welcome make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
hurch ed Methodist C wood Unit t n e r B f o lication - a pub
July 12-18, 2015
Starting Point Class Begins July 12 Sundays, July 12, 19 and 26 from 5:00 - 6:30 pm, A291 Is this you? You’re new to Brentwood and want to learn more about BUMC. You regularly attend services at BUMC and are considering membership. You’re a new member and you want to become more active. If any of these describe you, register now for Starting Point. Register at bumc.net/startingpoint or contact jbumgarner@bumc.net with questions. Entreat – A community of hope and restoration Sunday, July 12, 6:30 pm, Chapel, (meets 2nd & 4th Sundays) Come experience God’s grace and mercy in a worshiping community that is honest about life’s messiness, and seeks recovery from life’s addictions and hurts. Each gathering includes music, prayer and an invited speaker who will share his or her story of hope and restoration. Sonshine Homecoming Concert Sunday, July 19, 7:00 pm, Sanctuary Please keep our Sonshine Choir in your prayers this week. They left July 10 for their tour to Denver, CO and will return July 18. While they are there they are singing in churches, retirement and long-term care communities as well as youth and detention centers. On Sunday, July 19, the choir will present a Home Concert to share their experience with our church family and friends. This is one of the worship highlights of the summer at BUMC. Don’t miss it! Human Development Initiative: Christmas in July Our goal is to supply 1,000 students in the Greater Nashville Area with necessary back-to-school items during the month of July. Stop by one of the trees in the Narthex today and pick up a tag with the coordinating shopping list to support our local children and youth. Supplies should be returned by August 2 to the bins at the designated Christmas in July tables. On August 2, we will host a packing party with our 5th & 6th grade students in BUMC 56 and dedicate the backpacks during our worship services. 2nd Annual Refresh Worship Concert Sunday, July 26, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm, Crockett Park, Brentwood Bring your family to enjoy a free Christian worship concert in Crockett Park. Among the many artists leading worship will be our own Christen Cole, Dana Gary, and BUMC choirs. You can help us promote REFRESH by stopping by the narthex today to pick up a poster to display in a local business or workplace. And stop by to sign up to volunteer, too!
Sponsors and Volunteers Needed for LeVonzell Taylor Memorial Tournament Harvest Hands will be hosting a basketball tournament on Saturday, August 1 and Sunday, August 2 in memory of one of their high school students who passed away unexpectedly this year. Needs include: • Sponsors individuals, families, Sunday School classes or businesses to sponsor a team for $400; 16 teams; sponsorships can be mailed to 424 Humphreys St., 37203 • Volunteers concession stand, registration, manning the doors and running the clock during the tournament. Contact Mitchell Singer at mitchell@harvesthandscdc.com • Donations water, Gatorade and snacks for concession stand
Pot-luck Salad Supper for BUMC Women Monday, July 13, 6:30 pm, Singles Area Sponsored by Brentwood United Methodist Women. Please bring a fresh summer dish and join us for a time of great food and fellowship. Drinks and dessert will be provided. Allison Gossett, our new Pastor of Neighborhood Ministries, will share her story and her vision for her work at BUMC. An offering will be taken to support the summer programs for children and youth at Harvest Hands. Questions? Contact Joni Perrine at 268-1885.
2015-2016 Children’s Sunday School Registration In order to make Children’s Sunday School welcoming and organized for everyone, we will be opening registration for Sunday School for the 2015-2016 school year for both members and visitors. We appreciate your help by registering this summer before Promotion Sunday on August 16. Registration is required for 3 year olds (by 8/15/2015) beginning Sunday School and highly recommended for all other ages. Visit www.bumc.net/register to register your family online, or pick up a card in Sunday School classes.
Positions open at BUMC See bumc.net/employment for details and application; for questions, email hr@bumc.net • Administrative Assistant to the Pastor of Discipleship (part-time) • Youth Café Coordinator (part-time) • Middle School Youth Minister (full-time) • Director of Preschool Ministry (full-time) • Media Associate (full-time)
‘Mission Here’ (8th-12th grades) Last opportunity of the summer! Serve with the Barefoot Republic Day Camp hosted at BUMC. Open to current 8th-12th grade. Find the application at www.bumc.net/summer July 20-24: Barefoot Republic Day Camp at BUMC (8th-12th grade) Must apply to attend. 8 am - 5 pm
Student Summer Meet-Me-Ats (7th-12th grades) There are several weekly opportunities for youth throughout the summer like 7-9 pm Monday bowling, 9:30-10:30 am Tuesday Chick-fil-a Devotional, 12 pm Wednesday lunches, 6-9 pm Wednesday Girls Night. Check social media and www.bumc.net/summer for more info!
Things for Kids this Summer Register at www.bumc.net/Camps Barefoot Republic (rising K-6th): July 20-24
Bridge Retreat 2015 for 4th, 5th & 6th Graders July 30 – August 2 Rising 5th, 6th, and 7th graders are invited to the Bridge Retreat 2015 for fun, fellowship, and worship as we transition students into and out of BUMC 56. Visit bumc.net/bumc56 to register!
If you are considering being a part of one of our teams, contact Rebekah at rscott@bumc.net.
Jeff’s Foot Notes
Rev. Dr. Jeff Wilson … or just “Jeff” as we know him … shares his thoughts (primarily with those who are “65 and Better” in mind) in an email which he sends to a list of subscribers each week. If you’d like to receive his weekly musings, send your name and email address to jwilson@bumc.net.
Volunteers Needed: Camera Operators
Volunteer Camera Operators are needed to help record Sunday morning worship services on a rotating basis. The schedule is flexible and based on the volunteer’s availability. Please contact Jeff Wood, BUMC Production Director, at jwood@ bumc.net if you are interested.
Singles Yoga
This free class is held every Tuesday at 6-7:15pm in The Singles Space. Donations to Fisher House accepted.
Support Groups
Our ministry partner in South Nashville
Field Trip Sponsorships Needed
Summer is here and we take all of our students on a field trip each week. $100 sponsorships are requested to help cover those costs. Checks can be sent to Harvest Hands CDC, 424 Humphreys St., Nashville, TN 37203.
Snacks and Juice Boxes Needed
Individuals, families & Sunday School classes are needed to donate snacks and juice boxes for our Summer Program. Snacks: fruit snacks, granola bars, goldfish, teddy grahams, peanut butter crackers and 100 calorie packs. Juice boxes must be 100% juice. Snack sponsorships of $100 are also welcome. Donations are needed on an ongoing basis. Contact Alissa at 615-499-4963 or alissa@harvesthandscdc.com or to donate.
There are a wide range of support and encouragement groups such as grief, career transitions, addictions, dementia & Alzheimer’s, cancer support, divorce and others. Bumc.net/FindSupport hotline: 615-577-4881, www.bumc.net/StephenMinistry