Dear friends in Christ, Last Sunday I observed the deep need that we all have for human touch. After a week of snow, ice, sub-freezing temperatures, no school and cabin fever, we were all desperate for fellowship. Don't get me wrong, solitude is a wonderful thing. Personally, I enjoy my own company. But too much alone time leads to a feeling of disconnection. Someone asked me recently if I thought the church was really necessary for discipleship. "Isn't it possible to live a faithful life apart from the faith community?" he asked. I believe faith is at risk when we are left to our own device. Periods of seclusion are absolutely necessary to the spiritual life, but life in prolonged isolation is dicey. Part of the way we reflect God's image is in our desire to live in relationship. Our understanding of the Trinity reveals a God who is infinitely and essentially relational. In the New Testament the church is portrayed as the body of Christ. Christ is the head and we are body parts that work in a unified manner to carry out the mission of God. As I watched people coming through the narthex greeting one another with handshakes and hugs, I felt thankful to be a part of such a family. A fellowship where we're inspired, instructed, challenged, uplifted, humbled, loved, accepted, equipped, empowered and sent forth to live out the Gospel. I need that. I think you need it too. I'm not sure we can continue to grow spiritually without each other. After the birth of the church at Pentecost, Acts 2:42 says, "And they dedicated themselves to
the apostles' teaching, to prayer, to the breaking of bread and to the FELLOWSHIP." I thank God for this essential part of our faith! Last Sunday's commissioning of our first team of Caring Ministers is one way we are living out the Gospel in community. Our first team of Caring Ministers include: Hal Bumbalough, Karol Mangione, David Jones, Mike Davis, Sheryl Davis, and Susan Sloan. These persons are committed to working alongside our pastors to provide short-term follow-up care for those who are struggling with grief, illness, or caregiving demands, and to connect them to other long-term ministries in our church when needed, such as grief groups, Stephen ministry and the Parish Nurse Ministry. The purpose of the BUMC Caring Ministers is to ensure that persons in our church and community are effectively cared for by offering compassion, prayer, and helping them navigate available resources as they face some of life's most difficult challenges. Finally, it was good to welcome new members Andrew von der Heiden, Will and Tommie Goodman, Jeff, Jenny, Reagan, Colin, and Hudson Ker, and Charles & Kathy Armistead to our Brentwood campus and Richard, Kelly, Noah, Luke, and Eden Russell and Stuart, Kaethe, Cayden, Carsen, Lakesyn and Annie Melia to our Trinity Church Spring Hill Campus. Welcome to our church community. See you this weekend!
Davis PS Please also join us for our Share the Spirit worship celebration on Sunday evening at 7 pm in the sanctuary. Our youth will be leading us. You won't want to miss it! We will be having a dinner and auction also in the gym at 5 pm to help raise funds for the youth choir trip this summer. We will also receive a love offering for their mission during the worship time.