Dear friends in Christ, I am so appreciative and thankful for the ministry of CYMT (Center for Youth Ministry Training). As most of you know, under the leadership of our own Deech Kirk, BUMC founded CYMT in 2006. Since then, they have trained 83 youth ministers who are sharing the good news of Christ with youth in the greater Nashville, Birmingham and Memphis regions. They provide seminary education, training, strategy, ongoing coaching and support. They are also now in dialogue with leaders in Texas that will likely lead to the launch of a CYMT campus in Austin. Their offices are next door in the Buchanan House. This is but another example of how God is using BUMC as a leader church in missional discipleship! God is using this visionary ministry to touch thousands of youth in many places. We are grateful to Deech & Keeley for their vision and faith, and for the privilege that we have as a church of being a strong parental support. If you have not visited their website, I encourage you to do so, at www.cymt.org Also, if you have not yet made your Valentine's plans, you might consider attending the Jump Jive Dance which will support CYMT. It includes as Italian dinner catered by the Daily Dish, the band Gnarly Parkers, and swing dance demonstrations, and more.
Finally, it was good to welcome new members Darlene C. Jones, Sally, Cole and Colin Parker, Mike and Therese Anderson, and Colin Lafayette Parker to our Brentwood campus and Cori, Rayden and Cruz Heym, Nichole Miracle, David, Annette, Dante Raymer and Brooke Anderson, Norm and Barbara Lackey, Rich and Karen Langeland, Dan, Kristin, Matthew and Sarah Brunson, Christy, Elighia and Robert Riddle to our Trinity Church Spring Hill Campus. Welcome to our church community. Yours in Christ,