February 14 - 20, 2016 Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World
Help Provide Easter Baskets for Children without Permanent Families Sundays, February 14 - 28: Collections Saturday, March 5: Packing of baskets Help our Orphan, Foster & Adoption Ministry to provide 400 Easter baskets for the many children in our local area without permanent families. Pick up a supply list in the Narthex and return supplies on February 28. On Saturday, March 5th, join us to pack the Easter baskets. Register to help with packing at www.bumc.net/HumanDev.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Sunday, February 14, 7:30 am - 12:30 pm Two Red Cross bloodmobiles are here from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm. Donor registration is in the main lobby. Requirements to donate: you must be at least 17-years-old; weigh at least 110 lbs.; be in good health; have not been asked by the Red Cross not to donate; and you must have a photo ID or your Red Cross donor card.
Launching Point Sunday, February 14, 9:45 & 11:00 am, Chapel Get a snap shot of who we are and what we value here at BUMC, plus learn the next step in becoming more connected to the congregational life of the church. Perfect for recent visitors or for those who are considering church membership. Ongoing sessions meet on the second Sunday of each month at 9:45 and again at 11 in the Chapel. No registration necessary.
Share the Spirit Auction & Worship Event Sunday, March 6 Dinner, Silent & Live Auction, Haney Hall, 5 pm Tickets are $25 each with limited seating. Childcare provided. Purchase tickets at www.bumc.net/ShareTheSpirit or stop by the Breezeway. Youth Choirs Worship Event, Sanctuary, 7 pm A love offering will be collected. Proceeds benefit youth choir tours and mission trips.
Wednesday Night Lent Experience The Lent Experience
Wednesdays, March 2-16 • www.bumc.net/LentExp Lenten Meal 5:45-6:15 pm, catered by Newk’s - $8/person or $25/family Family Life Center. Register at bumc.net/register. Take the rush and worry out of dinner before joining the Lenten study! Lenten Study: Near the Cross 6:15-7:15 Study [3 weeks]; Led by Rev. Lane Davis Lent is a time that calls us to draw near to the cross of Jesus so that we might encounter transformation in our hearts and lives. This three-week study, based on Bishop Kenneth Carter’s study “Near the Cross,” is a reflection on the necessity of prayer during Lent. No registration - the class is open to all. Easter Worship (Brentwood Campus) Saturday, March 26...........6 pm (Sanctuary) Sunday, March 27 (There is no Sunday school on Easter Sunday) Prayer Vigil: 6am (Chapel) Sunrise: 6:30 am (Prayer Garden) Traditional: 8 am (Sanctuary), 11 am (Sanctuary and Chapel) Contemporary: 9:30 am (Sanctuary and Family Life Ctr)
Weekly Announcements Boundaries Class Series
Wednesdays, 6:30 – 7:30 pm, B153B February 17’s topic: “Preventing Conflict-Smart Patterns” Led by Dr. John Fite. A series of weekly, free classes for anyone interested in learning about how to have and keep good relationships (married, nearly married, committed, etc.) Each seminar will target a different aspect of relationships. Contact Rev. Shebbie Shields at sshields@bumc.net.
Kidsale: BUMC Spring Consignment Sale Benefiting Missions
February 23-27; deadline to consign: 9 am February 22 PUBLIC SALE DATES: Friday, February 26:........... 10 am – 5 pm Saturday, February 27:.... 8:30 am-11:30 am (HALF PRICE DAY) www.bumckidsale.net
Rock the Chains
Saturday, February 27, 6 pm; $10 at the door Rock the Chains is an annual student-led “battle of the bands” competition which raises money and awareness in the fight against modern-day slavery. For information about how you can be involved, contact Tatiana Liston, tliston@bumc.net. www.bumc.net/youth
Singles Game Nights
Friday, February 26, 6 - 9 pm in Singles Space. Bring an appetizer to share. www.bumc.net/singles
Leadership BUMC – A New Opportunity
February 28, April 3, May 1, & May 15, from 12:15-2:30 pm A new Lay Leadership development opportunity will begin in February. Leadership BUMC is a series of four sessions, designed to inform and equip future leaders for service in God’s Kingdom. If you are interested in learning more about Leadership BUMC, please contact Susan Graham at susangraham615@comcast.net.
Holy Week 2016 The Stations of the Cross Sunday, March 20 - Sunday, March 27 (Haney Hall) Opens Sunday at 5 pm; Closes Sunday at 5 pm Open weekdays 8 am to 8 pm. The Stations of the Cross for Children & Families Wednesday, March 23. 4:00 - 6:30 pm Childcare for ages 4 and under from 4:30 - 7:00 pm. Maundy Thursday Service of Worship & Communion Thursday, March 24, 7 pm Good Friday Tenebrae Service Friday, March 25, 7 pm
EASTER LILY ORDER FORM Easter Lily #1 o In Honor of o In Memory of
Easter Lily #2 o In Honor of o In Memory of
GIven By Dedicated To
GIven By Dedicated To
8th Annual Brentwood United Methodist Women’s Songwriter Night
Friday, March 11, 7 pm Featuring Wil Nance & Phil O’Donnell BUMC Youth Café & Tabernacle; $10 advance ticket purchase; $15 at the door. Admission includes homemade dessert. Proceeds benefit Bethlehem Center of Nashville. Advance tickets available in church breezeways on February 28 & March 6, through BUMW members, and at church receptionist desk (check or exact cash only). Contact Pat Fleming at flemmingps@comcast.net.
Older Adult Workshop: “Retirement Readiness” DATE CHANGED TO Saturday, April 2 9:00 am – 12:30 pm, Haney Hall, Cost: $7.50 Led by Dr. Jeff Wilson and John Edwards, Certified Retirement Coach Learn keys to a happy, healthy retirement. Register and pay by contacting Julia at jtodd@bumc.net or 615-324-7156.
THRIVE! Singles Impact Retreat April 22-24, Chattanooga, Tennessee www.SinglesImpactRetreat.com Are you marking time or maximizing your life as a single adult? How can you THRIVE, leading a life of completeness, fulfillment and balance? Your life can be AMAZING! Registration is open at SinglesImpactRetreat.com or contact Anita Dutton, anitadutton@gmail.com with questions.
PointMen Men’s Ministry
OnPoint: Meets in the Café/Tabernacle each Thursday at 6:30 am – enter through the youth area doors. Open to all men, so invite someone from your Sunday School class, small group, work place, or neighborhood! www.bumc.net/PointMen
Volunteers Needed Altar Flower Ministry Bring cheer and encouragement to home-centered members by delivering flowers arranged from the Sunday altar flowers. Contact Nancy Sullins at rsullins9@comcast.net or 615-373-2945. Sunday School Teachers The Preschool Ministry is looking for Sunday school teachers for 3 year olds. The commitment would be for two Sundays a month. Training will be provided by the Children’s Ministry staff. Contact Sarah Cage at scage@bumc.net to volunteer or if you have any questions.
Connecting Couples
Wednesdays, March 2-April 20 6:30 – 8 pm, Rm B152A. 8-week series on how to set and respect boundaries. Register now at bumc.net/register.
$15 each (deadline is March 20). Place this order form with, payment, in the offering plate. You may also order and pay online at www.bumc.net/Lent.