Pastoral e-Note - May 21

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Dear Friends in Christ, John Edwards recently shared with me a prayer that I found very meaningful. It is attributed to Donald Weiss in his book The Self-Management Workshop. In light of our sermon series on Heroes, he felt it was a fitting prayer. I agree. "Lord, I want my life to count for something; I want to know that my years will be filled with purpose and meaning. I don't want to simply exist, to mark time. I yearn to live for reasons bigger than dollars and cents, fleeting time, or fragile security. I long to take the risk, attempt the quest, whatever it might be. God, you are both Creator and Sustainer. Years ago you created a dream in me. Enable me to discern the tasks before me, to know the difference between challenge and folly, to believe that my life can make a difference. May your Spirit fill me so that, young or old, I may live my life so that it honors you and so that it also honors what you have created me to be. Amen."

Dr. Davis Chappell

May it be so! Finally, it was good to welcome new members Brionna Motsenbocker, Garner Eloise Clement, Millicent Clement, Hugh Gracey, Benjamin Kunath, and William, Dana, and Sarah Orange at our Brentwood campus. Welcome to our church community.


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