November 9 - 15, 2014
Stephen Ministers are assisting in worship today by reading Scripture and helping to serve communion. They are trained laypersons who provide confidential, on-one-one care to persons going through a difficult time in their lives. If you are going through a rough patch in your life and would like to have someone to talk to, contact Sheryl at 615-373-3690 ext 394, or Rev. Allison Fasig at 615-373-3663.
Commitment Weekend November 15/16
Week Three Prayer: SACRIFICE LORD, we know that You alone are the giver of every good gift, the source of life and love. Radically change our hearts, dear Lord. Transform us and show us how to reprioritize our lives. Teach us to distinguish what is lasting, eternal and of infinite value. Like the poor widow, Lord, give us the desire to give extravagantly - give our all to You. Amen.
Prayer Vigil for “Taking the Next Step: Live Generously” Friday, November 14 and Saturday, November 15 Everyone is invited to participate in the prayer vigil as we enter into the last 24 hours before making our commitment for Taking the Next Step. If you are unable to come to the church, you may still participate in the vigil. Sign up in the Narthex today or at A prayer vigil guide will be available as you enter the chapel or online for use for your time of prayer. We want to have every hour filled with many prayers as we prepare ourselves to take the next step in our discipleship journey. Commitment Weekend Saturday, November 15 and Sunday, November 16 Next weekend in worship we will have the opportunity to make our financial commitment to God’s work through the ministries of Brentwood UMC. We’re doing it a little bit different this year. When you come to worship, you’ll receive an estimate of giving card and envelope. Time in worship will be provided for you to prayerfully make your commitment and bring it to the altar during the service. Please make every effort to attend on this important weekend. Sunday Nights through November 23 at 6:30 pm Are you experiencing loss, grief, illness, addiction or any of life’s hurts or struggles? Join us for Entreat, a community of restoration and recovery that meets on Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm in the Chapel for worship and prayer. Questions? Visit
Great Shopping for Great Causes Boy Scout Troop One Annual Christmas Wreath Sale Sundays, November 9, 16, & 23 | 8:00 am – 12:20 pm | Breezeways Delivery on Sunday, November 30 between 8 am – 12:20 pm. Support a BUMC ministry that builds character, responsibility, and leadership in our young boys and beautify your home for the holidays! Brentwood UMC Day School SHOPapalooza Wednesday, November 12 | 9:30 am – 7:00 pm | Haney Hall Featuring a wonderful variety of vendors ranging from repurposed furniture and artwork, uniquely designed children’s clothing, home decor, gifts and accessories. United Methodist Women Holiday Shoppe Sunday, November 23 | 8 am – noon | Parlor All proceeds benefitting missions. In addition to pies, cakes, and breads, there will be Advent trees and Bible verses, place cards and holders to decorate your holiday table, holiday decor, handmade gift tags and greeting cards, hostess baskets, and much more. Special this year are BUMC logo 16 oz. Tervis tumblers. All proceeds of the Tumblers benefit BRIDGES of Williamson County and Bethlehem Center in Nashville. Cost is $20 each or 2 for $35. Also look for tables in the Breezeway near Haney Hall on Sundays.