BEAM - Jan 29 Issue

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the BEAM

A Weekly Newsletter of Brentwood United Methodist Church

Growing Disciples of Christ Who Know Him, Love Him, and Serve Him

January 29 - February 4, 2012

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How Will You Step UP! this Year? Step Up! 2012 is our year-long emphasis of five core practices that lead to a stronger faith and a more vibrant church. These practices include: worship, connect, invite, serve and give. For specific things you can do now to begin to Step Up, check our website, and the opportunities listed in the BEAM today.

Step Up to Worship One of our Step Up! practices is to worship God daily and weekly (which includes prayer and scripture reading) Tuesday Morning Prayer Service Join us each Tuesday morning in the sanctuary from 6:30-7:00 AM for a service of prayer. All are invited to come and be a part of these holy moments as we pray together as the body of Christ. Readings for the week of January 30: John 11 - 15 You may start the reading plan at any time. Pick up a reading Read the New Testament in a year. plan bookmark at the information desks and in the brochure racks in the narthex and lobby or go to to learn about additional options. Join the conversation on twitter (#bumc345) and Facebook (Brentwood United Methodist Church) as we share what we’re learning through God’s word.

Step Up to Connect Join an Adult Study Visit or contact Judith Bone,, 324-7358. James: Mercy Triumphs (Beth Moore Study) Wednesdays, 9:30–11:30 am The Lives of Great Christians (continued) Wednesdays, 6:15–7:30 pm, Rev. Kaye Harvey Senior Pastor’s Study: The Methodist Way Wednesdays, 6:30–7:30 pm, Dr. Martin Thielen The Gospel of John Wednesdays thru February 15, 6:30-7:30 pm, Rev. Dr. Jeff Wilson Spiritual Travels: Searching for God Knows What [A Donald Miller Study] Sundays, February 12 - April 22,5:20 - 7:30 pm, A394; Led by Rick Hotzfeld Hysterically funny, wryly provocative, and disquietingly insightful, “Searching for God Knows What” invites readers to examine their deep need for redemption, to feel it, know it, and live like it is true in their lives. MOMS in Prayer - Begins February 1 Wednesdays, Room A292, 9:30-11:00am, Led by Kristen Kash & Melissa Wyatt. Moms in Prayer is a group of mothers with young children who gather weekly to share stories, prayer, and a time of study together. Now discussing “The Power of a Praying Parent” by Stormie Omartian. Childcare provided with registration at

The Secrets of a Contented Life Saturdays, Thru February 4 6 pm Sundays, Thru February 5 8:30, 9:50 and 11:00 am

11 am After Awakening Sunday Morning Group Led by Judith Bone - A291 Join us as we explore Three Simple Questions: “Who is God?” “Who am I?” “Who are we together?” We are unique in our gifts, talents and life circumstances, so our answers may vary, but our sense of community will deepen as share together.

Step Up to Give You stepped up to give a total of $2,574.14 to our January Communion Offering which benefited Room in the Inn . The February Communion Offering (February 4/5) will benefit Faith Family Medical Clinic and Siloam Family Medical Clinic. These local clinics provide healthcare for the working poor and the uninsured. Perhaps you’d like to consider giving up a little luxury like your daily mocha latte or a weekly lunch out and save that money to give towards the communion offering each month. If everyone steps up a little bit, we’ll take a giant step together!

students 7th - 12th Grades

Sunday, January 29 9:45 am 7th-8th Sunday School – Jr. Hi R 9:45 am 9th-12th (Youth Disciple, Topical Discussion, Sunday School, or Teachers in Children’s Ministry) 11:00 am Summer trips meeting, Tabernacle 7th-9th Grade 5-6:40 Snack Supper, Worship, Small Groups 6:45-7:45 Jubilation Choir 10th-12th Grade 5-6:10 Sonshine Choir 6:20-8:00 Worship, Snack Supper, Small Groups Monday, January 30 6:45 am Manfest w/Travis @Dimple’s Deli 3:30 pm volunteer at Harvest Hands meet at BUMC Tuesday, January 31 6:30 am Tuesday Breakfast Club w/Lindsay @ Brueggers 4-5 pm Hangtime w/Nellie @BUMC 6 pm Meet at BUMC to go to Odyssey Game Night Wednesday, February 1 3:30 pm 61st Ave Tutoring 6:30 pm Youth Ministry Teams & Bible Studies Summer 2012 Trips & Tours Info Meeting Sunday, January 29 at 11 am, Tabernacle, for Youth & Parents. • Middle School Mission Trip Atlanta, GA Area July 15 – 20 (7th-8th) • Camp Barnabas Purdy, MO June 8 – 15 (9th-12th) • High School Mission Trip Bahamas June 17 – 23 (9th-12th) • Jubilation Choir Tour North & South Carolina June 4-8, (7th-9th) • Sonshine Choir Tour Chicago, IL July 13-21 (10th-12th) Youth Super Bowl Party Sunday, February 5 Youth Confirmation Begins Wed. February 8

Pick Up Your Member Directory! Directories available at the front desk in the main lobby (M-F, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm). Any individual or family whose photo is in the directory receives one directory. A limited number of directories will be offered for sale at $10 each. Check or exact change only.

Step Up to Connect (Continued from page 1) LAST CHANCE! Experience Financial Peace in 7 weeks - FInancial Peace University Sunday Evenings, January 22 – March 11, 5:30-8:00 pm $85 per family unit/kit. FREE for those who already own the materials! Register at Childcare available by registration. For partial scholarships, contact Rev. Kaye Harvey at Introducing COAP . . . Crucial Conversations for Children of Aging Parents Join us for an empowering 5 week series! Wednesday, February 29 through March 28; 6:00-7:30 pm in Room A 392 Featuring speakers and conversation that will provide us with support and resources for the challenges of aging. Questions? Call Sheryl Davis at 615-351-8145. JoySound Orchestra of BUMC Sundays, 4:00 - 4:45 pm, Room B163 Come join in fun, fellowship and the joy of playing music of the church with BUMC’s newly formed Orchestra JoySound. Open to youth and adults. Bring your instruments. No audition required. Contact: Patsy Wade Share the Spirt Bake Sale & Auction Sunday, February 5 - Bake Sale to benefit Youth Choir Tours & Mission Trips (9:30 - 12:30) Saturday, February 25 - Auction (4:30 - 8:00) Sunday, February 26 - Encore concert presentation (noon - 1 pm) Ticket sales each Sunday in February for the Annual Share the Spirit Auction benefitting youth choir tours and mission trips. Invite your friends! Items for auction can be donated by contacting Cynthia Armstrong at 294-8116 or Anetha Grant at 373-5498. Financial donations are encouraged with checks to BUMC noting Share the Spirit. PEP Club (for persons 55+) Tuesday, February 14, 6:30 pm, Haney Hall All persons 55+ are invited for a covered dish dinner follwed by a program by Geno Haffner, Pianist Extraordinaire. Singles Book Club Tuesday, February 14, 6:30 - 8:00 pm, Singles Space The February book selection is “The Tiger’s Wife” by Tea Obreht. Coffe and dessert will be provided. Start reading and join the discussion! Singles Super Bowl Party Sunday, February 5, 4:30 - 9:00 pm, Singles Space Cost: $3 (and a taco ingredient) All Singles come enjoy a night full of football, fellowship, food (tacos dinner) and fun! Register online at Father-Daughter Dance for K - 5th Graders Friday, February 10 6:30— 8:30 in the Brentwood UMC Family Life Center A special evening for fathers and daughters and young girls and their special man. Cost is $25 per family and includes a Valentine photo and snacks. For more information contact Mike Davis at or 351-9722. Singles Game Nights Fridays, through February 24, 6:30-9:00 pm, Singles Space Cost: $4. All Singles come enjoy a night full of fellowship and fun! These events will have a potluck dinner and benefit Fisher House. Register online at Bridge for Beginners Class (10 weeks) Fridays, beginning January 27, 6:30-9:00 pm, Singles Space Cost: $85/10wks. A great local bridge teacher will be conducting the class for beginners. Mail or drop by a check to reserve your spot. Reservations required.

Step Up to Serve


Honduras Medical Mission Team is gearing up for their spring trip to aid our friends at Hands of Christ in Tegucigalpa. We have big plans for Honduras this year with this trip being the first step in our journey. Doctors, nurses, PTs, and lay people with good hearts needed for a mid-April life-changing experience. Contact Mike Dennison at 615-221-9855. Costa Rica Mission Adventure - June 16-24 BUMC will be taking its second trip to Costa Rica this summer. The week’s main focus will be working with churches in Puerto Viejo, near San Jose. We will be doing repair work and hosting Vacation Bible Schools each day. Trip is open to individuals and families with children 12 and older. Contact Rob Huckaby for information at Deadline for registration is February 15. Barnabas Friends Remember when you were in college, far away from home and you would get a special card in the mail? If you have a desire to serve and have a passion for making a difference in the life of a student, we need YOU! Barnabas Friends is a ministry to reach out to, pray for, and send encouragement to our college students once a month from October-May. To “adopt” one of our college student(s) for the year or to have a student receive notes contact Rachael Royster Melton at roystermelton@yahoo. com. We are also looking for a Barnabas Friends Coordinator to oversee this program.

who to contact Adult Studies/Small Grps Judith Bone, 324-7258 Caring Ministry Kaye Harvey, 373-3663

Pre-school Worship at all three worship services. Nursery 8am to 12pm for infants - 3 years. H.I.G.H.W.A.Y. 56 5th & 6th Grades Sunday, January 29

MILEAGE Sundays, 6 - 7 pm, Haney Hall, for 5th & 6th graders not in Confirmation

Sponsor a Child at Thembelihle Pre-Primary & Primary School in Howick, South Africa School began on January 10, 2012 at this private Christian school that BUMC helped to provide, and sponsors are needed so that children will have the opportunity to attend school. The sponsorship fee for 2012 is $400. You may choose your child and receive a photo and info about the child. You will have the opportunity to have a relationship with your child throughout the year. For more info or to sponsor a child, contact Juanita Hobbs at or 324-7222.

After-school mentors needed for the Second Semester. Volunteers are needed to work with our K-4th and 5th-12th grade programs. It is a once a week commitment and consists of building loving relationships with our students, assisting in educational activities, and helping students with homework. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Abby Buter at or 615-499-4963.

Sunday School 9:45 & 11 am Preschool - 6th Grade

Confirmation 2012 5 - 7 pm

61st Ave UMC After School Program Needs Mentors Mentors are needed on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 - 5:30 pm. If interested, contact Nita Haywood, Program Director, at 292-7184 or

Harvest Hands is a catalyst for Christ-centered, wholistic community development working alongside our neighbors to further healthy living, education, spiritual formation and economic development in South Nashville.

Sunday, January 29

Sunday School Morning Assembly and Praise, 9:45 am. Gym

Bethlehem Centers of Nashville Need “Mobile Meals” Drivers Volunteer drivers are currently needed to deliver hot lunches Monday - Friday. Deliveries take 40 min. to an hour to complete and the lunches can be picked up between 10:30 and 11:45AM. This is a great opportunity for stay-at-home moms with children, retired folks, and for people who work in downtown Nashville. The program is designed to be able to completed on a person’s lunch hour. If interested or for more info, contact Brooke Bell at Bethlehem Centers at 329-3386 or

harvest hands (

Infants - 6th Grade

Alleluia Choir Meets Sundays, February 12 through March 18, 7:00 - 7:45 pm.

Acolyte Training for 5th and 6th Grades February 8 6:15-7:30 p.m. Sanctuary Narthex. This training is for those interested in becoming an acolyte and for any acolytes who would like a refresher course on the procedures. To attend contact Mary Anne, 324-7251 or

Children’s Ministry Ellen Garrett, 577-7261

Single Adult Ministry Shebbie Shields, 324-7240

To Get Connected Jeff Wilson, 324-8208

Mission & Outreach Juanita Hobbs, 324-7222

Student Ministry Travis Garner, 324-7229

Worship & Music Shannon Garrett, 577-7267


United Methodist Church

309 Franklin Road Brentwood, Tn 37027 615-373-3663

Sunday Morning 8:30 am Worship 9:45 am Classes for Children, Students, and Adults 9:50 am Worship 11:00 am Worship 11:00 am Classes for Children, Students, and Adults

Saturday Evening 6:00 pm Worship

Tuesday Morning 6:30 am Prayer in the Sanctuary

Trinity Church Spring Hill Campus meets at Spring Hill High School Sundays 10:00 am Worship

worship Attendance January 21/22 Weekend Total 2,561

For information on giving visit the website at

Congregational care and caring ministries resources

Adoption Support & Orphan Ministry Contact: Charlene Leonard, 221-4041

hospital visitation at bumc

Domestic Abuse Contact: Caroline Beavers, 371-2550.

The Pastoral Staff of BUMC visits area hospitals on a regular and rotating basis. Hospitals do not inform the church when its members are admitted. Please let the church know if you (or a family member) are hospitalized by contacting Julie Donley,, 615-324-7254.

Emergency Financial & Food Assistance Contact: Juanita Hobbs, 324-7222,


Cancer Support: Partners in Hope Contact: Jeanetta Fargo, 435-3716

Encouragement Cards: GraceNotes Contact: Rachael Melton, Financial Coaching (Trained Mentors) Contact: Rev. Kaye Harvey, Home-centered Visitation Contact: Rev. Erin Racine, Home Health Product Assistance Contact: Scottish Rite, 259-3434 Home Repairs: Handy Man Ministry Contact: 373-3690, x398, Infertility Support Contact: Gretchen Voyles, Memory Loss Caregiver Respite: Sunny Day Club Contact: Katie Anderson, 370-9467 Short-term Meal Assistance: Fishes & Loaves Contact: Katy Pat Clark, 218-7934, Spiritual Counseling with Pastors Contact: Julie Donley, 324-7254, or Carla Barrios, 373-3663 x252,

Are You Experiencing a “Winter” in Your Life? Stephen Ministers Can Help! If you are going through a difficult time, a Stephen Minister can bring God’s warm love back into your life through their one on one care. Call Sheryl at 373-3690 ext. 394 or Rev. Kaye Harvey at 373-3663.

AA Groups 1 pm, Monday-Sunday, BH 102 9 am, Monday (For Women Only), BH102 8:30 am, Tuesday & Thursday, BH102 7 pm, Tuesday & Thursday, BH201 7 pm, Friday (For Men Only), BH 101 11:30 am, Mon, Wed, Fri, BH102 7 pm, Sunday, BH201 Eating Disorders Anonymous Sundays, 4 pm, Buchanan House 102 Contact: Courtney Muse, 594-8552 ADHD Adult; Spouse Workshops Contact: Terry Huff, 627-4191 Alzheimer’s Contact: Barbara Jones, 373-1941 or Ruth Randolph, 385-2323 Career Transitions Each Monday, 6:30 pm - Haney Hall Contact: Hal Hassall, 972-5119 CODA (CoDependency) Contact: Herberta Grissom, 347-4900, Divorce Recovery Contact: Shebbie Shields, 324-7240 Grief Support Contact: Alive Hospice, 963-4732. Loss (Widows, Divorced Women) Contact: Herberta Grissom, 347-4900, MS Self Help Contact: Sandie Mountz, 376-5395.

Brentwood United Methodist Church Counseling Center offers services to children, youth & families. Call 376-5910. It is home to experts in helping families and individuals resolve real life problems.

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