BEAM - Oct 5 Issue

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October 5-11, 2014

“With” A Study of the Gospel of John What does it mean to be WITH God and for God to be WITH us? Dr. Davis Chappell continues the exploration of these questions each week through October 12. Begins Tonight! Sunday, October 5 at 6:30 pm Are you experiencing loss, grief, illness, addiction or any of life’s hurts or struggles? Please join us for Entreat, a community of restoration and recovery that meets on Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm in the Chapel. All are welcome. For more information, visit Stop Hunger Now Packing Event Saturday, October 25 | 9 - 11 am or 1 - 3 pm We need 400 volunteers (family, small group, Sunday School class, friends)! Childcare available for children under 4. Each meal costs only .29 cents and our goal is 100,000 meals; for only $29, you can feed 100 people! Here’s how: set a goal as of how many meals you would like to sponsor, register and make your online contribution. Visit Pick Up Your Devotional Guide in the Narthex Today! During October & November, BUMC will explore through our stewardship emphasis, “Taking the Next Step: live generously,” what it means to live a life of generosity. To help us focus on this important aspect of our discipleship, the devotional book, Practicing Extravagant Generosity, by Bishop Robert Schnase will be available in the Narthex (Sanctuary & Chapel) for the next three weeks. Please pick up a book for you or your family. Donations to cover the cost of the book are welcomed. Wednesday Evening Activities for adults, students, and children, as well as childcare for children 3 and under. Get the details at

emb dy becoming the mission we proclaim

If you are unable to attend, the video will be available on Friday afternoon at

“Embody: Becoming the Mission We Proclaim” A Six-Week Bible-based Pastor’s study Wednesday evenings, 6:30 – 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary While it’s one thing to know the mission of the church and even to speak it, it’s quite another to live it out. Join us on Wednesday nights through October 15 as we learn together and are challenged to live together the mission of Jesus in our church, community, and world.

Children’s Choirs (4 years to 4th Grade) All ages meet in Haney Hall at 6:15 pm Extra Mile (5th & 6th Grades) 6:15 pm in Room 205 Bible Studies (7th - 12th Grades) 7 pm in Tabernacle American Red Cross Blood Drive Sunday, October 12 from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm. TWO buses will be available! Since it’s a Titans home game next Sunday we may not make our goal of 40 units. Please take the time to donate early in the morning before you head to the stadium. Buses start taking donors at 7:30 am. Please call Brenda Duncan (373-5637) for more information. Called Charge Conference Sunday, October 12 at 12:30 in A292 The purpose of the Charge Conference is: 1) Approval of candidates for ministry 2) Report by our Lay Delegates on the 2014 Tennessee Annual Conference.

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