda & Shepard Scheinberg

Jane Schiff

Shelley & Mark Schloss

Anne Schuchman

Caroline & Bill Schulhof

Ellen & Art Seigel

Jane & Paul Shaw

Carol & Bruce Sherman

Merle & Larry Shuman

Anita & Micahel Siegel

Gay & David Silberg

Cathy & Scott Silver

Andrea & Greg Silvershein

Linda Singer

Sisterhood of Temple Shalom

Gail & Russell Smith II

Janet & Russell Sobelman

Elaine Soffer

Stacy Sokol

Merrill & Andrew Solan

Harriet Spirer

Leslie & Mel Springman

Sharon & Paul Stein

Sandi Stern

Denise & Stephen Sultan

Shira & Bryan Swartz

Pearl Fishman Thall

Fahn & Denny Tishkoff

Michelle Levine Troupp

WCA Ladies Bridge*

WCA Single Girlfriends*

WCA Walk & Talk Group*

Linda & Jerry Wainick

In Memory of Stephen G. (z”l) Weiss*

Suellen & James Weiner

Gloria & Murray Weinstock

Ellen & Max Weisberg

Ellen & Michael Weisberg

Susan & Jay Weiss

Goldie & Kenneth Wetcher

Evelyn White

Karen Wilner

Lauri & Steven Wishner

Beth & Brian Wolff

Deb & Frank Wyman

Susan & Russ Yale

Suzann & Steve Yussen

Cathy & Philip Zacks

Judy & Jeff Zwicker

* Group gift

Security … our number one priority

More than four years ago, before we started the new building construction process, we consulted with the Collier County Sheriff’s Office and Secure Community Network from Jewish Federations of North America to solicit advice on how we could build a safe and welcoming building for members, staff and visitors.

They each provided us with detailed suggestions and recommendations. Both entities came back to the building during

the construction phase, and we even had the CCSO SWAT team visit several times, sometimes bringing their helicopter to do drills.

Based on their recommendations, the first level of security for the building is security badges. To gain access to the building, you will need to hold up your badge in front of the card reader located at the entrance.

Last month, we started phase one of our badging project, where we asked everyone in our database to provide us their first and last name along with their email address. We then rolled out phase two, where members who signed up came to our old location to have their picture taken and receive their badge.

We will continue the badging project daily during normal business hours at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center. To gain access to the lobby if you need to have your badge made, there is a camera in the vestibule where you will be able to speak with our receptionist.

The security of our members, staff and visitors has always been, and will remain, our number one priority as we welcome you to our new building!


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7 January 2023 Federation Star brick paver donors...continued from page 6
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Happy New Year!

Jewish Book Festival events

Jewish Book Festival’s brunch with author Cathy Barrow will take place Jan. 4 at Temple Shalom. This in-person event is sold out. The Zoom link will be sent two hours prior to the start of the program. Thank you to Women’s Cultural Alliance for sponsoring this event and thank you to Temple Shalom for hosting it.

Isabel Vincent, author of “Overture of Hope,” will speak via Zoom on Thursday, Jan. 12 at 2 p.m. Thank you to Ginsberg Eye Ophthalmology and TheatreZone for sponsoring this event.

Eileen Pollack, author of “Maybe It’s Me,” will speak via Zoom on Friday, Jan. 20 at 10 a.m. Thank you to Temple Shalom Sisterhood for sponsoring this event.

Please visit www.jewishbookfestival. org for more information or to buy individual tickets.

Catholic-Jewish Dialogue event

Please join the Catholic-Jewish Dialogue on Sunday, Jan. 8 at 2:30 p.m. The topic will be “Sin, Restitution and Guilt.” The presenters are Rabbi Mark Gross of Jewish Congregation of Marco Island and Fr. George Ratzmann of St. William Catholic Church. The location is Pulte Family Life Center at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, 625 111th Ave. N., Naples. Please RSVP to register for this free event at cjdialogue@naples.net.

Important January, February and March dates

• Monday, Jan. 16 is the MLK Jr. Parade. Come walk with us! Meet us at

10 a.m. and walk in the parade that starts at 11 a.m. If you can’t walk with us, then please stop by the Federation’s table at Cambier Park and say hello. There will be music, entertainment and food to purchase. I hope to see you at this free community event.

• Tuesday, Jan. 31, the Annual Klezmer Revival Band will play at the South Regional Library. Please become a patron and get VIP seating for $50 each. Or attend for free, but you need to register via Collier County Library.

• Sunday, March 26, come join us at Celebrate Israel @75. Please become a Friends of Celebrate Israel @75 friend. At $75, you will be supporting this free community event and your name will be listed in the Federation Star. The direct link to join is https:// jfgn.regfox.com/friends-celebrateisrael-at-75.

• New date: Monday, April 17: Community-wide Yom HaShoah program at 7 p.m.

Dates and times of upcoming events are announced on our website

home-page. If you aren’t receiving our weekly Monday e-blast, please email me at rbialek@jewishnaples.org. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link, which will be emailed two hours prior to the start of each event. Please register for all events at www.jewishnaples.org.

Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, MCA and WCA have started a new group called Singles Social Group. This group is for Jewish singles to meet at a variety of events. Membership is required. Become an MCA, WCA or Federation member today!

We have a variety of groups and committees at Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, such as PJ Library, Jewish Families with Young Children, Cardozo Legal Society, Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, Israel Advocacy Committee and Jewish Community Relations Council. Please join the group and/or committee that best fits your interests. A taste of each one can be found throughout our website at www.jewishnaples.org.

Beading for Betterment

A great opportunity for fun and giving

Thursday, February 2 at 7:00pm

Julie Silver presents a joyful, adult concert featuring an eclectic mix of familiar Jewish and not-necessarily-Jewish pieces. Jazz and Broadway standards along with upbeat, engaging stories make for a unique evening. $50.00 General seating • $75.00 Benefactor Preferred seating Event concludes with an elegant wine and dessert reception To order tickets, please mail your check made out to NJC – along with your name, phone number and email – to: NJC, PO Box 111994, Naples, FL 34108, Attn. Tickets

Friday, February 3 at 7:00pm

Ms. Silver will join us for our regular Shabbat service. She will lead parts of the service, singing and doing a sermon in song. Oneg following services. Both events to be held at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation

For a number of years, the Beading for Betterment project has provided custom-made special necklaces for children at the Guadalupe Center in Immokalee to give to their mother, grandmother or special woman in their life as a Mother’s Day gift. In addition to the children at the Guadalupe Center, necklaces have been distributed to children who participate in Jewish Federation of Greater Naples’ Shop with a Sheriff event for Christmas.

Whether you are an experienced “beader” or have never made a beaded necklace, please join the group for a fun beading session. All are welcome. Beading for Betterment tables will be at the Temple Shalom Mitzvah Day on Jan. 22.

We are offering free sessions twice a month at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center, 4720 Pine Ridge Road. Upcoming sessions are Wednesday, Jan. 25 and Monday, Feb. 6, both noon to 3 p.m. Come to one or come to all! More sessions will be announced soon.

If you have your own supplies, please bring them. If not, supplies will be provided and only a donation will be

requested so more supplies can be purchased. Donations toward the supplies, and/or gift cards to Michael’s or JoAnn’s are always welcome from those attending the sessions as well as from anyone who wants to contribute.

For more information, contact me at chirsch1951@gmail.com. This program is sponsored by Jewish Federation of Greater Naples and Temple Shalom.

8 January 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION
100,000+ CDs sold 2016 ARZA Lifetime Achievement Award LIE
N A P L E S J E W I S H C O N G R E G AT I O N W E L C O M E S B AC K 6340
naplesjewishcongregation.org •
JULIE SILVER Had the only Jewish album to chart on Billboard, peaking at No. 5
Napa Woods Way, Naples at Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Sponsored in part by Jewish Federation
It’s a brand-new year and I look forward to seeing you in our brandnew building!
...of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is to enhance and enrich the quality of Jewish life by recognizing and supporting the charitable, educational, humanitarian and social service needs of the Jewish community locally, nationally, overseas and in the State of Israel.

As winter kicks in, our radar is squarely on one particular insect which has exploded in our area over the last few weeks due to post-Hurricane Ian clean-up issues: bed bugs. Bed bugs are parasites that are commonly found in sleeping areas of homes and hotels.

They feed off humans at night. During the day they live near the sleeping locations of their hosts. Beg bugs were virtually eliminated before 1995 but have since reemerged with the increase in world travel.

An adult bed bug has a flat round body about the size of an apple seed. It ranges in color from brown to red, depending on when it last fed. Right after feeding, the bug is a bright red color which gradually fades to brown as it digests the human blood. Bed bugs are born lighter in color and turn brown as they mature.

Bed bugs can be quite resilient. Although they typically feed on blood every five to ten days, they can survive several months without feeding.

Bed bugs bite humans to feed on their blood. They are nocturnal and usually only bite while their human hosts are sleeping. Because a bed bug bite is painless, it can be difficult to identify the cause of the bite. Many people experience reactions to a bed bug bite like that of a mosquito or flea bite and the most common symptoms include redness, itching and swelling.

Bites are not dangerous unless an allergic reaction to the bite occurs. If at any time you feel that the bite is serious, seek medical help as soon as possible.

Bed bugs are typically found hiding in mattress seams, pillow top tufts and around buttons. Without treatment, the population can rapidly grow and move into cracks and crevices near the bed, like those found in the headboard and side tables.

One of the easiest ways to identify a bed bug infestation is by the telltale red, itchy bite marks on the face, neck, arms, hands, or any other body part while sleeping. However, these bite marks may take as long as 14 days to develop in some people, so it is important to look for other clues when determining if bed bugs have infested an area.

Other signs include:

• Dark red blood stains on linens and pajamas.

• Dried feces that appear as small black or brown spots.

• The bed bugs' shed skins (exoskeletons) after molting.

• An unusual smell – a sweet and musty, yet offensive odor. The insects' scent glands on the lower side of the body emit this fluid, which attracts other bed bugs.

Getting rid of a bed bug infestation can be a difficult process depending on the size of the problem. It is almost always necessary to seek the help of a pest control professional to ensure that the infestation is under control and eliminated, and they will be able to instruct you on the best way to clean bedding, furniture, and mattresses.

Vacuuming can also help to limit the number of bugs and eggs. Make sure to dispose of the vacuum bag right after use.

In closing, here are a few proactive steps to take while on a trip. Always check the corners of your hotel beds for brown spots or “blood spots”. Before putting clothes in a drawer, inspect the whole dresser for evidence of small, flat, transparent insects.

As the infestation moves along, you will be able to see bed bugs as they are no longer transparent as adults. This is due to the blood meal from the host.

(Anna Wallace is the Manager for Truly Nolen in Naples. Her service office can be reached at (239) 643-2555. Founded in 1938, Tucson-based Truly Nolen of America (www.trulynolen.com) is one of the largest family-owned pest control companies in the United States.)

9 January 2023 Federation Star PEST•TERMITE•RODENT•LAWN•INSULATION 239
Bed Bugs Can Wreck Your Winter
•494 Call Now! Receive a FREE inspection and these great offers. *Applicable to new annual service agreement. We’ll take care of the pests, So you can enjoy your guests.

Where your dollars go

Jewish Historical Society of SWFL; Jewish War Veterans, Post #202; Naples Jewish Congregation; Naples Senior Center; and Temple Shalom.

Local programming


Every November, we contact the prior year beneficiary agencies in Greater Naples, nationwide, overseas and Israel. We ask them to fi ll out an allocation application, stating the funding amount needed and a description of the program and/or the event for which the monies will be used. The applications need to be returned by the end of February.

Once we receive the applications, the Allocation Committee, comprised of 10 donors and Board members, meets several times from March to May, thoroughly combing through the applications and creating a spreadsheet with their recommendations for Board consideration in June.

Local beneficiary agencies

Federation supports Beth Tikvah; BBYO; Chabad of Naples, Bonita Springs and FGCU; Holocaust Museum SWFL; Jewish Congregation of Marco Island;

We support the following programs: Annual Community-wide Chanukah Celebration, Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, Cardozo Legal Society, Israel Advocacy Committee, Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival, Jewish Community Relations Council, Young Jewish Professionals, Jewish Russian Cultural Alliance, Maimonides Society, Men’s Cultural Alliance, Singles Social Group and Women’s Cultural Alliance.

National and overseas beneficiary agencies

We support ADL, Birthright Israel, Ethiopian National Project, Arava Institute, Hatikvah Pre-school in Ukraine, Hillel International, Jewish Federations of North America, Jewish National Fund, Neve Michael, Sapir Community Center, Susan’s House, ORT and Yad Lakashish.

Where do your dollars go?

Seventy-five cents of every annual community campaign dollar go toward allocations, programs and programming support. We need your donation once again this year to be able to continue our support of the above beneficiary agencies and programming.

Standing up for the Jewish community in Greater Naples

One of the primary responsibilities of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) is to promote and represent the interest and position of the Jewish community when it is appropriate to do so. This responsibility applies to legal, moral, political and social issues that confront society in general and the Jewish community in Greater Naples, specifically. The question our JCRC Committee grapples with is when, and under what circumstances, JCRC should take an active and visible position.

The biggest obstacle to advocating a position that may impact the Jewish community is that the Jewish community does not speak with one voice. The diverse views of our community are mirrored by the diverse views of our committee members. Therefore, substantive and procedural safeguards must be adhered to before JCRC takes a position on any issue.

Four substantive requirements must be met before JCRC advocates a position on an issue:

1. We limit taking a position to those issues that most of us in the Jewish community can agree on. Our committee recognizes that satisfying this fi rst requirement is difficult but there are some issues (antisemitism, for instance) that are fairly obvious.

2. The issue should be a significant one to the Jewish community.

3. While not an absolute requirement, the issue should have imminent potential adverse consequences.

4. The potential ramifications to the Jewish community of the issue, and the action taken by JCRC, must be thoroughly analyzed.

that seemed innocuous, after reviewing the entire proposed ordinance, JCRC concluded it was overly broad, it would induce unnecessary litigation, it would lead to a tremendous amount of uncertainty in our community, and it had the potential to be used as a tool to enable and foster racism and antisemitism. We also concluded the ordinance would never be upheld by higher courts.

JCRC opposed the proposed ordinance on legal grounds, not political ideology. JCRC submitted a letter to all five Collier County Commissioners in opposition to the ordinance on that basis. As JCRC chair, I also spoke against the proposed ordinance at a County Board meeting. The ordinance was defeated by a 3–2 vote.

This spring, I and four Jewish friends attended a fundraiser for the Fisher House at the Vineyards Country Club. The Fisher House is a 501(c)(3) corporation, which, as far as I can tell, is not affiliated with a religious group. At the beginning of the event, a priest was invited by the organizers to give a prayer. During the first part of his prayer, he referenced the slogan “Let’s Make America Great Again.” He also blessed “our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Saturday, January 21, 2023 3:00pm

Saturday, March 4, 2023 3:00pm

Saturday, April 22, 2023 3:00pm

All concerts will be held at: Moorings Presbyterian Church 791 Harbour Drive, Naples

Composer of Ode to Renewal, a commissioned piece to be presented at our January concert Ari Fisher

In addition to the substantive requirements outlined above, JCRC must adhere to procedural safeguards before it takes any action. JCRC is a committee of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples (JFGN). JCRC is, therefore, not an independent 501(c )(3) nonprofit corporation as it is in many communities around the country. This means JCRC reports to Jane Schiff (JFGN chair), Jeffrey Feld (president and CEO of JFGN) and, finally, the JFGN Board. JCRC needs to obtain authority from JFGN before JCRC can take a position on any issue.

This analytic approach utilized by JCRC, coupled with the procedural oversight by JFGN, assures that JCRC only speaks out on critical issues after a careful vetting process has been completed. Since I assumed the position of JCRC chair a little over a year ago, JCRC has taken positions on several occasions.

Last fall, Collier County considered approving an ordinance that would have made it a sanctuary county to guarantee individual rights. While on the surface,

As JCRC chair, I was appalled at this blatant failure to even consider the possibility that others in the audience may not hold the same political and/or religious beliefs as this priest. After soliciting input from the co-chairs of the Catholic Jewish Dialogue Committee (under the JCRC umbrella) and Jeffrey Feld, an email was sent to that priest and his superior on behalf of JCRC and JFGN objecting to the content of that “prayer.” We never received a response from that priest.

Recently, Jeffrey Feld, Joel Pittelman, as chair of the Antisemitism Task Force (a sub-committee of JCRC), and I prepared a letter to the Jewish community discussing recent acts of antisemitism and antisemitic messaging by the campaign staff of two candidates for local public office. That letter was approved by JFGN and sent to all Federation members via e-blast.

JCRC will continue to act when it is appropriate to do so, utilizing the criteria and process outlined above. We take our responsibility to represent your interests seriously. We are careful to limit the situations on which we act on behalf of our Jewish community to those instances in which we are confident most people in the Jewish community support the action and position.

If you believe there is an act or action that should be addressed by JCRC, please report it to me so our committee can evaluate it and determine if a response is appropriate.

10 January 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION
Our New Artistic Director Alvin Ho
SEASON TICKETS ON SALE NOW! www.naplescommunityorchestra.org $40/single ticket or $100/series
Each concert will be followed by a reception for all concert attendees
Here’s how your donations support our annual community campaign.
For a continuously updated community calendar, visit www.jewishnaples.org

Guest author explores the plight of Middle Eastern Jewry

In an emotional and poignant presentation, author Lyn Julius meticulously described the plight of over 800,000 Jews, Mizrachim, who lived in Arab nations. Julius spoke, via Zoom from London, to an audience of over 100 in the Greater Naples community. Her program was sponsored by the Israel Advocacy Committee of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.

Lyn Julius’ research, described in her book, “Uprooted: How 3,000 Years of Jewish Civilization in the Arab World Vanished Overnight,” examines the history of once-thriving Jewish communities that had been in existence for centuries, only to be decimated by the rise of antisemitism, Arab collaboration with Hitler and the Nazi regime and the resentment

and jealousy caused by the establishment of the state of Israel. Many of the Jewish refugees headed for the newly established nation and, at one time, comprised 50% of Israel’s population.

In a chart provided by the author, viewers could visualize the extent of the rise of Arab nationalism and antisemitism. For example, at one time, there were 150,000 Jews in Iraq, including Julius’ family. Today, there are only three Jews in the country. Morocco, which once had a Jewish population of 260,000, is now down to 2,000.

Julius is the founder of HARIF, an association of Jews from the Middle East and North Africa.

Many thanks to IAC member Monica Goodwin for arranging this thoughtprovoking program.

Friends of Celebrate Israel

As of Dec. 5, 2022, the following individuals have donated $75 to support the community-wide Celebrate Israel @ 75 event, commemorating Israel’s 75th anniversary. You can still join this esteemed group by going to https://jfgn.regfox.com/friends-celebrateisrael-at-75 to become a friend as well.

Tracy & Michael Askotzky

Myra & Bill Benedikt

Katie & Harvey Cohen

Richard Endlar

Genine Fidler

Josh Fidler

Gene Goldenziel

Monica & Allan Goodwin

Stephen Iser

Andy Karpman

Pam Krangel

Upcoming events

After a hiatus due to COVID-19, the Israel Tennis Center (ITC) program returns to Naples on Thursday, March 16. The program will be held at the Vineyards Country Club from 4 to 6 p.m. The ITC is the largest social service agency for children in Israel, having served over half a million youngsters and their families since the first center opened in Ramat Hasharon in 1976. There are currently 16 centers across the nation of Israel, primarily in underprivileged communities. These centers use tennis as an avenue to promote the social, physical and psychological well-being of students. Another goal of ITC programs is the development of coaches, and building and maintaining courts and facilities at the highest levels.

This spring, the nation of Israel will celebrate its 75th anniversary. The Israel Advocacy Committee of JFGN invites the entire community to join the celebration on Sunday, March 26, 2023, at the new Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center on Pine Ridge Road from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. There will be games for children, information booths, food for purchase and entertainment. The first 500 guests will receive a free Kona Ice. Admission is free. The cochairs of this highly anticipated event are Tracy and Michael Askotzky, and Cathy and Phil Zacks. For more information, please contact Reneé Bialek, Federation program director at, rbialek@ jewishnaples.com.

Dr. Jerry Kumin

Bob Lubin

Leda Lubin

Ida & Jeff Margolis

Jane Schiff

Shelley & Mark Schloss

Michael Sobol

Goldie Wetcher

Cathy & Philip Zacks

Michael Zeman

11 January 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION
Jack Abel
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Rabbi A. James Rudin invested as Papal Knight of the Order of St. Gregory

Co-founder of the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies honored by Pope Francis for decades of pioneering work in Catholic-Jewish Relations

Saint Leo, FL – Rabbi A. James Rudin is a builder of bridges — bridges of mutual respect, knowledge and understanding between Christians and Jews. On Nov. 20, 2022, Rudin became only the third American rabbi in history to be honored with the Papal Knighthood of the Order of St. Gregory for his work in interfaith relations.

In an afternoon ceremony at Saint Leo University, Rudin, one of the co-founders of the university’s Center for CatholicJewish Studies, received the medal of the Order of St. Gregory from Bishop Mark O’Connell, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston. O’Connell conducted the investiture ceremony on behalf of Pope Francis in recognition of Rudin’s decades of work in building positive Catholic-Jewish relations throughout the world, fostering interreligious dialogue and understanding.

Rudin is the American Jewish Committee’s (AJC) senior interreligious adviser, having previously served as its interreligious affairs director. He also is a distinguished professor of religion and Judaica at Saint Leo University.

Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley of the Archdiocese of Boston was to originally conduct the ceremony on behalf of Pope Francis; however, the pope called him to Rome for meetings and he was unable to attend the event.

O’Connell read a statement from the cardinal: “Rabbi Rudin is a teacher and educator in the ways of peace rooted in truth and justice. In bestowing this honor on Rabbi Rudin, Pope Francis continues the high regard that the Catholic Church holds for our esteemed colleagues of the Jewish faith and the expression of gratitude for their leadership.”

Expressing his gratitude for the historic recognition, Rudin said, “It is an honor and privilege to accept this extraordinary award. To be selected for a papal knighthood is a highlight of both my professional and personal life.”

A prominent author and public speaker, and an international leader in interreligious relations, Rudin lives in Fort Myers, Florida. He was born in Pittsburgh and grew up in Alexandria,

Virginia. He attended Wesleyan University and graduated from George Washington University with academic distinction. Rudin received his rabbinical ordination from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) and served as a U.S. Air Force chaplain in Japan and Korea.

His most recent book, a memoir published earlier this year, “The People in the Room: Rabbis, Nuns, Pastors, Popes, and Presidents,” tells of his travels and meetings with leaders as well as community members throughout the world.

He was a member of the Camp David Presidential Retreat Chapel Committee and co-founded the National Interreligious Task Forces on Soviet Jewry and BlackJewish Relations. Rudin met many times with Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI and was the guest of honor at the 1994 Vatican event commemorating the Holocaust.

“During my 32 years of ‘active duty’ with the AJC, I made 42 round-trip flights over the Atlantic, while also during those years, I constantly visited the American Jewish Committee’s 32 regional offices around the United States,” Rudin said. “Too many flights, too many cramped coach seats, and too much time away from my young family. Fortunately, there was and is my wife, Marcia.”

He described some of his travels. “The worst of my professional travel destinations was Auschwitz, a place Marcia accurately described as ‘the vortex of evil,’” Rudin said. “I actually felt inner trembling vibrations within my body during my several trips to that mass murder Nazi German death camp. I am haunted every day, knowing that had I been born in Transylvania in Europe and

not in Pennsylvania in the United States, I would have been one of 1.5 million Jewish children murdered during the Shoah, the Holocaust.”

Rudin met with Pope John Paul II more than 10 times, Pope Benedict XVI twice, as well as presidents Harry Truman, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton. “I was always in a hurry, constantly in a rush to reverse 20 centuries of negative attitudes towards Jews and Judaism,” the rabbi noted.

In his work, he was guided by Jewish philosopher Martin Buber’s five-word description of authentic interreligious dialogue: “All real living is meeting,” Rudin said. “Personal relationships, I discovered, count far more than differences in ideology, theology or politics.”

Rudin acknowledged the difficulties he faces in his work, but he recognized the importance. “Deeply held religious beliefs are like radioactive material,” he said. “If handled carefully, they can be of great positive value. But, if mishandled, they can be a source of human destruction and pain. I saw my task on the stage I was privileged to occupy; it was to make sure religious leaders, and hopefully their followers, would handle the radioactive material in beneficial ways.”

In 1998, Rudin visited Saint Leo University with then-Saint Leo President Arthur Kirk Jr., Bishop Robert Lynch of the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida and the late Bishop John Nevins of the Diocese of Venice, Florida, and they established the university’s Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies.

“When President Kirk and Bruce Ramer, then-President of the AJC, signed a joint statement creating the center, we had no idea that, nearly a quarter century later, the CCJS would become one of America’s leading interreligious centers that is today, ably directed by Dr. Matthew Tapie and now joined by Rabbi David Maayan, the Maureen and Douglas

Cohn Visiting Chair in Jewish Thought,” Rudin said.

Tapie noted Rudin’s pioneering work, not only in building positive interreligious relations throughout the world, but also establishing a strong tradition of interreligious dialogue on the West Coast of Florida. “Through his co-founding of the CCJS, he has made it possible for future generations of scholars to do the work of building mutual respect and understanding between Catholics and Jews, and all people of goodwill.”

Reverend Jose H. Gomez, archbishop of Los Angeles and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, wrote a letter to the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies about the significance of the occasion: “The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops rejoices that our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has chosen to confer the Papal Knighthood of the Order of St. Gregory the Great upon Rabbi A. James Rudin, who is well known for this work ... with the establishment of the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies at Saint Leo University in Florida.

“The ceremony that is taking place today is a special opportunity, not only to celebrate the vision, determination and contribution of Rabbi Rudin toward the deepening of Jewish-Catholic relations, but also to give thanks to the Almighty for the friendships that have grown between Catholics and Jews across the United States ever since the promulgation of the Second Vatican Council’s deceleration Nostra Aetate.”

For Rudin, the work continues. “I strongly believe there is higher ground, a better place, a promised land for Catholics and Jews … that there is no way to get from here to there except by what we’re doing here today, joining hands and marching together.”

Reprinted with permission from the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies, Saint Leo University.

12 January 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION
239-261-7157 141 N Tamiami Trl, Naples, FL 34102 wynnsmarket.com
Bishop Mark O’Connell, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston, reads the “parchment” designating Rabbi A. James Rudin as the Papal Knighthood of the Order of St. Gregory. Rudin and Dr. Matthew Tapie, director of Saint Leo University’s Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies, hold the document from Pope Francis in the investiture ceremony at Saint Leo University.

Catholic-Jewish gathering remembers start of Holocaust

It was on the night of Nov. 9-10, 1938, when members of the Nazi party sponsored anti-Jewish riots (pogroms) which attacked Jewish persons and destroyed Jewish-owned property in Germany and Austria. “Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass” is regarded by historians as “the Night the Holocaust began” in Europe, which ultimately led to the murder of more than six million Jews.

To remember those events, the Catholic-Jewish Dialogue of Collier County hosted its annual “Kristallnacht: The Night of Broken Glass” Nov. 5, 2022 at Temple Shalom in Naples. The event was cosponsored by the Diocese of Venice and Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, GenShoah of SWFL, and the Holocaust Museum and Janet G. and Harvey D. Cohen Education Center.

On behalf of the Diocese, Bishop Frank J. Dewane said it is necessary to come together to remember Kristallnacht and the Holocaust that followed. But this year’s gathering was held in the context of a recent spate of antisemitic incidents including the placing of lawn signs in communities throughout Naples, Collier County and the entire Diocese of Venice. “Unfortunately, we need to acknowledge this inhumane unchristian rebirth that we have

evidenced in Southwest Florida — of antisemitism,” Bishop Dewane said.

Th e bishop said Catholic and Jewish peoples have a common parentage which bond the two together. Coming together through the Dialogue allows for open discussion, which ultimately prevents misunderstandings and mistrust, fostering a way for the two faiths to see each other with a deep amount of respect.

“Each one of us has a responsibility to take action when we see antisemitism,” Bishop Dewane continued. “It isn’t just for the Dialogue group to resolve. It isn’t just for a parish or synagogue. It’s for all of us to come together when we see the negativity that can rear its head, just as it did so many years ago when Kristallnacht foreshadowed what the world never thought could happen (the Holocaust) — and it did happen. You and I have responsibilities to speak out and to speak up.”

The guest speaker was Dr. Suzanne Brown-Fleming, director of the International Academics Programs Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Her topic was “November 1938: Perspective from the Vatican Archives.”

In her talk, focused on the month following Kristallnacht, Brown-Fleming said a certain context was needed, reminding

the audience that the groundbreaking 1965 Vatican II document “Nostra Aetate” (In Our Time), which redefined the relationship between the Church and other non-Christian faiths, was years away. “Nostra Aetate” importantly states that what happened in the Passion of Christ “cannot be charged against the Jews then alive, nor against the Jews today.”

Brown-Fleming cited several diplomatic and personal reports sent to and from the Vatican regarding Kristallnacht as well as correspondence from the faithful, who were almost all blatantly antisemitic, blaming the Jewish people for the death of Christ and, because of this, saw little reason to help the Jews in Germany or elsewhere.

In the end, Brown-Fleming said the Vatican was “not willing to aggressively condemn the Nazi action against the Jews, but only to authorize, on behalf of the Pope, a reminder of the Church of the mission to aid the suffering and the persecuted. It is quite an understatement to say this response in these troubling times was not enough.” She noted much has changed since “Nostra Aetate.”

A poignant moment during the annual commemoration was a candle lighting ceremony. Six candles were lit by GenShoah (second generation Holocaust survivors). Each lit their candle for

the victims of the Holocaust and for a brighter future.

Among the dignitaries present for the commemoration were Michael A. Feldman, co-founder of the Holocaust Museum of Southwest Florida; Rabbi Adam Miller, Temple Shalom; Jane Schiff, board chair of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples; Marty Gauthier, Dialogue Catholic co-chair; Luba Rotsztain, Dialogue Jewish co-chair; Rabbi Mark Gross, Jewish Congregation of Marco Island; Rabbi Ammos Chorny, Beth Tikvah; Father Robert Kantor, pastor of St. Agnes Parish in Naples; and Yvonne Holtzman, candle lighting chair, Dialogue member and GenShoah. Also present were more than two dozen youth, who are in the confirmation program at St. Agnes Parish.

The Catholic-Jewish Dialogue of Collier County has been working together for 21 years with the purpose of engaging Catholics and Jews in understanding our past history and advancing the cause of mutual understanding and appreciation of our differences, as well as our commonalities.

This article, which originally appeared in the Nov. 10 issue of Florida Catholic, a publication distributed throughout the Diocese of Venice, is being reprinted with permission.

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13 January 2023 Federation Star
Fort Myers •
Springs • Naples • Sarasota*
Where Tradition Meets the Future. henlaw.com
*By appointment only ©2022 Henderson Franklin Starnes & Holt, P.A.
Amanda M. Dorio Estate Planning and Trust Administration Member, Board of Directors, Jewish Federation of Greater Naples

“Hearts and Flowers” — the WCA Welcome Back Luncheon

After a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, WCA was finally able to host its Welcome Back Luncheon Nov. 9, 2022. More than 350 WCA members eagerly gathered at the new Arthrex One Conference Center for this long-awaited seasonal highlight. The room was abuzz, as women excitedly greeted long-time WCA friends, many of whom they had not seen for more than two years!

Newer WCA members were quickly drawn in and welcomed, something that

WCA does so well. In fact, this year, special tables were arranged for new members, each hosted by a member of the Board of Directors.

The theme of this year’s luncheon, “Hearts and Flowers,” was reflected throughout. The entire lobby wall of the Arthrex Center digitally displayed the luncheon logo and various photographs of beautiful blooms in the Naples Botanical Garden. It was an impressive introduction to what was to come!

The table décor, the menu and the speaker’s remarks echoed the theme. At each place setting, there was a miniature succulent plant in a ceramic pot and a colorful handblown glass heart, as gifts for each member to take home. Even the dessert — a chocolate heart filled with raspberry mousse and decorated with edible miniature flowers — carried through the theme. WCA Board member Robin Mintz did an outstanding job incorporating the

luncheon’s theme into the printed materials as well.

Serving as the official kickoff to WCA’s upcoming season, this year’s Welcome Back Luncheon marked the 15th year of WCA programming. WCA President Patti Boochever began the program with a heartfelt welcome. Jewish Federation of Greater Naples’ (JFGN) President and CEO Jeffrey Feld and Board Chair Jane Schiff extended their sincere thanks to WCA for building a strong community

14 January 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION WOMEN’S CULTURAL ALLIANCE www.wcanaples.org / 518.852.3440
WCA Has Planned An Exciting Year Don’t be left out! Join WCA today. VISIT WCANAPLES.ORG and click on MEMBERSHIP. Membership is through Aug. 2023. QUESTIONS? Contact Membership Chair Harriett
at hmkleinman@gmail.com
President Patti Boochever “ringing the bell” to begin the program JFGN Board Chair Jane Schiff talks about the impact WCA has had on her life. Barbara Langer at a New Member table hosted by Membership Chair Harriett Kleinman
Lenore Greenstein leads in Hamotzi. Jan Goldman and Carol Hirsch accept donations for the Naples Senior Center Guest speaker Donna McGinnis shares information about the Naples Botanical Garden Congratulations to Linda Simon and Marsha Moranz on this wonderful luncheon.
The luscious dessert exemplified the luncheon’s theme of Hearts and Flowers.
Shelly Bell, who started WCA Young Division, sold tickets for the successful 50/50 drawing. Toby Kosloff and Linda Simon Ida Margolis and Marilyn Davidson welcome women to the luncheon

of women, noting that WCA is the only organization of its kind within a Federation in the United States. Following Hamotzi, which was beautifully led by Lenore Greenstein, we all enjoyed a delicious lunch.

Guest speaker Donna McGinnis, president and CEO of the Naples Botanical Garden, gave an engaging presentation about the Garden, its history and its philosophy. She addressed the issue of sustainability and the ecological impact a garden such as Naples Botanical Garden has on our lives. She described several research and collaborative projects the Garden participates in behind the scenes.

McGinnis also highlighted some of the Garden’s special exhibits, including its year-long theme of the Celebration of Plants and Culture of Mexico, and

Holiday Lights in the Garden, leaving us all eager to visit and enjoy these exhibits as well as to experience the beauty and the peaceful surroundings.

Women attending the luncheon had been asked to bring personal care items to be donated to the Naples Senior Center. The heartfelt generosity of these women was remarkable! Volunteer Services Manager for the Center, Debbie Lageman, later wrote, “We are thrilled with the generous donation your organization made. … We received nearly 2,000 items. These items will be given to needy seniors in our community. Please know how much this donation is appreciated!”

To help address the overwhelming destruction in Southwest Florida, WCA presented Jeffrey Feld with a donation to JFGN’s Hurricane Ian Relief Fund. WCA

also continued its longstanding practice of proudly donating half the proceeds from the luncheon’s 50/50 drawing to Federation’s camp scholarship program.

In accepting the donation, JFGN Community Program Director Reneé Bialek thanked WCA for the impact the donation will have on children’s lives.

This marvelous luncheon was orchestrated by Linda Simon, WCA’s extremely organized and creative director of special events, with the assistance of Marsha Moranz. Working with their talented Luncheon Committee — Ann Cowen, Toby Kosloff, Robin Mintz and Hannah Goodman — and with the help and support of the WCA Board of Directors, they successfully planned a fantastic afternoon. In addition, more than 30 hardworking WCA members volunteered at the event.

Our congratulations and sincere appreciation to each of them.

Women who attended the luncheon sent emails full of praise. One WCA member seemed to sum it up in an email she sent to Linda Simon following the luncheon: “You and your team did a magnificent job! The luncheon was wonderful. Everything was so well organized and went so smoothly. Congratulations to everyone. What a terrific accomplishment! I am sure hours and hours of hard work went into this, but it paid off.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Thank you to Linda Simon for her contributions to this article and to Dina Shein and Linda Wertheim for the beautiful photos that captured the excitement of the day.

15 January 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION
Registration volunteers, overseen by Arlene Sobol Edythe Cohen, Leslie Feldman and WCA President Emerita Elaine Soffer Good friends enjoy each other’s company before the luncheon. Beautiful women at a beautiful table: Arlene Sobol, Lisa Lauber, Robin Mintz and Patti Badiner Dale Hackerman, Gayle Dorio and Irene Adler Debbie Lurie, Gail Morris, Marsha Moranz and Darlene Muller Deborah Wyman, Sue Bookbinder and Janis Siegel These women all received the memo to wear black and white!

MCA Monthly Luncheon

January 12 at 11:30 AM

2023: Climbing Walls of Worry: Economic and Market Forecasts

presented by Michael Farr - President and Founder of Farr, Miller, and Washington and MSNBC

2022 was a year unlike any other, with a lingering global pandemic producing economic uncertainty, threats abound as labor dislocations continue, supply chains still adjust, and inflation on the rise. Michael Farr will deliver his insights into current market conditions and a forecast of the probable, plausible, and possible paths forward.

This event is for members only. Scan the QR code to register or to join. Or go to: www.mcanaples.org


www.MCANaples.org / 508.733.9427

January is a very busy month for MCA members

January will be a very busy month for members of MCA. In addition to monthly discussion groups, dining events and athletic activities, the following six special tours have been arranged for members to enjoy.

Tour of Collier County Jail and Court House –Jan. 10

Learn about the Collier County judicial system and have an opportunity to question members of the sheriff’s office. Walk through the jail and learn about the procedure for processing inmates. Visit courtrooms and see live court sessions (subject to daily schedule). Depending on the schedule, there is the possibility that a sitting judge will join the group and answer questions from the MCA members.

Tour the Collier County Mosquito Control Center – Jan. 11

The tour to the Collier District Mosquito Control provides a unique opportunity to learn how the District contributes to a healthy, high quality of life in Southwest Florida by applying sound science and utilizing the best practices in mosquito control, while continuously searching for new solutions to mosquito control.

Tour of WGCU at FCGU – Jan. 20

WGCU Public Media is Southwest Florida’s source for PBS and NPR. It provides quality programming 24 hours a day. WGCU is a trusted storyteller, teacher, theater, library and traveling companion. As a member-supported service of Florida Gulf Coast University, WGCU’s mission is to provide educational programming that inspires, informs and engages our community. Serving all or part of 12 counties in South and Southwest Florida, with five distinct digital TV channels, three radio services and multiple digital media platforms, WGCU delivers national and international programming, as well as develops and produces awardwinning informative and educational local content.

Tour of Guadalupe Center – Jan. 25

Guadalupe Center is located in Immokalee, Florida. Its mission is to break the cycle of poverty through high-quality educational opportunities designed to improve the future for local children. Our tour will provide us with a unique tour of Immokalee, as well as an in-depth visit to the educational facility. Our guide will also answer questions about volunteer opportunities for members to mentor the students. Before returning from our tour, we will enjoy lunch together at an authentic Mexican restaurant (lunch not included in cost).

Captain Jack’s Airboat Tours and lunch – Jan. 26

Join fellow MCAers for a mangrove airboat tour that includes a one-hour boat ride, a trip to an animal sanctuary and an alligator show. Lunch at the famous Everglades Rod & Gun Club will follow the sanctuary and show.

Tour of Arthrex Naples headquarters – Jan. 27

Arthrex is a global medical device company and a leader in new product development and medical education in orthopedics. With a corporate mission of helping surgeons treat their patients better™, Arthrex has pioneered the field of arthroscopy and develops more than 1,000 innovative products and procedures each year.

MCA will join this public tour of Arthrex’s headquarters in Naples. Th e tour will illustrate the vibrant atmosphere of rapid product innovation, medical research and surgeon collaboration. The sprawling campus houses corporate and manufacturing operations as well as Arthrex’s premier Medical Education Center, which serves as an education destination for surgeons from around the world to learn about new products and techniques through hands-on surgical skills training programs. Food and beverages will be provided.

To join any of these tours or to join MCA, go to the MCA website at MCANaples.org or click the QR code with this article.

16 January 2023 Federation Star
There are Four (4) Ways to Join MCA!! 1 - Scan this QR Code: 2 - Go to: www.mcanaples.org and click on Membership. There are 3 Ways to Join the MCA! 1. Visit the website at www.MCAnaples.org. Click on the MCA membership form and complete it. You can pay by credit card or check. 2. Send an email with your name, email address and phone number to joinMCA@MCAnaples.org 3. Mail your name, email address and phone number to Larry Israelite, 8820 Savona Court, Naples,
34119 Dues for current year are $90 and include membership in the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. There are Four (4) Ways to Join MCA!! 1. Scan this QR Code: 2. Go to: www.mcanaples.org and click on Membership. 3. Email Membership@mcanaples.org. 4. Send a check for $90 to the JFGN.
JEWISH FEDERATION PARADE DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. Monday, January 16, 2023 Meet: 10:00 am • Parade Start: 11:00 am Location: Broad Avenue S & 3rd St. S Please walk in the MLK Jr parade with the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples Come hold our banner while we walk in the parade! CELEBRATE AND REMEMBER The celebration will continue with food, music and entertainment at Cambier Park. The Jewish Community Relations Council is looking for volunteers to sit at our booth, starting at 9:30 am. FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL! If you can walk in the parade and/or sit at our booth, please contact: Reneé at rbialek@jewishnaples.org

Meet the Cohen family

Library Family Spotlight

Q: Tell me about the Cohen family. A: We are Kyle and Rachel Cohen. We have two children, Eli (10) and Sarah (7).

Q: Are you involved in the Jewish community in Naples?

A: As a couple, we have lived in the Southwest Florida area for about 14 years. However, Temple Shalom played an important role in our lives well before then. Rachel grew up in Naples and has been a member of Temple Shalom since middle school.

Kyle’s family came to Naples when his mother, Lori, took the position of executive director at Temple Shalom. In fact, we were married at Temple Shalom before relocating to the area. Now, it is a big part of our life. Kyle serves on the board and both our kids attend Religious School (YeSH). We are also part of an active Chavurah.

Q: What’s it like on the day PJ Library books arrive?

A: We love it when a PJ library book arrives in the mail. It is one of the few pieces of mail that the kids open themselves. They know what the envelope looks like and are always excited to see what is inside!

Q: You have a child who recently “graduated” from PJ

Library to PJ Our Way. How is he enjoying the experience?

A: Eli loves that he is now old enough to choose his own books. It’s like going to a bookstore every month and knowing he will be reading something educational and in line with our traditions. In his own words, “I seriously endorse them for anybody. They are amazing.”

Q: What do you think about the quality of PJ Library books?

A: The books are great. Every book we’ve received has been the perfect combination of educational, informative and fun. They are a great way to educate children about Jewish beliefs and traditions. PJ Library books play an important role in our household as a wonderful supplement to what they are learning in Religious School (YeSH). Also, even though our son and daughter generally have very different interests, they both enjoy learning about Judaism through PJ Library books.

Q: What is the bedtime routine at your house?

A: Every night before bed, we read the kids a book. If a PJ Library book was in the mail, the kids usually want to read that one before bed. Although, it may not be the most educational, the kids love “The Runaway Latke” by Leslie Kimmelman. We read it multiple times, especially before Hanukkah.

Fabulous Events in January

17 January 2023 Federation Star
Wednesday, Jan. 4, Noon • in person and virtual Exclusively sponsored by Women’s Cultural Alliance Isabel Vincent “Overture of Hope” Thursday,
• virtual Sponsored by Ginsberg Eye Ophthalmology and Theatre Zone For
“Maybe It’s Me” Friday, Jan. 20, 10 a.m. • virtual Sponsored by Temple Shalom Sisterhood 2022-23
JOIN US FOR Three Three To register, please
www.JewishBookFestival.org. Cathy Barrow “Bagels, Schmears, and a Nice Piece of Fish: A Whole Bunch of Recipes to Make at Home”
Jan. 12, 2 p.m.
full details on these and other events in the Jewish Book Festival, see pages 1A-4A in this issue.
Jewish Book Festival
Authors • 14
Eileen Kathy Pollack
Alicia Feldman
UPCOMING EVENTS! All events will be at: “Can U Dig It” Playground at North Collier Regional Park facebook.com/PJLibraryNaplesFL January 30 February 13 March 20 April 10 May 15 June 26 Shabbat Laila Tov
Pesach Yom Yerushalayim Shavuot OF GREATER NAPLES
Runaway Latkes” written by Leslie Kimmelman; illustrated by Paul Yalowitz
Rachel and Kyle Cohen with Eli
(10) and Sarah

Thinking about the future

Have you thought about what you can do today to make sure there is a strong Jewish community for you, your children, grandchildren and future generations?

Estate planning, legacy giving, and endowment development are essential things you can do now to ensure the future of all charitable organizations, including those within the Jewish community. Jewish affiliation and identification rates have been declining, especially among young adults. Assimilation is increasing while synagogue membership and Jewish organizational involvement is decreasing. The best defense is a strong offense. Plan now.

TOP Jewish Foundation participates in several national programs that encourage legacy giving.

The Life and Legacy program

(https://topjewishfoundation.org/ life-legacy)

TOP partners with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation to assist local Jewish organizations in building endowment funds by promoting after lifetime giving.

S h ana Tova!

Have a discussion within your family about what your priorities have been within the Jewish community and what you hope they will continue to support once you have passed. Encourage them to discuss and share their priorities and interests. Talk openly about what you plan to provide for them and your hopes for their continued involvement in support of Jewish causes. Remind them that past generations built the synagogues, JCCs, Federation and other Jewish agencies and organizations that are in your community now. Discuss why it is important for you, and them, to provide for future generations.

Talk to them about Jewish values related to Israel, the environment, health care, Jewish culture, feeding the hungry, taking care of and providing shelter for the homeless, and for those less fortunate. It is important that you pass on your Jewish values and charitable interests to the next generation.

Now that you have had the conversations, put your plans into writing and document your plans related to charitable giving upon your death. Determine the portion of your estate that you will leave to your favorite charities. Identify the assets you want to designate for Jewish organizations. Some of the best ways to give gifts upon one’s death is with life insurance, highly appreciated assets, IRAs and/or real property (real estate, art, jewelry, etc.). The most common ways to ensure your wishes are followed are by documenting them in a will or trust or naming the charity as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy or retirement plan.

If you want to support special programs, ensure they are shared with your family and designated in your will and/ or estate plans. If you do not designate specific uses for your donation, the funds will most likely go into the general endowment of the Federation, synagogue or other organization you choose to leave your gift(s).

The Jewish Future Pledge

(https://topjewishfoundation.org/ jewishfuturepledge)

This program encourages people to make a commitment that, from the funds you leave to charity upon your passing, at least half will be earmarked to support the Jewish people and/or the state of Israel.

Please contact TOP to find out if the Jewish organizations you support are involved in either of these initiatives, or if you would like to know how TOP can help an organization build its endowment assets. Organizations that partner with TOP find that TOP becomes an extension of the organization’s team, taking the role of the organization’s endowment department.

Any person, at any age, can make an impact by making a legacy gift. You can support the causes you care most about, while reaping the benefits of minimizing taxes and setting a positive example for your family and others in the community. Your TOP Jewish Foundation professionals can help you determine the best ways to implement your legacy-giving priorities.

The following are a few tips to get started from advisor Mark Halpern.

1) Define your “Why.” Which causes resonate with you? Where can you leave behind a meaningful impact?

2) Dream big. Start with an ideal charitable-giving goal and work forward from there.

3) Make it real. Commit to allocating a certain percentage of your estate to charity.

4) Put structures in place. Establish a charitable foundation or Donor Advised Fund (DAF) to manage your charitable gifts. Make sure your family knows your priorities in advance.

5) Gift assets strategically. Consider whether it makes the most sense to donate cash or give through appreciated securities, flow-through shares, life insurance, retirement savings or with a testamentary gift.

Always feel free to seek advice or share your ideas with the professionals at TOP Jewish Foundation.

18 January 2023 Federation Star STARTS January 2023 10 a.m. to Noon –St. Leo Catholic Church Auditorium 28350 Beaumont Road Bonita Springs “Those Who Fail To Learn From History Are Condemned To Repeat It.” 2023 LECTURE SERIES Elliott Katz Tickets Available EDUCATE. INFORM. INSPIRE. To order your tickets today, visit: www.historyuncompromised.com Proudly Sponsored by: Ample Parking & Seating Tickets: $150 FOR ALL SEVEN LECTURES Tickets: $100 FOR ANY FOUR LECTURES Tickets: $35 PER LECTURE AT THE DOOR Alicia Feldman PJ Library Coordinator programs@jewishnaples.org
We offer each donor creative philanthropic solutions and white-glove service.
Together, we are ensuring a Jewish
TOP Jewish Foundation helps Jewish organizations - and individuals like youmake the most of their charitable dollars.
We recognize that it is through your generosity, that our entire community can continue to grow in strength.

At the Museum

Happy New Year! We are gearing up for a busy season and look forward to having you join us for interesting programs and events. Many thanks to our sponsors and all who joined us for The Luncheon. Proceeds from our annual winter fundraising event benefited our education programs. The program featured excerpts from the award-winning play, “Wiesenthal,” performed by its author and actor, Tom Dugan. The play sheds new light on Simon Wiesenthal’s life and his post-war efforts to track down Holocaust criminals evading capture to escape justice. We thank Royal Poinciana and Mr. Dugan for a memorable event.

New exhibit

We invite you to visit the Estelle and Stuart Price Gallery to view a brandnew exhibit. “Two Regimes” reflects the experiences of a mother and daughter who lived under both the Nazi regime in World War II and under a Communist government post war. The exhibit will be on display from January through April.

“Nazi-Looted Art –Unfinished Business”

Museum docent Ellaine Rosen brings back her popular lecture series, “NaziLooted Art – Unfinished Business.”

The five-part series will be held in the Maureen and Arnold Lerner classroom at the Museum from 2 to 4 p.m. on the following Mondays – Jan. 16, 23 and 30 and Feb. 6 and 13. The lectures are free but a suggested minimum donation of $18 is greatly appreciated! Advance registration is required. Please visit www.HMCEC.org to sign up.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

The Museum will commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan. 27 with a special film presentation from 11 a.m. to noon. We will also offer complimentary admission from 1 to 4 p.m. Last guests will be admitted at 3 p.m. Advance reservations are required. Visit www.hmcec.org to reserve your place.

Yiddish group

Are you interested in learning Yiddish or brushing up on Yiddish phrases? You are invited to attend a three-part series to be held at the Museum from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on the following Sundays – Jan. 22,

Feb. 12 and March 19. You do not need experience with the language to attend this fun class. The program will be conducted by Sol Awend, Harriet Bernman and Felicia Anchor. Admission is free, with advance registration required. Please visit www.hmcec.org.

North Wing update

The interior demolition of the three adjoining suites owned by the Museum has created a new 3,500-square-foot space. This space will house a new Auschwitz Gallery, an expanded classroom and event space, a catering kitchen and offices. The current Special Exhibits Gallery will be enlarged and relocated to the new North Wing as well, allowing us to renovate the existing space into a new Genocide and Human Rights Gallery in the current Museum. A variety of naming opportunities are available. Please contact me at Susan@hmcec.org or 239-2639200 for more information.

Upcoming calendar of events

We hope you will “save the date” for the following events in February and March: Wednesday, Feb. 15 – “Movies That Matter – The Steve Brazina Memorial Series” presents a Zoom panel discussion of “APART.” The film explores the

impact on families from the incarceration of mothers with drug-related charges. Advance reservations are required and you will receive a private link to view the film the week before the Zoom discussion. Visit www.hmcec.org to RSVP.

Stuart Mest, M.D. Lecture Series – “Eugenics, Experiments, Ethics: Nazi Germany, Japan and the United States.” Th is two-part series will be presented twice in the Maureen and Arnold Lerner classroom at the Museum from 5 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 28 and Tuesday, March 7; then repeated on Th ursday, March 23 and Thursday, March 30. Tickets are $40 for the two-part series, with advance registration required. Visit www.hmcec.org to purchase.

Wednesday, March 15 – Triumph 2023 – Triumph, the Museum’s annual fundraising event, will present guest speaker Michael Abramovitz, CEO of Freedom House, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Freedom House’s programs support human rights and democracy advocates in their efforts to promote open government, defend human rights, strengthen civil society and facilitate the free flow of information and ideas. Tickets are $300 and a variety of sponsorship packages are available. Proceeds will benefit the Museum’s education programs.

On behalf of our Board and staff, we wish you and your families all a healthy, happy and wonderful new year ahead!

Upcoming Programs and Events


Five-Part Lecture Series presented by Docent Ellaine Rosen; at the Museum in the Maureen and Arnold Lerner Classroom, from 2pm-4pm ($18 per lecture donation requested; must pre-register at HMCEC.org)

February 15 -"Movies That Mattteer"Zoom Discussion of Documentary "APART"

11am-12pm Eastern Time U.S and Canada ($10; must pre-register to receive private film link week before Discussion at HMCEC.org)

February 28, March 7 - Part 1 and Part 2

March 23 and 30 - Repeat Part 1 and Part 2 "Eugenics, Experimments, Ethics: Nazi Germany, Japan and the United Sttates"

Two-Part Lecture Series presented by Docent Stuart Mest, M.D.; at the Museum in the Maureen and Arnold Lerner Classroom, from 5pm-6pm ($40; must pre-register at HMCEC.org)

March 15- Triumph 2023 Annual Fundraising Event

at Arthrex One in Naples; Guest Speaker Michael Abramovitz CEO of Freedom House, from 5:30pm - 8pm (tickets $300 and Sponsorship Packages available at HMCEC.org) We hope


Holocaust Museum & Janet G and Harvey

Imperial Golf Course Blvd

Education Center

Suite 108, Naples, FL 34110

19 January 2023 Federation Star COMMUNITY FOCUS
- Special Exhibit: : "Two Regimes" On display in the Estelle and Stuart Price Gallery through April 30
International Holocaust Remembrance Day Special Film
and Complimentary Admission
pre-reservation required
January 27-
1pm-4pm (last guest
at HMCEC.org)
January 16, 23, 30 and February 6, 13
Unfinished Business"
“Nazi-Lootted Art –
you'll join us for these exciting programs For morre details, tickets and reservations visit
D Cohen
239-2263-9200 HMCEC org Info@HMCEC org • Advanced Cataract Surgery • Clear Lens Exchange Surgery • Implantable Contact Lens Surgery • Cornea Surgery • Dry Eye Therapy • Glaucoma Care and Surgery • LASIK • Autoimmune Disease Treatment Vitamin D (Coimbra Protocol) •
Harmonization Dysport® Botox Cosmetic® Facial Fillers PDO Threads

A gift from Ian?

One of the “gifts” the Hurricane Ian experience brought us is a push to evaluate how we live our lives. Sometimes, it takes a disaster to clarify where you are versus where you really want to be, both physically and emotionally. Though you are alive and reading this message from GenShoah SWFL, it is likely that you know or read about someone who didn’t survive. Or someone who lost their home. Or someone who is struggling to rebuild their life again.

And for those of us who have experienced turmoil in the past, Hurricane Ian might be a stark reminder that life is precious, and we should do all we can to be the helping hand that offers hope, respite, support and remembrance to those in need.

Speaking of remembrance, it is a Jewish custom to light a 24-hour candle in remembrance of family members who have passed away. It is lit yearly on the date of their death. Since there are two different calendars that impact a Jewish family, it can be confusing as to which date is the one for lighting the yahrzeit (anniversary) candle. The solar or Gregorian calendar was established in 1582 and is commonly used in the United States and most of the world. The lunar or Hebrew calendar has been used for 5,783 years. If you know a date on one calendar, there is a way to find out its equivalent on the other calendar at JewishGen.org/ Yahrzeit. This allows you to light that yahrzeit candle on either date.

How to remember International Holocaust Remembrance Day

As many readers of this column know, the United Nations General Assembly designated Jan. 27 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

On this date, the “UN urges every member state to honor the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and millions of other victims of Nazism and to develop education programs to help prevent future genocides.”

Light a candle for the victims of the Holocaust. If you know a Holocaust survivor, perhaps you could reach out with a phone call or visit. Visit your local Holocaust Museum. Donate to the educational programs at the local or U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM). Both USHMM and the Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center in Naples (HMCEC.org) have very meaningful testimonies of local Holocaust survivors. There are now excellent books about the Holocaust written for middle- and high-school students. Grandparents and parents may want to read one of these with their grandchildren. “Th e Number on Great-Grandpa’s Arm” is a beautiful short film for ages 8 and up.

Another form of remembrance — Zoog mir in Yiddish!

A Yiddish group is being organized by Sol Awend, Felicia Anchor and Harriet Berneman. The start date is Sunday, Jan. 22, 2023, with following meetings on Sunday, Feb. 12 and Sunday, March 19. The meeting time is 4 to 6 p.m. at the Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center in Naples. If you are interested in joining this C’hevre, please contact Sol Awend (solawend@gmail.com), the author of our new Yiddish Corner. Awend has a wonderful sense of humor and a contagious, fun-loving attitude when it comes to Yiddish.

Our stories

As GenShoah works to connect its members and reach out to the community, we will focus on the writing of the stories of

The Yiddish corner

Happy New Year! Or, as they say in the old country, “Ah Git Yooweh!” If you’re in South Florida and it’s January, one thing’s for certain – it’s crowded. Dee Shnei Foigelen, or snowbirds, have come down for the season. And to greet them, we have a list of terms to describe them as well as from where they have come.

Let’s give them a rousing welcome and congratulate them on the well-made choice of escaping winter.

Fin vaanet

Pronunciation: fin VAANet?

Meaning: From where…?

In a sentence: Fin vaanet kimps’t deh? From where did you come?


Pronunciation: Vee?

Meaning: Another way to ask the same question as #1.

In a sentence: Vee shteist dee?

Where are you staying?

Fah vee laang? For how long? (We don’t want to rush you, just asking for a friend.)

Vee loyfs’t deh? Where are you running off to?

(You just got here!)


Pronunciation: Voos!?

Meaning: To be asked incredulously, as if you don’t believe the answer.

In a sentence: Voos ot ayeh geh zoog’t? What did he say?

Voos zoogs’t dee? What are you saying?

Fah Voos zoogs’t dee azoy?! Why do you say that?!


Pronunciation: MAAN tel

Meaning: A coat. One thing you don’t need down here unless the temp drops below 70 degrees at night.

our parents who survived their turmoil in the past — the Holocaust. Even if your own parents provided testimony in the form of an interview or wrote their own story, it comes from a different perspective when a 2G writes the story. We are all put together from many experiences and genetic influences. Your 2G nature and nurture will emerge when you become the writer of your parents’ story.

GenShoah is planning a story writing workshop coming soon to bring together those members who have written their parents’ story and those members who are poised to begin. Membership in GenShoah SWFL is easy and requires no fee. GenShoah members are strongly encouraged to become members of the Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center. If you are interested in the promotion of Holocaust education and human rights, the preservation of history and memories of the Holocaust, the connection of the Second Generation with one another and support of the Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center, just send an email to Shelley Lieb at liebro@gmail.com to get on the GenShoah SWFL email list.

An international campaign to counter antisemitism

In addition to remembrance, action is important. Lest we forget, #ItStartedWithWords is a Holocaust education campaign created by the Claims Conference in which Holocaust survivors from around the world refl ect on the moments leading up to the Holocaust. They talk about “a time they could not have predicted — the transition their neighbors, teachers, classmates and colleagues made from words to violence — that will demonstrate how hateful language can evolve into actions with unimaginable outcomes.”

The short video that viewers are asked to help circulate is dated in two ways that

reflect the different calendars noted above, Nov. 13, 2022 and 19 Chesvan, 5783. It is a relaunch of a previous campaign “to address the current rise in antisemitism, hate speech and Holocaust denial around the world.” To take a look at the short video, go to #ItStartedWithWords, then feel free to share it.

Additional events of interest

On Wednesday, Jan. 25, 11 a.m., there will be a docent tour of “Envisioning Evil – Nazi Drawings” for GenShoah members at The Baker Museum. Tickets are $10 in advance or at the door (artisnaples.org/baker-museum/admission). Follow up with lunch at the museum’s outdoor cafe. RSVP to Dorothy Schwebel at dschwebel@me.com.

“Apart,” the second film in the Movies That Matter – Steve Brazina Memorial Film Series, which was postponed because of Hurricane Ian, has now been rescheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 15. For more information, contact hmcec.org.

Jewish Book Festival of Greater Naples is presenting some Holocaust-related books, like “Overture of Hope” by Isabel Vincent on Thursday, Jan. 12 at 2 p.m. via Zoom. More information about the books and how to register can be found at jewishnaples.org.

In a sentence: Tee oss daim mantel un blaab fah ah pooweh minit! Take off your coat and stay for a few minutes? Doo darft men nisht kah mantel. Here, one doesn’t need a coat.

Shtee vel

Pronunciation: SHTEE vel Meaning: Boots. Another article of clothing you shed, in favor of flip-flops. In a sentence: Tee oss dee shtee vel! Tee oop ah pooweh letchen? Take off the boots! Put on a pair of thongs.

Koortzeh hoyzen

Pronunciation: KOORT zeh HOY zen Meaning: Short pants or Bermudas. In a sentence: Tee oop ah pooweh kurtzeh hoyzen. Put on a pair of short pants.

Deh sayzon iz nisht git geh vayzen; deh fah ob ich “kurtzeh hoyzen.”

The season was not good; therefore, I have “short pants.”


Pronunciation: shpring! Meaning: Jump!

In a sentence: Gei! Shpring araan in yam! Go! Jump in the ocean! (The next best bit of advice you’re going to get after someone tells you what you can do.)


Pronunciation: shvitz Meaning: Sweat

In a sentence: Zay no vee dee shvitz’t! Look at how you are sweating!

Ahz meh shvitz’t iz ah meh c’hayeh off de velt! If one sweats, it’s heaven on earth!

20 January 2023 Federation Star COMMUNITY FOCUS
Sol Awend Ida Margolis and Shelley Lieb

Temple Shalom events open to the community

The following Temple Shalom events are open to everyone.

Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning

Engaging adult learners in life-enhancing study of Jewish texts, Melton is the largest pluralistic adult Jewish education network in the world and Temple Shalom is the only location in Southwest Florida where you can take advantage of this innovative, professionally developed curriculum. Visit our website at naplestemple.com/ learn/adults for more information and a registration link or call the education office at 239-455-2233.

Wise Aging: Sacred Living

This groundbreaking program, facilitated by Rabbi Adam Miller and Missy Balsam, is specifically designed to meet the social, emotional and spiritual needs of Jewish seekers entering second adulthood. Eightclass course meets every other Thursday beginning Jan. 5 at 1 p.m. Course fee of $54 includes course book. Register at tinyurl.com/TSWiseAging.

Jewish Spirituality

Temple Shalom member and yoga teacher, Missy Balsam, leads this class that will focus on tikkun middot (spiritual and ethical traits), meditation and other mindful practices. Eight-class course meets every other Thursday beginning Jan. 12 at 1 p.m. Course fee is $36. Register at tinyurl.com/ TSJewishSpirituality.

Adult Hebrew

Two classes are being offered this year on Tuesdays, beginning Jan. 10, both facilitated by Jane Perman. A beginners class for those with no previous knowledge of Hebrew begins at 2 p.m. Those who are already able to read the Hebrew alphabet are invited to take the intermediate class, beginning at 1 p.m. The cost for each class is $36 for Temple Shalom members, $54 for nonmembers, and includes a textbook. Register at tinyurl.com/ TSHebrewClass.

Torah Talk

Join this discussion via Zoom of the week’s Torah portion every Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. Please contact the Temple Shalom office at info@ naplestemple.org for the Zoom link.

Shabbat ShaPlay

Join Rabbi Boxman and Miss Jane on Saturday, Jan. 14 at 10 a.m. as we sing,

dance, play and celebrate Shabbat in the park. All young families are invited to attend. Temple Shalom membership is not required. To register, contact Paolette Matute, education administrative assistant, at 239-455-2233 or pmatute@ naplestemple.org.

Soulful Shabbat

Join us on Friday evening, Jan. 20 at 7:30 p.m. for the very popular Soulful Shabbat. Soulful Shabbat is a musical Shabbat service conducted entirely in song and accompanied by the Temple Shalom Band. Everyone is invited to attend this uplifting Shabbat evening service.

Mitzvah Day

Mitzvah Day is Sunday, Jan. 22 beginning at 9 a.m. If you are looking to make a difference in helping combat hunger in our community, you won’t want to miss this. Feel the joy of participating in a great social action event and experience the unique opportunity to help package 50,000 meals for Meals of Hope with hundreds of our One Family members. The Blood Mobile from the Community Blood Center will also be on site. Those wishing to donate are encouraged to make an appointment with Di Karpman by email at DiKarpman@gmail.com. Walk-ins are always welcome.

There will be many other activities and opportunities to participate in Mitzvah Day, many of which benefit those in need right here in our community. For more information on how you can help, visit the Temple Shalom website.

Foodie Film and Men’s Club Deli pick-up Sunday, Jan. 8

Cantor Donna Azu and the Temple Shalom Men’s Club are teaming up to bring you a delightful day of deli. Join Cantor Azu at 5 p.m. for “Deli Man,” a documentary by Eric Greenberg Anjou focusing on owners of Jewish delis that face challenges in the wake of skyrocketing rents, changing demographics, and more. While you enjoy the movie, you have the option to also enjoy a delicious deli meal purchased through the Men’s Club Deli Meal Pick-up fundraiser for just $31.

Can’t make the movie, but still want a deli meal? No problem. The Men’s Club will have your meal available for pick up between 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. in the Temple Shalom parking lot. Visit tinyurl. com/TSDeli for more information or to order a meal and to reserve your spot for the movie.

21 January 2023 Federation Star
c e l e b r a t i n g s i x t y y e a r s Diam ndsmo are forever H o n o r i n g T i c k e t : $ 2 5 0 s p o n s o r s h i p s a v a i l a b l e S a t u r d a y , M a r c h 2 5 , 2 0 2 3 5 : 0 0 p m V I P R e c e p t i o n 6 : 0 0 p m D o o r s O p e n T e m p l e S h a l o m S u s a n & N a t R i t t e r J u d i & D a n S p i n t m a n D i n n e r & M y s t e r y T h e a t e r " T h e D a z z l i n g D i a m o n d H e i s t " R S V P b y M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 t i n y u r l c o m / T S D i a m o n d s a r e 4 e v e r F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n : 2 3 9 - 4 5 5 - 3 0 3 0 COMMUNITY FOCUS CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? Keep the Federation Star coming to your home. Email Jhudak@jewishnaples.org

From: Monica & Allan Goodwin

To: Joan Conroy & Family In memory of Jack Conroy

From: Melissa & Harry Keel

To: Elaine Rosenberg In memory of Leona Shulman

From: Frederick & Sheryl Gilbert

To: Eileen Rosenstock In memory of Dennis Licker

From: Barbara Barnard

To: Stanley Deutsch

honor of your birthday

From: Rosalee and Jerry Bogo

To: Fran Goldman In memory of Allan Goldman

From: Roger Cassin Monica and Allan Goodwin

To: Rabbi Adam Miller & Family In memory of Jim Miller

From: Jane Schi

To: Rose Saperstein; Joan & Marc Saperstein In honor of Rose Saperstein’s 100th birthday

From: Maraline Rane Jane Schi Phyllis & Steve Strome Harriet Stein

To: Jane Schi

Congratulations on your much deserved Community Foundation’s ENPY Nonpro t Board Leader for 2022 Award

From: Rosalee and Jerry Bogo

To: Jane Schi In your honor. Congratulations!

From: Jay and Susan Weiss

To: Jane Schi

In honor of receiving the International Lion of Judah Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award and the Nonpro t Board Leader for 2022 Award

From: Phyllis & Steve Strome

To: Sandee Weseley In memory of Dr. Alan Weseley

From: Enid Bronstein

To: Robbie and Joel Wise In your honor


22 January 2023 Federation Star Collier/Lee
announces the Inspiring Women 2023
Dr. Jaclynn Faffer Mia Hyatt Private Wealth Advisor Community Leader Business Leader Philanthropist Gail Markham Human Services Executive Community Leader Hadassah is proud to recognize and honor women whose leadership skills, dedication, experience, generosity, and time make a difference in their organizations, businesses, our communities and the quality of our lives. Join us to celebrate their accomplishments! -renowned medical research and expertise through the Hadassah Medical Organization Sunday, February 26, 2023, at 11:00AM Audubon Country Club 625 Audubon Blvd., Naples, Florida For information contact: collierleehadassah@gmail.com PRESENTING SPONSOR COMMUNITY FOCUS Tributes
To: Carol Clarke In memory of Ruth Kanter
Anna and Yale Levin To place a Tribute in the FederationStarin honor or memory of someone, please contact Janine Hudak at the Federation office at 239-263-4205 or jhudak@jewishnaples.org. Tributes require a minimum donation of $18. A note card acknowledging your gift will be sent to the person or loved one you designate. Tributes help further the work of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.
Tributes require a minimum donation of $18.

Florida Jewish history month 2023

Happy and Healthy 2023!

Wishing all good things to our members, supporters and followers. Since 2003, the State of Florida has officially designated the month of January its Jewish History month. Old-timers will remember, but newcomers are most likely unaware, that it is particularly imperative to celebrate it in Southwest Florida. Contrary to the popular misinformation that Florida was always Jewish, which northerners frequently repeat, even such Jewish

strongholds as Miami had to fight for acceptance, equality and equity.

In Southwest Florida, we gained ours more recently, in the 1980s, as our readers likely know. Jewish History in Collier County, the latest to establish a Jewish community on the west coast of Florida, is not only about the history of Temple Shalom, its oldest synagogue but, also about those who never joined any worship group, were turned away, could not afford the dues or were hiding their identity because they were here early enough to face real discrimination.

The Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida, an all-volunteer organization, is committed to preserving the trail of local Jewish history. Our eyewitnesses share yesteryear lore to remind us of the positive advances the community at large has made in understanding

cultural, ethnic and religious differences of its diverse population. There are occasional throwbacks but, overall, Florida’s Jewish history, Southwest Florida’s in particular, teaches us about the importance of proudly upholding our beliefs in all times.

Since 2010, the Society has collected and showcased stories of individuals who helped shape our local Jewish perspectives and enlighten our non-Jewish neighbors. Our original productions, Southwest Florida Jewish Pioneers film series, earned a TELLY Award and are exhibited in the ANU Museum in Tel Aviv.

On Thursday, Jan. 19 at 4 p.m., we have a big release. Our next film, “Jack Nortman, Boxcar Education Giant” will be shown at South Regional Library (register with the library to attend). Originally scheduled as a fundraiser brunch, since we were diverted off course (first by COVID, then Ian), we are proud to release it to you this month at a free event.

Hadassah advocacy gets results

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?” For me, the answer has always been to volunteer. Hadassah has always meant healing and hope to me. The workers at Hadassah hospital, be they doctors, nurses, janitors, secretaries, etc., are of every religion, every color and varied economic backgrounds. The patients they help are of every color, every religion and every economic background — a true melting pot! If only the world could duplicate this.

In 2022, Hadassah’s programs, advocacy and medical breakthroughs have not only impacted Israel and the United States, but also the world. Hadassah advocacy drives policy changes to strengthen relationships between Israel and the U.S., combat antisemitism and advance women’s health. Here are some examples: Many medical miracles are performed daily at Hadassah Hospital. Newsweek continues to rank Hadassah Hospital as one of the 250 best hospitals in the world — because its staff makes the correct and efficient use of the most advanced technologies. Hadassah has a new collaboration with the pharmaceutical company Merck to launch an mRNA initiative to fight cancer. This began with the COVID19 vaccine that showed how powerful a messenger RNA can be.

With a dangerous surge in antisemitism, Hadassah urges a united front to fight hate against Jewish people, whether

physical acts or inflammatory rhetoric. #StandUpToJewHate speaks out against antisemitism and anti-Zionist actions from the United Nations to college campuses. For the first time, we now have a U.S. State Department special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism with the rank of ambassador, thanks, in part, to Hadassah’s political action.

Hadassah’s Youth Aliyah Village, Meir Shfeyah, has record enrollment and is the only youth village in Israel to be fully staffed. Half the students come from other countries. Ninety-eight percent of the graduates serve in the IDF. Fifty percent give an additional year of community service. Forty percent go on to pursue higher education degrees.

Hadassah urged the International Olympic Committee to memorialize the Munich massacre victims — the 11 Israeli Olympic team members murdered in the 1972 summer Olympics at Munich. Th ey will now be remembered with a minute of silence at the start of every Olympics Games.

Hadassah advocates that we must not restrict reproductive choice; women must make decisions about their own bodies!

I am so proud to be part of this organization and invite you to become a part of it, too! Every little bit you do has a great impact. I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events:

Jan. 29 – Installation Luncheon and Fashion Show at Bonita Bay Club

Feb. 26 – Inspiring Women of 2023 at Audubon Country Club

March 3 – Hadassah Shabbat at Temple Shalom

March 4 – Hadassah Shabbat at Beth Tikvah

I wish you all a very wonderful new 2023!

Mr. Nortman’s unique story is an inspiration model for our entire community. Son of Holocaust survivors, he did not rest until an authentic WWII era boxcar was found and placed in service to educate everyone, particularly the students, about the evils of the Holocaust.

Next month’s event will take place at Chabad of Naples Sunday, Feb. 5, and will focus on Mitch Spaiser’s story. Believed to be the very first Jewish student of Edison, now SouthWestern College, Naples

campus, Mitch tells a fascinating story of the 1960s and 1970s Naples life of a young Jewish man from New York during the pre-synagogues and pre-Federation era. A true Southwest Florida Jewish pioneer, Mitch Spaiser and his parents influenced generations of local Jews though their generosity.

We know you give to a variety of charitable causes and there were many strains on your resources in 2022, but please do not forget to contribute to JHSSWF and our important educational mission. Your gracious support is very much appreciated.

You may now purchase Jewish Historical Society of SWFL memberships online or mail us a check. A family membership is $54; individual membership is $36; student membership is $18; and corporate sponsorship is $300. If mailing a check, please send to The Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida, 8805 Tamiami Trail North, Suite #255, Naples, FL 34108.

We can be reached at 833-547-7935 (833-JHS-SWFL), www.jhsswf.org or office@jhsswf.org. The Virtual Museum of SWFL Jewish History is located online at http://jewishhistorysouthwest florida.org/.

The Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida is a section 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Contributions are deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

23 January 2023 Federation Star ORGANIZATIONS
COLLIER/LEE CHAPTER OF HADASSAH www.hadassah.org / 518.330.1559 WE CLEAN THEM AL L® With over 30 years in the commercial cleaning franchising industry, Anago has helped pioneer this sector by developing standards and practices that others replicate. Our franchisees provide Scheduled Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning, Ceramic, Tile and Grout Cleaning, Day Porters, Emergency Cleanup, Exposed Surfaces Disinfection, Hard Surface Floor Care, Restrooms, Special Event Cleanup, Spring Cleaning, Window Washing and much more. YOUR CLEANING NINJAS Our efficient and stealthy cleaning franchisees get the job done without any disruption to the flow of your business. A VISIBLE DIFFERENCE Our franchise owners use systematic methods to create a visible difference in the cleanliness of your workspace. BEST SER VICE AND PRICE One of our primary goals is to provide clients with the absolute best service in the industry, at a competitive price. CONSISTENT RESU LTS By paying attention to the details, clients get an exceptional and consistent clean every time. WHY ANAGO IS THE SUPERIOR CHOICE FOR COMMERCIAL CLEANING!® • Ranked #1 in Janitorial • Available 24/7 • Two-Hour Response Guarantee • Competitive Pricing • Total Satisfaction Guarantee • Consistent & Dependable • Fully Insured and Bonded • Green Cleaning Experts 239-206-2520 anagoswfl.com WITH ANAGO YOU GET: • A partner with a 98% retention rate • Calendaring system ensures all tasks are completed as scheduled • Inspection/survey process ensures compliance to your specs • Microfiber tools to remove more dirt • EPA registered disinfectants for virus and bacteria removal • Dedicated client services rep to assist with your needs SERVING COLLIER, LEE, CHARLOTTE, SARASOTA AND MANATEE COUNTIES JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SWFL www.jhsswf.org / 239.566.1771
Joyce Toub Collier/Lee Hadassah President
24 January 2023 Federation Star

15 AT 1 P.M.

o Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 1 p.m. (V) – Gioia Diliberto

o Thursday, Nov. 17 at 2 P.M. (V) – Richard Rabinowitz

o Wednesday, Nov. 30 at noon (V) – Daniel Grunfeld

o Monday, Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. (P/V) – Eleanor Reissa

o Thursday, Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. (V) – Jen Spyra

o Wednesday, Jan. 4 at noon (P/V) – Cathy Barrow

o Thursday, Jan. 12 at 2 p.m. (V) – Isabel Vincent

o Friday, Jan. 20 at 10 a.m. (V) – Eileen Kathy Pollack

o Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 2 p.m. (P/V) – Marjorie Margolies

o Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 2 p.m. (P/V) – Shaunna Edwards and Alyson Richman

o Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 2 p.m. (V) – Lori Banov Kaufmann

o Friday, Mar. 3 at 1 p.m. (V) – Mallory Smith with speaker Diane Smith

o Tuesday, Mar. 14 at 2 p.m. (V) – Erica Katz

o Wednesday, Mar. 22 at 2 p.m. (P/V) – Jen Maxfield and Ira Rosen

January 2023 1A
2023 Federation Star ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center
Please join us and celebrate our new home! 16 Authors • 14 Events November 1, 2022 through March 22, 2023 2022-23
Schedule of Events Check the events you will be attending for easy reference (P= in person; V= virtual):
Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival is Presented by OF GREATER NAPLES

A special Thank You to our Patrons


Patti Bloom

Pete Bloom

Sue Bookbinder

Norman Cohn

Suzanne Cohn

Gayle Dorio

Susie Goldsmith

Larry Israelite


Frank Baum

Stacey Baum

Emily Berkowitz

Harriet Berneman

Penni Blaskey

Libbie Bramson

Rhonda Brazina

Cipora Brown

Terri David

Arnan Finkelstein

Marlene Finkelstein

Louise Forman

Sheryl Affrime

Nancy Armocida

Tracy Askotzky

Doris Baum

Harvey Becker

Joan Becker

Lea Bendes

Carole Berkowitz

Rosalyn Bernstein

Paula Blachman

Jamie Blatter

Beverly Blazar

Sonya Bloom

Rosalee Bogo

Patti Boochever

Tim Broms

Jacki Chizever

Diane Clarke

Dorothy Collens

Ann Cowen

Myra Cristall

Susan Dean

Linda Denning

Sandy Diamond

Marty Dorio

Benjamin Dubin

Geri Feldman

Marilyn Fishbone

Sheila Frank

Nancy Garfinkel

Priscilla Gerber

Molly Getnick

Heidi Gilbert

Pamela Karll

Gail Lanznar

Anna Levin

Leda Lubin

Robin Mintz

Jackie Paulson

Susan Pittelman

Stuart Price

Spencer Forman

Susan Garelick

Jan Goldman

Diane Goldstein

Carole Greene

Sherry Greenfield Lenore Greenstein

Linda Grusin

Ronna Hain

Linda Hamburger

Carol Hirsch

Judy Isserlis

Bobbie Katz


Fran Kroll Debbie Laites

Bernie Lashinsky

Dana Lefkowitz

Gayle Levy

Marci Margolis Mae Riefberg Susan Ritter Barbara Ross Jackie Sallade Z”L

Joan Saperstein Susan Schaffer Linda Scheinberg

Dorette Goldberg

Mel Goldfine

Hannah Goodman

Rochelle Goodman

Ellen Gordon

Arlene Griff

Marti Gross

Debbie Grossman

Susan Hager

Lee Henson

Deborah Hermalyn

Janet Herring

Burton Hirsch

Linda Hirsch

Susan Horowitz

Susan Jordan

Susan Koeppel

Toby Kosloff

Gracia Kuller

Barbara Kushnir

Lisa Lauber

Judi Lazan

Lynette Lederman

Linda Lerner

Arlene Levin

Hilda Levine

Michelle Levine-Troupp

Harriet Lickhalter

Phyllis Luts

Ida Margolis

Harriet Matz

Stephen McCloskey

Sheila Mesulam

Audrey Meyer

Linda Miller

Lynn Miller

Rochelle Miller

Stuart Miller

Elyse Morande

Karen Moss

Karen Mullins

Sara Newman

Mary O’Haver

Barbara Ostrolenk

Ann Packman

David Packman

Barbara Paganelli

Judi Palay

Karen Pam

Judith C. Picus Karen Posner

John Reiches

Sue Reiver Deedee Remenick

Ellen Rodwick Muriel Rosenfeld

Lanie Samuels

Sandra Sanfilippo

Shepard Scheinberg Deborah Schreier

Stephen Schreier Avra Schwab

Diane Schwartz

Harriet Schweitzer Millie Sernovitz

Linda Shapess

Estelle Price

Judy Roth

Sam Roth

Jane Schiff

Arlene Shapiro

Donald Shapiro

Phyllis Strome

Iris Shur

Linda Singer

Gail Smith

Linda Smith

Arlene Sobol Elaine Soffer

Joyce Toub Linda Wainick

Ferne Walpert

Leslie Wasserman Leona Wreschner

Judy Zahn

Jane Shaw

Dina Shein

Marilyn Shesko

Mark Shiffman

Anita Siegal

Cathy Silver

Linda Simon

Shellie Specter

Dan Spintman

Judi Spintman

Leslie Springman

Hal Stein

Sharon Stein

Marilyn Storch

June Streisand

Denise Sultan Ann Swartz

Shira Swartz

Allison Tucker

Joan Vazakas

Sydelle Weinberger

Suellen Weiner

Ellen Weisberg

Linda Wertheim

Goldie Wetcher

Jack Wiadro

Nancy Wiadro

Barbara Winthrop

Susan Yale

Steven Yussen

Cathy Zacks

2A Federation Star January 2023 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT *As of October 12, 2020. Updated lists will be published in several issues of the Federation Star
Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival is presented by Jewish Federation©

Iwas engaged with this book merely by reading its title. That doesn’t happen often. Typically, I don’t get immersed in a book until I’ve read enough of it to convince me that continuing to read will not be a waste of my time. When have you ever known a book author to admit — in the title, no less — that she may be at fault for doing things wrong? We humans nearly always look for a scapegoat, someone or something to blame when things turn out miserably. But not Eileen Pollack. Not this time.

I had been lured. I had to read this book to discover the essays this prolific writer had selected from her oeuvre to prove the point her title makes. As I peeled away the layers of her stories to reveal the heart of this literary onion, I got acquainted with the woman herself. I found her likable, relatable, with a deep understanding of the world and a killer wit. Like all of us, she searched for love, acceptance and self-respect.

Throughout this read, I enjoyed each tale she wove, whether it was about how she was determined to break the rules society had established for women. Or how she wondered whether her Orthodox Jewish family would ever accept her Polish Catholic boyfriend. Or how, when visiting Krakow, she kept surgeons at arm’s length after their pathetically inaccurate diagnosis of uterine cancer. Or how she

managed, on a self-directed tour of Israel, to bond with this enigmatic land.

As I turned the pages of her essay collection, I reminded myself that seldom do authors tell their stories with such honesty. If they do, it’s usually in a novel, where the author can disguise her own fears and longings by introducing them through her fictional characters. Pollack has turned out several of those. But this book featured selected essays, which revealed the truths that inhabit each life episode she describes.

What is the “wrong kind of woman?”

From Pollack’s perspective, it’s one who earns a degree in physics — from Yale, no less — when science is still a boys’ club. It’s one who enters a so-called marriage of equals only to find herself expected to do all the child-rearing, all the housework, all the laundry and grocery shopping. Service personnel coming to take care of a problem in their home? Care to guess who’s expected to stay home from work? Want to predict whether that marriage lasted?

Can her interpretation of society’s expectations of a good woman be so far off course that she believes the fault must lie with herself? It’s a question millions of modern women have asked. This book will confirm for you the answer to that question. Eileen Pollack will elucidate her answer on Friday, Jan. 20, at 10 a.m., via Zoom. Buy your ticket at jewishbookfestival.org.

Wednesday, Jan. 4, Noon

Cathy Barrow

“Bagels,Schmears, and a Nice Piece of Fish: A Whole Bunch of RecipestoMake at Home” Thursday, Jan. 12, 2 p.m. Isabel Vincent “OvertureofHope”

Friday, Jan. 20, 10 a.m. Eileen Kathy Pollack “MaybeIt’sMe”

For tickets visit jewishbookfestival.org

3A Federation Star January 2023
it’s everything
of “Maybe It’s Me — on being the wrong
woman” by Eileen Pollack
Naples’ Premier Musical Theatre 13275 Livingston Road, between Pine Ridge and Vanderbilt Beach Roads 888-966-3352 x1 www.Theatre.Zone January sends in the clowns with Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning classic, A Little Night Music, a story of romance and regret set in early 20th century Sweden, based on Ingmar Bergman’s Smiles of a Summer Night. It is an evening of sexual musical chairs on the longest night of the year. The original Broadway show won the 1973 Tony Award for best musical. A Little Night Music features Sondheim’s haunting song, “Send in the Clowns.” 7:30 p.m. January 12-15, 19-22 2:00 p.m. January 14-15, 21-22 ★ ★ ★ A Little Night Music January 12-22, 2023 Broadway Series sponsor Concert Series sponsor Janua r y 16 ,2023 JAMES TAYLOR: LIVE IN CENTRAL PARK, REVISITED Johnny Rodgers Lee Lessack BOOK TICKETS NOW TheatreZone TZ18_JewishFedHalfHorzDec22.indd 1 12/7/22 12:22 PM

Music, celebrity roots, two comedies, mysteries and more

Stars of David

Editor’s Note: Persons in bold are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish for the purpose of this column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jewish parent and were not raised in, or identify with, a faith other than Judaism. Converts to Judaism, of course, are also identified as Jewish.

“Dionne Warwick: Don’t Make Me Over” is a special CNN documentary that will air live on Sunday, Jan. 1 at 9 p.m. It will be available on demand starting Jan. 2. Of course, it is about the legendary singer who had a long string of popular hits from the ’60s through the ’80s. She is still performing.

Many celebrities will appear on the special, including songwriter Burt Bacharach , 94, and Clive Davis , 90, a truly legendary record producer and record company head who is in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Three hit songs sung by Warwick are in the Grammy Hall of Fame (“Walk on By,” “Alfie” and “Don’t Walk Me Over”). All three were written by Bacharach (music) and the late Hal David (lyrics).

By 1979, Warwick’s career had stalled. It was revived when she signed (1979) with Arista Records, a newish record company founded and run by Davis. Davis personally guided her career, and she quickly had another big hit, “I’ll Never Love This Way Again.”

“Finding Your Roots,” the PBS celebrity ancestry show, returns for a 10th season on Jan. 3 (check your PBS schedule for exact time). The “big” name guests include Carol Burnett, Julia Roberts, Jeff Daniels and David Duchovny, 62 (he’s the secular son of a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother). Also profiled is veteran character actor Richard Kind , 66 (trust me, you know his face).

The Fox series “Special Forces: The Ultimate Test” premieres Jan. 4 at 8 p.m. It is another celebrity endurance reality show. This one is truly bizarre. Sixteen “B-list” celebrities are dropped in the Jordanian desert to train with a Special Forces team in a grueling endurance test. Contestants aren’t voted out, but they can quit.

Dr. Drew Pinsky, 64, the well-known TV doctor, is a contestant. I wonder if his medical training will give him an “edge.” He’ll need it as some contestants are way younger.

“Poker Face” premieres on the streaming Peacock channel Jan. 26, 2023 (10 episodes). It is a “case-of-the-week”

mystery comedy-drama. Natasha Lyonne , 43, produces the series and stars in it (I gather she plays the only actor who will appear in all 10 episodes).

An astonishing number of Jewish thespians will star in an episode: Lyonne, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, 41, Adrien Brody ,49, Ellen Barkin , 68, Simon Helberg , 41, Judith Light, 73, and Tim Blake Nelson , 58. (I have this image of Lyonne telling the casting people: “Hire more Jews, we need to keep my people fully employed!”)

“Wolf Pack” is a supernatural teen drama series that will begin streaming on Paramount+ on Jan. 26. The star of the series is Sarah Michelle Geller, 45. She is still best known as the star of the hit TV series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” which ran from 1997 to 2003.

There is little advance info on the show’s plot other than it is a supernatural teen drama. Geller was a teen when “Buffy” began. But she certainly isn’t one now. My guess is that her character is the “adult in the room” overseeing a passel of actors who can pass for a teenager.

“Shrinking” is a comedy TV series that begins streaming on Apple+ on Jan. 27. It was co-created by Brett Goldstein, 42, Jason Segal, 42, and Bill Lawrence. These three guys also write the scripts.

Goldstein, a British Jew, was hired to write for “Ted Lasso,” which has become the biggest hit on Apple+. Not long after he began writing “Lasso,” he was cast to play aged soccer star Roy Kent. This role made him a household name and he’s won two successive Emmys for best supporting actor.

Segal not only co-created “Shrinking,” he costars in the series. His top-credited costar is Harrison Ford, 80. Ford can also be seen in the Paramount+ series “1923.” I suspect that Ford just loves these limited episode series (10 episodes). He can keep his hand in acting while not being exhausted by the grind of a “traditional” 22-episode TV series. Plus, it must be nice to go to a comedy series after being in a grim Western like “1923.

Ford is the “always secular” son of a Jewish mother and a non-Jewish father. Check out “The Frisco Kid” (1979), a comedic Western. Ford played a guy who befriends an immigrant rabbi (Gene Wilder ). Wilder said he had no idea Ford’s mother was Jewish when he started to tutor Ford on a Jewish custom. Ford told him “I know, I know,” and explained how he knew.

4A Federation Star January 2023 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
Monday, April 17 at 7:00 pm Community Wide Yom HaShoah Program Location: Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center FREE admission. Registration is encouraged at www.jewishnaples.org. In partnership with In partnership with At just 16-years-old, Abraham Piasecki’s life is uprooted by the Nazi invasion of Poland. From living in the ghetto of Kielce to imprisonment at Auschwitz- Birkenau, Remember brings to life the harrowing true story of a Holocaust Survivor who escaped Nazi captivity five times. This immersive, challenging, and ultimately captivating story of resilience brings us into one man’s memories and asks us to never forget.

Exploring the work of Jewish composer Ernest Gold

Famous for his “Exodus” film score

As I have stated before, Jewish composers were generally considered marginal figures in music history, and it was not until the period just prior to WWII that Jewish immigrants had an enormous effect in music, particularly in the motion picture industry.

In this article, I will explore the work of Ernest Gold who is famous for his film score for “Exodus.” I dare say the theme song is probably known by everyone.

As a newcomer to the United States, Ernest Gold was not insulted when his musical compositions were called “movie music.” In fact, the comment inspired him to move to Hollywood to pursue a career in film music!

Ernest Gold (born Ernest Sigmund Goldner) was born in Vienna on July 13, 1921. He grew up in a secular Jewish family surrounded by musically progressive ideas. His parents, musicians themselves, encouraged his creativity in music.

As a child, opera fascinated him. He dreamed of becoming a composer of operas and wrote his first opera before the age of 10. About this time, just as music was entering film in a serious way in the U.S., Gold, still a young boy,

expressed his desire to become a film composer. As a teenager, he frequently attended movies just to hear the scores being played.

A talented student of piano and violin, Gold attended the State Academy of Music in Vienna until 1938, when he, his widowed father and sister fled Europe to the U.S. By the time he arrived in the U.S., his style of music fell “out of favor” with the critics who called his compositions “movie music.” It was then that, abandoning his career as a concert pianist, he moved to Hollywood to fulfill his “real” dream as a composer of film music.

Gold’s idol during this period was Viennese-Jewish composer, Max Steiner, who had emigrated to the U.S. in 1929. Steiner had become an important figure in Hollywood film music and, with Steiner as his mentor, Gold later became one of the most successful composers in the film industry. Gold became one of the busiest composers for television during the ’70s and ’80s. As it turned out, Gold was one of the last of the European romantic music figures to make a name for himself in film music.

Gold is most noted for his score for Oscar Preminger’s “Exodus” (1960),

based on Leon Uris’ book of the same name, which tells the story of the founding of the state of Israel. Gold received an Oscar for “Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture” as well as a Grammy award the following year (1961) for “Best Musical Score.”

Gold spent much of his time in Israel during the filming researching the Israeli way of life, which was highly unusual for most film composers.

Although the movie is only loosely based on historical fact, it became important because, for the fi rst time, many became aware of the story of the founding of the modern state of Israel.

Despite Gold’s secular upbringing, many of Gold’s strongest scores relate to Jewish themes or antisemitism. However, Gold was never completely

satisfied with his theme song from “Exodus” and even once omitted it from a special program presentation.

Still, I found a commentary by his son, Andrew, particularly poignant. “When he was doing the music for “Exodus,” I think he really felt a surge of pride and anguish that had been hidden when he came to Hollywood. He connected with the joy and pain of being Jewish, the horror of the Holocaust, and the pride in setting up Israel as a state.” (Goldman, “The Book of Exodus.”)

“… so take my hand and walk this land with me…”

Arlene Stolnitz, a retired educator, has been a regular contributor to Federation papers in Southwest Florida. Her interest in all kinds of Judaic music has led to this series of articles.

Arlene Stolnitz

Trend watch: bread pudding

Bread pudding is having its moment of glory on restaurant menus these days. Bread pudding seems to be finally gaining fame like it did in the past, following the nostalgic food trend for 2022. Today, bread puddings have been lifted from their original peasant status to gourmet dishes that make use of a variety of ingredients that range from fruits and nuts to various sweet and savory fillings.

Just the name “bread pudding” brings to mind homey images of gingham checkerboard tablecloths and grandma’s kitchen or, at the very least, an out-ofdate recipe. But recently, this somewhat ordinary dessert, traditionally a means for reusing day-old bread, has made its way from the recipe card to the menus of some fine dining restaurants.

Today, bread pudding is popular throughout the United States. It can be sweet or savory, served at any time of the day, including breakfast, as a side or even the main entree. And while any bread pudding can be served plain, most sweet varieties are served with sauces — vanilla and chocolate crème outside or fruit sauces such as banana or berries.

Question: Is there anything better than homemade bakery-style bread puddings? The answer: nope, this is the best! And that’s that. This rich treat is oozing with a sweet, creamy center, totally calling your name. Put this treat at the top of your “to-make” list, now!

Growing up, my mother made bread pudding a few times a year — on

holidays’ eve as an appetizer. She always said, “If you can’t eat dessert first on holidays’ eve… then when?” God, I love that woman.

When we were very young, my sister, brother and I would patiently sit at our little breakfast bar — propped up dangerously on both knees for the best view — watching my mother cut the bread, fill it with creamy chocolate and sometimes sweet jam or raisins and then, quite dramatically, once she had all the ingredients together, put it in the oven. It was quite a show!

Each year as we grew, our part helping in the magical bread pudding-making process progressed. It took me until I was 14 years old to bake my very own but, since that day, I’ve made them just like mom, at least once a year. Ok, maybe more than once! More like 10 times a year.

Bread pudding is one of my absolute favorite desserts. It’s easy to make and is one of those great dishes you can whip up with all that leftover bread hanging out in your freezer. I have fond memories of my mother making batches of bread pudding with the “ends” of the bread that my brother, sister and I would never eat.

Now, as an adult, I love experimenting with different kinds of breads in my bread pudding, and it should come as no surprise that my favorite kind of bread to use for bread pudding is challah.

Growing up in Israel, I remember eating challah bread every single week. I love bread (any bread) a lot, and I am a big

fan of challah bread. My grandma used to make the softest, most delicious challah bread for us. We ate sliced challah bread for breakfast with chocolate milk; we ate it with a jelly spread, we made the dough with cinnamon, chocolate and raisins… My mouth is watering just saying these words out loud!

The best moments in life are when you realize you don’t have to choose between two or three things you love, and this challah bread pudding and chocolate is exactly one of those moments.

I made this amazing challah-chocolate bread pudding this past weekend. The

dessert is a powerful one; it was honestly a thing of glory.

My husband said living with a chef has some obvious benefits, some of which include taste-testing and spatula licking. But this was a gift for him. I mean, just from the look at how sweet that bread pudding is. You’ll want to have your camera ready when it arrives. Top with some whipped cream and white chocolate shavings to make it extra rich, or with a scoop of halvah ice cream.

There is no better way to end 2022. Happy and sweet New Year!

Chocolate Bread Pudding

baking dish, cover lightly with plastic wrap, and allow it to sit for 20 minutes. This will ensure that the bread really soaks up the egg custard mixture.

3. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 350o Bake 45 minutes to 1 hour or until still slightly jiggly but not liquid.

4. Serve warm with powdered sugar dusted on top, whipped cream and white chocolate shavings for an extra joyful treat.

Chef notes

If your bread is still fresh and not dried out, you can cube into smaller pieces, place them on a baking sheet and pop in the oven for about 8 to 10 minutes. You don’t want to completely toast the bread, just dry it out.

I prefer to lightly beat the eggs before mixing them into the wet ingredients. This isn’t necessary but does help to ensure that the eggs are thoroughly combined.

6A Federation Star January 2023 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
New Yo r k D eli has arrived in Southwest Florida New York-style deli sandwiches and more brought right to your door! ORDER NOW AT KatzNYDeli.com We take pride in the quality of the meat used for each and every sandwich. If it’s not perfectly prepared we won’t send it out. The sandwich you receive is the best sandwich you could have ordered! CATERING & PLATTERS AVAILABLE Call (239) 291-8340 for information.
Personal Chef Dalia Hemed can be reached at daliahemed@msn.com.
Ingredients • 4 large
• ¾ cup sugar • 2 cups half-and-half or milk • 2 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted • dash of salt • 1 tbsp vanilla extract • ½ tsp. ground cinnamon • ½ cup semi-sweet chocolate chunks • 1 loaf challah bread, cut into 1-inch cubes • Powdered sugar, for dusting • Whipped cream, for garnish • White chocolate shavings (optional) Instructions 1. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar. Add the milk or half and half, melted butter, salt, vanilla, cinnamon and chocolate chunks. 2. Toss challah cubes with the
custard, making sure all the cubes are well coated. Transfer the cubes to a 9×13
7A Federation Star January 2023 Jewish Federation and Temple Shalom offer PARTIAL scholarships for Jewish Summer Sleep-Away Camps and Israel Experience programs Scholarship opportunities available to all Jewish youth in the community, regardless of synagogue affiliation For more information and the application form, please visit jewishnaples.org/scholarships-grants or call (239) 263-4205 SUMMER SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 3, 2023 SUNDAY, JANUARY 29 Fashion Show & INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS Bonita Bay Club, Bonita Springs Fashions presented by Casual Connection FOR MORE, CONTACT: Diane Schwartz 732-539-4011 or dianepschwartz@gmail.com Collier/Lee HADASSAH invites you to join us for MARCH 3 and 4 Hadassah Shabbat Temple Shalom and Beth Tikvah SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26 2023 HONOREES Auduban Country Club, Naples PRESENTING SPONSOR: Celebrate Israel @ 75! Save the Date Sunday, March 26, 2023 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Come with friendsStay for the fun! Israeli Dancing Free Kona Ice to the first 500 guests Visit booths of Inspiration, Culture & Technology Kids Activities, Bounce House & Rock Climbing Wall For security purposes, we ask that you pre-register for this event at www.jewishnaples.org For questions or to become an exhibitor, please contact Reneé, Program Director rbialek@jewishnaples.org OF GREATER NAPLES

Holocaust Memorial Day recalls “old country” memories

Jan. 27, 1945 marks the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp, where one million Jews were murdered by the Nazis. In November 2005, the United Nations General Assembly resolved that Jan. 27 be observed as a day to honor the memory of Holocaust victims and encourage the development of Holocaust education programs to help prevent further acts of genocide.

The calendar pages have turned and January 2023 marks my 19th year serving as a rabbi in Italy. I am back on the continent where my father and grandparents were born. I stand on the blood-soaked land where the consequences of antisemitism were beyond belief. I am here as a representative of the “old country” that our parents and grandparents talked about.

My father, Antonio Abramo Aiello (z’l), was a liberator of the Buchenwald death camp and his experiences, coupled with my living and working as I do on the “doorstep” of the Shoah, gave special significance to each Jan. 27. But it was my first Holocaust Memorial Day here in Europe that touched my heart.

It was the morning of Jan. 27, 2006 and Milan was paralyzed with Italy’s biggest snowstorm in a quarter century. But that did not deter us — eight hearty souls from Synagogue Lev Chadash who, in the driving snowstorm, accompanied me, their rabbi, to the prison at San Vittore to remember the incarceration of Italian Jews and the eventual murder of the Jews of Europe.

As the snow fell, we recalled the horrors of death camp life. We noted that, although the snow was deep and the temperature was below freezing, we Jews were dressed in coats and hats, scarves, gloves and boots — cold weather gear the Jews of Auschwitz never had.

In front of the prison, we cleared snow from a park bench to make a place for our candles. Our ceremony included the lighting of six candles to represent the Six Million and to recall the significance of Zachor, the Hebrew word that means “to remember.”

school children earned her honorary citizenship from cities all over Italy.

Zachor also signifies remembering those who are different. Our fourth candle recalled all of those who, along with the Jews, were also killed, including homosexuals, gypsies, disabled persons and political prisoners.

2010-2030,” Drs. Ron Miller, Pearl Beck and Berna Torr tell us that two years ago, in 2020, there were 67,000 American Holocaust survivors. In 2030, only seven years from today, the statisticians predict that Holocaust survivors in the U.S. will number about 15,000. Many of these survivors will be in their ninth decade, often too frail or immobile to venture out to schools or submit to interviews in order to tell their stories.

“ Zachor ,” we said, in voices loud enough for passersby to hear and for some of them to pause and listen. The first candle recalled Shabbat Zachor, that features the story of Amalek and we remember that Haman was a direct descendant of one of the first men who set out to kill the Jews. The first candle served as a reminder that evil still exits in our world.

“Zachor,” we said to candles two and three. Additional definitions of Zachor include “to mention” and “to articulate.” We remember to speak about those we lost and to tell their stories, like our own Becky Behar Ottolenghi, now of blessed memory, a survivor of the Jewish massacre at Meina (near Lake Como) whose tireless efforts at sharing her experiences with

As the candles struggled and hissed in the falling snow, the Zachor of candle five recalled the murdered children. We paused to honor our own child survivor, Fernanda Diaz, who was saved from certain death by a righteous gentile, an Italian pescatore who shoved little Fernanda through a trap door in the floor of his fish market. We pondered a horrific statistic: that for every Jewish child that lived through the Holocaust, 13 Jewish children were murdered by the Nazis.

The sixth candle is the Zachor of Shabbat. We are reminded that the first strand in the braided challah, the bread of the Sabbath, is called Zachor. “Remember Shabbat and keep it holy,” Torah tells us. And no matter what our trials have been or will be, Shabbat brings us peace, hope and joy.

And, now, 17 years have passed.

In a recent report, “Jewish Survivors of the Holocaust Residing in the United States – Estimates and Projections

Could it be that the loss of our eyewitnesses is a contributing factor to the rise of antisemitism worldwide? And, if so, what can we do?

Those of us advanced in age have an advantage. We are the keepers of our family stories. We can share the memories that our parents and grandparents shared with us. Some of us were children when our parents escaped from Europe and our fragmented memories include instances of terror and fear. Now is the time to speak about or write about our memories. Now is the time to share what we recall. Zachor!

For 10 years, Rabbi Barbara Aiello served the Aviva Campus for Senior Life (Sarasota, FL) as resident rabbi. Her most popular columns are now published in her new book, “Aging Jewishly,” available on Amazon books. Rabbi Barbara now lives and works in Italy, where she is rabbi of Italy’s first Reconstructionist synagogue. Contact her at Rabbi@RabbiBarbara.com.

8A Federation Star January 2023 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old

Naples builder creates safe haven for Israeli children

Neil Braverman is a builder. He has built a family, successful businesses and charitable ventures. Now, in his ninth decade, Neil builds through gifts to Jewish National Fund-USA’s Halutza Communities initiative, establishing lasting community and safety resources in Eretz Yisrael

“I don’t try and hide my Judaism,” said Braverman, 84. Brought up Reform, he experienced traditional Jewish milestones. He attended Hebrew school and became bar mitzvah, and always had a passion for Israel. As an adult, he built factories and businesses in Southeast Asia — a wig manufactory, a glove business and real estate.

After the Six-Day War in 1967, Braverman became involved in an Israeli government public affairs initiative partnering a Jew and an Arab in business. Though that project didn’t materialize, it led to a lasting relationship with Israel. With his wife, Jeanne, Braverman raised his sons David (president of Jewish National Fund-USA in Naples, Florida) and Steven to be pillars of the Jewish community.

Halutza is a remote town bordering Egypt and Gaza in the Northwest Negev, an oasis community of 500+ families. “It’s amazing what these people have done,” remarked Braverman. “They took a desert where nothing would ever grow,” he said, marveling at how a town, farms, research and agricultural facilities grew from empty desert. His first gift to Halutza built a park in memory of his friend Arthur Jacobs (z”l).

Braverman’s most recent donation will build a state-of-the-art early child care center in Halutza, serving 90 local

children. “It’s a real revolution for us, moving from (a) temporary site to a beautiful, brand-new bomb-proof day care center,” said Yedidya Harush, the Jewish National Fund-USA liaison to Halutza. Without a safe facility, teachers often had to leave children behind in an emergency, scrambling to get whoever they could into a bomb shelter in the seconds between alarm and explosion.

“It’s a real life-saving act to build such a building knowing that the parents who go to work…have quiet minds when they travel, knowing that their kids are safe.”

In 2022, the Bravermans visited to lay the cornerstone for the center, and to dedicate a gymnasium sponsored by his niece, Mara Mades of Miami, Florida.

The Halutza projects were not Braverman’s first in Israel. He previously gave to the Red Mountain Therapeutic Riding Center (RMTRC), which offers equine

therapy to the special needs populations of Eilat and the Arava.

“Giving is what I call ‘a payback’ for all the things that happened to me that make me so successful,” Braverman asserted. Through the Braverman Family Foundation, a fund at Jewish National Fund-USA, he has established a lasting legacy of giving in Israel. “I’m fortunate enough to be able to give to places like Jewish National

Fund-USA…and to get my next generation involved.”

Neil instilled the moral imperative of Jewish giving in his sons and ensured “that they too should pass that torch down to my grandchildren — and that’s where we continue the support, the love of Israel, and of the Jewish religion.”

About one thing, Neil is especially clear: “If we don’t do it, who else is gonna do it?”

Please join us for our weekly Friday night Shabbat

9A Federation Star January 2023
service! We invite you to enjoy the inspiring leadership and knowledge of Rabbi Howard Herman, and sing along with our Cantorial Soloist Jane Galler and the NJC choir accompanied by our Music Director Alla
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Neil Braverman (left) with sons Steven and David Neil Braverman at Halutza
The Jewish Congregation of Marco Island Presents Charlie Blum

Naples philanthropists join 1,400 proud Zionists at Jewish National Fund-USA’s National Conference

Over 1,400 supporters of the land and people of Israel, including a delegation from Naples and the Greater Southwest and Central Florida area, united in Boston on Nov. 4-6, 2022 for an unforgettable and riveting weekend at Jewish National Fund-USA’s largest ever National Conference. The organization’s annual symposium is unique in that it brings together high school students, college students, rabbinical students, leading philanthropists, prominent Zionist thought leaders, and Israelis from the Negev and Galilee who are directly and positively impacted by the partnership of Jewish National Fund-USA.

Jewish National Fund-USA’s President, Dr. Sol Lizerbram, announced that the organization was close to achieving its fundraising target for its “One Billion Dollar Roadmap for the Next Decade” as its supporters reclaim the Zionist narrative and stand up against Jew-hatred.

In addition to hearing from incredible speakers and influencers, including Israel’s ambassador, Michael Herzog, Ronald S. Lauder, Olga Meshoe Washington, Rachel Fish, Hen Mazzig and Ben M. Freeman, attendees celebrated the 50th anniversary of Jewish National Fund-USA’s Alexander Muss High School in Israel (Muss).

Participants also learned about one of the organization’s largest initiatives ever announced — the creation of a 20-acre World Zionist Village to be built in Be’er Sheva, Israel, which will bring together

Jews and Zionists of all ages and backgrounds from around the world.

Additionally, through various engaging plenaries and interactive sessions, including a “Shark Tank-style,” event, attendees were impressed to learn how Jewish National Fund-USA is the largest provider of Zionist educational activities in the U.S. and how it is improving the quality of life throughout Israel by providing new beginnings for Ukrainian refugees and families making aliyah (immigration to Israel); creating new employment and housing opportunities; delivering ag-tech solutions to farmers in developing countries; empowering people with disabilities to thrive in Israeli society; solving global food and water crises, and so much more.

“A dairy farm in the desert, a 100% off-the-grid aquatic center in the middle of nowhere, building the finest culinary institute in the world located in the Greater Kiryat Shmona area — a region

in which people never before talked about moving to, only moving from,” said Jewish National Fund-USA’s CEO Russell F. Robinson. “This is our opportunity to stand up and say to the world and to future generations, ‘we are one and we are in!’”

“I never realized the tremendous and widespread impact that Jewish National Fund-USA had on so many diverse people in Israel,” said JNF-USA Naples Board member, Sue Bookbinder. “The whole event masterfully showed how there is no end to how far the organization’s reach can spread.”

Jewish National Fund-USA’s National Conference also welcomed over 600 high school and college students from across the country. Other conference highlights included emotional performances by the organization’s Special in Uniform band, an initiative that empowers young people with cognitive disabilities to serve in the Israel Defense Forces and enjoy the

same “rite of passage” as their peers. An exclusive late-night cocktail reception was also held for 200 young philanthropists ages 22-40.

“It was so great to be a part of such an incredible event,” said JNF-USA Naples Board President, David Braverman. “The best part for me was all the young adults and college kids in attendance, which makes it clear to me our future is bright. If you love Israel and you want an awesome Zionist experience while meeting new friends, do whatever you can to make it next year.”

Registration is now open for Jewish National Fund-USA’s 2023 International Conference for Israel, which will take place Nov. 30-Dec. 3 in Denver, Colorado. Sign up at jnf.org/nc2023 or contact Joshua Mellits, JNF-USA Director, Western Florida and Orlando, at 941-462-1330 x865 or jmellits@jnf.org.

About Jewish National Fund-USA

JNF-USA is the leading philanthropic organization for Israel that supports critical environmental and nation-building activities in Israel’s north and south. Through its One Billion Dollar Roadmap for the Next Decade, JNF-USA is developing new communities in the Galilee and Negev, connecting the next generation to Israel, and creating infrastructure and programs that support ecology, individuals with special needs, and heritage site preservation.

10A Federation Star January 2023 ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD Wednesday,
2023 9:15 am • Registration 10:00 am • Program & Breakfast 11:00 am • Sponsor Meet & Greet The Baker Museum at Artis-Naples 5833 Pelican Bay Blvd, Naples, Florida 34108 FEATURING Alon Ben-Gurion Grandson of David Ben-Gurion More Information Joshua Mellits, Director, Western Florida and Orlando jmellits@jnf.org • 941.462.1330 x865 RSVP required at jnf.org/BFInaples NO COST TO ATTEND SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE DIETARY LAWS OBSERVED
February 15,
Jewish National Fund-USA partners and professionals from Naples and other areas of Florida come together at the 2022 National Conference. Credit: Hannah Rose Osofsky

Bnei Menashe inaugurate first synagogue in Israel

Nof Hagalil, Israel (Nov. 22, 2022)

— Eliyahu Hanavi Synagogue, the first-ever house of prayer in Israel for Bnei Menashe immigrants from India, was inaugurated Nov. 19 in the northern Israeli city of Nof Hagalil. About 150 worshippers, most of them members of the community, attended.

The Jerusalem-based Shavei Israel organization, which has promoted the Aliyah (immigration) of the Bnei Menashe to Israel for two decades, advanced the plans for the establishment of the synagogue. This came after many requests were received by Tzvi Khaute, the director of the Bnei Menashe absorption at Shavei Israel, from community members to open their own synagogue.

The synagogue will be used by immigrants from Mizoram, a state in northeastern India. A second synagogue, located in a separate neighborhood of Nof Hagalil, will be opened for immigrants from Manipur, another northeastern Indian state. Nof Hagalil’s mayor, Ronen Plot, has worked closely with Shavei Israel and the community on both projects.

Shavei Israel’s Rabbi Shlomi Uriel will be the community’s spiritual leader for Shabbat and holidays and will provide lessons in Torah and Halacha (Jewish law). The synagogue will also house a Beit Midrash (study hall) and a community club.

“The opening of the first synagogue in Israel for the Bnei Menashe is an historic and exciting event. Just like any other Jewish community, the Bnei Menashe have their own unique customs, traditions and hymns, which are worthy of preservation. We are delighted that the Bnei Menashe immigrants will now have a synagogue of their own in which to keep these traditions alive,” said Michael Freund, Shavei Israel’s chairman and founder.

“We are grateful to Mayor Ronen Plot and the city’s residents for their warm

welcome of Bnei Menashe immigrants. I pray that the synagogue, named after Eliyahu Hanavi — the prophet Elijah who, according to Jewish tradition, will portend Israel’s redemption — will play an important role in the integration of the Bnei Menashe into Israeli society.”

The Bnei Menashe, or sons of Manasseh, claim descent from one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, who were sent into exile by the Assyrian Empire more than 27 centuries ago. Their ancestors wandered through Central Asia and the Far East for centuries, before settling in what is now northeastern India, along the borders of Burma and Bangladesh. Throughout their sojourn in exile, the Bnei Menashe continued to practice Judaism just as their ancestors did, including observing the Sabbath, keeping kosher, celebrating the festivals and following the laws of family purity. They continued to nourish the dream of one day returning to the land of their ancestors, the Land of Israel.

Thus far, Shavei Israel has made the dream of Aliyah (immigration to Israel) possible for more than 5,200 Bnei Menashe and plans to help bring more members of the community to Israel. Currently, there are 5,000 Bnei Menashe awaiting their return to the Jewish homeland.

About Shavei Israel

Shavei Israel is a nonprofit organization founded by Michael Freund, who immigrated to Israel from the United States with the aim of strengthening the ties between the Jewish people, the state of Israel and the descendants of Jews around the world. The organization is currently active in more than a dozen countries and provides assistance to a variety of communities. For more information, visit www.shavei.org.

11A Federation Star January 2023 ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD
go to www.mcanaples.org.
are the places
are visiting this month:
Collier County Jail and Courthouse - 1/10
Collier County Mosquito Control Center - 1/11
WGCU at FGCU - 1/20
Guadalupe Center - 1/25
Captain Jack's Airboat Tours - 1/26
Arthrex Headquarters - 1/27 And that’s only January. There are 16 more just like these in February and March. Most tours are for members only, but some are COED (meaning you can bring a partner). To read about these trips, and much more, scan the QR code
go to: www.mcanaples.org
Shavei Israel

Gal Gadot and Shira Haas headline ICA Awards event in New York

New York (Nov. 7, 2022) – Acting stars Gal Gadot and Shira Haas, dance legend Ido Tadmor and pianist Yefim Bronfman were honored at the America-Israel Cultural Foundation’s (AICF) Annual Celebration & Israeli Culture & Arts (ICA) Awards ceremony at the New York Historical Society in Manhattan. More than 300 people attended the event, which paid tribute to the four as the most extraordinary and impactful Israeli artists on the global cultural landscape.

As Haas thanked the AICF, she also told the audience about the death of her mother, “I lost my mother three months ago, and she is and will always be my inspiration and motivation,” she said. “I’ve learned everything about being the

best person from her because she was that kind of person. But I also learned everything I know about acting from her. What are empathy and compassion, and how can we love other people regardless of how different they are from us.”

Asked what advice she would give to new young actresses, Haas said, “Keep the creativity and fire alive. It’s a combination of passion and compassion. But remember to also trust and let go because we’re all doing our best.”

AICF, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the United States, has played a leading role in the development of Israel’s arts and culture for the past 83 years, its name is synonymous with culture in Israel. AICF’s ICA Awards honor Israeli artists in the performing arts,

visual arts, music, design, theater, television and cinema. The 2022 ICA Awards winners were selected by an esteemed panel of judges as well as a public vote of art lovers worldwide. More than 4,000 people voted online, ranking each finalist per category.

“With so many outstanding artists in Israel, and so many of them succeeding on the global stage, it was very difficult to select the winners this year,” said Iris Reff Ronen, Global CEO of AICF. “I’d like to congratulate our four honorees and wish them further success in the next phases of their careers. They are true cultural ambassadors for the state of Israel and help to shine a light on Israel as a global hub for the arts and culture.”

Standing up for what’s just and right

Wallenberg was arrested by the Red Army and never heard from again.

This month sees one of the more poignant milestones in our calendar. Jan. 17 marks the date in 1945 on which Swedish diplomat Raoul

I’m fairly sure we all know the broad strokes of the story of Raoul Gustaf Wallenberg, the Swedish patrician who sidestepped his country’s neutrality during World War II to go to Hungary in 1944 and interfere with the Nazi deportation of that country’s Jews.

Hungary’s internal politics were skewed, with a bizarre equilibrium between fascists and communists creating

a stasis that largely protected the country’s Jewish population from systemic persecution. Th at changed after Germany’s occupation of Hungary in April of 1944: the S.S. immediately began processing Hungarian Jews for transit to death camps in Poland. Almost 400,000 Hungarian Jews had been deported by early July.

But, by that July, German troops were needed elsewhere to counter Allied advances following the Normandy invasion the previous month. Moreover, Hungary’s sudden turnaround in agreeing to deport its Jews had brought the country under international moral indictment. Facing diplomatic pressure from the King of Sweden and Pope Pius XII and renewed military threats from Roosevelt and Churchill, Hungarian premier Miklós Horthy persuaded the German authorities to suspend Jewish deportations for a while.

That was the window of opportunity into which Raoul Wallenberg stepped when he arrived in Budapest as an agent of the Red Cross attached to the Swedish legation. Well funded with money from Jewish and other relief organizations, Wallenberg would stalk the loading platform at the train station, handing out diplomatic passes to scores of Jews being loaded for transshipment. Claiming they were all Swedish citizens, he loaded them into vans painted yellow and blue, and housed them in buildings identified as “Swedish Embassy Annex” until safe transportation out of the country could be arranged for them. And, as the Red Army closed in, he offered to testify in war-crimes trials on behalf of Adolf Eichmann if the Nazi tactician could prevent Hungarian fascists’ plan to blow up the Jewish ghetto. Which is where our heroic story ends. On Jan. 17 of 1945, Soviet Marshal

Rodion Malinovsky brought in Raoul Wallenberg on charges of espionage. That was the last anyone heard of the Swedish diplomat.

My San Francisco Bay-area neighbor, Annette Lantos, and her husband, our Congressman Tom Lantos, were among the Hungarian Jews rescued by Raoul Wallenberg. When Annette’s postcardwriting campaign persuaded President Carter to broach the question of Wallenberg with the Russian ambassador, the Soviets responded that their government could not be expected to comment about anyone not a citizen of the United States. Rep. Lantos and Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan responded by pushing through a 1981 act of Congress making Raoul Wallenberg an honorary American citizen. That was a symbolic gesture worthy of Wallenberg himself.

Back in the 1970s, there were some grass-roots efforts to declare Jan. 17, the day of his arrest, as “Raoul Wallenberg Day,” a celebration of moral courage in defying injustice. That idea never went anywhere in this country (although in Canada, Wallenberg Day on Jan. 17 has been a national observance since 2001).

With or without an officially sanctioned observance, Raoul Wallenberg is a reminder that there are always those with the personal strength and moral courage to stand up and affirm that which is just and right when morally weak people are sidetracked by political rancor and economic anxiety and intergroup stridency. In today’s America, that is a good thing to stop and think about — and not just on Jan. 17.

Rabbi Mark Wm. Gross serves at Jewish Congregation of Marco Island.

12A Federation Star January 2023 ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD / COMMENTARY
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Yefim Bronfman, Shira Haas, Ido Tadmor. Photo Credit: Roni Aviv

A busy and exciting January at JCMI

We are kicking off the month of January with many exciting events.

Rabbi Mark Gross will conduct the first of his “Fourth Sunday – Life-Long

Learning Series” on Sunday, Jan. 22 at 9:30 a.m. It is called “RaMBaM: Who Was Maimonides and Why Does He Matter?” For a people as ancient as ours, the great 12th-century physician/rabbi/ philosopher Moses Maimonides marks the beginning of the modern era. Come learn the intriguing life story of this intellectual giant whose enduring legacy reshaped the world. It will take place in our beautiful Meer Room here at JCMI.

We will show our second film of this year’s Jewish Film Festival. Presented on

Sometimes small is better

We call ourselves “Th e Small Temple With a big Heart.” This motto has been reinforced by our newest members. Everyone with whom I have spoken has said the main reason they joined us was because of the friendliness and warmth of our congregants. Since we are a small congregation, most of us know the other members, at least by sight. When we see a new face, or faces, members go up to the new people to talk with them. If you are interested in joining our warm congregation, please call Shelley McCloskey at 724-747-3585 or email her at flasbm1@gmail.com.

Other than a warm and caring congregation, we have much to offer. Rabbi Howard Herman gives sermons that are both interesting and thought provoking. His great breadth of knowledge is evident in his adult education offerings. Everything from Jewish music to Jewish jurisprudence. Jane Galler, our cantorial soloist, not only uses traditional melodies, but teaches us new ones as well. Alla Gorelick, our music director, conducts an amazing choir from the piano. The three of them lead services that are prayerful and joyous at the same time.

We take “The Small Temple With a big Heart” a step further with Flamingle. Open to the entire congregation, these are informal get-togethers with activities that enable us to get to know each other better. We have had two sessions (one wasn’t enough for all the people involved) of “tell us something funny about yourself.” Upcoming, as of this writing, we are going to the Holocaust Museum in Naples followed by a box lunch.

At our Chanukah party, we are keeping couples together, but mixing and matching old and new members at the tables. Again, a way for us to learn more about each other.

Annually, we sponsor (along with Federation) an Artist in Residence. On Feb. 2 at 7 p.m., Julie Silver will be performing in concert. Check page 14A of the December Federation Star for an in-depth look at this wonderful artist. Tickets can be purchased at naplesjewishcongregation.org.

We are involved in other community activities as well. We set up a table at the community celebration at Mercato. We participated in the Empty Bowls project to help alleviate hunger. Members did their civic duty by helping to work at the polls this past election.

If this sounds like a congregation you can call home, again, please call or email Shelley McCloskey at the contact info above.

Jan. 22 will be “Here We Are.” Aharon has devoted his life to raising his son, Uri, who is autistic and, now, as a young adult, it might be time for him to live in a specialized home. While on their way to the institution, Aharon decides to run away with his son. He hits the road, knowing that Uri is not ready for this separation. Or is it, in fact, his father who is not ready? Showtime is 2 p.m. and a reception will follow the film.

On Jan. 28, the Saul I. Stern Cultural Series kicks off with the fi rst show of

its 29th year, “The Beatlemaniax,” here at JCMI. This Beatles tribute band will perform classics songs from the Beatles’ “touring and studio years” from 19621970. Showtime is at 7:30 p.m. You won’t want to miss it!

For more information, please visit our website, www.marcojcmi.com, or call the office at 239-642-0800.

My best wishes to all for a happy and healthy 2023!

Resident satisfaction

13A Federation Star January 2023 SYNAGOGUE NEWS Fuller Funeral Home 1625 Pine Ridge Road Naples, Florida 34109 Fuller Cremation Center 5325 Jaeger Road Naples, Florida 34109 239.592.1611 wecare@fullernaples.com www.FullerNaples.com SERVING THE JEWISH COMMUNITY SINCE 1996 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Programs Business Identity Packages Events & Tradeshows Mailings Banners Promotional Items and So Much More... 239.592.9377 info@NaplesEnvelope.com
JEWISH CONGREGATION www.naplesjewishcongregation.org
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Lifelong learning at Temple Shalom

At Temple Shalom, we strive to provide learning opportunities, not just for the students in YESh (Youth Education at Shalom) and Preschool, but for all stages of life. We believe that Jewish education is a lifelong process that provides opportunities to expand the horizons of knowledge and understanding of our rich Jewish heritage and tradition and that Jewish learning enriches our lives.

When we engage with our texts, traditions and history, our lives gain meaning, purpose, joy and connection. Knowing this, we have constructed a continuum of Jewish education at Temple Shalom that is both traditional and innovative. As our people have done for centuries, we transmit content, literacy and skills from one generation to the next, recognizing that Jewish education is the key to our community’s survival.

Are you looking for a profound understanding of what it means to be Jewish? We also take a fresh look at what it means to be Jewish in the modern age. As Jews, we look to our tradition to help us answer the age-old and existential questions: Who am I? Where do I fit in? Where can I find fulfillment? Can I leave the world a better place than I found it? The

Melton School off ers interactive, text-based Jewish learning that explores all this, and more. Temple Shalom is proud to offer these inspiring classes for learners of all knowledge levels and backgrounds.

We recognize that each learner’s Jewish journey is unique and that each of us will find something different in Judaism that speaks to us. Perhaps Shabbat is an oasis of time where you find a welcome retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Shabbat morning Torah study with clergy might be for you. Maybe learning about Israel helps you forge a deeper relationship to our heritage and the Jewish people. We offer classes on Israel and Israeli politics and an Israel Book Discussion Group.

Our specialized classes and curricula apply lessons from our tradition to meet the challenges of modern life. Some turn to our texts and sages for guidance. The popular Jewish Spirituality series focuses on tikkun middot (spiritual and ethical traits),

meditation and other mindfulness practices. The Wise Aging course is designed to meet the social, emotional and spiritual needs of Jewish seekers entering second adulthood.

Let us learn together! Contact me at Dfi del@naplestemple.org or 239-4553030 to learn more about our community of learners and all the other great happenings at Temple Shalom.

14A Federation Star January 2023 SYNAGOGUE NEWS TEMPLE SHALOM
www.naplestemple.org / 239.455.3030
Chellie Doepke Premiere Plus Realty Co. 239-877-1722 seachell2@hotmail.com • www.sells-naples.com www.facebook.com/chelliedoepkerealtor Praying for Southwest Florida residents devastated by Hurricane Ian. Naples Real Estate is still strong: Please let me help. Making Real Estate Dreams REALITY Making Real Estate Dreams REALITY Premiere Plus Realty Co. A. Stephen Kotler • Medicaid Planning • Elder Law and Special Needs Planning • Estate Planning and Probate BOARD CERTIFIED SPECIALIST IN WILLS, TRUSTS AND ESTATES Kotler Law Firm P.L. (239) 325-2333 999 VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD, SUITE 200, NAPLES, FL 34108 March 4, 2023 March 4, 2023 Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre Please support this major fundraising effort of the Temple Shalom Men's Club Proceeds benefit Temple Shalom’s educational programs for children as well as other worthy causes BE A PATRON! Additional $25 00 to be listed in our Program Book Larger listings are available at $100 for one-third page, $150 for one-half page, $200 for two-thirds page and $300 for a full page If you are unable to attend, you can still be a patron! For more information, contact Ed Cohen at EdCohenpt@gmail.com Dinner 5:30pm to 7:00pm Dinner 5:30pm to 7:00pm Performance at 7:30pm Performance at 7:30pm $105 per person $105 per person (Gratuities included, bar extra) (Gratuities included, bar extra)

Global warming

Global warming might be the most vexing problem that we are passing down to our grandchildren. We, here in Southwest Florida, have recently experienced some of the effects of global warming. Hurricanes this past season wreaked havoc on us. Wildfires, draughts, water shortages and heat waves are affecting various parts of our country. Rising sea levels, flooding and melting of the polar ice and the effect on all wildlife continues to worsen. Many of our friends lost homes, cars and an abundance of possessions in those recent storms.

Extreme climate events are unfortunately becoming more frequent as the Earth continues to warm. The last decade (2011-2020) was the warmest decade on earth. Temperatures have risen globally by 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit since 1850, primarily caused by an increase in greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane.

At a recent UN climate summit, countries couldn’t agree on limiting the pre-1850 temperature rise to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, they only agreed to “urge,” but not “require,” countries to accelerate their plans for greenhouse-gas cuts, as some developing countries pushed back.

Changes have begun, but certainly not enough! Switching away from fossil fuels (especially coal) to renewable energy like solar and wind will help, but emission levels need to be reduced now!

An important concept in Judaism is called Tikkun Olam, which translates “to heal the world.” In Tikkun Olam, Jews strive to make the world a better place, to right wrongs, to help others. Keeping the Earth healthy and clean couldn’t be a better way of “healing the world.”

According to Midrash, the commentary on Torah law, when G-d created the world and the first man, he took Adam around and showed him the trees in the Garden of Eden, telling him, “See my handiwork, how beautiful they are. Be careful not to ruin and destroy my world, for if you do, there is no one to repair it after you.”

The Jewish Federation of North America has partnered with other wellknown Jewish organizations to create the Jewish Climate Leadership Coalition, the goal of which is learn, share and support each other as we plan new climate actions going forward. I hope each of us does his/ her share to improve this world.

Happy New Year to all!

Please see the calendar below for all the great events taking place at Beth Tikvah this month.

I, again, would like to remind everyone that Beth Tikvah is now off ering new members their first year’s dues free of charge. If you or a friend wishes to experience the warmth and community found at Beth Tikvah, please join us.

Beth Tikvah is the affiliated congregation in Greater Naples of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ). We are grateful to Jewish Federation of Greater Naples (JFGN) for support of our Scholar in Residence, Naples Jewish Film Festival and All Things Jewish programs.

Beth Tikvah Happenings

• Jan. 8, 4 p.m. – Richie Boys Film

• Jan. 13, 6:15 p.m. – Shabbat dinner with Scholar in Residence Bernie Lubran; discussion of Richie Boys in WWII

• Jan. 14, 9:30 a.m. – Scholar in Residence Shabbat with Bernie Lubran

• Jan. 19, 10 a.m. – Book Group: “Three Floors Up”

• Jan. 22, 10 a.m. – Women’s Rosh Chodesh

• Jan. 26, 7:30 p.m. – Speaker Series: Stuart Mest

• Every Tuesday at 12:15 p.m. – Rabbi Chorny’s Lunch and Learn via Zoom

• Friday services begin at 6:15 p.m. in person and Zoom

• Saturday services begin at 9:30 a.m. in person and Zoom

• Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m. in person and Zoom

• We convene Yahrzeit minyanim upon request.

Please check the Beth Tikvah website, www.bethtikvahnaples.org, for details of all our events. You may reach Rabbi Chorny directly at 239-537-5257.

15A Federation Star January 2023
www.bethtikvahnaples.org / 239.434.1818
SYNAGOGUE NEWS FREE Jewish books kids will love, sent every month! Learn more at jewishnaples.org/pj-library OF GREATER NAPLES OF GREATER NAPLES OF GREATER NAPLES OF GREATER NAPLES Add Jewish connections to reading time with curated stories for ages 0-12 WCA Community Volunteer Expo Tuesday, January 17, 2023 * 1 to 4 pm at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center * 4720 Pine Ridge Road, Naples Women’s Cultural A lliance Give back to your community ... VOLUNTEER! FOR DETAILS, CONTACT LINDA HYDE AT LINDAJHYDE@AOL.COM Find out the ways that YOU can make a difference! WCA and MCA members will have an opportunity to meet representatives from a wide variety of local agencies who rely on volunteers to carry out their mission. Attend the Expo and find out about agencies that: * Help to alleviate loneliness among seniors in our local community * Make a difference in the education of children * Support efforts to care for abused and abandoned animals * and more ... PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED! See The WCA & MCA Newsletters. Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they just have the heart. ~ Elizabeth Andrew

Fresh new year ahead

With incredible communal events celebrating Thanksgiving and Chanukah, Preschool of the Arts’ 2022 ended on an incredibly high note. We were proud to welcome hundreds of guests, family members and many friends to our grand Thanksgiving performance, which took place in Cambier Park. Our audience was regaled with songs and special video presentations from our precious children, all surrounding the theme of “Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice.” From the fantastic musical performances to peeks into the children’s day to catching up with friends over delicious pumpkin spice coffee, we were filled with gratitude for every moment.

Our annual Chanukah Festival in late December welcomed an even broader audience as guests joined us from the Greater Naples community. This special holiday event is always a highlight for our preschool students, who had an additional opportunity to perform classic Chanukah songs for an adoring crowd. This year our festival theme was “Chanukah at the Circus” as we celebrated “the greatest party on earth” with grand fanfare. An overwhelming turnout from the Naples Jewish community, exciting activities, games, treats, delicious food and a very large custom Ferris Wheel menorah ensured a Chanukah extravaganza that won’t soon be forgotten!

We enter the new year filled with appreciation for our incredible Naples community, the members of which continue to support us and our children time and time again.

2023 marks a turning point for our school as we set out on a massive expansion of our campus with our Big Build project. The Big Build is a capital campaign that will fund a new 17,000-square-foot building with new classrooms, a children’s library, a STEM center and many other exciting spaces for our children.

Over the past 12 years, POTA has been blessed to be a part of the educational journey of hundreds of children — some of whom are now starting high school! We are humbled by how quickly we have outgrown our facility and are so excited that the Big Build project will allow us to offer the POTA experience to many more families.

I am deeply grateful to Jay and Patty Baker, the founding donors of the campaign with a generous $2 million challenge grant, for believing in our vision for excellence in early childhood education. I am also so grateful to the many others in our community who have stepped up in a major way with their generosity. I am thrilled to share that we have successfully passed the halfway mark of our $6 million campaign and we are eagerly looking forward to breaking ground on the building this calendar year.

It is parents, grandparents and stakeholders who wholeheartedly believe in our school’s mission that brought about our tremendous growth and who will continue building a strong future for our children. If you would like to learn more about the Big Build or join POTA’s community of benefactors passionate about building the future of Jewish Naples, please visit www.NaplesBigBuild.com.

Enrollment is now open (and quickly filling up!) for Preschool of the Arts 2023-2024. We are honored by the overwhelming response and encourage prospective applicants to register before all our spaces are filled.

Enrollment is also open for our acclaimed Summer of the Arts program, which welcomes children up to age 8. This year’s theme will be STEAMsational as our campers learn to dream of STEAM! Visit www.naplespreschoolofthearts.com to learn more.

We cannot wait for a fresh new year ahead — there are so many adventures to come!

16A Federation Star January 2023
PRESCHOOL OF THE ARTS www.chabadnaples.com / 239.262.4474

Growing brains and bodies

It is a new year at Temple Shalom Preschool, and we are busy learning and developing. Check out all the fun we have while growing our brains and bodies!

17A Federation Star January 2023 FOCUS ON YOUTH
TEMPLE SHALOM PRESCHOOL www.naplestemple.org / 239.455.3030

Going all out with Jewish pride

Wow, wow, wow are my thoughts as I look back at the past few weeks at Chabad.

We kicked off November with an incredible Shabbaton in NYC. Fourteen FGCU students joined 1,300 other Jewish students from all over the world for a weekend to connect, to learn and to grow.

We were hosted by the Crown Heights community, and students had an opportunity to join, the first time ever for many, a big vibrant Jewish community. With every store closed on Shabbat, every

restaurant around kosher and a Shabbat vibe in the air.

We met students from countless other schools joining together for this special occasion.

Students were excited to learn about and visit the Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, the power behind Chabad. They were inspired to hear of his total devotion to every Jew on the planet. It was something special to visit the Ohel, the Rebbe’s resting place, where Jews come from all over the world to pray in that special space.

Coming back to Fort Myers on a high, we continued with Jewish classes and Shabbats. Our most popular class of the month has been Judaism and the other worldly — learning about the whole spiritual side of things from souls to angels and dreams and everything in between.

Going all out when we gather and inspire each other, this year being a Hakel year, we took our Jewish pride to the streets with menorahs on our cars for a parade around campus and the Gulf Coast Town Center, with over 50 students joining.

We are looking forward to an incredible spring semester with a Mega Shabbat on campus, a Jewish Heritage Day and lots more Jewish fun and pride. Stay tuned.

Chabad at FGCU services Jewish students at FGCU and nearby schools. For more information, reach out to Rabbi Mendel at 347-452-0489 or Rabbi@chabadfgcu.com.

• Happy Hour

• Game Night

• Movie Night

• Shabbat Services

• Volunteering

• Holiday Parties

• Zoom Meet & Greets

• and more!

The Federation Star is a subsidized arm of JFGN. Its purpose and function is to publicize the activities and programs of Federation as well as ongoing activities of recognized Jewish organizations in Greater Naples.

The goal of JFGN is to reach out

and unite all Jews of the Greater Naples area. While differing opinions and points of view exist on many issues of importance to Jews, the Federation Star will confine itself to publishing only items that report the facts of actual events of concern to Jews and offer commentary that

clearly intends to unite all Jews in a common purpose.

Critical or derogatory comments directed at individuals or organizations will not be published.

To avoid misunderstandings, controversies and destructive divisions among our people, the Officers and Board of Trustees of Federation have adopted the following publication policy:

Advertisements: All advertisements, regardless of their sponsor, shall be paid for in full, at the established rates, prior to publication. The contents of all advertisements shall be subject to review and approval of the Federation board or its designee. Commercial advertisers may make credit arrangements with the advertising manager, subject to the approval of the Federation board.

Regular Columns: Regular columns shall be accepted only from leaders (Rabbis, Presidents, Chairs) of established and recognized Jewish organizations in Greater Naples and the designated chairs

of the regular committees of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.

Special Announcements: Special announcements shall be accepted from established Jewish organizations in Greater Naples and may, at the discretion of the Federation board, be subject to the conditions applicable to paid advertisements, as set forth above.

News Items: Only those news items pertaining to matters of general interest to the broadest cross section of the Jewish community will be accepted for publication.

Note: Items of controversial opinions and points of view about political issues will not be accepted for publication without prior approval of a majority of the Federation Officers and Trustees. All persons and organizations objecting to the actions and rulings of the Editor or Publications Committee Chair shall have the right to appeal those rulings to the Officers and Board of Trustees of JFGN.

18A Federation Star January 2023 FOCUS ON YOUTH
CHABAD FGCU www.Chabadfgcu.com / 347.452.0489
Federation Star Publication Policy Candle lighting times Jan. 6: 5:32 p.m. Jan. 13: 5:37 p.m. Jan. 20: 5:43 p.m. Jan. 27: 5:48 p.m. The Jewish Congregation of Marco Island Presents FOR TICKETS, GO TO THE JCMI WEBSITE: WWW MARCOJCMI COM ~ CONCERTS/ FLYERS & INFO PAGE CLICK THE BLUE BUTTON FOR A LINK TO THE TICKETING WEBSITE JCMI 991 WINTERBERRY DRIVE, MARCO ISLAND 239 -642-0800 The Most Authentic Elton John Tribute OF GREATER NAPLES Jewish Young Professionals
Jewish 20-40 year olds!
invite you to come socialize!
The Jewish Young Professionals of Greater Naples
Please email or call Renee’ to be added to the roster. rbialek@jewishnaples.org 239-263-4205 Activities include:
We want to hear yourandsuggestions ideas for upcoming events!


OF NAPLES (Reform)

4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples, FL 34119

Phone: 455.3030  Fax: 455.4361 Email: info@naplestemple.org www.naplestemple.org

Rabbi Adam Miller, MAHL Cantor Donna Azu, MSM

Rabbi Ariel Boxman, MAHL, MARE, Director of Lifelong Learning

Rabbi James H. Perman, D.D., Rabbi Emeritus

Deborah Rosen Fidel, J.D., MAJPS, Executive Director Len Teitelbaum, President Jim Cochran, Music Director

Shabbat Services: Shabbat Eve - Friday 7:30 p.m. Shabbat - Saturday 10 a.m.

Sisterhood Men’s Club

Adult Education Havurot Youth Groups

Religious School Judaic Library Hebrew School Preschool Adult Choir Social Action Naples’ only Judaica Shop


serving Naples and Marco Island 1789 Mandarin Road, Naples, FL 34102 Phone: 262.4474 Email: info@chabadnaples.com Website: www.chabadnaples.com

Rabbi Fishel Zaklos

Dr. Arthur Seigel, President Ettie Zaklos, Education Director

Shabbat Services

Shabbat - Saturday 10 a.m.

Camp Gan Israel Hebrew School Preschool of the Arts Jewish Women’s Circle Adult Education Bat Mitzvah Club

Friendship Circle Smile on Seniors Flying Challah Kosher food delivery

CHABAD OF BONITA SPRINGS & ESTERO 24611 Production Circle Bonita Springs, FL 34135 Phone: 239-949-6900

Email: chabad@jewishbonita.com Website: www.JewishBonita.com

Rabbi Mendy & Luba Greenberg Co-directors

Services: Sunday 9 a.m. Monday through Friday 8 a.m. Shabbat 10 a.m.

Adult Education

Challah of Love Community Events

Daily Minyan Services

Hebrew School Kosher Grocery Kosher Meals on Wheels Smile on Seniors


OF MARCO ISLAND (Reform) 991 Winterberry Drive Marco Island, FL 34145

Phone: 642.0800  Fax: 642.1031

Email: tboxma@marcojcmi.com Website: www.marcojcmi.com

Rabbi Mark Gross Hari Jacobsen, Cantorial Soloist Stan Alliker, President

Shabbat Services

Friday 7:30 p.m.

Seasonal: Saturday Talmud-Torah at 9:30 a.m. and Shachrit at 10:30 a.m.

Rabbi’s Lifelong Learning Series

Sidney R. Hoffman Jewish Film Festival Saul I. Stern Cultural Series JCMI Book Club



Services are held at: The Unitarian Congregation 6340 Napa Woods Way Rabbi Howard Herman 431.3858

Email: rabbi@naplesjewishcongregation.org www.naplesjewishcongregation.org Charles Flum, President Jane Galler, Cantorial Soloist

Shabbat Services Friday evenings 7 p.m. May - August: services once a month Sisterhood • Men’s Club Adult Education • Adult Choir Social Action • Community Events

BETH TIKVAH (Conservative)

1459 Pine Ridge Road Naples, FL 34109

(just west of Mission Square Plaza) Phone: 434.1818

Email: office@bethtikvah.us Website: www.bethtikvahnaples.org

Rabbi Ammos Chorny Steve Chizzik, President Roberta Miller, Secretary

Shabbat Services

Friday evenings 6:15 p.m. Saturday mornings 9:30 a.m. Youth Education Adult Education Community Events

Jewish Organizations to Serve You in Greater Naples

(All area codes are 239 unless otherwise noted.)

Jewish Federation of Greater Naples Phone: 263.4205  Fax: 263.3813 Website: www.jewishnaples.org Email: info@jewishnaples.org

• Federation Board Chair: Jane Schiff

• Federation President/CEO: Jeffrey Feld

American Jewish Committee

Regional Dir: Brian Lipton, 941.365.4955

American Technion Society

Chapter Dir: Kelley Whiter, 561.395.7206

Friends of the IDF Exec. Dir.: Dina Ben Ari, 305.354.8233

GenShoah SWFL 263.9200

Collier/Lee Chapter of Hadassah President: Joyce Toub, 518.330.1559

Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Chairperson: Stuart Price President/CEO: Susan Suarez, 263.9200

Israel Bonds Monica DiGiovanni, 727.282.1124

Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida

President: Marina Berkovich, 566.1771

Jewish National Fund Joshua Mellits, 941.462.1330 x865

Jewish War Veterans Post 202 Commander, Harvey Sturm, 261.3270

Men’s Cultural Alliance

President: Michael Sobol, 508.733.9427

Naples BBYO Tara Harris, 407-832-4443

Naples Friends of American Magen David Adom (MDA)

SE Reg Dir: Joel Silberman, 954.457.9766

Naples Senior Center at JFCS Phone: 325.4444

Chairperson: Prentiss Higgins President/CEO: Dr. Jaclynn Faffer

PJ Library

Coordinator: Alicia Feldman www.jewishnaples.org/pj-library

Women’s Cultural Alliance President: Patti Boochever, 518.852.3440

Zionist Organization of America President: Jerry Sobel, 914.329.1024

19A Federation Star January 2023
The Federation Star is published monthly, September through July, by Jewish Federation of Greater Naples 4720 Pine Ridge Road • Naples, FL 34119 Phone: 239.263.4205 • Fax: 239.263.3813 E-mail: info@jewishnaples.org • Website: www.jewishnaples.org Volume 32, No. 5 • January 2023 • 44 pages USPS Permit No. 1101 Publisher: Jewish Federation of Greater Naples Editor: Sharon Hood • 239.591.2709 • sharon@marketcrank.com Design: MarketCrank, Inc. Advertising: Joy Walker • 941.284.0520 February 2023 Issue Deadlines: Editorial: December 30 • Advertising: January 6 Send news stories to: sharon@marketcrank.com COMMUNITY DIRECTORY WWW.TOPJEWISHFOUNDATION.ORG Whether you are traveling far or staying home, your flight and your life are better when you plan. We can help you map out a fulfilling and smooth trip through the new year. It is time to soar. Here is a good place to start on your estate planning this year: Take inventory of your highly appreciated assets and use them, rather than cash, to transfer gifts to charity Partner with us! YOU WILL SOAR WHEN YOU SEE HOW EASY IT IS TO LOWER YOUR TAXES AND POTENTIALLY INCREASE YOUR INCOME, ALL WHILE HELPING OTHERS Ellen Weiss Executive Director 813.769.4785 ellen@topjewishfoundation.org WITH YOUR ESTATE PLANNING in the NEW YEAR FLY HIGH Check with your bank and investment advisor to update your transfer on death forms Write or update your will SOAR The community foundation for the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples Marcy Friedland Planned Giving Director 239.263.4205 mfriedland@jewishnaples.org
20A Federation Star January 2023 Your guests will appreciate your choice of venues Hilton Naples & Shula’s Steak House Excellent Food and Impeccable Service 5111 Tamiami Trail North I Naples, FL 34103 I 239.430.4900 I HiltonNaples.com I ShulasNaples.com Hilton Naples and Shula’s Steak House have been serving our community for more than twenty years. We would love to discuss your event and show you our beautiful and diverse banquet and meeting space. Please call us at 239.659.3108.

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Articles inside

Going all out with Jewish pride

page 42

Growing brains and bodies

page 41

Fresh new year ahead

page 40

Global warming

page 39

Lifelong learning at Temple Shalom

page 38

Sometimes small is better

page 37

A busy and exciting January at JCMI

page 37

Standing up for what’s just and right

page 36

Federation Star - January 2023

page 36

Bnei Menashe inaugurate first synagogue in Israel

page 35

Naples philanthropists join 1,400 proud Zionists at Jewish National Fund-USA’s National Conference

page 34

Naples builder creates safe haven for Israeli children

page 33

Holocaust Memorial Day recalls “old country” memories

page 32

Trend watch: bread pudding

page 30

Exploring the work of Jewish composer Ernest Gold

page 29

Federation Star - January 2023

page 28

Maybe it’s everything except you

page 27

Hadassah advocacy gets results

page 23

Federation Star - January 2023

page 23

Temple Shalom events open to the community

page 21

The Yiddish corner

page 20

A gift from Ian?

page 20

At the Museum

page 19

Thinking about the future

page 18

Meet the Cohen family

page 17

January is a very busy month for MCA members

page 16

“Hearts and Flowers” — the WCA Welcome Back Luncheon

pages 14-15

Federation Star - January 2023

page 13

Rabbi A. James Rudin invested as Papal Knight of the Order of St. Gregory

page 12

Friends of Celebrate Israel

page 11

Guest author explores the plight of Middle Eastern Jewry

page 11

Standing up for the Jewish community in Greater Naples

page 10

Where your dollars go

page 10

Beading for Betterment

page 8

Happy New Year!

page 8

Federation Star - January 2023

page 7

Federation Star - January 2023

page 6

Brick Paver donors as of Nov. 30, 2022:

pages 6-7

Are you keeping count?

page 4

The Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center and you

page 3

Comments from your CEO

page 3

Welcome to the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center on the Steve Saks Campus

pages 1-2
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