Pastoral e-Note June 19

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Dear Friends in Christ, This weekend we are beginning our summer sermon series called "Twenty Questions." You may recall I sent out a note in the spring to all of our Sunday School classes and small groups and asked you to share a question that you felt needed to be addressed in worship this summer. We received Dr. Davis Chappell forty questions in all. The clergy staff studied your questions and boiled them all down to seven. So, for the next seven weeks we will be considering these queries. We will also address a few of the questions in our e-Notes this summer. Please be in prayer for this special emphasis. If you are taking a vacation this summer, you can listen each of our sermons on our website. The Sunday sermon will be up by Tuesday of the following week, click here to listen. Also, if you are away on a weekend, please bring me a bulletin from the place where you worship. We're always interested in discovering what sister churches are doing in ministry. A schedule of the summer series is listed below. See you Sunday! Finally, it was good to welcome new members Randy and Melody Moore, Nancy Moore, and Megan Teegarden at our Brentwood campus. Welcome to our church community. The peace of Christ be with you! Davis 20 Questions Sermon Title

Sermon Text

June 21/22

"Can I Trust the Bible?"

2 Timothy 3:14-17

June 28/29

"Why Do Bad Things Happen Job 2:11-13 to Good People?"

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