Dear Friends in Christ,
Dr. Davis Chappell
Easter weekend was a marvelous experience! The Spirit was and is at work among us! It was exciting to see our two campuses teeming with people! From Saturday night to Sunday noon, we welcomed over 6,600 worshipers. Its amazing the capacity of a resurrection to inspire our worship! Christ is risen, indeed!
Thanks to all who served over the weekend. Musicians, ushers, acolytes, altar guild, greeters, Andrew ministers, nursery workers, liturgists, Scripture readers and helpers all contributed their hospitality and praise in a way that was contagious! I'm still marveling at how many people the ushers shoe-horned in the chapel and choir loft at 9:30 am. As we continue our Easter series called "Clarity" I look forward to seeing you this weekend. An empty tomb is a game-changer for us! Nothing can ever be quite the same again because of the third day. William James, a Methodist pastor and hymnwrite said it like this: "Every day to us is Easter, with its resurrection song. When in trouble move the faster to our God who rights the wrong. Alleluia! Alleluia! See the power of heavenly throngs." Finally, it was good to welcome new members Tyler and Brooke Antonakos, and Marike Pohlmann at our Brentwood campus. Welcome to our church community. Davis