Pastoral e-Note June 25

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Dear friends in Christ, Over the last few years we have had a good bit of discussion about our Sunday morning worship times. The close sequence of services has caused some challenges of timing in our worship. We often feel rushed in our invitation and response (especially on communion Sundays). The transition time between services is minimal, which leads to congestion in the Narthex and parking areas. Our participation has been very strong this year and we expect it to increase in the fall. In order to help make Sunday mornings more timely and meaningful, we will make a slight adjustment to our worship times beginning on Promotion Sunday, August 10, 2014. With our new worship schedule, Sunday morning services will begin at 8:15, 9:45 and 11:05 a.m. We believe that these extra ten minutes between services will make a significant difference! We will also make a small change to our Sunday School schedule. Beginning on August 10, Sunday School will begin at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Our staff and lay leaders in music, worship, discipleship, youth and children's ministries are already working on these adjustments for the fall. You will be receiving more information from specific ministry areas as we move closer to August 10. The Spirit of God is moving among us. Please continue to pray for God's continued guidance in the life and mission of our fellowship. Finally, it was good to welcome new members Mark, Sandra, Anna,

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