Federation Star
November 2021
Jewish Historical Society November events Join Us as We Celebrate Our 20th Anniversary! The Luncheon Thursday, December 2, 2021 11:30am – 1:45pm Arthrex One Corporate Event Center 1360 Creekside Blvd, Naples, FL
(Abe Price photo credit: Erik Kellar Photography)
Join us at the new Arthrex Event Center for lunch and the premiere of the new short play “Remember: The Story of Abe Price” by Jeffrey Binder. Abe Price was a Holocaust Survivor and Museum co-founder who led an extraordinary life of courage and triumph over adversity. The play was produced by Gulfshore Playhouse. Founding and Producing Artistic Director Kristen Coury. Managing Director Joel Markus.
Sponsorship Packages are available: Remembrance Sponsor $15,000 Testimony Sponsor $10,000
Hope Sponsor $5,000 Inspire Sponsor $2,500
Patron Sponsor $1,000 Tickets are $150 each Event Program Advertising: 5” x 8” Page ($500); 5” x 4” Half Page ($250) For more information on details and COVID safety protocols, please call 239-263-9200 ext. 207 or email donor@hmcec.org. Proceeds benefit Museum Education programs.
By Marina Berkovich, JHSSWF president
he Jewish Historical Society brings you educational events, films and discussions live, unless prohibited by medical emergency conditions, and on Zoom. We are proud to offer additional opportunities to view the following original productions of JHSSWF to The Society membership. All November events are on Zoom. Topic: SWFL Jewish Pioneers – Helen Weinfeld, Naples’ First Jewish Historian Time: Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 2 p.m. (ET) Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/ j/87356021166?pwd=TnFXSlU2MGpX dytJK21zV1lpWVMwdz09 Meeting ID: 873 5602 1166; Passcode: 338785 Topic: SWFL Jewish Pioneers – The Labodas of Fort Myers Time: Wednesday, Nov. 10 at Noon (ET) Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/87468707954?pwd=Ti81VHhlR3l xdjRvUFE3N2ZRdmlMdz09 Meeting ID: 874 6870 7954; Passcode: 999024
Topic: SWFL Jewish Pioneers – The Greensteins of Marco Island Time: Sunday, Nov. 21 at 4 p.m. (ET) Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/83234956113?pwd=UmUwUVU 3YmQxOHhzQWY1UFRISFFuUT09 Meeting ID: 832 3495 6113; Passcode: 704989 If you wish to see some of our other educational Southwest Florida Jewish Pioneers films or show them to your organization, kindly contact us to schedule. If you are not a member yet, please visit JHSSWF.com to join for as low as $36. If you have questions, problems or suggestions, contact us at 833-547-7935 (833-JHS-SWFL), office@jhsswf.org or write to JHSSWF, 8805 Tamiami Trail N., Suite 255, Naples, FL 34108. Read more about us at www.jhsswf.org or visit the Virtual Museum of SWFL Jewish History, http://jewishhistory southwestflorida.org. The Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida is a section 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Contributions are deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
The Holocaust Museum & Janet G. and Harvey D. Cohen Education Center 975 Imperial Golf Course Blvd., Suite 108, Naples, FL 34110 239-263-9200 www.HMCEC.org Info@HMCEC.org
Tributes To:
Gayle Levy & Martin Barber Mazel Tov on your marriage
From: Beryl Moore, Irv Moore, & Nancy Praver
From: Dennis & Maureen Schaab
To: To:
Nancy & Ted Brother In honor of your grandson’s wedding
Les Nizin In memory of Guy Nizin
Mary Sabel In memory of Edward Anchel
From: Stuart & Estelle Price
From: Phyllis & Steve Strome To: To:
Barbara & Marc Goldberg Mazel Tov on your granddaughter Mimi Goldberg’s Bat Mitzvah
From: Eileen Bream
Hank Greenberg In honor of your special birthday
From: Phyllis & Steve Strome • • • • • • •
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Zachary Sissman In honor of your Bar Mitzvah
From: Jane Schiff
Tributes require a minimum donation of $18.
To place a Tribute in the Federation Star in honor or memory of someone, please contact Janine Hudak at the Federation office at 239-263-4205 or jhudak@jewishnaples.org. Tributes require a minimum donation of $18. A note will be sent to the person you are honoring. Tributes help further the work of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.