BEAM - October 9 Issue

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the BEAM October 9 - 15 , 2011

Red Cross Blood Drive Sunday, October 9, 7:30 am - 12:30 pm Our goal is 50 units of blood. We had a good turnout at the August 14 drive, with 56 registering to donate but we didn’t make our goal in. It was an improvedment over our June drive - good work...but we still need more bodies in the chairs…please find the time to donate!

Growing Disciples of Christ Who Know Him, Love Him, and Serve Him

A Weekly Newsletter of Brentwood United Methodist Church

Room in the Inn Sunday School Class Coordinators Meeting Sunday, October 9, Rm A393, 8:30 – 9:30 am and 11:00 – 12 noon. The 2011-12 Room In The Inn program, a ministry to homeless men, runs November to March. Each Tuesday night, some Friday nights, and Christmas Eve, a volunteer group (Sunday school Classes, Bible Studies, or other small groups), host an evening of RITI. They go to the Room In The Inn Campus (Nashville) to pick up 14 men for a hot dinner, a warm bed, a hot shower, clean laundry, a hot breakfast, and a sack lunch at BUMC. Contact Scott at Sanctuary 20th Anniversary Concert with Celebration Choir We will mark the 20th Anniversary of worship in the BUMC Sanctuary CELEBRATES on October 30th with a concert of gospel music featuring guest artist, Buddy Greene, instrumentalists, singers of our congregation, and a Celebration Choir. We hope all who are able will join us for a toe YEARS OF tapping, heartwarming musical experience celebrating 20 years of worship in our present sanctuary and 160 years of worship as a in our Sanctuary congregation called Brentwood United Methodist Church. For 1991 - 2011 information email Shannon Garrett at Brentwood United Me Methodist Church


THRIVE It’s Wednesday night! October 12 –– 5:00 pm Meal $6/person, $24 family max

Register for meal at Register for children’s choirs at Register for adult studies at



from the Great Recession

Menu: Baked Spaghetti, Garden Salad, Garlic Bread, Chocolate Cake, Tea. Register for the meal by 3 pm, Monday, October 10 online at or by email to 6:15 - 7:30 pm • Children’s Choirs & Activities • Extra Mile (5th & 6th) • Student Thrive! (7th - 12th) • “The Lives of Great Christians”

(Rev. Kaye Harvey)

6:30 - 7:30 pm 6:45 - 7:30 pm 7:00 - 8:30 pm

• A Work in Progress: Real Questions with Real Biblical Answers (Rev. Dr. Jeff Wilson)

• MomsInPrayer C-YA (College & Young Adults) Boundaries (Single Adults) $21 Adult Chancel Choir

Next Week’s Topic: 15/16 - Follow God’s Financial Plan Listen to sermons on the web at


It has come to our attention that the file used for a church mailing last week was corrupted, which resulted in some of our letters not getting to the intended addresses. The letter contained important information from our council and finance lay leaders, and we want to make certain everyone receives it. We are resending the letters this week. Some of you may get a second letter as a result. We apologize for any convenience!

students 7th - 12th Grades

Sunday, October 9 9:45 am 7th - 8th Jr Hi Rm 9:45 am High School Options 9th - 12th: • Sunday School • Youth Disciple Bible Study – Room A191 • Topical & Current Events Discuss. – Café • Help Teach Children 11 am 7th-12th Sunday School – Jr Hi Rm 11 am Youth Sunday Planning Mtg. 4:45 pm Café Opens 7th-9th Grade 5-6:40 Snack Supper, Worship, Small Groups 6:45-7:45 Jubilation Choir 10th-12th Grade 5 - 6:10 Sonshine Choir Rehearsal 6:15 - 8 Snack Supper, Worship, Small Groups Monday, October 10 6:45 am Manfest w/Travis @Dimple’s Deli 3:30 pm Volunteer @ Harvest Hands, meet at BUMC Tuesday, October 11 6:30 am Tuesday breakfast club with Lindsay at Bruegger’s 4-5 pm Hangtime w/ Nellie @ Chick Fil-A for 7th - 8th 6:00 pm Odyssey game night, meet here 7:00 pm Safe Sanctuary Training - Taber. Wednesday, October 12 3:30 pm meet at BUMC 61st Ave. Tutoring 6:30 pm Youth Thrive! Merge Retreat 7th-8th graders, October 21-23. Register online or outside the youth office. Registration closes after TODAY. Adults needed - contact Neal Wilkinson at! Elizabeth Waynick is our new Trips and Events Coordinator. For questions about retreat, trip, or event registrations, email her at

Brentwood United Methodist Church Permanent Adult Sunday School Teacher needed for a mid-to-late life very active Singles Class. Contact Judith Bone at or 324-7258. UMW Cookbooks “Recipes from the Heart: The ONLY Cookbook You’ll Need” Cookbooks are available in the Outpost for $20 each. They are full of more than 500 favorite recipes of church members. They make great Christmas gifts! New BUMC Orchestra No matter your experience or skill level, bring your instruments and enjoy playing the music of the church together! Sundays 4:00-4:45 in B163. All youth and adults welcome! Contact Patsy at First Time Visitor Volunteers We need a volunteer for a couple of hours on Monday afternoons to call first-time visitors and help get cards out to them. The time is flexible. Email Jeff Wilson at, Judy Bumgarner at or call 373-3663. Wednesday Night Dinner Volunteers Urgent need for volunteers to take on the oversight and coordination of Wednesday Night Dinners. The job includes helping put out the food, collecting the money, keeping the food tables filled and cleaning the utensils. Meal is served from about 5 pm until 7 pm. Ccontact Jeff Wilson at 324-8208 or

upcoming activities

Listening Sessions Listening sessions are opportunities for Martin to learn more about us as a community and to hear our hopes and dreams for the church. October 12: Women’s Ministry, UMW and Women’s Bible Studies, 6:30-7:30 pm in Room A292. Find a complete list at PEP Club Tuesday, October 11, 6:30 pm, Haney Hall All those 55+ are invited for a covered dish dinner and program by Meryll Rose Elkins who will tell us about some of her most interesting “Talk of the Town” guests. Nexus Chamber Concert October 16, 4:00 pm, Chapel Join us for an incredible night when virtuoso accordionist Jeff Lisenby joins Nexus for a concert of works for accordion and chamber orchestra. The concert will feature works written and arranged for or by Jeff himself. You have never heard accordion like this! Single Adult Opportunities Register at for the following: Book Club Tuesday, October 11, 6:30-8pm, Singles Space. Selection The Magician’s Assistant by Ann Patchett. Coffee and dessert will be provided. Divorce Recovery Wednesdays, October 19 – November 23, 6:30-8pm, Singles Space, Cost: $30. Designed to take you from the complete moments of shock and grief to the process of inner healing and wholeness. Women’s Mini-Retreat Saturday, October 22, 9am - 2pm, Haney Hall, Cost: $25. Designed for women addressing topics that relate to their gender. This event will include sessions with speaker, Diane Cunningham, from DALLAS, TX and worship/ music led by Jennifer Wilkerson. Dayschool Fall Festival October 21, 4:30 - 7:30 pm Dress your children in their Halloween costumes and come ready to have some fun! Activities will be geared towards preschoolers. We’ll have pony rides, a petting zoo, inflatable jumpers, train rides, magic shows, face painters, indoor games and more! Dinner will be provided by Stroud’s Barbecue and Sonic. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Day School for $7 or at the door for $8. (All persons regardless of age must have a ticket). Call 373-2523 with any questions or visit Meet Our New Bishop Sunday, October 23, 6 -8 pm Everyone is invited to meet Bishop Ben Chamness and his wife, Joye. Worship will be held at 6 pm, followed by a reception in Haney Hall.

Stewardship and Giving information can be found at

service opportunities

Infants - 6th Grade

Sunday, October 9

Graceworks Food Pantry is in urgent need of items for the FUEL bags (nutritious food for weekends for students on the free/reduced lunch program): (Individual Serving Sizes only) cereals, pudding cups, gelatin cups, 4 oz. canned fruit cups, 8 oz. shelf–stable boxed milk, tuna or chicken with crackers, microwavable individual meals such as macaroni and cheese, spaghetti and meat, snack packs containing cheese. Donations bins located in the Chapel Narthex. MMDR (Mobile Medical Disaster Relief) located at 5409 Maryland Way in Brentwood offers volunteer opportunities EVERY Tuesday evening, anytime between 3 and 7 pm. You can come and go as your schedule allows. Volunteers prepare supplies for upcoming mission trips to Haiti and other parts of the world. Items needed are: 2.5 gallon zipper type plastic bags, underwear for boys and girls, sizes 4T – 12, children’s socks, ankle style that will fit shoe sizes children’s 6 – adult size 9, wash cloths, large bottles shampoo and medicated shampoo, dial soap, hair ribbons, and inexpensive boy’s sports watches. Donations bins located in the Chapel Narthex. The Boys and Girls Club of Middle TN will be holding a yard sale on October 14 & 15 at 67 Thompson Lane, Nashville. The funds raised will help make renovations to this building and help them to reopen offering numerous programs to this targeted area. Volunteers are needed to assist with the yard sale on both days in either a morning or afternoon shift. Contact Joy Lehmann at or 615-953-6835 to volunteer or to get more information. Monday Bread Delivery for CTSG For over a year, every Monday morning bread is donated by 3 Publix Stores for our Career Transitions Support Group Monday night attendees. Volunteers pick up, deliver, and set-up the bread each Monday morning between 7 - 9 am (takes approximately 1 - 2 hours). Volunteers are needed to take one or two Monday’s each month. Contact Mike Davis @ 351-9722 or

harvest hands ( Harvest Hands is a catalyst for Christ-centered, wholistic community development working alongside our neighbors to further healthy living, education, spiritual formation and economic development in South Nashville. Coaches needed for flag football league (pre-K to 4th) The league runs from October 25-November 19 and is a twice a week, two hour commitment (practices on Tuesday evenings, games on Saturday mornings). Coaches’ clinic on Saturday, October 23. Coaching experience is preferred, but not required. Contact Abby Buter at or 499-4963. Our offices have moved to 1224 Martin Street (2nd floor of the SNAP Community Center, 2 blocks from Harvest Hands). Our new office phone number is 499-4963. Harvest Festival Volunteers Needed on Saturday, October 29th to help set up from 11:30 am -1 pm, run booths from 1 - 5 pm and tear down from 5 - 6:30 pm. We are looking for families and classes to host game booths at the festival. It’s as easy as coming up with a game idea, providing the supplies and prizes and hosting the game that day! Contact Abby at or 499.4963 if you can help!

who to contact


Sunday School 9:45 & 11 am Preschool - 6th Grade Pre-school Worship (formerly Church Time) at all three worship services. Nursery 8 am to 12 pm for infants - 3 years First Grade Worship Readiness Classes during Sunday school.

Dayschool Fall Festival October 21, 4:30 - 7:30 pm Dress your children in their Halloween costumes and come ready to have some fun! Activities will be geared towards preschoolers.

H.I.G.H.W.A.Y. 56 5th & 6th Grades Sunday, october 9 Sunday School Morning Assembly and Praise, 9:45 am. Gym MILEAGE at 5-6 pm Alleluia Choir at 6-7 pm (Adult Choir Room) Highway 56 Campout Friday October 21 at Henry Horton State Park. Cost is $25. For more information or to register students go to

Adult Studies/Small Grps Judith Bone, 324-7258

Children’s MInistry Ellen Garrett, 577-7261

Single Adult Ministry Shebbie Shields, 324-7240

To Get Connected Jeff Wilson, 324-8208

Caring Ministry Kaye Harvey, 373-3663

Mission & Outreach Juanita Hobbs, 324-7222

Student Ministry Travis Garner, 324-7229

Worship & Music Shannon Garrett, 577-7267


United Methodist Church

309 Franklin Road Brentwood, Tn 37027 615-373-3663

Sunday Morning Opportunities 8:30 am Worship 9:45 am Classes for Children, Students, and Adults 9:50 am Worship 11:00 am Worship 11:00 am Classes for Children, Students, and Adults Saturday Evening Opportunities 6:00 pm Worship Trinity Church Spring Hill Campus meets at Spring Hill High School 10:00 am Worship

worship Attendance September 24/25 Weekend Total 1,993 August year to date contributions are 95.1% of budget. For additional details visit the website at

Congregational care and caring ministries resources

Adoption Support & Orphan Ministry Contact: Charlene Leonard, 221-4041

hospital visitation at bumc

Domestic Abuse Contact: Caroline Beavers, 371-2550.

The Pastoral Staff of BUMC visits area hospitals on a regular and rotating basis. Hospitals do not inform the church when its members are admitted. Please let the church know if you (or a family member) are hospitalized by contacting Julie Donley,, 615-324-7254.

Emergency Financial & Food Assistance Contact: Juanita Hobbs, 324-7222,


Cancer Support: Partners in Hope Contact: Jeanetta Fargo, 435-3716

Encouragement Cards: GraceNotes Contact: Rachael Melton, Financial Coaching (Trained Mentors) Contact: Rev. Kaye Harvey, Home-centered Visitation Contact: Rev. Erin Racine, Home Health Product Assistance Contact: Scottish Rite, 259-3434 Home Repairs: Handy Man Ministry Contact: 373-3690, x398, Infertility Support Contact: Gretchen Voyles, Memory Loss Caregiver Respite: Sunny Day Club Contact: Katie Anderson, 370-9467 Short-term Meal Assistance: Fishes & Loaves Contact: Katy Pat Clark, 218-7934, Spiritual Counseling with Pastors Contact: Julie Donley, 324-7254, or Carla Barrios, 373-3663 x252,

Stephen Ministry Sometimes It’s Hard to Ask for Help… If you’re sad or struggling inside, don’t suffer alone. Ask for help. We’ve got a team of Stephen Ministers who are ready to care. To find out more, call Sheryl at 373-3690 ext. 394 or Rev. Kaye Harvey at 373-3663.

AA Groups 1 pm, Monday-Sunday, BH 102 9 am, Monday (For Women Only), BH102 8:30 am, Tuesday & Thursday, BH102 7 pm, Tuesday & Thursday, BH201 7 pm, Friday (For Men Only), BH 101 11:30 am, Mon, Wed, Fri, BH102 7 pm, Sunday, BH201 Eating Disorders Anonymous Sundays, 4 pm, Buchanan House 102 Contact: Courtney Muse, 594-8552 ADHD Adult; Spouse Workshops Contact: Terry Huff, 627-4191 Alzheimer’s Contact: Barbara Jones, 373-1941 or Ruth Randolph, 385-2323 Career Transitions Each Monday, 6:30 pm - Haney Hall Contact: Hal Hassall, 972-5119 CODA (CoDependency) Contact: Herberta Grissom, 347-4900, Divorce Recovery Contact: Shebbie Shields, 324-7240 Grief Support Contact: Alive Hospice, 963-4732. Loss (Widows, Divorced Women) Contact: Herberta Grissom, 347-4900, MS Self Help Contact: Sandie Mountz, 376-5395.

Brentwood United Methodist Church Counseling Center offers services to children, youth & families. Call 376-5910. It is home to experts in helping families and individuals resolve real life problems.

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