Weekly Announcements - January 27

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January 26 & 27, 2019


This weekend's Charge Conference begins at 12:15 p.m. in Haney Hall

RESTOCK THE PANTRY bumc.net/Restock Pick up a shopping list in the Haney Hall Breezeway Help us restock the GraceWorks pantry to serve our neighbors in need in Williamson County. Items must be returned February 2 & 3. Please leave your donations on the back or on top of your car for our volunteers to collect as you arrive for worship. Do you want to help collect donations next weekend? Contact Dana Orange at wdorange@sbcglobal.net to volunteer.

© photo by Lukas Beck

VIENNA BOYS CHOIR bumc.net/Register March 4, 7 p.m., Sanctuary The internationally-acclaimed Vienna Boys Choir is coming to BUMC for a once in a lifetime event! The classical concert will feature repertoire from medieval to contemporary and experimental music. This is a free, ticketed event open to the public. Pre-sale tickets are available to BUMC this week using code VBC2019.


RSVP for dinner at bumc.net/Refuel January 30, 5:30 p.m. (dinner) 6:20 p.m. (discussion), Family Life Center Join Dr. Davis Chappell and Dr. Laura Brantley as they explore specific social issues in which the Church is divided in belief and practice. Dinner is $12 ($6 for 12 and under). Please enter through the lobby; the Chapel door will be locked.





February 9, 5-7:30 p.m., Family Life Center Support the Boy Scouts and help them raiseL IV E S ES CHANG money for equipment, supplies, and troop operations. Tickets are $6 for adults, $3 for 12 & under, and include all you can eat spaghetti and homemade desserts. Get your tickets at the tables in the Breezeways this weekend and next weekend.




Sign up at bumc.net/FlashPoint February 15-17, Beersheba Springs Explore your faith while in nature at FlashPoint. We'll talk about being uncommon as a man in today’s world by making sure your spiritual core is in shape and putting your faith into your everyday life. Cost is $175.

Brentwood United Methodist Church • 309 Franklin Road, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615.373.3663

WHAT'S HAPPENING AT BUMC? WORSHIP READINESS (MILESTONE #3) We're excited to celebrate our 5 & 6-year-olds who completed their worship readiness serminar in the 11:05 service this weekend. Children are always welcome in our worship services, and this milestone helps them learn how and why we worship together.

SACRED STUDIO February 2, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Sacred Studio is a time to focus on the different aspects of your faith through various creative outlets. Our first studio will focus on telling your story with the help of writing prompts, resources, and encouragement. Cost is $10; led by Amy Lyles Wilson. Sign up at bumc.net/AdultStudies.

BUMCSM NIGHT OF WORSHIP January 27, 5-8 p.m., Tabernacle 7th – 12th graders, invite your friends to a night of worship, led by Mason Caviness and band. Combined middle and high school choirs will meet before worship from 5-6:10 p.m. Snack supper will be available.

UPCOMING REFUEL DISCUSSION February 6, 5:30 p.m. (dinner) 6:20 p.m. (discussion) Do you ever wonder why we do what we do in worship? Dr. Shannon Garrett will discuss the pattern of corporate worship (praising God, confessing to God, hearing God's Word, and responding to God's Word), particularly in our BUMC context. Visit bumc.net/Refuel to learn more.

SCOUTS BSA INTEREST MEETING January 31, 7 p.m., Room A291 A new troop is forming for girls ages 11-18! This troop will mirror the traditional Boy Scout program with opportunities for any young woman interested in outdoor adventure and leadership training. Contact Barrett Mohrmann at 615.383.9724 to learn more.

RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE February 10, 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Middle Tennessee is experiencing an emergency blood shortage. Your donation can save a life! Visit redcrossblood.org to learn about the donation process. SOUTH AFRICA SPONSORSHIP Education changes everything! We are still seeking sponsors for 88 students and 13 teachers to reach our goal of 375 sponsored children and 40 sponsored teachers at our 3 partner schools. Visit bumc.net/SouthAfrica to learn more.

JOYSOUND ORCHESTRA Sundays, 3:45 p.m., Room A185 Bring your instruments, and enjoy playing the music of the church. 6th grade through adults are welcome; no audition necessary. To learn more, contact Patsy Wade at pwade@bumc.net. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Visit bumc.net/Employment to learn more. • Director of Information Technology (40 hours) • Administrative Assistant to Children's Ministry (35 hours)

FOR HIS GLORY LITURGICAL DANCE MINISTRY February 3, 11 a.m., Room A185 Interested in joining a liturgical dance ministry for 1st – 5th graders? Rehearsals begin soon to prepare for worship on May 12. Contact ForHisGloryBUMC@gmail.com to learn more. BUILDING BETTER MOMS February 12, 6:30-8 p.m. Stacy Jagger, LMFT RPT, will help us explore love languages and how we can learn what our children’s love languages are. Dinner is $15. Register for childcare (infant – 4th grade) by February 4. Sign up bumc.net/Register. HIGH SCHOOL BACKYARD MISSION TRIP June 17-21, Nashville Our summer high school mission trip is focusing its efforts close to home. We will partner with local organizations to prepare meals, repair homes, work with the homeless, and get to know local families. Cost is $75. Sign up at bumc.net/Register. DAILY FIELD GUIDE The Field Guide is like a map for your journey with scriptures, meditations, and prayers for you every day of the week. Subscribe to Field Guide emails or read the daily devotional on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Sign up at bumc.net/FieldGuide.

ROOM IN THE INN We're collecting new and gently-used clothes for Room In The Inn through March. Pick up a wish list at the Connection Point desk or online at bumc.net/ Serve. You can drop off donated items to the red bins behind the front desk in the lobby.

Support & Care in Difficult Times If you are in need of pastoral care, contact any of our pastors or schedule an appointment by calling Melissa Liddle at 615.324.7256. You can make prayer requests online at bumc.net/Prayer. Support Groups There are a wide range of support and encouragement groups for issues such as grief, career transitions, addictions, dementia & Alzheimer’s, cancer support, divorce, and others. bumc.net/FindSupport Stephen Ministry A trained Stephen Minister meets with you confidentially to listen, care, pray, and help you find healing & wholeness. Call 615.577.4881. bumc.net/StephenMinistry Give Support There are a wide range of ways to support others, such as Funeral Team, GraceNotes, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and Intercessory Prayer Team/Email Prayer Team. bumc.net/CongregationalCare

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