Weekly Announcements - March 13

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March 13 - 19, 2016 Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

Launching Point www.bumc.net/LaunchingPoint Sunday, March 13, 9:45 am & 11 am, Memorial Chapel Get a snap shot of who we are and what we value here at BUMC, plus learn the next step in becoming more connected to the congregational life of the church. Perfect for recent visitors or for those who are considering church membership. Ongoing sessions meet on the second Sunday of each month at 9:45 and again at 11 in the Memorial Chapel. No registration necessary.

Wednesday Night Lent Experience www.bumc.net/LentExp Wednesdays, thru March 16 LENTEN MEAL: 5:45-6:15 pm, $8/person or $25/family (3/16: Stroud’s) Family Life Center. Register at bumc.net/register by Monday each week. LENTEN STUDY “NEAR THE CROSS”: 6:15-7:15 pm, Led by Rev. Lane Davis (Chapel) No registration - the class is open to all.

Spring Short-Term Studies for Adults www.bumc.net/AdultClasses Registration is open at www.bumc.net/register; childcare available for Wednesday evening class with advance registration. Stop by the table in the Narthex to learn more! “Making Sense of the Bible” by Adam Hamilton

Tuesdays, March 29 - May 10, 6:45 - 8:15 pm; Led by Herschel & Lee French

“The Gospel of John”

Wednesdays, March 30 - May 11, 6:30 - 8:00 pm; Led by Bart & Ally Huddleston.

“Acts: Turning the World Upside Down” Women’s Bible Study Thursdays, March 31 – May 12, 9:00 – 10:30 am; Led by Carol Bumbalough.

Housing Initiative 2016 www.bumc.net/housing We will be building homes in 2016 at 3 locations - Franklin, TN, Columbia, TN, and Jacmel, Haiti. Stop by the table in the Narthex for more information Donations Our goal for 3 builds is $50,000. Give to the Housing Initiative with envelopes found in the pew racks, text to give (text BUMCHousing to 28950 with a dollar amount, ex. BUMCHousing 50), or visit www.bumc.net/MyAccess. Volunteers Our first build is with Habitat for Humanity and the Aguto family in Franklin. Help is needed with building and meals on the following dates: April 2, April 16, May 7, and May 21. HOLY WEEK 2016 www.bumc.net/Lent The Stations of the Cross Sunday, March 20 - Sunday, March 27 (Haney Hall) Sunday, 5 - 8 pm; Monday-Saturday, 8 am - 8 pm; Sunday, 8 am - 1 pm The Stations of the Cross for Children & Families Wednesday, March 23. 4:00 - 6:30 pm (Childcare for ages 4 and under begins at 4:30 pm)

Maundy Thursday Service of Worship & Communion Thursday, March 24, 7 pm (Childcare for 3 and under) Good Friday Tenebrae Service Friday, March 25, 7 pm (Childcare for 3 and under) EASTER WORSHIP - Brentwood Campus Saturday, March 26 6:00 pm Traditional (Sanctuary) Sunday, March 27 Prayer Vigil 6:00 am (Chapel) Sunrise Service 6:30 am (Prayer Garden) Traditional 8:00 am (Sanctuary); 11:00 am (Sanctuary & Chapel) Contemporary 9:30 am (Sanctuary & Family LIfe Center)

Weekly Announcements THRIVE! Singles Impact Retreat Connecting Couples Wednesdays, 6:30 – 7:30 pm, B153B March 17th topic: “Solving Perpetual Problems.” Free weekly classes open to anyone. Led by Dr. John Fite. Contact Rev. Shebbie Shields at sshields@bumc.net.

Boundaries Class Series Wednesdays, March 9 - April 20 6:30 – 8 pm, Rm B152A. 8-week series on how to set and respect boundaries. Register now at bumc.net/register.

Divorce Recovery Wednesday beginning April 27, 6:30 - 8:00 pm Rebuild your life on a solid foundation. Learn tools to communicate, rebuild, and connect. Register online at www.bumc.net/register. Questions? Call Julia at 615-324-7256.

Older Adult Workshop: “Retirement Readiness” Saturday, April 2 @ 9:00 am – 12:30 pm, Haney Hall Cost: $7.50. Register and pay at www.bumc.net/ register. Led by Dr. Jeff Wilson and John Edwards.

Alive Hospice Grief Support March 31-May 19 5:30-7pm at BUMC. 8-week class facilitated by Licensed Clinical Social Workers. Call 615-963-4732 to register and for more information.

Cancer Care Yoga Mondays, 12 noon – 1:00 pm, A393 Specifically for cancer survivors. Focuses on easing the side effects of chemo, radiation, and surgery. No registration and no fee. Led by Certified Cancer Care Yoga instructor, Connie Wyss. Sponsored by BUMC Caring Ministry, Partners in Hope. Contact Jeanetta at jfargo@bumc.net.

Paid Position Available Church Administrator, Trinity Church; part-time 2530 hours per week. Job description and application at bumc.net/employment or email hr@bumc.net.

BUMC Foundation Scholarships High school seniors are now eligible to apply for the BUMC Scholarships offered through the Foundation. Applications are due April 15 and can be found at www.BUMC.net/FoundationScholarship. One of the scholarships may be given to a 2016 college grad who will attend grad school in a helping profession.

April 22-24, Chattanooga, Tennessee www.SinglesImpactRetreat.com Are you marking time or maximizing your life as a single adult? How can you THRIVE, leading a life of completeness, fulfillment and balance? Your life can be AMAZING! Registration is open at SinglesImpactRetreat.com or contact Anita Dutton, anitadutton@gmail.com with questions.

Upcoming Mission Trips

For more information stop by the table in the Narthex or visit www.bumc.net/missiontrips.

Mexico September 9 - 18

This mission trip is designed to immerse participants in the reality of life in rural Mexico as it relates to the issues of hunger, poverty, development and global awareness through education and hands on service of various forms.

Haiti October 6 - 11 A mission trip experiencing the Restore Haiti partner schools and church and engage in relationships with the Haitian workers and volunteers in building projects.

Youth Mission Trips

Contact Tatiana at tliston@bumc.net for information. Register at www.bumc.net/register. Youth Works (7th & 8th) July 17-22 to Atlanta, Georgia Cost: $325-$375 (Adults $300) Epworth Project (9th - 12th) June 19 - 25 to New Orleans, Louisiana Approx. Cost: $400-$450 (Adults $300)

Want to sing with the choir but can’t make a long term commitment? The Chancel Choir welcomes you to be a spring festival singer and join us for any of our three May opportunities. Sunday, May 1: Chancel Choir Spring Concert / Hymn Sing at 7 pm - mission offering taken. Wednesday, May 11: Chancel leads 7 pm Chapel worship at the Nashville Rescue Mission Saturday, May 21: Susie Edwards Memorial Black tie concert at Nashville First Baptist on Broadway. ALL of the music for these concerts can be learned by attending the 5 rehearsals after Easter. Contact James Wells at jwells@bumc.net.

Greeters Needed for Children’s Sunday School

Our ministry partner in South Nashville

We are looking for warm and friendly faces to greet visiting families and help them get acclimated with the Children’s area on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour. It is once a month and training is provided. Contact Megan at meteegarden@bumc.net.

Contact Alissa, alissa@harvesthandscdc.com for more information. Internships college students/recent college graduates Volunteers morning, afternoon & Friday field trips

Easter Lily #1 o In Honor of o In Memory of

Easter Lily #2 o In Honor of o In Memory of

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GIven By Dedicated To



Summer Opportunities

$15 each (deadline is March 20). Place this order form with payment, in the offering plate. You may also order and pay online at www.bumc.net/Lent.

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