Weekly Announcements - Jan 17

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January 17 - 23, 2016 Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

Restock the Pantry

Stop by the table in the Narthex to pick up a bag or two with the suggested food and household items for ReStock the Pantry benefitting GraceWorks. Bags can be returned on January 30/31 in the parking lot. Our goal is to collect 20,000 pounds. Volunteers of all ages are needed to help with collections on January 30 and 31. For more information about volunteering, contact Dana Orange at wdorange@sbcglobal.net. www.bumc.net/Hunger

Adult Sunday School Open House January 17, 9:30 am & 11:00 am

Have you been thinking about trying a Sunday School class but you’re not sure which one would be the best fit? Now’s your chance to visit several classes on one Sunday. Stop by the table in the Narthex first to get some suggestions and then give several classes a try! For more info, contact Carol Bumbalough, cbumbalough@bumc.net. www.bumc.net/AdultClasses

BUMC Kids Adventures Resumes Sunday, January 24, 5- 7 pm, Room C310 Fellowship, Bible study, fun activities and games for 1st – 4th graders. Register at www.bumc.net/register. Questions? Contact Megan at mteegarden@bumc.net or 615-577-7272. www.bumc.net/children

Save the Date: Ash Wednesday Service


Wednesday, February 10, 6:30 pm, Sanctuary Join us for a service of repentance and imposition of ashes to begin the season of Lent. The ash cross is rubbed on the forehead as an outward sign of our sorrow and repentance for sins. Childcare for 3 and under. www.bumc.net/Lent

Center for Youth Ministry Training (CYMT) 2nd Annual Jump Jive Dinner Dance Friday, February 12, 6:30 pm, Embassy Suites Cool Springs Tickets: $100 each, www.cymt.org/jumpjive or 615-823-7605. Presented by T.W. Frierson Contractor, Inc. and Bradley Wealth Management, featuring Nashville’s hottest swing band, the Gnarly Parkers. www.cymt.org/JumpJive

Our annual Charge Conference will be held on January 24, 2016 at 1 pm in A291.

Weekly Announcements Father/Daughter Dance Kindergarten Worship Readiness • Saturday, January 30, 9:00-11:30 am Get your Kindergarteners equipped to worship in the services with you and learn about who God is. • Sunday, January 31, 11:05 am worship service Worship bags will be handed out at the 11:05 worship service and a celebration lunch will follow. Register at www.bumc.net/register. Cost is $15. Questions? Contact Sarah Cage at scage@bumc.net.


Wednesdays thru February 3, 6:30 pm, A392 Discover what it means to live a fulfilling life in Christ in a four-week study exploring fundamental areas of the Christian faith. Led by pastors.

Divorce Recovery Class Series Wednesday Nights thru January 20 6:30 - 8:00 pm, B152A Register now at bumc.net/supportandeducation.

Older Adult Workshop: “Retirement Readiness”

Saturday, March 12, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Haney Hall, Cost: $7.50 Led by Dr. Jeff Wilson and John Edwards, Certified Retirement Coach Learn keys to a happy, healthy retirement. Registration and payment may be made by contacting Julia at jtodd@bumc.net or 615-324-7156.

Connecting Couples Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8 pm, B153B A series of weekly, free classes for anyone interested in learning about how to have and keep good relationships (married, nearly married, committed, etc.) Each seminar will target some important aspect of relationships in a positive, playful and constructive way. An opportunity to ask individual questions anonymously will be provided. For information, contact Rev. Shebbie Shields, sshields@bumc.net, 615-324-7240.

Lenten Study: One Big Sunday School Class Begins Sunday, February 14, 6 weeks, 10:00-10:45 am Led by Judith Bone This Lent, experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal by our study of The Gospel of John, the most deeply spiritual of the four gospels, full of rich images and deep truths.

Rock the Chains Stop by the table in the Narthex on January 24 to donate or register a band. Event is held Saturday, February 27, 6 pm Rock the Chains is an annual student-led battle of the bands competition that raises money and awareness in the fight against modern day slavery. Sponsors are needed as well as middle or high school student bands to audition. For more info, contact Tatiana Liston at tliston@bumc.net.

Yoga Room A393; Mondays: 4:15 & 5:30 pm; Fridays: 12:15 pm Beginners welcome. $8 per class. Call John Sneed Jones, 931-670-6556, for information.

Volunteers Needed for Altar Flower Ministry Bring cheer and encouragement to home-centered members by delivering flowers arranged from the Sunday altar flowers. Contact Nancy Sullins at rsullins9@comcast.net or 615-373-2945.

Friday, February 5, 6:30 -8:30 pm, Haney Hall $25 per family, photo booth and snacks. Register at bumc.net/register. Questions? Contact Brad Glossinger at 615-406-6956.

Charge Conference Names At BUMC, when we

determine that a member is no longer attending and we no longer have their current address information, their names are presented to the Charge Conference for two consecutive years and are then removed from the roll. If you know the address of anyone on this list, contact Fran Lusby at flusby@bumc.net or get in touch with the member and ask him/her to contact Fran. 1st Reading Allender, Andrea Allison, Jeff Ball, Debbie Baumgartner, Clyde Beavers, Christopher Beavers, Courtney Brandon, David Brown, Christopher Brown, Jessica Brown, Jill Brown, John Buchanan, Claudia Campbell, Laura Carlson, Geordie Cates, Cindy Cochran, Mary Jane Crouch, Ellen Davis, Alton Davis, Virginia Deal, Sharon Dulin, Carla Eggers, Brooke Fritz, Bill Goodman, Mike Gross, Kevin Hale, William Hendry, Ben Hensley, Floy Hicks, Susanne High, Morgan Hinojosa, Vasti Howe, Lyndsay Huttner, Ann Jobe, Jack Jones, Leah 2nd Reading Atkins, Christopher Atkins, Rachel Baker, Mary Beckler, Ashley Beckler, Kellee Boyd, David Boyd, Shari Brock, Charles Brock, Sheila Cline, Mary Daugherty, Bob Daugherty, Cynthia Echetebu, Amechi Hammond, Chase Hammond, Lori Hammond, Phillip Hammond, Spencer Hibbard, Jennifer Hibbard, Ryan Marshall, Shari

Junier, Joyce Keffer, Beverly King, Robert Locke, Charles Logan, Jane Mangelsdorf, Todd Martin, Karen McCraven, Lisa McFall, Michael McFarlin, Dane McKinney, Virginia Miller, Tim Mitchum, Albert Neal, Frank Nebel, Jon Nebel, Laurie Pearse, Barry Pearse, Diane Raymer, Ashton Raymer, Donald Raymer, Linda Raymer, Whitley Smiley, Amber Smiley, Ashley Smiley, Robert Stabler, Sandra Stamps, Clarence Thomas, Richard Vantrease, Michael Wallen, Curt Wallen, Kay Watson, David Wilkins, Hal Williams, Carrie Winfield, Barbara McDougal, Jeffrey McDougal, Tiffany McGaughey, Eric McGaughey, Mary Merrilees, Brad Merrilees, Cooper Merrilees, Kim Miller, Donna Reddy, Heidi Rimas, Dennis Rimas, Edie Shockley, Morgan Short, Jennifer Shoun, Brian Shoun, Susan Sowers, Jeanne Tierno, Anthony Tierno, Barbara Tomasieski, Nina

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