November 2021
Federation Star
Patriotic season is upon us Harve Sturm Commander JWV Post #202
e are finally entering the season of many patriotic activities. There are minor celebrations, such as Marine Corps Birthday Nov. 10, but the better-known celebrations are Veterans Day and Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. Memorializing the end of WWI, when fighting stopped at the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918, Veterans Day is always on Nov. 11. JWV Post 202 plans to begin participating in local events now that the impact of the COVID-19 virus has lessened.
Martin Cohn Vice Commander JWV Post #202 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is Dec. 7, the anniversary of the day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, and the beginning of WWII involvement. It is patriotic to post the American Flag on these days. Also, JWV Post 202 participates each year in the Community Hannukah Celebration, sponsored by Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, to be celebrated on Nov. 29 at Mercato.
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We stand for equality and diversity, no matter race, gender, age or religion. It is our duty to advocate for our members and veterans. We owe this to every man and woman who dedicated their lives to defending our great nation. We welcome those who have served in the U.S. military, combat not required. Nonveterans and friends who are patriotic and dedicated to our values are invited to join us as 2018 Veterans Day Celebration in guests and patron members. ConCambier Park. Clements Soffer, Allen tact us at Menkin, Cmdr. Harve Sturm and, in or 239-261-3270 (Harve Sturm, background, Armand “Pep” Pepper Commander).
8 3 rd A n n i v e r s a r y o f
KRISTALLNACHT The Catholic-Jewish Dialogue of Collier County invites the c omm unit y to t his commemor ati ve ser vice.
OP EN TO THE PUBLIC FREE ADMISSION Sunday, Nov. 7 at 3:00 pm Kristallnacht Commemoration Service will take place on ZOOM. Pl ea se visit on November 7 for the Zoom link.
With gue st s pe ake r: Rabbi Micah Greenstein “Interf aith Re lat io ns 83 Years Af ter Kri st al lna cht : What Have W e Re al ly Le arn ed?” Each year, JWV Post 202 participates in the Community Hannukah Celebration sponsored by Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. Cmdr. Harve Sturm with his wife, Sue Sturm, on far right, along with several members
A discussio n of K ri sta lln acht and its cal l to a ct ion fo r socia l just ice to da y.
Sp ons ore d b y: Catholic-Jewish Dialogue of Collier County Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples
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