BEAM - June 17 Issue

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Step Up! 2012 is our year-long emphasis of five core practices that lead to a stronger faith and a more vibrant church. These pactices include: worship, connect, invite, serve and give.

worship connect invite serve give



the BEAM

June 17 - 23, 2012 A Weekly Newsletter of Brentwood United Methodist Church Growing Disciples of Christ Who Know Him, Love Him, and Serve Him

Readings for June 18-22: I Corinthians 2-6 bumc345

Step Up to Worship God Daily and Weekly Pray the Lord’s Prayer Daily At Noon This summer, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, pause a moment at noon and pray the Lord’s prayer, knowing that your church family is praying along with you.

Step Up to Connect to a group for Christian growth and support New Opportunities for College Students • College Sunday School for college students and 2012 graduates at 9:45 a.m., Room A191 • Summer Groups – Wednesdays from 5:45-7 pm in the Buchanan House. (Optional worship opportunity after.) through August 1. If you’re home for the summer, come with your stories and questions and we’ll continue to explore how God is at work no matter what we face. Facilitated by Eric Burton-Krieger, Walking with God at Granny White Park Wednesdays, 6:00 pm, Granny White Park We will have a short devotion, prayer, and exercise together before walking the trail. You may want to bring a picnic with you and make it an evening for your family and friends. Everyone is invited to attend! Curious About Disciple Bible Study? This 34-week intensive Bible study has changed hundreds of lives in our congregation. Come to an information session on Sunday morning, July 22 at 8:30 or 11:00 am, Room A291.

Step Up to Invite and welcome others Nexus Chamber Concert Sunday, June 17 - 4:00 pm - Chapel The Athena Trio, comprised of violinist Kristina Siemer, pianist Rachel DeVore Forgarty & cellist Lindsey Smith-Trosle, the Athena performs everything from original compositions, tangos, international music & popular/film music to different genres such as hip hop and brings them all into the piano trio format. Chancel Choir Patriotic Concert Sunday, June 24- 7:00 pm, Sanctuary BUMC’s Chancel Choir presents a Salute to America. Join us for an inspirational evening of music dedicated to our country. All proceeds will benefit the Wounded Warrior Project.

Step Up to Serve in the church and/or community Goodie Bags for Sonshine Choir Members It has been a tradition of our church to support our Sonshine Choir while on tour by preparing a goodie bag for each choir member, youth staff member or chaperone and pledging to pray for them during tour. Goodie bags to fill will be available in the breezeways on Sunday mornings of June 17th and June 24th. Deadline for returning the filled bags is July 6th. Contact Rosanne Schenck at 324-7251 or

students 7th - 12th Grades

Sunday, June 17 4:30 am Bahamas High School Mission Team meet at airport 9:45 am Summer Sunday School Middle – JrHi Rm High - Taberacle College - Green Room 11:00 am Girls Summer Book Club with Elizabeth, Youth Prayer Chapel Monday, June 18 9:30 am Meet Elizabeth at Chick-fil-a for breakfast & devo 8-10 pm Meet Zack at Pla-Mor Lanes, $9 for shoes and bowling Tuesday, June 19 6 pm Meet at BUMC to go to Odyssey Game Night Wednesday, June 20 6:00 pm Bible Studies 7:00 pm Intermission Thursday, June 21 4:00 pm Granny White Park Thursdays with Neal & Zack Serve With Us This Summer helping with BUMC’s VBS Sign up on the Facebook Event or contact Marjorie Stephenson at Marjorie.Stephenson@ VBS Youth Lunches Meet Christen in the Café at 12:00 everyday after VBS to walk across the street and eat lunch together (don’t forget money) Bahamas Mission Team will be serving with the Bahamas Methodist Habitat June 17-23, please keep them in your prayers. Wii Game Night Friday, July 6, 7 - 9 pm Water Blitz Family Mission Opportunity Saturday, July 7 at 10 am, bring your cooler and families will be sent to swarm parks, street corners, and shelters delivering cold water to people!

Serve Others and Get Paid, Too! Would you like to be an administrative ministry partner in our thriving single adult ministry? 20 hours a week, computer skills and organizational skills a must. For position details go to Questions and resumes to Deltina Storey, Art in the Breezeway Midge Simpson, BUMC member, has a show of 16 of her original watercolor and oil paintings in the ‘Art Hall’ – located in the breezeway between the sanctuary narthex and the chapel narthex. Enjoy this exhibition which will be up until the end of June.

Step Up to Connect Single Adult Offerings Visit for full details or contact Shebbie Shields at 324-7240. Singles Parenting Class: Preteens & teens, July 8; Young Children, July 11 Single Adult Book Club July 10 - A Dose of Reality by Heidi Hall, 6:30 pm Singles Yoga Tuesdays, 6:00 - 7:15 pm, Cost: $5, Singles Space, donation goes to Fisher House. “Polishing Your Basics” Bridge, Friday evenings, thru June 22, Cost: $70 Tai Chi for Arthritis Thursdays, 2-3 pm, Room A393 Due to popular demand, the class will continue on an on-going basis. Taught by a certified instructor, the cost is $5 per class. Drop in and check it out! United Methodist Women Picnic Monday, July 9, 6 pm, Granny White Park All women of the church are welcome to this pot-luck event. Drinks, plates, silverware are furnished by UMW. Questions: Pat Flemming, 516-7185 or Susan Mattson, 397-8533. Check out these great books for your “Step Up to Summer” reading! - books are available for purchase in the Outpost. Save the Date: Teacher Summit – August 5 If you are a leader, teacher or facilitator of any group for children, youth or adults, you do not want to miss this inspiring event designed just for you. Look for details in the coming weeks. Questions: Leslie Hotzfeld,

Step Up to Serve Volunteer Ushers Needed for Organ Concerts Friday, July 6, 1:45 pm & 3:30 pm Six ushers needed for 45 minutes before each identical concert. The concerts are part of the American Guild of Organists’ national convention, and are not open to the public. Serving as an usher is your chance to hear virtuoso organist Jane Parker-Smith from England make our organ pipes talk! Contact Gregg Bunn,, 324-7249. Barnabas Friends 2012 - Adult Volunteers Needed! Help us keep our college students connected to our church while they’re away. BUMC’s college ministry, Barnabas Friends, is looking for volunteers to adopt a college student and send them encouraging notes and prayers throughout the school year. Contact Heather Dubuque for more information - 615-300-7893 or Is God Calling to Feed Those Who Are Hungry? Then join our Fish and Loaves Team. Members of this team provide temporary (2-4 weeks, 3-4 meals per week) meal assistance to church members, their families, and friends who are unable to prepare healthy meals for their households due to crisis. To become part of this grace-filled ministry, contact Katie Winstead at

Step Up to Serve

children Infants - 6th Grade

Get your BUMC mission T-shirt! If you are participating in a missions/outreach opportunity through the church, we would love for you to buy one of our new missions shirts which say on the back “The Church Has Left the Building!” The shirts are $6. Contact City-Wide Water Bottle Blitz - July 7 We’ll be organizing families to swarm parks, street corners, outside shelters, and elsewhere throughout the city to give out water to thirsty souls. Helping those around us to beat the heat while spreading the word of Christ. Meet at the Church July 7, 10 am. School Supplies for the Sonshine Choir Missions Project @ New Field School Your help and generosity is needed to aid the Sonshine Choir gather school supplies as they spread God’s love and word to the broken in Chicago. This year they will help with an inner city church’s VBS and would like to also help with supplying school supplies for the children in this impoverished area for this upcoming year. They are in need of specific supplies: copy paper, crayons (24 ct.), markers (10-12 ct.), glue sticks, scissors, composition journals (wide-ruled), folders- blue, red and green, Kleenex boxes and #2 pencils. Please, bring donations to the bins located in the Chapel Narthex. Honduras Medical Mission Trip - September 1-8 Doctors, RNs, NPs, LPNs, and PTs with good hearts needed for treating women and children in need. For more information contact Mike Dennison at 615-324-7222 or Nashville Rescue Mission Sock & Underwear Drive Nashville Rescue Mission helps hurting people in Middle Tennessee by offering food, clothing, and shelter to the homeless and recovery programs to those enslaved by lifedegrading problems. They are currently in a desperate need of socks and underwear. Donations may be brought to the collection bins in the Chapel Narthex.

harvest hands ( Harvest Hands is a catalyst for Christ-centered, wholistic community development working alongside our neighbors to further healthy living, education, spiritual formation and economic development in South Nashville Bus Driver Needed to drive a 15 passenger bus to transport elementary-age students on our summer field trips. Once a week commitment on Fridays for the months of June and July, 12:30-5:30pm. Driver will be required to take a driving test. This is an immediate need. Contact Courtney Hicks at 499-4963 or Summer Elementary & Youth Program Needs Volunteers: once a week, June and July, 1-5 pm, Mon-Fri. Donations: sleeping bags, tents, sleeping mats, head lamps, etc. to use for our youth camping trips. Sponsorships: $100 to buy books for the youth program are also needed. If interested in these opportunities please contact Abby Buter at 615-499-4963 or

who to contact Adult Studies/Small Grps Judith Bone, 324-7258 Caring Ministry Kaye Harvey, 373-3663

Sunday, June 17 Sunday School 9:45 am Preschool - 6th Grade Pre-school Worship at all three worship services. Nursery 8am to 12pm for infants - 3 years.

H.I.G.H.W.A.Y. 56 5th & 6th Grades Sunday, June 17 Sunday School Meet in the GYM 9:45 am

HWY 56 Summer Activities Check out highway56 or contact Maggie Jarrell at for more information! July 12 5th Grade Movie Night; 5:30 pm bring your own dinner and we’ll provide the popcorn. Pick up in the gym at 8 pm. July 19 A Day at the Zoo Meet at the church at 9am and pick up at the church at 1pm. Bring $20 for ticket and lunch July 26-29 Bridge Weekend Retreat Registration now open online

Children’s Ministry Ellen Garrett, 577-7261

Single Adult Ministry Shebbie Shields, 324-7240

To Get Connected Jeff Wilson, 324-8208

Mission & Outreach Mike Dennison, 324-7222,

Student Ministry Travis Garner, 324-7229

Worship & Music Shannon Garrett, 577-7267


United Methodist Church

309 Franklin Road Brentwood, Tn 37027 615-373-3663

Saturday Evening 6:00 pm Casual Traditional Worship in the Chapel Sunday Morning 8:30 am Traditional/Blended Worship with Youth Choir 9:45 am Classes for Children, Students, and Adults 9:50 am Contemporary Worship with Worship Band 11:00 am Traditional Worship with Adult Chancel Choir 11:00 am Classes for Adults Tuesday Morning 6:30 am Prayer (Sanctuary)

trinity church meets at Spring Hill High School Sundays 10:00 am Worship

worship Attendance June 9 & 10, 2012 Weekend Total 1,986 For information on giving visit the website at

Congregational care and caring ministries resources

Adoption Support & Orphan Ministry Contact: Vanessa Bonner, 832-5343 Cancer Support: Partners in Hope Contact: Jeanetta Fargo, 435-3716 Domestic Abuse Contact: Caroline Beavers, 371-2550. Emergency Financial & Food Assistance Contact: Maya Broaden-knighten, 373-3663, ext. 211, Encouragement Cards: GraceNotes Contact: Rachael Melton, Financial Coaching (Trained Mentors) Contact: Rev. Kaye Harvey, Home-centered Visitation Contact: Rev. Erin Racine, Home Health Product Assistance Contact: Scottish Rite, 259-3434 Home Repairs: Handy Man Ministry Contact: 373-3690, x398, Infertility Support Contact: Gretchen Voyles, Memory Loss Caregiver Respite: Sunny Day Club Contact: Katie Anderson, 370-9467 Patient Advocate Ministry Contact: Tammy Hakim, 480-0357 Short-term Meal Assistance: Fishes & Loaves Contact: Katie Winstead Spiritual Counseling with Pastors Contact: Julie Donley, 324-7254, or Carla Barrios, 373-3663 x252, Brentwood United Methodist Church Counseling Center offers services to children, youth & families. It is home to experts in helping families and individuals resolve real life problems.

hospital visitation at bumc The Pastoral Staff of BUMC visits area hospitals on a regular and rotating basis. Hospitals do not inform the church when its members are admitted. Please let the church know if you (or a family member) are hospitalized by contacting Julie Donley,, 615-324-7254.

groups AA Groups 1 pm, Monday-Sunday, BH 102 9 am, Monday (For Women Only), BH102 8:30 am, Tuesday & Thursday, BH102 7 pm, Tuesday & Thursday, BH201 7 pm, Friday (For Men Only), BH 101 11:30 am, Mon, Wed, Fri, BH102 Eating Disorders Anonymous Sundays, 4 pm, Buchanan House 102 Contact: Courtney Muse, 594-8552 ADHD Adult; Spouse Workshops Contact: Terry Huff, 627-4191 Alzheimer’s Contact: Barbara Jones, 373-1941 or Ruth Randolph, 385-2323 Career Transitions Each Monday, 6:30 pm - Haney Hall Contact: Hal Hassall, 972-5119 Divorce Recovery Contact: Shebbie Shields, 324-7240 Grief Support Contact: Alive Hospice, 963-4732. MS Self Help Contact: Sandie Mountz, 376-5395.

Sometimes it’s Hard to Ask for Help . . . We sometimes try to keep our struggles stuffed deep inside but often that doesn’t work so well. Stephen Ministers Can Help! If you are going through a difficult time, a Stephen Minister can bring God’s warm love back into your life through their one on one confidential care. Call Sheryl at 373-3690 ext.394 or Rev. Kaye Harvey at 373-3663.

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