Dear Friends, We are so excited to welcome Dr. Davis Chappell and his wife Sherre to BUMC! Davis began work on Monday, and will be leading us in worship this weekend. In spending time with Davis, it doesn't take long to see his love for Jesus, and his love for the church. Davis brings a wealth of gifts, both in leadership Leslie Hotzfeld and in pastoral care, which will be a blessing to us. I hope you'll make plans to be at one of our worship services on Saturday night or Sunday morning. Please join me in praying for Davis and Sherre as they prepare for their first weekend worship with us, and praying for this new season of ministry at BUMC as we continue God's work among us and in our community. A series of informal "Meet & Greets" will be held over the next two weeks to allow our congregation to get to know Davis and Sherre in a relaxed setting and extend to them a warm welcome. Click here for a schedule and more information. Davis' sermon this weekend is titled 'Leaving Home', and he will be using the text from Genesis 12:1-9. On Saturday/Sunday, July 13-14, Davis will begin a 4-week series on the Psalms called "Heartsongs." The book of Psalms is the Hebrew hymnbook. It contains the faith, joy, sorrow, hope and heartache of God's people. We will take a closer look at the following chapters: Psalm 1, Psalm 139, Psalm 46 & Psalm 90. We look forward to this summer series! If you weren't able to be in worship last week, you will want to listen to Bishop Bob Spain's message where he shared his bucket list
for BUMC as we prepare for the Chappell's arrival and our partnership with them in ministry. Click here to listen. Here's a sneak preview of Bishop Spain's Bucket List. Listen to the sermon to find out the rest: 1) Tell Davis your name. 2) Give Davis some slack. 3) Commit to the church your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. 4) Be a spiritual environmentalist. 5) Lengthen the rope. 6) Live like Jesus. On these warm summer days, I hope you are finding time to enjoy God's creation and the fellowship of friends and family! Finally, it was good to welcome Terry and Debra Moore, Jonathan, Christy, Samuel and Rachel Harrell, and Gaye Smith as new member. Welcome to our church community. See you in worship! Leslie Executive Director