Oct 4 Weekly Announcements

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October 4-10, 2015 Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

“With All My Heart”: Sermon Series through October 24/25 “Where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.” We’ve heard this saying many times but how does it apply to our daily lives? Davis unpacks Jesus’ teaching about material possessions in the Sermon on the Mount in a four-part sermon series October 3/4 - October 24/25. October 3/4................ Making an Investment October 10/11............. Double-vision October 17/18............ Torn Between Two Lovers October 24/25.......... First Things First www.bumc.net/WithAllMyHeart

“Making Sense of the Bible”: A New Adult Study Sundays, October 4-25, 5:00 – 6:15 pm; Led by Judith Bone Do you have questions about the Bible -- like “Who decided what made it into Scripture and why?” “Is the Bible ever wrong?” This study by Rev. Adam Hamilton addresses some common misconceptions and leads us to a deeper understanding of God’s word. www.bumc.net/Register Stories of from the Brentwood


United Methodist


Church Communit

Stories of Generosity from the BUMC Community A devotional guide for this year’s stewardship emphasis, written by our fellow BUMC friends, is available today in the Narthex. Pick up a copy for your family today or view/download at www.bumc.net/StoriesOfGenerosity.

Stories of Generosity from the Brentwood United Methodist Church Community

Red Cross Blood Drive Sunday, October 11, 7:30 am – 12 pm Our goal is 40 units of blood. To help reduce the number of deferred donors and reach our goal, please increase your intake of iron-rich foods to reduce the chance of being deferred due to a low hemoglobin level. Call Brenda Duncan at 615-373-5637 or visit www.redcrossblood.org to learn more.

New Member Weekend Saturday/Sunday, October 10/11, all services Been thinking of joining BUMC? Take the vows of membership surrounded by others who have decided to make this commitment as well. Contact Rev. Allison Fasig, afasig@bumc.net, 615-324-7243.

Weekly Announcements The Village Monthly Preview Worship

OnPoint Speaker Series for Men Thursdays through Nov. 5 at 6:30 am, Tabernacle On Thursday, October 8 hear Tennessee State Senator, Army ranger and flight surgeon, Dr. Mark Green’s story, “How Does a Leader End Up in a Hole in the Ground?” Dr. Green’s most memorable mission was the capture of Saddam Hussein. www.bumc.net/PointMen

Early Bird Deadline for Davis’s Cruise Oct. 5 Join Dr. Davis Chappell and Bishop Bill McAlilly in the fall of 2016 on a twelve-day tour of cities in Italy, Greece, and Turkey retracing Paul’s missionary journeys. Visit www.bumc.net/cruise to view and print brochure.

Sunny Day Annual Memorial Service Tuesday, October 6, Sanctuary, 11:15 am This meaningful service honors and remembers volunteers and members of the Sunny Day Club who have passed away. All are invited to attend. Contact Julie Thomas, 615-370-9327, or Katie Anderson, 615-370-9467, with any questions.

Join the Sunny Day Club in a Walk to End Alzheimer’s Saturday, October 17 The Sunny Day Club, a BUMC respite ministry for those in the early stages of memory loss, will participate in the Nashville Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Members of the BUMC community are encouraged to walk with us. Call Cathy at 615-891-2417 to sign up. Sunny Day Club will be wearing their Sunny Day t-shirts to the worship services on October 10/11 as a symbol of our support for all who suffer with Alzheimer’s.

“Managing Life Transitions” Thursday, October 22, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Haney Hall Nationally recognized expert on managing change, Sharon Cox, will share strategies on dealing with the unavoidable, often unwanted transitions that life brings us: death or illness of a loved one, job loss, health issues, aging, etc. Sponsored by BUMC Stephen Ministry. Contact Rev. Allison Fasig, afasig@bumc.net, 615-324-7243. Our ministry partner in South Nashville

3rd Annual emPower 5K Run/Walk Saturday, October 31, 8:30 am, Dudley Park Overall and master’s male and female winners & best male & female costumes will receive a 1-year supply of Humphreys Street Coffee and WOW! Soap. Run or walk in costume. Harvest Festival after the race from 9-11 am which will feature Kids’ Races, games, inflatables, food and more! Sign up for the race at: https://empowerrun.racesonline.com

A new campus in the Lenox Village/Nolensville Area Sundays, October 18, November 15 10 am, Sunset Middle School, 200 Sunset Trail Your help is needed in a variety of ways: attending as a show of support, serving on our set-up team, working in our nursery or children’s area. Visit www.thevillagenashville.com.

Love Coffee? Love Serving? Volunteers needed to serve in the BUMC Café, Sunday mornings in multiple shifts from 7 am – noon. Prepare coffee, deliver carafes to Sunday School classrooms, serve in the café, and close. Choose your schedule! Contact eliperkins@gmail. com to give it a test run.

Boundaries for Singles Wednesdays, October 14 – December 9 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Room B153-B, $21 What are boundaries? Why do I need them? When I say “no,” do others know I mean it? Preregistration is recommended at www.bumc. net/register. Contact Julia @ jtodd@bumc.net or 615-324-7256 for more information.

Pray for our Students on Merge Please keep in your prayers the 150+ 7th-8th grade students & adults on Merge Retreat this weekend as they seek to live out the lessons they’ve learned!

BUMC Day School Annual Fall Festival Friday, October 9, 4:30 – 7:30 pm Tickets: $10 in advance in the Day School at the door on the 9th. Food, games, inflatables, petting zoo, pony rides, magic shows and much, much more! Children are welcome to wear their costumes to this event. All proceeds benefit the children at the Day School. For more info contact dayschool@bumc.net.

3rd Grade Bible Presentation Sunday October 11, in all 3 worship services (no registration required)

3rd Grade Bible Blast Sunday, October 11, 12:15 pm (immediately following the 11:05 service), Family Life Center 3rd graders will learn how to read and interact with their new Bible. Lunch is $10 per family. Only 3rd Graders and their parents should attend. Contact Megan Teegarden at mteegarden@bumc.net. Register at www.bumc.net/register.

Confirmation 2016 Begins January 10, 2016 Confirmation is an opportunity for 6th graders to explore their faith in a deep and meaningful way, and to commit their gifts and talents to BUMC as full members. Registration is now open at www.bumc.net/register. Contact Maggie Jarrell mjarrell@bumc.net for more information.

If you are in need of pastoral care, contact any of our pastors, or schedule an appointment by calling Julie Donley at 615-324-7254. You may now make prayer requests online at bumc.net/prayer. Support Groups

There are a wide range of support and encouragement groups such as grief, career transitions, addictions, dementia & Alzheimer’s, cancer support, divorce and others. bumc.net/FindSupport

Stephen Ministry Trained Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-on-one Christian care. Call the confidential hotline: 615 577-4881. bumc.net/StephenMinistry Give Support

There are a wide range of ways to support others, such as Funeral Team, GraceNotes, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and Intercessory Prayer Team/Email Prayer Team. bumc.net/CaringMinistries.

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