October 25 - 31, 2015 Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World
“With All My Heart”: Sermon Series through October 24/25 “Where your treasure is there your heart will be also.” — Matthew 6:21 • Estimate of Giving Cards Estimate of giving cards are available in the pew racks in the Sanctuary and Chapel or online at bumc.net/WithAllMyHeart. • Davis’s Sermons and Generosity Videos If you have missed any worship services this past month, you may listen to Davis’s sermons and view videos showing how our congregation’s generosity is transforming lives and communities. Visit www.bumc.net/WithAllMyHeart.
ENTREAT Worshiping Community Sunday, October 25, 6:30 - 7:30, Chapel Like so many of us, you are hurt, broken and disappointed. You are desperate and your heart is pleading … entreating … for hope. Please consider attending ENTREAT; a worshiping community of restoration where you can connect with God’s healing grace through story, imagery, song and prayer in a safe harbor. www.bumc.net/Entreat Stories of
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from the Brentwoo
“Stop Hunger Now” Meal-Packing Party
HELP US PACK 100,000 MEALS 450 volunteers needed of all ages!
Saturday, November 21, 9-11 am OR 1-3 pm We need 400 volunteers of all ages to pack 100,000 meals in two shifts of two hours each. These meals will be distributed to families and communities devastated by natural disasters and in developing countries across the globe. This is a fun, family-friendly event! Come help us make a difference! www.bumc.net/hunger
(Childcare provided for children under 4)
• SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2015 • BUMC FAMILY LIFE CENTER 225 volunteers 9-11 AM
.29 = 1 MEAL
$2.90 = 10 MEALS
Shopapalooza - The Ultimate Shopping Fest November 4, 9:30 – 7:00 pm, Haney Hall Support our Day School and get some great early Christmas shopping done. Over 40 vendors. No entry fee.
225 volunteers Wednesday, 1-3 PM
$29 = 100 MEALS
$29,000 = 100,000 MEALS
$ MAKE A DONATION Every donation counts, big or small, and together we can reach our goal of $29,000 for 100,000 meals! • events.StopHungerNow.org/BrentwoodUMC -- OR -• send check payable to Brentwood UMC memo line: Stop Hunger Now Questions? Visit www.bumc.net/HUNGER or contact Rebekah Scott Harbison, Missions and Outreach Department, at rharbison@bumc.net.
We will hold a brief called Charge Conference on Sunday, November 8 at 12:30 pm in room A291.
Weekly Announcements Breakthru Youth Winter Retreat (7th-12th grades)
OnPoint Speaker Series for Men Thursdays through Nov. 12 at 6:30 am, Tabernacle October 29: Bill Lee of Lee Heating and Air, will speak on “Christians and Business Ethics.” Learn more at bumc.net/PointMen.
Room in the Inn “Refresher” Meeting Monday, October 26, 6:30 – 7:30 pm, Room A291 Each year we host men and women from November through March in partnership with Room in the Inn. Come to a Refresher meeting to get your group ready to host your night at Room in the Inn or come learn how you can get involved as an individual, couple, or small group. Contact Rev. Allison Gossett at agossett@bumc.net.
An incredible way to Break thru into 2016! It’s filled with worship, teaching, a service project, small groups, intramurals, games, free time, a new paintball field, zip line, a climbing tower, and hanging out with friends! We DO need lots of adult help on this one too as either small group leaders or behind the scenes support staff. SAVE money if you register by TODAY Sunday, October 25. Contact Tatiana Liston tliston@bumc.net.
Volunteers Needed for Children’s Ministry Advent Festival Saturday, December 5, 9 am – noon Volunteers are needed for this fun morning of activities which are designed to help children and families prepare for the celebration of Christ’s birth. To help, contact sspencer@bumc.net.
Parenting Event: Cyber Safety for Children and Youth
Paid Positions Available
Launching Point
Our ministry partner in South Nashville
Sunday, November 1, 5:00 – 6:30 pm, Chapel Parents & educators -- learn about the risks children and youth face in an online environment including online predators, revealing too much, and cyber-bullying. Presented by Dennis Fetting, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). No cost for the event. Childcare by reservation only - $10 per family. Deadline to register for childcare is Monday, October 26 at www.bumc.net/register. Second Sundays, 9:45 am & 11:00 am; next session, November 8 Get a snapshot of who we are and what we value here at BUMC, plus learn the next step in becoming more connected to the congregational life of the church. Perfect for recent visitors or for those who are considering church membership. Ongoing sessions meet on the second Sunday of each month at 9:45 and again at 11 in Room 390. No registration necessary.
The Village Monthly Preview Worship Sunday, November 15, 10 am at Sunset Middle School, 200 Sunset Trail, Nolensville We need your help! 1) attend as a show of support, 2) serve on our set-up team, or 3) work in our nursery or children’s area. Find out more at www.TheVillageNashville.com.
Confirmation 2016 Begins January 10, 2016 Confirmation is an opportunity for 6th graders to explore their faith in a deep and meaningful way, and to commit their gifts and talents to BUMC as full members. Registration is now open at www.bumc.net/register. Contact Maggie Jarrell mjarrell@bumc.net for more information.
Director of Nursery and Childcare 30-hour/wk position to include Sunday morning & Wednesday evening: childcare for infants to 3-year-olds. Director of Adult Discipleship Full-time position to include Sunday & Wednesday evening. For more information on either position, email hr@bumc.net or visit www.bumc.net/employment.
Renovate the Warehouse - Future Community Center Open House Saturday, November 7, 10 am – 12 pm 155 Old Hermitage Ave, Nashville Join us at the new location of Harvest Hands to hear the story of the new opportunities that have come to Harvest Hands and the vision of what can be for the community. Contact Allison Gossett at agossett@bumc.net.
3rd Annual emPower 5K Run/Walk & Harvest Festival Saturday, October 31, Dudley Park Race: 8:30 am; Harvest Festival: 9 - 11 am Dress in costume and prepare to be spooked! Race sign up www.EmPowerRun.RacesOnline. com. Run or walk in costume and then come to the Harvest Festival with Kids’ races, games, inflatables, food and more! Race proceeds benefit Harvest Hands. Volunteer at the emPower 5K Run / Walk & Harvest Festival We need your help with registration, parking, water stations, and groups to provide game and activity booths for the Harvest Festival. Even if you’re running or walking, you can volunteer! Contact Leah Susi at 615-499-4963 or leah@harvesthandscdc.com.
If you are in need of pastoral care, contact any of our pastors, or schedule an appointment by calling Julie Donley at 615-324-7254. You may now make prayer requests online at bumc.net/prayer. Support Groups
There are a wide range of support and encouragement groups such as grief, career transitions, addictions, dementia & Alzheimer’s, cancer support, divorce and others. bumc.net/FindSupport
Stephen Ministry Trained Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-on-one Christian care. Call the confidential hotline: 615 577-4881. bumc.net/StephenMinistry Give Support
There are a wide range of ways to support others, such as Funeral Team, GraceNotes, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and Intercessory Prayer Team/Email Prayer Team. bumc.net/CaringMinistries.