Nov 15 Weekly Announcements

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November 15 - 23, 2015 Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World


“Stop Hunger Now” Meal-Packing Party Saturday, November 21 9:00 - 11:00 am (THIS SHIFT IS FULL!) OR 1:00 - 3:00 pm We have openings for the afternoon shift so register now. Volunteers of all ages will pack 100,000 meals in two shifts of two hours each. These meals will be distributed to families and communities devastated by natural disasters and in developing countries across the globe. This is a fun, family-friendly event! Register at

450 volunteers of all ages! Thanks to you, needed we reached our (Childcare provided for children under 4) goal of $29,000!! • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2015 • BUMC FAMILY LIFE CENTER

PM & Us1-3this Worship with Advent Season

225 volunteers 9-11 AM

225 volunteers


.29 = 1 MEAL

$2.90 = 10 MEALS

$29 = 100 MEALS

$29,000 = 100,000 MEALS

Youth Choir Advent Concerts Sunday, November 29, 3:30, 5:00, and 7:00 pm, Narthex Don’t miss this BUMC tradition to begin our Advent season. Over 200 students, grades 6-12, will share the beauty of the season through music.

A DONATION $ MAKE Advent Sermon Series “Anticipation” Every donation counts, big or small, and together we can weekends, November 29 - December reach our goal of $29,000 for 100,000 meals!

• •

Saturdays, 6 pm Sundays, 8:15, 9:45, 11:05 am

20 -- OR -send check payable to Brentwood UMC memo line: Stop Hunger Now

Youth Advent Concerts Questions? Visit or contact Rebekah Scott Harbison, Missions and Outreach11.29 Department, Sunday at at3:30, 5:00, & 7:00 pm Family Advent Festival Saturday 12.05 at 9:30 am, $20/family Music City Bronze Handbell Concert Sunday 12.06 at 4:00 pm David Hampton Christmas Piano Concert Sunday 12.06 at 6:30 pm Children’s Choir Concert Wednesday 12.09 at 6:30 pm Festival of Carols Sunday 12.13 at 6:30 pm Longest Night Service of Healing & Hope Sunday 12.20 at 6:30 pm

CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLES & COMMUNION The Village Lenox Village/Nolensville Campus Sunday 12 .2 0 5 pm, Lenox Village Pavilion Brentwood UMC Brentwood Campus **NEW*** Wednesday 12 .2 3

7 pm Contemporary (Sanctuary)

Thursday 12 .2 4

2 pm Contemporary (Sanctuary) 4 pm Traditional (Sanctuary) 4 pm Traditional (Chapel) 6, 8, & 11 pm Traditional (Sanctuary)

TRINITY CHURCH Spring Hill Campus Thursday 12 .2 4 4 pm*, 6 pm Harvest Hands 424 Humphreys St., Nashville Thursday 12 .2 4 6 pm* Weekend Worship December 26/27 Saturday, December 26 6 pm, Chapel Sunday, December 27 9:00 and 10:30 am NO Sunday school for all ages

* not a candlelight service

Serve Others with Us this Advent Season Alternative Gift Giving Shop November 28 - December 20 AIDS Angel Tree (Breezeway) November 29 - December 14 Harvest Hands Christmas Store December 9 (shopping) • November 21 - December 6 (collection)

Manger of Graceworks December 6 (Manger Sunday for Children) December 17 (BUMC night at the Manger) • November 28 - December 17 (collection) Christmas Food Baskets December 18 (packing) December 19 (delivery) • November 7 - December 13 (donations) 61st Ave Last Minute Toy Store December 18-21

Weekly Announcements Family Advent Festival Marriage Enrichment Classes Each Wednesday Night beginning November 11 6:30 - 8:00 pm, Room 153B off the Parlor Classes led by Dr. John Fite. If your partner cannot attend, please come anyway. Register online at or email Shebbie Shields at Childcare available with registration.

PointMen Events Extrapoint: Thursday, November 19 at 6:30 pm Join us at Murff’s (5015 Harpeth Dr, Brentwood) for football, burgers and fellowship. Winter Retreat: January 15-17, 2016 at Beersheba Springs, $150. OnPoint: Resumes February 4 at 6:30 am.

January Mission Trips Honduras: January 23-30 A medical mission trip South Africa: January 31-February 9 centered around education and development. Apply at MissionTrips.

Saturday, December 5, 9 am – noon; $20/family For children and families of all ages. Register at Contact with questions or to volunteer.

Student Ministry Progressive Dinner (7th-12th)

Sunday, December 6, 4-8 pm Such a fun way to end the semester together with service, fellowship, and lots of food! We start off at BUMC before going to visit a home-centered member in our congregation. Everyone then travels to a home for grade-level appetizers before going to another home for dinner together. We all end up back at BUMC for dessert! Registration is required and available at

The Village Monthly Preview Worship Sunday, December 6, and December 13 10 am at Sunset Middle School, 200 Sunset Trail, Nolensville. We need your help! 1) attend as a show of support, 2) serve on our set-up team, or 3) work in our nursery or children’s area. Find out more at

Launching Point Breakthru Youth Winter Retreat (7th-12th) December 28 -31 An incredible way to Break thru into 2016! It’s filled with worship, teaching, a service project, and lots more! Lots of adult help needed as either small group leaders or behind the scenes support staff. Contact Tatiana at

Love Coffee? Love Serving? The BUMC Cafe needs Sunday morning volunteers for multiple shifts from 7:00 am - noon. Prepare coffee, deliver carafes to classrooms, serve in the cafe, and close down. Choose your own schedule. Contact Eli Perkins,

Room in the Inn Each year we host men and women from November through March in partnership with Room in the Inn. Hosts are needed for Tuesday, December 15. Contact Rev. Allison Gossett at

Confirmation 2016 Begins January 10, 2016 Confirmation is an opportunity for 6th graders to explore their faith in a deep and meaningful way, and to commit their gifts and talents to BUMC as full members. Registration is now open at Contact Maggie Jarrell for more information.

Second Sundays, 9:45 am & 11:00 am; meets next on Sunday, December 13 in Room A390 Get a snapshot of who we are and what we value here at BUMC, plus learn the next step in becoming more connected to the congregational life of the church. Perfect for recent visitors or for those who are considering church membership. No registration necessary.

ENTREAT Worshiping Community

Sunday, November 22, 6:30 - 7:30, Chapel Like so many of us, you are hurt, broken and disappointed. You are desperate and your heart is pleading … entreating … for hope. Please consider attending ENTREAT; a worshiping community of restoration where you can connect with God’s healing grace through story, imagery, song and prayer in a safe harbor.

Paid Positions Available Director of Nursery and Childcare 30-hour/wk position to include Sunday morning & Wednesday evening: childcare for infants to 3-year-olds. Director of Adult Discipleship Full-time position to include Sunday & Wednesday evening: will give direction to our Group Life ministry, coordinate church-wide discipleship events, and oversee curriculum offerings and teaching ministries. For more information, email or visit

christmas poinsettias & food baskets order form Honor a loved one by placing a beautiful poinsettia on the altar or sponsoring a food basket. Deadline is December 13. You may also order and pay for poinsettias and food baskets online at

Poinsettia - $15

Given By

o In Honor Of o In Memory Of Dedicated To: Food Basket - $60

Given By

o In Honor Of o In Memory Of Dedicated To:

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