309 Franklin Road Brentwood, Tn 37027 615-373-3663 www.bumc.net
WORSHIP Saturday Evening 6:00 pm Casual Traditional Worship in the Chapel Sunday Morning 8:30 am Traditional/Blended Worship with Youth Choir 9:45 am Classes for Children, Students, and Adults
9:50 am Contemporary Worship with Worship Band 11:00 am Traditional Worship with Adult Chancel Choir 11:00 am Classes for Children & Adults
TRINITY CHURCH 3011 Longford Drive Spring Hill, TN 37174 Sundays 9:00 am Traditional Worship 10:30 am Contemporary Worship
CARING MINISTRIES is for all persons in our community. If you are in need of pastoral care, please contact Julie Donley at 615-324-7254. Emergency, after hours Pastor-On-Call: 615-969-3086
Spiritual Counseling with Pastors Contact: Julie Donley, 324-7254, jdonley@bumc.net or Carla Barrios, 324-7252, cbarrios@bumc.net Adoption Support & Orphan Ministry Contact: Stephanie Walton, 891-2690 Cancer Support: Partners in Hope Contact: Jeanetta Fargo, 339-4415 ejaefargo@comcast.net Domestic Abuse Contact: Caroline Beavers, 371-2550. Email 24/7 Intercessory Prayer Team Contact: Bill Fleenor, bfleenor@outlook.com Emergency Financial & Food Assistance Contact: Allison Gossett, 373-3663, ext. 255, agossett@bumc.net Encouragement Cards: GraceNotes Contact: Erin Racine, eracine@bumc.net Financial Coaching Contact: Rev. Laura Brantley, lbrantley@bumc.net Home-centered Visitation Contact: Rev. Allison Fasig, afasig@bumc.net Home Health Product Assistance Contact: Scottish Rite, 259-3434 Home Repairs: Handy Man Ministry Contact: 373-3690, ext. 398 handyman@bumc.net Infertility Support Contact: Gretchen Voyles, gvoyles98@hotmail.com Memory Loss Caregiver Respite: Sunny Day Club Contact: Katie Anderson, 370-9467 Patient Advocate Ministry Contact: Dottie Campbell, 414-5955 dcampbell@bumc.net Short-term Meals: Fishes & Loaves Contact: Katie Winstead katie_winstead@yahoo.com Brentwood United Methodist Church Counseling Center for children, youth & families. www.bumc.net/counselingcenter It is home to experts in helping families and individuals resolve real life problems.
HOSPITAL VISITATION AT BUMC The Pastoral Staff of BUMC visits area hospitals on a regular and rotating basis. Hospitals do not inform the church when its members are admitted. Please let the church know if you (or a family member) are hospitalized by contacting Julie Donley, jdonley@bumc.net, 615-324-7254.
GROUPS AA Groups 1 pm, Monday-Sunday, BH 102 9 am, Monday (For Women Only), BH102 8:30 am, Tuesday & Thursday, BH102 7 pm, Tuesday & Thursday, BH201 7 pm, Friday (For Men Only), BH 101 11:30 am, Monday - Friday BH102 Adult ADHD/ADD Support Group 1st & 3rd Mondays, 6:30 pm, A392 Contact: Terry Huff, 627-4191 Adult ADHD/ADD Spouse Workshops Contact: Terry Huff, 627-4191 Al-Anon Tuesdays, 7 pm, Buchanan House 102 Contact: Ken M., 579-4272 Alzheimer’s Contact: Barbara Jones, 373-1941 or Sue Dill, 970-8393 Career Transitions Each Monday, 6:30 pm - Haney Hall Contact: Hal Hassall, 972-5119 CoDA Each Thursday, 6:30 pm - BH 102 Contact: Tom B., 308-1041 Divorce Recovery Contact: Shebbie Shields, 324-7240 Grief Support Contact: Alive Hospice, 963-4732. Rev. Laura Brantley, lbrantley@bumc.net MS Self Help Contact: Sandie Mountz, 376-5395.
Sometimes it’s hard to ask for help… If you are going through a difficult time, a Stephen Minister can bring God’s warm love back into your life through their one on one confidential care. Call Sheryl at 373-3690 ext.394 or Rev. Allison Fasig at 373-3663. Stephen Ministers are available each Sunday between worship services if you need someone to listen.
August 3 - 9, 2014 Brentwood United Methodist Church
. . . means CONNECTED . . . TOGETHER . . . BELONGING
Fall at BUMC Begins Next Week, August 9/10! Come Join Us! New Sunday Morning Schedule
WORSHIP 8:15 am
9:30 11:00 am 9:45 11:05 SUNDAY am Pick up Pick up am am SCHOOL at 10:45 at 12:05
New Sermon Series Begins “With” a study based on the Gospel of John Adult Ministry Sampler Stop by the Parlor at 9:30 or 11:00 am for an overview of what’s happening this fall. Promotion Sunday for Children and Youth Preschoolers (3 year olds before 8/15 thru Kindergarten) • Check-in and pick-up will occur in your child’s assigned classroom. (Be looking for an email on August 6 with your child’s room number) 1st-4th Graders • Check-in occurs in the Family Life Center (Gym) (Doors open at 9:30 am) • Pick-up occurs in the classrooms on the 3rd floor 5th and 6th Graders • Come to room 205 (outside of the Family Life Center) for check-in and fellowship 7th-8th Grade All meet in Room A182 9th-12th Grade All meet in the Tabernacle
aug 17
Adult Small Group Launch 9:30 or 11:00 am. Having community is a key step to growing in your faith. To connect to a small group, visit bumc.net/small groups or contact Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger at eburtonkrieger@bumc.net. All Church Picnic 5-7 pm. We’ll have good eats from Stroud’s and Music City Ice Cream, plus inflatables, games and music, so make plans to attend. Just bring a lawn chair and you’ll be set.
aug 24
Adult Sunday School Open House 9:30 and 11:00 am. Sunday Evening Activities Begin for Children and Youth
sept 10
“Embody” Bible-based Pastor’s study begins at 6:30 pm Wednesday evening activities begin for children & youth