Weekly announcements - Nov 5

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Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

November 5 - 11, 2017

SHOPAPALOOZA www.bumc.net/Shop November 8, 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., Haney Hall Our annual SHOPapalooza is coming up! Shop for unique and handmade items from more than 40 vendors while benefitting the BUMC Day School. Past vendors have included BUMC members and staff, as well as community vendors. Come get a head start on your Christmas shopping!


Visit the tables in the Breezeways The Boy Scouts of Troop 1 are selling Christmas wreaths to raise money for camping gear, troop supplies, and events. Wreaths vary in size and cost: regular wreaths are $20, large wreaths are $30, extra large wreaths are $45. All orders will be ready for pick up on Sunday, November 26. Support our scouts!

ON PURPOSE SERMON SERIES www.bumc.net/OnPurpose The greatest challenge we face in our culture is the question of purpose. Do I have a purpose? How do I discover my purpose? Once our lives have been repurposed through God’s grace, we’re able to understand our God-given purpose and share that grace with others. In this 6-week series, we’re being challenged and encouraged by what it looks like to live a life of purpose On Purpose.

ALL SAINTS DAY A rose is available to be taken home by a family member of the deceased. These are members of Brentwood United Methodist Church whose deaths have been recongized since All Saints Day 2016. Frances King Adams Jon Eggers Allsmiller Clayton Houston Alsup Pauline Hill Boyd Angela Brown Carolyn Belle Craighead David M. Denny Paul Featherston Douglass Lucian Franklin Emerson Helen Louise Hall Robin Louise Hasselbring George O. Herbert, Jr. Hazen Parker Hilands Mary Elizabeth Hill Maxwell Tate Hollis Carroll Lynn Hughes William Davis Janes

Teresa Sanford Kearns Frank Stovall King, Jr. James Raymond Knight Benjamin Andrew Koepke Jerry Lee Kreiger Linda Yelverton Krohn Lewis Lockhart Thelma Josephine Lockhart Robert L. Logan Karen Cash McCarty Martha Ann McGowan Bettye Elam Morris Jason William Mott James G. Motter James Leeds Mugler John Robert Oesterle David Howard Pitts

Margaret Rummage Ragland Lucinda Riddle Rains Frederick Lloyd Rampmaier Elvira Louise Reynolds Jean Rodgers Gayle Sharp Lynda Ozment Stapp Elizabeth Rabun Stroup Robert Lyle Sylar Margaret Jean Thomas Oscar Alwynne Towler, Jr. James Jerry Tucker, Jr. C. Sybil Waldrop Jack White Charles Wesley Witherspoon Robert Horace Wolle, Sr. Nina Grace Young

There will be a Charge Conference on November 19 at 12:30 p.m. in room A291.

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Weekly announcements - Nov 5 by Brentwood United Methodist Church - Issuu