Federation Star
July/August 2021
Adventures of a Sar-El volunteer
By Jeff Margolis, IAC Committee Member
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Jewish Congregation of Marco Island
hy would a successful corporate lawyer leave his home every year for that past 18 years to volunteer in the Israeli army? Mark Werner, an ardent Zionist and son of a Holocaust survivor, explains why in his recently published book, “A Passion for Israel: Adventures of a Sar-EL Volunteer.” The Israel Advocacy Committee of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is pleased to present an engaging and entertaining Zoom presentation with the author on Monday, Sept. 20 at noon. In his book, based on 14 years of journals he kept, Werner describes what it is like to be a civilian volunteer in the IDF. His adventures include working through a desert sandstorm, running to a bomb shelter during a Palestinian missile attack, and assembling tank antennas. The author writes about the comradery that develops between the volunteers and the soldiers who, because of the Sar-El volunteers, can devote more time to the crucial task of defending the people of Israel. This special event is free to the community, but registration is required. Please
go to www.jewishnaples.org to register. Werner’s book, “A Passion for Israel: Adventures of a Sar-EL Volunteer,” is published by Gefen Publishing House and is available in hardcover. Israel Advocacy Committee of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples invites the community to this program. We wish everyone a L’Shana Tovah.
May 5782 Bring Peace, Happiness and Good Health to You and Your Family
Come Worship With Us
Join our High Holy Day Services Led by Rabbi Mark Gross and Cantorial Soloist Hari Jacobsen S’LICHOT Saturday 8/28/21, 8:30PM EVE of ROSH HASHANAH Monday 9/6/21, 7:30PM ROSH HASHANAH, 5782 Tuesday 9/7/21, 10:00AM TASHLICH Wednesday 9/8/21, 11:00AM
YOM KIPPUR EVE - KOL NIDREI Wednesday 9/15/21, 7:30PM YOM KIPPUR – Day of Atonement Thursday 9/16/20, 10:00AM Worship, includes “Yizkor” Memorial. 3:30PM Afternoon Worship and Ne’ilah
We invite visitors and guests to join us in live worship, with a limited number of seats available per public-health guidelines established by the Board of Directors. The cost for guests is $100/person. Call ahead to reserve your seat: (239)642-0800. All are welcome to follow services through live-stream from our Congregational website: www.marcojcmi.com. Please call ahead for password information.
Are you in your forties or fifties, single and Jewish? Sign up now by emailing: rbialek@jewishnaples.org to meet other Jewish Singles
Read our weekly eblast to learn when the next activity will be.
JCRC collects items for Hears4you By Judi Palay, JCRC Human Needs Committee Chair
ewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples established a Human Needs Committee to help recognize nonprofits doing amazing in fulfilling a need in our community. There is a new organization, called Hears4you, that is working to help the less fortunate. While not yet a 501(c)(3), the organization could use our support. Hears4you’s purpose is to help provide hearing assistance for seniors who cannot afford hearing aids. It serves seniors in Collier County, especially bilingual-speaking seniors who may have difficulty seeking hearing help due to a language barrier. Specific services provided include: • Fitting donated hearing aids to adults who do not have insurance benefits or financial means to purchase new hearing aids. • Low-priced hearing aids and devices for communication for those who can afford them • Low-priced repairs and programming of hearing aids If you have any of the following items, the organization accepts: • hearing aids • batteries • any other hearing aid-related materials.
There is a box located on a shelf near the elevator outside the Federation office for donations. Thank you. Jewish Community Relations Council established a Fund for Human Needs to recognize organizations for their generous spirit and service to the entire community. It is another way for Jews in Collier County, as represented by their Federation, to practice tikkun olam, “bettering the world.” This newly formed group, while not qualifying yet for our cash award, could use a hand up. Are you able to help? Grants have been made to Harry Chapin Food Bank, Catholic Charities, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Collier Council on Aging, NAACP Collier Branch, Collier County Education Foundation, Redlands Christian Association Literacy Program, Ronald McDonald Care Mobile, Baby Basics, Bedtime Bundles, The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Senior Friendship Health Center, Lighthouse of Collier County, Naples Equestrian Challenge, Project HELP, Grace Place, Bedz for Kidz, Laces of Love, BookBuddiesOnLine and Naples Pride. More information can be found at https://jewishnaples.org/outreach/ human-needs-award.