welcome make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
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June 7 - 13, 2015
BUMC Housing Initiative
Habitat dedication Our first build of 2015 is nearly complete! We will have a dedication on Saturday, June 20th at 4:00 PM at the Ferguson home in Fairview. Come join us to celebrate the completion of our 17th build with Habitat for Humanity. Visit www.bumc.net/housing for more information regarding the dedication. $120,000
It’s not too late to make a donation to our Housing Initiative. Write a check to BUMC with “Housing” in the memo line, or give at bumc.net/BUMCAccess.
$87,000 raised as of 5/28/15
Sunday, June 14 @ 6:30 pm in the Chapel Each gathering includes music, prayer and an invited speaker who will share their story of recovery through God’s grace and mercy. “A Salute to America” Concert to Recognize Military Personnel & Veterans Sunday, June 28, 7 pm, Sanctuary Patriotic music by the BUMC Chancel Choir and Chamber Choir and the Belmont University Brass. A special voluntary offering will be taken for Tennessee Fisher House Foundation, which provides free housing for families of wounded soldiers and veterans who are hospitalized. Reception in the Family Life Center to follow. Please bring pre-cut bars and cookies to the gym between 4 & 6:30 pm. www.bumc.net/SaluteToAmerica. Annual Conference Begins Today! Sunday, June 7 - Wednesday, June 10 Find out what’s happening at www.tnac2015.com Volunteers Needed Help provide hospitality for our guests • Greeters and Guest Services Desk helpers needed during the day and evenings. Contact Leslie Hotzfeld, lhotzfeld@bumc.net, 615-324-7235 if you are available. • Café Breakfast, lunch, and at least one dinner are served to the participants. Sign up at www.bumc.net/summer. • Parking Lot Attendants & Shuttle Drivers Contact Judy Bumgarner, jbumgarner@bumc.net, 615-373-3664.
www.bumc.net 8th Annual Family Fishing Day & Cookout Saturday, June 13, 9 am - 2 pm, Renfro Farm Fishing gear & bait provided. Burgers, hotdogs, chips, cookies & water included. $20 donation per family encouraged. Sponsored by Men’s Ministry. Visit www.bumc.net/PointMen to register.
American Red Cross Blood Drive Sunday, June 14, 7:30-12:30 pm Goal: 40 units of blood. To help reduce the number of deferred donors and reach our goal, increase your intake of iron-rich foods. Visit www.redcrossblood.org to learn more.
Women’s Summer Book Study When I Lay My Isaac Down: Unshakable Faith in Unthinkable Circumstances Tuesdays, June 16-July 7, 9:30-11:00am Led by Judith Bone. Register online at www. bumc.net/register.
Bridge Retreat 2015 for 4 , 5 & 6 Graders July 30 – August 2 th
Rising 5th, 6th, and 7th graders are invited to the Bridge Retreat 2015 for fun, fellowship, and worship as we transition students into and out of BUMC 56. Visit bumc.net/bumc56 to register!
Elevate (Single Adults, 30-50) Sunday, June 28 - Nashville Sounds Faith Night Have fun, serve others, experience the love of Christ and take your life to the next level! Find out more about Elevate at bumc.net/singles.
Singles Support Class Offerings
Check out our remaining 2015 support class offerings www.bumc.net/SinglesCalendar. Questions? Contact us: 615-324-7256 or jtodd@bumc.net.
Singles Game Night!
Make plans to join us Friday night, June 19th, from 6-9pm in the Singles Space for a fun evening of games, fellowship and food. Bring an appetizer or covered-dish to share.
Singles Yoga
Will not meet June 9 due to Annual Conference.
Human Development Initiative: Volunteers Needed to Read with Students We are currently seeking volunteers to read one-on-one with students as a part of Project Transformation with 61st Ave. UMC. We need a total of 12 volunteers each day for June 15-18 and June 22-25. Contact Jackie Shields at docshields@ comcast.net to volunteer. Stop by the table in the Narthex to sign up to serve this summer by tutoring, collecting school supplies and more! For more information, visit www.bumc.net/HumanDev.
Support Groups
‘Mission Here’ (7th-12th grades) There are several free, weeklong opportunities to serve in our own community this summer. June 7-10: Youth Café during Annual Conference June 22-25: BUMC VBS June 22-25: Project Transformation (61st Ave. UMC) July 20-24: Barefoot Republic Day Camp at BUMC (8th-12th grade) More info & registration at bumc.net/summer.
Student Ministry Summer Meet-Me-Ats There are several weekly opportunities for youth starting up this week like Monday night bowling, Tuesday morning Chickfila Devotional, Wednesday lunch. Check www.bucm.net/summer and social media for more info!
College Sunday School Class Are you home this summer on break from college? Join us for fellowship and a discussionbased college gathering at 9:30 am in The Pit (A182) in the Youth Area (through August 9).
Things for Kids this Summer Register at www.bumc.net/Camps Barefoot Republic (rising K-6th): July 20-24 Camp Cedar Crest (2nd-5th Grade): June 28-July 3 & July 5-12 (BUMC Weeks)
Our ministry partner in South Nashville
Field Trip Sponsorships Needed
Summer is right around the corner and we take all of our students on a field trip each week. $100 sponsorships are requested to help cover those costs. Checks can be sent to Harvest Hands CDC, 424 Humphreys St., Nashville, TN 37203.
Paid Position: Youth Café Coordinator Apply to HR@bumc.net. Job description can be found at www.bumc.net/employment.
Photoshop/Camera Buffs We need help with cropping photos, taking photos and/or displaying photos for the Caring Ministry. Amateurs are welcome! Contact Judy at jbumgarner@bumc.net for details.
There are a wide range of support and encouragement groups such as grief, career transitions, addictions, dementia & Alzheimer’s, cancer support, divorce and others. Bumc.net/FindSupport