welcome make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Methodist Chu ood United w t n e r B f cation o a publi
June 28-July 4, 2015
BUMC Housing Initiative
$120,000 Thank you for the tremendous support for our first build with Habitat for Humanity. We will begin our build with Harvest Hands in the Fall, and we look forward to seeing you there. You will find a Housing Initiative giving envelope in your bulletin today. Please consider how you will help us reach our goal to fully fund our housing projects this year. We are $92,000 towards our goal of $120,000. You may also give online at www.bumc.net/BUMCAccess.
$92,000 raised as of 6/23/15
Sonshine Tour Goody Bags are Due TODAY Sunday, June 28 Our 10th-12th grade Sonshine Choir, accompanied by adult sponsors and music and youth staff, leaves for their tour to Denver on July 10. They begin rehearsals the week of July 5 and their home concert will be Sunday, July 19. Please be in prayer for them as they share God’s love in settings such as retirement homes, special needs facilities and more. “A Salute to America” Concert to Recognize Military Personnel & Veterans Sunday, June 28, 7 pm, Sanctuary, Reception following Patriotic music by the BUMC Chancel Choir and Chamber Choir and the Belmont University Brass. A special voluntary offering will be taken for Tennessee Fisher House Foundation, which provides free housing for families of wounded soldiers and veterans who are hospitalized. BUMC members are requested to bring cookies, brownies, or dessert bars to share at the reception. Please bring pre-cut bars and cookies to the gym between 4:00 and 6:30 pm. www.bumc.net/SaluteToAmerica Entreat – A community of restoration and recovery Sunday, June 28, 6:30 pm, Chapel 2nd & 4th Sundays Come experience God’s grace and mercy in a worshiping community that is honest about life’s messiness, and seeks recovery from life’s addictions and hurts. Each gathering includes music, prayer and an invited speaker who will share his or her story of recovery. Starting Point Class Begins July 12 Sundays, July 12, 19 and 26 from 5:00 - 6:30 pm, A291 Is this you? You’re new to Brentwood and want to learn more about BUMC. You regularly attend services at BUMC and are considering membership. You’re a new member and you want to become more active. If any of these describe you, register now for Starting Point. Register at bumc.net/startingpoint or contact jbumgarner@bumc.net with questions.
Prayer for Student Ministry Hinton Mission Trip Please keep in pray our 50 youth and adults
traveling to North Carolina, June 28 - July 3, to serve with the Methodist Hinton Rural Life Center!
Photographer Present at BUMC on Sunday, June 28 You may notice a photographer taking photos during worship and around the church this weekend. The Communications Department is updating several publications and will be using these photos in print and online to help tell BUMC’s story.
Christmas in July Coming July 5! Beginning next weekend, stop by one of the Christmas trees in the Narthex to pick up an ornament and supply list to purchase school supplies for a child in need in the Middle Tennessee area. Collections will continue through the month of July.
Youth Café Coordinator Position We are still looking for a Café Coordinator. We are also considering splitting our Sunday morning and Sunday evening needs into two positions. We are also in need of volunteers on rotation. If interested, please contact Lindsay Brooks at lbrooks@bumc.net.
‘Mission Here’ (7th-12th grades) Last opportunity of the summer! Serve with the Barefoot Republic Day Camp hosted at BUMC. Open to current 8th-12th grade. Find the application at www.bumc.net/summer July 20-24: Barefoot Republic Day Camp at BUMC (8th-12th grade) Must apply to attend. 8 am - 5 pm
Student Summer Meet-Me-Ats (7th-12th grades) There are several weekly opportunities for youth throughout the summer like 7-9 pm Monday bowling, 9:30-10:30 am Tuesday Chick-fil-a Devotional, 12 pm Wednesday lunches, 6-9 pm Wednesday Girls Night. Check social media and www.bumc.net/summer for more info!
Things for Kids this Summer Register at www.bumc.net/Camps Barefoot Republic (rising K-6th): July 20-24 Camp Cedar Crest (2nd-5th Grade): June 28-July 3 & July 5-12 (BUMC Weeks)
Human Development Initiative: Summer Volunteer Opportunties Harvest Hands has several opportunities to connect with students in that community during their summer programming. GraceWorks is preparing for the coming school year to sort and prepare supplies for students. Visit www.bumc.net/HumanDev.
Singles Support Class Offerings
Check out our remaining 2015 support class offerings www.bumc.net/SinglesCalendar. Questions? Contact us: 615-324-7256 or jtodd@bumc.net.
Bridge Retreat 2015 for 4 , 5 & 6 Graders July 30 – August 2 th
Rising 5th, 6th, and 7th graders are invited to the Bridge Retreat 2015 for fun, fellowship, and worship as we transition students into and out of BUMC 56. Visit bumc.net/bumc56 to register!
2nd Annual Refresh Worship Concert Sunday, July 26, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm , Eddie Arnold Amphitheater, Crockett Park, Brentwood Join us for “Refresh,” a free Christian worship concert at Crockett Park. Worship bands and choirs from Williamson County churches, as well as the spoken word artist Christopher Herbert will come together to lead worship in this contemporary concert. Our goal is to strengthen our bonds and refresh our devotion to Jesus Christ. Donations for Graceworks will be collected.
Support Groups
If you are considering being a part of one of our teams, contact Rebekah at rscott@bumc.net.
Our ministry partner in South Nashville
Field Trip Sponsorships Needed
Summer is here and we take all of our students on a field trip each week. $100 sponsorships are requested to help cover those costs. Checks can be sent to Harvest Hands CDC, 424 Humphreys St., Nashville, TN 37203.
Snacks and Juice Boxes Needed
Individuals, families & Sunday School classes are needed to donate snacks and juice boxes for our Summer Program. Snacks: fruit snacks, granola bars, goldfish, teddy grahams, peanut butter crackers and 100 calorie packs. Juice boxes must be 100% juice. Snack sponsorships of $100 are also welcome. Donations are needed on an ongoing basis. Contact Alissa at 615-499-4963 or alissa@harvesthandscdc.com or to donate.
There are a wide range of support and encouragement groups such as grief, career transitions, addictions, dementia & Alzheimer’s, cancer support, divorce and others. Bumc.net/FindSupport hotline: 615-577-4881, www.bumc.net/StephenMinistry