January 4 - 10, 2015
A publication of Brentwood United Methodist Church
“Centered,” a Sermon Series by Dr. Davis Chappell, Begins January 3/4 The new year is a time of new beginnings, new possibilities and new resolutions. Resolutions however, are often short-lived. Refocusing our lives requires more than desire. It requires discipline. It begins not with what we do, but with what we think. Belief guides behavior. Our confession becomes our conduct. In his new sermon series “Centered,” Dr. Davis Chappell will lead us through a study of Colossians. This letter was written by an apostle of the Church to help disciples of Christ remain centered in Him. In the busyness and confusion of our lives, it’s easy to get off-center. Join us as we seek to center our lives in the grace of God in Christ. As we rediscover our center, God will enable us to increase our witness!
A Group to Journey With! Sunday, January 4: Adult Ministry Sampler, 9:30 & 11:00 am Come to the Parlor (directly below the Sanctuary) for a preview of all the adult Sunday morning classes, small groups and other studies available.
Sunday, January 11: Adult Small Group Launch, 9:30 & 11:00 am Come to the Parlor to meet our leaders, learn more about groups, and connect with a group of your choosing.
Join a New Adult Study For more details on the following studies, see page 3 or visit Register The 7 Experiment [Ladies Group] Led by Lou Anne Jacobs Begins Wednesday, January 7 @ 9:30am [12 - 14 weeks] Christian Believer: Knowing God with Heart and Mind Begins Sunday, January 11 @ 6:30 pm; Led by Lonnie Liston Covenant Bible Study: Creating [Ladies Group] Begins Tuesday, January 13 @ 9:30am [8 weeks] Led by Judith Bone
New Campus Planned for Lenox Village/Nolensville
Register at startingpoint or contact Classes on how to become more active in the congregational life of BUMC begin tonight, but you still have time to register – or just come to class in Room 389 tonight at 5 pm. The session continues every Sunday through the end of the month and covers everything from beliefs to vision to membership. Childcare is available.
Sunday & Wednesday Activities Sunday activities (5th-12th grades) begin January 11 Wednesday activities (4 years-12th grades) begin January 14
We are excited to announce that we are planting a new campus, The Village, in the Entreat Lenox Village/Nolensville area. Travis GarResumes ner, our Pastor of Discipleship and Missions, Sunday, will be the Lead Pastor of The Village. We are January 11 currently forming a launch team of people who feel called to join in this work. The Village is set to launch Held the 2nd and 4th Sundays @ 6:30 pm in the Chapel weekly worship in January 2016. Visit or email Travis directly Are you experiencing loss, grief, illness, addiction or any of life’s hurts and struggles? Join us for Entreat, a communiat ty of restoration and recovery that meets for worship and prayer. Visit