Dear Friends in Christ, We completed our series on the parables of Jesus last weekend. It's amazing how relevant these stories are to our lives. This is the power of God's Word. Through the Holy Scriptures God continues to inspire, instruct, reveal and interpret. In the context of last week's message, we discussed the fact that we are living in a VUCA world. VUCA is an acronym coined by the military. It stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. It's an accurate description of our time. Paul Kinsinger of the Thunderbird School of Global Management, speaking of our age said: "We are moving from a world of problems which demand speed, analysis and elimination of uncertainty - to a world of dilemmas which demand patience, sense-making and an engagement of uncertainty." I resonate with his statement. But the comment also provokes a question. What's the difference between a problem and a dilemma? A problem is a situation in which there is a gap between what is and what ought to be. Dilemmas are messy, complicated and conflict-filled situations that require undesirable choices between highly prized values that cannot be simultaneously or fully-solved. There are daily occurrences where Solomonic wisdom is needed. We often face situations where we must split the baby; where no clear-cut answer resolves the quandary. In such dilemmas there is no substitute for discernment, reflection, prayer and holy conversation.
In a world of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity - we need Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility. We don't find such clarity in quick fixes and verbose edicts. We find it through stillness, deep listening, worship, devotion, acts of loving service and community. These are the means of grace that we find in the body of Christ. As we continue to remember our neighbors in Orlando who have suffered so tragically and unjustly, may our prayers become active expressions of grace and mercy. May our daily lives become expressions of vision, understanding, clarity and agility, through which grace becomes tangible. May the way that we love provoke the question that gives language to faith. This weekend we will begin a new series of messages called "Greatest Hits." During the month of July we'll be sharing some of our favorite texts. You'll want to be present as often as you can. One other thing and I'm through. I'd like to share a word of thanks to our Andrew Ministers and Ushers. These are front-line people who have the gift of hospitality. Each weekend they welcome and love on folk as they enter for worship. We are grateful to these friends. We are also in need of more folk who have this gift of hospitality to assist us in ushering. It's a great ministry and a great way to turn strangers into friends. If you would be willing to help out in this way (from time to time) please contact Kelli Huston at khuston@bumc.net Finally, it was good to welcome Monroe Grace Norman, Jack Phillip Warren, Caroline Evelyn Ganter, Diane Waller, Teri Hill, Molly Ganter, Jim and Jerry Haywood, Cheryl Haywood, Carleton O'Neil, Ella Hickman, Meredith Moody, Gracie Young, Savannah Lampley, William Austin Bloomer, Ian Walker Fitz, Gloria Wright, Jack, Chloe, and Harper Walton, Philip, Jennifer, Noah, Eli, Isabel, Lily, and Charlie Faircloth, Mary Lee Morrison, Crawford Williams Garrett, C.J. and Marsha Stevens-Pino, John Legan, John and Olivia Gregory, Albert Bart, Doyle and Suzie Bradford, Elizabeth Dunklau, Rachel Dunklau, Alex and Jackie Dimitt, Scarlett Leigh Slowey, Colin Lucas Connor, Philip, Melanie, Sophie and Drew Shepard, John, Brooke, Lily
Reese, Lawson, and Wynnie Looney, and Elvira Reynolds to our Brentwood campus. We also welcome Barbara Spain to Trinity Church, our Spring Hill campus. Welcome to our church community. The peace of Christ be with you! Davis PS THANKS TO ALL OF OUR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL TEACHERS AND HELPERS THIS WEEK! WELL-DONE!!!!