Dear Friends in Christ, It has been my practice the last several years to take a brief study leave prior to Lent. Sherre and I go away to a remote spot and spend time reading, reflecting, writing, sermonizing, praying and walking. Dr. Davis Chappell
It's a discipline that Jesus practiced. He often withdrew to lonely places where he prayed.
The longer I serve in this vocation the more I realize that working for God is no substitute for spending time time with God. This is the better portion. Sitting at the feet of Jesus empowers us to serve by His side. I am grateful for this time. I have just completed Alister McGrath's biography on CS Lewis, which I found especially meaningful. I have also enjoyed Eugene Peterson's new insightful book of poetry called Holy Luck. He has one in the collection called the "Lucky Sad". It is based on one of the Beatitudes; "Blessed are those who mourn." "Flash floods of tears, torrents of them, Erode cruel canyons, Exposing Long forgotten strata of life Laid down in the
peaceful decades: A badlands beauty. The same sun that decorates each day with colors From arroyos and mesas, also shows Every old scar and cut of lament. Weeping washes the wounds clean And leaves them to heal, which always Takes an age or two. No pain Is ugly in past tense. Under the mercy Every hurt is a fossil Link in the great chain of becoming. Pick and shovel prayers often Turn them up in valleys of death." As we reflect on the past 8 months and contemplate the days ahead, we are thankful for God's provision and our partnership. Finally, it was good to welcome new members Stewart, Julie, and Ben Fey, Shawn, Susan, Jacob, Lindsay, and Kailey Stallings, Paul and Libia Frank, Sophia Bicknell, Janie Hatcher, and Emma Hewett. Welcome to our church community.