Dear Friends in Christ,
Dr. Davis Chappell
I want to thank all of our volunteers and staff for their work in hosting the 47th session of the Tennessee Annual Conference! What a special week it was! Special thanks to our lay delegates who represented us so well! They are: Tom Blose, Rachel Cotham, Susan Graham, Jim Perkins, Connor Williams, Sandy Williams and Leslie Hotzfeld (alternate).
There was a deep sense of unity among us these last few days. Bishop McAlilly helped to set the tone with his strong leadership. God is using him to draw us together around the theme of:"Expecting Greater Things." He reminded us that the mission of the Tennessee Conference is to "Discover, Equip, Connect and Send Lay and Clergy Leaders - who shape congregations that offer Jesus Christ to a hurting world, one neighborhood at a time." To effectively do this we must do 3 things: 1. Shift from an internal focus to an external focus. 2. Shift from running programs and ministries to developing people. 3. Shift from church-based leadership to community-engaged leadership. I believe these 3 things express the heart of Brentwood UMC's vision for the future as well. You are a leader church in this conference and indeed, in our denomination. Many of you took time out of your busy schedules this week to volunteer. God used your efforts in a unique way. So many commented on your hospitality!