A Weekly Newsletter of Brentwood United Methodist Church
THE BEAM June 23 - 29, 2013
LIVING like Jesus, bringing JOY to God
Like Jesus? Lessons on Living from the Sermon on the Mount June 22/23 – Matthew 7:15-23 – Dr. Jeff Wilson June 29/30 -- Matthew 7:24-29 - Bishop Bob Spain
Have You Table Talked Yet? Feel challenged by something you heard in today’s sermon? Want to talk it over? Check out “Table Talk” questions on the back of today’s worship bulletin. Join the conversation on Facebook (Brentwood United Methodist Church) and Twitter #likeJesusBUMC.
Volunteer to Help with Preschool and Elementary Summer Sunday School Now thru August 4 Contact Beth Lentchner (Elementary) at blentchner@bumc.net or Lori Stamper (Preschool) at lstamper@bumc.net. Welcome to Our New Senior Pastor! Dr. Davis Chappell will begin his appointment at Brentwood United Methodist Church on Monday, July 1, 2013 and will join us in the pulpit on the weekend of July 6/7. Davis and his wife, Sherre, are coming to BUMC from Lawrenceville, GA where Davis has been senior pastor for the last twelve years. Davis is a Nashville native, and received undergraduate degrees from Martin College and Lambuth College; a Masters of Divinity at Candler School of Theology at Emory University and a Doctorate of Divinity from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. He and Sherre are the parents of two grown children: Andrew, a graduate student at Candler School of Theology, and Hailey, a sophomore at Georgia Southern University. Please join us in welcoming the Chappells! Prayer Vigil for New Pastor You are invited to join the Crossroads Sunday School Class in a prayer vigil for our new senior pastor, Davis Chappell, and his wife, Sherre, from 5 pm, June 28 to 5 pm, June 29 in the Memorial Prayer Chapel. The Chapel will be open until 9:00 pm on Friday night and will reopen at 7:30 am on Saturday morning. Meet and Greet Our New Pastor and His Wife You are invited to give a personal welcome to Davis and Sherre Chappell throughout the month of July. Be on the lookout for specific dates and times. Sonshine Choir Tour Goody Bags Today, Sunday, June 23, pick up one or more Goody Bags to fill for students and sponsors going on choir tour to Washington, DC. A table will be set up in the Narthex by the information desk. Please return the filled bags no later than Sunday, July 7 to the lobby reception desk or Julie Morgan in the music department. Contact Beth Younginer, bethyounginer@comcast.net. Downtown Bottled Water Blitz Saturday, June 29 We will once again put on our “Church Has Left the Building” T’s and fan out through the downtown Nashville district handing out water. Meet in the Tabernacle at 9 am, get your location assignment, and head out to quench dry, thirsty mouths, and offer encouraging words to those in need. Bring your smiling faces, transportation, a cooler on wheels (medium/large), and two cases of water. Ice will be provided. Register at www.bumc.net/register.
2012 Bottled Water Blitz Team
Are you a new member? Thinking about BUMC membership? Starting Point, a six-week class beginning Sunday, July 14 at 11:00 am, was designed with you in mind. Jeff Wilson and Eric Burton-Krieger lead the class and will discuss topics like personal discipleship, BUMC’s history and vision, how to plug into the church and more. Register today at bumc.net/register or contact jbumgarner@bumc.net for more information.
STUDENTS 7th - 12th Grades
Sunday, June 23 9:45 am Sunday School 7th - 12th – Tabernacle 11 am VBS volunteer training - Chapel Monday, June 24 8:30-12:00 pm Help with BUMC’s VBS 12 pm Meet interns after VBS volunteering for lunch 8 pm - 10 pm Bowling with Neal at Tusculum Lanes Tuesday, June 25 8:45-12:00 pm Help with BUMC’s VBS 12 pm Meet interns after VBS volunteering for lunch 1 - 3 pm Sr. High Girls Meet Adam for Girly Movie Mayhem –Green Room Wednesday, June 26 8:45-12:00 pm Help with BUMC’s VBS 11:30 am Informal Communion/Prayer Time - Youth Prayer Chapel 12 pm Meet interns after VBS volunteering for lunch 12:30 – 1:30 pm Meet Adam at Wild Wings Cafe for lunch Thursday, June 27 8:45-12:00 pm Help with BUMC’s VBS 12 pm Meet interns after VBS volunteering for lunch Upcoming Dates Sonshine Home Concert Sunday, July 21, 2013 7 pm in the Sanctuary Promotion Sunday August 11 Church-wide “Main Street Festival” August 18 Sunday Evening Activities Begin - August 25
Ways to CONNECT Houston, Texas Youth Choir Performs “Jesus Christ Superstar” Sunday, June 30, 3 pm, Haney Hall The Agape Singers, a 45-member youth choir from the Memorial Drive United Methodist Church in Houston, will perform at several Nashville venues including Bethlehem Center, Brentwood UMC, and Project Transformation. They were here about 4 years ago and did Godspell. Everyone is invited for this classic rock musical exploring the last week of Jesus’ life. Paid Staff Positions Available • Administrative assistant -- 25 – 30 hours per week in the Missions & Outreach department. If you’re searching for a part-time opportunity and have a heart for ministry, please send your resume to dstorey@bumc.net. The job description appears on the website at www.bumc.net/employment. • Nursery worker - must be at least 16 years old; cuddle with babies & explore with toddlers. Please contact Meredith Spencer mspencer@bumc.net or 324-7239 if you’re interested. Summer Book Study: Peace Like a River by Leif Enger (Led by Judith Bone) Tuesdays, June 18 - July 23, 9:30-11:00am Dead for 10 minutes before his father orders him to breathe in the name of the living God, Reuben Land is living proof that the world is full of miracles. This is a novel about faith and family that is, ultimately, miraculous. Register at www.bumc.net/register. Women’s Summer Salad Supper (Hosted by Brentwood United Methodist Women) Monday, July 8, 6 pm, Singles Area off the Parlor Kitchen Bring a friend and a dish to share. Desserts and drinks will be provided. All women invited to come and make some new friends! An offering will be taken for Graceworks Fuel Bag supplies, feeding children in need over the summer months and on weekends. Questions? Call Pat Flemming at 516-7185 or Susan Mattson at 377-3124. Singles In Fellowship: Register at www.bumc.net/register Yoga Tuesdays, 6:00-7:15 pm, Singles Area. All are welcome. Donations encouraged. Salsa Dance Class 2nd & 4th Fridays, 7– 8 pm, Youth Choir Room. Cost: $6 per class. No experience needed! Register online at bumc.net/SocialEvents. Boundaries Class Wednesdays, June 19 – August 14, 6:30-8:00, B152A What are boundaries? Why do I need them? How do I get others, and myself, to recognize and respect the set boundaries? Come find the answers! Divorce Recovery Wednesdays, July 10 – August 14, 6:30 - 8:00 pm, Singles space, Cost $30. Support and encouragement given to those adjusting to change and life after divorce. Are You Ready for Some Tailgating? Sunday, July 7 before the 8:30 and 9:50 worship services Stop by on the lawn area outside the narthex doors for coffee, a morning snack and pre-worship fellowship. Plan to join our tailgating party the first Sunday of every month throughout the Summer and into Fall! Want to help out? Contact Mike at mschenck87@gmail.com. Current 4th, 5th & 6th Grade Bridge Retreat Thursday, July 25 - Sunday, July28 Each summer HWY 56 hosts a retreat as a time of fellowship and fun as well as transition for our 4th and 6th graders. They will go to Nashville Shores, work with a variety of organizations to serve others in our community, and spend the day at Camp Hillmont learning about the idea of Story and how our individual stories are important and part of God’s story. 6th graders will have their own time overnight to bond with each other and with Neal Wilkinson, the Middle School Youth Director. Register at www.bumc.net/register.
Ways to SERVE
Infants - 6th Grade
For more info on all missions call Mike Dennison @324-7222 or Maya Knighten @324-8211. Downtown Bottled Water Blitz This Saturday, June 29 We will once again put on our “Church Has Left the Building” T’s and fan out through the downtown Nashville district handing out water. Meet in the Tabernacle at 9:00 am, get your location assignment, and head out to quench dry, thirsty mouths, and offer encouraging words to those in need. Bring your smiling faces, transportation, a cooler on wheels (medium/large), and two cases of water. Ice will be provided. A great family activity! Sign up at www.bumc.net/register. Christmas in July Coming Soon The BUMC Back Pack and School Supply drive begins the weekend of July 6/7. Stop by the Christmas Trees in the Main Narthex and North Narthex to pick up ornaments and school supply lists for children in need in Williamson County, Harvest Hands, and 61st Street Ministry. Over the past 5 years our BUMC families have provided over 2,500 backpacks and approximately 350,000 school supplies. Our goal this year is providing 500 back packs and supplies. See you at the Tree! Mexico Mission Trip September 13 – 22, 2013 Join BUMC and Belmont UMC to work, worship and learn about GYTTE, www.gytte.org, a vital ministry of the Global Board of the UMC. All talents are needed for this mission trip. Give Ye Them to Eat is an integrated development ministry of the Methodist Church of Mexico. Cost approximately $1600 which includes travel. Register at www.bumc.net/ register. Contact Dwight Armstrong at 661-4514 or dwight_armstrong@bellsouth.net. Harvest Hands (www.harvesthandscdc.com) Snacks and Juice Boxes Needed We are looking for individuals, families, Sunday School classes, and businesses to donate snacks and juice boxes. Juice boxes need to be 100% juice. For a complete snack list and if you are interested in donating snacks and juice boxes please contact Whitney at 615-499-4963 or whitney@harvesthandscdc. com. We also could use $100 snack sponsorships. Sponsorships can be mailed to 424 Humphreys St., 37203. Filing Cabinet Needed We need two, two drawer filing cabinets or one tall four drawer filing cabinet to be donated. The cabinet must lock and would need to be dropped off at the Harvest Hands Office, 1224 Martin St., 37203. Please contact Abby at abby@harvesthandscdc.com or 615-499-4963 if you are able to donate a filing cabinet. Applicances Needed for New Affordable Housing We are looking for NEW or excellent condition dishwasher, stove/range, refrigerator, stackable washer/dryer and an above range microwave for our recently renovated affordable home. Contact Brian Hicks at brian@harvesthandscdc.com or 615-499-4963 if you’re able to donate.
Godly Play Will not meet today. We will resume on Aug. 11 for preschoolers. Vacation Bible School June 24 - 27 Registration is closed. Youth and Adult volunteers needed. Please register by contacting Holly at hfisher@ bumc.net. WE NEED YOU! Volunteers needed for Preschool and Elementary Summer Sunday School. (Now thru August 4). Please contact Beth Lentchner (Elementary) at blentchner@bumc.net or Lori Stamper (Preschool) at lstamper@bumc.net. Promotion Sunday August 11, 2013 This is the time our children move to their new classroom according to their age or grade. Please note: Our new cut-off date for 3’s & Kindergarten will be August 15. H.I.G.H.W.A.Y. 56 5th & 6th Grades
who to contact Adult Studies/Small Grps Judith Bone, 324-7258 jbone@bumc.net Caring Ministry Laura Brantley, 373-3663 lbrantley@bumc.net Children’s Ministry Ellen Garrett, 577-7261 egarrett@bumc.net
Sunday, June 23 Sunday School 9:45 am - Preschool to 4th Grade Nursery 8am to 12pm for infants - 3 years. The Nursery is looking for paid staff (must be at least 16 years old) to cuddle with babies & explore with toddlers. Please contact Meredith Spencer (mspencer@ bumc.net or 324-7239 if you’re interested.
Mission & Outreach Mike Dennison, 324-7222, mdennison@bumc.net Single Adult Ministry Shebbie Shields, 324-7240 sshields@bumc.net Student Ministry AllisonGarner, Fasig, 324-7243 Travis 324-7229 afasig@bumc.net tgarner@bumc.net
To Get Connected Jeff Wilson, 324-8208 jwilson@bumc.net Worship & Music Shannon Garrett, 577-7267 sgarrett@bumc.net Communications Carol Bumbalough, 324-7220 cbumbalough@bumc.net
Sunday, June 23 Sunday School 9:45 am in the GYM 11:00 am - VBS Volunteer Training - Chapel Bridge Retreat July 25-28 for current 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. Register online at bumc. net/register!
309 Franklin Road Brentwood, Tn 37027 615-373-3663 www.bumc.net
WORSHIP Saturday Evening 6:00 pm Casual Traditional Worship in the Chapel Sunday Morning 8:30 am Traditional/Blended Worship with Youth Choir 9:45 am Classes for Children, Students, and Adults 9:50 am Contemporary Worship with Worship Band 11:00 am Traditional Worship with Adult Chancel Choir 11:00 am Classes for Adults
TRINITY CHURCH 3011 Longford Drive Spring Hill, TN 37174 Sundays 10:00 am Worship
Adoption Support & Orphan Ministry Contact: Vanessa Bonner, 832-5343 Cancer Support: Partners in Hope Contact: Jeanetta Fargo, 435-3716 ejaefargo@comcast.net Domestic Abuse Contact: Caroline Beavers, 371-2550. Email Intercessory Prayer Team Contact: Bill Fleenor, bfleenor@comcast.net Emergency Financial & Food Assistance Contact: Maya Broaden-knighten, 373-3663, ext. 211, mbknighten@bumc.net Encouragement Cards: GraceNotes Contact: Beth Frankenberg, bethfrankenberg@me.com Financial Coaching (Trained Mentors) Contact: Rev. Laura Brantley, lbrantley@bumc.net Home-centered Visitation Contact: Rev. Erin Racine, eracine@bumc.net Home Health Product Assistance Contact: Scottish Rite, 259-3434 Home Repairs: Handy Man Ministry Contact: 373-3690, x398, handyman@bumc.net Infertility Support Contact: Gretchen Voyles, gvoyles98@hotmail.com Memory Loss Caregiver Respite: Sunny Day Club Contact: Katie Anderson, 370-9467 Patient Advocate Ministry Contact: Rev. Laura Brantley, lbrantley@bumc.net Short-term Meals: Fishes & Loaves Contact: Katie Winstead katie_winstead@yahoo.com Spiritual Counseling with Pastors Contact: Julie Donley, 324-7254, jdonley@bumc.net or Carla Barrios, 373-3663 x252, cbarrios@bumc.net Brentwood United Methodist Church Counseling Center for children, youth & families. www.bumc.net/counselingcenter It is home to experts in helping families and individuals resolve real life problems.
HOSPITAL VISITATION AT BUMC The Pastoral Staff of BUMC visits area hospitals on a regular and rotating basis. Hospitals do not inform the church when its members are admitted. Please let the church know if you (or a family member) are hospitalized by contacting Julie Donley, jdonley@bumc.net, 615-324-7254.
GROUPS AA Groups 1 pm, Monday-Sunday, BH 102 9 am, Monday (For Women Only), BH102 8:30 am, Tuesday & Thursday, BH102 7 pm, Tuesday & Thursday, BH201 7 pm, Friday (For Men Only), BH 101 11:30 am, Mon, Wed, Fri, BH102 ADHD Adult; Spouse Workshops Contact: Terry Huff, 627-4191 Al-Anon Tuesdays, 7 pm, Buchanan House 102 Alzheimer’s Contact: Barbara Jones, 373-1941 or Sue Dill, 970-8393 Career Transitions Each Monday, 6:30 pm - Haney Hall Contact: Hal Hassall, 972-5119 Divorce Recovery Contact: Shebbie Shields, 324-7240 Eating Disorders Anonymous Sundays, 4 pm, Buchanan House 102 Contact: Courtney Muse, 594-8552 Grief Support Contact: Alive Hospice, 963-4732. MS Self Help Contact: Sandie Mountz, 376-5395.
It’s Okay to Be Human . . . . . . So when you are experiencing difficult times, don’t struggle alone. A Stephen Minister can bring God’s warm love back into your life through their one on one confidential care. Call Sheryl at 373-3690 ext.394 or Rev. Laura Brantley at 373-3663.